Beispiel #1
def parseLockRequest(stream):
    @return a twisted.web2.dav.element.WebDAVElement corresponding to the root element of the request body.
    Raises an error if the root element is not a lockinfo element, or 
    if the request body (the stream) is empty. The latter is not quite
    correct, since according to RFC 2518, Section 7.8, a client may submit a LOCK request
    with an empty body (and an appropriate If: header) in order to refresh a lock, but it 
    should be good enough for now.

    # obtain a DOM representation of the xml on the stream
    document = waitForDeferred(davXMLFromStream(stream))
    yield document
    document = document.getResult()

    if document is None:
        # No request body makes no sense.
        # this is actually not quite correct,
        error = "Empty LOCK request."
        raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.BAD_REQUEST, error))

    if not isinstance(document.root_element, LockInfo):
        error = "LOCK request must have lockinfo element as root element."
        raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.BAD_REQUEST, error))

    yield document.root_element
Beispiel #2
def parseLockRequest(stream):
    @return a twisted.web2.dav.element.WebDAVElement corresponding to the root element of the request body.
    Raises an error if the root element is not a lockinfo element, or 
    if the request body (the stream) is empty. The latter is not quite
    correct, since according to RFC 2518, Section 7.8, a client may submit a LOCK request
    with an empty body (and an appropriate If: header) in order to refresh a lock, but it 
    should be good enough for now.

    # obtain a DOM representation of the xml on the stream
    document = waitForDeferred(davXMLFromStream(stream))
    yield document
    document = document.getResult()
    if document is None:
        # No request body makes no sense.
        # this is actually not quite correct, 
        error = "Empty LOCK request."
        raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.BAD_REQUEST, error)) 
    if not isinstance(document.root_element, LockInfo):
        error = "LOCK request must have lockinfo element as root element."
        raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.BAD_REQUEST, error))
    yield document.root_element
Beispiel #3
        def check_result(response):
            response = IResponse(response)

            if response.code != responsecode.MULTI_STATUS:
      "Incorrect response code for PROPPATCH (%s != %s)" %
                          (response.code, responsecode.MULTI_STATUS))

            return davXMLFromStream(
Beispiel #4
def readRequestBody(request):
    Read XML body from request stream.
        doc = waitForDeferred(davXMLFromStream(
        yield doc
        doc = doc.getResult()
    except ValueError, e:
        log.error("Error while reading PROPPATCH body", exc_info=e)
        raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.BAD_REQUEST, str(e)))
Beispiel #5
def http_PROPPATCH(self, request):
    Respond to a PROPPATCH request. (RFC 2518, section 8.2)
    if not self.fp.exists():
        log.err("File not found: %s" % (self.fp.path, ))
        raise HTTPError(responsecode.NOT_FOUND)

    # Read request body
        doc = waitForDeferred(davXMLFromStream(
        yield doc
        doc = doc.getResult()
    except ValueError, e:
        log.err("Error while handling PROPPATCH body: %s" % (e, ))
        raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.BAD_REQUEST, str(e)))
Beispiel #6
        def check_result(response):
            response = IResponse(response)

            if response.code != responsecode.MULTI_STATUS:
      "Incorrect response code for PROPFIND (%s != %s)" %
                          (response.code, responsecode.MULTI_STATUS))

            content_type = response.headers.getHeader("content-type")
            if content_type not in (http_headers.MimeType("text", "xml"),
                                        "application", "xml")):
                    "Incorrect content-type for PROPFIND response (%r not in %r)"
                    % (content_type,
                       (http_headers.MimeType("text", "xml"),
                        http_headers.MimeType("application", "xml"))))

            return davXMLFromStream(