def testNonTrackedResponse(self):
        Test that untracked iq responses don't trigger any action.

        Untracked means that the id of the incoming response iq is not
        in the stream's C{iqDeferreds} dictionary.
        xs = self.xmlstream

        # Make sure we aren't tracking any iq's.

        # Set up a fallback handler that checks the stanza's handled attribute.
        # If that is set to True, the iq tracker claims to have handled the
        # response.
        def cb(iq):
            self.assertFalse(getattr(iq, 'handled', False))

        xs.addObserver("/iq", cb, -1)

        # Receive an untracked iq response
        xs.dataReceived("<iq type='result' id='test'/>")
    def testNonTrackedResponse(self):
        Test that untracked iq responses don't trigger any action.

        Untracked means that the id of the incoming response iq is not
        in the stream's C{iqDeferreds} dictionary.
        xs = self.xmlstream

        # Make sure we aren't tracking any iq's.

        # Set up a fallback handler that checks the stanza's handled attribute.
        # If that is set to True, the iq tracker claims to have handled the
        # response.
        def cb(iq):
            self.failIf(getattr(iq, 'handled', False))

        xs.addObserver("/iq", cb, -1)

        # Receive an untracked iq response
        xs.dataReceived("<iq type='result' id='test'/>")