def report_urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_caldav_free_busy_query(self, request, freebusy):  # @UnusedVariable
    Generate a free-busy REPORT.
    (CalDAV-access-09, section 7.8)
    if not self.isCollection():
        log.error("freebusy report is only allowed on collection resources %s" % (self,))
        raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.FORBIDDEN, "Not a calendar collection"))

    if freebusy.qname() != (caldavxml.caldav_namespace, "free-busy-query"):
        raise ValueError("{CalDAV:}free-busy-query expected as root element, not %s." % (freebusy.sname(),))

    timerange = freebusy.timerange
    if not timerange.valid():
        raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid time-range specified"))

    # First list is BUSY, second BUSY-TENTATIVE, third BUSY-UNAVAILABLE
    fbinfo = ([], [], [])

    matchcount = [0]

    accepted_type = bestAcceptType(request.headers.getHeader("accept"), Component.allowedTypes())
    if accepted_type is None:
        raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "Cannot generate requested data type"))

    def generateFreeBusyInfo(calresource, uri):  # @UnusedVariable
        Run a free busy report on the specified calendar collection
        accumulating the free busy info for later processing.
        @param calresource: the L{CalDAVResource} for a calendar collection.
        @param uri: the uri for the calendar collecton resource.

        def _gotResult(result):
            matchcount[0] = result
            return True

        d = report_common.generateFreeBusyInfo(request, calresource, fbinfo, timerange, matchcount[0])
        return d

    # Run report taking depth into account
        depth = request.headers.getHeader("depth", "0")
        yield report_common.applyToCalendarCollections(
            self, request, request.uri, depth, generateFreeBusyInfo, (caldavxml.ReadFreeBusy(),)
    except NumberOfMatchesWithinLimits:
        log.error("Too many matching components in free-busy report")
        raise HTTPError(
            ErrorResponse(responsecode.FORBIDDEN, davxml.NumberOfMatchesWithinLimits(), "Too many components")
    except TimeRangeLowerLimit, e:
        raise HTTPError(
                "Time-range value too far in the past. Must be on or after %s." % (str(e.limit),),
def report_urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_caldav_free_busy_query(self, request, freebusy):
    Generate a free-busy REPORT.
    (CalDAV-access-09, section 7.8)
    if not self.isCollection():
        log.error("freebusy report is only allowed on collection resources %s" % (self,))
        raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.FORBIDDEN, "Not a calendar collection"))

    if freebusy.qname() != (caldavxml.caldav_namespace, "free-busy-query"):
        raise ValueError("{CalDAV:}free-busy-query expected as root element, not %s." % (freebusy.sname(),))

    timerange = freebusy.timerange
    if not timerange.valid():
        raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid time-range specified"))

    fbset = []

    accepted_type = bestAcceptType(request.headers.getHeader("accept"), Component.allowedTypes())
    if accepted_type is None:
        raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "Cannot generate requested data type"))

    def getCalendarList(calresource, uri): #@UnusedVariable
        Store the calendars that match the query in L{fbset} which will then be used with the
        freebusy query.

        @param calresource: the L{CalDAVResource} for a calendar collection.
        @param uri: the uri for the calendar collection resource.

        return succeed(True)

    # Run report taking depth into account
    depth = request.headers.getHeader("depth", "0")
    yield report_common.applyToCalendarCollections(self, request, request.uri, depth, getCalendarList, (caldavxml.ReadFreeBusy(),))

    # Do the actual freebusy query against the set of matched calendars
    principal = yield self.resourceOwnerPrincipal(request)
    organizer = recipient = LocalCalendarUser(principal.canonicalCalendarUserAddress(), principal.record)
    timerange = Period(timerange.start, timerange.end)
        fbresult = yield FreebusyQuery(organizer=organizer, recipient=recipient, timerange=timerange).generateAttendeeFreeBusyResponse(fbset=fbset, method=None)
    except NumberOfMatchesWithinLimits:
        log.error("Too many matching components in free-busy report")
        raise HTTPError(ErrorResponse(
            "Too many components"
    except TimeRangeLowerLimit, e:
        raise HTTPError(ErrorResponse(
            "Time-range value too far in the past. Must be on or after %s." % (str(e.limit),)
def report_urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_caldav_free_busy_query(self, request, freebusy):
    Generate a free-busy REPORT.
    (CalDAV-access-09, section 7.8)
    if not self.isCollection():
        log.error("freebusy report is only allowed on collection resources {s!r}", s=self)
        raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.FORBIDDEN, "Not a calendar collection"))

    if freebusy.qname() != (caldavxml.caldav_namespace, "free-busy-query"):
        raise ValueError("{CalDAV:}free-busy-query expected as root element, not %s." % (freebusy.sname(),))

    timerange = freebusy.timerange
    if not timerange.valid():
        raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid time-range specified"))

    fbset = []

    accepted_type = bestAcceptType(request.headers.getHeader("accept"), Component.allowedTypes())
    if accepted_type is None:
        raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "Cannot generate requested data type"))

    def getCalendarList(calresource, uri):  # @UnusedVariable
        Store the calendars that match the query in L{fbset} which will then be used with the
        freebusy query.

        @param calresource: the L{CalDAVResource} for a calendar collection.
        @param uri: the uri for the calendar collection resource.

        return succeed(True)

    # Run report taking depth into account
    depth = request.headers.getHeader("depth", "0")
    yield report_common.applyToCalendarCollections(self, request, request.uri, depth, getCalendarList, (caldavxml.ReadFreeBusy(),))

    # Do the actual freebusy query against the set of matched calendars
    principal = yield self.resourceOwnerPrincipal(request)
    organizer = recipient = LocalCalendarUser(principal.canonicalCalendarUserAddress(), principal.record)
    timerange = Period(timerange.start, timerange.end)
        fbresult = yield FreebusyQuery(organizer=organizer, recipient=recipient, timerange=timerange).generateAttendeeFreeBusyResponse(fbset=fbset, method=None)
    except NumberOfMatchesWithinLimits:
        log.error("Too many matching components in free-busy report")
        raise HTTPError(ErrorResponse(
            "Too many components"
    except TimeRangeLowerLimit, e:
        raise HTTPError(ErrorResponse(
            "Time-range value too far in the past. Must be on or after %s." % (str(e.limit),)
def report_urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_caldav_free_busy_query(self, request, freebusy): #@UnusedVariable
    Generate a free-busy REPORT.
    (CalDAV-access-09, section 7.8)
    if not self.isCollection():
        log.err("freebusy report is only allowed on collection resources %s" % (self,))
        raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.FORBIDDEN, "Not a calendar collection"))

    if freebusy.qname() != (caldavxml.caldav_namespace, "free-busy-query"):
        raise ValueError("{CalDAV:}free-busy-query expected as root element, not %s." % (freebusy.sname(),))

    timerange = freebusy.timerange
    if not timerange.valid():
        raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid time-range specified"))

    # First list is BUSY, second BUSY-TENTATIVE, third BUSY-UNAVAILABLE
    fbinfo = ([], [], [])
    matchcount = [0]
    def generateFreeBusyInfo(calresource, uri): #@UnusedVariable
        Run a free busy report on the specified calendar collection
        accumulating the free busy info for later processing.
        @param calresource: the L{CalDAVFile} for a calendar collection.
        @param uri: the uri for the calendar collecton resource.
        def _gotResult(result):
            matchcount[0] = result
            return True

        d = report_common.generateFreeBusyInfo(request, calresource, fbinfo, timerange, matchcount[0])
        return d

    # Run report taking depth into account
        depth = request.headers.getHeader("depth", "0")
        yield report_common.applyToCalendarCollections(self, request, request.uri, depth, generateFreeBusyInfo, (caldavxml.ReadFreeBusy(),))
    except NumberOfMatchesWithinLimits:
        log.err("Too many matching components in free-busy report")
        raise HTTPError(ErrorResponse(responsecode.FORBIDDEN, davxml.NumberOfMatchesWithinLimits()))
    # Now build a new calendar object with the free busy info we have
    fbcalendar = report_common.buildFreeBusyResult(fbinfo, timerange)
    response = Response() = MemoryStream(str(fbcalendar))
    response.headers.setHeader("content-type", MimeType.fromString("text/calendar; charset=utf-8"))

Beispiel #5
def getCalendarObjectForPrincipals(request, principal, uid, allow_shared=False):
    Get a copy of the event for a principal.
    result = {
        "resource": None,
        "resource_name": None,
        "calendar_collection": None,
        "calendar_collection_uri": None,

    if principal and principal.locallyHosted():
        # Get principal's calendar-home
        calendar_home = principal.calendarHome(request)
        # FIXME: because of the URL->resource request mapping thing, we have to force the request
        # to recognize this resource
        request._rememberResource(calendar_home, calendar_home.url())

        # Run a UID query against the UID
        def queryCalendarCollection(collection, uri):
            if not allow_shared:
                isvirt = (yield collection.isVirtualShare(request))
                if isvirt:

            rname = collection.index().resourceNameForUID(uid)
            if rname:
                resource = collection.getChild(rname)
                request._rememberResource(resource, joinURL(uri, rname))

                result["resource"] = resource
                result["resource_name"] = rname
                result["calendar_collection"] = collection
                result["calendar_collection_uri"] = uri
        # NB We are by-passing privilege checking here. That should be OK as the data found is not
        # exposed to the user.
        yield report_common.applyToCalendarCollections(calendar_home, request, calendar_home.url(), "infinity", queryCalendarCollection, None)

    returnValue((result["resource"], result["resource_name"], result["calendar_collection"], result["calendar_collection_uri"],))
    def hasCalendarResourceUIDSomewhereElse(self, check_resource, check_uri, type):
        See if a calendar component with a matching UID exists anywhere in the calendar home of the
        current recipient owner and is not the resource being targeted.

        # Don't care in some cases
        if self.internal_request or self.action == "remove":

        # Get owner's calendar-home
        calendar_owner_principal = (yield self.resource.resourceOwnerPrincipal(self.request))
        calendar_home = calendar_owner_principal.calendarHome(self.request)

        check_parent_uri = parentForURL(check_uri)[:-1] if check_uri else None

        # FIXME: because of the URL->resource request mapping thing, we have to force the request
        # to recognize this resource
        self.request._rememberResource(calendar_home, calendar_home.url())

        # Run a UID query against the UID

        def queryCalendarCollection(collection, collection_uri):
            rname = collection.index().resourceNameForUID(self.uid)
            if rname:
                child = (yield self.request.locateResource(joinURL(collection_uri, rname)))
                if child == check_resource:
                is_scheduling_object = (yield self.checkSchedulingObjectResource(child))
                matched_type = "schedule" if is_scheduling_object else "calendar"
                if (
                    collection_uri != check_parent_uri and
                    (type == "schedule" or matched_type == "schedule")
                    log.debug("Implicit - found component with same UID in a different collection: %s" % (check_uri,))
                    raise HTTPError(ErrorResponse(responsecode.FORBIDDEN, (caldav_namespace, "unique-scheduling-object-resource")))

                # Here we can always return true as the unique UID in a calendar collection
                # requirement will already have been tested.


        # NB We are by-passing privilege checking here. That should be OK as the data found is not
        # exposed to the user.
        yield report_common.applyToCalendarCollections(calendar_home, self.request, calendar_home.url(), "infinity", queryCalendarCollection, None)
def report_urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_caldav_calendar_query(self, request, calendar_query):
    Generate a calendar-query REPORT.
    (CalDAV-access-09, section 7.6)

    # Verify root element
    if calendar_query.qname() != (caldav_namespace, "calendar-query"):
        raise ValueError("{CalDAV:}calendar-query expected as root element, not %s." % (calendar_query.sname(),))

    if not self.isCollection():
        parent = (yield self.locateParent(request, request.uri))
        if not parent.isPseudoCalendarCollection():
            log.error("calendar-query report is not allowed on a resource outside of a calendar collection %s" % (self,))
            raise HTTPError(StatusResponse(responsecode.FORBIDDEN, "Must be calendar collection or calendar resource"))

    responses = []

    xmlfilter = calendar_query.filter
    filter = Filter(xmlfilter)
    props = calendar_query.props

    assert props is not None

    # Get the original timezone provided in the query, if any, and validate it now
    query_timezone = None
    query_tz = calendar_query.timezone
    if query_tz is not None and not query_tz.valid():
        msg = "CalDAV:timezone must contain one VTIMEZONE component only: %s" % (query_tz,)
        raise HTTPError(ErrorResponse(
            (caldav_namespace, "valid-calendar-data"),
            "Invalid calendar-data",
    if query_tz:
        query_timezone = tuple(calendar_query.timezone.calendar().subcomponents())[0]

    if props.qname() == ("DAV:", "allprop"):
        propertiesForResource = report_common.allPropertiesForResource
        generate_calendar_data = False

    elif props.qname() == ("DAV:", "propname"):
        propertiesForResource = report_common.propertyNamesForResource
        generate_calendar_data = False

    elif props.qname() == ("DAV:", "prop"):
        propertiesForResource = report_common.propertyListForResource

        # Verify that any calendar-data element matches what we can handle
        result, message, generate_calendar_data = report_common.validPropertyListCalendarDataTypeVersion(props)
        if not result:
            raise HTTPError(ErrorResponse(
                (caldav_namespace, "supported-calendar-data"),
                "Invalid calendar-data",

        raise AssertionError("We shouldn't be here")

    # Verify that the filter element is valid
    if (filter is None) or not filter.valid():
        log.error("Invalid filter element: %r" % (xmlfilter,))
        raise HTTPError(ErrorResponse(
            (caldav_namespace, "valid-filter"),
            "Invalid filter element",

    matchcount = [0]
    max_number_of_results = [config.MaxQueryWithDataResults if generate_calendar_data else None, ]

    def doQuery(calresource, uri):
        Run a query on the specified calendar collection
        accumulating the query responses.
        @param calresource: the L{CalDAVResource} for a calendar collection.
        @param uri: the uri for the calendar collection resource.

        def queryCalendarObjectResource(resource, uri, name, calendar, timezone, query_ok=False, isowner=True):
            Run a query on the specified calendar.
            @param resource: the L{CalDAVResource} for the calendar.
            @param uri: the uri of the resource.
            @param name: the name of the resource.
            @param calendar: the L{Component} calendar read from the resource.

            # Handle private events access restrictions
            if not isowner:
                access = resource.accessMode
                access = None

            if query_ok or filter.match(calendar, access):
                # Check size of results is within limit
                matchcount[0] += 1
                if max_number_of_results[0] is not None and matchcount[0] > max_number_of_results[0]:
                    raise NumberOfMatchesWithinLimits(max_number_of_results[0])

                if name:
                    href = davxml.HRef.fromString(joinURL(uri, name))
                    href = davxml.HRef.fromString(uri)

                    yield report_common.responseForHref(request, responses, href, resource, propertiesForResource, props, isowner, calendar=calendar, timezone=timezone)
                except ConcurrentModification:
                    # This can happen because of a race-condition between the
                    # time we determine which resources exist and the deletion
                    # of one of these resources in another request.  In this
                    # case, we ignore the now missing resource rather
                    # than raise an error for the entire report.
                    log.error("Missing resource during query: %s" % (href,))

        # Check whether supplied resource is a calendar or a calendar object resource
        if calresource.isPseudoCalendarCollection():
            # Get the timezone property from the collection if one was not set in the query,
            # and store in the query filter for later use
            has_prop = (yield calresource.hasProperty(CalendarTimeZone(), request))
            timezone = query_timezone
            if query_tz is None and has_prop:
                tz = (yield calresource.readProperty(CalendarTimeZone(), request))
                timezone = tuple(tz.calendar().subcomponents())[0]

            # Do some optimization of access control calculation by determining any inherited ACLs outside of
            # the child resource loop and supply those to the checkPrivileges on each child.
            filteredaces = (yield calresource.inheritedACEsforChildren(request))

            # Check private events access status
            isowner = (yield calresource.isOwner(request))

            # Check for disabled access
            if filteredaces is not None:
                index_query_ok = True
                    # Get list of children that match the search and have read access
                    names = [name for name, ignore_uid, ignore_type in (yield]
                except IndexedSearchException:
                    names = yield calresource.listChildren()
                    index_query_ok = False

                if not names:

                # Now determine which valid resources are readable and which are not
                ok_resources = []
                yield calresource.findChildrenFaster(
                    lambda x, y: ok_resources.append((x, y)),

                for child, child_uri in ok_resources:
                    child_uri_name = child_uri[child_uri.rfind("/") + 1:]

                    if generate_calendar_data or not index_query_ok:
                        calendar = (yield child.iCalendarForUser(request))
                        assert calendar is not None, "Calendar %s is missing from calendar collection %r" % (child_uri_name, self)
                        calendar = None

                    yield queryCalendarObjectResource(child, uri, child_uri_name, calendar, timezone, query_ok=index_query_ok, isowner=isowner)
            # Get the timezone property from the collection if one was not set in the query,
            # and store in the query object for later use
            timezone = query_timezone
            if query_tz is None:

                parent = (yield calresource.locateParent(request, uri))
                assert parent is not None and parent.isPseudoCalendarCollection()

                has_prop = (yield parent.hasProperty(CalendarTimeZone(), request))
                if has_prop:
                    tz = (yield parent.readProperty(CalendarTimeZone(), request))
                    timezone = tuple(tz.calendar().subcomponents())[0]

            # Check private events access status
            isowner = (yield calresource.isOwner(request))

            calendar = (yield calresource.iCalendarForUser(request))
            yield queryCalendarObjectResource(calresource, uri, None, calendar, timezone)


    # Run report taking depth into account
        depth = request.headers.getHeader("depth", "0")
        yield report_common.applyToCalendarCollections(self, request, request.uri, depth, doQuery, (davxml.Read(),))
    except TooManyInstancesError, ex:
        log.error("Too many instances need to be computed in calendar-query report")
        raise HTTPError(ErrorResponse(
            "Too many instances",
Beispiel #8
def report_urn_ietf_params_xml_ns_caldav_free_busy_query(
        self, request, freebusy):  #@UnusedVariable
    Generate a free-busy REPORT.
    (CalDAV-access-09, section 7.8)
    if not self.isCollection():
            "freebusy report is only allowed on collection resources %s" %
            (self, ))
        raise HTTPError(
                           "Not a calendar collection"))

    if freebusy.qname() != (caldavxml.caldav_namespace, "free-busy-query"):
        raise ValueError(
            "{CalDAV:}free-busy-query expected as root element, not %s." %
            (freebusy.sname(), ))

    timerange = freebusy.timerange
    if not timerange.valid():
        raise HTTPError(
                           "Invalid time-range specified"))

    # First list is BUSY, second BUSY-TENTATIVE, third BUSY-UNAVAILABLE
    fbinfo = ([], [], [])

    matchcount = [0]

    accepted_type = bestAcceptType(request.headers.getHeader("accept"),
    if accepted_type is None:
        raise HTTPError(
                           "Cannot generate requested data type"))

    def generateFreeBusyInfo(calresource, uri):  #@UnusedVariable
        Run a free busy report on the specified calendar collection
        accumulating the free busy info for later processing.
        @param calresource: the L{CalDAVResource} for a calendar collection.
        @param uri: the uri for the calendar collecton resource.
        def _gotResult(result):
            matchcount[0] = result
            return True

        d = report_common.generateFreeBusyInfo(request, calresource, fbinfo,
                                               timerange, matchcount[0])
        return d

    # Run report taking depth into account
        depth = request.headers.getHeader("depth", "0")
        yield report_common.applyToCalendarCollections(
            self, request, request.uri, depth, generateFreeBusyInfo,
            (caldavxml.ReadFreeBusy(), ))
    except NumberOfMatchesWithinLimits:
        log.error("Too many matching components in free-busy report")
        raise HTTPError(
                          "Too many components"))
    except TimeRangeLowerLimit, e:
        raise HTTPError(
                responsecode.FORBIDDEN, caldavxml.MinDateTime(),
                "Time-range value too far in the past. Must be on or after %s."
                % (str(e.limit), )))