Beispiel #1
class ScalaCompile(NailgunTask):
  def _has_scala_sources(target):
    return isinstance(target, ScalaLibrary) or isinstance(target, ScalaTests)

  def setup_parser(cls, option_group, args, mkflag):
    NailgunTask.setup_parser(option_group, args, mkflag)

    option_group.add_option(mkflag("warnings"), mkflag("warnings", negate=True),
                            dest="scala_compile_warnings", default=True,
                            action="callback", callback=mkflag.set_bool,
                            help="[%default] Compile scala code with all configured warnings "

    option_group.add_option(mkflag("plugins"), dest="plugins", default=None,
      action="append", help="Use these scalac plugins. Default is set in pants.ini.")

    option_group.add_option(mkflag("partition-size-hint"), dest="scala_compile_partition_size_hint",
      action="store", type="int", default=-1,
      help="Roughly how many source files to attempt to compile together. Set to a large number to compile " \
           "all sources together. Set this to 0 to compile target-by-target. Default is set in pants.ini.")

    option_group.add_option(mkflag("color"), mkflag("color", negate=True),
                            action="callback", callback=mkflag.set_bool,
                            help="[True] Enable color in logging.")
    JvmDependencyCache.setup_parser(option_group, args, mkflag)

  def __init__(self, context, workdir=None):
    NailgunTask.__init__(self, context, workdir=context.config.get('scala-compile', 'nailgun_dir'))

    color = context.options.scala_compile_color or \
            context.config.getbool('scala-compile', 'color', default=True)

    self._zinc_utils = ZincUtils(context=context, java_runner=self.runjava, color=color)

    self._partition_size_hint = \
      context.options.scala_compile_partition_size_hint \
      if context.options.scala_compile_partition_size_hint != -1 else \
      context.config.getint('scala-compile', 'partition_size_hint')

    self.check_missing_deps = context.options.scala_check_missing_deps
    self.check_intransitive_deps = context.options.scala_check_intransitive_deps
    self.check_unnecessary_deps = context.options.scala_check_unnecessary_deps
    if self.check_missing_deps:

    # for dependency analysis, we need to record the list of analysis cache files generated by splitting
    self.generated_caches = set()

    workdir = context.config.get('scala-compile', 'workdir') if workdir is None else workdir
    self._classes_dir = os.path.join(workdir, 'classes')
    self._analysis_cache_dir = os.path.join(workdir, 'analysis_cache')
    self._resources_dir = os.path.join(workdir, 'resources')
    self._depfile_dir = os.path.join(workdir, 'depfiles')

    self._confs = context.config.getlist('scala-compile', 'confs')

    artifact_cache_spec = context.config.getlist('scala-compile', 'artifact_caches')

  def product_type(self):
    return 'classes'

  def can_dry_run(self):
    return True

  def execute(self, targets):
    scala_targets = filter(ScalaCompile._has_scala_sources, targets)
    if scala_targets:

      # Map from output directory to { analysis_cache_dir, [ analysis_cache_file ]}
      upstream_analysis_caches = self.context.products.get('upstream')

      with self.context.state('classpath', []) as cp:
        for conf in self._confs:
          cp.insert(0, (conf, self._resources_dir))
          for jar in self._zinc_utils.plugin_jars():
            cp.insert(0, (conf, jar))

      with self.invalidated(scala_targets, invalidate_dependents=True,
          partition_size_hint=self._partition_size_hint) as invalidation_check:
        for vt in invalidation_check.all_vts:
          if vt.valid:  # Don't compile, just post-process.
            self.post_process(vt, upstream_analysis_caches, split_artifact=False)
        for vt in invalidation_check.invalid_vts_partitioned:
          # Compile, using partitions for efficiency.
          self.execute_single_compilation(vt, cp, upstream_analysis_caches)
          if not self.dry_run:

      upstream_cache_files = set()
      for (_, cache_list_entry) in upstream_analysis_caches.itermappings():
        for d in cache_list_entry.keys():
          for cache in cache_list_entry[d]:
            upstream_cache_files.add(os.path.join(d, cache))

      deps_cache = JvmDependencyCache(self, scala_targets, upstream_cache_files)

  def create_output_paths(self, targets):
    compilation_id = Target.maybe_readable_identify(targets)
    # Each compilation must output to its own directory, so zinc can then associate those with the appropriate
    # analysis caches of previous compilations.
    output_dir = os.path.join(self._classes_dir, compilation_id)

    depfile = os.path.join(self._depfile_dir, compilation_id) + '.dependencies'
    analysis_cache = os.path.join(self._analysis_cache_dir, compilation_id) + '.analysis_cache'
    return output_dir, depfile, analysis_cache

  def execute_single_compilation(self, versioned_target_set, cp, upstream_analysis_caches):
    """Execute a single compilation, updating upstream_analysis_caches if needed."""
    output_dir, depfile, analysis_cache = self.create_output_paths(versioned_target_set.targets)
    portable_analysis_cache = analysis_cache + '.portable'

    if not versioned_target_set.valid:
      with self.check_artifact_cache(versioned_target_set,
                                     build_artifacts=[output_dir, depfile, portable_analysis_cache]) as in_cache:
        if in_cache:
          if self._zinc_utils.localize_analysis_cache(portable_analysis_cache, analysis_cache):
            self.context.log.warn('zinc failed to localise analysis file %s. '\
                                  'Target may require a full rebuild.' % \
          self.merge_artifact(versioned_target_set)  # Get what we can from previous builds.
'Compiling targets %s' % versioned_target_set.targets)
          sources_by_target = self.calculate_sources(versioned_target_set.targets)
          if sources_by_target:
            sources = reduce(lambda all, sources: all.union(sources), sources_by_target.values())
            if not sources:
              self.context.log.warn('Skipping scala compile for targets with no sources:\n  %s' %
                                    '\n  '.join(str(t) for t in sources_by_target.keys()))
              classpath = [jar for conf, jar in cp if conf in self._confs]
              result = self._zinc_utils.compile(classpath, sources, output_dir,
                                                analysis_cache, upstream_analysis_caches, depfile)
              if result != 0:
                raise TaskError('Compile returned %d' % result)
              if self._zinc_utils.relativize_analysis_cache(analysis_cache, portable_analysis_cache):
                raise TaskError('Zinc failed to relativize analysis file: %s' % analysis_cache)
    self.post_process(versioned_target_set, upstream_analysis_caches, split_artifact=True)

  # Post-processing steps that must happen even for valid targets.
  def post_process(self, vt, upstream_analysis_caches, split_artifact):
    output_dir, depfile, analysis_cache = self.create_output_paths(vt.targets)
    if not self.dry_run:
      # Read in the deps created either just now or by a previous compiler run on these targets.
      if os.path.exists(depfile):
        self.context.log.debug('Reading dependencies from ' + depfile)
        deps = Dependencies(output_dir)

        if split_artifact:
          self.split_artifact(deps, vt)

        if self.context.products.isrequired('classes') :
          genmap = self.context.products.get('classes')
          for target, classes_by_source in deps.findclasses(vt.targets).items():
            for source, classes in classes_by_source.items():
              genmap.add(source, output_dir, classes)
              genmap.add(target, output_dir, classes)

          # TODO(John Sirois): Map target.resources in the same way
          # Create and Map scala plugin info files to the owning targets.
          for target in vt.targets:
            if is_scalac_plugin(target) and target.classname:
              basedir = self._zinc_utils.write_plugin_info(self._resources_dir, target)
              genmap.add(target, basedir, [_PLUGIN_INFO_FILE])

    # Update the upstream analysis map.
    if os.path.exists(analysis_cache):
      analysis_cache_parts = os.path.split(analysis_cache)
      if not upstream_analysis_caches.has(output_dir):
        # A previous chunk might have already updated this. It is certainly possible for a later chunk to
        # independently depend on some target that a previous chunk already built.
        upstream_analysis_caches.add(output_dir, analysis_cache_parts[0], [ analysis_cache_parts[1] ])

    # Update the classpath.
    with self.context.state('classpath', []) as cp:
      for conf in self._confs:
        cp.insert(0, (conf, output_dir))

  def calculate_sources(self, targets):
    sources = defaultdict(set)
    def collect_sources(target):
      src = (os.path.join(target.target_base, source)
             for source in target.sources if source.endswith('.scala'))
      if src:

        if (isinstance(target, ScalaLibrary) or isinstance(target, ScalaTests)) and (
          sources[target].update(resolve_target_sources(target.java_sources, '.java'))

    for target in targets:
    return sources

  # Splits an artifact representing several targets into target-by-target artifacts.
  # Creates an output classes dir, a depfile and an analysis file for each target.
  # Note that it's not OK to create incomplete artifacts here: this is run *after* a zinc invocation,
  # and the expectation is that the result is complete.
  def split_artifact(self, deps, versioned_target_set):
    if len(versioned_target_set.targets) <= 1:
    classes_by_source_by_target = deps.findclasses(versioned_target_set.targets)
    src_output_dir, _, src_analysis_cache = self.create_output_paths(versioned_target_set.targets)
    analysis_splits = []  # List of triples of (list of sources, destination output dir, destination analysis cache).
    # for dependency analysis, we need to record the cache files that we create in the split

    for target in versioned_target_set.targets:
      classes_by_source = classes_by_source_by_target.get(target, {})
      dst_output_dir, dst_depfile, dst_analysis_cache = self.create_output_paths([target])

      sources = []
      dst_deps = Dependencies(dst_output_dir)

      for source, classes in classes_by_source.items():
        src = os.path.join(target.target_base, source)
        dst_deps.add(src, classes)
        sources.append(os.path.join(target.target_base, source))
        for cls in classes:
          # Copy the class file.
          dst = os.path.join(dst_output_dir, cls)
, cls), dst)
      analysis_splits.append((sources, dst_output_dir, dst_analysis_cache))
      self.generated_caches.add(os.path.join(dst_output_dir, dst_analysis_cache))
    # Split the analysis files.
    if os.path.exists(src_analysis_cache):
      if self._zinc_utils.run_zinc_split(src_cache=src_analysis_cache, splits=[(x[0], x[2]) for x in analysis_splits]):
        raise TaskError, 'zinc failed to split analysis files %s from %s' %\
                         (':'.join([x[2] for x in analysis_splits]), src_analysis_cache)

      # Now rebase the newly created analysis files.
      for split in analysis_splits:
        dst_analysis_cache = split[2]
        dst_output_dir = split[1]
        if os.path.exists(dst_analysis_cache):
          rebasings = [(src_output_dir, dst_output_dir)]
          if self._zinc_utils.run_zinc_rebase(cache=dst_analysis_cache, rebasings=rebasings):
            raise TaskError, 'In split_artifact: zinc failed to rebase analysis file %s' % dst_analysis_cache

  # Merges artifacts representing the individual targets in a VersionedTargetSet into one artifact for that set.
  # Creates an output classes dir, depfile and analysis file for the VersionedTargetSet.
  # Note that the merged artifact may be incomplete (e.g., if the previous build was aborted). That's OK: This
  # is run before a zinc invocation, so zinc will fill in what's missing. This exists only for efficiency, to
  # prevent zinc from doing superfluous work.
  def merge_artifact(self, versioned_target_set):
    if len(versioned_target_set.targets) <= 1:

    with temporary_dir() as tmpdir:
      dst_output_dir, dst_depfile, dst_analysis_cache = self.create_output_paths(versioned_target_set.targets)
      src_analysis_caches = []

      # TODO: Do we actually need to merge deps? Zinc will stomp them anyway on success.
      dst_deps = Dependencies(dst_output_dir)

      for target in versioned_target_set.targets:
        src_output_dir, src_depfile, src_analysis_cache = self.create_output_paths([target])
        if os.path.exists(src_depfile):
          src_deps = Dependencies(src_output_dir)

          classes_by_source = src_deps.findclasses([target]).get(target, {})
          for source, classes in classes_by_source.items():
            for cls in classes:
              src = os.path.join(src_output_dir, cls)
              dst = os.path.join(dst_output_dir, cls)
              # src may not exist if we aborted a build in the middle. That's OK: zinc will notice that
              # it's missing and rebuild it.
              # dst may already exist if we have overlapping targets. It's not a good idea
              # to have those, but until we enforce it, we must allow it here.
              if os.path.exists(src) and not os.path.exists(dst):
                # Copy the class file.
      , dst)

          # Rebase a copy of the per-target analysis files prior to merging.
          if os.path.exists(src_analysis_cache):
            src_analysis_cache_tmp = \
              os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.relpath(src_analysis_cache, self._analysis_cache_dir))
            shutil.copyfile(src_analysis_cache, src_analysis_cache_tmp)
            if self._zinc_utils.run_zinc_rebase(cache=src_analysis_cache_tmp, rebasings=[(src_output_dir, dst_output_dir)]):
              self.context.log.warn('In merge_artifact: zinc failed to rebase analysis file %s. ' \
                                    'Target may require a full rebuild.' % \

      if self._zinc_utils.run_zinc_merge(src_caches=src_analysis_caches, dst_cache=dst_analysis_cache):
        self.context.log.warn('zinc failed to merge analysis files %s to %s. ' \
                              'Target may require a full rebuild.' % \
                              (':'.join(src_analysis_caches), dst_analysis_cache))