Beispiel #1
    def test_standard_log(self):
        """ Test a standard event dictionary that would be passed in by Twisted
        t = time.time()
        g = GelfProtocol('localhost', **{
            'system': 'protocol',
            'message': ['this is a log message', 'which could be continued'],
            'isError': False,
            'version': '1.0',
            'time': t

        self.assertEquals(len(g.generate()), 1)

        params = json.loads(zlib.decompress(g.generate()[0]))

        self.assertEquals(params['facility'], 'protocol')
        self.assertEquals(params['short_message'], 'this is a log message')
            'this is a log message' + ' which could be continued'
        self.assertEquals(params['level'], 6)
        self.assertEquals(params['version'], '1.0')
        self.assertEquals(params['timestamp'], t)
Beispiel #2
    def test_chunking_new_wan_size(self):
        """ Test the chunking of GELF messages
        from txgraylog.protocol.gelf import GELF_NEW

        longMessage = binascii.hexlify(
            randbytes.insecureRandom(3000)) + 'more!'

        g = GelfProtocol('host', gelf_fmt=GELF_NEW, **{
                'system': 'protocol',
                'isError': False,
                'message': longMessage,
                'time': time.time(),

        messages = g.generate()

        self.failUnless(len(messages) > 1)

        old_id = None
        for i in xrange(len(messages)):
            magic, chunk_id, seq, num_chunks = struct.unpack(
                '2s8sBB', messages[i][:12]

            self.assertEquals(magic, '\x1e\x0f')
            self.assertEquals(seq, i)
            self.assertEquals(num_chunks, len(messages))

            if old_id:
                self.assertEquals(chunk_id, old_id)

            old_id = chunk_id
Beispiel #3
    def test_chunking_legacy_wan_size(self):
        """ Test the chunking of GELF messages

        longMessage = binascii.hexlify(
            randbytes.insecureRandom(3000)) + 'more!'

        g = GelfProtocol('localhost', **{
            'system': 'protocol',
            'isError': False,
            'message': longMessage,
            'time': time.time(),

        messages = g.generate()

        self.failUnless(len(messages) > 1)

        old_id = None
        for i in xrange(len(messages)):
            magic, chunk_id, seq, num_chunks = struct.unpack(
                '>2s32sHH', messages[i][:38]

            self.assertEquals(magic, '\x1e\x0f')
            self.assertEquals(seq, i)
            self.assertEquals(num_chunks, len(messages))

            if old_id:
                self.assertEquals(chunk_id, old_id)

            old_id = chunk_id
Beispiel #4
    def test_error_log(self):
        """ Test an error log

        f = failure.Failure(Exception('foo'))
        g = GelfProtocol('localhost', **{
            'system': 'protocol',
            'failure': f,
            'isError': True,
            'time': time.time(),

        params = json.loads(zlib.decompress(g.generate()[0]))

        self.assertEquals(params['level'], 3)
        self.assertEquals(params['short_message'], 'foo')
        self.failUnless('Traceback' in params['full_message'])
Beispiel #5
    def test_extended_paramaters(self):
        """ Test a log message with arbitrary parameters

        g = GelfProtocol('localhost', **{
            'system': 'protocol',
            'message': ['this is a log message'],
            'isError': False,
            'time': time.time(),
            'username': '******',
            'bar': 'baz'

        params = json.loads(zlib.decompress(g.generate()[0]))

        self.assertEquals(params['_username'], 'foo')
        self.assertEquals(params['_bar'], 'baz')