Beispiel #1
def convert(txt, target, headers=None, options=None):
    """Perform the conversion of a given txt2tags ttext to a specific target."""

    # Here is the marked body text, it must be a list.
    txt = txt.split('\n')

    # Perform custom preproc
    txt = custom_preproc(txt, target)

    # Base configuration
    config = _get_config(target)

    # Set the three header fields
    if headers is None:
        headers = ['', '', '']
    config['header1'] = headers[0]
    config['header2'] = headers[1]
    config['header3'] = headers[2]
    config['target'] = target

    if options is not None:
        if options.get('preproc'):
        if options.get('postproc'):

    # Check sanity of the configuration
    config = txt2tags.ConfigMaster().sanity(config)

    # Let's do the conversion
        # Convert
        target_body, marked_toc = txt2tags.convert(txt, config)
        # Footer
        #target_foot = txt2tags.doFooter(config)
        #target_foot.pop() # Unneded because we use txt2tags as a module
        target_foot = []
        # Table of content
        tagged_toc = txt2tags.toc_tagger(marked_toc, config)
        target_toc = txt2tags.toc_formatter(tagged_toc, config)
        target_body = txt2tags.toc_inside_body(target_body, target_toc, config)
        if not txt2tags.AUTOTOC and not config['toc-only']:
            target_toc = []
        # Full body
        config['fullBody'] = target_toc + target_body + target_foot
        # Headers
        outlist = txt2tags.doHeader(headers, config)
        # End document
        finished = txt2tags.finish_him(outlist, config)
        result = '\n'.join(finished)

    # Txt2tags error, show the messsage to the user
    except txt2tags.error, msg:
        result = msg
Beispiel #2
def t2t(f):
    infiles_config = txt2tags.get_infiles_config([f])[0]
    infiles_config[0]['infile'] = infiles_config[0]['sourcefile']
    infiles_config[0]['toc_tagger'] = 0
    source_head, source_conf, source_body = infiles_config[1]
    myconf = txt2tags.ConfigMaster().sanity(infiles_config[0])
    target_head = txt2tags.doHeader(source_head, myconf)
    first_body_line = (len(source_head) or 1) + len(source_conf) + 1
    target_body, marked_toc = txt2tags.convert(source_body,
    tagged_toc = txt2tags.toc_tagger(marked_toc, myconf)
    target_toc = txt2tags.toc_formatter(tagged_toc, myconf)
    target_body = txt2tags.toc_inside_body(target_body, target_toc, myconf)
    target_foot = txt2tags.doFooter(myconf)
    outlist = target_head + target_toc + target_body + target_foot
    return '\n'.join(outlist)
Beispiel #3

from __future__ import print_function

# Remember to place the '' file on the same dir
import txt2tags

# Here is the marked body text, it must be a list.
txt = "=Hi!=\nHave a **nice** day.\n\nBye."
txt = txt.split("\n")

# Set the three header fields
headers = ["Header 1", "Header 2", "Header 3"]

# Set the configuration on the 'config' dict.
config = txt2tags.ConfigMaster()._get_defaults()
config["outfile"] = txt2tags.MODULEOUT  # results as list
config["target"] = "html"  # target type: HTML
config["encoding"] = "UTF-8"  # document encoding
config["css-sugar"] = 1  # CSS friendly
config["toc"] = 1  # show Table Of Contents

# The Pre (and Post) processing config is a list of lists:
# [ [this, that], [foo, bar], [pattern, replace] ]
config["preproc"] = []
config["preproc"].append(["nice", "VERY NICE"])
config["preproc"].append(["day", "life"])

# Let's do the conversion
    headers = txt2tags.doHeader(headers, config)
Beispiel #4
def _get_config(type):
    """Get the Txt2Tags configuration for specific target."""

    # Set the configuration on the 'config' dict.
    config = txt2tags.ConfigMaster()._get_defaults()
    config['sourcefile'] = txt2tags.MODULEIN
    config['currentsourcefile'] = txt2tags.MODULEIN
    config['infile'] = txt2tags.MODULEIN
    config['outfile'] = txt2tags.MODULEOUT  # results as list

    # The Pre (and Post) processing config is a list of lists:
    # [ [this, that], [foo, bar], [patt, replace] ]
    config['postproc'] = []
    config['preproc'] = []

    if type == 'xhtml' or type == 'xhtmls' or type == 'html' or type == 'html5':
        # Default values
        config['encoding'] = 'UTF-8'
        config['toc'] = 0
        config['style'] = ['themes/default.css']
        config['css-inside'] = 0
        config['css-sugar'] = 1

        # Remove target comments
        config['preproc'].append(['%xhtmls% ', ''])
        config['preproc'].append(['%html% ', ''])  # Alias

        # Allow line breaks, r'\\\\' are 2 \ for regexes
        #config['preproc'].append([r'\\\\', '\'\'<br />\'\'']) # F*ck, these are used in Latex :S
        config['preproc'].append([r'@@', '\'\'<br />\'\''
                                  ])  # F*ck, @@ is used in diffs :S

        # Math and code blocks are commented because txt2tags doesn't support
        # newlines in preproc, see:
        # For now, custom_preproc() is used
        ## Support math block
        #config['preproc'].append(['<<<', '\'\'\'\n<pre class="math">'])
        #config['preproc'].append(['>>>', '</pre>\n\'\'\''])

        ## Support code block
        #config['preproc'].append(['{{{ (' + '|'.join(supported_languages.keys()) + ')', '\'\'\'\n<pre class="brush: \\1; class-name: code;">'])
        #config['preproc'].append(['}}}', '</pre>\n\'\'\''])

        # Semantic tags, in case user use visual tags
        config['postproc'].append([r'(?i)(</?)b>', r'\1strong>'])
        config['postproc'].append([r'(?i)(</?)i>', r'\1em>'])
        config['postproc'].append([r'(?i)(</?)u>', r'\1ins>'])
        config['postproc'].append([r'(?i)(</?)s>', r'\1del>'])

        # Allow subscript superscript
        config['postproc'].append([r'\^\^(.*?)\^\^', r'<sup>\1</sup>'])
        config['postproc'].append([r',,(.*?),,', r'<sub>\1</sub>'])

        # Apply image resizing and correct path
            [r'<img (.*?) src="(\d+)-', r'<img \1 width="\2" src="'])
            [r'<img (.*?) src="', r'<img \1 src="media/images/'])

    elif type == 'tex':
        # Default values
        config['encoding'] = 'utf8'
        config['toc'] = 0

        # Support math block
        config['preproc'].append(['<<<', '\'\'\''])
        config['preproc'].append(['>>>', '\'\'\''])

        # Remove target comments
        config['preproc'].append(['%tex% ', ''])
        config['preproc'].append(['%latex% ', ''])  # Alias
        config['preproc'].append(['%pdf% ', ''])  # Alias

        # Allow line breaks, r'\\\\' are 2 \ for regexes
        #config['preproc'].append([r'\$\\backslash\$\$\\backslash\$', r'\'\'\\\\\'\''])  # F*ck, these are used in Latex :S
        config['preproc'].append([r'@@', r"''\\newline{}''"
                                  ])  # F*ck, @@ is used in diffs :S

        ## Support code block
        #config['preproc'].append(['{{{ (' + '|'.join(supported_languages.keys()) + ')', '\'\'\'\n\\begin{verbatim}'])
        #config['preproc'].append(['}}}', '\\end{verbatim}\n\'\'\'\n'])

        # Allow subscript superscript
            [r'\\\^{}\\\^{}(.*?)\\\^{}\\\^{}', r'\\superscript{\1}'])
        config['postproc'].append([r',,(.*?),,', r'\\subscript{\1}'])

        # Apply image resizing
            [r'includegraphics\{(\d+)-', r'includegraphics[width=\1px]{'])

    elif type == 'txt':
        # Default values
        config['toc'] = 0

        # Remove target comments
        config['preproc'].append(['%txt% ', ''])
        config['preproc'].append(['%text% ', ''])  # Alias

        # Allow line breaks, r'\\\\' are 2 \ for regexes
        #config['preproc'].append([r'\\\\', '\n']) # F*ck, these are used in Latex :S
        config['preproc'].append([r'@@', '\n'])  # F*ck, @@ is used in diffs :S

        # Allow subscript superscript
        config['postproc'].append([r'\^\^(.*?)\^\^', r'\1'])
        config['postproc'].append([r',,(.*?),,', r'\1'])

    return config