from importlib.metadata import version import typer from . import APP_NAME, console from .styles import CustomHelpColorsCommand, CustomHelpColorsGroup app = typer.Typer( name=APP_NAME, cls=CustomHelpColorsGroup, context_settings={"help_option_names": ["-h", "--help"]}, ) def version_callback(value: bool): if value: console.print( f"[bold green]{APP_NAME}[/bold green]: {version(APP_NAME)}") raise typer.Exit() @app.callback() def main(version: bool = typer.Option( False, "--version", callback=version_callback, is_eager=True, show_default=False, help="Display version information", ), ): pass
# SOURCE import typer import os from PIL import Image cli = typer.Typer() @cli.command() def stats(filename: str): ''' Show image info for FILENAME ''' img = # Print properties typer.echo(f' Format:\t {img.format}') typer.echo(f' Mode:\t {img.mode}') typer.echo(f' Size:\t {img.size[0]} x {img.size[1]}') typer.echo(f'Palette:\t {img.palette}') typer.echo(f'Information:\t {}') @cli.command() def statsdir(dirname: str): ''' Show image info for a DIRECTORY ''' images = os.listdir(dirname)
import typer from ..pipeline import * from ..model import * from .config_cli import config_app from .train_cli import train from .export_cli import export no_args_is_help = False app = typer.Typer(no_args_is_help=no_args_is_help, add_completion=False) app.add_typer(config_app, name="config", no_args_is_help=no_args_is_help) app.command(help="Train the model", no_args_is_help=no_args_is_help)(train) app.command(help="Export the python file from config", no_args_is_help=no_args_is_help)(export) def main(): app() if __name__ == "__main__": app()
""" import re from collections import Counter, OrderedDict import typer from Bio import SeqIO from cupcake import version_callback from cupcake import cupcake_logger as logger rex_pbid = re.compile(r"(PB.\d+).(\d+)") app = typer.Typer( name="cupcake.sequence.group_ORF_sequences", help="De-duplicate ORF FAA file." ) def dedup_ORFs(faa_filename, output_prefix, is_pbid): seq_dict = OrderedDict() # ORF seq --> list of IDs pbid_counter = Counter() # PB.X --> counter (not used if is_pbid is False) for r in SeqIO.parse(open(faa_filename), "fasta"): s = str(r.seq).upper() if s not in seq_dict: seq_dict[s] = [] seq_dict[s].append(
from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional, Union import typer from import GithubSecretsApp cli = typer.Typer() app: GithubSecretsApp VERBOSE_DOC = 'Show additional output useful for debugging' @cli.callback(invoke_without_command=True) def start_app(ctx: typer.Context): """ Github Secrets CLI """ global app app = GithubSecretsApp() if not app.config.settings.config_location.exists(): profile_cli = typer.Typer( help="Manage the profile for working with secrets. Multiple profiles " "are supported to manage secrets and authentication separately") @profile_cli.command(name="create") def create_profile(
import typer as ty from single import _enums as enums from single.server import start as start_ app = ty.Typer(help="This is the command line frontend for the single server.") @app.command() def start( port: int = ty.Option(25000, help="The port to broadcast to."), logging_level: enums.LoggingLevel = ty.Option("INFO", help="The logging level."), ) -> None: """Use this command to start the server.""" start_(port, logging_level) if __name__ == "__main__": app()
from fastapi import FastAPI from starlette.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware from app.routes import views from app.core import auth import typer # typerCli from indexer.indexer import db # db class app = FastAPI() appTyper = typer.Typer() # Set all CORS enabled origins app.add_middleware( CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=["*"], allow_credentials=True, allow_methods=["*"], allow_headers=["*"], ) app.include_router(auth.router) app.include_router(views.router) # si hay error de elasticsearch utilizar # sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144 # updateDB from CLI @appTyper.command() def updateDB(namefile: str, index: str):
return None ############################################################################### # pyrolab Main App # # COMMANDS # -------- # pyrolab up # pyrolab down # pyrolab reload # pyrolab ps # pyrolab --version ############################################################################### app = typer.Typer() print( f"PyroLab Copyright © 2020-{} BYU CamachoLab, PyroLab Project Contributors" ) print("This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.") print( "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions." ) print( "See the documentation for more information (" ) print() def _version_callback(value: bool = True) -> None:
import typer from typing import Optional from .. import config # Program program = typer.Typer() # Helpers def version(value: bool): if value: typer.echo(config.VERSION) raise typer.Exit() # Command @program.callback() def program_main( version: Optional[bool] = typer.Option(None, "--version", callback=version) ): """Describe, extract, validate and transform tabular data.""" pass
class Listable(str, Enum): env = "environments" graph = "graphs" _type_help = "The type of object to list" _json_help = "Output the object as JSON Lines" _organization_help = "The name of the Patterns organization to use" _environment_help = "The name of the Patterns environment to use" _organization_option = Option("", "--organization", "-o", help=_organization_help) _environment_option = Option("", "--environment", "-e", help=_environment_help) list_command = typer.Typer(name="list", help="List objects of a given type") @list_command.command() def graphs( organization: str = Option("", help=_organization_help), print_json: bool = Option(False, "--json", help=_json_help), ): """List graphs""" ids = IdLookup(organization_name=organization) with abort_on_error("Error listing graphs"): gs = list(paginated_graphs(ids.organization_id)) _print_objects(gs, print_json) @list_command.command()
import typer from Bio import SeqIO from bx.intervals import Interval, IntervalTree from cupcake import version_callback from cupcake.sequence import BED, BioReaders from cupcake.sequence.GFF import collapseGFFReader class index_base(int, Enum): zero = (0, ) one = 1 app = typer.Typer( name="cupcake.targeted.calc_probe_hit_from_sam", help="Calculate Probe Hit from SAM alignment + probe BED", ) def get_probe_hit(tree, gene_info, r, is_gtf=False): """ Given a dict tree (from read_probe_bed) and a GMAP SAM record Go through each exon and find probes that hit it Return: (number of probes hit), (total number of bases overlapping with probes), (genes seen) """ probes_seen = set() genes_seen = set() base_hit = 0 if is_gtf: r.sID, r.segments = r.chr, r.ref_exons
from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Optional import typer from eve_esi_jobs import do_workorder from eve_esi_jobs.models import EsiJob, EsiWorkOrder from eve_esi_jobs.typer_cli.cli_helpers import ( FormatChoices, report_finished_task, validate_input_path, validate_output_path, ) from import EsiObserver app = typer.Typer(help="""Do jobs and workorders.""") logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @app.command() def job( ctx: typer.Context, path_in: str = typer.Argument(..., help="Path to the job file."), path_out: str = typer.Argument( "./tmp", help="Path to be prepended to the job output path."), dry_run: bool = typer.Option( False, "-d", "--dry-run", help=""" Not implemented yet.
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import os.path import sys import typer from typing import List paths = lambda: (v.rstrip("/") for v in os.environ["PATH"].split(":")) app = typer.Typer(help="""PATH editor utility. Expected usages: if {cli} exists /usr/local/bin; then TODO; fi export PATH="$({cli} add /usr/local/bin --unique)" """.format(cli=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))) @app.command(name="list", help="Display all entries in PATH") def ls(): for p in paths(): print(p) @app.command(help="Fail any provided value is not in PATH") def exists(values: List[str]): raise typer.Exit(len(set(v.rstrip("/") for v in values) - set(paths()))) @app.command(name="add", help="Add to the top of PATH provided values, and remove duplicates if asked")
from rich.console import Console from xvideos_dl import __version__ from xvideos_dl.xvideos_dl import ( Process, download, get_videos_by_playlist_id, get_videos_from_play_page, get_videos_from_user_page, parse_playlist_id, ) from . import constant as c app = typer.Typer( name="xvideos-dl", help="CLI to download videos from", add_completion=False, ) console = Console() def version_callback(value: bool): """Prints the version of the package.""" if value: console.print(f"[yellow]xvideos-dl[/] version: [bold blue]{__version__}[/]") raise typer.Exit() @app.command(name="CLI to download videos from") def main( urls: List[str] = typer.Argument(..., help="URL of the video web page."),
import typer sub_app = typer.Typer() variable = "Some text" @sub_app.command() def hello(name: str = "World", age: int = typer.Option(0, help="The age of the user")): """ Say Hello """ typer.echo(f"Hello {name}") @sub_app.command() def hi(user: str = typer.Argument("World", help="The name of the user to greet")): """ Say Hi """ @sub_app.command() def bye(): """ Say bye """ typer.echo("sub bye") app = typer.Typer(help="Demo App", epilog="The end")
import http from collections import defaultdict from datetime import datetime, timedelta from typing import Optional import typer from pydantic import BaseModel from pydantic.datetime_parse import parse_datetime import tinvest as ti openapi = typer.Typer() DATETIME_HELP = ( 'Use one of [now, day, week, month, 6month, year] or any date-time format' ) class OpenapiCtx(BaseModel): token: str = '' sandbox_token: str = '' use_sandbox: bool = False class BaseApi: client: ti.SyncClient def do_request(ctx: typer.Context, method, *args, **kwargs): if ctx.obj.use_sandbox: client = ti.SyncClient(ctx.obj.sandbox_token, use_sandbox=True)
import random from enum import Enum from tqdm import tqdm as tq from geomloss import SamplesLoss from torch.nn import Sequential, Linear from torch.nn import functional as F from torch_geometric.utils import accuracy, precision, recall, f1_score from pathlib import Path from rdkit import Chem from rdkit.Chem import Draw from models import GNNExplainer_ from models.encoder import GCNN from utils import get_split, get_dgn, mol_to_tox21_pyg, mol_to_esol_pyg, mol_from_smiles, morgan_count_fingerprint, x_map_tox21, mol_to_smiles, create_path, rdkit_fingerprint, morgan_bit_fingerprint app = typer.Typer(add_completion=False) def read_graphs(dataset_path: Path): labels = {} nx_graphs = {} for name in os.listdir(str(dataset_path)): if not name.endswith('gexf'): continue idx, label = name.split('.')[-3:-1] idx, label = int(idx), int(label) nx_graphs[idx] = nx.read_gexf(dataset_path / name) labels[idx] = label print('Found %d samples' % len(nx_graphs)) return nx_graphs, labels
import typer from seq2rel_ds import cdr, dgm, docred, gda from seq2rel_ds.common.util import set_seeds set_seeds() app = typer.Typer( help="Commands for preprocessing data to conform to the seq2rel format.", ) app.add_typer(, name="cdr") app.add_typer(, name="dgm") app.add_typer(, name="docred") app.add_typer(, name="gda") if __name__ == "__main__": app()
""" import os import logging from pathlib import Path import typer from rostran.core import exceptions from rostran.core.format import ( SourceTemplateFormat, TargetTemplateFormat, GeneratorFileFormat, convert_template_to_file_format, ) app = typer.Typer(help=__doc__) SOURCE_TEMPLATE_FORMAT_DEFAULT = typer.Option(SourceTemplateFormat.Auto, help="Source template format") TARGET_TEMPLATE_FORMAT_DEFAULT = typer.Option(TargetTemplateFormat.Auto, help="Target template format") @app.command() def transform( source_path: str, source_format: SourceTemplateFormat = SOURCE_TEMPLATE_FORMAT_DEFAULT, target_path: str = typer.Option(None), target_format: TargetTemplateFormat = TARGET_TEMPLATE_FORMAT_DEFAULT, ): """ Transform AWS CloudFormation/Terraform/Excel template to ROS template.
from import LightningBot from lightning.cli import guild, tools from lightning.cli.utils import asyncd from lightning.config import CONFIG from lightning.utils.helpers import create_pool, run_in_shell try: import uvloop except ImportError: # Lol get f****d windows pass else: uvloop.install() parser = typer.Typer() parser.add_typer(tools.parser, name="tools", help="Developer tools") parser.add_typer(guild.parser, name="guild", help="Guild management commands") @contextlib.contextmanager def init_logging(): try: max_file_size = 1000 * 1000 * 8 file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler( filename="lightning.log", maxBytes=max_file_size, backupCount=10) log_format = logging.Formatter( '[%(asctime)s] %(name)s (%(filename)s:%(lineno)d) %(levelname)s: %(message)s' ) file_handler.setFormatter(log_format)
import typer app = typer.Typer() items_app = typer.Typer() app.add_typer(items_app, name="items") users_app = typer.Typer() app.add_typer(users_app, name="users") @items_app.command("create") def items_create(item: str): typer.echo(f"Creating item: {item}") @items_app.command("delete") def items_delete(item: str): typer.echo(f"Deleting item: {item}") @items_app.command("sell") def items_sell(item: str): typer.echo(f"Selling item: {item}") @users_app.command("create") def users_create(user_name: str): typer.echo(f"Creating user: {user_name}") @users_app.command("delete") def users_delete(user_name: str):
import pymongo import typer from apps.users.config import users_settings from fastapi_mongodb.db import db_handler from fastapi_mongodb.helpers import MakeAsync __all__ = ["users_commands"] users_commands = typer.Typer(name="users") async def setup_app(): await db_handler.create_collection(name=users_settings.USERS_COL) indexes = [ pymongo.IndexModel( keys=[("email", pymongo.ASCENDING)], name="email", unique=True, background=True, ) ] result = await db_handler.create_indexes(col_name=users_settings.USERS_COL, indexes=indexes) for index_name in result: typer.secho( message=f"Index: '{index_name}' for collection '{users_settings.USERS_COL}' created successfully.", fg=typer.colors.GREEN, )
from globus_automate_client.cli.callbacks import ( input_validator, principal_validator, url_validator_callback, ) from globus_automate_client.cli.constants import OutputFormat from globus_automate_client.cli.helpers import ( output_format_option, process_input, verbosity_option, ) from globus_automate_client.cli.rich_helpers import RequestRunner from globus_automate_client.cli.rich_rendering import live_content from globus_automate_client.client_helpers import create_action_client app = typer.Typer(short_help="Manage Globus Automate Actions") @app.command("introspect") def action_introspect( action_url: str = typer.Option( ..., help="The url at which the target Action Provider is located.", prompt=True, callback=url_validator_callback, ), action_scope: str = typer.Option( None, help="The scope this Action Provider uses to authenticate requests.", callback=url_validator_callback, ),
app = typer.Typer( cls=NaturalOrderGroup, help=f"""Run the DIRAC integration tests. A local DIRAC setup can be created and tested by running: \b ./ create This is equivalent to running: \b ./ prepare-environment ./ install-server ./ install-client ./ test-server ./ test-client The test setup can be shutdown using: \b ./ destroy See below for additional subcommands which are useful during local development. ## Features The currently known features and their default values are: \b HOST_OS: {DEFAULT_HOST_OS!r} MYSQL_VER: {DEFAULT_MYSQL_VER!r} ES_VER: {DEFAULT_ES_VER!r} {(os.linesep + ' ').join(['%s: %r' % x for x in FEATURE_VARIABLES.items()])} All features can be prefixed with "SERVER_" or "CLIENT_" to limit their scope. ## Extensions Integration tests can be ran for extensions to DIRAC by specifying the module name and path such as: \b ./ create --extra-module MyDIRAC=/path/to/MyDIRAC This will modify the setup process based on the contents of `MyDIRAC/tests/.dirac-ci-config.yaml`. See the Vanilla DIRAC file for the available options. ## Command completion Command completion of typer based scripts can be enabled by running: typer --install-completion After restarting your terminal you command completion is available using: typer ./ run ... """, )
import typer def callback(): typer.echo("Running a command") app = typer.Typer(callback=callback) @app.callback() def new_callback(): typer.echo("Override callback, running a command") @app.command() def create(name: str): typer.echo(f"Creating user: {name}") if __name__ == "__main__": app()
import os import readline import signal from typing import Final import typer import twitter from tweet import settings from rich.console import Console APP_NAME: Final[str] = "tweet" app: Final[typer.Typer] = typer.Typer(help="Tweet Only.") console: Final[Console] = Console() api: twitter.Api = twitter.Api( consumer_key=settings.CONSUMER_TOKEN, consumer_secret=settings.CONSUMER_SECRET, access_token_key=settings.ACCESS_TOKEN, access_token_secret=settings.ACCESS_SECRET, ) def init_api() -> None: global api api = twitter.Api( consumer_key=settings.CONSUMER_TOKEN, consumer_secret=settings.CONSUMER_SECRET, access_token_key=settings.ACCESS_TOKEN, access_token_secret=settings.ACCESS_SECRET, )
from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional import typer from .core import RemoteRunner app = typer.Typer(help='Jupyter Lab Port Forwarding Utility') def version_callback(value: bool): from pkg_resources import get_distribution __version__ = get_distribution('jupyter_forward').version if value: typer.echo(f'Jupyter Forward CLI Version: {__version__}') raise typer.Exit() @app.command() def start( host: str, port: int = typer.Option( 8888, help=( '''The local port the remote notebook server will be forwarded to. If not specified, defaults to 8888.''' ), show_default=True, ), conda_env: str = typer.Option( None,
"""Run evolution.""" ev = Evolution() date = moex.last_history_date() port = load_from_yaml(date) ev.evolve(port) def dividends(ticker: str): """Get dividends status.""" div_status.dividends_validation(ticker) def optimize(date: str = typer.Argument(..., help="YYYY-MM-DD")): """Optimize portfolio.""" port = load_from_yaml(date) opt = Optimizer(port) print(opt.portfolio) print(opt.metrics) print(opt) div_status.new_on_smart_lab(tuple(port.index[:-2])) if __name__ == "__main__": app = typer.Typer(help="Run poptimizer subcommands.", add_completion=False) app.command()(evolve) app.command()(dividends) app.command()(optimize) app(prog_name="poptimizer")
import subprocess import typer from typer.testing import CliRunner from import tutorial003 as mod runner = CliRunner() app = typer.Typer() app.command()(mod.main) def test_option_help(): result = runner.invoke(app, ["--help"]) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert "-n" in result.output assert "TEXT" in result.output assert "--user-name" not in result.output assert "--name" not in result.output def test_call(): result = runner.invoke(app, ["-n", "Camila"]) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert "Hello Camila" in result.output def test_script(): result = ["coverage", "run", mod.__file__, "--help"],
import typer app = typer.Typer() users_app = typer.Typer() app.add_typer(users_app, name="users", help="Manage users in the app.") @users_app.command() def create(name: str): print(f"Creating user: {name}") if __name__ == "__main__": app()