Beispiel #1
 def __new__(cls, *targs, **kargs):
     from types import MethodType as method
     msh = object.__new__(cls)
     if cls is Marshal or 'dump' not in cls.__dict__:
         msh.dump = method(_marshal.dump, msh, cls)
     if cls is Marshal or 'load' not in cls.__dict__:
         msh.load = method(_marshal.load, msh, cls)
     return msh
Beispiel #2
 def __new__(cls, *targs, **kargs):
     from types import MethodType as method
     pkl = object.__new__(cls)
     if cls is Pickle or 'dump' not in cls.__dict__:
         pkl.dump = method(_pickle.dump, pkl, cls)
     if cls is Pickle or 'load' not in cls.__dict__:
         pkl.load = method(_pickle.load, pkl, cls)
     return pkl
Beispiel #3
 def __new__(cls, *targs, **kargs):
     from types import MethodType as method
     pkl = object.__new__(cls)
     if cls is Pickle or 'dump' not in cls.__dict__:
         pkl.dump = method(_pickle.dump, pkl, cls)
     if cls is Pickle or 'load' not in cls.__dict__:
         pkl.load = method(_pickle.load, pkl, cls)
     return pkl
Beispiel #4
 def __new__(cls, *targs, **kargs):
     from types import MethodType as method
     msh = object.__new__(cls)
     if cls is Marshal or 'dump' not in cls.__dict__:
         msh.dump = method(_marshal.dump, msh, cls)
     if cls is Marshal or 'load' not in cls.__dict__:
         msh.load = method(_marshal.load, msh, cls)
     return msh
 def testNormalFunctions(self): #{{{
     '''Normal function or unbound method'''
     _ = lambda: None
     ub = method(_, None, None)
     for f in (_, ub):
         cw = CallableWrapper(f)
 def testNormalFunction(self): #{{{
     '''Return back normal functions and unbound methods'''
     _ = (lambda: None)
     ub_ = method(_, None, None)
     for f in (_, ub_):
         cw = CallableWrapper(f)
         ret = cw._getref()()
         self.assertEqual(ret, f)
 def testUnboundMethod(self): #{{{
     '''Unbound method'''
     class A(object): pass
     def _(s): #{{{
     # End def #}}}
     _ = method(_, None, None)
     self.assertEqual(methodtype(_), METHODTYPE_UNBOUND)
    def testClassMethodWrap(self):  # {{{
        """Wrapping class method"""

        class A(object):
            def helloworld(self, a, b):
                return "hello world"

        w = CallableWrapper(A.helloworld)
        A.helloworld = method(w, None, A)

        z = CallableWrapper(A.helloworld)
        A.helloworld = method(z, None, A)

        a = A()
        self.assertEqual(a.helloworld(1, 2), "HELLO: HELLO: hello world :WORLD :WORLD")
def copymethod(meth, name = None):
    if isinstance(meth, method):
        if not name:
            name = meth.func_name
        tempmeth = copyfunction(meth, name)
        return method(tempmeth, None)
    names = tuple(o.__class__.__name__ for o in (meth, name))
    raise TypeError("Cannot copy method = %s with name = %s" %names)
    def testInstanceMethodWrap(self):  # {{{
        """Wrapping instance method"""

        class A(object):
            def helloworld(self, a, b):
                return "hello world"

        a = A()
        w = CallableWrapper(a.helloworld)
        a.helloworld = method(w, a, A)

        z = CallableWrapper(a.helloworld)
        a.helloworld = method(z, a, A)

        self.assertEqual(a.helloworld(1, 2), "HELLO: HELLO: hello world :WORLD :WORLD")
        self.assertEqual(A().helloworld(1, 2), "hello world")
 def wrap(self, func): #{{{
     if not iscallable(func):
         raise TypeError('Argument must be a valid callable object')
     newfunc = func(self._newcall)
     if not iscallable(newfunc):
         raise TypeError('Return value of wrapping callable must be a valid callable object')
     if not _ism(newfunc):
         newfunc = method(newfunc, self, self.__class__)
     self._newcall = newfunc
 def testNormalFunction(self): #{{{
     '''Normal functions and unbound methods'''
     def _(): #{{{
     # End def #}}}
     funcs = ((_, METHODTYPE_NOTMETHOD), (method(_, None, None), METHODTYPE_UNBOUND))
     for f, mt in funcs:
         cw = CallableWrapper(f)
         self.assertTrue(cw._object is None)
         self.assertTrue(isinstance(cw._function, cref))
         self.assertEqual(cw._function(), f)
         self.assertEqual(cw._methodtype, mt)
 def _get_original(self): #{{{
     if self.isdead:
         raise ValueError("Cannot retrieve original: dead reference")
     im_self = None
     im_class = None
     cwo = self._object
     if cwo:
         obj = cwo()
         if isclass(obj):
             im_class = obj
             im_self, im_class = obj, obj.__class__
     gc_ret = self._getcallable()
     if im_self or im_class:
         return method(gc_ret, im_self, im_class)
     return gc_ret
    def testUnWrap(self):  # {{{

        class A(object):
            def helloworld(self, a, b):
                return "hello world"

        a = A()
        w = CallableWrapper(a.helloworld)
        a.helloworld = method(w, a, A)

        self.assertEqual(a.helloworld(1, 2), "HELLO: hello world :WORLD")
        self.assertEqual(A().helloworld(1, 2), "hello world")
        self.assertEqual(A().helloworld(1, 2), a.helloworld(1, 2))
Beispiel #15
 def __get__(self, obj, type_):
     if obj is None:
         return self.klass
     return method(self.klass, obj)
 def testNonInstClass(self): #{{{
     '''Non-method instance/class objects returns None'''
     nonmeth = lambda s: None
     unbound = method(nonmeth, None, None)
     for nm in (nonmeth, unbound):
         self.assertTrue(methodname(nm) is None)
Beispiel #17
def main():
    class A(OverridesBase):
        def __init__(self, **kwds):
            "You're average constructor"
        def b(mcls, self):
            "You're average method"
        def c(self):
            "You're average function"
        def d(self):
            "You're average classmethod"
        def e(self):
            "You're average property"
            return None
    A.b = method(A.b, type)
        class B(A):
            def b(self):
    except Exception as e:
        print(type(e).__name__, "raised while overriding method 'b' via class B:", e)
        class C(A):
            def __init__(self, h=None, **kwds):
                super().__init__(**{'h':a, **kwds})
            def c(self):
    except Exception as e:
        print(type(e).__name__, "raised while overriding function 'c':", e)
        class D(A):
            def d(self):
    except Exception as e:
        print(type(e).__name__, "raised while overriding classmethod 'd':", e)
        class E(A):
            def e(self):
                return "e"
    except Exception as e:
        print(type(e).__name__, "raised while overriding property 'e':", e)
        class F(A):
            def b(mcls, self):
                return "f"
    except Exception as e:
        print(type(e).__name__, "raised while overriding method 'b' via class F:", e)