Beispiel #1
class Reinforcements(Domain):
    """A feature domain for specifying reinforcement signals."""

    # TODO: Can probably do away with the mapping... But will need to make 
    # changes to SimpleQNet. - Can

    _config = ("mapping",)

    def __init__(
        self, mapping: Dict[feature, Tuple[Hashable, int]]
    ) -> None:
        Initialize Reinforcements instance.

        :param mapping: A one-to-one mapping from features to dimensions. Each 
            feature is assumed to represent a reinforcement signal for the 
            corresponding dimension. Will raise a ValueError if the mapping is 
            found not to be one-to-one.

        with self.config():
            self.mapping = MappingProxyType(mapping)

    def update(self) -> None:

        if len(set(self.mapping.keys())) != len(set(self.mapping.values())):
            raise ValueError("Mapping must be one-to-one.")

Beispiel #2
class InstanceAttrsProxy:
    def __init__(self, attrs, instance):
        self.attrs = MappingProxyType(attrs)
        self.instance = instance

    def __getitem__(self, item):
            return self.attrs[item]
        except KeyError:
            return getattr(self.instance, item)

    def get(self, k, default=None):
            return self.attrs.get(k)
        except KeyError:
            return getattr(self.instance, k, default)

    def keys(self):
        return self.attrs.keys()
Beispiel #3
class DRV(object):
    A discrete random variable.

    A DRV has one or more :dfn:`possible values` (or just :dfn:`values`), which
    can be any type. Each possible value has an associated :dfn:`probability`,
    which is a real number between 0 and 1.

    It is strongly recommended that the probabilities add up to exactly 1. This
    might be difficult to achieve with :obj:`float` probabilities, and so this
    class does not enforce that restriction, and makes it possible to sample a
    variable even if the total is not 1. The exact distribution of the samples
    in that case is not specified, only that it will attempt to follow the
    probabilities given. Loosely: if the total is too low then one value's
    probability is rounded up. If the total is too high, then one probability
    is rounded down, and/or one or more values is ignored. These adjustments
    apply only to sampling: the original probabilities are still reported by
    :func:`to_dict()` etc.

    Because :code:`==` is overridden to return a DRV (not a boolean), DRV
    objects are not hashable and cannot be used in a set or as a dictionary
    key, even though the objects are immutable. This means you cannot have a
    DRV as a "possible value" of another DRV.

    DRV also resists being considered in boolean context, so for example you
    cannot in general test whether or not a DRV appears in a list::

      >>> from omnidice.dice import d3, d6
      >>> d3 in [d3, d6]
      >>> d6 in [d3, d6]
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
        File "omnidice/", line 452, in __bool__
          raise ValueError('The truth value of a random variable is ambiguous')
      ValueError: The truth value of a random variable is ambiguous

    This is the same solution used by (for example) :obj:`numpy.array`. If the
    object allowed standard boolean conversion then :code:`d4 in [d3, d6]`
    would be True, which is unacceptably surprising!

    :param distribution: Any value from which a dictionary can be constructed,
      that is a :obj:`Mapping` or :obj:`Iterable` of (value, probability)
    :param tree: The expression from which this object was defined. Currently
      this is used only for the string representation, but might in future
      help support lazily-evaluated DRVs.
    def __init__(
        distribution: 'DictData',
        tree: ExpressionTree = None,
        self.__dist = MappingProxyType(dict(distribution))
        # Cumulative distribution. Defer calculating this, because we only
        # need it if the variable is actually sampled. Intermediate values in
        # building up a complex DRV won't ever be sampled, so save the work.
        self.__cdf = None
        self.__lcm = None
        self.__intvalued = None
        self.__expr_tree = tree
        # Computed probabilities can hit 0 due to float underflow, but maybe
        # we should strip out anything with probability 0.
        if not all(0 <= prob <= 1 for value, prob in self._items()):
            raise ValueError('Probability not in range')
    def __repr__(self):
        if self.__expr_tree is not None:
            return self.__expr_tree.bracketed()
        return f'DRV({self.__dist})'
    def is_same(self, other: 'DRV') -> bool:
        Return True if `self` and `other` have the same discrete probability
        distribution. Possible values with 0 probability are excluded from the
        values = set(value for value, prob in self._items() if prob != 0)
        othervalues = set(value for value, prob in other._items() if prob != 0)
        if values != othervalues:
            return False
        return all(self.__dist[val] == other.__dist[val] for val in values)
    def is_close(self, other: 'DRV', *, rel_tol=None, abs_tol=None) -> bool:
        Return True if `self` and `other` have approximately the same discrete
        probability distribution, within the specified tolerances. Possible
        values with 0 probability are excluded from the comparison.

        `rel_tol` and `abs_tol` are applied only to the probabilities, not to
        the possible values. They are defined as for :func:`math.isclose`.
        values = set(value for value, prob in self._items() if prob != 0)
        othervalues = set(value for value, prob in other._items() if prob != 0)
        if values != othervalues:
            return False
        kwargs = {}
        if rel_tol is not None:
            kwargs['rel_tol'] = rel_tol
        if abs_tol is not None:
            kwargs['abs_tol'] = abs_tol
        return all(
            isclose(self.__dist[val], other.__dist[val], **kwargs)
            for val in values
    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[Any, 'Probability']:
        Return a dictionary mapping all possible values to probabilities.
        # dict(self.__dist) is type-correct, but about 3 times slower.
        # Unfortunately there's no way to parameterise MappingProxyType to
        # say what the type is of the underlying mapping that gets copied.
        return self.__dist.copy()  # type: ignore
    def to_pd(self):
        Return a :class:`pandas.Series` mapping values to probabilities. The
        series is indexed by the possible values.

        :raises: :class:`ModuleNotFoundError` if pandas is not installed. Note
          that pandas is not a hard dependency of this package. You must
          install it to use this method.
            import pandas as pd
        except ModuleNotFoundError:
            msg = 'You must install pandas for this optional feature'
            raise ModuleNotFoundError(msg)
        return pd.Series(self.__dist, name='probability')
    def to_table(self, as_float: bool = False) -> str:
        Return a string containing the values and probabilities formatted as a
        table. This is intended only for manually checking small distributions.

        :param as_float: Display probabilites as floating-point. You might find
          floats easier to read by eye.
        if not as_float:
            items = self._items()
            items = ((v, float(p)) for v, p in self._items())
        with contextlib.suppress(TypeError):
            items = sorted(items)
        return '\n'.join([
            *(f'{v}\t{p}' for v, p in items),
    def faster(self) -> 'DRV':
        Return a new DRV, with all probabilities converted to float.
        return DRV(
            {x: float(y) for x, y in self._items()},
    def _items(self):
        return self.__dist.items()
    def replace_tree(self, tree: ExpressionTree) -> 'DRV':
        Return a new DRV with the same distribution as this DRV, but defined
        from the specified expression.

        This is used for example when some optimisation has computed a DRV one
        way, but we want to represent it the original way.
        return DRV(self.__dist, tree=tree)
    def cdf(self):
        if self.__cdf is None:
            def iter_totals():
                total = 0
                for value, probability in self._items():
                    total += probability
                    yield value, total
                # In case of rounding errors
                if total < 1:
                    yield value, 1
            self.__cdf_values, self.__cdf = map(tuple, zip(*iter_totals()))
        return self.__cdf
    def _lcm(self):
        def lcm(a, b):
            return (a * b) // gcd(a, b)
        if self.__lcm is None:
            result = 1
            for _, prob in self._items():
                if not isinstance(prob, Fraction):
                    result = 0
                result = lcm(prob.denominator, result)
            self.__lcm = result
        return self.__lcm
    def sample(self, random: Random = rng):
        Sample this variable.

        :param random: Random number generator to use. The default is a single
          object shared by all instances of :class:`DRV`.
        :returns: One possible value of this variable.
        sample: Probability
        if self._lcm == 0:
            sample = random.random()
            sample = Fraction(random.randrange(self._lcm) + 1, self._lcm)
        # The index of the first cumulative probability greater than or equal
        # to our random sample. If there's a repeated probability in the array,
        # that means there was a value with probability 0. So we don't want to
        # select that value even in the very unlikely case of our sample being
        # exactly equal to the repeated probability!
        idx = bisect_left(self.cdf, sample)
        return self.__cdf_values[idx]
    def _intvalued(self):
        if self.__intvalued is None:
            self.__intvalued = all(isinstance(x, int) for x in self.__dist)
        return self.__intvalued
    def __add__(self, right) -> 'DRV':
        Handler for :code:`self + right`.

        Return a random variable which is the result of adding this variable to
        `right`. `right` can be either a constant or another DRV (in which case
        the result assumes that the two random variables are independent).

        As with :meth:`apply()`, probabilities are added up wherever addition
        is many-to-one (for constant numbers it is one-to-one provided overflow
        does not occur).
            if np is None:
            if not isinstance(right, DRV):
            product_size = len(self.__dist) * len(right.__dist)
            if product_size <= CONVOLVE_SIZE_LIMIT:
            if not self._intvalued or not right._intvalued:
            def get_range(dist):
                return range(min(dist), max(dist) + 1)
            self_values = get_range(self.__dist)
            right_values = get_range(right.__dist)
            # Very sparse arrays aren't faster to convolve.
            if 100 * product_size <= len(self_values) * len(right_values):
            final_probs = np.convolve(
                np.array(tuple(self.__dist.get(x, 0) for x in self_values)),
                np.array(tuple(right.__dist.get(x, 0) for x in right_values)),
            values = range(
                min(self_values) + min(right_values),
                max(self_values) + max(right_values) + 1,
            filtered = (final_probs > 0)
            values = np.array(values)[filtered].tolist()
            final_probs = final_probs[filtered]
            return DRV(
                zip(values, final_probs),
                tree=self._combine(self, right, '+'),
        return self._apply2(operator.add, right, connective='+')
    def __sub__(self, right) -> 'DRV':
        Handler for :code:`self - right`.

        Return a random variable which is the result of subtracting `right`
        from this variable. `right` can be either a constant or another DRV (in
        which case the result assumes that the two random variables are

        As with :meth:`apply()`, probabilities are added up wherever
        subtraction is many-to-one (for constant numbers it is one-to-one
        provided overflow does not occur).
        if isinstance(right, DRV):
            # So that we get the convolve optimisation
            tree = self._combine(self, right, '-')
            return (self + -right).replace_tree(tree)
            return self._apply2(operator.sub, right, connective='-')
    def __mul__(self, right):
        Handler for :code:`self * right`.

        Return a random variable which is the result of multiplying this
        variable with `right`. `right` can be either a constant or another DRV
        (in which case the result assumes that the two random variables are

        As with :meth:`apply()`, probabilities are added up in the case where
        multiplication is not one-to-one (for constant numbers other than zero
        it is one-to-one provided overflow and underflow do not occur).
        return self._apply2(operator.mul, right, connective='*')
    def __rmatmul__(self, left: int) -> 'DRV':
        Handler for :code:`left @ self`.

        Return a random variable which is the result of sampling this variable
        `left` times, and adding the results together.
        if not isinstance(left, int):
            return NotImplemented
        if left <= 0:
            raise ValueError(left)
        # Exponentiation by squaring. This isn't massively faster, but does
        # help a bit for hundreds of dice.
        result = None
        so_far = self
        original = left
        while True:
            if left % 2 == 1:
                if result is None:
                    result = so_far
                    result += so_far
            left //= 2
            if left == 0:
            so_far += so_far
        # left was non-zero, so result cannot still be None
        result = cast(DRV, result)
        return result.replace_tree(self._combine(original, self, '@'))
    def __matmul__(self, right: 'DRV') -> 'DRV':
        Handler for :code:`self @ right`.

        Return a random variable which is the result of sampling this variable
        once, then adding together that many samples of `right`.

        All possible values of this variable must be of type :obj:`int`.
        if not isinstance(right, DRV):
            return NotImplemented
        if not all(isinstance(value, int) for value in self.__dist):
            raise TypeError('require integers on LHS of @')
        def iter_drvs():
            so_far = min(self.__dist) @ right
            for num_dice in range(min(self.__dist), max(self.__dist) + 1):
                if num_dice in self.__dist:
                    yield so_far, self.__dist[num_dice]
                so_far += right
        return DRV.weighted_average(
            tree=self._combine(self, right, '@'),
    def __truediv__(self, right) -> 'DRV':
        Handler for :code:`self / right`.

        Return a random variable which is the result of floor-dividing this
        variable by `right`. `right` can be either a constant or another DRV
        (in which case the result assumes that the two random variables are

        As with :meth:`apply()`, probabilities are added up wherever division
        is many-to-one (for constant numbers other than zero it is one-to-one
        provided overflow and underflow do not occur).

        0 must not be a possible value of `right` (even with probability 0).
        return self._apply2(operator.truediv, right, connective='/')
    def __floordiv__(self, right) -> 'DRV':
        Handler for :code:`self // right`.

        Return a random variable which is the result of dividing this
        variable by `right`. `right` can be either a constant or another DRV
        (in which case the result assumes that the two random variables are

        As with :meth:`apply()`, probabilities are added up wherever floor
        division is many-to-one (for numbers it is mostly many-to-one, for
        example :code:`2 // 2 == 1 == 3 // 2`).

        0 must not be a possible value of `right` (even with probability 0).
        return self._apply2(operator.floordiv, right, connective='//')
    def __neg__(self) -> 'DRV':
        Handler for :code:`-self`.

        Return a random variable which is the result of negating the values of
        this variable.

        As with :meth:`apply()`, probabilities are added up wherever negation
        is many-to-one (for numbers it is one-to-one).
        return self.apply(operator.neg, tree=self._combine(self, '-'))
    def __eq__(self, right) -> 'DRV':  # type: ignore[override]
        Handler for :code:`self == right`.

        Return a random variable which takes value :obj:`True` where `self` is
        equal to `right`, and :obj:`False` otherwise. `right` can be either a
        constant or another DRV (in which case the result assumes that the two
        random variables are independent).

        If either :obj:`True` or :obj:`False` cannot happen then the result
        has only one possible value, with probability 1. There is no possible
        value with probability 0.
        if isinstance(right, DRV):
            small, big = sorted([self, right], key=lambda x: len(x.__dist))
            prob = sum(
                prob * big.__dist.get(val, 0)
                for val, prob in small._items()
            prob = self.__dist.get(right)
        if not prob:
            return DRV({False: 1})
        if prob >= 1.0:
            return DRV({True: 1})
        return DRV(
            {False: 1 - prob, True: prob},
            tree=self._combine(self, right, '=='),
    def __ne__(self, right: 'DRV') -> 'DRV':  # type: ignore[override]
        Handler for :code:`self != right`.

        Return a random variable which takes value :obj:`True` where `self` is
        not equal to `right`, and :obj:`False` otherwise. `right` can be either
        a constant or another DRV (in which case the result assumes that the
        two random variables are independent).

        If either :obj:`True` or :obj:`False` cannot happen then the result
        has only one possible value, with probability 1. There is no possible
        value with probability 0.
        return (
            (self == right)
            .replace_tree(self._combine(self, right, '!='))
    def __bool__(self):
        # Prevent DRVs being truthy, and hence "3 in [DRV({2: 1})]" is true.
        raise ValueError('The truth value of a random variable is ambiguous')
    def __le__(self, right) -> 'DRV':
        Handler for :code:`self <= right`.

        Return a random variable which takes value :obj:`True` where `self` is
        less than or equal to `right`, and :obj:`False` otherwise. `right` can
        be either a constant or another DRV (in which case the result assumes
        that the two random variables are independent).

        If either :obj:`True` or :obj:`False` cannot happen then the result
        has only one possible value, with probability 1. There is no possible
        value with probability 0.
        return self._apply2(operator.le, right, connective='<=')
    def __lt__(self, right) -> 'DRV':
        Handler for :code:`self < right`.

        Return a random variable which takes value :obj:`True` where `self` is
        less than `right`, and :obj:`False` otherwise. `right` can be either a
        constant or another DRV (in which case the result assumes that the two
        random variables are independent).

        If either :obj:`True` or :obj:`False` cannot happen then the result
        has only one possible value, with probability 1. There is no possible
        value with probability 0.
        return self._apply2(, right, connective='<')
    def __ge__(self, right) -> 'DRV':
        Handler for :code:`self >= right`.

        Return a random variable which takes value :obj:`True` where `self` is
        greater than or equal to `right`, and :obj:`False` otherwise. `right`
        can be either a constant or another DRV (in which case the result
        assumes that the two random variables are independent).

        If either :obj:`True` or :obj:`False` cannot happen then the result
        has only one possible value, with probability 1. There is no possible
        value with probability 0.
        return self._apply2(, right, connective='>=')
    def __gt__(self, right) -> 'DRV':
        Handler for :code:`self > right`.

        Return a random variable which takes value :obj:`True` where `self` is
        greater than `right`, and :obj:`False` otherwise. `right` can be either
        a constant or another DRV (in which case the result assumes that the
        two random variables are independent).

        If either :obj:`True` or :obj:`False` cannot happen then the result
        has only one possible value, with probability 1. There is no possible
        value with probability 0.
        return self._apply2(, right, connective='>')
    def explode(self, rerolls: int = 50) -> 'DRV':
        Return a new DRV distributed according to the rules of an "exploding
        die". This means, first roll the die (sample this DRV). If the result
        is not the maximum possible, then keep it. If it is the maximum, then
        roll again and add the new result to the original.

        Because DRV represents only finitely-many possible values, whereas the
        process of rerolling can (with minuscule probability) carry on
        indefinitely, this method imposes an arbitary limit to the number of

        :param rerolls: The maximum number of rerolls. Set this to 1 for a die
          that can only "explode" once, not indefinitely.
        reroll_value = max(self.__dist.keys())
        reroll_prob = self.__dist[reroll_value]
        each_die = self.to_dict()
        def iter_pairs():
            for idx in range(rerolls + 1):
                for value, prob in each_die.items():
                    value += reroll_value * idx
                    prob *= reroll_prob ** idx
                    yield (value, prob)
            yield (reroll_value * (idx + 1), reroll_prob ** (idx + 1))
        postfix = '.explode()' if rerolls == 50 else f'.explode({rerolls!r})'
        return self._reduced(iter_pairs(), tree=self._combine_post(postfix))
    def apply(
        func: Callable[[Any], Any],
        tree: ExpressionTree = None,
        allow_drv: bool = False,
    ) -> 'DRV':
        Apply a unary function to the values produced by this DRV. If `func` is
        an injective (one-to-one) function, then the probabilities are
        unchanged. If `func` is many-to-one, then the probabilities are added

        :param func: Function to map the values. Each value `x` is replaced by
        :param tree: the expression from which this object was defined. If
          ``None``, the result DRV is represented by listing out all the values
          and probabilities.
        :param allow_drv: If True, then when `func` returns a DRV, the possible
          values of that DRV are each included in the returned DRV. Recall that
          a DRV cannot be a possible value of the returned DRV, because it is
          not hashable. So, without this option `func` cannot return a DRV.

        .. versionchanged:: 1.1
            Added ``allow_drv`` option.
        return DRV._reduced(self._items(), func, tree=tree, drv=allow_drv)
    def _apply2(self, func, right, connective=None) -> 'DRV':
        """Apply a binary function, with the values of this DRV on the left."""
        expr_tree = self._combine(self, right, connective)
        if isinstance(right, DRV):
            return self._cross_reduce(func, right, tree=expr_tree)
        return self.apply(lambda x: func(x, right), tree=expr_tree)
    def _cross_reduce(self, func, right, tree=None) -> 'DRV':
        Take the cross product of self and right, then reduce by applying func.
        return DRV._reduced(
            lambda value: func(*value),
    def _iter_cross(self, right):
        Take the cross product of self and right, with probabilities assuming
        that the two are independent variables.

        Note that the cross product of an object with itself represents the
        results of sampling it twice, *not* just the pairs (x, x) for each
        possible value!
        for (lvalue, lprob) in self._items():
            for (rvalue, rprob) in right._items():
                yield ((lvalue, rvalue), lprob * rprob)
    def _reduced(iterable, func=lambda x: x, tree=None, drv=False) -> 'DRV':
        distribution: dict = collections.defaultdict(int)
        if not drv:
            # Optimisation does make a difference to e.g. test_convolve
            for value, prob in iterable:
                distribution[func(value)] += prob
            for value, prob in iterable:
                transformed = func(value)
                if isinstance(transformed, DRV):
                    for value2, prob2 in transformed._weighted_items(prob):
                        distribution[value2] += prob2
                    distribution[transformed] += prob
        return DRV(distribution, tree=tree)
    def weighted_average(
        iterable: Iterable[Tuple['DRV', 'Probability']],
        tree: ExpressionTree = None,
    ) -> 'DRV':
        Compute a weighted average of DRVs, each with its own probability.

        This is for when you have a set of mutually-exclusive events which can
        happen, and then the final outcome occurs with a different known
        distribution according to which of those events occurs. For example,
        this function is used to implement the ``@`` operator when the
        left-hand-side is a DRV. The first roll determines what the second roll
        will be.

        The DRVs that are averaged together do not need to be disjoint (that
        is, they can have overlapping possible values). Whenever multiple
        events lead to the same final outcome, the probabilities are combined:

        :param iterable: Pairs, each containing a DRV and the probability of
          that DRV being the one selected. The probabilities should add to 1,
          but this is not enforced.
        :param tree: the expression from which this object was defined. If
          ``None``, the result DRV is represented by listing out all the values
          and probabilities.

        .. versionadded:: 1.1
        def iter_pairs():
            for drv, weight in iterable:
                yield from drv._weighted_items(weight)
        return DRV._reduced(iter_pairs(), tree=tree)
    def _weighted_items(self, weight, pred=lambda x: True):
        for value, prob in self.__dist.items():
            if pred(value):
                yield value, prob * weight
    def given(self, predicate: Callable[[Any], bool]) -> 'DRV':
        Return the conditional probability distribution of this DRV, restricted
        to the possible values for which `predicate` is true.

        For example, :code:`drv.given(lambda x: True)` is the same distribution
        as :code:`drv`, and the following are equivalent to each other::

            d6.given(lambda x: bool(x % 2))
            DRV({1: Fraction(1, 3), 3: Fraction(1, 3), 5: Fraction(1, 3)})

        If `x` is a DRV, and `A` and `B` are predicates, then the conditional
        probability of `A` given `B`, written in probability theory as
        ``p(A(x) | B(x))``, can be computed as :code:`p(x.given(B).apply(A)))`.

        :param predicate: Called with possible values of `self`, and must
          return :obj:`bool` (not just truthy).
        :raises ZeroDivisionError: if the probability of `predicate` being
          true is 0.

        .. versionadded:: 1.1
        total = p(self.apply(predicate))
        if total == 0:
            # Would be raised anyway, but nicer error message
            raise ZeroDivisionError('predicate is True with probability 0')
        return DRV(self._weighted_items(1 / total, predicate))
    def _combine(*args):
        Helper for combining two expressions into a combined expression.
        for arg in args:
            if isinstance(arg, DRV) and arg.__expr_tree is None:
                return None
        def unpack(subexpr):
            if isinstance(subexpr, DRV):
                return subexpr.__expr_tree
            return Atom(repr(subexpr))
        if len(args) == 2:
            # Unary expression
            subexpr, connective = args
            return UnaryExpression(unpack(subexpr), connective)
        # Binary expression
        left, right, connective = args
        return BinaryExpression(unpack(left), unpack(right), connective)
    def _combine_post(self, postfix):
        if self.__expr_tree is None:
            return None
        return AttrExpression(self.__expr_tree, postfix)
class MessagePassing(torch.nn.Module):
    r"""Base class for creating message passing layers

    .. math::
        \mathbf{x}_i^{\prime} = \gamma_{\mathbf{\Theta}} \left( \mathbf{x}_i,
        \square_{j \in \mathcal{N}(i)} \, \phi_{\mathbf{\Theta}}
        \left(\mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{x}_j,\mathbf{e}_{i,j}\right) \right),

    where :math:`\square` denotes a differentiable, permutation invariant
    function, *e.g.*, sum, mean or max, and :math:`\gamma_{\mathbf{\Theta}}`
    and :math:`\phi_{\mathbf{\Theta}}` denote differentiable functions such as
    See `here <
    create_gnn.html>`__ for the accompanying tutorial.

        aggr (string, optional): The aggregation scheme to use
            (:obj:`"add"`, :obj:`"mean"` or :obj:`"max"`).
            (default: :obj:`"add"`)
        flow (string, optional): The flow direction of message passing
            (:obj:`"source_to_target"` or :obj:`"target_to_source"`).
            (default: :obj:`"source_to_target"`)
        node_dim (int, optional): The axis along which to propagate.
            (default: :obj:`0`)
    def __init__(self, aggr='add', flow='source_to_target', node_dim=0):
        super(MessagePassing, self).__init__()

        self.aggr = aggr
        assert self.aggr in ['add', 'mean', 'max']

        self.flow = flow
        assert self.flow in ['source_to_target', 'target_to_source']

        self.node_dim = node_dim
        assert self.node_dim >= 0

        self.__msg_params__ = inspect.signature(self.message).parameters

        self.__aggr_params__ = inspect.signature(self.aggregate).parameters
        self.__aggr_params__ = OrderedDict(self.__aggr_params__)
        self.__aggr_params__ = MappingProxyType(self.__aggr_params__)

        self.__update_params__ = inspect.signature(self.update).parameters
        self.__update_params__ = OrderedDict(self.__update_params__)
        self.__update_params__ = MappingProxyType(self.__update_params__)

        msg_args = set(self.__msg_params__.keys()) - msg_special_args
        aggr_args = set(self.__aggr_params__.keys()) - aggr_special_args
        update_args = set(self.__update_params__.keys()) - update_special_args

        self.__args__ = set().union(msg_args, aggr_args, update_args)

    def __set_size__(self, size, index, tensor):
        if not torch.is_tensor(tensor):
        elif size[index] is None:
            size[index] = tensor.size(self.node_dim)
        elif size[index] != tensor.size(self.node_dim):
            raise ValueError(
                (f'Encountered node tensor with size '
                 f'{tensor.size(self.node_dim)} in dimension {self.node_dim}, '
                 f'but expected size {size[index]}.'))

    def __collect__(self, edge_index, size, kwargs):
        i, j = (0, 1) if self.flow == "target_to_source" else (1, 0)
        ij = {"_i": i, "_j": j}

        out = {}
        for arg in self.__args__:
            if arg[-2:] not in ij.keys():
                out[arg] = kwargs.get(arg, inspect.Parameter.empty)
                idx = ij[arg[-2:]]
                data = kwargs.get(arg[:-2], inspect.Parameter.empty)

                if data is inspect.Parameter.empty:
                    out[arg] = data

                if isinstance(data, tuple) or isinstance(data, list):
                    assert len(data) == 2
                    self.__set_size__(size, 1 - idx, data[1 - idx])
                    data = data[idx]

                if not torch.is_tensor(data):
                    out[arg] = data

                self.__set_size__(size, idx, data)
                out[arg] = data.index_select(self.node_dim, edge_index[idx])

        size[0] = size[1] if size[0] is None else size[0]
        size[1] = size[0] if size[1] is None else size[1]

        # Add special message arguments.
        out['edge_index'] = edge_index
        out['edge_index_i'] = edge_index[i]
        out['edge_index_j'] = edge_index[j]
        out['size'] = size
        out['size_i'] = size[i]
        out['size_j'] = size[j]

        # Add special aggregate arguments.
        out['index'] = out['edge_index_i']
        out['dim_size'] = out['size_i']

        return out

    def __distribute__(self, params, kwargs):
        out = {}
        for key, param in params.items():
            data = kwargs[key]
            if data is inspect.Parameter.empty:
                if param.default is inspect.Parameter.empty:
                    raise TypeError(f'Required parameter {key} is empty.')
                data = param.default
            out[key] = data
        return out

    def propagate(self, edge_index, size=None, **kwargs):
        r"""The initial call to start propagating messages.

            edge_index (Tensor): The indices of a general (sparse) assignment
                matrix with shape :obj:`[N, M]` (can be directed or
            size (list or tuple, optional): The size :obj:`[N, M]` of the
                assignment matrix. If set to :obj:`None`, the size will be
                automatically inferred and assumed to be quadratic.
                (default: :obj:`None`)
            **kwargs: Any additional data which is needed to construct and
                aggregate messages, and to update node embeddings.

        size = [None, None] if size is None else size
        size = [size, size] if isinstance(size, int) else size
        size = size.tolist() if torch.is_tensor(size) else size
        size = list(size) if isinstance(size, tuple) else size
        assert isinstance(size, list)
        assert len(size) == 2

        kwargs = self.__collect__(edge_index, size, kwargs)

        msg_kwargs = self.__distribute__(self.__msg_params__, kwargs)
        out = self.message(**msg_kwargs)

        aggr_kwargs = self.__distribute__(self.__aggr_params__, kwargs)
        out = self.aggregate(out, **aggr_kwargs)

        update_kwargs = self.__distribute__(self.__update_params__, kwargs)
        out = self.update(out, **update_kwargs)

        return out

    def message(self, x_j):  # pragma: no cover
        r"""Constructs messages to node :math:`i` in analogy to
        :math:`\phi_{\mathbf{\Theta}}` for each edge in
        :math:`(j,i) \in \mathcal{E}` if :obj:`flow="source_to_target"` and
        :math:`(i,j) \in \mathcal{E}` if :obj:`flow="target_to_source"`.
        Can take any argument which was initially passed to :meth:`propagate`.
        In addition, tensors passed to :meth:`propagate` can be mapped to the
        respective nodes :math:`i` and :math:`j` by appending :obj:`_i` or
        :obj:`_j` to the variable name, *.e.g.* :obj:`x_i` and :obj:`x_j`.

        return x_j

    def aggregate(self, inputs, index, dim_size):  # pragma: no cover
        r"""Aggregates messages from neighbors as
        :math:`\square_{j \in \mathcal{N}(i)}`.

        By default, delegates call to scatter functions that support
        "add", "mean" and "max" operations specified in :meth:`__init__` by
        the :obj:`aggr` argument.

        return scatter_(self.aggr, inputs, index, self.node_dim, dim_size)

    def update(self, inputs):  # pragma: no cover
        r"""Updates node embeddings in analogy to
        :math:`\gamma_{\mathbf{\Theta}}` for each node
        :math:`i \in \mathcal{V}`.
        Takes in the output of aggregation as first argument and any argument
        which was initially passed to :meth:`propagate`.

        return inputs
Beispiel #5
>>> from types import MappingProxyType
>>> d = {1:'A'}
>>> d_proxy = MappingProxyType(d)
>>> d_proxy
mappingproxy({1: 'A'})
>>> d_proxy[1]
>>> d_proxy[2] = 'x'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File '<stdin>', line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'mappingproxy' object does not support item assignment
>>> d[2] = 'B'
>>> d_proxy
mappingproxy({1: 'A', 2: 'B'})
>>> d_proxy[2]

from types import MappingProxyType

origin_dict = {"a": 100, "b": 200}
use_dict = MappingProxyType(origin_dict)
Beispiel #6

    'all': MODULES,
    'orc8r': ('orc8r'),
    'fwa': ('orc8r', 'lte'),
    'ffwa': ('orc8r', 'lte', 'feg'),
    'cwf': ('orc8r', 'lte', 'feg', 'cwf'),


    # For now, logging is left out of the build because the fluentd daemonset
    # and forwarder pod shouldn't change very frequently - we can build and
    # push locally when they need to be updated.
    # We can integrate this into the CI pipeline if/when we see the need for it
    # 'docker-compose.logging.yml',

MagmaModule = namedtuple('MagmaModule', ['name', 'host_path'])

def main() -> None:
class ProjectVersions():

    read in a project and have all permutations of that project in an object
    We can lazily evaluate each version

    >>> from contextlib import contextmanager
    >>> @contextmanager
    ... def testfiles():
    ...     import os
    ...     import tempfile
    ...     td = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
    ...     filenames = set()
    ...     def write_file(filename, data):
    ...         filename = os.path.join(, filename)
    ...         with open(filename, 'wt') as filehandle:
    ...            _ = filehandle.write(data)
    ...         filenames.add(filename)
    ...     write_file('', '''
    ... print('Hello World')
    ... ''')
    ...     write_file('test.js', '''
    ... console.log("Hello World")
    ... ''')
    ...     write_file('', '''
    ... public class Test {
    ...     public Test() {
    ...         System.out.println("Hello World");
    ...     }
    ...     public static void main(String[] args) {new Test();}
    ... }
    ... ''')
    ...     write_file('test.ver', '''
    ... VERNAME: base           base
    ... ''')
    ...     yield filenames
    ...     td.cleanup()

    >>> with testfiles() as filenames:
    ...     p = ProjectVersions(filenames)

    >>> p.versions['base']

    def __init__(self, filenames):
        self.files = MappingProxyType({
            for f in map(Path, filenames)
        })  # generate cache on object creation

    def langauges(self):
        return frozenset(self.files.keys()) - frozenset({'ver', 'yaml', 'yml', 'txt', 'md'})

    def versions(self):
        Parse versions from .ver or .yaml file
        file_exts = set(self.files.keys())
        if {'yaml', 'yml'} & file_exts:
            raise NotImplementedError('yaml version file format not implemented')
        if {'ver',} & file_exts:
            return parse_legacy_version_data(self.files['ver'])
        raise Exception()

    def langauge(self, language):
        return MappingProxyType({
            ver_name: '\n'.join(make_ver(io.StringIO(self.files[language]), ver_path=ver_path, lang=language, process_additional_metafiles=False))
            for ver_name, ver_path in self.versions.items()

    def data(self):
        return MappingProxyType({l: self.langauge(l) for l in self.langauges})
from types import MappingProxyType

d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
mp = MappingProxyType(d)

# Read-only

print(mp.get('c', 'not found'))

# Immutable
# del mp['a']  # TypeError
# mp['a'] = 100  # TypeError

# Mutate the original dictionary
d['a'] = 100
d['c'] = 'new item'
del d['b']

print(mp)  # Reflect the changes in original dictionary
Beispiel #9
    }, )
#: file extensions that can be proceed by BotX API.

class NamedAsyncIterable(AsyncIterable):
    """AsyncIterable with `name` protocol."""

    name: str

class File(BotXBaseModel):  # noqa: WPS214
    """Object that represents file in RFC 2397 format."""

    #: name of file.
    file_name: str

    #: file content in RFC 2397 format.
Beispiel #10
class Composition:
    Defines a composition of a compound.

    To create a composition, use the class methods:

        - :meth:`from_pure`
        - :meth:`from_formula`
        - :meth:`from_mass_fractions`
        - :meth:`from_atomic_fractions`

    Use the following attributes to access the composition values:

        - :attr:`mass_fractions`: :class:`dict` where the keys are atomic numbers and the values weight fractions.
        - :attr:`atomic_fractions`: :class:`dict` where the keys are atomic numbers and the values atomic fractions.
        - :attr:`formula`: chemical formula

    The composition object is immutable, i.e. it cannot be modified once created.
    Equality can be checked.
    It is hashable.
    It can be pickled or copied.

    _key = object()
    PRECISION = 0.000000001 # 1ppb

    def __init__(self, key, mass_fractions, atomic_fractions, formula):
        Private constructor. It should never be used.
        if key != Composition._key:
            raise TypeError('Composition cannot be created using constructor')
        if set(mass_fractions.keys()) != set(atomic_fractions.keys()):
            raise ValueError('Mass and atomic fractions must have the same elements')

        self.mass_fractions = MappingProxyType(mass_fractions)
        self.atomic_fractions = MappingProxyType(atomic_fractions)
        self._formula = formula

    def from_pure(cls, z):
        Creates a pure composition.

            z (int): atomic number
        return cls(cls._key, {z: 1.0}, {z: 1.0}, pyxray.element_symbol(z))

    def from_formula(cls, formula):
        Creates a composition from a chemical formula.

            formula (str): chemical formula
        atomic_fractions = convert_formula_to_atomic_fractions(formula)
        return cls.from_atomic_fractions(atomic_fractions)

    def from_mass_fractions(cls, mass_fractions, formula=None):
        Creates a composition from a mass fraction :class:`dict`.

            mass_fractions (dict): mass fraction :class:`dict`.
                The keys are atomic numbers and the values weight fractions.
                Wildcard are accepted, e.g. ``{5: '?', 25: 0.4}`` where boron
                will get a mass fraction of 0.6.
            formula (str): optional chemical formula for the composition.
                If ``None``, a formula will be generated for the composition.
        mass_fractions = process_wildcard(mass_fractions)
        atomic_fractions = convert_mass_to_atomic_fractions(mass_fractions)
        if not formula:
            formula = generate_name(atomic_fractions)
        return cls(cls._key, mass_fractions, atomic_fractions, formula)

    def from_atomic_fractions(cls, atomic_fractions, formula=None):
        Creates a composition from an atomic fraction :class:`dict`.

            atomic_fractions (dict): atomic fraction :class:`dict`.
                The keys are atomic numbers and the values atomic fractions.
                Wildcard are accepted, e.g. ``{5: '?', 25: 0.4}`` where boron
                will get a atomic fraction of 0.6.
            formula (str): optional chemical formula for the composition.
                If ``None``, a formula will be generated for the composition.
        atomic_fractions = process_wildcard(atomic_fractions)
        mass_fractions = convert_atomic_to_mass_fractions(atomic_fractions)
        if not formula:
            formula = generate_name(atomic_fractions)
        return cls(cls._key, mass_fractions, atomic_fractions, formula)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.mass_fractions)

    def __contains__(self, z):
        return z in self.mass_fractions

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.mass_fractions.keys())

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<{}({})>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.inner_repr())

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            return False

        if len(self) != len(other):
            return False

        for z in self.mass_fractions:
            if z not in other.mass_fractions:
                return False

            fraction = self.mass_fractions[z]
            other_fraction = other.mass_fractions[z]

            if not math.isclose(fraction, other_fraction, abs_tol=self.PRECISION):
                return False

        return True

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other

    def __hash__(self):
        out = []
        for z in sorted(self.mass_fractions):
            out.append(int(self.mass_fractions[z] / self.PRECISION))

        return hash(tuple(out))

    def __getstate__(self):
        return {'mass_fractions': dict(self.mass_fractions),
                'atomic_fractions': dict(self.atomic_fractions),
                'formula': self.formula}

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        self.mass_fractions = MappingProxyType(state.get('mass_fractions', {}))
        self.atomic_fractions = MappingProxyType(state.get('atomic_fractions', {}))
        self._formula = state.get('formula', '')

    def is_normalized(self):
        return math.isclose(sum(self.mass_fractions.values()), 1.0, abs_tol=self.PRECISION)

    def inner_repr(self):
        return ', '.join('{}: {:.4f}'.format(pyxray.element_symbol(z), mass_fraction) for z, mass_fraction in self.mass_fractions.items())

    def formula(self):
        return self._formula
Beispiel #11
    LIST = 2

        (WithStrRenderingType.STRING, ValueType.STRING),
        (WithStrRenderingType.PATH, ValueType.PATH),
        (WithStrRenderingType.LIST, ValueType.LIST),

        (item[1], item[0])
        for item in W_STR_RENDERING_TYPE_2_VALUE_TYPE.items()

def sorted_types(values: Iterable[ValueType]) -> Tuple[ValueType, ...]:
    return tuple(

def _value_type_sorting_key(x: ValueType) -> int:
    return x.value

Beispiel #12
class Composition:
    Defines a composition of a compound.

    To create a composition, use the class methods:

        - :meth:`from_pure`
        - :meth:`from_formula`
        - :meth:`from_mass_fractions`
        - :meth:`from_atomic_fractions`

    Use the following attributes to access the composition values:

        - :attr:`mass_fractions`: :class:`dict` where the keys are atomic numbers and the values weight fractions.
        - :attr:`atomic_fractions`: :class:`dict` where the keys are atomic numbers and the values atomic fractions.
        - :attr:`formula`: chemical formula

    The composition object is immutable, i.e. it cannot be modified once created.
    Equality can be checked.
    It is hashable.
    It can be pickled or copied.

    _key = object()
    PRECISION = 0.000000001  # 1ppb

    def __init__(self, key, mass_fractions, atomic_fractions, formula):
        Private constructor. It should never be used.
        if key != Composition._key:
            raise TypeError("Composition cannot be created using constructor")
        if set(mass_fractions.keys()) != set(atomic_fractions.keys()):
            raise ValueError(
                "Mass and atomic fractions must have the same elements")

        self.mass_fractions = MappingProxyType(mass_fractions)
        self.atomic_fractions = MappingProxyType(atomic_fractions)
        self._formula = formula

    def from_pure(cls, z):
        Creates a pure composition.

            z (int): atomic number
        return cls(cls._key, {z: 1.0}, {z: 1.0}, pyxray.element_symbol(z))

    def from_formula(cls, formula):
        Creates a composition from a chemical formula.

            formula (str): chemical formula
        atomic_fractions = convert_formula_to_atomic_fractions(formula)
        return cls.from_atomic_fractions(atomic_fractions)

    def from_mass_fractions(cls, mass_fractions, formula=None):
        Creates a composition from a mass fraction :class:`dict`.

            mass_fractions (dict): mass fraction :class:`dict`.
                The keys are atomic numbers and the values weight fractions.
                Wildcard are accepted, e.g. ``{5: '?', 25: 0.4}`` where boron
                will get a mass fraction of 0.6.
            formula (str): optional chemical formula for the composition.
                If ``None``, a formula will be generated for the composition.
        mass_fractions = process_wildcard(mass_fractions)
        atomic_fractions = convert_mass_to_atomic_fractions(mass_fractions)
        if not formula:
            formula = generate_name(atomic_fractions)
        return cls(cls._key, mass_fractions, atomic_fractions, formula)

    def from_atomic_fractions(cls, atomic_fractions, formula=None):
        Creates a composition from an atomic fraction :class:`dict`.

            atomic_fractions (dict): atomic fraction :class:`dict`.
                The keys are atomic numbers and the values atomic fractions.
                Wildcard are accepted, e.g. ``{5: '?', 25: 0.4}`` where boron
                will get a atomic fraction of 0.6.
            formula (str): optional chemical formula for the composition.
                If ``None``, a formula will be generated for the composition.
        atomic_fractions = process_wildcard(atomic_fractions)
        mass_fractions = convert_atomic_to_mass_fractions(atomic_fractions)
        if not formula:
            formula = generate_name(atomic_fractions)
        return cls(cls._key, mass_fractions, atomic_fractions, formula)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.mass_fractions)

    def __contains__(self, z):
        return z in self.mass_fractions

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.mass_fractions.keys())

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<{}({})>".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.inner_repr())

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            return False

        if len(self) != len(other):
            return False

        for z in self.mass_fractions:
            if z not in other.mass_fractions:
                return False

            fraction = self.mass_fractions[z]
            other_fraction = other.mass_fractions[z]

            if not math.isclose(
                    fraction, other_fraction, abs_tol=self.PRECISION):
                return False

        return True

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other

    def __hash__(self):
        out = []
        for z in sorted(self.mass_fractions):
            out.append(int(self.mass_fractions[z] / self.PRECISION))

        return hash(tuple(out))

    def __getstate__(self):
        return {
            "mass_fractions": dict(self.mass_fractions),
            "atomic_fractions": dict(self.atomic_fractions),
            "formula": self.formula,

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        self.mass_fractions = MappingProxyType(state.get("mass_fractions", {}))
        self.atomic_fractions = MappingProxyType(
            state.get("atomic_fractions", {}))
        self._formula = state.get("formula", "")

    def is_normalized(self):
        return math.isclose(sum(self.mass_fractions.values()),

    def inner_repr(self):
        return ", ".join(
            "{}: {:.4f}".format(pyxray.element_symbol(z), mass_fraction)
            for z, mass_fraction in self.mass_fractions.items())

    def formula(self):
        return self._formula