def take_item(self, obj):
        """ This method allows the Player to remove items from their current location and adds them into their
        inventory """
        """ It will take the dictionary key of the item from the Player's location items attribute,
         then it will remove it from the Room object and add it to Players bag attribute."""

        if obj in self.location.items:  # Testing if "item" key exist in the dictionary

            if obj in self.bag:  # Testing if the "item" key already exist in the Players bag attribute
                typewriter.typing(f"=>{obj} already in bag", 0.035)

            # If the "item" key does'nt exist in the Players bag attribute
            elif len(
            ) < self.BAG_CAP:  # Testing if Player has reached bag capacity

                self.bag[obj] = self.location.items[
                    obj]  # Appending object to Player's bag attribute, with relevant key
                del self.location.items[
                    obj]  # Removing object from Player's current location

                typewriter.typing(f"=>{obj} is packed in the bag", 0.035)

            else:  # If bag is full
                typewriter.typing(f"=>Bag is full", 0.035)
                    "=>Use the \"throw {item name}\" to make space", 0.035)

        else:  # If the "item" key is not found
            typewriter.typing(f"=>{obj} not in {}", 0.035)
    def talk(self, npc):
        """ Uses 'npc' as key to access the people attribute of Player's location"""

        if npc in self.location.people:  # Testing key exits

            # Accessing the conversation method of the NPC object in people attribute of Player's location

        else:  # If key doesn't exist
            typewriter.typing(f"=>{npc} is not in the room")
    def conversation(self):
        """ Select at random a text from the list of the NPC's text_opt attribute and prints it out"""

        selector = random(0,
                          len(self.text_opt) -
                          1)  # Creating the random selector

        reply = self.text_opt[
            selector]  # Using the selector to pick text from NPC's text_opt attribute
        typewriter.typing(reply, 0.1)
    def examine_item(self, item):
        """ Using 'item' as the key to the item in the Player's bag attribute, it will access that items full_desc
            method """

        if item in self.bag:  # Testing if the key exist

            # Accessing the full description method of the item object

        else:  # If the key is not found
            typewriter.typing(f"={item} not in bag", 0.035)
    def show_move(self, move):
        """ Using 'move' as the key to the fighting move object in the Player's fighting_moves attribute,
            it will access the fighting_move's full_desc method """

        if not (move in self.fight_moves):  # Testing if key exists
            typewriter.typing(f"=>{} doesnt know this move", 0.035)

        else:  # If key exist

            )  # Accessing the full description method of the fight_move object
Beispiel #6
    def _battle_math(self, player, enemy, player_move):
        """ Displays the effects of the the Players fight_move and displays the effects"""

        # ==>>Player's move affects Enemy first
        if player_move in player.fight_moves:  # testing if the key to Player object's fight_moves is valid

            fight_move = player.fight_moves[
                player_move]  # Getting the fight_move object Player object

                "\n>>" + "--" * 7 + f"{}" + "--" * 7 + "<<", 0.035)
            index = len(fight_move.atck_desc
                        )  # Getting len of attack descriptions list

            text = fight_move.atck_desc[random(
                0, index - 1)]  # Getting the attack description
            typewriter.typing(f"==>>{text} \n",
                              0.035)  # displaying the attack description

                player, enemy,
                player_move)  # calculates the effects of the move

            # testing if enemy is dead
            if enemy.hp < 1:

        else:  # If key does'nt exist
                f"=>{} does not know how to {player_move}")
            return 0
        # ===============================================================================================

        # enemy's turn to fight
        move_keys = list(enemy.fight_moves)  # length of enemy's fight_moves
        enemy_move = move_keys[random(
            len(move_keys) - 1)]  # random pick of enemy move from their list

        fight_move = enemy.fight_moves[
            enemy_move]  # Getting the fight_move object of Enemy object

            "\n>>" + "--" * 7 + f"{}" + "--" * 7 + "<<", 0.030)
        index = len(
            fight_move.atck_desc)  # Getting len of attack descriptions list

        text = fight_move.atck_desc[random(
            0, index - 1)]  # Getting the attack description
        typewriter.typing(f"==>>{text} \n",
                          0.090)  # displaying the attack description

        self._damage_effect(enemy, player,
                            enemy_move)  # calculates the effects of the move
    def throw(self, item):
        """ Uses the 'item' as a key to access the Item object in the Player's bag attribute, the item is removed from
            the bag attribute and is appended into the items dictionary of the Players current location """

        if item in self.bag:  # Testing if key exist

            self.location.items[item] = self.bag[
                item]  # Appending the item to the items dictionary attribute
            del self.bag[item]  # Removing the item from Players bag attribute
            typewriter.typing(f"=>{item} is thrown away", 0.035)

        else:  # if key doesn't exist
            typewriter.typing(f"=>{item} not in bag", 0.035)
    def eat(self, food):
        """ Uses 'food' as key to the Food object in the Players bag attribute """

        if food in self.bag:  # Testing if key exist

            if self.bag[
                    food].type == "Consumable":  # Testing if the item from Player's bag is "Consume" type

                if not (
                        self.hp == self._MAX_HP
                ):  # Test if Player's hp attribute is equal to the MAX_HP attribute
                    self.hp += self.bag[food].regen

                    if self.hp > self._MAX_HP:  # If Players hp attribute exceeds the MAX_HP attribute
                        self.hp = self._MAX_HP

                    typewriter.typing(f"=>Health +{self.bag[food].regen}",
                    del self.bag[
                        food]  # Removing the item from Player's bag Attribute

                else:  # If Players hp attribute is equal to the MAX_HP attribute
                    typewriter.typing(f"=>{} is full", 0.035)

            else:  # Item is not "Consumable" type
                typewriter.typing(f"=>{food} is not Consumable type", 0.035)

        else:  # If key does;nt exist
            typewriter.typing(f"=>{food} not in bag", 0.035)
Beispiel #9
    def _damage_effect(self, fighter, enemy, move):
        """ Calculates the values of the fight move used against an opponent"""

        damage = fighter.fight_moves[move].damage

        # defence affect
        if not (random(0, 1) == random(0, 1)) and enemy.defence != 0:
            damage -= enemy.defence  # Subtracting damage from defence value of opponent

            if damage < 1:  # If damage value results in a negative value
                damage = 1

            percent = self._percent_absorption(
                damage)  # Calculating percent absorbed
                f"=>{} blocked {percent}% of the attack")

        # subtracting enemy health by fighter damage
        enemy.hp -= damage
Beispiel #10
    def full_desc(self):
        """ This method will print out the useful info about the item"""

        # printing object description
        typewriter.typing(f"==>>{} description: {self.desc}<<== \n",

        # printing object type
        typewriter.typing(f"=>Type: {self.type}", 0.085)

        # printing fight style value
        typewriter.typing(f"=>Style target: {}", 0.085)

        # printing damage increase
        typewriter.typing(f"=>Damage: +{self.damage}", 0.085)
Beispiel #11
    def full_desc(self):
        """ This method will print out the useful info about the fight move"""

        # print the description of the move
        typewriter.typing(f"==>{} description: {self.desc}", 0.1)
        # print damage
        typewriter.typing(f"=>Damage: {self.damage}", 0.085)
        # print fighting style
        typewriter.typing(f"=>Style: {} \n", 0.085)
Beispiel #12
    def full_desc(self):
        """ This method will print out the useful info about the item"""

        # printing object description
        typewriter.typing(f"==>>{} description: {self.desc}<<== \n",

        # printing object type
        typewriter.typing(f"=>Type: {self.type}", 0.085)

        # printing regeneration value
        typewriter.typing(f"=>Regeneration: +{self.regen}", 0.085)
Beispiel #13
    def full_desc(self):
        """ This method will print out the useful info about the item"""

        # printing object description
        typewriter.typing(f"==>>{} description: {self.desc}", 0.035)

        # printing object type
        typewriter.typing(f"=>Type: {self.type} \n", 0.085)

        # printing the fighting moves
        typewriter.typing(f"=>The {} scroll reads: ")
        for moves in self.fight_moves:
    def search_inv(self):
        """Displays the dictionary of items in Player's bag attribute"""

        if len(
        ) < 1:  # Testing if there are items to display from the Player's bag attribute
            typewriter.typing(f"=>Bag is empty", 0.035)

        else:  # If the PLayer's bag attribute as items to display

            typewriter.typing(f"=>Items in bag:", 0.035)
            for item in self.bag:
                # Accessing the names of items from the Players bag attribute
                typewriter.typing(f"==>>{item}", 0.035)
    def enhance(self, enhancer):
        """ Uses 'enhancer' as key to the Enhancement object in the Player's bag attribute, it will increase the
            damage dealt of specific fight moves from Player's fighting_moves attribute"""

        if enhancer in self.bag:  # Testing if key exist

            if self.bag[
                    enhancer].type == "Improve":  # Testing if item is Improve" type

                executed = False  # Indicates that no fight move has been affected

                for fighting_move in self.fight_moves:  # Increase damage of relevant fighting move(s)

                    # Testing if fight move is the same style as the Enhancer object
                    if self.fight_moves[fighting_move].style == self.bag[
                        self.fight_moves[fighting_move].damage += self.bag[
                        executed = True

                # testing if  a move has been improved
                if not executed:
                        f"=>No battle move is {self.bag[enhancer].style} style",

                else:  # If a fight move has been improved

                        f"=>{self.bag[enhancer].style} style fighting moves increased damage by +{self.bag[enhancer].damage}",
                    del self.bag[enhancer]  # removing the enhancer from bag

            else:  # If item is not "Improve type"
                typewriter.typing(f"=>{enhancer} is not Improve type", 0.035)

        else:  # If key doesn't exist
            typewriter.typing(f"=>{enhancer} not in bag")
    def goto(self, new_location):
        """ Ues 'new_location' key to access the location from near_room attribute of Players current location """

        if new_location ==  # Testing if Player's location attribute is the same as new_location
            typewriter.typing(f"=>Already in {new_location}", 0.035)

        # testing if new_location is in the near_rooms attribute of Player's location attribute
        elif not (new_location in self.location.near_rooms):

            # If new_location is not in the near_rooms attribute of Player's location
                f"=>{new_location} is far from {}", 0.035)

        else:  # If new_location is in the near_rooms attribute of Player's location

            self.location = self.location.near_rooms[
                new_location]  # Changing value of Player's location attribute
            typewriter.typing(f"=>You have entered {new_location}", 0.035)
    def equip(self, armor):
        """ Uses 'armor' as key to the Armor object in Player's bag attribute, and replaces the Player's defence
            value with Armor object's defence value"""

        if armor in self.bag:  # Testing if key exist

            if self.bag[
                    armor].type == "Armor":  # Testing if item is "Armor" type

                self.defence = self.bag[
                    armor].defence  # changing players defence value
                typewriter.typing(f"=>{armor} is equipped", 0.085)

                del self.bag[armor]  # removing Armor object from bag

            else:  # If item is not "Armor" type
                typewriter.typing(f"=>{armor} is not Armor type")

        else:  # If key does'nt exist
            typewriter.typing(f"=>{armor} not in bag")
    def learn(self, scroll):
        """ Uses 'scroll' as key to access the Scroll object from Player's bag attribute and replaces Player's
            fighting_moves dictionary attribute with the Scroll object's fighting_moves"""

        if scroll in self.bag:  # Testing if key exists

            if self.bag[
                    scroll].type == "Learn":  # Testing if item is "Learn" type

                # Replacing Player's fighting move attribute with Scroll objects's fighting move
                self.fight_moves = self.bag[scroll].fight_moves

                    f"=>{} has learnt the {scroll} scroll", 0.035)
                del self.bag[scroll]  # removing Scroll object from bag

            else:  # If item is not "Learn" type
                typewriter.typing(f"=>{scroll} is not Learn type", 0.035)

        else:  # If key does'nt exist
            typewriter.typing(f"=>{scroll} not in bag", 0.035)
 def my_story(self):  # Prints the Players back story
     typewriter.typing(self.backstory, 0.035)
    def look_around(self):  # Displays useful info about Player's location

        # Printing out the description of the Player's location
        typewriter.typing(self.location.desc, 0.035)

        # Displaying items in Player's location
        if len(self.location.items
               ) < 1:  # Testing if Player's location has Item instances
            typewriter.typing(f"=>{} is empty\n")

            # Display the items in the Player's location
            typewriter.typing(f"\n=>Item to take:")

            # Accessing the items using the dictionary keys from the Player's location items dictionary
            for item in self.location.items:
        # =============================

        # Displays the nearby Room exits in Player's location
        if len(
        ) < 1:  # Testing if Player's location has exits to other Room instances

            typewriter.typing(f"\n=>No room nearby")

            # Display the nearby Room instances
            typewriter.typing(f"\n=>Nearby rooms:")

            # Accessing the rooms using the dictionary keys from the near_room dictionary of Player's location
            for exits in self.location.near_rooms:
                    f"==>>{self.location.near_rooms[exits].name}", 0.035)
        # =============================

        # Display the NPC's in the Player's location
        if len(self.location.people
               ) < 1:  # Testing if the Player's location has NPCs

            typewriter.typing(f"\n=>Nobody in room")


            typewriter.typing(f"=>People to talk to:")

            # Accessing the NPCs using the dictionary keys from the people dictionary
            for person in self.location.people:
                    f"==>>Name: {self.location.people[person].name}", 0.035)
Beispiel #21
    def battle_loop(self, player, enemy, music_dir=None, start_pos=0.0):
        """  Takes Player and Enemy objects and a music directory that will play in the back ground"""

        # Playing background music
  , start_pos)

        except (TypeError, error):  # If music_dir is equal to "None"
        # =========================

        while True:

            # ==>Displaying Player object battle stats
            typewriter.typing(("==" * 20), 0.00085)
            typewriter.typing(f"=>{}'s condition:", 0.00005)
            typewriter.typing(f"=>Health: {player.hp}")
            typewriter.typing(f"=>Defence: {player.defence} \n", 0.00005)
            # ========================================

            # ==>Displaying Enemy object battle stats
            typewriter.typing(f"==>>{}'s condition:", 0.00005)
            typewriter.typing(f"=>Health: {enemy.hp}", 0.00005)
            typewriter.typing(f"=>Defence: {enemy.defence}", 0.00005)
            typewriter.typing(("==" * 20), 0.00085)
            # =======================================

            # ==>Collecting player input/command
            player_move = input("Command: ")
            # =================================

            # ==>Running input through CMD objects to collect relevant info
            for command in self.command_variant:

                test = command.breaker(player_move)
                if test:  # Testing if input matches any CMD object

                    try:  # For input that has more to extract
                        command_verb =  # Extracting the the player action/verb
                        arg1 ="arg1")  # Object of the verb

                    except IndexError:  # If verb is'nt paired with object

                        command_verb =

            else:  # If player_input doesnt have match
                typewriter.typing("!!>Action/verb is'nt understood<!!")
            # =====================================================

            # ==>effects of player command"

            if command_verb == "show_move":
                # if player wishes to display  their fighting move and its description

            elif command_verb == "battle_help":
                typewriter.typing(self.battle_help, 0.00005)

            elif command_verb == "stats":
                # display players stats , mainly to show them their fighting moves

            elif command_verb == "attack":
                # when player wishes use a move to fight enemy
                self._battle_math(player, enemy, arg1)

                # ==>ending if player or enemy is dead
                if player.hp <= 1:  # Testing if Player has 0 hp attribute

                    player.hp = 1  # setting player health to 1
                    typewriter.typing(f"=>{} has been defeated")
                    typewriter.typing("=>YOU LOSE!!!")
                    return 0

                elif enemy.hp <= 1:  # Testing if Enemy has 0 hp attribute
                    typewriter.typing(f"=>{} has been defeated")
                    typewriter.typing("=>YOU WIN!!!")
                    return 1
                # =====================================

            elif command_verb == "eat":
                # when player wants to increase their player

            else:  # If player inputs a command not related to battle_loop
                    f"!!>{command_verb} not a Battle scene action<!!")

        except (TypeError, error):
Beispiel #22
    def explore_loop(self, player, music_dir=None, start_pos=0.0):
        """ Take Player object and a music directory that will play in the back ground"""

        player.location = self.level_rooms  # Setting the Player object's initial location

        # Playing background music
  , start_pos)

        except (TypeError, error):  # If music_dir is equal to "None"
        # =========================

        while True:

            # ==>Collecting players input/command
            player_input = input("Command: ")
            # ================================

            # ==>Running input through CMD objects to collect relevant info
            for command in self.command_variant:

                test = command.breaker(player_input)
                if test:  # Testing if input matches any CMD object

                    try:  # For input that has more to extract
                        command_verb =  # Extracting the the player action/verb
                        arg1 ="arg1")  # Object of the verb

                    except IndexError:  # If verb isn't paired with object

                        command_verb =

            else:  # If player_input doesnt have match
                typewriter.typing("!!>Action/verb isn't understood<!!")
            # =====================================================

            # ==>effect of the players command
            if command_verb == "ex_help":
                typewriter.typing(self._explore_help, 0.0005)

            elif command_verb == "goto":
                # Change Player's location attribute

            elif command_verb == "look_around":
                # display players location description

            elif command_verb == "examine_item":
                # Displays item description

            elif command_verb == "throw":
                # Removing item from Player objects bag attribute

            elif command_verb == "talk":
                # Print conversation text of NPC

            elif command_verb == "take_item":
                # Removes item from Player object's location into bag attribute

            elif command_verb == "search_inv":
                # Displays Item objects that are in Player object's bag attribute

            elif command_verb == "stats":
                # Displays useful info about the Player object

            elif command_verb == "my_story":
                # Displays Player object's backstory attribute

            elif command_verb == "show_move":
                # Displays info about Player object's fight_move instance

            elif command_verb == "eat":
                # increase hp attribute of Player object

            elif command_verb == "learn":
                # Changes the fighting_moves attribute of Player object

            elif command_verb == "enhance":
                # increase the damage dealt of specific fight moves from Player's fighting_moves

            elif command_verb == "equip":
                # replaces the Player's defence value with Armor object's defence value

            elif command_verb == "proceed":

        #   Fade out of background music
        except (TypeError, error):
Beispiel #23
 def full_desc(self):
     typewriter.typing(f"==>>{} description: {self.desc}<<== \n",
    def stats(self):
        """ Displays certain Player attributes on the screen"""

        typewriter.typing(f"=>{}'s statistics:", 0.035)

        typewriter.typing(f"==>>Health: {self.hp}",
                          0.035)  # Displaying Player's current hp value

        typewriter.typing(f"==>>Defence: {self.defence}",
                          0.035)  # Displaying Player's current defence value

            typewriter.typing(f"==>>location: {}", 0.035)
        except AttributeError:  # If Player is not in a specific room

        typewriter.typing("\n=>Moves for battle:", 0.035)

        for moves in self.fight_moves:  # Displaying the Player's fighting moves
            typewriter.typing(f"==>>{moves}", 0.035)