Beispiel #1
    def _get_configuration(self, origin: Type, flags: SerdeFlags) -> SerdeConfig:
        if hasattr(origin, SERDE_FLAGS_ATTR):
            flags = getattr(origin, SERDE_FLAGS_ATTR)
        # Get all the annotated fields
        params = util.safe_get_params(origin)
        # This is probably a builtin and has no signature
        fields: Dict[str, Annotation] = {}
        hints = util.cached_type_hints(origin)
        for name, t in hints.items():
            fields[name] = self.annotation(
                flags=dataclasses.replace(flags, fields={}),
                default=getattr(origin, name, EMPTY),

        # Filter out any annotations which aren't part of the object's signature.
        if flags.signature_only:
            fields = {x: fields[x] for x in fields.keys() & params.keys()}
        # Create a field-to-field mapping
        fields_out = {x: x for x in fields}
        # Make sure to include any fields explicitly listed
        include = flags.fields
        if include:
            if isinstance(include, Mapping):
                fields_out.update({x: x for x in include})
        # Transform the output fields to the correct case.
            case = Case(
            fields_out = {x: case.transformer(y) for x, y in fields_out.items()}
    def get_fields(
            type: Type,
            as_source: bool = False
    ) -> Optional[Mapping[str, inspect.Parameter]]:
        """Get the fields for the given type.

        We want this to be the type's signature, we really do. But if for some reason we
        can't make that happen, we fallback to a few known, semi-reliable methods for
        making this happen.
        # Try first with the signature of the target if this is the target type
        params = safe_get_params(type)
        undefined = self.sig_is_undef(params)
        if not as_source and not undefined:
            return params
        # Now we start building a fake signature
        k: ParameterKind = inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD
        # **kwargs
        if self.kw_only(params):
            k = inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY
        # *args
        elif self.pos_only(params):
            k = inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY
        # Fetch any type hints and try to use those.
        hints = cached_type_hints(type)
        if hints:
            return self._fields_from_hints(k, hints)
        # Fallback to the target object's defined attributes
        # This will basically work for ORM models, Pydantic models...
        # Anything that defines the instance using the class body.
        attrs = cached_simple_attributes(type)
        if attrs:
            return self._fields_from_attrs(k, attrs)
        # Can't be done.
        return None if undefined else params
Beispiel #3
def _resolve_from_env(
    cls: Type[ObjectT],
    prefix: str,
    case_sensitive: bool,
    aliases: Mapping[str, str],
) -> Type[ObjectT]:
    fields = cached_type_hints(cls)
    vars = {
        (f"{prefix}{x}".lower() if not case_sensitive else f"{prefix}{x}"): (x, y)
        for x, y in fields.items()
    attr_to_aliases = collections.defaultdict(set)
    for alias, attr in aliases.items():

    sentinel = object()
    for name in vars:
        attr, typ = vars[name]
        names = attr_to_aliases[name]
        field = getattr(cls, attr, sentinel)
        if field is sentinel:
            field = dataclasses.field()
        elif not isinstance(field, dataclasses.Field):
            field = dataclasses.field(default=field)
        if field.default_factory != dataclasses.MISSING:

        kwargs = dict(var=name, ci=not case_sensitive)
        if field.default != dataclasses.MISSING:
            kwargs["default"] = field.default
            field.default = dataclasses.MISSING

        factory = environ.register(typ, *names, name=name)
        field.default_factory = functools.partial(factory, **kwargs)
        setattr(cls, attr, field)

    return cls
    def protocols(self, obj, *, strict: bool = False) -> SerdeProtocolsT:
        """Get a mapping of param/attr name -> :py:class:`SerdeProtocol`

            The class or callable object you wish to extract resolved annotations from.
            Whether to validate instead of coerce.

        >>> import typic
        >>> @typic.klass
        ... class Foo:
        ...     bar: str
        >>> protocols = typic.protocols(Foo)

        See Also

        if not any((inspect.ismethod(obj), inspect.isfunction(obj),
            obj = obj.__class__

        hints = util.cached_type_hints(obj)
        params = util.safe_get_params(obj)
        fields: Mapping[str, dataclasses.Field] = {}
        if dataclasses.is_dataclass(obj):
            fields = { f for f in dataclasses.fields(obj)}
        ann = {}
        for name in params.keys() | hints.keys():
            param = params.get(name)
            hint = hints.get(name)
            field = fields.get(name)
            annotation = hint or param.annotation  # type: ignore
            annotation = util.resolve_supertype(annotation)
            param = param or inspect.Parameter(
                annotation=hint or annotation,
            if repr(param.default) == "<factory>":
                param = param.replace(default=EMPTY)
            if checks.isclassvartype(annotation):
                val = getattr(obj, name)
                if annotation is ClassVar:
                    annotation = annotation[type(val)]
                default = val
                param = param.replace(default=default)
            if (field and field.default is not dataclasses.MISSING
                    and param.default is EMPTY):
                if field.init is False and util.origin(
                        annotation) is not ReadOnly:
                    annotation = ReadOnly[annotation]  # type: ignore
                param = param.replace(default=field.default)

            if not checks.ishashable(param.default):
                param = param.replace(default=...)

            resolved = self.resolve(
            ann[name] = resolved
            setattr(obj, TYPIC_ANNOS_NAME, ann)
        # We wrapped a bound method, or
        # are wrapping a static-/classmethod
        # after they were wrapped with @static/class
        except (AttributeError, TypeError):

        return ann
Beispiel #5
def _from_class(
    t: Type[VT], *, nullable: bool = False, name: str = None, cls: Type = None
) -> ConstraintsProtocolT[VT]:
    if not istypeddict(t) and not isnamedtuple(t) and isbuiltinsubtype(t):
        return cast(
            ConstraintsProtocolT, _from_strict_type(t, nullable=nullable, name=name)
        params: Dict[str, inspect.Parameter] = {**cached_signature(t).parameters}
        hints = cached_type_hints(t)
        for x in hints.keys() & params.keys():
            p = params[x]
            params[x] = inspect.Parameter(
      , p.kind, default=p.default, annotation=hints[x]
        for x in hints.keys() - params.keys():
            hint = hints[x]
            if not isclassvartype(hint):
            # Hack in the classvars as "parameters" to allow for validation.
            default = getattr(t, x, empty)
            args = get_args(hint)
            if not args:
                hint = ClassVar[default.__class__]  # type: ignore
            params[x] = inspect.Parameter(
                x, inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY, default=default, annotation=hint
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        return cast(
            ConstraintsProtocolT, _from_strict_type(t, nullable=nullable, name=name)
    name = name or get_name(t)
    items: Optional[frozendict.FrozenDict[Hashable, ConstraintsT]] = (
        frozendict.FrozenDict(_resolve_params(t, **params)) or None
    required = frozenset(
            for pname, p in params.items()
            if (
                p.kind not in {p.VAR_POSITIONAL, p.VAR_KEYWORD} and p.default is p.empty
    has_varargs = any(
        p.kind in {p.VAR_KEYWORD, p.VAR_POSITIONAL} for p in params.values()
    kwargs = {
        "type": t,
        "nullable": nullable,
        "name": name,
        "required_keys": required,
        "items": items,
        "total": not has_varargs,
    cls = ObjectConstraints
    if istypeddict(t):
        cls = TypedDictConstraints
        kwargs.update(type=dict, ttype=t, total=getattr(t, "__total__", bool(required)))
    c = cls(**kwargs)  # type: ignore
    return cast(ConstraintsProtocolT, c)