Beispiel #1
# for complete details.

import threading
import types
import typing
import warnings

import cryptography
from cryptography import utils
from cryptography.exceptions import InternalError
from cryptography.hazmat.bindings._openssl import ffi, lib
from cryptography.hazmat.bindings.openssl._conditional import CONDITIONAL_NAMES

_OpenSSLErrorWithText = typing.NamedTuple(
    [("code", int), ("lib", int), ("reason", int), ("reason_text", bytes)],

class _OpenSSLError:
    def __init__(self, code: int, lib: int, reason: int):
        self._code = code
        self._lib = lib
        self._reason = reason

    def _lib_reason_match(self, lib: int, reason: int) -> bool:
        return lib == self.lib and reason == self.reason

    def code(self) -> int:
        return self._code
Beispiel #2
    def testfunc(
        a: float
    ) -> ty.NamedTuple("Output", [("fractional", float), ("integer", int)]):
        import math

        return math.modf(a)
Beispiel #3
import typing
import unittest

Horse = typing.NamedTuple("Horse", [('k', int), ('s', int)])

class Solution:
    def solve(self, d: int, n: int, horses) -> float:
        times = map(lambda horse: (d - horse.k) / horse.s, horses)
        speed = d / max(times)
        return speed

class TestSolution(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_example_1(self):
        d = 2525
        n = 1
        horses = [Horse(2400, 5)]
        expected = 101
        actual = Solution().solve(d, n, horses)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(expected, actual)

    def test_example_2(self):
        d = 300
        n = 2
        horses = [Horse(120, 60), Horse(60, 90)]
        expected = 100
        actual = Solution().solve(d, n, horses)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(expected, actual)

    def test_example_3(self):
Beispiel #4
from apache_beam.transforms.external import NamedTupleBasedPayloadBuilder
from apache_beam.typehints.schemas import typing_to_runner_api

__all__ = [

def default_io_expansion_service():
    return BeamJarExpansionService(

JdbcConfigSchema = typing.NamedTuple(
    [('location', str), ('config', bytes)],

Config = typing.NamedTuple(
        ('driver_class_name', str),
        ('jdbc_url', str),
        ('username', str),
        ('password', str),
        ('connection_properties', typing.Optional[str]),
        ('connection_init_sqls', typing.Optional[typing.List[str]]),
        ('write_statement', typing.Optional[str]),
        ('read_query', typing.Optional[str]),
        ('fetch_size', typing.Optional[int]),
        ('output_parallelization', typing.Optional[bool]),
Beispiel #5
import re
import logging
import os
import itertools
import subprocess
import tempfile
import typing

# We recommend a maximum line length of 80, but do allow up to 100 characters
# if deemed necessary by the developer. Lines that exceed that limit will
# be wrapped after 80 characters automatically.

Line = typing.NamedTuple(
    "Line", [("sourcefile", str), ("number", int), ("text", str)]
LineGenerator = typing.Generator[Line, None, None]
FileLines = typing.NamedTuple(
    [("filename", str), ("lines", typing.Sequence[typing.Tuple[int, int]])],

def get_git_added_lines() -> LineGenerator:
    proc =
        ["git", "diff", "--cached", "--unified=0"],
def test_is_dict_like(the_type: t.Any, expected_result: bool) -> None:
    actual_result = axion_types.is_dict_like(the_type)
    assert expected_result == actual_result

        (None, False),
        (type(None), True),
        (int, False),
        (te.Literal[None], False),
        (te.Literal[None, 204], False),
        (t.Dict[str, str], False),
        (t.NamedTuple('NT', x=int), False),
    ids=lambda x: repr(x),
def test_is_none_type(the_type: t.Any, expected_result: bool) -> None:
    actual_result = axion_types.is_none_type(the_type)
    assert expected_result == actual_result

            te.Literal[1, 204],
Beispiel #7
        (typing.Set[int], set, int),
        (typing.FrozenSet[int], frozenset, int),
        (typing.Dict[int, int], dict, int),
        (typing.KeysView[int], type({}.keys()), int),
        (typing.ValuesView[int], type({}.values()), int),
        (typing.List[int], list, int),
        (typing.Tuple[int], tuple, int),
        (typing.Tuple[int, ...], tuple, int),
        (typing.Iterator[int], typing.Iterator, int),
        (typing.Sequence[int], typing.Sequence, int),
        (typing.Iterable[int], typing.Iterable, int),
        (typing.Mapping[int, None], typing.Mapping, int),
        (typing.Container[int], typing.Container, int),
        (typing.NamedTuple("A_NamedTuple", (("elem", int),)), tuple, int),
def test_specialised_collection_types(typ, coll_type, instance_of):
    def inner(ex):
        if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 6):
        assert isinstance(ex, coll_type)
        assert all(isinstance(elem, instance_of) for elem in ex)

    except (ResolutionFailed, AssertionError):
        if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 6):
            pytest.skip("Hard-to-reproduce bug (early version of typing?)")
 def my_task(a: int) -> typing.NamedTuple("OutputsBC", b=int, c=str):
     ctx = flytekit.current_context()
     assert ctx.execution_id == "ex:local:local:local"
     return a + 2, "hello world"
 def t1(a: int) -> typing.NamedTuple("OutputsBC", t1_int_output=int, c=str):
     a = a + 2
     return a, "world-" + str(a)
Beispiel #10
import typing
from collections import namedtuple
from urllib.parse import urlparse

PodcastData = typing.NamedTuple(
        ('title', str),  # title
        ('subtitle', str),  # subtitle
        ('published', float),  # time published
        # string of the audio url, or None if we couldn't find one
        ('audio_link', typing.Dict[str, str]),

# Podcast states
UnmergedStatus = typing.NamedTuple('UnmergedStatus', [])
RequestedStatus = typing.NamedTuple('RequestedStatus', [])
CancelledStatus = typing.NamedTuple('CancelledStatus', [])
NewStatus = typing.NamedTuple('NewStatus', [])
StartedStatus = typing.NamedTuple('StartedStatus', [])
FinishedStatus = typing.NamedTuple('FinishedStatus', [])
DeletedStatus = typing.NamedTuple('DeletedStatus', [])

Podcast = typing.NamedTuple(
    [('data', PodcastData),
     ('status', typing.Union[UnmergedStatus, RequestedStatus, CancelledStatus,
                             NewStatus, StartedStatus, FinishedStatus,
                             DeletedStatus, ])])

Beispiel #11
from shutil import rmtree, which
from subprocess import CalledProcessError, DEVNULL, PIPE, Popen
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep, time

from telepresence.runner.background import (Background, BackgroundThread,
                                            BackgroundProcess, TrackedBG)
from telepresence.runner.cache import Cache
from telepresence.output import Output
from telepresence.runner.span import Span
from telepresence.utilities import str_command

_CleanupItem = typing.NamedTuple("_CleanupItem", [
    ("name", str),
    ("callable", typing.Callable),
    ("args", typing.Tuple),
    ("kwargs", typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]),

class Runner(object):
    """Context for running subprocesses."""
    def __init__(self, output: Output, kubeinfo, verbose: bool) -> None:
        :param output: The Output instance for the session
        :param kubeinfo: How to run kubectl or equivalent
        :param verbose: Whether subcommand should run in verbose mode.
        self.output = output
        self.kubectl = kubeinfo
        self.verbose = verbose
Beispiel #12
import typing as t
from asyncio import iscoroutinefunction

from croniter import croniter

from aiomisc import Service
from aiomisc.cron import CronCallback

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ExceptionsType = t.Tuple[t.Type[Exception], ...]

StoreItem = t.NamedTuple(
    "StoreItem", (
        ("callback", CronCallback),
        ("spec", str),
        ("shield", bool),
        ("suppress_exceptions", ExceptionsType),

class CronService(Service):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs: t.Any):
        super(CronService, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self._callbacks_storage = set()     # type: t.Set[StoreItem]

    def register(
        function: t.Callable,
        spec: str,
        shield: bool = False,

def get_properties(swagger_spec, schema):
    # type: (Spec, typing.Optional[typing.Mapping[typing.Text, typing.Any]]) -> typing.Optional[typing.Set[typing.Text]]
    if schema is None or determine_object_type(schema) != ObjectType.SCHEMA:
        return None
    required, not_required = get_collapsed_properties_type_mappings(
        definition=schema, deref=swagger_spec.deref)
    return set(chain(iterkeys(required), iterkeys(not_required)))

StatusCodeSchema = typing.NamedTuple(
        ('status_code', typing.Text),

def iterate_on_responses_status_codes(
        old_operation,  # type: typing.Mapping[typing.Text, typing.Any]
        new_operation,  # type: typing.Mapping[typing.Text, typing.Any]
    # type: (...) -> typing.Generator[StatusCodeSchema, None, None]
    old_status_code_schema_mapping = old_operation.get('responses') or {}
    new_status_code_schema_mapping = new_operation.get('responses') or {}

    common_response_codes = set(
from apache_beam.runners.portability import job_server
from apache_beam.runners.portability import portable_runner
from apache_beam.runners.portability import portable_runner_test
from apache_beam.testing.util import assert_that
from apache_beam.testing.util import equal_to
from apache_beam.transforms import userstate
from apache_beam.transforms.sql import SqlTransform

# Run as
# pytest[::TestClass::test_case] \
#     --test-pipeline-options="--environment_type=LOOPBACK"

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Row = typing.NamedTuple("Row", [("col1", int), ("col2", unicode)])
beam.coders.registry.register_coder(Row, beam.coders.RowCoder)

class FlinkRunnerTest(portable_runner_test.PortableRunnerTest):
    _use_grpc = True
    _use_subprocesses = True

    conf_dir = None
    expansion_port = None
    flink_job_server_jar = None

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(FlinkRunnerTest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.environment_type = None
        self.environment_config = None
Beispiel #15
import asyncio
import datetime
import logging
import typing

from ib_async.errors import UnsupportedFeature, ApiException
from ib_async.order import Order, Action, OrderType, TimeInForce, OrderOrigin
from ib_async.instrument import Instrument, UnderlyingComponent
from ib_async.messages import Outgoing
from ib_async.protocol import ProtocolInterface, IncomingMessage, ProtocolVersion
from ib_async.utils import wrap_immediate_future

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

OrderEvent = typing.NamedTuple("OrderEvent",
                               [('instrument', Instrument), ('size', float),
                                ('average_cost', typing.Optional[float])])

def _dummy_handler__for_get_orders(PositionEvent):
    # This event handler is just used as a dummy to trigger the event subscribe/unsubscribe mechanisms

class OrdersMixin(ProtocolInterface):
    def __init__(self):
        self.__orders = {}  # type: typing.Dict[int, Order]
        self._next_order_id = 1
        self.__submitted_future = {}
        self.__open_orders_future = None
 def t1(a: int) -> typing.NamedTuple("OutputsBC", t1_int_output=int, c=str):
     return a + 2, "world"
Beispiel #17
            ret = self.func(*pargs)

        if ret is None and self.returntype is None:
        typ = mitmproxy.types.CommandTypes.get(self.returntype)
        if not typ.is_valid(self.manager, typ, ret):
            raise exceptions.CommandError(
                "%s returned unexpected data - expected %s" %
                (self.path, typ.display))
        return ret

ParseResult = typing.NamedTuple(
        ("value", str),
        ("type", typing.Type),
        ("valid", bool),

class CommandManager(mitmproxy.types._CommandBase):
    def __init__(self, master):
        self.master = master
        self.commands = {}  # type: typing.Dict[str, Command]

    def collect_commands(self, addon):
        for i in dir(addon):
            if not i.startswith("__"):
                o = getattr(addon, i)
                if hasattr(o, "command_path"):
Beispiel #18
# limitations under the License.
"""Package for SqlTransform and related classes."""

# pytype: skip-file

import typing

from apache_beam.transforms.external import BeamJarExpansionService
from apache_beam.transforms.external import ExternalTransform
from apache_beam.transforms.external import NamedTupleBasedPayloadBuilder

__all__ = ['SqlTransform']

SqlTransformSchema = typing.NamedTuple('SqlTransformSchema',
                                       [('query', str),
                                        ('dialect', typing.Optional[str])])

class SqlTransform(ExternalTransform):
    """A transform that can translate a SQL query into PTransforms.

  Input PCollections must have a schema. Currently, there are two ways to define
  a schema for a PCollection:

  1) Register a `typing.NamedTuple` type to use RowCoder, and specify it as the
     output type. For example::

      Purchase = typing.NamedTuple('Purchase',
                                   [('item_name', unicode), ('price', float)])
      coders.registry.register_coder(Purchase, coders.RowCoder)
Beispiel #19

def concat(parts):
    if len(parts) > 1:
        return pd.concat(parts)
    elif len(parts) == 1:
        return parts[0]
        return None

def df_equal_to(expected):
    return lambda actual: check_correct(expected, concat(actual))

AnimalSpeed = typing.NamedTuple('AnimalSpeed', [('Animal', str),
                                                ('Speed', int)])
coders.registry.register_coder(AnimalSpeed, coders.RowCoder)
Nested = typing.NamedTuple('Nested', [('id', int),
                                      ('animal_speed', AnimalSpeed)])
coders.registry.register_coder(Nested, coders.RowCoder)

class TransformTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def run_scenario(self, input, func):
        expected = func(input)

        empty = input.iloc[0:0]
        input_placeholder = expressions.PlaceholderExpression(empty)
        input_deferred = frame_base.DeferredFrame.wrap(input_placeholder)
        actual_deferred = func(input_deferred)._expr.evaluate_at(
            expressions.Session({input_placeholder: input}))
Beispiel #20

"""Google Pub/Sub Lite sources and sinks.

This API is currently under development and is subject to change.

# pytype: skip-file

import typing

from apache_beam.transforms.external import BeamJarExpansionService
from apache_beam.transforms.external import ExternalTransform
from apache_beam.transforms.external import NamedTupleBasedPayloadBuilder

_ReadSchema = typing.NamedTuple(
    '_ReadSchema', [('subscription_path', str), ('deduplicate', bool)])

def _default_io_expansion_service():
  return BeamJarExpansionService(

class _ReadExternal(ExternalTransform):
    An external PTransform which reads from Pub/Sub Lite and returns a
    SequencedMessage as serialized bytes.

    This transform is not part of the public API.

    Experimental; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
Beispiel #21
from algos.sma_algo import MovingAverageAlgo
from utilities.graphing import *
import settings
import typing
from dataclasses import dataclass
from tqdm import tqdm
import statistics
import pprint
Declaring Global Scope Data Types (really just named tuples),
but here in python, we don't really have a 'typedef' equivalent

signal_tuple = typing.NamedTuple('signal_2', [('action', str),
                                              ('signal_str', float),
                                              ('currency', str),
                                              ('price', float),
                                              ('quantity', float),
                                              ('liquidate', bool)])

generated_data = typing.NamedTuple('rdata', [('price_data', dict),
                                             ('equity_history', list),
                                             ('signal_data', dict),
                                             ('universe', list)])

class Account:
    equity = 0
    cash = 0
    trades = {'buys': 0, 'sells': 0}
    equity = cash + market value of all active holdings
def test_diabetes():
    # Since we are working with a specific dataset, we will create a strictly typed schema for the dataset.
    # If we wanted a generic data splitter we could use a Generic schema without any column type and name information
    # Example file:
    # CSV Columns
    #  1. Number of times pregnant
    #  2. Plasma glucose concentration a 2 hours in an oral glucose tolerance test
    #  3. Diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg)
    #  4. Triceps skin fold thickness (mm)
    #  5. 2-Hour serum insulin (mu U/ml)
    #  6. Body mass index (weight in kg/(height in m)^2)
    #  7. Diabetes pedigree function
    #  8. Age (years)
    #  9. Class variable (0 or 1)
    # Example Row: 6,148,72,35,0,33.6,0.627,50,1
    # the input dataset schema
    DATASET_COLUMNS = OrderedDict({
        "#preg": int,
        "pgc_2h": int,
        "diastolic_bp": int,
        "tricep_skin_fold_mm": int,
        "serum_insulin_2h": int,
        "bmi": float,
        "diabetes_pedigree": float,
        "age": int,
        "class": int,
    # the first 8 columns are features
    FEATURE_COLUMNS = OrderedDict(
        {k: v
         for k, v in DATASET_COLUMNS.items() if k != "class"})
    # the last column is the class
    CLASSES_COLUMNS = OrderedDict({"class": int})

    MODELSER_JOBLIB = typing.TypeVar("joblib.dat")

    class XGBoostModelHyperparams(object):
        These are the xgboost hyper parameters available in scikit-learn library.
        def __init__(self,
            self.n_jobs = int(n_jobs)
            self.booster = booster
            self.objective = objective
            self.n_estimators = int(n_estimators)
            self.learning_rate = learning_rate
            self.max_depth = int(max_depth)

        def to_dict(self):
            return self.__dict__

        def from_dict(cls, d):
            return cls(**d)

    # load data
    # Example file:
    @task(cache_version="1.0", cache=True, limits=Resources(mem="200Mi"))
    def split_traintest_dataset(
        dataset: FlyteFile[typing.TypeVar("csv")], seed: int,
        test_split_ratio: float
    ) -> (
        Retrieves the training dataset from the given blob location and then splits it using the split ratio and returns the result
        This splitter is only for the dataset that has the format as specified in the example csv. The last column is assumed to be
        the class and all other columns 0-8 the features.

        The data is returned as a schema, which gets converted to a parquet file in the back.
        column_names = [k for k in DATASET_COLUMNS.keys()]
        df = pd.read_csv(dataset, names=column_names)

        # Select all features
        x = df[column_names[:8]]
        # Select only the classes
        y = df[[column_names[-1]]]

        # We will fake train test split. Just return the same dataset multiple times
        return x, x, y, y

    nt = typing.NamedTuple("Outputs", model=FlyteFile[MODELSER_JOBLIB])

    @task(cache_version="1.0", cache=True, limits=Resources(mem="200Mi"))
    def fit(x: FlyteSchema[FEATURE_COLUMNS], y: FlyteSchema[CLASSES_COLUMNS],
            hyperparams: dict) -> nt:
        This function takes the given input features and their corresponding classes to train a XGBClassifier.
        NOTE: We have simplified the number of hyper parameters we take for demo purposes
        x_df =
        y_df =

        hp = XGBoostModelHyperparams.from_dict(hyperparams)
        # fit model no training data
        # Faking fit

        fname = "model.joblib.dat"
        with open(fname, "w") as f:
            f.write("Some binary data")
        return nt(model=fname)

    @task(cache_version="1.0", cache=True, limits=Resources(mem="200Mi"))
    def predict(
            x: FlyteSchema[FEATURE_COLUMNS],
            model_ser: FlyteFile[MODELSER_JOBLIB]
    ) -> FlyteSchema[CLASSES_COLUMNS]:
        Given a any trained model, serialized using joblib (this method can be shared!) and features, this method returns
        # make predictions for test data
        x_df =
        col = [k for k in CLASSES_COLUMNS.keys()]
        y_pred_df = pd.DataFrame(data=[{
            col[0]: [0, 1]
        return y_pred_df

    @task(cache_version="1.0", cache=True, limits=Resources(mem="200Mi"))
    def score(predictions: FlyteSchema[CLASSES_COLUMNS],
              y: FlyteSchema[CLASSES_COLUMNS]) -> float:
        Compares the predictions with the actuals and returns the accuracy score.
        pred_df =
        y_df =
        # evaluate predictions
        return 0.2

    def diabetes_xgboost_model(
        dataset: FlyteFile[typing.TypeVar("csv")],
        # = "",
        test_split_ratio: float = 0.33,
        seed: int = 7,
    ) -> typing.NamedTuple(
            "Outputs", model=FlyteFile[MODELSER_JOBLIB], accuracy=float):
        This pipeline trains an XGBoost mode for any given dataset that matches the schema as specified in
        x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = split_traintest_dataset(
            dataset=dataset, seed=seed, test_split_ratio=test_split_ratio)
        model = fit(x=x_train,
        predictions = predict(x=x_test, model_ser=model.model)
        return model.model, score(predictions=predictions, y=y_test)
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
# Copyright IBM Corp. 2016
import unittest
import sys
import typing
import random
import time

from streamsx.topology.topology import Topology
from streamsx.topology.tester import Tester
from streamsx.topology.context import submit
from streamsx.topology.schema import StreamSchema, CommonSchema, _normalize

SensorReading = typing.NamedTuple('SensorReading', [('sensor_id', int),
                                                    ('ts', int),
                                                    ('reading', float)])

class P(object):

class S(P):

def s_none():

def s_int() -> typing.Iterable[int]:
Beispiel #24
# Adapted from

import getpass
import json
import typing
from pathlib import Path

import requests

GitHubIdentity = typing.NewType('GitHubIdentity', str)

Issue = typing.NamedTuple('Issue', (
    ('id', int),
    ('url', str),
    ('assignees', typing.List[GitHubIdentity]),
    ('title', str),

def get_credentials() -> typing.Tuple[str, str]:
    config_file = Path(__file__).parent.parent / '.config.json'

    data = {}  # type: typing.Dict[str, str]
    username = None
    password = None

    if config_file.exists():
        with as f:
            data = json.load(f)
            username = data['username']
            password = data.get('password')
Beispiel #25
 def testfunc(a: int,
              b: float = 0.1) -> ty.NamedTuple("Output", [("out1", float)]):
     return a + b
Beispiel #26
import utils
import typing

Point = typing.NamedTuple('Point', [('x', int), ('y', int)])
Slice = typing.NamedTuple('Slice', [('start', Point), ('end', Point)])

def get_pizza(lines: list):
    first_line = lines[0].split(' ')
    L = int(first_line[2])
    H = int(first_line[3])
    mapping = {'T': 0, 'M': 1}
    return [[mapping[i] for i in line[:-1]] for line in lines[1:]], L, H

def size_of_slice(s: Slice):
    return ((s.end.x - s.start.x) + 1) * ((s.end.y - s.start.y) + 1)

def score(slices: list):
    return sum(map(size_of_slice, slices))

def is_slice_valid(pizza: list, already_cut: list, s: Slice, L, H):
    if size_of_slice(s) > H:
        return False
    if not can_be_cut(already_cut, s):
        return False
    num_tomato, num_mushroom = 0, 0
    for y in range(s.start.y, s.end.y + 1):
        for x in range(s.start.x, s.end.x + 1):
from yamlformat.validator import base_lib
from yamlformat.validator import entity_type_lib
from yamlformat.validator import entity_type_manager
from yamlformat.validator import field_lib
from yamlformat.validator import findings_lib
from yamlformat.validator import namespace_validator
from yamlformat.validator import parse_config_lib as parse
from yamlformat.validator import state_lib
from yamlformat.validator import subfield_lib
from yamlformat.validator import unit_lib

# Define namedtuple Config to store the different kinds of config files
# All attributes should be tuples.
# Each property is a tuple of base_lib.PathParts tuples
Config = typing.NamedTuple('Config', [('fields', tuple), ('subfields', tuple),
                                      ('states', tuple), ('type_defs', tuple),
                                      ('units', tuple)])

class ConfigUniverse(findings_lib.Findings):
    """Helper class to represent the defined universe of ontology configuration.

  Contains all valid components of the ontology

    entity_type_universe: config for entity types
    field_universe: config for fields
    subfield_universe: config for subfields
    state_universe: config for states
    unit_universe: config for units
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Test for Beam type compatibility library."""

from __future__ import absolute_import

import typing
import unittest

from apache_beam.typehints import native_type_compatibility
from apache_beam.typehints import typehints

_TestNamedTuple = typing.NamedTuple('_TestNamedTuple', [('age', int),
                                                        ('name', bytes)])
_TestFlatAlias = typing.Tuple[bytes, float]
_TestNestedAlias = typing.List[_TestFlatAlias]

class _TestClass(object):

class NativeTypeCompatibilityTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_convert_to_beam_type(self):
        test_cases = [
            ('raw bytes', bytes, bytes),
            ('raw int', int, int),
            ('raw float', float, float),
            ('any', typing.Any, typehints.Any),
Beispiel #29
import typing as t
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass

import mbae_resources
from mbae_resources import resources

_Tuple_mapping = t.Tuple[t.Tuple[str, str]]
Boundaries = t.NamedTuple('boundaries', [('start', int), ('end', int)])

class _Constants:
    Data class holding constant values required for data preparation.
    alignment_tool: str = 'mafft'
    alignment_command: t.Callable[[str, str], str] = (
        lambda seq, msa, threads:
        f'mafft --add {seq} --keeplength --anysymbol --thread {threads} {msa}')
    alignment_profile_path: str = './mbae_resources/binding_regions.fsa'
    available_sources: t.Tuple = ('iedb', 'bdata')
    iedb_url: str = ""
    bdata_url: str = ""
    ipd_history_url: str = ""
    ipd_sequences_url: str = ""
    imgt_history_url: str = ""
    imgt_sequences_url: str = ""
    peptide_length: Boundaries = Boundaries(6, 16)
    rare_threshold: int = 100
    train_fraction: float = 0.8
Beispiel #30
import logging
import typing
import unittest

import pytest

import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam import coders
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import StandardOptions
from apache_beam.testing.test_pipeline import TestPipeline
from apache_beam.testing.util import assert_that
from apache_beam.testing.util import equal_to
from apache_beam.transforms.sql import SqlTransform

SimpleRow = typing.NamedTuple("SimpleRow", [("id", int), ("str", str),
                                            ("flt", float)])
coders.registry.register_coder(SimpleRow, coders.RowCoder)

Enrich = typing.NamedTuple("Enrich", [("id", int), ("metadata", str)])
coders.registry.register_coder(Enrich, coders.RowCoder)

Shopper = typing.NamedTuple("Shopper", [("shopper", str),
                                        ("cart", typing.Mapping[str, int])])
coders.registry.register_coder(Shopper, coders.RowCoder)

    TestPipeline().get_pipeline_options().view_as(StandardOptions).runner is
    None, "Must be run with a runner that supports staging java artifacts.")
class SqlTransformTest(unittest.TestCase):