Beispiel #1
    def _parse_annotation(self, raw_annotation: Type) -> None:
        """Parse key information from annotation.

        :param annotation: A subscripted type.
        :returns: Annotation
        self.raw_annotation = raw_annotation
        self.origin = self.arg = None

        self.optional = typing_inspect.is_optional_type(raw_annotation)
        if self.optional and typing_inspect.is_union_type(raw_annotation):
            # Annotated with Optional or Union[..., NoneType]
            if LEGACY_TYPING:  # pragma: no cover
                # get_args -> ((pandera.typing.Index, <class 'str'>), <class 'NoneType'>)
                self.origin, self.arg = typing_inspect.get_args(
            # get_args -> (pandera.typing.Index[str], <class 'NoneType'>)
            raw_annotation = typing_inspect.get_args(raw_annotation)[0]

        if not (self.optional and LEGACY_TYPING):
            self.origin = typing_inspect.get_origin(raw_annotation)
            args = typing_inspect.get_args(raw_annotation)
            self.arg = args[0] if args else args

        self.metadata = getattr(self.arg, "__metadata__", None)
        if self.metadata:
            self.arg = typing_inspect.get_args(self.arg)[0]

        self.literal = typing_inspect.is_literal_type(self.arg)
        if self.literal:
            self.arg = typing_inspect.get_args(self.arg)[0]
Beispiel #2
    def validate(self,
                 raw_config_vars: Optional[RawConfigVarsType] = None) -> Any:
		Validate the configuration value.

		:param raw_config_vars:

		:returns: The validated value.

        if raw_config_vars is None:
            raw_config_vars = {}

        if self.config_var.rtype is None:
            self.config_var.rtype = self.config_var.dtype

        if self.config_var.dtype in self._dtypes:
            return getattr(self,

        elif get_origin(self.config_var.dtype) in {list, List}:
            return self.visit_list(raw_config_vars)

        elif get_origin(self.config_var.dtype) in {dict, Dict}:
            return self.visit_dict(raw_config_vars)

        elif get_origin(self.config_var.dtype) is Union:
            return self.visit_union(raw_config_vars)

        elif is_literal_type(self.config_var.dtype):
            return self.visit_literal(raw_config_vars)

Beispiel #3
def parse_annotation(raw_annotation: Type) -> AnnotationInfo:
    """Parse key information from annotation.

    :param annotation: A subscripted type.
    :returns: Annotation
    optional = typing_inspect.is_optional_type(raw_annotation)
    if optional:
        # e.g: Typing.Union[pandera.typing.Index[str], NoneType]
        if _LEGACY_TYPING:  # pragma: no cover
            # get_args -> ((pandera.typing.Index, <class 'str'>), <class 'NoneType'>)
            origin, arg = typing_inspect.get_args(raw_annotation)[0]
            return AnnotationInfo(origin, arg, optional)
        # get_args -> (pandera.typing.Index[str], <class 'NoneType'>)
        raw_annotation = typing_inspect.get_args(raw_annotation)[0]

    origin = typing_inspect.get_origin(raw_annotation)
    args = typing_inspect.get_args(raw_annotation)
    arg = args[0] if args else args

    literal = typing_inspect.is_literal_type(arg)
    if literal:
        arg = typing_inspect.get_args(arg)[0]

    return AnnotationInfo(origin=origin,
Beispiel #4
    def _parse_annotation(self, raw_annotation: Type) -> None:
        """Parse key information from annotation.

        :param annotation: A subscripted type.
        :returns: Annotation
        self.raw_annotation = raw_annotation

        self.optional = typing_inspect.is_optional_type(raw_annotation)
        if self.optional:
            # e.g: Typing.Union[pandera.typing.Index[str], NoneType]
            if _LEGACY_TYPING:  # pragma: no cover
                # get_args -> ((pandera.typing.Index, <class 'str'>), <class 'NoneType'>)
                self.origin, self.arg = typing_inspect.get_args(
            # get_args -> (pandera.typing.Index[str], <class 'NoneType'>)
            raw_annotation = typing_inspect.get_args(raw_annotation)[0]

        if not (self.optional and _LEGACY_TYPING):
            self.origin = typing_inspect.get_origin(raw_annotation)
            args = typing_inspect.get_args(raw_annotation)
            self.arg = args[0] if args else args

        self.literal = typing_inspect.is_literal_type(self.arg)
        if self.literal:
            self.arg = typing_inspect.get_args(self.arg)[0]
Beispiel #5
    def _parse_annotation(self, raw_annotation: Type) -> None:
        """Parse key information from annotation.

        :param annotation: A subscripted type.
        :returns: Annotation
        self.raw_annotation = raw_annotation
        self.origin = self.arg = None

        self.optional = typing_inspect.is_optional_type(raw_annotation)
        if self.optional and typing_inspect.is_union_type(raw_annotation):
            # Annotated with Optional or Union[..., NoneType]
            # get_args -> (pandera.typing.Index[str], <class 'NoneType'>)
            raw_annotation = typing_inspect.get_args(raw_annotation)[0]

        self.origin = typing_inspect.get_origin(raw_annotation)
        # Replace empty tuple returned from get_args by None
        args = typing_inspect.get_args(raw_annotation) or None
        self.arg = args[0] if args else args

        self.metadata = getattr(self.arg, "__metadata__", None)
        if self.metadata:
            self.arg = typing_inspect.get_args(self.arg)[0]

        self.literal = typing_inspect.is_literal_type(self.arg)
        if self.literal:
            self.arg = typing_inspect.get_args(self.arg)[0]

        self.default_dtype = getattr(raw_annotation, "default_dtype", None)
Beispiel #6
    def visit_list(self, raw_config_vars: RawConfigVarsType) -> List:
		Used to validate and convert :class:`list` values.

		:param raw_config_vars:

        # Lists of strings, numbers, Unions and Literals
        buf = []

        data = optional_getter(raw_config_vars, self.config_var,
        if isinstance(data, str) or not isinstance(data, Iterable):
            raise ValueError(
                f"'{self.config_var.__name__}' must be a List of {self.config_var.dtype.__args__[0]}"
            ) from None

        if get_origin(self.config_var.dtype.__args__[0]) is Union:
            for obj in data:
                if not check_union(obj, self.config_var.dtype.__args__[0]):
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"'{self.config_var.__name__}' must be a "
                        f"List of {self.config_var.dtype.__args__[0]}"
                    ) from None

        elif is_literal_type(self.config_var.dtype.__args__[0]):
            for obj in data:
                # if isinstance(obj, str):
                # 	obj = obj.lower()
                if obj not in get_literal_values(
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Elements of '{self.config_var.__name__}' must be "
                        f"one of {get_literal_values(self.config_var.dtype.__args__[0])}"
                    ) from None
            for obj in data:
                if not check_union(obj, self.config_var.dtype):
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"'{self.config_var.__name__}' must be a List of {self.config_var.dtype.__args__[0]}"
                    ) from None

            for obj in data:
                if self.config_var.rtype.__args__[0] in {
                        int, str, float, bool

            return buf

        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Values in '{self.config_var.__name__}' must be {self.config_var.rtype.__args__[0]}"
            ) from None
Beispiel #7
 def __init__(self,
              type_: Type[LiteralHintT],
              hint_name: HintName,
              default: LiteralHintT,
              description: str) -> None:
     assert is_literal_type(type_), f"{hint_name} is not a Literal[]"
     self.type_ = type_
     self.valid_values: List[LiteralHintT] = list(get_args(type_))
Beispiel #8
def _repr(val: t.Any) -> str:

    assert val is not None

    if types.is_none_type(val):
        return 'NoneType'
    elif ti.is_literal_type(val):
        return str(val)
    elif ti.is_new_type(val):
        nested_type = val.__supertype__
        return f'{_qualified_name(val)}[{get_repr(nested_type)}]'
    elif ti.is_typevar(val):
        tv_constraints = ti.get_constraints(val)
        tv_bound = ti.get_bound(val)
        if tv_constraints:
            constraints_repr = (get_repr(tt) for tt in tv_constraints)
            return f'typing.TypeVar(?, {", ".join(constraints_repr)})'
        elif tv_bound:
            return get_repr(tv_bound)
            return 'typing.Any'
    elif ti.is_optional_type(val):
        optional_args = ti.get_args(val, True)[:-1]
        nested_union = len(optional_args) > 1
        optional_reprs = (get_repr(tt) for tt in optional_args)
        if nested_union:
            return f'typing.Optional[typing.Union[{", ".join(optional_reprs)}]]'
            return f'typing.Optional[{", ".join(optional_reprs)}]'
    elif ti.is_union_type(val):
        union_reprs = (get_repr(tt) for tt in ti.get_args(val, True))
        return f'typing.Union[{", ".join(union_reprs)}]'
    elif ti.is_generic_type(val):
        attr_name = val._name
        generic_reprs = (get_repr(tt) for tt in ti.get_args(val, evaluate=True))
        return f'typing.{attr_name}[{", ".join(generic_reprs)}]'
        val_name = _qualified_name(val)
        maybe_td_entries = getattr(val, '__annotations__', {}).copy()
        if maybe_td_entries:
            # we are dealing with typed dict
            # that's quite lovely
            td_keys = sorted(maybe_td_entries.keys())
            internal_members_repr = ', '.join(
                '{key}: {type}'.format(key=k, type=get_repr(maybe_td_entries.get(k)))
                for k in td_keys
            return f'{val_name}{{{internal_members_repr}}}'
        elif 'TypedDict' == getattr(val, '__name__', ''):
            return 'typing_extensions.TypedDict'
            return val_name
Beispiel #9
def get_yaml_type(type_: Type) -> str:
	Get the YAML type that corresponds to the given Python type.

	:param type\_:

    if type_ in yaml_type_lookup:
        return yaml_type_lookup[type_]

    elif get_origin(type_) is Union:
        dtype = " or ".join(yaml_type_lookup[x] for x in type_.__args__)
        return dtype

    elif check_type(type_, list, List):
        args = get_args(type_)

        inner_types: typing.Iterable[str]

        if args:
            inner_types = (get_yaml_type(x) for x in args
                           if not isinstance(x, TypeVar))
            inner_types = ()

        dtype = " or ".join(inner_types)
        if dtype:
            return f"Sequence of {dtype}"
            return "Sequence"

    elif check_type(type_, dict, Dict):
        args = get_args(type_)
        if not args or any(isinstance(t, TypeVar) for t in args):
            return "Mapping"
            dtype = " to ".join(get_yaml_type(x) for x in get_args(type_))
            return f"Mapping of {dtype}"

    elif is_literal_type(type_):
        types = [y for y in get_literal_values(type_)]
        return " or ".join(repr(x) for x in types)

    elif isinstance(type_, EnumMeta):
        return " or ".join([repr(x._value_) for x in type_])

        return str(type_)
Beispiel #10
def get_json_type(type_: Type) -> Dict[str, Union[str, List, Dict]]:
	Get the type for the JSON schema that corresponds to the given Python type.

	:param type\_:

    if type_ in json_type_lookup:
        return {"type": json_type_lookup[type_]}

    elif get_origin(type_) is Union:
        return {"type": [get_json_type(t)["type"] for t in type_.__args__]}

    elif check_type(type_, list, List):
        args = get_args(type_)

        if args:
            items = get_json_type(args[0])

            if items is NotImplemented:
                return {"type": "array"}
            elif "type" in items:
                return {"type": "array", "items": items}
            elif "enum" in items:
                return {"type": "array", "items": items}
                return {"type": "array"}

        return {"type": "array"}

    elif check_type(type_, dict, Dict):
        return {"type": "object"}

    elif check_type(type_, Literal) or is_literal_type(type_):  # type: ignore
        return {"enum": [x for x in get_literal_values(type_)]}

    elif isinstance(type_, EnumMeta):
        return {"enum": [x._value_ for x in type_]}

    elif type_ is bool:
        return {"type": ["boolean", "string"]}

        return NotImplemented
    def get(cls, type_or_hint, *, is_argument: bool = False) -> "TypeChecker":
        # This ensures the validity of the type passed (see typing documentation for info)
        type_or_hint = is_valid_type(type_or_hint, "Invalid type.",

        if type_or_hint is Any:
            return AnyTypeChecker()

        if is_type(type_or_hint):
            return TypeTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

        if is_literal_type(type_or_hint):
            return LiteralTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

        if is_generic_type(type_or_hint):
            origin = get_origin(type_or_hint)
            if issubclass(origin, MappingCol):
                return MappingTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

            if issubclass(origin, Collection):
                return CollectionTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

            # CONSIDER: how to cater for exhaustible generators?
            if issubclass(origin, Iterable):
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "No type-checker is setup for iterables that exhaust.")

            return GenericTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

        if is_tuple_type(type_or_hint):
            return TupleTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

        if is_callable_type(type_or_hint):
            return CallableTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

        if isclass(type_or_hint):
            if is_typed_dict(type_or_hint):
                return TypedDictChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)
            return ConcreteTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

        if is_union_type(type_or_hint):
            return UnionTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint, is_argument)

        if is_typevar(type_or_hint):
            bound_type = get_bound(type_or_hint)
            if bound_type:
                return cls.get(bound_type)
            constraints = get_constraints(type_or_hint)
            if constraints:
                union_type_checkers = tuple(
                    cls.get(type_) for type_ in constraints)
                return UnionTypeChecker(Union.__getitem__(constraints),
                return AnyTypeChecker()

        if is_new_type(type_or_hint):
            super_type = getattr(type_or_hint, "__supertype__", None)
            if super_type is None:
                raise TypeError(
                    f"No supertype for NewType: {type_or_hint}. This is not allowed."
            return cls.get(super_type)

        if is_forward_ref(type_or_hint):
            return ForwardTypeChecker.make(type_or_hint,

        if is_classvar(type_or_hint):
            var_type = get_args(type_or_hint, evaluate=True)[0]
            return cls.get(var_type)

        raise NotImplementedError(
            f"No {TypeChecker.__qualname__} is available for type or hint: '{type_or_hint}'"
def field_for_schema(
    typ: type,
    metadata: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
    base_schema: Optional[Type[marshmallow.Schema]] = None,
) -> marshmallow.fields.Field:
    Get a marshmallow Field corresponding to the given python type.
    The metadata of the dataclass field is used as arguments to the marshmallow Field.

    :param typ: The type for which a field should be generated
    :param default: value to use for (de)serialization when the field is missing
    :param metadata: Additional parameters to pass to the marshmallow field constructor
    :param base_schema: marshmallow schema used as a base class when deriving dataclass schema

    >>> int_field = field_for_schema(int, default=9, metadata=dict(required=True))
    >>> int_field.__class__
    <class 'marshmallow.fields.Integer'>

    >>> int_field.dump_default

    >>> field_for_schema(str, metadata={"marshmallow_field": marshmallow.fields.Url()}).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow.fields.Url'>

    metadata = {} if metadata is None else dict(metadata)

    if default is not marshmallow.missing:
        metadata.setdefault("dump_default", default)
        # 'missing' must not be set for required fields.
        if not metadata.get("required"):
            metadata.setdefault("load_default", default)
        metadata.setdefault("required", True)

    # If the field was already defined by the user
    predefined_field = metadata.get("marshmallow_field")
    if predefined_field:
        return predefined_field

    # Generic types specified without type arguments
    typ = _generic_type_add_any(typ)

    # Base types
    field = _field_by_type(typ, base_schema)
    if field:
        return field(**metadata)

    if typ is Any:
        metadata.setdefault("allow_none", True)
        return marshmallow.fields.Raw(**metadata)

    if typing_inspect.is_literal_type(typ):
        arguments = typing_inspect.get_args(typ)
        return marshmallow.fields.Raw(
                      if len(arguments) == 1 else

    if typing_inspect.is_final_type(typ):
        arguments = typing_inspect.get_args(typ)
        if arguments:
            subtyp = arguments[0]
        elif default is not marshmallow.missing:
            subtyp = type(default)
            subtyp = Any
        return field_for_schema(subtyp, default, metadata, base_schema)

    # Generic types
    generic_field = _field_for_generic_type(typ, base_schema, **metadata)
    if generic_field:
        return generic_field

    # typing.NewType returns a function with a __supertype__ attribute
    newtype_supertype = getattr(typ, "__supertype__", None)
    if newtype_supertype and inspect.isfunction(typ):
        return _field_by_supertype(

    # enumerations
    if isinstance(typ, EnumMeta):
        import marshmallow_enum

        return marshmallow_enum.EnumField(typ, **metadata)

    # Nested marshmallow dataclass
    nested_schema = getattr(typ, "Schema", None)

    # Nested dataclasses
    forward_reference = getattr(typ, "__forward_arg__", None)
    nested = (nested_schema or forward_reference
              or _internal_class_schema(typ, base_schema))

    return marshmallow.fields.Nested(nested, **metadata)
Beispiel #13
    def _add_argument(self, *name_or_flags, **kwargs) -> None:
        """Adds an argument to self (i.e. the super class ArgumentParser).

        Sets the following attributes of kwargs when not explicitly provided:
        - type: Set to the type annotation of the argument.
        - default: Set to the default value of the argument (if provided).
        - required: True if a default value of the argument is not provided, False otherwise.
        - action: Set to "store_true" if the argument is a required bool or a bool with default value False.
                  Set to "store_false" if the argument is a bool with default value True.
        - nargs: Set to "*" if the type annotation is List[str], List[int], or List[float].
        - help: Set to the argument documentation from the class docstring.

        :param name_or_flags: Either a name or a list of option strings, e.g. foo or -f, --foo.
        :param kwargs: Keyword arguments.
        # Set explicit bool
        explicit_bool = self._explicit_bool

        # Get variable name
        variable = get_argument_name(*name_or_flags)

        # Get default if not specified
        if hasattr(self, variable):
            kwargs['default'] = kwargs.get('default', getattr(self, variable))

        # Set required if option arg
        if (is_option_arg(*name_or_flags) and variable != 'help'
                and 'default' not in kwargs
                and kwargs.get('action') != 'version'):
            kwargs['required'] = kwargs.get('required',
                                            not hasattr(self, variable))

        # Set help if necessary
        if 'help' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['help'] = '('

            # Type
            if variable in self._annotations:
                kwargs['help'] += type_to_str(
                    self._annotations[variable]) + ', '

            # Required/default
            if kwargs.get('required', False):
                kwargs['help'] += 'required'
                kwargs['help'] += f'default={kwargs.get("default", None)}'

            kwargs['help'] += ')'

            # Description
            if variable in self.class_variables:
                    'help'] += ' ' + self.class_variables[variable]['comment']

        # Set other kwargs where not provided
        if variable in self._annotations:
            # Get type annotation
            var_type = self._annotations[variable]

            # If type is not explicitly provided, set it if it's one of our supported default types
            if 'type' not in kwargs:

                # Unbox Optional[type] and set var_type = type
                if get_origin(var_type) in OPTIONAL_TYPES:
                    var_args = get_args(var_type)

                    if len(var_args) > 0:
                        var_type = get_args(var_type)[0]

                        # If var_type is tuple as in Python 3.6, change to a typing type
                        # (e.g., (typing.List, <class 'bool'>) ==> typing.List[bool])
                        if isinstance(var_type, tuple):
                            var_type = var_type[0][var_type[1:]]

                        explicit_bool = True

                # First check whether it is a literal type or a boxed literal type
                if is_literal_type(var_type):
                    var_type, kwargs['choices'] = get_literals(
                        var_type, variable)
                elif (get_origin(var_type) in (List, list, Set, set)
                      and len(get_args(var_type)) > 0
                      and is_literal_type(get_args(var_type)[0])):
                    var_type, kwargs['choices'] = get_literals(
                        get_args(var_type)[0], variable)
                    kwargs['nargs'] = kwargs.get('nargs', '*')
                # Handle Tuple type (with type args) by extracting types of Tuple elements and enforcing them
                elif get_origin(var_type) in (Tuple, tuple) and len(
                        get_args(var_type)) > 0:
                    loop = False
                    types = get_args(var_type)

                    # Don't allow Tuple[()]
                    if len(types) == 1 and types[0] == tuple():
                        raise ValueError(
                            'Empty Tuples (i.e. Tuple[()]) are not a valid Tap type '
                            'because they have no arguments.')

                    # Handle Tuple[type, ...]
                    if len(types) == 2 and types[1] == Ellipsis:
                        types = types[0:1]
                        loop = True
                        kwargs['nargs'] = '*'
                        kwargs['nargs'] = len(types)

                    var_type = TupleTypeEnforcer(types=types, loop=loop)

                if get_origin(var_type) in BOXED_TYPES:
                    # If List or Set type, set nargs
                    if (get_origin(var_type) in BOXED_COLLECTION_TYPES
                            and kwargs.get('action')
                            not in {'append', 'append_const'}):
                        kwargs['nargs'] = kwargs.get('nargs', '*')

                    # Extract boxed type for Optional, List, Set
                    arg_types = get_args(var_type)

                    # Set defaults type to str for Type and Type[()]
                    if len(arg_types) == 0 or arg_types[0] == EMPTY_TYPE:
                        var_type = str
                        var_type = arg_types[0]

                    # Handle the cases of List[bool], Set[bool], Tuple[bool]
                    if var_type == bool:
                        var_type = boolean_type
                # If bool then set action, otherwise set type
                if var_type == bool:
                    if explicit_bool:
                        kwargs['type'] = boolean_type
                        kwargs['choices'] = [
                            True, False
                        ]  # this makes the help message more helpful
                        action_cond = "true" if kwargs.get(
                            False) or not kwargs["default"] else "false"
                        kwargs['action'] = kwargs.get('action',
                elif kwargs.get('action') not in {'count', 'append_const'}:
                    kwargs['type'] = var_type

        if self._underscores_to_dashes:
            name_or_flags = [
                name_or_flag.replace('_', '-')
                for name_or_flag in name_or_flags

        super(Tap, self).add_argument(*name_or_flags, **kwargs)
Beispiel #14
def _type_from_runtime(val, ctx):
    if isinstance(val, str):
        return _eval_forward_ref(val, ctx)
    elif isinstance(val, tuple):
        # This happens under some Python versions for types
        # nested in tuples, e.g. on 3.6:
        # > typing_inspect.get_args(Union[Set[int], List[str]])
        # ((typing.Set, int), (typing.List, str))
        origin = val[0]
        if len(val) == 2:
            args = (val[1], )
            args = val[1:]
        return _value_of_origin_args(origin, args, val, ctx)
    elif typing_inspect.is_literal_type(val):
        args = typing_inspect.get_args(val)
        if len(args) == 0:
            return KnownValue(args[0])
            return unite_values(*[KnownValue(arg) for arg in args])
    elif typing_inspect.is_union_type(val):
        args = typing_inspect.get_args(val)
        return unite_values(*[_type_from_runtime(arg, ctx) for arg in args])
    elif typing_inspect.is_tuple_type(val):
        args = typing_inspect.get_args(val)
        if not args:
            return TypedValue(tuple)
        elif len(args) == 2 and args[1] is Ellipsis:
            return GenericValue(tuple, [_type_from_runtime(args[0], ctx)])
            args_vals = [_type_from_runtime(arg, ctx) for arg in args]
            return SequenceIncompleteValue(tuple, args_vals)
    elif is_instance_of_typing_name(val, "_TypedDictMeta"):
        return TypedDictValue({
            key: _type_from_runtime(value, ctx)
            for key, value in val.__annotations__.items()
    elif typing_inspect.is_callable_type(val):
        return TypedValue(Callable)
    elif typing_inspect.is_generic_type(val):
        origin = typing_inspect.get_origin(val)
        args = typing_inspect.get_args(val)
        return _value_of_origin_args(origin, args, val, ctx)
    elif GenericAlias is not None and isinstance(val, GenericAlias):
        origin = get_origin(val)
        args = get_args(val)
        return GenericValue(origin,
                            [_type_from_runtime(arg, ctx) for arg in args])
    elif isinstance(val, type):
        if val is type(None):
            return KnownValue(None)
        return TypedValue(val)
    elif val is None:
        return KnownValue(None)
    elif is_typing_name(val, "NoReturn"):
        return NO_RETURN_VALUE
    elif val is typing.Any:
        return UNRESOLVED_VALUE
    elif hasattr(val, "__supertype__"):
        if isinstance(val.__supertype__, type):
            # NewType
            return NewTypeValue(val)
        elif typing_inspect.is_tuple_type(val.__supertype__):
            # TODO figure out how to make NewTypes over tuples work
            return UNRESOLVED_VALUE
            ctx.show_error("Invalid NewType %s" % (val, ))
            return UNRESOLVED_VALUE
    elif typing_inspect.is_typevar(val):
        # TypeVar; not supported yet
        return UNRESOLVED_VALUE
    elif typing_inspect.is_classvar(val):
        return UNRESOLVED_VALUE
    elif is_instance_of_typing_name(
            val, "_ForwardRef") or is_instance_of_typing_name(
                val, "ForwardRef"):
        # This has issues because the forward ref may be defined in a different file, in
        # which case we don't know which names are valid in it.
        with qcore.override(ctx, "suppress_undefined_name", True):
            return UNRESOLVED_VALUE
    elif val is Ellipsis:
        # valid in Callable[..., ]
        return UNRESOLVED_VALUE
    elif is_instance_of_typing_name(val, "_TypeAlias"):
        # typing.Pattern and Match, which are not normal generic types for some reason
        return GenericValue(val.impl_type,
                            [_type_from_runtime(val.type_var, ctx)])
        origin = get_origin(val)
        if origin is not None:
            return TypedValue(origin)
        ctx.show_error("Invalid type annotation %s" % (val, ))
        return UNRESOLVED_VALUE
Beispiel #15
def field_for_schema(
    typ: type,
    metadata: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
    base_schema: Optional[Type[marshmallow.Schema]] = None,
) -> marshmallow.fields.Field:
    Get a marshmallow Field corresponding to the given python type.
    The metadata of the dataclass field is used as arguments to the marshmallow Field.

    :param typ: The type for which a field should be generated
    :param default: value to use for (de)serialization when the field is missing
    :param metadata: Additional parameters to pass to the marshmallow field constructor
    :param base_schema: marshmallow schema used as a base class when deriving dataclass schema

    >>> int_field = field_for_schema(int, default=9, metadata=dict(required=True))
    >>> int_field.__class__
    <class 'marshmallow.fields.Integer'>

    >>> int_field.default

    >>> field_for_schema(str, metadata={"marshmallow_field": marshmallow.fields.Url()}).__class__
    <class 'marshmallow.fields.Url'>

    metadata = {} if metadata is None else dict(metadata)

    if default is not marshmallow.missing:
        metadata.setdefault("default", default)
        # 'missing' must not be set for required fields.
        if not metadata.get("required"):
            metadata.setdefault("missing", default)
        metadata.setdefault("required", True)

    # If the field was already defined by the user
    predefined_field = metadata.get("marshmallow_field")
    if predefined_field:
        return predefined_field

    # Generic types specified without type arguments
    if typ is list:
        typ = List[Any]
    elif typ is dict:
        typ = Dict[Any, Any]

    # Base types
    field = _field_by_type(typ, base_schema)
    if field:
        return field(**metadata)

    if typ is Any:
        metadata.setdefault("allow_none", True)
        return marshmallow.fields.Raw(**metadata)

    if typing_inspect.is_literal_type(typ):
        arguments = typing_inspect.get_args(typ)
        return marshmallow.fields.Raw(
                      if len(arguments) == 1 else

    # Generic types
    origin = typing_inspect.get_origin(typ)
    if origin:
        arguments = typing_inspect.get_args(typ, True)
        # Override base_schema.TYPE_MAPPING to change the class used for generic types below
        type_mapping = base_schema.TYPE_MAPPING if base_schema else {}

        if origin in (list, List):
            child_type = field_for_schema(arguments[0],
            list_type = cast(
                type_mapping.get(List, marshmallow.fields.List),
            return list_type(child_type, **metadata)
        if origin in (tuple, Tuple):
            children = tuple(
                field_for_schema(arg, base_schema=base_schema)
                for arg in arguments)
            tuple_type = cast(
                type_mapping.get(  # type:ignore[call-overload]
                    Tuple, marshmallow.fields.Tuple),
            return tuple_type(children, **metadata)
        elif origin in (dict, Dict):
            dict_type = type_mapping.get(Dict, marshmallow.fields.Dict)
            return dict_type(
                keys=field_for_schema(arguments[0], base_schema=base_schema),
                values=field_for_schema(arguments[1], base_schema=base_schema),
        elif typing_inspect.is_union_type(typ):
            if typing_inspect.is_optional_type(typ):
                metadata["allow_none"] = metadata.get("allow_none", True)
                metadata["default"] = metadata.get("default", None)
                metadata["missing"] = metadata.get("missing", None)
                metadata["required"] = False
            subtypes = [t for t in arguments
                        if t is not NoneType]  # type: ignore
            if len(subtypes) == 1:
                return field_for_schema(subtypes[0],
            from . import union_field

            return union_field.Union(
                        subtyp, metadata=metadata, base_schema=base_schema),
                ) for subtyp in subtypes],

    # typing.NewType returns a function with a __supertype__ attribute
    newtype_supertype = getattr(typ, "__supertype__", None)
    if newtype_supertype and inspect.isfunction(typ):
        return _field_by_supertype(

    # enumerations
    if isinstance(typ, EnumMeta):
        import marshmallow_enum

        return marshmallow_enum.EnumField(typ, **metadata)

    # Nested marshmallow dataclass
    nested_schema = getattr(typ, "Schema", None)

    # Nested dataclasses
    forward_reference = getattr(typ, "__forward_arg__", None)
    nested = (nested_schema or forward_reference
              or _internal_class_schema(typ, base_schema))

    return marshmallow.fields.Nested(nested, **metadata)
Beispiel #16
    def make_documentation(cls):
		Returns the reStructuredText documentation for the :class:`~.ConfigVar`.

        docstring = cls.__doc__ or ''
        docstring = (indent(dedent(docstring), tab))

        if not docstring.startswith('\n'):
            docstring = '\n' + docstring

        buf = StringList()
        buf.indent_type = "    "
        buf.append(f".. conf:: {cls.__name__}")

        buf.indent_size += 1

        buf.append(f"**Required**: {'yes' if cls.required else 'no'}")

        if not cls.required:
            if cls.default == []:
                buf.append("**Default**: [ ]")
            elif cls.default == {}:
                buf.append("**Default**: { }")
            elif isinstance(cls.default, Callable):  # type: ignore
                    f"**Default**: The value of :conf:`{cls.default.__name__}`"
            elif isinstance(cls.default, bool):
                buf.append(f"**Default**: :py:obj:`{cls.default}`")
            elif isinstance(cls.default, str):
                if cls.default == '':
                    buf.append("**Default**: <blank>")
                    buf.append(f"**Default**: ``{cls.default}``")
                buf.append(f"**Default**: {cls.default}")


        buf.append(f"**Type**: {get_yaml_type(cls.dtype)}")

        if is_literal_type(cls.dtype):
            valid_values = ", ".join(f"``{x}``" for x in cls.dtype.__args__)
            buf.append(f"**Allowed values**: {valid_values}")
        elif hasattr(cls.dtype, "__args__") and is_literal_type(
            valid_values = ", ".join(f"``{x}``"
                                     for x in cls.dtype.__args__[0].__args__)
            buf.append(f"**Allowed values**: {valid_values}")

        buf.indent_size -= 1

        return str(buf)
Beispiel #17
    def _add_argument(self, *name_or_flags, **kwargs) -> None:
        """Adds an argument to self (i.e. the super class ArgumentParser).

        Sets the following attributes of kwargs when not explicitly provided:
        - type: Set to the type annotation of the argument.
        - default: Set to the default value of the argument (if provided).
        - required: True if a default value of the argument is not provided, False otherwise.
        - action: Set to "store_true" if the argument is a required bool or a bool with default value False.
                  Set to "store_false" if the argument is a bool with default value True.
        - nargs: Set to "*" if the type annotation is List[str], List[int], or List[float].
        - help: Set to the argument documentation from the class docstring.

        :param name_or_flags: Either a name or a list of option strings, e.g. foo or -f, --foo.
        :param kwargs: Keyword arguments.
        # Get variable name
        variable = get_dest(*name_or_flags, **kwargs)

        # Get default if not specified
        if hasattr(self, variable):
            kwargs['default'] = kwargs.get('default', getattr(self, variable))

        # Set required if option arg
        if is_option_arg(*name_or_flags) and variable != 'help':
            kwargs['required'] = kwargs.get('required',
                                            not hasattr(self, variable))

        # Set help if necessary
        if 'help' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['help'] = '('

            # Type
            if variable in self._annotations:
                kwargs['help'] += type_to_str(
                    self._annotations[variable]) + ', '

            # Required/default
            if kwargs.get('required', False):
                kwargs['help'] += 'required'
                kwargs['help'] += f'default={kwargs.get("default", None)}'

            kwargs['help'] += ')'

            # Description
            if variable in self.class_variables:
                    'help'] += ' ' + self.class_variables[variable]['comment']

        # Set other kwargs where not provided
        if variable in self._annotations:
            # Get type annotation
            var_type = self._annotations[variable]

            # If type is not explicitly provided, set it if it's one of our supported default types
            if 'type' not in kwargs:
                # First check whether it is a literal type or a boxed literal type
                if is_literal_type(var_type):
                    var_type, kwargs['choices'] = get_literals(
                        var_type, variable)
                elif (get_origin(var_type) in (List, list, Set, set)
                      and len(get_args(var_type)) > 0
                      and is_literal_type(get_args(var_type)[0])):
                    var_type, kwargs['choices'] = get_literals(
                        get_args(var_type)[0], variable)
                    kwargs['nargs'] = kwargs.get('nargs', '*')
                # Handle Tuple type (with type args) by extracting types of Tuple elements and enforcing them
                elif get_origin(var_type) in (Tuple, tuple) and len(
                        get_args(var_type)) > 0:
                    loop = False
                    types = get_args(var_type)

                    # Don't allow Tuple[()]
                    if len(types) == 1 and types[0] == tuple():
                        raise ValueError(
                            'Empty Tuples (i.e. Tuple[()]) are not a valid Tap type '
                            'because they have no arguments.')

                    # Handle Tuple[type, ...]
                    if len(types) == 2 and types[1] == Ellipsis:
                        types = types[0:1]
                        loop = True
                        kwargs['nargs'] = '*'
                        kwargs['nargs'] = len(types)

                    var_type = TupleTypeEnforcer(types=types, loop=loop)
                # To identify an Optional type, check if it's a union of a None and something else
                elif (is_union_type(var_type) and len(get_args(var_type)) == 2
                      and isinstance(None,
                      and is_literal_type(get_args(var_type)[0])):
                    var_type, kwargs['choices'] = get_literals(
                        get_args(var_type)[0], variable)
                elif var_type not in SUPPORTED_DEFAULT_TYPES:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f'Variable "{variable}" has type "{var_type}" which is not supported by default.\n'
                        f'Please explicitly add the argument to the parser by writing:\n\n'
                        f'def add_arguments(self) -> None:\n'
                        f'    self.add_argument("--{variable}", type=func, {"required=True" if kwargs["required"] else f"default={getattr(self, variable)}"})\n\n'
                        f'where "func" maps from str to {var_type}.')

                if var_type in SUPPORTED_DEFAULT_BOXED_TYPES:
                    # If List or Set type, set nargs
                    if var_type in SUPPORTED_DEFAULT_COLLECTION_TYPES:
                        kwargs['nargs'] = kwargs.get('nargs', '*')

                    # Extract boxed type for Optional, List, Set
                    arg_types = get_args(var_type)

                    # Set defaults type to str for Type and Type[()]
                    if len(arg_types) == 0 or arg_types[0] == EMPTY_TYPE:
                        var_type = str
                        var_type = arg_types[0]

                    # Handle the cases of Optional[bool], List[bool], Set[bool]
                    if var_type == bool:
                        var_type = boolean_type

                # If bool then set action, otherwise set type
                if var_type == bool:
                    if self._explicit_bool:
                        kwargs['type'] = boolean_type
                        kwargs['choices'] = [
                            True, False
                        ]  # this makes the help message more helpful
                        kwargs['action'] = kwargs.get(
                            f'store_{"true" if kwargs["required"] or not kwargs["default"] else "false"}'
                    kwargs['type'] = var_type

        super(Tap, self).add_argument(*name_or_flags, **kwargs)
Beispiel #18
def _analyze_http_code(
    operation: oas.OASOperation,
    rt_http_code: t.Optional[t.Type[t.Any]],
) -> t.Set[exceptions.Error]:

    if rt_http_code is None:
        # if there's no http_code in return Response
        # this is permitted only if there's single response defined in
        # OAS responses. User needs to set it otherwise how can we tell if
        # everything is correct
        if len(operation.responses) != 1:
                'Operation {id} handler skips return.http_code but it is impossible '
                ' with {count_of_ops} responses due to ambiguity.',
                count_of_ops=lambda: len(operation.responses),
            return {
        return set()

    elif ti.is_literal_type(rt_http_code):
        # this is acceptable. Literals hold particular values inside of them
        # if user wants to have it that way -> go ahead.
        # axion however will not validate a specific values in Literal.
        # this is by design and due to:
        # - error responses that axion implements via exceptions
        literal_types = types.literal_types(rt_http_code)
        if not all(
                issubclass(lmt, model.HTTP_CODE_TYPE)
                for lmt in literal_types):
            return {
                        f'expected {repr(te.Literal)}[int]'),
        return set()

    elif ti.is_new_type(rt_http_code):
        # not quite sure why user would like to alias that
        # but it is not a problem for axion as long `NewType` embedded type
        # is fine
        return _analyze_http_code(operation, rt_http_code.__supertype__)

    elif issubclass(rt_http_code, bool):
        # yeah, Python rocks -> bool is subclass of an int
        # not quite sure wh that happens, perhaps someone sometime
        # will answer that question
        return {

            assert issubclass(rt_http_code, model.HTTP_CODE_TYPE)
            return set()
        except (AssertionError, TypeError):
        return {
                        t.NewType('HttpCode', model.HTTP_CODE_TYPE),