Beispiel #1
def a():
    grid, width, height = u.make_grid(lines)

    def ahead(cuke, pos):
        x, y = pos
        if cuke == '>':
            return ((x + 1) % width, y)
            return (x, (y + 1) % height)

    def move(grid, cuke):
        changed = False
        newgrid = {}
        for pos, c in grid.items():
            if pos not in newgrid:
                newgrid[pos] = c
            ap = ahead(cuke, pos)
            if c == cuke and grid[ap] == '.':
                changed = True
                newgrid[ap] = c
                newgrid[pos] = '.'
        return newgrid, changed

    for step in itertools.count(1):
        grid, c1 = move(grid, '>')
        grid, c2 = move(grid, 'v')
        if not c1 and not c2: return step
Beispiel #2
def a():
    grid, w, h = u.make_grid(lines, lambda v, p: int(v))

    flashes = 0
    for _ in range(100):
        flashes += len(step(grid))
    return flashes
Beispiel #3
def b():
    grid, width, height = u.make_grid(
        lines, lambda val, pos: val if val != "." else None)

    def neighbors(pos):
        for d in ds:
            npos = (pos[0] + d[0], pos[1] + d[1])
            while npos not in grid and 0 <= npos[0] <= width and 0 <= npos[
                    1] <= height:
                npos = (npos[0] + d[0], npos[1] + d[1])
            if npos in grid:
                yield npos

    while True:
        count = 0
        counts = Counter()
        for pos, c in grid.items():
            if c == "#":
                count += 1
        done = True
        for pos, c in grid.items():
            s = counts[pos]
            if c == "L" and s == 0:
                grid[pos] = "#"
                done = False
            elif c == "#" and s >= 5:
                grid[pos] = "L"
                done = False
        if done:
            return count
Beispiel #4
def a():
    grid, width, height = u.make_grid(lines, lambda v, p: int(v))

    def neighbors(pos):
        for n in u.orthogonal(grid, pos):
            yield (n, grid[n])

    pred, dist = u.dijkstra((0, 0), neighbors)
    return dist[width - 1, height - 1]
Beispiel #5
def b():
    g, width, height = u.make_grid(lines, lambda v, p: int(v))

    grid = {}

    for x, y in g:
        risk = g[x, y]
        for col in range(5):
            for row in range(5):
                nx = row * width + x
                ny = col * height + y
                grid[nx, ny] = ((risk + col + row - 1) % 9) + 1

    def neighbors(pos):
        for n in u.orthogonal(grid, pos):
            yield (n, grid[n])

    pred, dist = u.dijkstra((0, 0), neighbors)
    return dist[5 * width - 1, 5 * height - 1]
Beispiel #6
def a():
    grid, _, _ = u.make_grid(lines, lambda val, pos: val
                             if val != "." else None)

    while True:
        count = 0
        counts = Counter()
        for pos, c in grid.items():
            if c == "#":
                count += 1
                counts.update(u.all_neighbors(grid, pos))

        done = True
        for pos, c in grid.items():
            s = counts[pos]
            if c == "L" and s == 0:
                grid[pos] = "#"
                done = False
            elif c == "#" and s >= 4:
                grid[pos] = "L"
                done = False
        if done:
            return count
Beispiel #7
from aocd import data, lines  #type: ignore
import sys
from collections import Counter, defaultdict, deque
import functools
from sortedcontainers import SortedList, SortedDict, SortedSet
import itertools
import u
import math
import time
import operator
import heapq

ints = u.ints(data)
intlines = u.lmap(u.ints, lines)
toklines = [line.split(' ') for line in lines]
grid, _, _ = u.make_grid(lines, lambda v, p: int(v))

def is_basin(p):
    return all(grid[p] < grid[n] for n in u.orthogonal(grid, p))

def a():
    return sum(h + 1 for p, h in grid.items() if is_basin(p))

def b():
    sizes = [0, 0, 0]

    def nbrs(p):
        return (n for n in u.orthogonal(grid, p) if grid[n] < 9)
Beispiel #8
def b():
    grid, w, h = u.make_grid(lines, lambda v, p: int(v))
    for s in itertools.count(1):
        flashed = step(grid)
        if len(flashed) == len(grid):
            return s