def process_request(self, request):
        if request.path.startswith("/admin"):
            return None
        # Use hash as the key since UA's can be quite llong, dont want to hit memcache 250 byte limit
        device_cache_key = hash(request.META['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])
        template_set = cache.get(device_cache_key)
        if template_set == "unsupported":
            return HttpResponse(loader.get_template('pages/418_service_error.html').render(RequestContext(request)))
        full_path = request.get_full_path()
        media_request = (full_path.startswith(settings.MEDIA_URL) or
                        full_path.startswith(settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX) or full_path.startswith('/favicon'))
        if not template_set:
            template_set = ua_mapper.get_template_set(request.META['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])
            if not template_set:
                mapper = UAMapper()
                user_agent, device, template_set = mapper.map_by_request(request) 
            device_cache_timeout = getattr(settings, 'DEVICE_CACHE_TIMEOUT', 72000)
            cache.set(device_cache_key, template_set, device_cache_timeout)            
        if not media_request and template_set:
            # switch the template dir for the given device
            settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS = settings.DEVICE_TEMPLATE_DIRS[template_set]
        request.template_set = template_set

        return None
 def handle(self, force, *args, **options):
     mapper = UAMapper()
     if self.fetch_latest_wurfl() or force:
         from wurfl import devices
         print "Updating Redis..."
         for i, ua in enumerate(devices.uas):
             device = devices.select_ua(ua)
   , device=device)
         print "Done."
         print "Done. Redis unchanged."
Beispiel #3
def map_request(request):
    mapper = UAMapper()
    user_agent, device, value = mapper.map_by_request(request)
    return HttpResponse(value)