Beispiel #1
def pixel_position_matt(xpos, ypos, height, pitch, roll, yaw, C):
    find the offset on the ground in meters of a pixel in a ground image
    given height above the ground in meters, and pitch/roll/yaw in degrees, the
    lens and image parameters

    The xpos,ypos is from the top-left of the image
    The height is in meters
    The yaw is from grid north. Positive yaw is clockwise
    The roll is from horiznotal. Positive roll is down on the right
    The pitch is from horiznotal. Positive pitch is up in the front
    return result is a tuple, with meters east and north of current GPS position

    from numpy import array,eye
    from uav import uavxfer
    from math import pi
    xfer = uavxfer()
    xfer.setCameraOrientation( 0.0, 0.0, pi/2 )
    xfer.setPlatformPose(0, 0, -height, math.radians(roll), math.radians(pitch), math.radians(yaw))

    # compute the undistorted points for the ideal camera matrix
    src = cv.CreateMat(1, 1, cv.CV_64FC2)
    src[0,0] = (xpos, ypos)
    dst = cv.CreateMat(1, 1, cv.CV_64FC2)
    R = cv.fromarray(eye(3))
    K = cv.fromarray(C.K)
    D = cv.fromarray(C.D)
    cv.UndistortPoints(src, dst, K, D, R, K)
    x = dst[0,0][0]
    y = dst[0,0][1]
    #print '(', xpos,',', ypos,') -> (', x, ',', y, ')'
    # negative scale means camera pointing above horizon
    # large scale means a long way away also unreliable
    (joe_w, scale) = xfer.imageToWorld(x, y)
    if (scale < 0 or scale > 500):
      return None

    #(te, tn) = pixel_position_tridge(xpos, ypos, height, pitch, roll, yaw, lens, sensorwidth, xresolution, yresolution)
    #diff = (te-joe_w[1], tn-joe_w[0])
    #print 'diff: ', diff

    # east and north
    return (joe_w[1], joe_w[0])
Beispiel #2
  files = loadtxt(inputfile, dtype='string', usecols=(0,))

  #parser = OptionParser(" [options]")

  #(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
  f_m = 4  # 4mm
  #s_m = (4./5.)*25.4/3 #1/3" sensor width in mm
  s_m = 5.05

  s_p = 1280
  f_p = s_p * f_m / s_m
  par = 1.0
  f_u = f_p*par
  f_v = f_p/par

  xfer = uavxfer()
  xfer.setCameraParams(f_u, f_v, 640, 480)
  xfer.setCameraOrientation( -0.1, 0.1, pi/2 )
  height0 = 0.0
  g = geodetic()
  lat0 = data[0,2]
  lon0 = data[0,3]

  (zone, band) = g.computeZoneAndBand(lat0, lon0)
  (north0, east0) = g.geoToGrid(lat0, lon0, zone, band)
  print 'zone/band:',zone,band

  f = pyplot.figure(1)
Beispiel #3
    files = loadtxt(inputfile, dtype='string', usecols=(0, ))

    #parser = OptionParser(" [options]")

    #(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
    f_m = 4  # 4mm
    #s_m = (4./5.)*25.4/3 #1/3" sensor width in mm
    s_m = 5.05

    s_p = 1280
    f_p = s_p * f_m / s_m
    par = 1.0
    f_u = f_p * par
    f_v = f_p / par

    xfer = uavxfer()
    xfer.setCameraParams(f_u, f_v, 640, 480)
    xfer.setCameraOrientation(-0.1, 0.1, pi / 2)
    height0 = 0.0
    g = geodetic()
    lat0 = data[0, 2]
    lon0 = data[0, 3]

    (zone, band) = g.computeZoneAndBand(lat0, lon0)
    (north0, east0) = g.geoToGrid(lat0, lon0, zone, band)
    print 'zone/band:', zone, band

    f = pyplot.figure(1)