Beispiel #1
 def test_random_algo_insert_one(self):
     options = ['optionA', 'optionB', 'optionC']
     # test insert into empty pool
     pool = {}
     expected_answer = options[0]
     expected_rationale = "rationale"
     expected_student_id = "student id"
     offer_answer(pool, expected_answer, expected_rationale, expected_student_id, {'name': 'random'}, options)
     expected_pool = {expected_answer: {expected_student_id: {}}}
     self.assertEqual(expected_pool, pool)
Beispiel #2
 def test_simple_algo_insert_one(self):
     options = ['optionA', 'optionB', 'optionC']
     # test insert into empty pool
     pool = {}
     expected_answer = options[0]
     expected_rationale = "rationale"
     expected_student_id = "student id"
     offer_answer(pool, expected_answer, expected_rationale,
                  expected_student_id, {'name': 'simple'}, options)
     expected_pool = {expected_answer: {expected_student_id: {}}}
     self.assertEqual(expected_pool, pool)
Beispiel #3
    def test_simple_algo_drop_from_pool(self):
        options = ['optionA', 'optionB', 'optionC']
        pool = {'optionA': {i: {} for i in xrange(6)}}
        with patch('random.choice', return_value="0"):
            with patch('ubcpi.answer_pool.get_max_size', return_value="6"):
                offer_answer(pool, options[0], "some rationale", "test student 7", {'name': 'simple'}, options)

        # make sure student "0" for optionA is removed
        self.assertFalse("0" in pool['optionA'])
        # make sure the new student answer is added
        self.assertTrue("test student 7" in pool['optionA'])
Beispiel #4
    def test_simple_algo_drop_from_pool(self):
        options = ['optionA', 'optionB', 'optionC']
        pool = {'optionA': {i: {} for i in range(6)}}
        with patch('random.choice', return_value=0):
            with patch('ubcpi.answer_pool.get_max_size', return_value=6):
                offer_answer(pool, options[0], "some rationale",
                             "test student 7", {'name': 'simple'}, options)

        # make sure student "0" for optionA is removed
        self.assertFalse("0" in pool['optionA'])
        # make sure the new student answer is added
        self.assertTrue("test student 7" in pool['optionA'])
Beispiel #5
 def test_simple_algo_insert_max(self):
     options = ['optionA', 'optionB', 'optionC']
     pool = {}
     expected_pool = {}
     for i in range(6):
         for cur_expected_answer in options:
             cur_expected_rationale = "rationale" + str(i)
             cur_expected_student_id = "student id" + str(i) + cur_expected_answer
             students = expected_pool.setdefault(cur_expected_answer, {})
             students[cur_expected_student_id] = {}
             expected_pool[cur_expected_answer] = students
             offer_answer(pool, cur_expected_answer, cur_expected_rationale,
                          cur_expected_student_id, {'name': 'simple'}, options)
             self.assertEqual(expected_pool, pool)
Beispiel #6
 def test_simple_algo_insert_max(self):
     options = ['optionA', 'optionB', 'optionC']
     pool = {}
     expected_pool = {}
     for i in range(6):
         for cur_expected_answer in options:
             cur_expected_rationale = "rationale" + str(i)
             cur_expected_student_id = "student id" + str(
                 i) + cur_expected_answer
             students = expected_pool.setdefault(cur_expected_answer, {})
             students[cur_expected_student_id] = {}
             expected_pool[cur_expected_answer] = students
             offer_answer(pool, cur_expected_answer, cur_expected_rationale,
                          cur_expected_student_id, {'name': 'simple'},
             self.assertEqual(expected_pool, pool)
Beispiel #7
 def test_offer_answer_invalid_algo(self):
     options = ['optionA', 'optionB', 'optionC']
     with self.assertRaises(UnknownChooseAnswerAlgorithm):
         offer_answer({}, {}, 'rationale', 'student_id',
                      {'name': 'invalid'}, options)
Beispiel #8
 def test_offer_answer_invalid_algo(self):
     options = ['optionA', 'optionB', 'optionC']
     with self.assertRaises(UnknownChooseAnswerAlgorithm):
         offer_answer({}, {}, 'rationale', 'student_id', {'name': 'invalid'}, options)