Beispiel #1
    def getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request):
        prefs = user.prefs('nx')

        username = user.getUsernameForAuth()
        proc = username.split('@')
        username = proc[0]
        if self._fixedName is not '':
            username = self._fixedName
        if self._fixedPassword is not '':
            password = self._fixedPassword
        if self._useEmptyCreds is True:
            username, password = '', ''

        tunpass = ''.join(random.choice(string.letters + string.digits) for _i in range(12))
        tunuser = TicketStore.create(tunpass)

        sshServer = self._tunnelServer
        if ':' not in sshServer:
            sshServer += ':443'

        sshHost, sshPort = sshServer.split(':')

        logger.debug('Username generated: {0}, password: {1}'.format(tunuser, tunpass))

        width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)
        # Fix username/password acording to os manager
        username, password = userService.processUserPassword(username, password)

        m = {
            'ip': ip,
            'tunUser': tunuser,
            'tunPass': tunpass,
            'tunHost': sshHost,
            'tunPort': sshPort,
            'password': password,
            'port': self._listenPort

        r = NXFile(username=username, password=password, width=width, height=height) = '{address}'
        r.port = '{port}'
        r.connection = self._connection
        r.desktop = self._session
        r.cachedisk = self._cacheDisk
        r.cachemem = self._cacheMem

        os = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'


        if os is None:
            return super(TSNXTransport, self).getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request)

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/'.format(os)).format(
Beispiel #2
    def renderForHtml(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password):

        prefs = user.prefs('nx')

        username = user.getUsernameForAuth()
        proc = username.split('@')
        username = proc[0]
        if self._fixedName is not '':
            username = self._fixedName
        if self._fixedPassword is not '':
            password = self._fixedPassword
        if self._useEmptyCreds is True:
            username, password = '', ''

        # We have the credentials right now, let os manager

        width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)

        # Extra data
        extra = {
            'width': width,
            'height': height,
            'port': self._listenPort,
            'connection': self._connection,
            'session': self._session,
            'cacheDisk': self._cacheDisk,
            'cacheMem': self._cacheMem

        # Fix username/password acording to os manager
        username, password = userService.processUserPassword(username, password)

        return generateHtmlForNX(self, userService.uuid, transport.uuid, ip, os, username, password, extra)
Beispiel #3
    def renderForHtml(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password):

        prefs = user.prefs('nx')

        username = user.getUsernameForAuth()
        proc = username.split('@')
        username = proc[0]
        if self._fixedName is not '':
            username = self._fixedName
        if self._fixedPassword is not '':
            password = self._fixedPassword
        if self._useEmptyCreds is True:
            username, password = '', ''

        # We have the credentials right now, let os manager

        width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)

        # Extra data
        extra = {
            'width': width,
            'height': height,
            'port': self._listenPort,
            'connection': self._connection,
            'session': self._session,
            'cacheDisk': self._cacheDisk,
            'cacheMem': self._cacheMem

        # Fix username/password acording to os manager
        username, password = userService.processUserPassword(
            username, password)

        return generateHtmlForNX(self, userService.uuid, transport.uuid, ip,
                                 os, username, password, extra)
Beispiel #4
    def getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request):
        prefs = user.prefs('nx')

        username = user.getUsernameForAuth()
        proc = username.split('@')
        username = proc[0]
        if self._fixedName is not '':
            username = self._fixedName
        if self._fixedPassword is not '':
            password = self._fixedPassword
        if self._useEmptyCreds is True:
            username, password = '', ''

        tunpass = ''.join(random.choice(string.letters + string.digits) for _i in range(12))
        tunuser = TicketStore.create(tunpass)

        sshServer = self._tunnelServer
        if ':' not in sshServer:
            sshServer += ':443'

        sshHost, sshPort = sshServer.split(':')

        logger.debug('Username generated: {0}, password: {1}'.format(tunuser, tunpass))

        width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)
        # Fix username/password acording to os manager
        username, password = userService.processUserPassword(username, password)

        m = {
            'ip': ip,
            'tunUser': tunuser,
            'tunPass': tunpass,
            'tunHost': sshHost,
            'tunPort': sshPort,
            'password': password,
            'port': self._listenPort

        r = NXFile(username=username, password=password, width=width, height=height) = '{address}'
        r.port = '{port}'
        r.connection = self._connection
        r.desktop = self._session
        r.cachedisk = self._cacheDisk
        r.cachemem = self._cacheMem

        os = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'


        if os is None:
            return super(self.__class__, self).getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request)

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/'.format(os)).format(
Beispiel #5
    def getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user,
                              password, request):
        prefs = user.prefs('nx')

        ci = self.getConnectionInfo(userService, user, password)
        username = ci['username']
        priv, pub = self.getAndPushKey(username, userService)

        width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)

        rootless = False
        desktop = self.desktopType.value
        if desktop == "UDSVAPP":
            desktop = "/usr/bin/udsvapp " + self.customCmd.value
            rootless = True

        xf = x2gofile.getTemplate(speed=self.speed.value,

        # data
        data = {
            'os': os['OS'],
            'ip': ip,
            'port': 22,
            'username': username,
            'key': priv,
            'width': width,
            'height': height,
            'printers': True,
            'drives': self.exports.isTrue(),
            'fullScreen': width == -1 or height == -1,
            'this_server': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),
            'xf': xf

        m = tools.DictAsObj(data)

        os = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            # OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'

        if os is None:
            return super(self.__class__,
                         self).getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport,
                                                     ip, os, user, password,

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/'.format(os)).format(m=m)
Beispiel #6
    def getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request):
        prefs = user.prefs('nx')

        ci = self.getConnectionInfo(userService, user, password)
        username = ci['username']
        priv, pub = self.getAndPushKey(username, userService)

        width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)

        rootless = False
        desktop = self.desktopType.value
        if desktop == "UDSVAPP":
            desktop = "/usr/bin/udsvapp " + self.customCmd.value
            rootless = True

        xf = x2gofile.getTemplate(

        # data
        data = {
            'os': os['OS'],
            'ip': ip,
            'port': 22,
            'username': username,
            'key': priv,
            'width': width,
            'height': height,
            'printers': True,
            'drives': self.exports.isTrue(),
            'fullScreen': width == -1 or height == -1,
            'this_server': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),
            'xf': xf

        m = tools.DictAsObj(data)

        os = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            # OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'

        if os is None:
            return super(self.__class__, self).getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request)

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/'.format(os)).format(m=m)
Beispiel #7
    def getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user,
                              password, request):
        prefs = user.prefs('nx')

        username = user.getUsernameForAuth()
        proc = username.split('@')
        username = proc[0]
        if self._fixedName is not '':
            username = self._fixedName
        if self._fixedPassword is not '':
            password = self._fixedPassword
        if self._useEmptyCreds is True:
            username, password = '', ''

        # We have the credentials right now, let os manager

        width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)

        # Fix username/password acording to os manager
        username, password = userService.processUserPassword(
            username, password)

        r = NXFile(username=username,
                   height=height) = ip
        r.port = self._listenPort
        r.connection = self._connection
        r.desktop = self._session
        r.cachedisk = self._cacheDisk
        r.cachemem = self._cacheMem

        os = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'

        if os is None:
            return super(self.__class__,
                         self).getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport,
                                                     ip, os, user, password,

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/'.format(os)).format(r=r)
Beispiel #8
    def getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request):
        logger.debug('Getting X2Go Transport info')

        prefs = user.prefs('nx')

        username = user.getUsernameForAuth()
        proc = username.split('@')
        username = proc[0]
        if self.fixedName.value != '':
            username = self.fixedName.value
        if self.fixedPassword.value != '':
            password = self.fixedPassword.value
        if self.useEmptyCreds.isTrue():
            username, password = '', ''

        # We have the credentials right now, let os manager

        width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)

        # Fix username/password acording to os manager
        username, password = userService.processUserPassword(username, password)

        # data
        data = {
            'username': username,
            'password': password,
            'width': width,
            'height': height,
            'port': self.listenPort.value,
            'connection': self.connection.value,
            'session': self.session.value,
            'cacheDisk': self.cacheDisk.value,
            'cacheMem': self.cacheMem.value

        return '''
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
import six
from uds import osDetector

data = {data}
osname = {os}

QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(parent, 'Notice ' + osDetector.getOs(), six.text_type(data), QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok)
'''.format(data=data, os=os)
Beispiel #9
    def getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request):
        prefs = user.prefs('nx')

        username = user.getUsernameForAuth()
        proc = username.split('@')
        username = proc[0]
        if self._fixedName is not '':
            username = self._fixedName
        if self._fixedPassword is not '':
            password = self._fixedPassword
        if self._useEmptyCreds is True:
            username, password = '', ''

        # We have the credentials right now, let os manager

        width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)

        # Fix username/password acording to os manager
        username, password = userService.processUserPassword(username, password)

        r = NXFile(username=username, password=password, width=width, height=height) = ip
        r.port = self._listenPort
        r.connection = self._connection
        r.desktop = self._session
        r.cachedisk = self._cacheDisk
        r.cachemem = self._cacheMem

        os = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'


        if os is None:
            return super(self.__class__, self).getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request)

        sp = {
            'as_file': r.as_file,

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/', os, sp)
Beispiel #10
    def renderForHtml(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password):

        prefs = user.prefs('nx')

        username = user.getUsernameForAuth()
        proc = username.split('@')
        username = proc[0]
        if self._fixedName is not '':
            username = self._fixedName
        if self._fixedPassword is not '':
            password = self._fixedPassword
        if self._useEmptyCreds is True:
            username, password = '', ''

        width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)
        cache = Cache('pam')

        tunuser = ''.join(random.choice(string.letters + string.digits) for _i in range(12)) + ("%f" % time.time()).split('.')[1]
        tunpass = ''.join(random.choice(string.letters + string.digits) for _i in range(12))
        cache.put(tunuser, tunpass, 60 * 10)  # Credential valid for ten minutes, and for 1 use only

        sshHost, sshPort = self._tunnelServer.split(':')

        logger.debug('Username generated: {0}, password: {1}'.format(tunuser, tunpass))
        tun = "{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}".format(tunuser, tunpass, sshHost, sshPort, ip, self._listenPort, '9')

        # Extra data
        extra = {
            'width': width,
            'height': height,
            'connection': self._connection,
            'session': self._session,
            'cacheDisk': self._cacheDisk,
            'cacheMem': self._cacheMem,
            'tun': tun

        # Fix username/password acording to os manager
        username, password = userService.processUserPassword(username, password)

        return generateHtmlForNX(self, userService.uuid, transport.uuid, os, username, password, extra)
Beispiel #11
    def getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request):
        prefs = user.prefs('nx')

        ci = self.getConnectionInfo(userService, user, password)
        username = ci['username']

        priv, pub = self.getAndPushKey(username, userService)

        width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)


        xf = x2gofile.getTemplate(

        tunpass = ''.join(random.choice(string.letters + string.digits) for _i in range(12))
        tunuser = TicketStore.create(tunpass)

        sshHost, sshPort = self.tunnelServer.value.split(':')

        # data
        data = {
            'os': os['OS'],
            'ip': ip,
            'port': 22,
            'tunUser': tunuser,
            'tunPass': tunpass,
            'tunHost': sshHost,
            'tunPort': sshPort,
            'username': username,
            'key': priv,
            'width': width,
            'height': height,
            'printers': True,
            'drives': self.exports.isTrue(),
            'fullScreen': width == -1 or height == -1,
            'this_server': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),
            'xf': xf

        m = tools.DictAsObj(data)

        os = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            # OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'

        if os is None:
            return super(self.__class__, self).getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request)

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/'.format(os)).format(m=m)
Beispiel #12
    def getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user,
                              password, request):
        # We use helper to keep this clean
        prefs = user.prefs('rdp')

        ci = self.getConnectionInfo(userService, user, password)
        username, password, domain = ci['username'], ci['password'], ci[

        width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)
        depth = CommonPrefs.getDepth(prefs)

        r = RDPFile(width == -1 or height == -1,
        r.enablecredsspsupport = ci.get('sso', self.credssp.isTrue())
        r.address = '{}:{}'.format(ip, 3389)
        r.username = username
        r.password = password
        r.domain = domain
        r.redirectPrinters = self.allowPrinters.isTrue()
        r.redirectSmartcards = self.allowSmartcards.isTrue()
        r.redirectDrives = self.allowDrives.isTrue()
        r.redirectSerials = self.allowSerials.isTrue()
        r.enableClipboard = self.allowClipboard.isTrue()
        r.showWallpaper = self.wallpaper.isTrue()
        r.multimon = self.multimon.isTrue()
        r.desktopComposition =
        r.smoothFonts = self.smooth.isTrue()
        r.multimedia = self.multimedia.isTrue()
        r.alsa = self.alsa.isTrue()
        r.smartcardString = self.smartcardString.value
        r.printerString = self.printerString.value
        r.linuxCustomParameters = self.customParameters.value

        # data
        #         data = {
        #             'os': os['OS'],
        #             'ip': ip,
        #             'port': 3389,
        #             'username': username,
        #             'password': password,
        #             'hasCredentials': username != '' and password != '',
        #             'domain': domain,
        #             'width': width,
        #             'height': height,
        #             'depth': depth,
        #             'printers': self.allowPrinters.isTrue(),
        #             'smartcards': self.allowSmartcards.isTrue(),
        #             'drives': self.allowDrives.isTrue(),
        #             'serials': self.allowSerials.isTrue(),
        #             'compression': True,
        #             'wallpaper': self.wallpaper.isTrue(),
        #             'multimon': self.multimon.isTrue(),
        #             'fullScreen': width == -1 or height == -1,
        #             'this_server': request.build_absolute_uri('/')
        #         }

        os = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'

        if os is None:
            logger.ERROR('Os not detected for RDP Transport: {}'.format(
                request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'Unknown')))
            return super(RDPTransport,
                         self).getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport,
                                                     ip, os, user, password,

        sp = {
            'password': password,
            'this_server': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),

        if os == 'windows':
            if password != '':
                r.password = '******'
                'as_file': r.as_file,
        elif os == 'linux':
                'as_new_xfreerdp_params': r.as_new_xfreerdp_params,
                'as_rdesktop_params': r.as_rdesktop_params,
                'address': r.address,
        else:  # Mac
                'as_file': r.as_file,
                'ip': ip,
                'as_cord_url': r.as_cord_url,
            if domain != '':
                sp['usernameWithDomain'] = '{}\\\\{}'.format(domain, username)
                sp['usernameWithDomain'] = username

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/', os, sp)
Beispiel #13
    def getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request):
        # We use helper to keep this clean
        prefs = user.prefs('rdp')

        ci = self.getConnectionInfo(userService, user, password)
        username, password, domain = ci['username'], ci['password'], ci['domain']

        width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)
        depth = CommonPrefs.getDepth(prefs)

        tunpass = ''.join(random.choice(string.letters + string.digits) for _i in range(12))
        tunuser = TicketStore.create(tunpass)

        sshHost, sshPort = self.tunnelServer.value.split(':')

        logger.debug('Username generated: {0}, password: {1}'.format(tunuser, tunpass))

        r = RDPFile(width == -1 or height == -1, width, height, depth, target=os['OS'])
        r.address = '{address}'
        r.username = username
        r.password = password
        r.domain = domain
        r.redirectPrinters = self.allowPrinters.isTrue()
        r.redirectSmartcards = self.allowSmartcards.isTrue()
        r.redirectDrives = self.allowDrives.isTrue()
        r.redirectSerials = self.allowSerials.isTrue()
        r.showWallpaper = self.wallpaper.isTrue()
        r.multimon = self.multimon.isTrue()

        # data
        data = {
            'os': os['OS'],
            'ip': ip,
            'tunUser': tunuser,
            'tunPass': tunpass,
            'tunHost': sshHost,
            'tunPort': sshPort,
            'username': username,
            'password': password,
            'hasCredentials': username != '' and password != '',
            'domain': domain,
            'width': width,
            'height': height,
            'depth': depth,
            'printers': self.allowPrinters.isTrue(),
            'smartcards': self.allowSmartcards.isTrue(),
            'drives': self.allowDrives.isTrue(),
            'serials': self.allowSerials.isTrue(),
            'compression': True,
            'wallpaper': self.wallpaper.isTrue(),
            'multimon': self.multimon.isTrue(),
            'fullScreen': width == -1 or height == -1,
            'this_server': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),
            'r': r,

        m = tools.DictAsObj(data)

        if m.domain != '':
            m.usernameWithDomain = '{}\\\\{}'.format(m.domain, m.username)
            m.usernameWithDomain = m.username

        if m.os == OsDetector.Windows:
            r.password = '******'

        os = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'


        if os is None:
            return super(TSRDPTransport, self).getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request)

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/'.format(os)).format(m=m)
Beispiel #14
    def getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user,
                              password, request):
        # We use helper to keep this clean
        prefs = user.prefs('rdp')

        ci = self.getConnectionInfo(userService, user, password)
        username, password, domain = ci['username'], ci['password'], ci[

        width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)
        depth = CommonPrefs.getDepth(prefs)

        r = RDPFile(width == -1 or height == -1,
        r.address = '{}:{}'.format(ip, 3389)
        r.username = username
        r.password = password
        r.domain = domain
        r.redirectPrinters = self.allowPrinters.isTrue()
        r.redirectSmartcards = self.allowSmartcards.isTrue()
        r.redirectDrives = self.allowDrives.isTrue()
        r.redirectSerials = self.allowSerials.isTrue()
        r.showWallpaper = self.wallpaper.isTrue()
        r.multimon = self.multimon.isTrue()

        # data
        data = {
            'os': os['OS'],
            'ip': ip,
            'port': 3389,
            'username': username,
            'password': password,
            'hasCredentials': username != '' and password != '',
            'domain': domain,
            'width': width,
            'height': height,
            'depth': depth,
            'printers': self.allowPrinters.isTrue(),
            'smartcards': self.allowSmartcards.isTrue(),
            'drives': self.allowDrives.isTrue(),
            'serials': self.allowSerials.isTrue(),
            'compression': True,
            'wallpaper': self.wallpaper.isTrue(),
            'multimon': self.multimon.isTrue(),
            'fullScreen': width == -1 or height == -1,
            'this_server': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),
            'r': r,

        m = tools.DictAsObj(data)

        if m.domain != '':
            m.usernameWithDomain = '{}\\\\{}'.format(m.domain, m.username)
            m.usernameWithDomain = m.username

        if m.os == OsDetector.Windows:
            m.r.password = '******'

        os = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'

        if os is None:
            return super(RDPTransport,
                         self).getUDSTransportScript(self, userService,
                                                     transport, ip, os, user,
                                                     password, request)

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/'.format(os)).format(m=m)
Beispiel #15
    def getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request):
        # We use helper to keep this clean
        prefs = user.prefs('rdp')

        ci = self.getConnectionInfo(userService, user, password)
        username, password, domain = ci['username'], ci['password'], ci['domain']

        width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)
        depth = CommonPrefs.getDepth(prefs)

        r = RDPFile(width == -1 or height == -1, width, height, depth, target=os['OS'])
        r.enablecredsspsupport = ci.get('sso', self.credssp.isTrue())
        r.address = '{}:{}'.format(ip, 3389)
        r.username = username
        r.password = password
        r.domain = domain
        r.redirectPrinters = self.allowPrinters.isTrue()
        r.redirectSmartcards = self.allowSmartcards.isTrue()
        r.redirectDrives = self.allowDrives.isTrue()
        r.redirectSerials = self.allowSerials.isTrue()
        r.showWallpaper = self.wallpaper.isTrue()
        r.multimon = self.multimon.isTrue()
        r.desktopComposition =
        r.smoothFonts = self.smooth.isTrue()
        r.multimedia = self.multimedia.isTrue()
        r.alsa = self.alsa.isTrue()
        r.smartcardString = self.smartcardString.value
        r.printerString = self.printerString.value
        r.linuxCustomParameters = self.customParameters.value

        # data
#         data = {
#             'os': os['OS'],
#             'ip': ip,
#             'port': 3389,
#             'username': username,
#             'password': password,
#             'hasCredentials': username != '' and password != '',
#             'domain': domain,
#             'width': width,
#             'height': height,
#             'depth': depth,
#             'printers': self.allowPrinters.isTrue(),
#             'smartcards': self.allowSmartcards.isTrue(),
#             'drives': self.allowDrives.isTrue(),
#             'serials': self.allowSerials.isTrue(),
#             'compression': True,
#             'wallpaper': self.wallpaper.isTrue(),
#             'multimon': self.multimon.isTrue(),
#             'fullScreen': width == -1 or height == -1,
#             'this_server': request.build_absolute_uri('/')
#         }

        os = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'


        if os is None:
            return super(self.__class__, self).getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request)

        sp = {
            'password': password,
            'this_server': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),

        if os == 'windows':
            if password != '':
                r.password = '******'
                'as_file': r.as_file,
        elif os == 'linux':
                'as_new_xfreerdp_params': r.as_new_xfreerdp_params,
                'as_rdesktop_params': r.as_rdesktop_params,
                'address': r.address,
        else:  # Mac
                'as_file': r.as_file,
                'ip': ip,
                'as_cord_url': r.as_cord_url,
            if domain != '':
                sp['usernameWithDomain'] = '{}\\\\{}'.format(domain, username)
                sp['usernameWithDomain'] = username

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/', os, sp)
Beispiel #16
    def getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request):
        # We use helper to keep this clean
        prefs = user.prefs('rdp')

        ci = self.getConnectionInfo(userService, user, password)
        username, password, domain = ci['username'], ci['password'], ci['domain']

        width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)
        depth = CommonPrefs.getDepth(prefs)

        r = RDPFile(width == -1 or height == -1, width, height, depth, target=os['OS'])
        r.address = '{}:{}'.format(ip, 3389)
        r.username = username
        r.password = password
        r.domain = domain
        r.redirectPrinters = self.allowPrinters.isTrue()
        r.redirectSmartcards = self.allowSmartcards.isTrue()
        r.redirectDrives = self.allowDrives.isTrue()
        r.redirectSerials = self.allowSerials.isTrue()
        r.showWallpaper = self.wallpaper.isTrue()
        r.multimon = self.multimon.isTrue()

        # data
        data = {
            'os': os['OS'],
            'ip': ip,
            'port': 3389,
            'username': username,
            'password': password,
            'hasCredentials': username != '' and password != '',
            'domain': domain,
            'width': width,
            'height': height,
            'depth': depth,
            'printers': self.allowPrinters.isTrue(),
            'smartcards': self.allowSmartcards.isTrue(),
            'drives': self.allowDrives.isTrue(),
            'serials': self.allowSerials.isTrue(),
            'compression': True,
            'wallpaper': self.wallpaper.isTrue(),
            'multimon': self.multimon.isTrue(),
            'fullScreen': width == -1 or height == -1,
            'this_server': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),
            'r': r,

        m = tools.DictAsObj(data)

        if m.domain != '':
            m.usernameWithDomain = '{}\\\\{}'.format(m.domain, m.username)
            m.usernameWithDomain = m.username

        if m.os == OsDetector.Windows:
            m.r.password = '******'

        os = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'


        if os is None:
            return super(RDPTransport, self).getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user, password, request)

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/'.format(os)).format(m=m)
Beispiel #17
    def getUDSTransportScript(self, userService, transport, ip, os, user,
                              password, request):
        # We use helper to keep this clean
        prefs = user.prefs('rdp')

        ci = self.getConnectionInfo(userService, user, password)
        username, password, domain = ci['username'], ci['password'], ci[

        width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)
        depth = CommonPrefs.getDepth(prefs)

        tunpass = ''.join(
            random.choice(string.letters + string.digits) for _i in range(12))
        tunuser = TicketStore.create(tunpass)

        sshHost, sshPort = self.tunnelServer.value.split(':')

        logger.debug('Username generated: {0}, password: {1}'.format(
            tunuser, tunpass))

        r = RDPFile(width == -1 or height == -1,
        r.enablecredsspsupport = ci.get('sso', self.credssp.isTrue())
        r.address = '{address}'
        r.username = username
        r.password = password
        r.domain = domain
        r.redirectPrinters = self.allowPrinters.isTrue()
        r.redirectSmartcards = self.allowSmartcards.isTrue()
        r.redirectDrives = self.allowDrives.isTrue()
        r.redirectSerials = self.allowSerials.isTrue()
        r.showWallpaper = self.wallpaper.isTrue()
        r.multimon = self.multimon.isTrue()
        r.desktopComposition =
        r.smoothFonts = self.smooth.isTrue()
        r.multimedia = self.multimedia.isTrue()
        r.alsa = self.alsa.isTrue()
        r.smartcardString = self.smartcardString.value
        r.printerString = self.printerString.value
        r.linuxCustomParameters = self.customParameters.value

        # data
        #         data = {
        #             'os': os['OS'],
        #             'ip': ip,
        #             'tunUser': tunuser,
        #             'tunPass': tunpass,
        #             'tunHost': sshHost,
        #             'tunPort': sshPort,
        #             'tunWait': self.tunnelWait.num(),
        #             'username': username,
        #             'password': password,
        #             'hasCredentials': username != '' and password != '',
        #             'domain': domain,
        #             'width': width,
        #             'height': height,
        #             'depth': depth,
        #             'printers': self.allowPrinters.isTrue(),
        #             'smartcards': self.allowSmartcards.isTrue(),
        #             'drives': self.allowDrives.isTrue(),
        #             'serials': self.allowSerials.isTrue(),
        #             'compression': True,
        #             'wallpaper': self.wallpaper.isTrue(),
        #             'multimon': self.multimon.isTrue(),
        #             'fullScreen': width == -1 or height == -1,
        #             'this_server': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),
        #             'r': r,
        #         }

        os = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'

        if os is None:
            return super(self.__class__,
                         self).getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport,
                                                     ip, os, user, password,

        sp = {
            'tunUser': tunuser,
            'tunPass': tunpass,
            'tunHost': sshHost,
            'tunPort': sshPort,
            'tunWait': self.tunnelWait.num(),
            'ip': ip,
            'password': password,
            'this_server': request.build_absolute_uri('/'),

        if os == 'windows':
            if password != '':
                r.password = '******'
                'as_file': r.as_file,
        elif os == 'linux':
                'as_new_xfreerdp_params': r.as_new_xfreerdp_params,
                'as_rdesktop_params': r.as_rdesktop_params,
        else:  # Mac
                'as_file': r.as_file,
                'ip': ip,
                'as_cord_url': r.as_cord_url,
            if domain != '':
                sp['usernameWithDomain'] = '{}\\\\{}'.format(domain, username)
                sp['usernameWithDomain'] = username

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/', os, sp)