Beispiel #1
def Arguments(function_space, number):
    """UFL value: Create an Argument in a mixed space, and return a
    tuple with the function components corresponding to the subelements."""
    if isinstance(function_space, MixedFunctionSpace):
        return [Argument(function_space.ufl_sub_space(i), number, i)
                for i in range(function_space.num_sub_spaces())]
        return split(Argument(function_space, number))
Beispiel #2
def TrialFunctions(function_space):
    """Return a tuple of trial functions on the specified function space.
    :arg function_space: the :class:`.FunctionSpace` to build the trial
         functions on.
    This returns ``len(function_space)`` trial functions, which, if the
    function space is a :class:`.MixedFunctionSpace`, are indexed
    return split(TrialFunction(function_space))
Beispiel #3
def Coefficients(function_space):
    """UFL value: Create a Coefficient in a mixed space, and return a
    tuple with the function components corresponding to the subelements."""
    if isinstance(function_space, MixedFunctionSpace):
        return [
            for i in range(function_space.num_sub_spaces())
        return split(Coefficient(function_space))
Beispiel #4
def TestFunctions(function_space):
    """Return a tuple of test functions on the specified function space.

    :arg function_space: the :class:`.FunctionSpaceBase` to build the test
         functions on.

    This returns ``len(function_space)`` test functions, which, if the
    function space is a :class:`.MixedFunctionSpace`, are indexed
    return split(TestFunction(function_space))
Beispiel #5
def _handle_derivative_arguments(form, coefficient, argument):
    # Wrap single coefficient in tuple for uniform treatment below
    if isinstance(coefficient, (list, tuple, ListTensor)):
        coefficients = tuple(coefficient)
        coefficients = (coefficient,)

    if argument is None:
        # Try to create argument if not provided
        if not all(isinstance(c, Coefficient) for c in coefficients):
            error("Can only create arguments automatically for non-indexed coefficients.")

        # Get existing arguments from form and position the new one
        # with the next argument number
        if isinstance(form, Form):
            form_arguments = form.arguments()
            # To handle derivative(expression), which is at least used
            # in tests. Remove?
            form_arguments = extract_arguments(form)

        numbers = sorted(set(arg.number() for arg in form_arguments))
        number = max(numbers + [-1]) + 1

        # Don't know what to do with parts, let the user sort it out
        # in that case
        parts = set(arg.part() for arg in form_arguments)
        if len(parts - {None}) != 0:
            error("Not expecting parts here, provide your own arguments.")
        part = None

        # Create argument and split it if in a mixed space
        function_spaces = [c.ufl_function_space() for c in coefficients]
        domains = [fs.ufl_domain() for fs in function_spaces]
        elements = [fs.ufl_element() for fs in function_spaces]
        if len(function_spaces) == 1:
            arguments = (Argument(function_spaces[0], number, part),)
            # Create in mixed space over assumed (for now) same domain
            assert all(fs.ufl_domain() == domains[0] for fs in function_spaces)
            elm = MixedElement(*elements)
            fs = FunctionSpace(domains[0], elm)
            arguments = split(Argument(fs, number, part))
        # Wrap single argument in tuple for uniform treatment below
        if isinstance(argument, (list, tuple)):
            arguments = tuple(argument)
            n = len(coefficients)
            if n == 1:
                arguments = (argument,)
                if argument.ufl_shape == (n,):
                    arguments = tuple(argument[i] for i in range(n))
                    arguments = split(argument)

    # Build mapping from coefficient to argument
    m = {}
    for (c, a) in zip(coefficients, arguments):
        if c.ufl_shape != a.ufl_shape:
            error("Coefficient and argument shapes do not match!")
        if isinstance(c, Coefficient) or isinstance(c, SpatialCoordinate):
            m[c] = a
            if not isinstance(c, Indexed):
                error("Invalid coefficient type for %s" % ufl_err_str(c))
            f, i = c.ufl_operands
            if not isinstance(f, Coefficient):
                error("Expecting an indexed coefficient, not %s" % ufl_err_str(f))
            if not (isinstance(i, MultiIndex) and all(isinstance(j, FixedIndex) for j in i)):
                error("Expecting one or more fixed indices, not %s" % ufl_err_str(i))
            i = tuple(int(j) for j in i)
            if f not in m:
                m[f] = {}
            m[f][i] = a

    # Merge coefficient derivatives (arguments) based on indices
    for c, p in m.items():
        if isinstance(p, dict):
            a = zero_lists(c.ufl_shape)
            for i, g in p.items():
                set_list_item(a, i, g)
            m[c] = as_tensor(a)

    # Wrap and return generic tuples
    items = sorted(m.items(), key=lambda x: x[0].count())
    coefficients = ExprList(*[item[0] for item in items])
    arguments = ExprList(*[item[1] for item in items])
    return coefficients, arguments
def TrialFunctions(element):
    """UFL value: Create a TrialFunction in a mixed space, and return a
    tuple with the function components corresponding to the subelements."""
    return split(TrialFunction(element))
def Arguments(element):
    """UFL value: Create an Argument in a mixed space, and return a
    tuple with the function components corresponding to the subelements."""
    return split(Argument(element))
Beispiel #8
def Coefficients(function_space):
    """UFL value: Create a Coefficient in a mixed space, and return a
    tuple with the function components corresponding to the subelements."""
    return split(Coefficient(function_space))
Beispiel #9
def Coefficients(function_space):
    """UFL value: Create a Coefficient in a mixed space, and return a
    tuple with the function components corresponding to the subelements."""
    return split(Coefficient(function_space))
Beispiel #10
def _handle_derivative_arguments(form, coefficient, argument):
    # Wrap single coefficient in tuple for uniform treatment below
    if isinstance(coefficient, (list, tuple, ListTensor)):
        coefficients = tuple(coefficient)
        coefficients = (coefficient,)

    if argument is None:
        # Try to create argument if not provided
        if not all(isinstance(c, Coefficient) for c in coefficients):
            error("Can only create arguments automatically for non-indexed coefficients.")

        # Get existing arguments from form and position the new one
        # with the next argument number
        if isinstance(form, Form):
            form_arguments = form.arguments()
            # To handle derivative(expression), which is at least used
            # in tests. Remove?
            form_arguments = extract_arguments(form)

        numbers = sorted(set(arg.number() for arg in form_arguments))
        number = max(numbers + [-1]) + 1

        # Don't know what to do with parts, let the user sort it out
        # in that case
        parts = set(arg.part() for arg in form_arguments)
        if len(parts - {None}) != 0:
            error("Not expecting parts here, provide your own arguments.")
        part = None

        # Create argument and split it if in a mixed space
        function_spaces = [c.ufl_function_space() for c in coefficients]
        domains = [fs.ufl_domain() for fs in function_spaces]
        elements = [fs.ufl_element() for fs in function_spaces]
        if len(function_spaces) == 1:
            arguments = (Argument(function_spaces[0], number, part),)
            # Create in mixed space over assumed (for now) same domain
            assert all(fs.ufl_domain() == domains[0] for fs in function_spaces)
            elm = MixedElement(*elements)
            fs = FunctionSpace(domains[0], elm)
            arguments = split(Argument(fs, number, part))
        # Wrap single argument in tuple for uniform treatment below
        if isinstance(argument, (list, tuple)):
            arguments = tuple(argument)
            n = len(coefficients)
            if n == 1:
                arguments = (argument,)
                if argument.ufl_shape == (n,):
                    arguments = tuple(argument[i] for i in range(n))
                    arguments = split(argument)

    # Build mapping from coefficient to argument
    m = {}
    for (c, a) in zip(coefficients, arguments):
        if c.ufl_shape != a.ufl_shape:
            error("Coefficient and argument shapes do not match!")
        if isinstance(c, Coefficient) or isinstance(c, SpatialCoordinate):
            m[c] = a
            if not isinstance(c, Indexed):
                error("Invalid coefficient type for %s" % ufl_err_str(c))
            f, i = c.ufl_operands
            if not isinstance(f, Coefficient):
                error("Expecting an indexed coefficient, not %s" % ufl_err_str(f))
            if not (isinstance(i, MultiIndex) and all(isinstance(j, FixedIndex) for j in i)):
                error("Expecting one or more fixed indices, not %s" % ufl_err_str(i))
            i = tuple(int(j) for j in i)
            if f not in m:
                m[f] = {}
            m[f][i] = a

    # Merge coefficient derivatives (arguments) based on indices
    for c, p in m.items():
        if isinstance(p, dict):
            a = zero_lists(c.ufl_shape)
            for i, g in p.items():
                set_list_item(a, i, g)
            m[c] = as_tensor(a)

    # Wrap and return generic tuples
    items = sorted(m.items(), key=lambda x: x[0].count())
    coefficients = ExprList(*[item[0] for item in items])
    arguments = ExprList(*[item[1] for item in items])
    return coefficients, arguments
def _handle_derivative_arguments(coefficient, argument):
    # Wrap single coefficient in tuple for uniform treatment below
    if isinstance(coefficient, (list,tuple)):
        coefficients = tuple(coefficient)
        coefficients = (coefficient,)

    if argument is None:
        # Try to create argument if not provided
        if not all(isinstance(c, Coefficient) for c in coefficients):
            error("Can only create arguments automatically for non-indexed coefficients.")

        elements = [c.element() for c in coefficients]
        if len(elements) > 1:
            elm = MixedElement(*elements)
            arguments = split(Argument(elm))
            elm, = elements
            arguments = (Argument(elm),)
        # Wrap single argument in tuple for uniform treatment below
        if isinstance(argument, (list,tuple)):
            arguments = tuple(argument)
            n = len(coefficients)
            if n == 1:
                arguments = (argument,)
                if argument.shape() == (n,):
                    arguments = tuple(argument[i] for i in range(n))
                    arguments = split(argument)

    # Build mapping from coefficient to argument
    m = {}
    for (c, a) in izip(coefficients, arguments):
        ufl_assert(c.shape() == a.shape(), "Coefficient and argument shapes do not match!")
        if isinstance(c, Coefficient):
            m[c] = a
            ufl_assert(isinstance(c, Indexed), "Invalid coefficient type for %s" % repr(c))
            f, i = c.operands()
            ufl_assert(isinstance(f, Coefficient), "Expecting an indexed coefficient, not %s" % repr(f))
            ufl_assert(isinstance(i, MultiIndex) and all(isinstance(j, FixedIndex) for j in i),
                       "Expecting one or more fixed indices, not %s" % repr(i))
            i = tuple(int(j) for j in i)
            if f not in m:
                m[f] = {}
            m[f][i] = a

    # Merge coefficient derivatives (arguments) based on indices
    for c, p in m.iteritems():
        if isinstance(p, dict):
            a = zero_lists(c.shape())
            for i, g in p.iteritems():
                set_list_item(a, i, g)
            m[c] = as_tensor(a)

    # Wrap and return generic tuples
    items = sorted(m.items(), key=lambda x: x[0].count())
    coefficients = Tuple(*[item[0] for item in items])
    arguments = Tuple(*[item[1] for item in items])
    return coefficients, arguments