Beispiel #1
    def service_ethtool_digest_all(self, context):
        result = {}
        nooptions = self.service_ethtool_nooptions_all(context)
        statistics = self.service_ethtool_statistics_all(context)

        for iface in nooptions:

            nooptions_data = nooptions[iface]
            statistics_data = statistics[iface]

            nooptions_error = ethtool_error_key in nooptions_data
            statistics_error = ethtool_error_key in statistics_data
            if nooptions_error:
                #silently ignore here: likely not an ethernet iface

            speed = u"%s %s Duplex" % (

            result[iface] = {}

            if statistics_error:
                stats = ()
                rx = statistics_data.get('rx_bytes')
                if rx is None:
                    stats = ()
                rx = humanFilesize(statistics_data['rx_bytes'])
                tx = humanFilesize(statistics_data['tx_bytes'])
                if 'rx_errors' in statistics_data:
                    rx_errors = statistics_data['rx_errors']
                    rx_errors = statistics_data['rx_errors_total']
                if 'tx_errors' in statistics_data:
                    tx_errors = statistics_data['tx_errors']
                    tx_errors = statistics_data['tx_errors_total']
                stats = (
                    ('Received:', rx),
                    ('Transfered:', tx),
                    ('Reception Errors:', rx_errors),
                    ('Transmission Errors:', tx_errors)

            result[iface] = (
                ('Speed:', speed),
                ('Link detected:', nooptions_data['Link detected']),
            ) + stats

        return result
Beispiel #2
    def paint(self, painter, rect, widget_size, draw_highlight):
        if not self.model():

        option = self.viewOptions()

        background = option.palette.base()
        foreground = QPen(option.palette.color(QPalette.Foreground))
        painter.fillRect(rect, background)

        # Handle step by step size increment
        step_width = floor(widget_size.width() / RESIZE_INCREMENT) * RESIZE_INCREMENT
        step_height = floor(widget_size.height() / RESIZE_INCREMENT) * RESIZE_INCREMENT

        # Offset to correctly center the graph after the resizing due to the step by step increment
        painter.translate((widget_size.width() - step_width) / 2.0, (widget_size.height() - step_height) / 2.0)

        fm = QFontMetrics(painter.font())
        margin_size = fm.width("0")

        # Find the highest column
        if self.model().rowCount(self.rootIndex()) > 1:
            value_max = self.getValueMax()
            value_max = 0

        # If there is no data yet, or the max is at 0, use a max of 10 to display an axe
        if value_max == 0:
            value_max = 10
            if not self.is_value:
                self.is_value = True
        if self.fetcher.fragment.type == 'TrafficStream':
            x_axe_off = fm.width(unicode(value_max * 2000))
            x_axe_off = fm.width(unicode(value_max * 200))

        # If there is no data yet, or the max is at 0, use a max of 10 to display an axe
        if self.fetcher.fragment.type == 'LoadStream':
            if value_max < 100:
                value_max = 100

            if value_max == 0:
                value_max = 10

        width_max =  step_width - (2 * margin_size) - x_axe_off
        height_max = (step_height * (1.0 - TITLE_AREA)) - 2 * margin_size
        width = width_max / (self.model().rowCount(self.rootIndex())+1)

        if height_max < 0 or width_max < 0:

        # Draw the horizontal axe
        painter.drawLine(margin_size + x_axe_off, height_max + margin_size, step_width - margin_size, height_max + margin_size)

        # Draw the vertical axe
        painter.drawLine(margin_size  + x_axe_off, margin_size, margin_size + x_axe_off, height_max + margin_size)

        # Graduations
        nbr_grad = value_max
        dgrad = 1
        dy = float(dgrad) * height_max / value_max # pixel count between 2 graduations

        while fm.height() > dy:
            nbr_grad = floor(nbr_grad / 10)
            dgrad = dgrad * 10
            dy = float(dgrad) * height_max / value_max

        # Try to fit graduations 5 by 5
        if fm.height() < dy / 2:
            nbr_grad = nbr_grad * 2
            dgrad = dgrad / 2
            dy = float(dgrad) * height_max / value_max

        # Prevent for infinite loops.
        if dgrad < 1:
            dgrad = 1

        dy = float(dgrad) * height_max / value_max
        text_dy = fm.height()
        i = 1
        while (i * dgrad) <= value_max:
            y = height_max - (dy * i) + margin_size
            grad_width = fm.width("0")
            painter.drawLine(margin_size + x_axe_off - grad_width, y, margin_size + x_axe_off, y)
            text = unicode(int(dgrad * i))

            if self.fetcher.fragment.type == 'LoadStream':
                text = unicode(float(dgrad * i) / 100)

            if self.fetcher.fragment.type == 'TrafficStream':
                if int(float(text)) > 0:
                    text = humanFilesize(float(text))
            elif self.fetcher.fragment.type == 'MemoryStream':
                if float(text) > 0:
                    text = humanFilesize(float(text) * 1024)

            if self.is_value:
                painter.drawText(QRect(0, y - text_dy / 2.0, margin_size + x_axe_off - 2 * grad_width, text_dy), Qt.AlignRight|Qt.AlignVCenter, text)
                painter.drawText(0, y + text_dy / 4.0, text)

            if i % 2:
                painter.setBrush(QColor(135, 135, 135, 64)) # Gray
                painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)))
                painter.drawRect(margin_size + x_axe_off, y, width_max, dy)
            i = i + 1

        if i == 1: # no graduation was drawn, draw the max
            y = margin_size
            grad_width = fm.width("0")
            painter.drawLine(margin_size + x_axe_off - grad_width, y, margin_size + x_axe_off, y)
            text = unicode(int(value_max))
            painter.drawText(QRect(0, y - text_dy / 2.0, margin_size + x_axe_off - 2 * grad_width, text_dy), Qt.AlignRight|Qt.AlignVCenter, text)

        painter.translate((step_width - widget_size.width()) / 2.0, (step_height - widget_size.height()) / 2.0)