Beispiel #1
class BreakpointEditDialog( QDialog ):
    " Dialog with a list of modified but unsaved files implementation "

    # See for runParameters
    def __init__( self, bpoint, parent = None ):
        QDialog.__init__( self, parent )

        self.__origBpoint = bpoint
        self.setWindowTitle( "Edit breakpoint properties" )
        self.setWindowIcon( PixmapCache().getIcon( 'bpprops.png' ) )
        self.__createLayout( bpoint )
        self.__OKButton.setEnabled( False )

        self.__conditionValue.lineEdit().textChanged.connect( self.__changed )
        self.__ignoreValue.valueChanged.connect( self.__changed )
        self.__enabled.stateChanged.connect( self.__changed )
        self.__tempCheckbox.stateChanged.connect( self.__changed )

    def __createLayout( self, bpoint ):
        """ Creates the dialog layout """

        self.resize( 400, 150 )
        self.setSizeGripEnabled( True )

        # Top level layout
        layout = QVBoxLayout( self )

        gridLayout = QGridLayout()
        fileLabel = QLabel( "File name:" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( fileLabel, 0, 0 )
        fileValue = QLabel( bpoint.getAbsoluteFileName() )
        gridLayout.addWidget( fileValue, 0, 1 )
        lineLabel = QLabel( "Line:" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( lineLabel, 1, 0 )
        lineValue = QLabel( str( bpoint.getLineNumber() ) )
        gridLayout.addWidget( lineValue, 1, 1 )
        conditionLabel = QLabel( "Condition:" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( conditionLabel, 2, 0 )
        self.__conditionValue = CDMComboBox( True )
        self.__conditionValue.lineEdit().setText( bpoint.getCondition() )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.__conditionValue, 2, 1 )
        ignoreLabel = QLabel( "Ignore count:" )
        gridLayout.addWidget( ignoreLabel, 3, 0 )
        self.__ignoreValue = QSpinBox()
        self.__ignoreValue.setMinimum( 0 )
        self.__ignoreValue.setValue( bpoint.getIgnoreCount() )
        gridLayout.addWidget( self.__ignoreValue, 3, 1 )
        layout.addLayout( gridLayout )

        # Checkboxes part
        self.__tempCheckbox = QCheckBox( "&Temporary" )
        self.__tempCheckbox.setChecked( bpoint.isTemporary() )
        layout.addWidget( self.__tempCheckbox )
        self.__enabled = QCheckBox( "&Enabled" )
        self.__enabled.setChecked( bpoint.isEnabled() )
        layout.addWidget( self.__enabled )

        # Buttons at the bottom
        buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox( self )
        buttonBox.setOrientation( Qt.Horizontal )
        buttonBox.setStandardButtons( QDialogButtonBox.Ok |
                                      QDialogButtonBox.Cancel )
        self.__OKButton = buttonBox.button( QDialogButtonBox.Ok )
        self.__OKButton.setDefault( True )
        buttonBox.accepted.connect( self.accept )
        buttonBox.rejected.connect( self.close )
        layout.addWidget( buttonBox )


    def __changed( self, skipped = None ):
        " Triggered when something has been changed "
        self.__OKButton.setEnabled( True )

    def getData( self ):
        " Provides a new instance of a breakpoint "
        newBPoint = Breakpoint( self.__origBpoint.getAbsoluteFileName(),
                                self.__ignoreValue.value() )
        return newBPoint