Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self,
              parent: QDialog,
              app_config: AppConfig,
              dashd_intf: DashdInterface,
              raw_transaction: str,
              tx_inputs: List[UtxoType],
              tx_outputs: List[TxOutputType],
              cur_hd_tree_id: int,
              hw_session: HwSessionInfo,
              after_send_tx_callback: Callable[[dict], None],
              decoded_transaction: Optional[dict] = None,
              dependent_transactions: Optional[dict] = None,
              fn_show_address_on_hw: Callable[[Bip44AddressType],
                                              None] = None):
     QDialog.__init__(self, parent=parent)
     WndUtils.__init__(self, app_config)
     self.app_config = app_config
     self.parent = parent
     self.dashd_intf = dashd_intf
     self.transaction_sent = False
     self.raw_transaction = raw_transaction
     self.tx_inputs = tx_inputs
     self.tx_outputs = tx_outputs
     self.tx_id = None  # will be decoded from rawtransaction
     self.tx_size = None  # as above
     self.cur_hd_tree_id = cur_hd_tree_id
     self.hw_session = hw_session
     self.decoded_transaction: Optional[dict] = decoded_transaction
     self.dependent_transactions = dependent_transactions  # key: txid, value: transaction dict
     self.after_send_tx_callback: Callable[[Dict],
                                           None] = after_send_tx_callback
     self.fn_show_address_on_hw = fn_show_address_on_hw
Beispiel #2
 def __init__(
     parent: QDialog,
     config: AppConfig,
     dashd_intf: DashdInterface,
     raw_transaction: str,
     use_instant_send: bool,
     tx_inputs: List[UtxoType],
     tx_outputs: List[TxOutputType],
     after_send_tx_callback: Callable[[dict], None],
     decoded_transaction: Optional[dict] = None,
     dependent_transactions: Optional[dict] = None,
     QDialog.__init__(self, parent=parent)
     WndUtils.__init__(self, config)
     self.config = config
     self.parent = parent
     self.dashd_intf = dashd_intf
     self.transaction_sent = False
     self.raw_transaction = raw_transaction
     self.use_instant_send = use_instant_send
     self.tx_inputs = tx_inputs
     self.tx_outputs = tx_outputs
     self.tx_id = None  # will be decoded from rawtransaction
     self.tx_size = None  # as above
     self.decoded_transaction: Optional[dict] = decoded_transaction
     self.dependent_transactions = dependent_transactions  # key: txid, value: transaction dict
     self.after_send_tx_callback: Callable[[Dict],
                                           None] = after_send_tx_callback
 def __init__(self, parent: QDialog,
              config: AppConfig,
              dashd_intf: DashdInterface,
              raw_transaction: str,
              decoded_transaction: Optional[dict] = None,
              dependent_transactions: Optional[dict] = None
     QDialog.__init__(self, parent=parent)
     WndUtils.__init__(self, config)
     self.config = config
     self.parent = parent
     self.dashd_intf = dashd_intf
     self.transaction_sent = False
     self.raw_transaction = raw_transaction
     self.tx_id = None  # will be decoded from rawtransaction
     self.tx_size = None  # as above
     self.decoded_transaction: Optional[dict] = decoded_transaction
     self.dependent_transactions = dependent_transactions  # key: txid, value: transaction dict