def __init__(self, voxel_widget, voxel_grid, parent=None):
     # Initializes the UI - this is pretty standard
     super(DockGridManager, self).__init__(parent)
     self.ui = Ui_DockTableManager()
     self.setWindowTitle( QApplication.translate("DockGridManager", "Grids Manager", None, QApplication.UnicodeUTF8) )
     # Setting the protected members:
     self._voxel_widget = voxel_widget # GLWidget - Refreshes the OpenGL area
     self._voxel_grid = voxel_grid # VoxelGrid - Modify the number and order of rows.
     # Setting the custom model for the QTableView
     self.model = VoxelGridModel( self._voxel_widget, self._voxel_grid )
     self.ui.table.setModel( self.model )
     # Setting the custom delegate for the QTableView
     self.ui.table.setItemDelegate( VoxelGridDelegate() )
     # Customizing some QTableView properties
     self.ui.table.setFocusPolicy( Qt.NoFocus )
class DockGridManager(QDockWidget):

    def __init__(self, voxel_widget, voxel_grid, parent=None):
        # Initializes the UI - this is pretty standard
        super(DockGridManager, self).__init__(parent)
        self.ui = Ui_DockTableManager()
        self.setWindowTitle( QApplication.translate("DockGridManager", "Grids Manager", None, QApplication.UnicodeUTF8) )
        # Setting the protected members:
        self._voxel_widget = voxel_widget # GLWidget - Refreshes the OpenGL area
        self._voxel_grid = voxel_grid # VoxelGrid - Modify the number and order of rows.
        # Setting the custom model for the QTableView
        self.model = VoxelGridModel( self._voxel_widget, self._voxel_grid )
        self.ui.table.setModel( self.model )
        # Setting the custom delegate for the QTableView
        self.ui.table.setItemDelegate( VoxelGridDelegate() )
        # Customizing some QTableView properties
        self.ui.table.setFocusPolicy( Qt.NoFocus )

    # Event that inserts a new row to the table.
    # If a row is selected, inserts before that row.
    def table_record_add(self):
        selection = self.ui.table.selectionModel()
        index = selection.currentIndex();
        if( selection.hasSelection() ):
            self.model.insertRow(index.row(), index.parent() )
            self.model.insertRow(-1, index.parent() )

    # Event that removes a row from the table. One or more rows must be selected or else, this won't have any effect.
    def table_record_delete(self):
        selection = self.ui.table.selectionModel()
        remove_sucess = True
        # We use a while and a custom flag here to know when we are done. The flag indicates when the user tried to remove an unremovable row.
        while( selection.hasSelection() and remove_sucess ):
            index = selection.currentIndex()
            remove_sucess = self.model.removeRow( index.row(), index.parent() )

    # This method moves an row Uo (moving_up = True) or Down (moving_up = False) in the grid.
    def _table_record_move(self, moving_up = True ):
        # If nothing is selected, then there is nothing to move.
        selection = self.ui.table.selectionModel()
        if( not selection.hasSelection() ):

        index = selection.currentIndex();
        grid_planes = self._voxel_grid.get_grid_planes_list()

        # Checks to see if the new position is valid, or else, returns.
        if( ( moving_up and index.row() < 1 ) or ( not moving_up and index.row() >= len( grid_planes )-1 ) ):
        # The swap_index is where the current row will go (be swapped with).
        swap_index = self.model.index( index.row() + ( -1 if moving_up else 1 ), index.column() )
        # Now, in case we are moving up, we exchange the indexs, bexause the method dataChanged goes from topLeft to BottomRight
        # Ex. index = (3,x), swap_index = (2,x). dataChanged( (3,x), (2,x) ) -> (3,x) is no the top most index, thats why we swap it.
        if( moving_up ):
            index, swap_index = swap_index, index

        # Here, we swap the values in the list of "GridPlane"s. It kind of doesn't matters the order of the swap
        grid_planes[index.row()], grid_planes[swap_index.row()] = grid_planes[swap_index.row()], grid_planes[index.row()]
        # And here, that magic dataChanged event =]
        self.model.dataChanged.emit( index, swap_index )
        # Here, we update the selection and the current index, so that the user can keep clicking on the move button
        # until the row goes where he wants it. swap_index, QItemSelectionModel.SelectCurrent | QItemSelectionModel.Rows )
        selection.setCurrentIndex( index if moving_up else swap_index, QItemSelectionModel.SelectCurrent | QItemSelectionModel.Rows )

    # Event that moves the selected row one row Up
    def table_record_move_up(self):
        self._table_record_move( moving_up = True )

    # Event that moves the selected row one row Down
    def table_record_move_down(self):
        self._table_record_move( moving_up = False )