def test_do_get_alarm_definitions(self): res = mock.Mock() req = mock.Mock() req_result = mock.Mock() req_result.json.return_value = json.loads(response_str) req_result.status_code = 200 with mock.patch.object(requests, 'get', return_value=req_result): self.dispatcher_get.do_get_alarm_definitions( req, res, id="72df5ccb-ec6a-4bb4-a15c-939467ccdde0") # test that the response code is 200 self.assertEqual(res.status, getattr(falcon, 'HTTP_200')) obj = json.loads(res.body) self.assertEqual(obj[0]['id'], "72df5ccb-ec6a-4bb4-a15c-939467ccdde0") self.assertEqual(obj[0]['name'], "CPU usage test") self.assertEqual(obj[0]['alarm_actions'], "c60ec47e-5038-4bf1-9f95-4046c6e9a719") self.assertEqual(obj[0]['undetermined_actions'], "c60ec47e-5038-4bf1-9t95-4046c6e9a759") self.assertEqual(obj[0]['ok_actions'], "c60ec47e-5038-4bf1-9f95-4046cte9a759") self.assertEqual(obj[0]['match_by'], "hostname") self.assertEqual(obj[0]['severity'], "LOW") self.assertEqual(obj[0]['expression'], "max(cpu.usage{os=linux},600)>15") self.assertEqual(obj[0]['description'], "Max CPU 15") self.assertEqual(len(obj), 1)
def setUp(self): self.CONF = self.useFixture(fixture_config.Config()).conf self.CONF.set_override('doc_type', 'fake', group='alarms') self.CONF.set_override('uri', 'fake_es_uri', group='es_conn') super(TestAlarmDispatcher, self).setUp() self.dispatcher_get = ( alarms.AlarmDispatcher({})) self.dispatcher_get_by_id = ( alarms.AlarmDispatcher({})) self.dispatcher_put = ( alarms.AlarmDispatcher({})) self.dispatcher_delete = ( alarms.AlarmDispatcher({})) dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) alarms_data_json = open(os.path.join(dir_path, 'test_alarms_data') ).read().replace('\n', '') = json.loads(alarms_data_json) get_alarms_data = open(os.path.join(dir_path, 'test_get_alarms_data') ).read().replace('\n', '') self.get_alarms_data = json.loads(get_alarms_data)
def testEncodeUnicodeBMP(self): s = u'\U0001f42e\U0001f42e\U0001F42D\U0001F42D' # 🐮🐮🐭🐭 encoded = ujson.dumps(s) encoded_json = json.dumps(s) if len(s) == 4: self.assertEqual(len(encoded), len(s) * 12 + 2) else: self.assertEqual(len(encoded), len(s) * 6 + 2) self.assertEqual(encoded, encoded_json) decoded = ujson.loads(encoded) self.assertEqual(s, decoded) # ujson outputs an UTF-8 encoded str object if PY3: encoded = ujson.dumps(s, ensure_ascii=False) else: encoded = ujson.dumps(s, ensure_ascii=False).decode("utf-8") # json outputs an unicode object encoded_json = json.dumps(s, ensure_ascii=False) self.assertEqual(len(encoded), len(s) + 2) # original length + quotes self.assertEqual(encoded, encoded_json) decoded = ujson.loads(encoded) self.assertEqual(s, decoded)
def main(j, args, params, tags, tasklet): doc = args.doc nid = args.getTag('nid') nidstr = str(nid) rediscl = j.clients.redis.getByInstance('system') out = list() out.append('||Port||Status||Memory Used||') rstatus = rediscl.hget('healthcheck:monitoring', 'results') errors = rediscl.hget('healthcheck:monitoring', 'errors') rstatus = ujson.loads(rstatus) if rstatus else dict() errors = ujson.loads(errors) if errors else dict() for data in [rstatus, errors]: if nidstr in data: if 'redis' in data.get(nidstr, dict()): rnstatus = data[nidstr].get('redis', dict()) for stat in rnstatus: if 'state' not in stat: continue state = j.core.grid.healthchecker.getWikiStatus(stat.get('state', 'UNKNOWN')) usage = "%s / %s" % (stat.get('memory_usage', ''), stat.get('memory_max', '')) out.append('|%s|%s|%s|' % (stat.get('port', -1), state, usage)) out = '\n'.join(out) params.result = (out, doc) return params
def test_decodeArrayFaultyUnicode(self): try: ujson.loads('[18446744073709551616]') except ValueError: pass else: assert False, "expected ValueError"
def test_decodeArrayWithBigInt(self): try: ujson.loads('[18446098363113800555]') except ValueError: pass else: assert False, "expected ValueError"
def test_ReadBadObjectSyntax(self): try: ujson.loads('{"age", 44}') except ValueError: pass else: assert False, "expected ValueError"
def file_reader(self, options_filename=None, json_string=None): """ Read arbitrary input file(s) or standard Python str. When passing file_reader() a JSON string, assign it to the json_string arg. Yields a tuple of (line number, record). """ line_number = 0 if json_string is not None: hook = self.string_hook options_filename = json_string else: hook = fileinput.hook_compressed for r in fileinput.FileInput(options_filename, openhook=hook): line_number += 1 try: recs = [json.loads(r.strip())] except ValueError: try: # maybe a missing line feed? recs = [json.loads(x) for x in r.strip().replace("}{", "}GNIP_SPLIT{") .split("GNIP_SPLIT")] except ValueError: sys.stderr.write("Invalid JSON record (%d) %s, skipping\n" %(line_number, r.strip())) continue for record in recs: if len(record) == 0: continue # hack: let the old source modules still have a self.cnt for error msgs self.cnt = line_number yield line_number, record
def post(request): """Sets a key to a value on the currently logged in users preferences :param key: Key to set :type key: str :param val: Value to set :type val: primitive :returns: json """ data = request.POST or json.loads(request.body)['body'] key = data.get('key', None) val = data.get('val', None) res = Result() if key is not None and val is not None: obj, created = UserPref.objects.get_or_create(user=request.user) if created: = json.dumps(DefaultPrefs.copy()) try: val = json.loads(val) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass obj.setKey(key, val) res.append(obj.json()) return JsonResponse(res.asDict())
def handle(self, *args, **options): what = get_what_client(lambda: None, True) with open('what_manager2_torrents.jsonl', 'rb') as torrents_input: for line in torrents_input: data = ujson.loads(line) info = ujson.loads(data['what_torrent']['info']) what_torrent_id = info['torrent']['id'] what_group_id = info['group']['id'] try: TorrentGroupMapping.objects.get(what_group_id=what_group_id) continue except TorrentGroupMapping.DoesNotExist: pass try: migration_status = WhatTorrentMigrationStatus.objects.get( what_torrent_id=what_torrent_id) except WhatTorrentMigrationStatus.DoesNotExist: continue if migration_status.status != WhatTorrentMigrationStatus.STATUS_COMPLETE: continue pth_torrent_id = migration_status.pth_torrent_id if not pth_torrent_id: continue try: pth_torrent = what.request('torrent', id=pth_torrent_id)['response'] except BadIdException: continue pth_group_id = pth_torrent['group']['id'] print 'Saving {} mapping to {}'.format(what_group_id, pth_group_id) TorrentGroupMapping.objects.create( what_group_id=what_group_id, pth_group_id=pth_group_id, )
def test_set_active(self): # type: () -> None self.login("*****@*****.**") client = 'website' self.client_post("/json/users/me/presence", {'status': 'idle'}) result = self.client_post("/json/get_active_statuses", {}) self.assert_json_success(result) json = ujson.loads(result.content) self.assertEqual(json['presences']["*****@*****.**"][client]['status'], 'idle') email = "*****@*****.**" self.login("*****@*****.**") self.client_post("/json/users/me/presence", {'status': 'idle'}) result = self.client_post("/json/get_active_statuses", {}) self.assert_json_success(result) json = ujson.loads(result.content) self.assertEqual(json['presences'][email][client]['status'], 'idle') self.assertEqual(json['presences']['*****@*****.**'][client]['status'], 'idle') self.client_post("/json/users/me/presence", {'status': 'active'}) result = self.client_post("/json/get_active_statuses", {}) self.assert_json_success(result) json = ujson.loads(result.content) self.assertEqual(json['presences'][email][client]['status'], 'active') self.assertEqual(json['presences']['*****@*****.**'][client]['status'], 'idle')
def test_ia_search_itemlist(capsys): with responses.RequestsMock(assert_all_requests_are_fired=True) as rsps: url1 = ('{0}//' '?q=collection%3Aattentionkmartshoppers' '&REQUIRE_AUTH=true&size=10000'.format(protocol)) url2 = ('{0}//' 'cursor=W3siaWRlbnRpZmllciI6IjE5NjEtTC0wNTkxNCJ9XQ%3D%3D' '&REQUIRE_AUTH=true&q=collection%3Aattentionkmartshoppers' '&size=10000'.format(protocol)) rsps.add(responses.POST, url1, body=TEST_SCRAPE_RESPONSE, status=200, match_querystring=True) _j = json.loads(TEST_SCRAPE_RESPONSE) del _j['cursor'] _r = json.dumps(_j) rsps.add(responses.POST, url2, body=_r, status=200, match_querystring=True) sys.argv = ['ia', 'search', 'collection:attentionkmartshoppers', '--itemlist'] try: ia.main() except SystemExit as exc: assert not exc.code out, err = capsys.readouterr() j = json.loads(TEST_SEARCH_RESPONSE) assert len(out.split()) == 200
def loads(*args, **kwargs): try: if json.__name__ == "ujson": return json.loads(*args, **kwargs) return json.loads(strict=False, *args, **kwargs) except ValueError: raise ResultParseError("The JSON result could not be parsed")
def main(JSONinput): query = json.loads(JSONinput) # Set up the query. p = SQLAPIcall(query) # run the query. resp = p.execute() if query['method'] == 'data' and 'format' in query and query['format'] == 'json': try: resp = json.loads(resp) except: resp = dict(status="error", code=500, message="Internal error: server did not return json") # Print appropriate HTML headers if 'status' in resp and resp['status'] == 'error': code = resp['code'] if 'code' in resp else 500 headers(query['method'], errorcode=code) else: headers(query['method']) print json.dumps(resp) else: headers(query['method']) print resp return True
def from_json(text): # Skip lines containing nothing but whitespace and lines that contain just # a hexadecimal number. The latter arises when the tweet stream is using # "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" and the chunk delimeters made their way into # the output file (i.e., before issue #92 was fixed). if ('^[0-9a-f\s]*$', text)): raise Nothing_To_Parse_Error() try: j = json.loads(text.replace(r'\\"', r'\"')) # Isaac: was having problems parsing PostgreSQL JSONs except ValueError: j = json.loads(text) # raises ValueError on parse failure if ('delete' in j): return Deletion_Notice.from_json(j) elif ('limit' in j): return Limit_Notice.from_json(j) elif ('scrub_geo' in j): return Scrub_Geo_Notice.from_json(j) elif ('status_withheld' in j): return Status_Withheld.from_json(j) elif ('text' in j): return Tweet.from_json(j) elif ('warning' in j): return Warning.from_json(j) else: raise Unknown_Object_Error()
def __load_settings_from_file(self): """ Loads settings info from the settings json file :returns: True if the settings info is valid :rtype: boolean """ filename = self.get_base_path() + 'settings.json' if not exists(filename): raise OneLogin_Saml2_Error( 'Settings file not found: %s', OneLogin_Saml2_Error.SETTINGS_FILE_NOT_FOUND, filename ) # In the php toolkit instead of being a json file it is a php file and # it is directly included with open(filename, 'r') as json_data: settings = json.loads( advanced_filename = self.get_base_path() + 'advanced_settings.json' if exists(advanced_filename): with open(advanced_filename, 'r') as json_data: settings.update(json.loads( # Merge settings return self.__load_settings_from_dict(settings)
def notify(result): stream = result.get("events") if stream: max_position = stream["position"] for row in stream["rows"]: position = row[0] internal = json.loads(row[1]) event_json = json.loads(row[2]) event = FrozenEvent(event_json, internal_metadata_dict=internal) extra_users = () if event.type == EventTypes.Member: extra_users = (event.state_key,) notifier.on_new_room_event( event, position, max_position, extra_users ) notify_from_stream( result, "push_rules", "push_rules_key", user="******" ) notify_from_stream( result, "user_account_data", "account_data_key", user="******" ) notify_from_stream( result, "room_account_data", "account_data_key", user="******" ) notify_from_stream( result, "tag_account_data", "account_data_key", user="******" ) notify_from_stream( result, "receipts", "receipt_key", room="room_id" ) notify_from_stream( result, "typing", "typing_key", room="room_id" )
def create_service_request(self, path, method=_DEFAULT_SERVICE_REQUEST_METHOD, arguments={}, msg={}, headers={}): """ path - string, used to route to proper handler method - used to map to the proper method of the handler arguments - dict, used within the method call if needed These are not used anymore, but I feel they belong. If not to only hold the original request headers - dict, contains the accepted method to call on handler msg - dict, the body of the message to process """ if not isinstance(headers, dict): headers = json.loads(headers) if not isinstance(msg, dict): msg = json.loads(msg) data = { # Not sure if this is the socket_id, but it is used to return the message to the originator "origin_sender_id": self.message.sender, # This is the connection id used by the originator and is needed for Mongrel2 "origin_conn_id": self.message.conn_id, # This is the socket address for the reply to the client "origin_out_addr": self.application.msg_conn.out_addr, # used to route the request "path": path, "method": method, "arguments": arguments, # a dict, right now only METHOD is required and must be one of: ['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete','options', 'connect', 'response', 'request'] "headers": headers, # a dict, this can be whatever you need it to be to get the job done. "body": msg, } return ServiceRequest(**data)
def get_triplet_data(raw_json): triplets = [] for entry in raw_json['data']: if 'custom_triplet' in entry['trialdata']['trial_type']: triplet = {} triplet['stimuli'] = ujson.loads(entry['trialdata']['stimulus']) triplet['stimuli'][1] = triplet['stimuli'][1][24:-4] triplet['stimuli'][0] = triplet['stimuli'][0][24:-4] triplet['stimuli'][2] = triplet['stimuli'][2][24:-4] triplet['pressed'] = ujson.loads(entry['trialdata']['pressed']) triplet['response'] = ujson.loads(entry['trialdata']['response']) triplet['type'] = entry['trialdata']['type'] if (triplet['stimuli'][0] == triplet['stimuli'][1] or triplet['stimuli'][0] == triplet['stimuli'][2] or triplet['stimuli'][1] == triplet['stimuli'][2]): triplet['type'] = '3' if (triplet['response'][0]==triplet['response'][1]): triplet['pressed'] = ['true','true'] else: triplet['pressed'] = ['false','false'] if len(triplet['response']) > 2 and triplet['type'] != '3': triplet['response'] = list(set(triplet['response'])) if len(triplet['response']) > 2 and triplet['type'] == '3': triplet['response'] =triplet['response'][:2] triplet['response'][0] = triplet['response'][0][24:-4] triplet['response'][1] = triplet['response'][1][24:-4] triplet['react_time'] = entry['trialdata']['rt'] triplet['trial_index_global'] = entry['trialdata']['trial_index_global'] triplet['set'] = entry['trialdata']['set'] triplets.append(triplet) return triplets
def etr_circ(): try: data = loads(request.args.get('q', '{}')) except (TypeError, ValueError, OverflowError): return jsonify_status_code(400, message='Unable to decode data') if not data: query = World_Circonscriptions.query.filter( World_Circonscriptions.cir_num != None).all() else: query = World_Circonscriptions.query.filter(World_Circonscriptions.cir_num.in_(data['cirid'])).all() geojs = {"crs" : None, "type" : "FeatureCollection", "features" : list()} for circo in query: geomjs = db.session.scalar(circo.geom.geojson) geompy = loads(geomjs) geojs['features'].append( {'geometry': geompy, 'type':'Feature', 'id': circo.gid, 'properties': {'name' :, 'cir_num' : circo.cir_num} }) return Response(dumps(geojs), mimetype='application/json')
def test_tornado_auth(self) -> Generator[str, 'TornadoTestCase', None]: user_profile = self.example_user('hamlet') cookies = self._get_cookies(user_profile) cookie_header = self.get_cookie_header(cookies) ws = yield self.ws_connect('/sockjs/366/v8nw22qe/websocket', cookie_header=cookie_header) yield ws.read_message() queue_events_data = self._get_queue_events_data( request_id = ':'.join((queue_events_data['response']['queue_id'], '0')) response = yield self._websocket_auth(ws, queue_events_data, cookies) self.assertEqual(response[0][0], 'a') self.assertEqual( ujson.loads(response[0][1:]), [ { "type": "ack", "req_id": request_id } ]) self.assertEqual(response[1][0], 'a') self.assertEqual( ujson.loads(response[1][1:]), [ {"req_id": request_id, "response": { "result": "success", "status_inquiries": {}, "msg": "" }, "type": "response"} ]) yield self.close(ws)
def filterObjects(request, obj_id): """ Filters Gallery for the requested ImageVideo objects. Returns a Result object with serialized objects """ print obj_id obj = Gallery.objects.get(pk=obj_id) if request.user.is_anonymous() and != Gallery.PUBLIC: res = Result() res.isError = True res.message = 'This gallery is not public' return JsonResponse(res) tags = json.loads(request.GET.get('filters', '[[]]')) rng = request.GET.get('rng', None) more = json.loads(request.GET.get('more', 'false')) models = request.GET.get('models', 'image,video') if models == '': models = 'image,video' tags = filter(None, tags) models = [ContentType.objects.get(app_label='frog', model=x) for x in models.split(',')] return _filter(request, obj, tags=tags, rng=rng, models=models, more=more)
def test_get_samples(self): res = mock.Mock() req = mock.Mock() def _side_effect(arg): if arg == 'name': return 'tongli' elif arg == 'dimensions': return 'key1:100, key2:200' req.get_param.side_effect = _side_effect req_result = mock.Mock() req_result.json.return_value = json.loads(self.response_str) req_result.status_code = 200 with mock.patch.object(requests, 'post', return_value=req_result): self.dispatcher.get_samples(req, res) # test that the response code is 200 self.assertEqual(res.status, getattr(falcon, 'HTTP_200')) obj = json.loads(res.body) self.assertEqual(obj[0]['meter'], 'BABMGD') self.assertEqual(obj[0]['id'], 'AVOziWmP6-pxt0dRmr7j') self.assertEqual(obj[0]['type'], 'metrics') self.assertEqual(obj[0]['user_id'], 'efd87807-12d2-4b38-9c70-5f5c2ac427ff') self.assertEqual(obj[0]['project_id'], '35b17138-b364-4e6a-a131-8f3099c5be68') self.assertEqual(obj[0]['timestamp'], 1461337094000) self.assertEqual(obj[0]['volume'], 4) self.assertEqual(len(obj), 1)
def init_thread_proc(self): try: if os.path.isfile(DUMP_PATH + '/' + DUMP_FILE): fpdump = open(DUMP_PATH + '/' + DUMP_FILE) totaldict = pickle.load(fpdump) fpdump.close() self._spellcitydict = totaldict['spellcitydict'] self._citydict = totaldict['citydict'] else: self.get_city_service() except: pass self._selfparmeter = sys.argv post_service_data('', '8030', 'register', sys.argv) rawretdata = get_active_service('', '8030', 'getinstance') retdata = json.loads(rawretdata) self._totalservicelist = retdata['data'] if len(retdata['data']) != 1: tempnode = retdata['data'][0] rawtotaldict = get_active_service(tempnode['host'], tempnode['port'], 'othersget') totaldict = json.loads(rawtotaldict)['data'] self._citydict = totaldict['citydict'] self._spellcitydict = totaldict['spellcitydict'] self.set_auto_update(1) return {'result' : '0'}
def get_updated_account_data_for_user_txn(txn): sql = ( "SELECT account_data_type, content FROM account_data" " WHERE user_id = ? AND stream_id > ?" ) txn.execute(sql, (user_id, stream_id)) global_account_data = { row[0]: json.loads(row[1]) for row in txn.fetchall() } sql = ( "SELECT room_id, account_data_type, content FROM room_account_data" " WHERE user_id = ? AND stream_id > ?" ) txn.execute(sql, (user_id, stream_id)) account_data_by_room = {} for row in txn.fetchall(): room_account_data = account_data_by_room.setdefault(row[0], {}) room_account_data[row[1]] = json.loads(row[2]) return (global_account_data, account_data_by_room)
def list_of_all_data_in_bioactivities(request): """Lists all requested data for filtering bioactivities""" exclude_questionable = json.loads(request.GET.get('exclude_questionable')) pubchem = json.loads(request.GET.get('pubchem')) target_types = json.loads(request.GET.get('target_types')) organisms = json.loads(request.GET.get('organisms')) desired_target_types = [ x.get( 'name' ) for x in target_types if x.get( 'is_selected' ) is True ] desired_organisms = [ x.get( 'name' ) for x in organisms if x.get( 'is_selected' ) is True ] return JSONResponse( generate_list_of_all_data_in_bioactivities( exclude_questionable, pubchem, desired_organisms, desired_target_types ) )
def main(j, args, params, tags, tasklet): doc = args.doc nid = args.getTag('nid') nidstr = str(nid) rediscl = j.clients.redis.getGeventRedisClient('', 9999) out = list() disks = rediscl.hget('healthcheck:monitoring', 'results') errors = rediscl.hget('healthcheck:monitoring', 'errors') disks = ujson.loads(disks) if disks else dict() errors = ujson.loads(errors) if errors else dict() out.append('||Disk||Free Space||Status||') for type, data in (('error', errors), ('disk', disks)): if nidstr in data: if 'disks' in data.get(nidstr, dict()): ddata = data[nidstr].get('disks', list()) for diskstat in ddata: if type == 'error': diskstat = diskstat.values()[0] if 'state' not in diskstat: continue state = j.core.grid.healthchecker.getWikiStatus(diskstat.get('state', 'UNKNOWN')) out.append('|%s|%s|%s|' % (diskstat.get('path', ''), diskstat.get('message', ''), state)) out.append('\n') out = '\n'.join(out) params.result = (out, doc) return params
def loadFromFilesystem(self): if os.path.isfile(PROFILE_DIR+'UserProfile/UserProfile.json'): # We already have a JSON file. Load the details from the file at the start. with open(PROFILE_DIR+'UserProfile/UserProfile.json', 'rb') as f: self.__settingsAndProfile = ujson.loads( # Check for old version. if 'selectedTopics' in self.__settingsAndProfile: # This is a 1.1.2 JSON file. needs to be migrated. migrationResult = self.__migrateFrom112to120(self.__settingsAndProfile) with open(PROFILE_DIR+'UserProfile/UserProfile.json', 'wb') as f: f.write(ujson.encode(migrationResult)) self.__settingsAndProfile = ujson.loads( else: # The main self.__updateBootStatus() else: # We don't have a JSON file. This means it's not created yet. Create it. with open(PROFILE_DIR+'UserProfile/UserProfile.json', 'wb') as f: # Now, time to set some defaults. newProfileFile = self.__produceProfileWithDefaults() newProfileFile['machineDetails']['listeningPort'] = self.__getRandomOpenPort() f.write(ujson.encode(newProfileFile)) # This is the first load ever. with open(PROFILE_DIR+'UserProfile/UserProfile.json', 'rb') as f: self.__settingsAndProfile = ujson.loads(
def thread_main(): delta = None rpc_count = 0 while True: want = self.want_axis_video req = { '__type': 'AxisCameraDaemonReq', 'traceSpec': { '__type': 'VideoTraceSpec', 'traceDir': path.join(remote_traces_dir, self.trace_name), 'traceName': self.trace_name, 'timeseqName': timeseq_name, }, 'cameraConfig': { '__type': 'AxisCameraConfig', 'ipaddr': ipaddr, 'url': '/axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi?compression=30&rotation=0&resolution=' + resolution, 'authHeader': auth_header, }, 'txTime': time.time(), 'recordFor': 10.0 if want else 0.0, } rpc_id = 'rpc%d' % rpc_count rpc_count += 1 tx = ['record', rpc_id, ujson.dumps(req, escape_forward_slashes=False)] if 1:'camera %s < %s', daemon_endpoint, tx) self.sock.send_multipart(tx, flags=0, copy=True, track=False) rx = self.sock.recv_multipart(flags=0, copy=True, track=False) rx_time = time.time() if 1:'%s > %s %s', daemon_endpoint, rx[1], rx[2]) rpc_id2 = rx[0] rpc_err = ujson.loads(rx[1]) rpc_result = ujson.loads(rx[2]) if rpc_err:'%s > error %s', daemon_endpoint, rpc_err) break min_delta = rpc_result['txTime'] - rx_time max_delta = rpc_result['txTime'] - rpc_result['reqTxTime'] if delta is None: delta = (min_delta + max_delta) * 0.5 delta = max(min_delta, min(max_delta, delta)) if 0:"timing %0.6f %+0.6f %+0.6f min_delta=%+0.6f max_delta=%+0.6f delta=%+0.6f", rpc_result['reqTxTime'], rpc_result['txTime'], rx_time, min_delta, max_delta, delta) rep_times = rpc_result['times'] rep_samples = rpc_result['samples'] for ts, sample in zip(rep_times, rep_samples): self.add(ts - delta, timeseq_name, sample) rep_chunks = rpc_result['chunks'] for chunk_ts in rep_chunks: chunk_fn = '' % (timeseq_name, chunk_ts) chunk_path = path.join(self.trace_dir, chunk_fn) src_file = path.join(local_link_prefix, self.trace_name, chunk_fn)'Create symlink(%s, %s) llp=%s rtd=%s', src_file, chunk_path, local_link_prefix, remote_traces_dir) os.symlink(src_file, chunk_path) if not want: break time.sleep(0.1)
def load_results(dir, raw_episodes=False): fnames = get_monitor_files(dir) if not fnames: raise LoadMonitorResultsError("no monitor files of the form *%s found in %s" % (Monitor.EXT, dir)) episodes = [] headers = [] for fname in fnames: with open(fname, 'rt') as fh: lines = fh.readlines() header = json.loads(lines[0]) headers.append(header) for line in lines[1:]: episode = json.loads(line) episode['abstime'] = header['t_start'] + episode['t'] del episode['t'] episodes.append(episode) header0 = headers[0] for header in headers[1:]: assert header['env_id'] == header0['env_id'], "mixing data from two envs" episodes = sorted(episodes, key=lambda e: e['abstime']) if raw_episodes: return episodes else: return { 'env_info': {'env_id': header0['env_id'], 'gym_version': header0['gym_version']}, 'episode_end_times': [e['abstime'] for e in episodes], 'episode_lengths': [e['l'] for e in episodes], 'episode_rewards': [e['r'] for e in episodes], 'initial_reset_time': min([min(header['t_start'] for header in headers)]) }
def import_uploads_local(import_dir: Path, processing_avatars: bool=False, processing_emojis: bool=False) -> None: records_filename = os.path.join(import_dir, "records.json") with open(records_filename) as records_file: records = ujson.loads( re_map_foreign_keys_internal(records, 'records', 'realm_id', related_table="realm", id_field=True) if not processing_emojis: re_map_foreign_keys_internal(records, 'records', 'user_profile_id', related_table="user_profile", id_field=True) for record in records: if processing_avatars: # For avatars, we need to rehash the user ID with the # new server's avatar salt avatar_path = user_avatar_path_from_ids(record['user_profile_id'], record['realm_id']) file_path = os.path.join(settings.LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR, "avatars", avatar_path) if record['s3_path'].endswith('.original'): file_path += '.original' else: file_path += '.png' elif processing_emojis: # For emojis we follow the function 'upload_emoji_image' emoji_path = RealmEmoji.PATH_ID_TEMPLATE.format( realm_id=record['realm_id'], emoji_file_name=record['file_name']) file_path = os.path.join(settings.LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR, "avatars", emoji_path) else: # Should be kept in sync with its equivalent in zerver/lib/uploads in the # function 'upload_message_image' s3_file_name = "/".join([ str(record['realm_id']), random_name(18), sanitize_name(os.path.basename(record['path'])) ]) file_path = os.path.join(settings.LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR, "files", s3_file_name) path_maps['attachment_path'][record['path']] = s3_file_name orig_file_path = os.path.join(import_dir, record['path']) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_path), exist_ok=True) shutil.copy(orig_file_path, file_path) if processing_avatars: # Ensure that we have medium-size avatar images for every # avatar. TODO: This implementation is hacky, both in that it # does get_user_profile_by_id for each user, and in that it # might be better to require the export to just have these. upload_backend = LocalUploadBackend() for record in records: if record['s3_path'].endswith('.original'): user_profile = get_user_profile_by_id(record['user_profile_id']) avatar_path = user_avatar_path_from_ids(, record['realm_id']) medium_file_path = os.path.join(settings.LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR, "avatars", avatar_path) + '-medium.png' if os.path.exists(medium_file_path): # We remove the image here primarily to deal with # issues when running the import script multiple # times in development (where one might reuse the # same realm ID from a previous iteration). os.remove(medium_file_path) upload_backend.ensure_medium_avatar_image(user_profile=user_profile)
def read(self, uid, collection=COLLECTIONS.resource): try: return json.loads(self._r.get(self._make_key(collection, uid))) except TypeError: return None
def get(self, key): value = self.r.hget(self.collection, key) if value: return json.loads(value) return None
def from_influx(cls, row): """ Factory to make Listen objects from an influx row """ def convert_comma_seperated_string_to_list(string): if not string: return [] return [val for val in string.split(',')] t = convert_to_unix_timestamp(row['time']) data = { 'release_msid': row.get('release_msid'), 'release_mbid': row.get('release_mbid'), 'recording_mbid': row.get('recording_mbid'), 'release_group_mbid': row.get('release_group_mbid'), 'artist_mbids': convert_comma_seperated_string_to_list(row.get('artist_mbids', '')), 'tags': convert_comma_seperated_string_to_list(row.get('tags', '')), 'work_mbids': convert_comma_seperated_string_to_list(row.get('work_mbids', '')), 'isrc': row.get('isrc'), 'spotify_id': row.get('spotify_id'), 'tracknumber': row.get('tracknumber'), 'track_mbid': row.get('track_mbid'), } # The influx row can contain many fields that are user-generated. # We only need to add those fields which have some value in them to additional_info. # Also, we need to make sure that we don't add fields like time, user_name etc. into # the additional_info. for key, value in row.items(): if key not in data and key not in Listen.TOP_LEVEL_KEYS + Listen.PRIVATE_KEYS and value is not None: try: value = ujson.loads(value) data[key] = value continue except (ValueError, TypeError): pass # there are some lists in the database that were converted to string # via str(list) so they can't be loaded via json. # Example: "['Blank & Jones']" # However, yaml parses them safely and correctly try: value = yaml.safe_load(value) data[key] = value continue except ValueError: pass data[key] = value return cls(timestamp=t, user_name=row.get('user_name'), artist_msid=row.get('artist_msid'), recording_msid=row.get('recording_msid'), release_msid=row.get('release_msid'), inserted_timestamp=row.get('inserted_timestamp'), data={ 'additional_info': data, 'artist_name': row.get('artist_name'), 'track_name': row.get('track_name'), })
def test_profile_load_simple(self): data = [ { "entity_id": "Q123", "mentions": [["dog", 10.0], ["dogg", 7.0], ["animal", 4.0]], "title": "Dog", "types": {"hyena": ["animal"], "wiki": ["dog"]}, "relations": [ {"relation": "sibling", "object": "Q345"}, {"relation": "sibling", "object": "Q567"}, ], }, { "entity_id": "Q345", "mentions": [["cat", 10.0], ["catt", 7.0], ["animal", 3.0]], "title": "Cat", "types": {"hyena": ["animal"], "wiki": ["cat"]}, "relations": [{"relation": "sibling", "object": "Q123"}], }, # Missing type system { "entity_id": "Q567", "mentions": [["catt", 6.5], ["animal", 3.3]], "title": "Catt", "types": {"hyena": ["animal", "animall"]}, "relations": [{"relation": "sibling", "object": "Q123"}], }, # No KG/Types { "entity_id": "Q789", "mentions": [["animal", 12.2]], "title": "Dogg", }, ] self.write_data(self.profile_file, data) gold_qid2title = {"Q123": "Dog", "Q345": "Cat", "Q567": "Catt", "Q789": "Dogg"} gold_alias2qids = { "dog": [["Q123", 10.0]], "dogg": [["Q123", 7.0]], "cat": [["Q345", 10.0]], "catt": [["Q345", 7.0], ["Q567", 6.5]], "animal": [["Q789", 12.2], ["Q123", 4.0], ["Q567", 3.3], ["Q345", 3.0]], } gold_type_systems = { "hyena": { "Q123": ["animal"], "Q345": ["animal"], "Q567": ["animal", "animall"], "Q789": [], }, "wiki": {"Q123": ["dog"], "Q345": ["cat"], "Q567": [], "Q789": []}, } gold_qid2relations = { "Q123": {"sibling": ["Q345", "Q567"]}, "Q345": {"sibling": ["Q123"]}, "Q567": {"sibling": ["Q123"]}, "Q789": {}, } ( qid2title, alias2qids, type_systems, qid2relations, ) = EntityProfile._read_profile_file(self.profile_file) self.assertDictEqual(gold_qid2title, qid2title) self.assertDictEqual(gold_alias2qids, alias2qids) self.assertDictEqual(gold_type_systems, type_systems) self.assertDictEqual(gold_qid2relations, qid2relations) # Test loading/saving from jsonl ep = EntityProfile.load_from_jsonl(self.profile_file, edit_mode=True) ep.save_to_jsonl(self.profile_file) read_in_data = [ujson.loads(li) for li in open(self.profile_file)] assert len(read_in_data) == len(data) for qid_obj in data: found_other_obj = None for possible_match in read_in_data: if qid_obj["entity_id"] == possible_match["entity_id"]: found_other_obj = possible_match break assert found_other_obj is not None self.assertDictEqual(qid_obj, found_other_obj)
def loads(data_string): return ujson.loads(data_string, precise_float=True)
def import_uploads_s3(bucket_name: str, import_dir: Path, processing_avatars: bool=False, processing_emojis: bool=False) -> None: upload_backend = S3UploadBackend() conn = S3Connection(settings.S3_KEY, settings.S3_SECRET_KEY) bucket = conn.get_bucket(bucket_name, validate=True) records_filename = os.path.join(import_dir, "records.json") with open(records_filename) as records_file: records = ujson.loads( re_map_foreign_keys_internal(records, 'records', 'realm_id', related_table="realm", id_field=True) timestamp = datetime_to_timestamp(timezone_now()) if not processing_emojis: re_map_foreign_keys_internal(records, 'records', 'user_profile_id', related_table="user_profile", id_field=True) for record in records: key = Key(bucket) if processing_avatars: # For avatars, we need to rehash the user's email with the # new server's avatar salt avatar_path = user_avatar_path_from_ids(record['user_profile_id'], record['realm_id']) key.key = avatar_path if record['s3_path'].endswith('.original'): key.key += '.original' elif processing_emojis: # For emojis we follow the function 'upload_emoji_image' emoji_path = RealmEmoji.PATH_ID_TEMPLATE.format( realm_id=record['realm_id'], emoji_file_name=record['file_name']) key.key = emoji_path record['last_modified'] = timestamp else: # Should be kept in sync with its equivalent in zerver/lib/uploads in the # function 'upload_message_image' s3_file_name = "/".join([ str(record['realm_id']), random_name(18), sanitize_name(os.path.basename(record['path'])) ]) key.key = s3_file_name path_maps['attachment_path'][record['s3_path']] = s3_file_name # Exported custom emoji from tools like Slack don't have # the data for what user uploaded them in `user_profile_id`. if not processing_emojis: user_profile_id = int(record['user_profile_id']) # Support email gateway bot and other cross-realm messages if user_profile_id in id_maps["user_profile"]:"Uploaded by ID mapped user: %s!" % (user_profile_id,)) user_profile_id = id_maps["user_profile"][user_profile_id] user_profile = get_user_profile_by_id(user_profile_id) key.set_metadata("user_profile_id", str( key.set_metadata("orig_last_modified", record['last_modified']) key.set_metadata("realm_id", str(record['realm_id'])) # Zulip exports will always have a content-type, but third-party exports might not. content_type = record.get("content_type", guess_type(record['s3_path'])[0]) headers = {'Content-Type': content_type} key.set_contents_from_filename(os.path.join(import_dir, record['path']), headers=headers) if processing_avatars: # Ensure that we have medium-size avatar images for every # avatar. TODO: This implementation is hacky, both in that it # does get_user_profile_by_id for each user, and in that it # might be better to require the export to just have these. upload_backend = S3UploadBackend() for record in records: if record['s3_path'].endswith('.original'): user_profile = get_user_profile_by_id(record['user_profile_id']) upload_backend.ensure_medium_avatar_image(user_profile=user_profile)
def main(self): self.set_header('server', 'GFW') terminal_id = self.get_argument('terminal_id', '') terminal_id_A = terminal_id + 'A' terminal_id_P = terminal_id + 'P' redis_pipe = RedisPool().redis_pipe # physical_all_info, current, week, month redis_result = redis_pipe.get(terminal_id_A).zrange( terminal_id, -1, -1, withscores=True).zrange(terminal_id_P, -7, -1, withscores=True).zrange( terminal_id_P, -30, -1, withscores=True).execute()'redis_result: {}'.format(redis_result)) physical_info_ori = ujson.loads(redis_result[0]) physical_info = dict() for key, value in physical_info_ori.items(): physical_info[translate_dict[key]] = value'physical_info: {}'.format(physical_info)) redis_result_current = redis_result[1][0] current_info_ori = ujson.loads(redis_result_current[0]) current_info = dict() for key, value in current_info_ori.items(): current_info[translate_dict[key]] = value current_date = str(int(redis_result_current[1]))[:8]'current_date: {}, current_info: {}'.format( current_date, current_info)) redis_result_weekly = redis_result[2] weekly_date = [str(int(i[1]))[:8] for i in redis_result_weekly] weekly_list = [ujson.loads(i[0]) for i in redis_result_weekly] #weekly_info = dict(date=weekly_date,) weekly_info = dict() for j in weekly_list[0].keys(): result = [] for i in weekly_list: result.append(str(i[j]).replace('%', '')) weekly_info[translate_dict[j]] = result'weekly_info: {}'.format(weekly_info)) redis_result_monthly = redis_result[3] monthly_date = [str(int(i[1]))[:8] for i in redis_result_monthly] monthly_list = [ujson.loads(i[0]) for i in redis_result_monthly] #monthly_info = dict(date=monthly_date,) monthly_info = dict() for j in monthly_list[0].keys(): result = [] for i in monthly_list: result.append(str(i[j]).replace('%', '')) monthly_info[translate_dict[j]] = result'monthly_info: {}'.format(monthly_info)) result_dict = dict( physical_info=physical_info, current_info=current_info, weekly_info=weekly_info, weekly_date=weekly_date, monthly_info=monthly_info, monthly_date=monthly_date, )'result_dict: {}'.format(result_dict)) ''' result_json = ujson.dumps(result_dict) #self.write(result_json) ''' self.render('index.html', **result_dict)
def on_message(self, msg_raw: str) -> None: log_data = dict(extra='[transport=%s' % (self.session.transport_name, )) record_request_start_data(log_data) msg = ujson.loads(msg_raw) if self.did_close: "Received message on already closed socket! transport=%s user=%s client_id=%s" % (self.session.transport_name, if self.session.user_profile is not None else 'unknown', self.client_id)) self.session.send_message({'req_id': msg['req_id'], 'type': 'ack'}) if msg['type'] == 'auth': log_data['extra'] += ']' try: self.authenticate_client(msg) # TODO: Fill in the correct client write_log_line(log_data, path='/socket/auth', method='SOCKET', remote_ip=self.session.conn_info.ip,, client_name='?') except JsonableError as e: response = e.to_json() self.session.send_message({ 'req_id': msg['req_id'], 'type': 'response', 'response': response }) write_log_line(log_data, path='/socket/auth', method='SOCKET', remote_ip=self.session.conn_info.ip, email='unknown', client_name='?', status_code=403, error_content=ujson.dumps(response)) return else: if not self.authenticated: response = {'result': 'error', 'msg': "Not yet authenticated"} self.session.send_message({ 'req_id': msg['req_id'], 'type': 'response', 'response': response }) write_log_line(log_data, path='/socket/service_request', method='SOCKET', remote_ip=self.session.conn_info.ip, email='unknown', client_name='?', status_code=403, error_content=ujson.dumps(response)) return redis_key = req_redis_key(msg['req_id']) with redis_client.pipeline() as pipeline: pipeline.hmset(redis_key, {'status': 'received'}) pipeline.expire(redis_key, 60 * 60 * 24) pipeline.execute() record_request_stop_data(log_data) queue_json_publish( "message_sender", dict(request=msg['request'], req_id=msg['req_id'], server_meta=dict(, client_id=self.client_id, return_queue="tornado_return", log_data=log_data, request_environ=dict( REMOTE_ADDR=self.session.conn_info.ip))), lambda x: None, call_consume_in_tests=True)
#FIXME create a string based tokens import ujson as json import redis from redis.exceptions import ResponseError from rediscluster import RedisCluster import re import config rc_list = json.loads(config.config(section='rediscluster')['rediscluster']) rediscluster_client = RedisCluster(startup_nodes=rc_list, decode_responses=True) redis_client = redis.Redis(host=config.config()['host'], port=config.config()['port'], charset="utf-8", decode_responses=True) import ahocorasick import joblib import itertools from spacy.lang.en.stop_words import STOP_WORDS from string import punctuation from common.utils import * def loadAutomata(): from urllib.request import urlopen import ahocorasick
def recv_ujson(socket, flags=0): """Load object from ujson serialization""" z = socket.recv(flags) m = zlib.decompress(z) return ujson.loads(m)
def Loads(self, string_obj): return ujson.loads(string_obj)
def readJsonFile(p): if not os.path.exists(p): return Status.FAILURE with open(p, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: return json.loads(
def authenticate_client(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: if self.authenticated: self.session.send_message({ 'req_id': msg['req_id'], 'type': 'response', 'response': { 'result': 'error', 'msg': 'Already authenticated' } }) return user_profile = get_user_profile(self.browser_session_id) if user_profile is None: raise JsonableError(_('Unknown or missing session')) self.session.user_profile = user_profile if 'csrf_token' not in msg['request']: # Debugging code to help with understanding #6961 logging.error("Invalid websockets auth request: %s" % (msg['request'], )) raise JsonableError(_('CSRF token entry missing from request')) if not _compare_salted_tokens(msg['request']['csrf_token'], self.csrf_token): raise JsonableError(_('CSRF token does not match that in cookie')) if 'queue_id' not in msg['request']: raise JsonableError(_("Missing 'queue_id' argument")) queue_id = msg['request']['queue_id'] client = get_client_descriptor(queue_id) if client is None: raise BadEventQueueIdError(queue_id) if != client.user_profile_id: raise JsonableError( _("You are not the owner of the queue with id '%s'") % (queue_id, )) self.authenticated = True register_connection(queue_id, self) response = { 'req_id': msg['req_id'], 'type': 'response', 'response': { 'result': 'success', 'msg': '' } } status_inquiries = msg['request'].get('status_inquiries') if status_inquiries is not None: results = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] for inquiry in status_inquiries: status = redis_client.hgetall( req_redis_key(inquiry)) # type: Dict[bytes, bytes] if len(status) == 0: result = {'status': 'not_received'} elif b'response' not in status: result = {'status': status[b'status'].decode('utf-8')} else: result = { 'status': status[b'status'].decode('utf-8'), 'response': ujson.loads(status[b'response']) } results[str(inquiry)] = result response['response']['status_inquiries'] = results self.session.send_message(response) ioloop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance() ioloop.remove_timeout(self.timeout_handle)
async def get(self, campaign_id, page_num, *args, **kwargs): api = BaseApi(self.current_user.access_token) param = { 'pageNo': page_num, 'pageSize': 20, 'needDetail': 'false', 'needFreight': 'false' } # 获得卖家商品列表某一页 try: rp = await api.send_request( api_url='1/', param=param, timestamp=False) except HTTPClientError as e: await self.write_log(str(self.current_user.access_token), str(param), str(e.response.body.decode('utf8')), '获取商家商品列表失败', filename='get_offer') self.set_status(404) return await self.finish(e.response.body.decode('utf8')) else: # 解析数据 rp = loads(rp) # 如果是空, 继续执行没有意义了 if not rp['result']['pageResult']['resultList']: return await self.finish({'result': [], 'msg': '用户供应商品列表为空'}) # 获取数据的所有商品id list_1 = [] # 商品id列表 [ list_1.append(result['productID']) for result in rp['result']['pageResult']['resultList'] ] # ======================================================================================================= # 商品id列表 list_2 = [] # 获取指定推广计划下的所有所有推广单元 param = { 'campaignId': campaign_id, 'pageNo': 1, 'pageSize': 200, } num = 1 # 固定请求最大次数 while num <= 5: try: resp = await api.send_request( api_url= '1/', param=param) except HTTPClientError as e: await self.write_log(str(self.current_user.access_token), str(param), str(e.response.body.decode('utf8')), '获取推广计划下所有单元失败', filename='get_adgroup') self.set_status(404) return await self.finish(e.response.body.decode('utf8')) else: # 解析数据 resp = loads(resp) # 第一次请求或后续请求没有结果, 退出循环 if not resp['adgroups']: break # 获取数据的所有商品id [ list_2.append(result['offerId']) for result in resp['adgroups'] ] # 获得单元总数 total_num = resp['totalRow'] # 单元总数大于等于200, value肯定大于等于1.0 # 单元数小于200200, value肯定小于1.0 value = total_num / 200 # 请求一次就好, 数据要么小于200条, 要么正好等于200条 if value <= 1: break param['pageNo'] += 1 num += 1 # 只有一种情况, 当前推广计划下推广单元列表是空的, 直接返回全部商品 if not list_2: return await self.finish({'result': rp, 'repeat_offer': []}) result = list(set(list_1) & set(list_2)) # 请求的当前商品列表 里 没有在投的推广单元 if not result: return await self.finish({'result': rp, 'repeat_offer': []}) # 当前商品列表里, 有在投的推广单元 await self.finish({'result': rp, 'repeat_offer': result})
def dummy_func(ctx, data=None): body = ujson.loads(data) if len(data) > 0 else {"name": "World"} return "Hello {0}".format(body.get("name"))
# QRCode Example # # Reads a QRCode and then uses ujson to convert JSON into object import sensor, image, ujson sensor.reset() sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA) sensor.set_vflip(True) sensor.set_hmirror(True) sensor.skip_frames(time=2000) sensor.set_auto_gain(False) # must turn this off to prevent image washout... while (True): img = sensor.snapshot() img.lens_corr(1.8) # strength of 1.8 is good for the 2.8mm lens. for code in img.find_qrcodes(): img.draw_rectangle(code.rect(), color=(255, 0, 0)) obj = ujson.loads(str(code.payload())) print(obj)
def api_pivotal_webhook_v5(request, user_profile, stream): # type: (HttpRequest, UserProfile, Text) -> Tuple[Text, Text] payload = ujson.loads(request.body) event_type = payload["kind"] project_name = payload["project"]["name"] project_id = payload["project"]["id"] primary_resources = payload["primary_resources"][0] story_url = primary_resources["url"] story_type = primary_resources["story_type"] story_id = primary_resources["id"] story_name = primary_resources["name"] performed_by = payload.get("performed_by", {}).get("name", "") story_info = "[%s]( [%s](%s)" % ( project_name, project_id, story_name, story_url) changes = payload.get("changes", []) content = "" subject = "#%s: %s" % (story_id, story_name) def extract_comment(change): # type: (Dict[str, Dict]) -> Optional[Text] if change.get("kind") == "comment": return change.get("new_values", {}).get("text", None) return None if event_type == "story_update_activity": # Find the changed valued and build a message content += "%s updated %s:\n" % (performed_by, story_info) for change in changes: old_values = change.get("original_values", {}) new_values = change["new_values"] if "current_state" in old_values and "current_state" in new_values: content += "* state changed from **%s** to **%s**\n" % ( old_values["current_state"], new_values["current_state"]) if "estimate" in old_values and "estimate" in new_values: old_estimate = old_values.get("estimate", None) if old_estimate is None: estimate = "is now" else: estimate = "changed from %s to" % (old_estimate, ) new_estimate = new_values["estimate"] if new_values[ "estimate"] is not None else "0" content += "* estimate %s **%s points**\n" % (estimate, new_estimate) if "story_type" in old_values and "story_type" in new_values: content += "* type changed from **%s** to **%s**\n" % ( old_values["story_type"], new_values["story_type"]) comment = extract_comment(change) if comment is not None: content += "* Comment added:\n~~~quote\n%s\n~~~\n" % ( comment, ) elif event_type == "comment_create_activity": for change in changes: comment = extract_comment(change) if comment is not None: content += "%s added a comment to %s:\n~~~quote\n%s\n~~~" % ( performed_by, story_info, comment) elif event_type == "story_create_activity": content += "%s created %s: %s\n" % (performed_by, story_type, story_info) for change in changes: new_values = change.get("new_values", {}) if "current_state" in new_values: content += "* State is **%s**\n" % ( new_values["current_state"], ) if "description" in new_values: content += "* Description is\n\n> %s" % ( new_values["description"], ) elif event_type == "story_move_activity": content = "%s moved %s" % (performed_by, story_info) for change in changes: old_values = change.get("original_values", {}) new_values = change["new_values"] if "current_state" in old_values and "current_state" in new_values: content += " from **%s** to **%s**" % ( old_values["current_state"], new_values["current_state"]) elif event_type in [ "task_create_activity", "comment_delete_activity", "task_delete_activity", "task_update_activity", "story_move_from_project_activity", "story_delete_activity", "story_move_into_project_activity" ]: # Known but unsupported Pivotal event types pass else: logging.warning("Unknown Pivotal event type: %s" % (event_type, )) return subject, content
def run(self): # build monitored prefix tree prefix_tree = {"v4": pytricia.PyTricia(32), "v6": pytricia.PyTricia(128)} for prefix in self.prefixes: ip_version = get_ip_version(prefix) prefix_tree[ip_version].insert(prefix, "") # start producing validator = MformatValidator() with Producer(self.connection) as producer: for csv_file in glob.glob("{}/*.csv".format(self.input_dir)): if not self.shared_memory_manager_dict["data_worker_should_run"]: break try: with open(csv_file, "r") as f: csv_reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter="|") for row in csv_reader: if not self.shared_memory_manager_dict[ "data_worker_should_run" ]: break try: if len(row) != 9: continue if row[0].startswith("#"): continue # example row:|8522|1403|1403 6461 2603 21320 # 5408 # 8522|routeviews|route-views2|A|"[{""asn"":1403,""value"":6461}]"|1517446677 this_prefix = row[0] if row[6] == "A": as_path = row[3].split(" ") communities = json.loads(row[7]) else: as_path = [] communities = [] service = "historical|{}|{}".format(row[4], row[5]) type_ = row[6] timestamp = float(row[8]) peer_asn = int(row[2]) ip_version = get_ip_version(this_prefix) if this_prefix in prefix_tree[ip_version]: msg = { "type": type_, "timestamp": timestamp, "path": as_path, "service": service, "communities": communities, "prefix": this_prefix, "peer_asn": peer_asn, } try: if validator.validate(msg): msgs = normalize_msg_path(msg) for msg in msgs: key_generator(msg) log.debug(msg) producer.publish( msg, exchange=self.update_exchange, routing_key="update", serializer="ujson", ) time.sleep(0.01) else: log.warning( "Invalid format message: {}".format(msg) ) except BaseException: log.exception( "Error when normalizing BGP message: {}".format( msg ) ) except Exception: log.exception("row") except Exception: log.exception("exception") # run until instructed to stop while True: if not self.shared_memory_manager_dict["data_worker_should_run"]: break time.sleep(1)
# config = util.initialize_from_env() # model = cm.CorefModel(config) # with tf.Session() as session: # model.restore(session) # model.evaluate(session, official_stdout=True) # all_count = dict() # all_count['NP'] = 0 # for pronoun_type in all_pronouns_by_type: # all_count[pronoun_type] = 0 if __name__ == "__main__": os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "2" test_data = list() print('Start to process data...') with open('test.english.jsonlines', 'r') as f: for line in f: tmp_example = json.loads(line) all_sentence = list() for s in tmp_example['sentences']: all_sentence += s all_clusters = list() for c in tmp_example['clusters']: tmp_c = list() for w in c: tmp_w = list() for token in all_sentence[w[0]:w[1] + 1]: tmp_w.append(token) tmp_c.append((w, tmp_w)) all_clusters.append(tmp_c) tmp_all_NPs = list() Pronoun_dict = dict() for pronoun_type in interested_pronouns:
def get_basket_table_info(req, resp, basket_data, users_id): # basket_data dict: # - key is json string # {"id_sale": **, "id_shop": **, "id_attr": **, "id_variant": **, "id_price_type": **} # - value is quantity from common.data_access import data_access all_sales = data_access(REMOTE_API_NAME.GET_SALES, req, resp) user_country_code, user_province_code = \ user_country_province(req, resp, users_id) is_business_account = user_is_business_account(req, resp, users_id) basket = [] for item, quantity in basket_data.iteritems(): try: item_info = ujson.loads(item) except: continue id_sale = str(item_info['id_sale']) id_shop = str(item_info['id_shop']) if id_sale not in all_sales: continue sale_info = all_sales[id_sale] _type = sale_info.get('type', {}) variant = get_valid_attr( sale_info.get('variant'), item_info.get('id_variant')) type = get_valid_attr( sale_info.get('type', {}).get('attribute'), item_info.get('id_attr')) id_variant = variant.get('@id') id_type = type.get('@id') external_id = '' external_list = sale_info.get('external') or [] if external_list and not isinstance(external_list, list): external_list = [external_list] for external in external_list: if ((id_variant and id_variant == external.get('@variant') or not id_variant) and (id_type and id_type == external.get('@attribute') or not id_type)): external_id = external.get('#text') break one = { 'id_sale': id_sale, 'item': item, 'quantity': quantity, 'variant': variant, 'type': type, 'product': get_brief_product(sale_info, req, resp, calc_price=False, is_business_account=is_business_account), 'link': get_url_format(FRT_ROUTE_ROLE.PRDT_INFO) % { 'id_type': _type.get('@id', 0), 'type_name': get_normalized_name(FRT_ROUTE_ROLE.PRDT_INFO, 'type_name', _type.get('name', '')), 'id_sale': id_sale, 'sale_name': get_normalized_name(FRT_ROUTE_ROLE.PRDT_INFO, 'sale_name', sale_info.get('name', '')), }, 'external_id': external_id } price = get_product_default_display_price(sale_info, one['type'])[1] if one['variant']: price = cal_price_with_premium(one['variant'], price) one['price'] = price if int(id_shop): country_code, province_code = _get_shop_addr(sale_info, id_shop) else: country_code, province_code = _get_brand_addr(sale_info) _cate_id = sale_info.get('category', {}).get('@id', 0) tax_info = get_category_tax_info(req, resp, country_code, province_code, user_country_code, user_province_code, _cate_id, is_business_account) if calc_before_tax_price(req, resp): one['price_with_tax_calc'] = price / (1 + tax_info['rate'] / 100.0) else: one['price_with_tax_calc'] = price * (1 + tax_info['rate'] / 100.0) one['tax'] = one['price_with_tax_calc'] - price one['show_final_price'] = tax_info['show_final_price'] one['out_of_stock'] = _out_of_stock(sale_info, id_variant, id_type, id_shop, quantity) basket.append(one) return basket
def fetch_initial_state_data(user_profile, event_types, queue_id, include_subscribers=True): # type: (UserProfile, Optional[Iterable[str]], str, bool) -> Dict[str, Any] state = {'queue_id': queue_id} # type: Dict[str, Any] if event_types is None: want = lambda msg_type: True else: want = set(event_types).__contains__ if want('alert_words'): state['alert_words'] = user_alert_words(user_profile) if want('custom_profile_fields'): fields = custom_profile_fields_for_realm( state['custom_profile_fields'] = [f.as_dict() for f in fields] if want('attachments'): state['attachments'] = user_attachments(user_profile) if want('hotspots'): state['hotspots'] = get_next_hotspots(user_profile) if want('message'): # The client should use get_messages() to fetch messages # starting with the max_message_id. They will get messages # newer than that ID via get_events() messages = Message.objects.filter( usermessage__user_profile=user_profile).order_by('-id')[:1] if messages: state['max_message_id'] = messages[0].id else: state['max_message_id'] = -1 if want('muted_topics'): state['muted_topics'] = ujson.loads(user_profile.muted_topics) if want('pointer'): state['pointer'] = user_profile.pointer if want('presence'): state['presences'] = get_status_dict(user_profile) if want('realm'): for property_name in Realm.property_types: state['realm_' + property_name] = getattr(user_profile.realm, property_name) # Most state is handled via the property_types framework; # these manual entries are for those realm settings that don't # fit into that framework. state[ 'realm_authentication_methods'] = user_profile.realm.authentication_methods_dict( ) state[ 'realm_allow_message_editing'] = user_profile.realm.allow_message_editing state[ 'realm_message_content_edit_limit_seconds'] = user_profile.realm.message_content_edit_limit_seconds state['realm_icon_url'] = realm_icon_url(user_profile.realm) state['realm_icon_source'] = user_profile.realm.icon_source state['max_icon_file_size'] = settings.MAX_ICON_FILE_SIZE state['realm_bot_domain'] = user_profile.realm.get_bot_domain() state['realm_uri'] = user_profile.realm.uri state['realm_presence_disabled'] = user_profile.realm.presence_disabled state['realm_show_digest_email'] = user_profile.realm.show_digest_email state[ 'realm_is_zephyr_mirror_realm'] = user_profile.realm.is_zephyr_mirror_realm state['realm_password_auth_enabled'] = password_auth_enabled( user_profile.realm) if user_profile.realm.notifications_stream and not user_profile.realm.notifications_stream.deactivated: notifications_stream = user_profile.realm.notifications_stream state['realm_notifications_stream_id'] = else: state['realm_notifications_stream_id'] = -1 if want('realm_domains'): state['realm_domains'] = get_realm_domains(user_profile.realm) if want('realm_emoji'): state['realm_emoji'] = user_profile.realm.get_emoji() if want('realm_filters'): state['realm_filters'] = realm_filters_for_realm(user_profile.realm_id) if want('realm_user'): state['realm_users'] = get_realm_user_dicts(user_profile) state['avatar_source'] = user_profile.avatar_source state['avatar_url_medium'] = avatar_url(user_profile, medium=True) state['avatar_url'] = avatar_url(user_profile) state['can_create_streams'] = user_profile.can_create_streams() state['cross_realm_bots'] = list(get_cross_realm_dicts()) state['is_admin'] = user_profile.is_realm_admin state['user_id'] = state['enter_sends'] = user_profile.enter_sends state['email'] = state['full_name'] = user_profile.full_name if want('realm_bot'): state['realm_bots'] = get_owned_bot_dicts(user_profile) if want('subscription'): subscriptions, unsubscribed, never_subscribed = gather_subscriptions_helper( user_profile, include_subscribers=include_subscribers) state['subscriptions'] = subscriptions state['unsubscribed'] = unsubscribed state['never_subscribed'] = never_subscribed if want('update_message_flags') and want('message'): # Keeping unread_msgs updated requires both message flag updates and # message updates. This is due to the fact that new messages will not # generate a flag update so we need to use the flags field in the # message event. state['unread_msgs'] = get_unread_message_ids_per_recipient( user_profile) if want('stream'): state['streams'] = do_get_streams(user_profile) if want('default_streams'): state['realm_default_streams'] = streams_to_dicts_sorted( get_default_streams_for_realm(user_profile.realm)) if want('update_display_settings'): for prop in UserProfile.property_types: state[prop] = getattr(user_profile, prop) state['emojiset_choices'] = user_profile.emojiset_choices() state['autoscroll_forever'] = user_profile.autoscroll_forever if want('update_global_notifications'): for notification in UserProfile.notification_setting_types: state[notification] = getattr(user_profile, notification) state[ 'default_desktop_notifications'] = user_profile.default_desktop_notifications if want('zulip_version'): state['zulip_version'] = ZULIP_VERSION return state
def build_message_dict( message, message_id, last_edit_time, edit_history, content, subject, pub_date, rendered_content, rendered_content_version, sender_id, sender_realm_id, sending_client_name, recipient_id, recipient_type, recipient_type_id, reactions ): # type: (Optional[Message], int, Optional[datetime.datetime], Optional[Text], Text, Text, datetime.datetime, Optional[Text], Optional[int], int, int, Text, int, int, int, List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Dict[str, Any] obj = dict( id = message_id, sender_id = sender_id, content = content, recipient_type_id = recipient_type_id, recipient_type = recipient_type, recipient_id = recipient_id, subject = subject, timestamp = datetime_to_timestamp(pub_date), client = sending_client_name) obj['sender_realm_id'] = sender_realm_id obj['raw_display_recipient'] = get_display_recipient_by_id( recipient_id, recipient_type, recipient_type_id ) obj['subject_links'] = bugdown.subject_links(sender_realm_id, subject) if last_edit_time is not None: obj['last_edit_timestamp'] = datetime_to_timestamp(last_edit_time) assert edit_history is not None obj['edit_history'] = ujson.loads(edit_history) if Message.need_to_render_content(rendered_content, rendered_content_version, bugdown.version): if message is None: # We really shouldn't be rendering objects in this method, but there is # a scenario where we upgrade the version of bugdown and fail to run # management commands to re-render historical messages, and then we # need to have side effects. This method is optimized to not need full # blown ORM objects, but the bugdown renderer is unfortunately highly # coupled to Message, and we also need to persist the new rendered content. # If we don't have a message object passed in, we get one here. The cost # of going to the DB here should be overshadowed by the cost of rendering # and updating the row. # TODO: see #1379 to eliminate bugdown dependencies message = Message.objects.select_related().get(id=message_id) assert message is not None # Hint for mypy. # It's unfortunate that we need to have side effects on the message # in some cases. rendered_content = render_markdown(message, content, realm=message.get_realm()) message.rendered_content = rendered_content message.rendered_content_version = bugdown.version message.save_rendered_content() if rendered_content is not None: obj['rendered_content'] = rendered_content else: obj['rendered_content'] = ('<p>[Zulip note: Sorry, we could not ' + 'understand the formatting of your message]</p>') if rendered_content is not None: obj['is_me_message'] = Message.is_status_message(content, rendered_content) else: obj['is_me_message'] = False obj['reactions'] = [ReactionDict.build_dict_from_raw_db_row(reaction) for reaction in reactions] return obj
def get_order_table_info(order_id, order_resp, all_sales=None): user_profile = order_resp['user_info'] user_name = '%s %s %s' % ( user_profile.get('title') or '', user_profile.get('first_name') or '', user_profile.get('last_name') or '', ) dest_user_name = order_resp['shipping_dest']['full_name'] or user_name dest_addr = ' '.join([ order_resp['shipping_dest']['address'], order_resp['shipping_dest']['postalcode'], order_resp['shipping_dest']['city'], order_resp['shipping_dest']['province'], order_resp['shipping_dest']['country'], ]) order_items = [] shipments = {} order_status = int(order_resp['order_status']) order_created = format_epoch_time(order_resp['confirmation_time']) for item_id, item_info in order_resp.get('order_items', []): id_sale = str(item_info['sale_id']) if item_info['id_variant'] == 0: product_name = item_info['name'] variant_name = '' else: product_name, variant_name = item_info['name'].rsplit('-', 1) one = { 'id_sale': id_sale, 'quantity': item_info['quantity'], 'product_name': product_name, 'variant_name': variant_name, 'type_name': item_info.get('type_name') or '', 'price': item_info['price'], 'picture': item_info['picture'], 'external_id': item_info['external_id'], } sale_info = None if all_sales and id_sale in all_sales: sale_info = all_sales[id_sale] _type = sale_info.get('type', {}) one['link'] = get_url_format(FRT_ROUTE_ROLE.PRDT_INFO) % { 'id_type': _type.get('@id', 0), 'type_name': get_normalized_name(FRT_ROUTE_ROLE.PRDT_INFO, 'type_name', _type.get('name', '')), 'id_sale': id_sale, 'sale_name': get_normalized_name(FRT_ROUTE_ROLE.PRDT_INFO, 'sale_name', sale_info.get('name', '')), } one['out_of_stock'] = False #TODO get from user server order_items.append(one) item_invoice_info = {} for iv in item_info['invoice_info']: iv_item_info = ujson.loads(iv['invoice_item']) if iv_item_info: taxes = as_list(iv_item_info.get('tax', {})) iv['tax'] = sum([float(t['#text']) for t in taxes if t.get('@to_worldwide') == 'True' or t.get('@show') == 'True']) iv['tax_per_item'] = iv['tax'] / int(iv_item_info['qty']) iv['show_final_price'] = len( [t for t in taxes if t.get('@show') == 'True']) > 0 else: iv['tax'] = 0 iv['tax_per_item'] = 0 iv['show_final_price'] = False item_invoice_info[iv['shipment_id']] = iv for _shipment_info in item_info['shipment_info']: shipment_id = _shipment_info.get('shipment_id') if not shipment_id: # sth. wrong when create order continue shipping_list = _shipment_info.copy() shipping_list.update(item_invoice_info.get(shipment_id)) shipping_list['item'] = order_items[-1] shipping_list['item']['quantity'] = shipping_list['shipping_list_quantity'] shipping_list['status_name'] = SHIPMENT_STATUS.toReverseDict().get( int(shipping_list['status'])) shipping_list['due_within'] = shipping_list['due_within'] or 1 shipping_list['shipping_within'] = shipping_list['shipping_within'] or 7 shipping_list['shipping_msg'] = get_shipping_msg(order_status, order_created, shipping_list['shipping_date'], shipping_list['shipping_within']) if shipment_id not in shipments: shipments[shipment_id] = [] shipments[shipment_id].append(shipping_list) data = { 'order_id': order_id, 'order_created': order_created, 'order_status': order_status, 'status_name': get_order_status_msg(order_status), 'user_name': user_name, 'dest_user_name': dest_user_name, 'first_name': user_profile.get('first_name') or '', 'dest_addr': dest_addr, 'shipments': shipments, 'order_invoice_url': get_url_format(FRT_ROUTE_ROLE.ORDER_INVOICES) % {'id_order': order_id}, } return data
def json(self): import ujson return ujson.loads(self.content)
def extract_message_dict(message_bytes): # type: (binary_type) -> Dict[str, Any] return dict_with_str_keys(ujson.loads(zlib.decompress(message_bytes).decode("utf-8")))
async def get_wallets(request: Request) -> UJSONResponse: customer_id = request.path_params["customer_id"] wallets = CustomerWallet.filter(customer_id=customer_id) response = await OutputCustomerWalletListSchema.from_queryset(wallets) response = sort_by_key(loads(response.json()), "modified_at") return UJSONResponse({"wallets": response})
return user_ids_by_interest def interests_by_user_id(self): # create a dic storing user_ids by interests interests_by_user_id = defaultdict(list) for user_id, interest in self.interests: interests_by_user_id[user_id].append(interest) return interests_by_user_id def most_common_interests_with(self, user): # find friends with common interests return Counter(user_id for interest in self.interests_by_user_id()[user['id']] for user_id in self.user_ids_by_interest()[interest] if user_id != user['id']) def topic_of_interest(self): # show the frequency of interests words_and_counts = Counter(word for user_id, interest in self.interests for word in interest.lower().split()) return words_and_counts if __name__ == '__main__': path = 'data/data.json' data = json.loads(open(path).read()) dsc = DataSciencester(data) #dsc.list_friends() print dsc.topic_of_interest()
def read_json(url, data=None): request = urllib2.Request(url, data, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) response = urllib2.urlopen(request).read() return ujson.loads(response)
def to_value(self, value): import ujson return ujson.loads(value)