Beispiel #1
    def nees(self, err, Ps, Rots, vs, ps, name):

        J = np.eye(9)
        neess = np.zeros((self.N, 2))

        def err2nees(err, P):
            # separate orientation and position
            nees_Rot = err[:3].dot(np.linalg.inv(P[:3, :3]).dot(err[:3])) / 3
            nees_p = err[6:9].dot(np.linalg.inv(P[6:9, 6:9]).dot(err[6:9])) / 3
            return np.array([nees_Rot, nees_p])

        for n in range(1, self.N):
            # covariance need to be turned
            if name == 'STD':
                P = Ps[n]
            elif name == 'LEFT':
                J[3:6, 3:6] = Rots[n]
                J[6:9, 6:9] = Rots[n]
                P =[n]).dot(J.T)
                J[3:6, :3] = SO3.wedge(vs[n])
                J[6:9, :3] = SO3.wedge(ps[n])
                P =[n]).dot(J.T)
            neess[n] = err2nees(err[n], P)
        return neess
Beispiel #2
    def iekf_FG_ana(cls, state, omega, dt):
        F = np.eye(9)
        F[3:6, :3] = SO3.wedge(cls.g) * dt
        F[6:9, :3] = F[3:6, :3] * dt / 2
        F[6:9, 3:6] = dt * np.eye(3)

        G = np.zeros((9, 6))
        G[:3, :3] = state.Rot * dt
        G[3:6, 3:6] = state.Rot * dt
        G[3:6, :3] = SO3.wedge(state.v).dot(state.Rot) * dt
        G[6:9, :3] = SO3.wedge(state.p).dot(state.Rot) * dt
        return F, G
Beispiel #3
 def ekf_H_ana(cls, state):
     H = np.zeros((3 * cls.N_ldk, 9))
     for i in range(cls.N_ldk):
         H[3 * i:3 * (i + 1), :3] =
             SO3.wedge(cls.ldks[i] - state.p))
         H[3 * i:3 * (i + 1), 6:9] = -state.Rot.T
     return H
Beispiel #4
    def ekf_FG_ana(cls, state, omega, dt):
        F = np.eye(9)
        F[3:6, :3] = -SO3.wedge( * dt)
        F[6:9, :3] = F[3:6, :3] * dt / 2
        F[6:9, 3:6] = dt * np.eye(3)

        G = np.zeros((9, 6))
        G[:3, :3] = state.Rot * dt
        G[3:6, 3:6] = state.Rot * dt
        return F, G
Beispiel #5
    def plot_results(self, hat_states, hat_Ps, states):
        Rots, us = self.get_states(states, self.N)
        hat_Rots, hat_us = self.get_states(hat_states, self.N)

        t = np.linspace(0, self.T, self.N)
        ps = np.zeros((self.N, 3))
        ukf3sigma = np.zeros((self.N, 3))
        hat_ps = np.zeros_like(ps)
        A = np.eye(6)
        e3wedge = SO3.wedge(self.L*self.e3)
        for n in range(self.N):
            ps[n] = self.L*Rots[n].dot(self.e3)
            hat_ps[n] = self.L*hat_Rots[n].dot(self.e3)
            A[:3, :3] = hat_Rots[n].dot(e3wedge)
            P =[n]).dot(A.T)
            ukf3sigma[n] = np.diag(P[:3, :3])
        errors = np.linalg.norm(ps - hat_ps, axis=1)
        ukf3sigma = 3*np.sqrt(np.sum(ukf3sigma, 1))
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
        ax.set(xlabel='$t$ (s)', ylabel='position (m)', title='position (m)')
        plt.plot(t, ps, linewidth=2)
        plt.plot(t, hat_ps)
        ax.legend([r'$x$', r'$y$', r'$z$', r'$x$ UKF', r'$y$ UKF', r'$z$ UKF'])
        ax.set_xlim(0, t[-1])

        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
        ax.set(xlabel='$x$ (m)', ylabel='$y$ (m)',
               title='position in $xs$ plan')
        plt.plot(ps[:, 0], ps[:, 1], linewidth=2, c='black')
        plt.plot(hat_ps[:, 0], hat_ps[:, 1], c='blue')
        ax.legend([r'true position', r'UKF'])

        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
        ax.set(xlabel='$y$ (m)', ylabel='$z$ (m)',
               title='position in $yz$ plan')
        plt.plot(ps[:, 1], ps[:, 2], linewidth=2, c='black')
        plt.plot(hat_ps[:, 1], hat_ps[:, 2], c='blue')
        ax.legend([r'true position', r'UKF'])

        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
        ax.set(xlabel='$t$ (s)', ylabel='error (m)',
               title=' position error (m)')
        plt.plot(t, errors, c='blue')
        plt.plot(t, ukf3sigma, c='blue', linestyle='dashed')
        ax.legend([r'UKF', r'$3\sigma$ UKF'])
        ax.set_xlim(0, t[-1])
        ax.set_ylim(0, 0.5)
Beispiel #6
 def ekf_H_ana(cls, state):
     H = np.vstack([,
     return H
Beispiel #7
# We run the Monte-Carlo through a for loop.

for n_mc in range(N_mc):
    print("Monte-Carlo iteration(s): " + str(n_mc+1) + "/" + str(N_mc))
    # simulate true states and noisy inputs
    states, omegas = model.simu_f(imu_std)
    # simulate measurements
    ys, one_hot_ys = model.simu_h(states, obs_freq, obs_std)
    # initialize filters
    state0 = model.STATE(
        p=states[0].p + p0_std*np.random.randn(3))
    # IEKF and right UKF covariance need to be turned
    J = np.eye(9)
    J[6:9, :3] = SO3.wedge(state0.p)
    right_P0 =
    ukf = UKF(state0=state0, P0=P0, f=model.f, h=model.h, Q=Q, R=R,
              phi=model.phi, phi_inv=model.phi_inv, alpha=alpha)
    left_ukf = UKF(state0=state0, P0=P0, f=model.f, h=model.h, Q=Q, R=R,
                   phi=model.left_phi, phi_inv=model.left_phi_inv, alpha=alpha)
    right_ukf = UKF(state0=state0, P0=P0, f=model.f, h=model.h, Q=Q, R=R,
                    phi=model.right_phi, phi_inv=model.right_phi_inv,
    iekf = EKF(model=model, state0=state0, P0=right_P0, Q=Q, R=R,
               FG_ana=model.iekf_FG_ana, H_ana=model.iekf_H_ana,
    ekf = EKF(model=model, state0=state0, P0=right_P0, Q=Q, R=R,
              FG_ana=model.ekf_FG_ana, H_ana=model.ekf_H_ana,