Beispiel #1
def choose_plural(amount, variants):
    Choose proper form for plural.

    Value is a amount, parameters are forms of noun.
    Forms are variants for 1, 2, 5 nouns. It may be tuple
    of elements, or string where variants separates each other
    by comma.

        {{ some_int|choose_plural:"пример,примера,примеров" }}
        if isinstance(variants, basestring):
            uvariants = pseudo_unicode(variants, encoding, default_value)
            uvariants = [pseudo_unicode(v, encoding, default_uvalue) for v in variants]
        ures = numeral.choose_plural(amount, uvariants)
        res = pseudo_str(ures, encoding, default_value)
    except Exception, err:
        # because filter must die silently
            default_variant = variants
        except Exception:
            default_variant = ""
        res = default_value % {"error": err, "value": default_variant}
Beispiel #2
Datei: Projekt: wezs/uktils
def distance_of_time_in_words(from_time, accuracy=1, to_time=None):
    Represents distance of time in words

    @param from_time: source time (in seconds from epoch)
    @type from_time: C{int}, C{float} or C{datetime.datetime}

    @param accuracy: level of accuracy (1..3), default=1
    @type accuracy: C{int}

    @param to_time: target time (in seconds from epoch),
        default=None translates to current time
    @type to_time: C{int}, C{float} or C{datetime.datetime}

    @return: distance of time in words
    @rtype: unicode

    @raise L{uktils.err.InputParameterError}: input parameters' check failed
    @raise ValueError: accuracy is lesser or equal zero
    current = False

    if to_time is None:
        current = True
        to_time =

    check_positive(accuracy, strict=True)

    if not isinstance(from_time, datetime.datetime):
        from_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(from_time)

    if not isinstance(to_time, datetime.datetime):
        to_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(to_time)

    dt_delta = to_time - from_time
    difference = dt_delta.days*86400 + dt_delta.seconds

    minutes_orig = int(abs(difference)/60.0)
    hours_orig = int(abs(difference)/3600.0)
    days_orig = int(abs(difference)/86400.0)
    in_future = from_time > to_time

    words = []
    values = []
    alternatives = []

    days = days_orig
    hours = hours_orig - days_orig*24

    words.append(u"%d %s" % (days, numeral.choose_plural(days, DAY_VARIANTS)))

    words.append(u"%d %s" % \
                  (hours, numeral.choose_plural(hours, HOUR_VARIANTS)))

    hours == 1 and current and alternatives.append(u"годину")

    minutes = minutes_orig - hours_orig*60

    words.append(u"%d %s" % (minutes,
                              numeral.choose_plural(minutes, MINUTE_VARIANTS)))

    minutes == 1 and current and alternatives.append(u"хвилину")

    # убираем из values и words конечные нули
    while values and not values[-1]:
    # убираем из values и words начальные нули
    while values and not values[0]:
    limit = min(accuracy, len(words))
    real_words = words[:limit]
    real_values = values[:limit]
    # снова убираем конечные нули
    while real_values and not real_values[-1]:
        limit -= 1

    real_str = u" ".join(real_words)

    # альтернативные варианты нужны только если в real_words одно значение
    # и, вдобавок, если используется текущее время
    alter_str = limit == 1 and current and alternatives and \
                           not (days and hours==1) and \
                           not (hours and minutes==1) and \
    _result_str = alter_str or real_str
    result_str = in_future and u"%s %s" % (PREFIX_IN, _result_str) \
                           or u"%s %s" % (_result_str, SUFFIX_AGO)

    # если же прошло менее минуты, то real_words -- пустой, и поэтому
    # нужно брать alternatives[0], а не result_str
    zero_str = minutes == 0 and not real_words and \
            (in_future and u"менш ніж через хвилину" \
                        or u"менше хвилини тому")

    # нужно использовать вчера/позавчера/завтра/послезавтра
    # если days 1..2 и в real_words одно значение
    day_alternatives = DAY_ALTERNATIVES.get(days, False)
    alternate_day = day_alternatives and current and limit == 1 and \
                    ((in_future and day_alternatives[1]) \
                                 or day_alternatives[0])

    final_str = not real_words and zero_str or alternate_day or result_str

    return final_str