Beispiel #1
def spatial_filter(img, kernel, dxy=None):
    """ Convolves `img` with `kernel` assuming a stride of 1. If `img` is linear,
     `dxy` needs to hold the dimensions of the image.
    # Make sure that the image is 2D
    _img = np.array(img)
    if dxy is None:
        dx, dy = _img.shape()
        isInt = type(img[0:0])
        isFlat = False
        dx, dy = dxy
        if dx * dy != _img.size():
            raise TypeError("Dimensions do not match number of `img` elements")
        isInt = type(img[0])
        isFlat = True
    img2d = _img.reshape((dx, dy))

    # Check if kernel is a square matrix with an odd number of elements per row
    # and column
    krn = np.array(kernel)
    dk, dk2 = krn.shape()
    if dk != dk2 or dk % 2 == 0 or dk <= 1:
        raise TypeError(
            "`kernel` is not a square 2D matrix or does not have an "
            "odd number of row / column elements")

    # Make a padded copy of the image; pad with mean of image to reduce edge
    # effects
    padd = dk // 2
    img2dp = np.ones((dx + padd * 2, dy + padd * 2)) * np.mean(img2d)
    img2dp[padd:dx + padd, padd:dy + padd] = img2d
    imgRes = np.zeros(img2dp.shape())

    # Convolve padded image with kernel
    for x in range(0, dx):
        for y in range(0, dy):
            imgRes[x + padd,
                   y + padd] = np.sum(img2dp[x:x + dk, y:y + dk] * krn[:, :])

    # Remove padding, flatten and restore value type if needed
    _img = imgRes[padd:dx + padd, padd:dy + padd]
    if isFlat:
        _img = _img.flatten()
    if isInt:
        _img = list(np.array(_img, dtype=np.int16))
    return _img
Beispiel #2
def perform_robust_multilateration(loc_range_diff_info, depth):
    num_segment = len(loc_range_diff_info)
    estimated_locations = []
    # estimate location from each segment
    for i in range(num_segment):
        loc_range_diff = loc_range_diff_info[i]
        num_anchors = len(loc_range_diff)
        # create numpy array to hold anchor locations and range-differences
        locations = np.zeros((num_anchors, 3), dtype=np.float)
        range_diffs = np.zeros(num_anchors - 1, dtype=np.float)

        # extract locations and range-differences from list and store them into respective numpy array
        zone = None
        zone_letter = None
        for j in range(num_anchors):
            if j == 0:
                zone, zone_letter = loc_range_diff[j][0][0], loc_range_diff[j][
                locations[j] = np.array(loc_range_diff[j][1])
                locations[j] = np.array(loc_range_diff[j][0:3])
                range_diffs[j - 1] = loc_range_diff[j][3]

        # Call Gauss Newton Method for location estimation
        initial_soln = np.mean(locations, axis=0)
        # replace 3 coordinate with sensor depth
        initial_soln[2] = depth
        estimated_location = tdoa_multilateration_from_single_segement_gauss_newton(
            locations, range_diffs, initial_soln)
        # estimated_location = TDOALocalization.perform_tdoa_multilateration_closed_form(locations, range_diffs, depth)
        if use_ulab:
            bflag_estimated = estimated_location.size() > 0
            bflag_estimated = estimated_location.size > 0
        # Convert to Lat/Lon
        if bflag_estimated > 0:
            lat, lon = to_latlon(estimated_location[0], estimated_location[1],
                                 zone, zone_letter)
            estimated_locations.append([lat, lon, estimated_location[2]])

    return estimated_locations
Beispiel #3
# Ulab is a numpy-like module for micropython, meant to simplify and speed up common
# mathematical operations on arrays. This basic example shows mean/std on an image.
# NOTE: ndarrays cause the heap to be fragmented easily. If you run out of memory,
# there's not much that can be done about it, lowering the resolution might help.

import sensor, image, time, ulab as np

sensor.reset()  # Reset and initialize the sensor.
    sensor.GRAYSCALE)  # Set pixel format to RGB565 (or GRAYSCALE)
sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA)  # Set frame size to QVGA (320x240)
clock = time.clock()  # Create a clock object to track the FPS.

while (True):
    img = sensor.snapshot()  # Take a picture and return the image.
    a = np.array(img, dtype=np.uint8)
    print("mean: %d std:%d" % (np.mean(a), np.std(a)))
Beispiel #4
    def draw_demo():
        app.loop = (app.loop + 1) % 200
        value = math.cos(math.pi * app.loop / 16) * 10

        ui.canvas.draw_string(10, 5, "Seeed Grove",
                          color=(40 + int(value) * 2, 240 + int(value) * 2, 40 + int(value) * 2), scale=3, mono_space=0)

            if app.isconnected == False:
                #if app.loop % 10 == 0:
                    # tmp = fm.fpioa.get_Pin_num(fm.fpioa.I2C0_SDA)
                    # fm.register(tmp, fm.fpioa.GPIOHS14)
                    # sda = GPIO(GPIO.GPIOHS14, GPIO.OUT)
                    # sda.value(1)
                    # fm.register(tmp, fm.fpioa.I2C0_SDA, force=True)

                    # print(app.loop)

                #tmp = fm.fpioa.get_Pin_num(fm.fpioa.I2C0_SDA)
                #fm.register(tmp, fm.fpioa.GPIOHS14)
                #sda = GPIO(GPIO.GPIOHS14, GPIO.OUT)
                #fm.register(tmp, fm.fpioa.I2C0_SDA, force=True)


                if app.loop % 5 == 1:
                    result = app.i2c0.scan()
                    ui.canvas.draw_string(290, 80, "Scan Dev: " + str(result),
                                          color=(140 + int(value) * 5, 240 + int(value) * 5, 140 + int(value) * 5), scale=2, mono_space=0)

                    if SHT3x_ADDR in result:
                        app.sht3x = SHT3x(app.i2c0, SHT3x_ADDR)
                        app.isconnected = True
                    if SHT31_ADDR in result:
                        app.sht3x = SHT3x(app.i2c0, SHT31_ADDR)
                        app.isconnected = True

                ui.canvas.draw_string(280, 25, "Wait Grove Sensor \n sht31/35 <<<  <<  <-",
                                      color=(140 + int(value) * 5, 240 + int(value) * 5, 140 + int(value) * 5), scale=2, mono_space=0)

                if CubeAudio.event() == False:

                    value = math.cos(math.pi * app.loop / 100) * 50

                    tmp = int(value)

                    ui.canvas.draw_circle(0, 0, 100 + tmp, fill=False, color=(0, (150 + tmp) + 10, 0))
                    ui.canvas.draw_circle(0, 0, 100 + tmp * 2, fill=False, color=(0, (150 + tmp) + 20, 0))
                    ui.canvas.draw_circle(0, 0, 100 + tmp * 3, fill=False, color=(0, (150 + tmp) + 30, 0))
                    ui.canvas.draw_circle(0, 0, 100 + tmp * 4, fill=False, color=(0, (150 + tmp) + 40, 0))

                data = app.sht3x.read_temp_humd()
                # print(data)
                if app.sidu == None:
                    app.sidu = image.Image(os.getcwd() + "/res/images/sidu.jpg")

                ui.canvas.draw_circle(350, 160, 100, fill=True, color=(255, 255, 255))
                ui.canvas.draw_image(app.sidu, 270, 60, alpha=235 + int(value) * 2)
                ui.canvas.draw_string(330, 190, "%.2d" % data[1], scale=4, color=(80, 80, 80))

                ui.canvas.draw_rectangle(60, 60, 180, 200, thickness=4, color=(155, 155, 155))
                if len(app.points) > 18:
                elif data[0] > 1 and app.temp != int(data[0] * 10):
                    app.temp = int(data[0] * 10)
                for p in range(len(app.points)):
                    if p < 1:
                        b = (60 + int(10 * (p))), 450 - app.points[p]
                        ui.canvas.draw_circle(b[0], b[1], 3, fill=True, color=(255, 155, 150))
                        a, b = ((60 + int(10 * (p-1))), 450 - app.points[p-1]), ((60 + int(10 * (p))), 450 - app.points[p])
                        ui.canvas.draw_circle(b[0], b[1], 3, fill=False, color=(155, 155, 155))
                        ui.canvas.draw_line(a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1], thickness=4, color=(255,255,255))

                ui.canvas.draw_string(60, 280, "Average temperature: %s" % str(ulab.mean(app.points) / 10.0),
                                      color=(240 + int(value) * 5, 240 + int(value) * 5, 240 + int(value) * 5), scale=2, mono_space=0)

        except Exception as e:
            app.layer = 1
            app.isconnected = False
            raise e
Beispiel #5
print("Testing np.sum:")
a = np.array([253, 254, 255], dtype=np.uint8)
print(np.sum(a, axis=0))
a = np.array([range(255 - 3, 255),
              range(240 - 3, 240),
              range(250 - 3, 250)],
print(np.sum(a, axis=0))
print(np.sum(a, axis=1))

print("Testing np.mean:")
a = np.array([253, 254, 255], dtype=np.uint8)
print(np.mean(a, axis=0))
a = np.array([range(255 - 3, 255),
              range(240 - 3, 240),
              range(250 - 3, 250)],
print(math.isclose(np.mean(a), 246.3333333333333, rel_tol=1e-06,
#print(np.mean(a, axis=0))
result = np.mean(a, axis=0)
ref_result = [245.33333333, 246.33333333, 247.33333333]
for p, q in zip(list(result), ref_result):
    print(math.isclose(p, q, rel_tol=1e-06, abs_tol=1e-06))

#print(np.mean(a, axis=1))
Beispiel #6
def find_blobs(img, dxy, nsd=1.0):
    """ Detect continues area(s) ("blobs") with pixels above a certain
      threshold in an image. `img` contains the flattened image (1D),
      `dxy` image width and height, and `nsd` a factor to calculate the blob
      threshold from image mean and s.d. (thres = avg +sd *nsd).
    # Initialize
    blobs = []
    for i in range(MAX_BLOBS):
    nBlobs = 0
    posList = []

    # Extract the parameters
    dx, dy = dxy
    n = dx * dy

    # Copy image data into a float array
    pImg = np.array(img)

    # Calculate mean and sd across (filtered) image to determine threshold
    avg = np.mean(pImg)
    sd = np.std(pImg)
    thres = avg + sd * nsd

    # Find blob(s) ...
    # Mark all pixels above a threshold
    pPrb = (pImg - avg) / sd
    pMsk = (pImg >= thres) * 255
    nThres = int(np.sum(pMsk) / 255)

    # Check if these above-threshold pixels represent continuous blobs
    nLeft = nThres
    iBlob = 0
    while nLeft > 0 and iBlob < MAX_BLOBS:
        # As long as unassigned mask pixels are left, find the next one using
        # `np.argmax()`, which returns the index of the (first)
        # hightest value, which should be 255
        iPix = np.argmax(pMsk)
        x = iPix % dx
        y = iPix // dx

        # Unassigned pixel found ...
        posList.append((x, y))
        pMsk[x + y * dx] = iBlob
        nFound = 1
        bx = float(x)
        by = float(y)
        bp = pPrb[x + y * dx]

        # Find all unassigned pixels in the neighborhood of this seed pixel
        while len(posList) > 0:
            x0, y0 = posList.pop()
            for k in range(4):
                x1 = x0 + xoffs[k]
                y1 = y0 + yoffs[k]
                if ((x1 >= 0) and (x1 < dx) and (y1 >= 0) and (y1 < dy)
                        and (pMsk[int(x1 + y1 * dx)] == 255)):
                    # Add new position from which to explore
                    posList.append((x1, y1))
                    pMsk[int(x1 + y1 * dx)] = iBlob
                    nFound += 1
                    bx += float(x1)
                    by += float(y1)
                    bp += pPrb[int(x1 + y1 * dx)]
        # Update number of unassigned pixels
        nLeft -= nFound

        # Store blob properties (area, center of gravity, etc.); make sure that
        # the blob list remaines sorted by area
        k = 0
        if iBlob > 0:
            while (k < iBlob) and (blobs[k].area > nFound):
                k += 1
            if k < iBlob:
                blobs.insert(k, blob_struct())
        blobs[k].ID = iBlob
        blobs[k].area = nFound
        blobs[k].x = by / nFound
        blobs[k].y = bx / nFound
        blobs[k].prob = bp / nFound
        iBlob += 1
    nBlobs = iBlob

    # Copy blobs into list as function result
    tempL = []
    for i in range(nBlobs):
        if blobs[i].area > 0:

    # Return list of blobs, otherwise empty list
    return tempL