Beispiel #1
class SegmentationModel(CRP):
    """SegmentationModel ~ DP(alpha, H)"""
    def __init__(self, alpha, alpha_p, alpha_s, word_vocabulary,
            prefix_vocabulary, suffix_vocabulary, collapsed):
        super(SegmentationModel, self).__init__()
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.base = MultinomialProduct(len(prefix_vocabulary), alpha_p,
                len(suffix_vocabulary), alpha_s, collapsed)
        self.word_vocabulary = word_vocabulary
        self.prefix_vocabulary = prefix_vocabulary
        self.suffix_vocabulary = suffix_vocabulary
        self.analyses = [Counter() for _ in xrange(len(word_vocabulary))]

    def segmentations(self, w):
        word = self.word_vocabulary[w]
        for prefix, suffix in segmentations(word):
            p = self.prefix_vocabulary[prefix]
            s = self.suffix_vocabulary[suffix]
            yield p, s

    def _random_table(self, k):
        """Pick a table with dish k randomly"""
        n = random.randrange(0, self.ncustomers[k])
        tables = self.tables[k]
        for i, c in enumerate(tables):
            if n < c: return i
            n -= c

    def seating_probs(self, w, initialize=False):
        """Joint probabilities of all possible (segmentation, table assignments) of word #w"""
        for p, s in self.segmentations(w):
            yield (p, s, -1), (1 if initialize
                    else self.alpha * self.base.prob(p, s))
            if not (w, p, s) in self.tables: continue
            for seat, count in enumerate(self.tables[w, p, s]):
                yield (p, s, seat), (1 if initialize else count)

    def increment(self, w, initialize=False):
        """Sample a segmentation and a table assignment for word #w"""
        # sample a table
        (p, s, seat) = mult_sample(self.seating_probs(w, initialize))
        # seat to the table
        if self._seat_to((w, p, s), seat):
            self.base.increment(p, s)
        # increment dish count
        self.analyses[w][p, s] += 1

    def decrement(self, w):
        """Decrement the count for a (p, s) segmentation of w"""
        # randomly choose a dish
        n = random.randrange(0, len(self.analyses[w]))
        for i, (p, s) in enumerate(self.analyses[w]):
            if n == i: break
        # randomly choose a table labeled with this dish
        seat = self._random_table((w, p, s))
        # remove customer
        if self._unseat_from((w, p, s), seat):
            self.base.decrement(p, s)
        # decrement dish count
        self.analyses[w][p, s] -= 1
        if self.analyses[w][p, s] == 0:
            del self.analyses[w][p, s]

    def resample_labels(self):
        new_analyses = [Counter() for _ in xrange(len(self.word_vocabulary))]
        new_tables = {}
        new_ncustomers = {}
        for (w, old_p, old_s), tables in self.tables.iteritems():
            for c in tables:
                # remove (old_p, old_s)
                self.base.decrement(old_p, old_s)
                # resample
                (p, s) = mult_sample(((p, s), self.base.prob(p, s))
                        for p, s in self.segmentations(w))
                # add (p, s)
                if (w, p, s) not in new_tables:
                    new_tables[w, p, s] = []
                    new_ncustomers[w, p, s] = 0
                new_tables[w, p, s].append(c)
                new_ncustomers[w, p, s] += c
                new_analyses[w][p, s] += c
                self.base.increment(p, s)
        self.analyses = new_analyses
        self.tables = new_tables
        self.ncustomers = new_ncustomers

    def decode(self, w):
        """Compute the most likely segmentation (p, s) of word #w"""
        return max(self.segmentations(w), key=lambda ps: self.base.marginal_prob(*ps))

    def log_likelihood(self):
        LL = \frac{\prod_{t \in tables} \alpha p_0(l_t) \times 1 \times \dots (c_t - 1)}{\prod_{k=0}^{N-1} (\alpha + k)}
           = p_{\text{base}} \times \frac{\Gamma(\alpha)}{\Gamma(\alpha + N)}\prod_{t \in tables} \alpha \times c_t!
        return (math.lgamma(self.alpha)
                - math.lgamma(self.alpha + self.total_customers)
                + self.ntables * math.log(self.alpha)
                + sum(math.lgamma(c) for tables in self.tables.itervalues()
                    for c in tables)
                + self.base.log_likelihood())

    def __repr__(self):
        return ('SegmentationModel(alpha={self.alpha}, base={self.base}, '
                '#customers={self.total_customers}, #tables={self.ntables}, '
                '#dishes={V})').format(self=self, V=len(self.tables))