Beispiel #1
def test_against_uncertainties_package():
        from uncertainties import ufloat
        from uncertainties import umath
        from math import sqrt as math_sqrt
    except ImportError:
    X, varX = 0.5, 0.04
    Y, varY = 3, 0.09
    N = 3
    ux = ufloat(X, math_sqrt(varX))
    uy = ufloat(Y, math_sqrt(varY))

    def _compare(result, u):
        Z, varZ = result
        assert abs(Z-u.n)/u.n < 1e-13 and (varZ-u.s**2)/u.s**2 < 1e-13, \
            "expected (%g,%g) got (%g,%g)"%(u.n,u.s**2,Z,varZ)

    def _check_pow(u):
        _compare(pow(X, varX, N), u)

    def _check_unary(op, u):
        _compare(op(X, varX), u)

    def _check_binary(op, u):
        _compare(op(X, varX, Y, varY), u)

    _check_binary(add, ux+uy)
    _check_binary(sub, ux-uy)
    _check_binary(mul, ux*uy)
    _check_binary(div, ux/uy)
    _check_binary(pow2, ux**uy)

    _check_unary(exp, umath.exp(ux))
    _check_unary(log, umath.log(ux))
    _check_unary(sin, umath.sin(ux))
    _check_unary(cos, umath.cos(ux))
    _check_unary(tan, umath.tan(ux))
    _check_unary(arcsin, umath.asin(ux))
    _check_unary(arccos, umath.acos(ux))
    _check_unary(arctan, umath.atan(ux))
    _check_binary(arctan2, umath.atan2(ux, uy))
Beispiel #2
def test_against_uncertainties_package():
        from uncertainties import ufloat
        from uncertainties import umath
        from math import sqrt as math_sqrt
    except ImportError:
    X, varX = 0.5, 0.04
    Y, varY = 3, 0.09
    N = 3
    ux = ufloat(X, math_sqrt(varX))
    uy = ufloat(Y, math_sqrt(varY))

    def _compare(result, u):
        Z, varZ = result
        assert abs(Z-u.n)/u.n < 1e-13 and (varZ-u.s**2)/u.s**2 < 1e-13, \
            "expected (%g,%g) got (%g,%g)"%(u.n, u.s**2, Z, varZ)

    def _check_pow(u):
        _compare(pow(X, varX, N), u)

    def _check_unary(op, u):
        _compare(op(X, varX), u)

    def _check_binary(op, u):
        _compare(op(X, varX, Y, varY), u)

    _check_binary(add, ux + uy)
    _check_binary(sub, ux - uy)
    _check_binary(mul, ux * uy)
    _check_binary(div, ux / uy)
    _check_binary(pow2, ux**uy)

    _check_unary(exp, umath.exp(ux))
    _check_unary(log, umath.log(ux))
    _check_unary(sin, umath.sin(ux))
    _check_unary(cos, umath.cos(ux))
    _check_unary(tan, umath.tan(ux))
    _check_unary(arcsin, umath.asin(ux))
    _check_unary(arccos, umath.acos(ux))
    _check_unary(arctan, umath.atan(ux))
    _check_binary(arctan2, umath.atan2(ux, uy))
Beispiel #3
def CartToSphU(cn, ce, cd):
	CartToSphU converts from Cartesian to spherical coordinates

	CartToSphU(cn,ce,cd) returns the trend (trd)
	and plunge (plg) of a line for input north (cn),
	east (ce), and down (cd) direction cosines.
	Notice that the input direction cosines have uncertainties

	NOTE: Trend and plunge are returned in radians and they
	have uncertainties in radians

	CartToSphU uses function ZeroTwoPi
	It also uses the uncertainties package from
	Eric O. Lebigot
	Based on Python function CartToSph
    pi = math.pi
    # Plunge
    plg = umath.asin(cd)  # Eq. 4.13a

    # Trend: If north direction cosine is zero, trend
    # is east or west. Choose which one by the sign of
    # the east direction cosine
    if cn == 0.0:
        if ce < 0.0:
            trd = 3.0 / 2.0 * pi  # Eq. 4.14d, trend is west
            trd = pi / 2.0  # Eq. 4.14c, trend is east
    # Else
        trd = umath.atan(ce / cn)  # Eq. 4.14a
        if cn < 0.0:
            # Add pi
            trd = trd + pi  # Eq. 4.14b
        # Make sure trend is between 0 and 2*pi
        trd = ZeroTwoPi(trd)

    return trd, plg
Beispiel #4
def lambda_from_abc(rF, rR, a, b, c):
    '''Returns the steer axis tilt, lamba, for the parameter set based on the
    offsets from the steer axis.

    rF : float or ufloat
        Front wheel radius.
    rR : float or ufloat
        Rear wheel radius.
    a : float or ufloat
        The rear wheel offset. The minimum distance from the steer axis to the
        center of the rear wheel.
    b : float or ufloat
        The front wheel offset. The minimum distance from the steer axis to the
        center of the front wheel.
    c : float or ufloat
        The steer axis distance. The distance along the steer axis between the
        intersection of the front and rear wheel offset lines.

    def lam_equality(lam, rF, rR, a, b, c):
        return umath.sin(lam) - (rF - rR + c * umath.cos(lam)) / (a + b)

    guess = umath.atan(c / (a + b))  # guess based on equal wheel radii

    # The following assumes that the uncertainty calculated for the guess is
    # the same as the uncertainty for the true solution. This is not true! and
    # will surely breakdown the further the guess is away from the true
    # solution. There may be a way to calculate the correct uncertainity, but
    # that needs to be figured out. I guess I could use least squares and do it
    # the same way as get_period.

    args = (rF.nominal_value, rR.nominal_value, a.nominal_value,
            b.nominal_value, c.nominal_value)

    lam = newton(lam_equality, guess.nominal_value, args=args)
    return ufloat(lam, guess.std_dev)
Beispiel #5
def lambda_from_abc(rF, rR, a, b, c):
    '''Returns the steer axis tilt, lamba, for the parameter set based on the
    offsets from the steer axis.

    rF : float or ufloat
        Front wheel radius.
    rR : float or ufloat
        Rear wheel radius.
    a : float or ufloat
        The rear wheel offset. The minimum distance from the steer axis to the
        center of the rear wheel.
    b : float or ufloat
        The front wheel offset. The minimum distance from the steer axis to the
        center of the front wheel.
    c : float or ufloat
        The steer axis distance. The distance along the steer axis between the
        intersection of the front and rear wheel offset lines.

    def lam_equality(lam, rF, rR, a, b, c):
        return umath.sin(lam) - (rF - rR + c * umath.cos(lam)) / (a + b)
    guess = umath.atan(c / (a + b)) # guess based on equal wheel radii

    # The following assumes that the uncertainty calculated for the guess is
    # the same as the uncertainty for the true solution. This is not true! and
    # will surely breakdown the further the guess is away from the true
    # solution. There may be a way to calculate the correct uncertainity, but
    # that needs to be figured out. I guess I could use least squares and do it
    # the same way as get_period.

    args = (rF.nominal_value, rR.nominal_value, a.nominal_value,
            b.nominal_value, c.nominal_value)

    lam = newton(lam_equality, guess.nominal_value, args=args)
    return ufloat((lam, guess.std_dev()))
Beispiel #6
def grid(path, name, key):
    metadata, data = read_nid(path)

    height, x, y = load_corrected_image(metadata, data, key=key)

    peaks = peak_local_max(

    peaks[:, 0] = peaks[:, 0] * x.max() / height.shape[0]
    peaks[:, 1] = peaks[:, 1] * y.max() / height.shape[1]

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect=1)
    plot = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, height, cmap='inferno')

    ax.plot(peaks[:, 1], peaks[:, 0], 'w.', ms=3)
    fig.colorbar(plot, ax=ax, label=r'$z \mathbin{/} \si{\nano\meter}$')

    # print(peaks)

    d1 = np.array([0, 0])
    diagonal_points = []
    for a in range(13):
        d1 = get_next_point_on_diagonal(d1, peaks)
        if len(d1) == 0:

    diagonal_distances = np.array([
        distance.euclidean(a, b)
        for a, b in zip(diagonal_points[:-1], diagonal_points[1:])]
    gd = ufloat(diagonal_distances.mean(), diagonal_distances.std())
    print('Gitterkonstante a_1: {}'.format(gd))

    diagonal_points = np.array(diagonal_points)
    x_coords = diagonal_points[:, 1]
    y_coords = diagonal_points[:, 0]
    popt, pcov = curve_fit(line, x_coords, y_coords)
    m, b = correlated_values(popt, pcov)
    xs = np.linspace(0, 2.44, 50)
    ax.plot(xs, line(xs, m.n, b.n), color='lightgray')
    angle_diagonal = umath.atan(m)
    # print(angle_diagonal)

    for d in diagonal_points:
        ax.plot(d[1], d[0], 'o', color='#46d7ff', alpha=0.7)

    d1 = [0.33,  0]
    horizontal_points = []
    for a in range(10):
        d1 = get_next_point_on_horizontal(d1, peaks)
        if len(d1) == 0:

    for d in horizontal_points:
        ax.plot(d[1], d[0], 'o', color='#dfec56', alpha=0.7)

    horizontal_points = np.array(horizontal_points)
    x_coords = horizontal_points[:, 1]
    y_coords = horizontal_points[:, 0]
    popt, pcov = curve_fit(line, x_coords, y_coords)
    m, b = correlated_values(popt, pcov)
    angle_horizontal = umath.atan(m)
    angle = angle_diagonal - angle_horizontal

    # should be 60
    correction_factor = np.tan(np.pi/3)/umath.tan(angle)
    print('Gemessener Winkel ist {}. Soll ist 60. Korrekturfaktor ist {}'.format(
        rad2deg(angle), correction_factor
    ax.plot(xs, line(xs, m.n, b.n), color='lightgray')

    horizontal_distances = np.array([
        distance.euclidean(a, b)
        for a, b in zip(horizontal_points[:-1], horizontal_points[1:])
    gh = ufloat(horizontal_distances.mean(), horizontal_distances.std())
    print('Gitterkonstante a_2: {}'.format(gh))

    ax.set_xlim(0, x.max())
    ax.set_ylim(0, y.max())

    g_string = '\SI{{{:.3f} \pm {:.3f}}}{{\\nano\\meter}}'.format(gh.n, gh.s)
    with open('build/grid_constant_horizontal_{}.tex'.format(name), 'w') as f:

    g_string = r'$\num{{{:.2f} \pm {:.2f}}}$'.format(correction_factor.n, correction_factor.s)
    with open('build/correction_factor_{}.tex'.format(name), 'w') as f:

    g_string = '\SI{{{:.3f} \pm {:.3f}}}{{\\nano\\meter}}'.format(gd.n, gd.s)
    with open('build/grid_constant_diagonal_{}.tex'.format(name), 'w') as f:

    angle = angle_diagonal - angle_horizontal
    g_string = '\\ang{{{:.2f} \pm {:.2f}}}'.format(np.rad2deg(angle.n), np.rad2deg(angle.s))
    with open('build/grid_angle_{}.tex'.format(name), 'w') as f:

    ax.set_xlabel(r'$x \mathbin{/} \si{\nano\meter}$')
    ax.set_ylabel(r'$y \mathbin{/} \si{\nano\meter}$')