def Levakovic_i(param, y):
     if certain:
         num = (y / param[0])**(1 / (2 * param[2])) * np.sqrt(param[1])
         den = np.sqrt(1 - ((y / param[0])**(1 / param[2])))
         num = (y / param[0])**(1 / (2 * param[2])) * unp.sqrt(param[1])
         den = unp.sqrt(1 - ((y / param[0])**(1 / param[2])))
     x = num / den
     return x
Beispiel #2
def plot_u(cal_file, fm_file, offset_file, description, accidental_offset,
    M = np.genfromtxt(cal_file)
    N = np.genfromtxt(fm_file)
    O = np.genfromtxt(offset_file)

    i_helm = M[:,1] #current applied to helmholtz for calibration measurement
    b_helm = M[:,2] #field applied to helmholtz coil for calibration measurement
    p, cov = np.polyfit(i_helm, b_helm, 1,  cov=True) #fit a line to calibration measurement so that we get a calibration

    i_fm = N[:,1] #current applied to helmmholtz for shielding measurement
    b_fm = unumpy.uarray(N[:,2],0.0005) - accidental_offset #field measured inside of ferromagnet shield

    B_earth = np.polyval(p,0) #We get the Earths magnetic field from i=0 of the Helmholtz calibration
    B_fm_no_i = unumpy.uarray(np.mean(O[:,2]), np.std(O[:,2])) #Get average and error for initial magnetization

    mag = B_fm_no_i - B_earth #initial magnetization is the field inside of the ferromagnet before any field is applied minus the earths magnetic field 

    Bin = b_fm - mag #internal magnetization is the measured internal field minus the initial magnetization. This correction might not be necessary for a soft ferromagnet
    Bext = unumpy.uarray(np.polyval(p,i_fm), 0.0005) #external field
    Bext_nom = unumpy.nominal_values(Bext)
    Bext_err = unumpy.std_devs(Bext)

    B = Bext/Bin
    c = a/b
    u=(-2*B + c**2 - 2*unumpy.sqrt(B**2 - B*c**2 - B + c**2) + 1)/(c**2 - 1)

    u_nom = unumpy.nominal_values(u)
    u_err = unumpy.std_devs(u)

    #cakculate uerr with just point to point uncertainties. I define this as just
    #uncertainty from the field measurements
    u_pp=(-2*B + c.nominal_value**2 - 2*unumpy.sqrt(B**2 - B*c.nominal_value**2 - B + c.nominal_value**2) + 1)/(c.nominal_value**2 - 1)
    #calculate uerr from just geometry uncertainties
    u_geom=(-2*unumpy.nominal_values(B) + c**2 - 2*unumpy.sqrt(unumpy.nominal_values(B)**2 - unumpy.nominal_values(B)*c**2 - unumpy.nominal_values(B) + c**2) + 1)/(c**2 - 1)

    ##obtain uncertainties from field
    u_err_pp = unumpy.std_devs(u_pp)

    ##obtain uncertainties from geometry
    u_err_geom = unumpy.std_devs(u_geom)

    with open(results_file, "w") as myfile:
        myfile.write('#Bext, sig_Bext, ur, sig_ur, sig_ur_pp, sig_ur_corr\n')
        for j in range(0, len(u_nom)):
            myfile.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' %(
                Bext_nom[j], Bext_err[j],
                u_nom[j], u_err[j], u_err_pp[j], u_err_geom[j]))

    plt.errorbar(Bext_nom, u_nom, u_err, marker = '.', label = description)
Beispiel #3
def Stix_Vp_Vs(pressure, temperature, params, Tr=300.):
    Returns unit:[km/s]`
    Returns unit:[km/s]`
    Returns unit:[kg/m3]`
    r, K, G, V, Rho = Stix_EOS(pressure, temperature, params, Tr)
    Vp = unp.sqrt((K + 4. * G / 3.) / Rho) / 1000.
    Vs = unp.sqrt(G / Rho) / 1000.
    #print Vs
    return Vp, Vs, Rho / 1000., K, G
Beispiel #4
def plot_u(cal_file, fm_file, offset_file, description, accidental_offset,
    M = np.genfromtxt(cal_file)
    N = np.genfromtxt(fm_file)
    O = np.genfromtxt(offset_file)

    i_helm = M[:,1] #current applied to helmholtz for calibration measurement
    b_helm = M[:,2] #field applied to helmholtz coil for calibration measurement
    p, cov = np.polyfit(i_helm, b_helm, 1,  cov=True) #fit a line to calibration measurement so that we get a calibration

    i_fm = N[:,1] #current applied to helmmholtz for shielding measurement
    b_fm = unumpy.uarray(N[:,2],0.0005) - accidental_offset #field measured inside of ferromagnet shield

    B_earth = np.polyval(p,0) #We get the Earths magnetic field from i=0 of the Helmholtz calibration
    B_fm_no_i = unumpy.uarray(np.mean(O[:,2]), np.std(O[:,2])) #Get average and error for initial magnetization

    mag = B_fm_no_i - B_earth #initial magnetization is the field inside of the ferromagnet before any field is applied minus the earths magnetic field 

    Bin = b_fm - mag #internal magnetization is the measured internal field minus the initial magnetization. This correction might not be necessary for a soft ferromagnet
    Bext = unumpy.uarray(np.polyval(p,i_fm), 0.0005) #external field
    Bext_nom = unumpy.nominal_values(Bext)
    Bext_err = unumpy.std_devs(Bext)

    B = Bext/Bin
    c = a/b
    #calculate u_r
    u=(-2*B + c**2 - 2*unumpy.sqrt(B**2 - B*c**2 - B + c**2) + 1)/(c**2 - 1)

    u_nom = unumpy.nominal_values(u)
    u_err = unumpy.std_devs(u)

    #cakculate uerr with just point to point uncertainties. I define this as just
    #uncertainty from the field measurements
    u_pp=(-2*B + c.nominal_value**2 - 2*unumpy.sqrt(B**2 - B*c.nominal_value**2 - B + c.nominal_value**2) + 1)/(c.nominal_value**2 - 1)
    #calculate uerr from just geometry uncertainties
    u_geom=(-2*unumpy.nominal_values(B) + c**2 - 2*unumpy.sqrt(unumpy.nominal_values(B)**2 - unumpy.nominal_values(B)*c**2 - unumpy.nominal_values(B) + c**2) + 1)/(c**2 - 1)

    ##obtain uncertainties from field
    u_err_pp = unumpy.std_devs(u_pp)

    ##obtain uncertainties from geometry
    u_err_geom = unumpy.std_devs(u_geom)

    with open(results_file, "w") as myfile:
        myfile.write('#Bext, sig_Bext, ur, sig_ur, sig_ur_pp, sig_ur_corr\n')
        for j in range(0, len(u_nom)):
            myfile.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' %(
                Bext_nom[j], Bext_err[j],
                u_nom[j], u_err[j], u_err_pp[j], u_err_geom[j]))

    plt.errorbar(Bext_nom, u_nom, u_err, marker = '.', label = description)
Beispiel #5
def HP_Vp_Vs(Pressure, Temperature, params, Tr=298):
    Returns unit:[km/s]`
    Returns unit:[km/s]`
    Returns unit:[kg/m3]`
    K = HP_K(Pressure, Temperature, params)
    G, Rho = HP_G(Pressure, Temperature, params, Tr, return_Rho=True)
    Vp = unp.sqrt((K + 4. * G / 3.) / Rho)
    Vs = unp.sqrt(G / Rho)
    #print Vs
    return Vp, Vs, Rho, K, G
def plot_u(cal_file, fm_file,  description, accidental_offset,
    M = np.genfromtxt(cal_file) #turn calibration file into a matrix
    N = np.genfromtxt(fm_file) #turn fm_scan file into a matrix

    i_helm = M[:,1] #current applied to helmholtz for calibration measurement
    b_helm = M[:,2] #field applied to helmholtz coil for calibration measurement
    p, cov = np.polyfit(i_helm, b_helm, 1,  cov=True) #fit a line to calibration measurement so that we get a calibration

    i_fm = N[:,1] #current applied to helmmholtz for shielding measurement
    Bin = unumpy.uarray(N[:,2],0.0005) - accidental_offset #field measured inside of ferromagnet shield

    Bin_nom = unumpy.nominal_values(Bin) 
    Bin_err = unumpy.std_devs(Bin)

    Bext = unumpy.uarray(np.polyval(p,i_fm), 0.0005) #external field
    Bext_nom = unumpy.nominal_values(Bext)
    Bext_err = unumpy.std_devs(Bext)

    B = Bin/Bext #ratio of internal to external field

    #calculate permeability
    u = (B*c**2 + B -2 -2*unumpy.sqrt(B**2*c**2 - B*c**2 - B + 1))/(B*c**2-B) 
    u_nom = unumpy.nominal_values(u)
    u_err = unumpy.std_devs(u)

    #cakculate uerr with just point to point uncertainties. I define this as just
    #uncertainty from the field measurements
    u_pp = (B*c.n**2 + B -2 -2*unumpy.sqrt(B**2*c.n**2 - B*c.n**2 - B +

    u_err_pp = unumpy.std_devs(u_pp)

    #calculate uerr from just geometry uncertainties
    u_geom = (unumpy.nominal_values(B)*c**2 + unumpy.nominal_values(B) -2 -2*unumpy.sqrt(unumpy.nominal_values(B)**2*c**2 - unumpy.nominal_values(B)*c**2 - unumpy.nominal_values(B) +

    u_err_geom = unumpy.std_devs(u_geom)

    #write results onto a text file
    with open(results_file, "w") as myfile:
        myfile.write('#Bext, sig_Bext, Bi, sig_Bi, ur, sig_ur, sig_ur_pp, sig_ur_corr\n')
        for j in range(0, len(u_nom)):
            myfile.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' %(
                Bext_nom[j], Bext_err[j], Bin_nom[j], Bin_err[j],
                u_nom[j], u_err[j], u_err_pp[j], u_err_geom[j]))
    plt.errorbar(Bext_nom, u_nom, u_err, marker = '.', label = description)
Beispiel #7
def plot_u(cal_file, fm_file,  description, accidental_offset,
    M = np.genfromtxt(cal_file) #turn calibration file into a matrix
    N = np.genfromtxt(fm_file) #turn fm_scan file into a matrix

    i_helm = M[:,1] #current applied to helmholtz for calibration measurement
    b_helm = M[:,2] #field applied to helmholtz coil for calibration measurement
    p, cov = np.polyfit(i_helm, b_helm, 1,  cov=True) #fit a line to calibration measurement so that we get a calibration

    i_fm = N[:,1] #current applied to helmmholtz for shielding measurement
    Bin = unumpy.uarray(N[:,2],0.0005) - accidental_offset #field measured inside of ferromagnet shield

    Bin_nom = unumpy.nominal_values(Bin) 
    Bin_err = unumpy.std_devs(Bin)

    Bext = unumpy.uarray(np.polyval(p,i_fm), 0.0005) #external field
    Bext_nom = unumpy.nominal_values(Bext)
    Bext_err = unumpy.std_devs(Bext)

    B = Bin/Bext #ratio of internal to external field

    #calculate permeability
    u = (B*c**2 + B -2 -2*unumpy.sqrt(B**2*c**2 - B*c**2 - B + 1))/(B*c**2-B) 
    u_nom = unumpy.nominal_values(u)
    u_err = unumpy.std_devs(u)

    #cakculate uerr with just point to point uncertainties. I define this as just
    #uncertainty from the field measurements
    u_pp = (B*c.n**2 + B -2 -2*unumpy.sqrt(B**2*c.n**2 - B*c.n**2 - B +

    u_err_pp = unumpy.std_devs(u_pp)

    #calculate uerr from just geometry uncertainties
    u_geom = (unumpy.nominal_values(B)*c**2 + unumpy.nominal_values(B) -2 -2*unumpy.sqrt(unumpy.nominal_values(B)**2*c**2 - unumpy.nominal_values(B)*c**2 - unumpy.nominal_values(B) +

    u_err_geom = unumpy.std_devs(u_geom)

    #write results onto a text file
    with open(results_file, "w") as myfile:
        myfile.write('#Bext, sig_Bext, Bi, sig_Bi, ur, sig_ur, sig_ur_pp, sig_ur_corr\n')
        for j in range(0, len(u_nom)):
            myfile.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' %(
                Bext_nom[j], Bext_err[j], Bin_nom[j], Bin_err[j],
                u_nom[j], u_err[j], u_err_pp[j], u_err_geom[j]))
    plt.errorbar(Bext_nom, u_nom, u_err, marker = '.', label = description)
def calc_mu(Bin, Bout, radius_inner, radius_outer):

    # ratio of inner and outer radius
    radius_ratio = radius_inner / radius_outer
    print( radius_ratio )
    # ratio of internal to external field
    B_ratio = Bin / Bout
    # convert from Series object to Numpy Array object
    B_ratio = B_ratio.values

    # If value under square root becomes neagtive, set B_ratio to NaN
    # (this seems to happen with Argonne MRI measurements at low fields)
    B_ratio[ (B_ratio**2) * (radius_ratio**2) - B_ratio * (radius_ratio**2) - B_ratio + 1 < 0 ] = np.nan

    # Calculate permeability. Here, use both uncertainties from field measurements and uncertainties from geometry, i.e. radius measurements.
    mu = ( B_ratio * (radius_ratio**2)
           + B_ratio
           - 2
           -2 * unumpy.sqrt( (B_ratio**2) * (radius_ratio**2) - B_ratio * (radius_ratio**2) - B_ratio + 1 )
           ) / ( B_ratio * (radius_ratio**2) - B_ratio )

    # store nominal values of mu in separate array
    mu_val = unumpy.nominal_values(mu)

    # store combined uncertainties of mu in separate array
    mu_err = unumpy.std_devs(mu)

    # Calculate uncertainties of mu values from just field measurement uncertainties (= point-to-point fluctuations). Ignore geometry (=radius) uncertainties.
    mu_pp = ( B_ratio * (radius_ratio.n**2)
              + B_ratio
              - 2
              -2 * unumpy.sqrt( (B_ratio**2) * (radius_ratio.n**2) - B_ratio * (radius_ratio.n**2) - B_ratio + 1 )
              ) / ( B_ratio * (radius_ratio.n**2) - B_ratio )

    # store point-to-point uncertainties of mu in separate array
    mu_err_pp = unumpy.std_devs(mu_pp)

    # Calculate uncertainties of mu values from just geometry uncertainties (= systematic uncertainty, i.e. all points move together). Ignore field uncertainties.
    B_ratio_n = unumpy.nominal_values( B_ratio )
    mu_geom = ( B_ratio_n * (radius_ratio**2)
                + B_ratio_n
                - 2
                -2 * unumpy.sqrt( (B_ratio_n**2) * (radius_ratio**2) - B_ratio_n * (radius_ratio**2) - B_ratio_n + 1 )
                ) / ( B_ratio_n * (radius_ratio**2) - B_ratio_n )

    # store geometric uncertainties of mu in separate array
    mu_err_geom = unumpy.std_devs(mu_geom)

    return( mu_val, mu_err, mu_err_pp, mu_err_geom )
Beispiel #9
def linregress(x, y):
    assert len(x) == len(y)

    N = len(y)
    Delta = N * sum(x**2) - (sum(x))**2

    A = (N * sum(x * y) - sum(x) * sum(y)) / Delta
    B = (sum(x**2) * sum(y) - sum(x) * sum(x * y)) / Delta

    sigma_y = unp.sqrt(sum((y - A * x - B)**2) / (N - 2))

    A_error = sigma_y * unp.sqrt(N / Delta)
    B_error = sigma_y * unp.sqrt(sum(x**2) / Delta)

    return [A, B], [A_error, B_error], sigma_y
Beispiel #10
def hugoniot_p_nlin(rho, rho0, a, b, c):
    calculate pressure along a Hugoniot throug nonlinear equations
    presented in Jameison 1982

    :param rho: density in g/cm^3
    :param rho0: density at 1 bar in g/cm^3
    :param a: prefactor for nonlinear fit of Hugoniot data
    :param b: prefactor for nonlinear fit of Hugoniot data
    :param c: prefactor for nonlinear fit of Hugoniot data
    :return: pressure along Hugoniot in GPa
    eta = 1. - (rho0 / rho)
    Up = np.zeros_like(eta)
    if isuncertainties([rho, rho0, a, b, c]):
        Up[eta != 0.] = ((b * eta - 1.) + unp.sqrt(
            np.power((1. - b * eta), 2.) - 4. * np.power(eta, 2.) * a * c)) /\
            (-2. * eta * c)
        Up[eta != 0.] = ((b * eta - 1.) + np.sqrt(
            np.power((1. - b * eta), 2.) - 4. * np.power(eta, 2.) * a * c)) /\
            (-2. * eta * c)
    Us = a + Up * b + Up * Up * c
    Ph = rho0 * Up * Us
    return Ph
Beispiel #11
def compute_fliper_guess(f_data: np.ndarray,
                         kwargs: Dict) -> Union[float, None]:
    if internal_teff in kwargs.keys():
        T_eff = kwargs[internal_teff]
        return None

    mask_high = f_data[0] < 277

    F_p_list = []
    for lower_f, weight in [(0.7, 78), (7, 8), (0.2, 7), (50, 4), (20, 2)]:
        mask = np.logical_and(f_data[0] > lower_f, mask_high)
        F_p = np.mean(f_data[1][mask]) - noise(
            np.array((f_data[0][mask], f_data[1][mask])))
        F_p_list.append((F_p, weight))

    F_p_list = np.array(F_p_list).T
    F_p = np.average(F_p_list.T[0], weights=F_p_list.T[1])

    log_g = quadraticPolynomial(np.log10(F_p), *fliper_fit())

    t_sun = 5778
    nu_max_sun = 3090
    logg_sun = 4.44

    nu_max = (10**log_g / 10**logg_sun) * 1 / unp.sqrt(
        T_eff / t_sun) * nu_max_sun
    return nu_max.nominal_value
Beispiel #12
    def u_normalize_dir(self, u_dir_x, u_dir_y, u_dir_z):
        """Normalize direction vector

        u_dir_x : unumpy.array
            The x-component of the direction vector with uncertainty.
        u_dir_y : unumpy.array
            The y-component of the direction vector with uncertainty.
        u_dir_z : unumpy.array
            The z-component of the direction vector with uncertainty.

        unumpy.array, unumpy.array, unumpy.array
            The normalized direction vector components with uncertainties.
        if self.weighted_normalization:
            if not self.is_normalized(u_dir_x.nominal_value,
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'Direction vector must be normalized!')
            return u_dir_x, u_dir_y, u_dir_z
            norm = unumpy.sqrt(u_dir_x**2 + u_dir_y**2 + u_dir_z**2)
            return u_dir_x / norm, u_dir_y / norm, u_dir_z / norm
Beispiel #13
def mStarred(a, N, B, n):
    e_0 = constants.value(u'elementary charge')
    #eps_0 = constants.value(u'epsilon_0') doesnt work for whatever reason
    eps_0 = 8.8541878128e-12
    c = constants.value(u'speed of light in vacuum')
    return unp.sqrt(N * B * e_0**3 /
                    (8 * np.pi * np.pi * eps_0 * a * c**3 * n))
Beispiel #14
def depth2rp(P_days, depth, duration_days, Ms, Rs):
    '''Compute the planet radius from the transit depth and 
    duration using the analtyical treatment from Mandel & Agol 2002'''
    assert 0 < depth < 1

    # compute distance from centres at T0
    sma = rvs.semimajoraxis(P_days, Ms, 0)
    a_Rs = rvs.AU2m(sma) / rvs.Rsun2m(Rs)
    assert a_Rs > 1
    b = rvs.impactparam_T(P_days, Ms, Rs, duration_days)
    assert abs(b) <= 1
    inc = float(rvs.inclination(P_days, Ms, Rs, b))
    z = compute_distance_center(a_Rs, inc)

    # compute size ratio (p=rp/Rs)
    p_simple = unp.sqrt(depth)
    if z <= 1 - p_simple:
        p = p_simple

        ps = np.logspace(-6, 0, 1000)
        depths = p2depth_grazing(ps, z)
        if (np.nanmax(depths) < z) or (np.nanmin(depths) > z):
            p = p_simple
            fint = interp1d(ps, depths)
            p = float(fint(depth))

    # compute planet radius
    rp = rvs.m2Rearth(rvs.Rsun2m(p * Rs))
    return rp
Beispiel #15
def radius(drops, viscosity):
    radi = []
    for i  in range(len(drops)):
        radius = unp.sqrt(9*viscosity*(drops[i][2]-drops[i][3])/(2*d.g*(d.density_oil-d.density_air)))
#    print("UNICORNS 4 EVVAA:", len(radi))
    return radi
Beispiel #16
def charge(E, drops, viscosity):
    q_charge = []
    for i in range(len(drops)):
        charge = 3 * np.pi * viscosity * unp.sqrt(9*viscosity*(drops[i][2]-drops[i][3])/(4*d.g*(d.density_oil-d.density_air))) *(drops[i][2]+drops[i][3])/E[i]
#    print("HEEEEELPP:", len(q_charge))
    return q_charge
Beispiel #17
    def get_average_quantities(self,number_format='f',soln_cov_orig=None, verbose=False):        
        values = []
        labels = []
        attributes = np.array(['closure_quantities','baseline_quantities'])
        for ii,attribute in enumerate(attributes):
            for jj,col_name in enumerate(getattr(self,attribute).colnames):       
                mean_value = np.mean(getattr(self,attribute)[col_name])
                std_value  = np.std( getattr(self,attribute)[col_name])
                if verbose:
                    if number_format=='f':
                        print('Average %s is %3.3f +/- %3.3f' % (col_name,mean_value,std_value))
                labels.append('Mean '+col_name+'_simple')  
                labels.append('RMS '+col_name+'_simple')  

        if soln_cov_orig is not None:
            fringe_phase_cov, fringe_amplitude_cov, closure_phase_cov, closure_amplitude_cov = u_get_phases_and_amplitudes(soln_cov_orig)
            for observable in ['fringe_phase_cov', 'fringe_amplitude_cov', 'closure_phase_cov', 'closure_amplitude_cov']:
                exec('data = %s'%observable)
                mean_value = np.mean( unumpy.nominal_values(data) )
                weighted_mean_value = np.average(unumpy.nominal_values(data), weights=unumpy.std_devs(data) )
                std_value  = unumpy.nominal_values( unumpy.sqrt(np.mean(np.abs(data - np.mean(data))**2)) )
                labels.append('Mean '+observable)  
                labels.append('Weighted mean '+observable)  
                labels.append('RMS '+observable)  
        return np.array(values), np.array(labels)            
Beispiel #18
def stress_from_strain_inplane(ex,ey,exy=0,ec=None,dex=None):
    if dex is None:
        if ec is None:
            E,v = ec
        E,v = __Ev_from_DEX(*dex)
    f = E/(1-v**2)

    smean = (stress_x+stress_y)/2.
    sdiff = unumpy.sqrt(((stress_x-stress_y)/2)**2.+stress_xy**2)
    stress_1 = smean+sdiff
    stress_2 = smean-sdiff
    rotation = unumpy.arctan2(stress_xy,sdiff)/2
    #s1,s2,srot = __principal_inplane(nominal_value(stress_x),nominal_value(stress_y),nominal_value(stress_xy))  
    return dict(stress_x=stress_x,
Beispiel #19
def fit_roughness(wavelengths, transmission):
    p0 = {
        'log_I0': (np.log(100), ''),
        '\\beta_2': (1, 'micron$^2$'),
        '\\beta_4': (0, 'micron nm$^3$'),
    params, meta, residuals = fit(roughness_model, wavelengths,
                                  unp.log(transmission), p0)

    # Compute roughness
    beta_0, beta_2, beta_4 = params

    if beta_2.n > 0:
        theta = np.arcsin(np.sin(45 * np.pi / 180) * ior)
        delta_n = ior - 1
        roughness = unp.sqrt(2 * beta_2) / (delta_n * np.cos(theta))
        roughness = ufloat(0, 0)

    I0 = np.e**beta_0
    return [
Beispiel #20
def Stix_thermal_pressure(Pressure, Temperature, params, Tr=300):
    This function calcaulte the thermal pressure, equation of state from Stixrude
    and Lithgow-Bertelloni (2005)
        Pressure: unit Pa
        Temperautre: unit K
        Tr: temperature at reference unit K, default 300K
    r = Stix_Compressive(Pressure, Temperature, params, Tr)
    aii = 6. * params['grueneisen_0']
    aiikk = -12. * params['grueneisen_0'] + 36. * (
        2) - 18. * params['q_0'] * params['grueneisen_0']
    f = 0.5 * (r**(2. / 3.) - 1)
    Gru = (1. / 6.) / (1 + aii * f +
                       0.5 * aiikk * f * f) * (2 * f + 1) * (aii + aiikk * f)

    Debye = abs(
        unp.sqrt(1 + aii * f + 0.5 * aiikk * f * f)) * params['Debye_0 (K)']

    E1 = Energy(Debye, Temperature)
    E2 = Energy(Debye, Tr)
    EthVT = (9. * params['n'] * gas_constant * Temperature) * (
        (Debye / Temperature)
        **(-3)) * E1  #integrate.quad(Debye_int_func,0.,Debye/Temperature)[0]
    EthVT0 = (9. * params['n'] * gas_constant * Tr) * ((Debye / Tr)**(
        -3)) * E2  #integrate.quad(Debye_int_func,0.,Debye/Tr)[0]
    Pth = (EthVT - EthVT0) * (Gru * r / params['V_0 (cm³/mol)'])
    return Pth, aii, aiikk, r, E1, E2
Beispiel #21
def col_dens_hnco_err(Tex, tau, dtex, dtau):
        Returns the column density (Garden et
        al 1991) From sanhueza 2012, and references therein
        Tex: Excitation temperature
        tau=integral of the opacity (\int tau dv)
        nu=frequeancy in Hz
        Asumin R=1 which is diferent only for molecules with hyperfine structure
    #EJ is EJ/k
    nu = 87.925252e9
    Ej = 6.32957
    R = 1
    c = 2.98e10  #cm s-1
    pi = 3.141516
    k = 1.38 * 1e-16  #erg K-1
    h = 6.626 * 1e-27  #erg s
    Tbg = 2.73

    Tex = unumpy.uarray(Tex, dtex)
    tau = unumpy.uarray(tau, dtau)

    Qrot = unumpy.sqrt((pi * ((Tex * k)**3)) /
                       ((h**3) * 918.417805e9 * 11.071010e9 * 10.910577e9))
    gu = 9.0
    aul = 8.78011e-6

    a1 = (8 * pi * (nu**3)) / ((c**3) * R)
    a2 = Qrot / (gu * aul)
    a3 = unumpy.exp(Ej / Tex) / (1 - unumpy.exp(-(h * nu) / (k * Tex)))
    a4 = 1 / (jota2(Tex, nu) - jota2(Tbg, nu))

    a5 = tau  #where tau=integral (tau dv)

    return a1 * a2 * a3 * a4 * a5
Beispiel #22
def dOmega(theta_lab, n):
    function to find dΩlab/dΩcm

    theta_lab : scattering angle in the lab system [rad]
    n         : A_t / A_i; A_t, A_i means mass number of target particle or incident particle

      dΩlab/dΩcm : factor to convert differential cross-section in the lab system to differential cross-section in the center-of-mass system

    This function do not consider relativity
    if isinstance(theta_lab, uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc):
        return umath.pow(
            2.0 * umath.cos(theta_lab) / n +
            (1.0 + umath.cos(2.0 * theta_lab) / (n**2.0)) /
            umath.sqrt(1.0 - umath.pow(umath.sin(theta_lab) / n, 2.0)), -1.0)
    elif isinstance(theta_lab, np.ndarray) and isinstance(
            theta_lab[0], uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc):
        return unp.pow(
            2.0 * unp.cos(theta_lab) / n +
            (1.0 + unp.cos(2.0 * theta_lab) /
             (n**2.0)) / unp.sqrt(1.0 - unp.pow(unp.sin(theta_lab) / n, 2.0)),
        return np.power(
            2.0 * np.cos(theta_lab) / n +
            (1.0 + np.cos(2.0 * theta_lab) /
             (n**2.0)) / np.sqrt(1.0 - np.power(np.sin(theta_lab) / n, 2.0)),
Beispiel #23
def _compute_sigrp(frac_sigRs=.1):
    Use the TESS parameters to estimate the measurement uncertainty on the 
    planet's radius. See 
    for equations.
    # Get the 3sigma results
    starnums, Nharps, Nnirps, Nspirou, texpharps, texpnirps, texpspirou, tobsharps, tobsnirps, tobsspirou, min_Nrv, bestspectrograph_Nrv, min_tobs, bestspectrograph_tobs = np.loadtxt(
        'Results/median_results_3sigma_mp.dat', delimiter=',').T

    # Get TESS parameters including photometric uncertainty
    inds = np.array([2, 3, 5, 6, 14])
    rp, P, K, Rs, logsigV = np.ascontiguousarray(get_TESS_data())[inds]

    # Compute transit depth uncertainty
    depth = compute_depth(rp, Rs)
    Gamma = compute_Gamma()
    T = compute_transit_duration(rp, P, K, Rs)
    Q = compute_Q(Gamma, T, depth, logsigV)
    sigdepth = compute_sigdepth(depth, Q)

    # compute corresponding planet radius uncertainty
    depth = unp.uarray(depth, sigdepth)
    Rs2 = rvs.m2Rearth(rvs.Rsun2m(unp.uarray(Rs, frac_sigRs * Rs)))
    rp2 = unp.sqrt(depth) * Rs2
    return rp, unp.std_devs(rp2)
def calc_mu(Bin, Bout, radius_inner, radius_outer):

    # ratio of inner and outer radius
    radius_ratio = radius_inner / radius_outer

    # ratio of internal to external field
    B_ratio = Bin / Bout
    # convert from Series object to Numpy Array object
    B_ratio = B_ratio.values

    # If value under square root becomes neagtive, set B_ratio to NaN
    # (this seems to happen with Argonne MRI measurements at low fields)
    B_ratio[(B_ratio**2) * (radius_ratio**2) - B_ratio *
            (radius_ratio**2) - B_ratio + 1 < 0] = np.nan

    # Calculate permeability. Here, use both uncertainties from field measurements and uncertainties from geometry, i.e. radius measurements.
    mu = (B_ratio * (radius_ratio**2) + B_ratio - 2 - 2 * unumpy.sqrt(
        (B_ratio**2) * (radius_ratio**2) - B_ratio *
        (radius_ratio**2) - B_ratio + 1)) / (B_ratio *
                                             (radius_ratio**2) - B_ratio)

    # store nominal values of mu in separate array
    mu_val = unumpy.nominal_values(mu)

    # store combined uncertainties of mu in separate array
    mu_err = unumpy.std_devs(mu)

    # Calculate uncertainties of mu values from just field measurement uncertainties (= point-to-point fluctuations). Ignore geometry (=radius) uncertainties.
    mu_pp = (B_ratio * (radius_ratio.n**2) + B_ratio - 2 - 2 * unumpy.sqrt(
        (B_ratio**2) * (radius_ratio.n**2) - B_ratio *
        (radius_ratio.n**2) - B_ratio + 1)) / (B_ratio *
                                               (radius_ratio.n**2) - B_ratio)

    # store point-to-point uncertainties of mu in separate array
    mu_err_pp = unumpy.std_devs(mu_pp)

    # Calculate uncertainties of mu values from just geometry uncertainties (= systematic uncertainty, i.e. all points move together). Ignore field uncertainties.
    B_ratio_n = unumpy.nominal_values(B_ratio)
    mu_geom = (B_ratio_n * (radius_ratio**2) + B_ratio_n - 2 - 2 * unumpy.sqrt(
        (B_ratio_n**2) * (radius_ratio**2) - B_ratio_n *
        (radius_ratio**2) - B_ratio_n + 1)) / (B_ratio_n *
                                               (radius_ratio**2) - B_ratio_n)

    # store geometric uncertainties of mu in separate array
    mu_err_geom = unumpy.std_devs(mu_geom)

    return (mu_val, mu_err, mu_err_pp, mu_err_geom)
Beispiel #25
def e_geo(x, d=0):
    d /= 2
    a = unumpy.sqrt(x**2 + (2 - d) ** 2)
    # Look at geometric_efficiency.png to see what these mean
    h1 = ufloat(2,0.1)
    h2 = ufloat(3,0.1)
    w1 = ufloat(22, 0.1)
    w2 = ufloat(30, 0.1)

    if x < 8:
        c = unumpy.sqrt(((w1 + w2) / 2)**2 + (h2 - h1)**2)
        b = unumpy.sqrt((h2 - d)**2 + ((w1 + w2) / 2 - x)**2)
        c = w1
        b = unumpy.sqrt((w1 - x)**2 + (h1 - d)**2)
    theta = unumpy.arccos((a**2 + b**2 - c**2) / (2 * a * b))
    return (1 - unumpy.cos(theta / 2)) / 2
Beispiel #26
def f_unc(time, Omega, Delta, maxAmp):
    similar to the raw function call, but uses unp instead of np for uncertainties calculations.
    sin_arg = unp.sqrt(Omega**2 + Delta**2) * time / 2
    amp = maxAmp * Omega**2 / (Omega**2 + Delta**2)
    return amp * unp.sin(sin_arg)**2
 def Levakovic2_i(param, y):
     num = (y / param[0])**(1 / param[1])
     den = 1 - num
     if certain:
         x = np.sqrt(num / den)
         x = unp.sqrt(num / den)
     return x
Beispiel #28
def meanDerivation(a):  # a ist ein Array
    N = len(a)  # Anzahl an Messwerten
    temp = 0.
    mittelwert = np.mean(a)  # Mittelwert der Messwerte
    for value in a:
        temp += (value - mittelwert)**2
    temp *= 1 / (N * (N - 1))
    return unp.sqrt(temp)
Beispiel #29
Datei: Projekt: knly/PAP2
def analyze_spektrallinien(fileprefix, figindex, crstl, sl, d=None, y=None):

    data = np.append(np.loadtxt(fileprefix+'.b.1.txt', skiprows=1), np.loadtxt(fileprefix+'.b.2.txt', skiprows=1), axis=0)

    b, n = data[:,0], data[:,1]
    n = unp.uarray(n, np.sqrt(n*20)/20)
    sl = [ [(b >= bounds[0]) & (b <= bounds[1]) for bounds in sl_row] for sl_row in sl]

    def fit_gauss(x, m, s, A, n_0):
        return A/np.sqrt(2*const.pi)/s*np.exp(-((x-m)**2)/2/(s**2))+n_0
    r = []

    plt.suptitle('Diagramm 3.'+str(figindex)+u': Spektrallinien von Molybdän bei Vermessung mit einem '+crstl+'-Kristall')
    for i in range(2):
        # Linie
        for k in range(2):
            # Ordnung
            b_k = b[sl[i][k]]
            n_k = n[sl[i][k]]
            xspace = np.linspace(b_k[0], b_k[-1], num=1000)
            plt.xlim(xspace[0], xspace[-1])
            if i==1:
                plt.xlabel(u'Bestrahlungswinkel '+r'$\beta \, [^\circ]$')
            if k==0:
                plt.ylabel(u'Zählrate '+r'$n \, [\frac{Ereignisse}{s}]$')
            plt.title('$K_{'+(r'\alpha' if i==0 else r'\beta')+'}$ ('+str(k+1)+'. Ordnung)')
            papstats.plot_data(b_k, n_k)
            # Gauss-Fit
            popt, pstats = papstats.curve_fit(fit_gauss, b_k, n_k, p0=[b_k[0]+(b_k[-1]-b_k[0])/2, (b_k[-1]-b_k[0])/4, np.sum(n_k).n, n_k[0].n])
            plt.fill_between(b_k, 0, unp.nominal_values(n_k), color='g', alpha=0.2)
            FWHM = popt[1]*2*unp.sqrt(2*unp.log(2))
            plt.hlines(popt[3].n+(fit_gauss(xspace, *unp.nominal_values(popt)).max()-popt[3].n)/2, popt[0].n-FWHM.n/2, popt[0].n+FWHM.n/2, color='black', lw=2, label='$'+papstats.pformat(FWHM, label='FWHM', unit=r'^\circ')+'$')
            papstats.plot_fit(fit_gauss, popt, xspace=xspace, plabels=[r'\mu', r'\sigma', 'A', 'n_0'], punits=['^\circ', '^\circ', 's^{-1}', 's^{-1}'])
            plt.ylim(unp.nominal_values(n_k).min()-n_k[unp.nominal_values(n_k).argmin()].s, unp.nominal_values(n_k).max()+(unp.nominal_values(n_k).max()-unp.nominal_values(n_k).min()))
            plt.legend(loc='upper center', prop={'size':10})

            b_S = unc.ufloat(popt[0].n, np.abs(popt[1].n))
            print "Winkel:", papstats.pformat(b_S, unit='°', format='.2u')
            if y is None:
                r[i].append(y_bragg(b_S, n=k+1))
                print "Wellenlänge der Linie:", papstats.pformat(r[i][k]/const.pico, label='y', unit='pm', format='.2u')
            if d is None:
                print "Gitterkonstante:", papstats.pformat(r[i][k]/const.pico, label='a', unit='pm', format='.2u')


    return r
Beispiel #30
def linregress(x, y):
    assert len(x) == len(y)

    N = len(y)
    Delta = N * sum(x**2) - (sum(x))**2

    A = (N * sum(x * y) - sum(x) * sum(y)) / Delta
    B = (sum(x**2) * sum(y) - sum(x) * sum(x * y)) / Delta

    sigma_y = unp.sqrt(sum((y - A * x - B)**2) / (N - 2))

    A_error = sigma_y * unp.sqrt(N / Delta)
    B_error = sigma_y * unp.sqrt(sum(x**2) / Delta)

    y_quer = sum(y) / (N - 1)
    R = sum((A * x + B - y_quer)**2) / sum((y - y_quer)**2)  #Bestimmtheitsmaß

    return [A, B], [A_error, B_error], R
Beispiel #31
def f_unc(o, O, o_0):
    similar to the raw function call, but uses unp instead of np for uncertainties calculations.
    t = 0.045e-3
    t1 = O**2 / ((o - o_0)**2 + O**2)
    sin_arg = t / 2 * unp.sqrt((o - o_0)**2 + O**2)
    return t1 * unp.sin(sin_arg)**2
Beispiel #32
 def GcGs_to_azi(self):
     self.psi2[:]                    = np.arctan2(self.Gs, self.Gc)/2./np.pi*180.
     self.psi2[self.psi2<0.]         += 180.
     self.amp[:]                     = np.sqrt(self.Gs**2 + self.Gc**2)/2.*100.
     Gc_with_un                      = unumpy.uarray(self.Gc, self.unGc)
     Gs_with_un                      = unumpy.uarray(self.Gs, self.unGs)
     self.unpsi2[:]                  = unumpy.std_devs( unumpy.arctan2(Gs_with_un, Gc_with_un)/2./np.pi*180.)
     self.unpsi2[self.unpsi2>90.]    = 90.
     self.unamp[:]                   = unumpy.std_devs( unumpy.sqrt(Gs_with_un**2 + Gc_with_un**2)/2.*100.)
     self.unamp[self.unamp>self.amp] = self.amp[self.unamp>self.amp]
Beispiel #33
    def _process(self, data: np.array) -> np.array:
        """Take the absolute value of the IQ data.

            data: An N-dimensional array of complex IQ point as [real, imaginary].

            A N-1 dimensional array, each entry is the absolute value of the given IQ data.
        # pylint: disable=no-member
        return unp.sqrt(data[..., 0] ** 2 + data[..., 1] ** 2) * self.scale
def bethe(E, n, z, I, m):
    print(E, n, z, I, m)
    v = unp.sqrt((2 * E / m).to_base_units().magnitude) * (u.meter/u.second)

    ln = unp.log(((2 * m_e * v**2) / I).to_base_units().magnitude)

    a = (4 * np.pi * n * z**2) / (m_e * v**2)
    b = ((c.e * u.coulomb)**2 / (4 * np.pi * epsilon_0))**2

    return (a * b * ln).to('MeV / cm')
def sqrt_lorentzian(x: np.ndarray,
                    amp: float = 1.0,
                    kappa: float = 1.0,
                    x0: float = 0.0,
                    baseline: float = 0.0) -> np.ndarray:
    r"""Square-root Lorentzian function for spectroscopy.

    .. math::
        y = \frac{{\rm amp} |\kappa|}{\sqrt{\kappa^2 + 4(x -x_0)^2}} + {\rm baseline}
    return amp * np.abs(kappa) / unp.sqrt(kappa**2 + 4 *
                                          (x - x0)**2) + baseline
 def pointDist(self):
     for i in range(4):
         for j in range(i + 1, 4):
             x1 = self.points[i].means[0]
             x2 = self.points[j].means[0]
             y1 = self.points[i].means[1]
             y2 = self.points[j].means[1]
             self.dist_data[i][j] = unp.sqrt((x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2)
Beispiel #37
def tan2visibilities(coeffs):
    Long Summary
    Technically the fit measures phase AND amplitude, so to retrieve the
    phase we need to consider both sin and cos terms. Consider one fringe:
    A { cos(kx)cos(dphi) + sin(kx)sin(dphi) } =
    A(a cos(kx) + b sin(kx)), where a = cos(dphi) and b = sin(dphi)
    and A is the fringe amplitude, therefore coupling a and b.
    In practice we measure A*a and A*b from the coefficients, so:
    Ab/Aa = b/a = tan(dphi)
    call a' = A*a and b' = A*b (we actually measure a', b')
    (A*sin(dphi))^2 + (A*cos(dphi)^2) = A^2 = a'^2 + b'^2

    Short Summary
    From the solution to the fit, calculate the fringe amplitude and phase.

    coeffs: 1D float array

    amp, delta: 1D float array, 1D float array
        fringe amplitude & phase
    if type(coeffs[0]).__module__ != 'uncertainties.core':
        # if uncertainties not present, proceed as usual
        # coefficients of sine terms mulitiplied by 2*pi
        delta = np.zeros(int((len(coeffs) - 1) / 2))
        amp = np.zeros(int((len(coeffs) - 1) / 2))
        for q in range(int((len(coeffs) - 1) / 2)):
            delta[q] = (np.arctan2(coeffs[2 * q + 2], coeffs[2 * q + 1]))
            amp[q] = np.sqrt(coeffs[2 * q + 2]**2 + coeffs[2 * q + 1]**2)

        log.debug('tan2visibilities: shape coeffs:%s shape delta:%s ',
                  np.shape(coeffs), np.shape(delta))

        # returns fringe amplitude & phase
        return amp, delta

        # propagate uncertainties
        qrange = np.arange(int((len(coeffs) - 1) / 2))
        fringephase = unumpy.arctan2(coeffs[2 * qrange + 2],
                                     coeffs[2 * qrange + 1])
        fringeamp = unumpy.sqrt(coeffs[2 * qrange + 2]**2 +
                                coeffs[2 * qrange + 1]**2)
        return fringeamp, fringephase
Beispiel #38
def get_lumi_imbalance(
        data_frame: tfs.TfsDataFrame) -> Tuple[UFloat, UFloat, UFloat]:
    Calculate the IP1 / IP5 luminosity imbalance. The luminosity is taken as defined in
    `Concept of luminosity`, Eq(17):

    The calculation of the luminosity imbalance is then:

    .. math::


    and the error:

    .. math::

        \\sigma_{\\frac{L_{IP1}}{L_{IP5}}} = \\frac{1}{2}\\frac{L_{IP1}}{L_{IP5}}
        \\cdot \\sqrt{\\sum_{\substack{z \\in (x,y) \\\\ i \\in (IP1, IP5) }}
        {\\frac{\\sigma^2_{\\beta_{z1,i}} + \\sigma^2_{\\beta_{z2,i}}} {(\\beta_{z1,i}+\\beta_{z2,i})^2}}}

        data_frame (tfs.TfsDataFrame): a `TfsDataFrame` with the results from a kmod analysis.

         Tuple with the imbalance, the betas at IPs as ufloats.

    lumi_coefficient: Dict[str, UFloat] = {}

    for ip in IPS:
        LOG.debug(f"Computing luminosity contribution from optics for IP {ip}")
        ip_rows = data_frame.loc[[f"{ip}{beam}" for beam in BEAMS], :]

        beta_sums = [
                      )  # sum over beams
            for plane in PLANES
        lumi_coefficient[ip] = 0.5 * up.sqrt(

    imbalance = lumi_coefficient[IPS[0]] / lumi_coefficient[IPS[1]]'{"Luminosity Imbalance":22s}: {imbalance:s}')'{"Effective beta IP1":22s}: {lumi_coefficient[IPS[0]]:s}')'{"Effective beta IP5":22s}: {lumi_coefficient[IPS[1]]:s}')

    return imbalance, lumi_coefficient[IPS[0]], lumi_coefficient[IPS[1]]
Beispiel #39
def experimental_form2(q_bin, dG, m, m_P, m_D, m_Pr, t0):
    Return = []
    Q = np.array([np.mean(i) for i in q_bin])

    for i in range(len(q_bin)):
        dq = q_bin[i][1] - q_bin[i][0]
        q = q_bin[i][0] + dq/2.0

        P = p(q, m_P, m_D)**3

            1.0 * unp.sqrt( dG[i] / dq * (24.0*np.pi**3) / (fermi**2 * P))

    return Q, unp.nominal_values(Return), unp.std_devs(Return)
Beispiel #40
def crit_gni(Re,Pr):
    Calculeaza criteriul Gnielinski
    Re: criteriul Reynolds
    Pr: criteriul Prandtl
    Nu: criteriul Nusselt
    return (fric/8.)*(Re-1000.)*Pr/(1+12.7*unp.sqrt(fric/8.)*(Pr**(2./3)-1))
Beispiel #41
def sqrt(number):
    number = Mixed(number)
    if isinstance(number.value, fr.Fraction):
        p = np.sqrt(number.value.numerator)
        q = np.sqrt(number.value.denominator)
        if (p % 1 == 0) and (q % 1 == 0):
            return Mixed(fr.Fraction(int(p), int(q)))
            return Mixed(np.sqrt(float(number.value)))
    elif isinstance(number.value, uc.UFloat):
        return Mixed(unumpy.sqrt(number.value).item())
    elif isinstance(number.value, int):
        s = np.sqrt(number.value)
        if s % 1 == 0:
            return Mixed(int(s))
            return Mixed(s)
    elif isinstance(number.value, float):
        return Mixed(float(np.sqrt(number.value)))
Beispiel #42
def Radius_korr(auf, ab, eta):
    return unp.sqrt((9*eta*((1/ab)*1e-3 - (1/auf)*1e-3))/(4*g*(rho_oel - rho_l)))
Beispiel #43
def Radius(auf, ab):
    return unp.sqrt((9*eta_l*((1/ab)*1e-3 - (1/auf)*1e-3))/(4*g*(rho_oel - rho_l)))
Beispiel #44
def Ladung(auf, ab, U):
    return 3*np.pi*unp.sqrt((9*eta_l*((1/ab)*1e-3 - (1/auf)*1e-3))/(4*g*(rho_oel - rho_l)))* ((1/ab)*1e-3 + (1/auf)*1e-3)/(U/d)
Bin = (
    b_fm - mag
)  # internal magnetization is the measured internal field minus the initial magnetization. This correction might not be necessary for a soft ferromagnet
Bext = unumpy.uarray(np.polyval(p, i_fm), 0.0005)  # external field
Bext_nom = unumpy.nominal_values(Bext)
Bext_err = unumpy.std_devs(Bext)

print(Bext - Bin)
# calculate u_r
u = (
    -2 * Bext * b ** 2
    + Bin * a ** 2
    + Bin * b ** 2
    - 2 * unumpy.sqrt(b ** 2 * (Bext ** 2 * b ** 2 - Bext * Bin * a ** 2 - Bext * Bin * b ** 2 + Bin ** 2 * a ** 2))
) / (Bin * (a ** 2 - b ** 2))

# obtain nominal value and uncertainty from u
u_nom = unumpy.nominal_values(u)
u_err = unumpy.std_devs(u)

# plt.errorbar(unumpy.nominal_values(Bext), u_nom, u_err)
plt.errorbar(Bext_nom, u_nom, u_err, fmt=".")  # plot u_r vs B_ext
    Bext_nom, u_nom, u_err, color="b"
)  # plot a line as well so that it doesn't look like the values are just jumping around.
plt.xlabel("$B_{ext}$ [mT]")
plt.ylabel("Relative permeability")
plt.title("Relative permeability measurement for kapton/steel powder")
R= ufloat(50,0)





# Resonanzfrequenz

# Fundamentalfrequenz
vau1 =1/(2*np.pi*unp.sqrt(L*(C+Csp)))
vau2 = 1/(2*np.pi*unp.sqrt(L*Cgesamt))

#Abweichung der Fundamentalfrequenzen


# Ausgabe
plt.plot(f, uc , 'b.', label="Kondensatorspannung")

plt.xlabel(r'$Frequenz / Hz$')


print ('rdiffomega')
print (rdiffomega)
print ('romegares')
print (romegares)
print ('rguete')
print (rguete)
print (eguete)

# Ausgabe:
# 0.06566+/-0.00023
# (5.7+/-1.2)e-05
# (0.06565624625512359+/-0.0002273424226440303, 5.658138734608184e-05+/-1.1937364033455201e-05)
# [[  5.16845771e-08  -2.45941014e-09]
# [ -2.45941014e-09   1.42500660e-10]]

# a1=ufloat(parameters1[0].n,parameters1[0].s)
# braucht man nicht, da python, wenn man parameters1[0] schreibt, mit ufloats rechnet.

# Elasitzitätsmodul:
E = (6 * m * const.g) / (h ** 4 * parameters1[0])

# Berechnung Mittelwert des Emoduls von Stab 1
e1 = ufloat(9.146e10, 0.032e10)
e2 = ufloat(9.46e10, 0.20e10)
e3 = ufloat(9.52e10, 0.04e10)

e = (e1 + e2 + e3) / 3

# Standardabweichung des Mittelwerts
s = unp.sqrt(1 / 6 * ((e1 - e) ** 2 + (e2 - e) ** 2 + (e3 - e) ** 2))
p, cov = np.polyfit(i_helm, b_helm, 1,  cov=True) #fit a line to calibration measurement so that we get a calibration

B_earth = np.polyval(p,0) #We get the Earths magnetic field from i=0 of the Helmholtz calibration
B_fm_no_i = unumpy.uarray(np.mean(O[:,2]), np.std(O[:,2])) #Get average and error for initial magnetization

mag = B_fm_no_i - B_earth #initial magnetization is the field inside of the ferromagnet before any field is applied minus the earths magnetic field 

Bin = b_fm - mag #internal magnetization is the measured internal field minus the initial magnetization. This correction might not be necessary for a soft ferromagnet
Bext = unumpy.uarray(np.polyval(p,i_fm), 0.0005) #external field
Bext_nom = unumpy.nominal_values(Bext)
Bext_err = unumpy.std_devs(Bext)

#calculate u_r
u=(-2*Bext*b**2 + Bin*a**2 + Bin*b**2 - 2*unumpy.sqrt(b**2*(Bext**2*b**2 - Bext*Bin*a**2 - Bext*Bin*b**2 + Bin**2*a**2)))/(Bin*(a**2 - b**2))

#obtain nominal value and uncertainty from u
u_nom = unumpy.nominal_values(u)
u_err = unumpy.std_devs(u)

#plt.errorbar(unumpy.nominal_values(Bext), u_nom, u_err)
plt.errorbar(Bext_nom, u_nom*Bext_nom, u_err, fmt = '.') #plot u_r vs B_ext
plt.errorbar(Bext_nom, u_nom*Bext_nom, u_err, color = 'b') #plot a line as well so that it doesn't look like the values are just jumping around.
plt.xlabel('$B_{ext}$ [mT]')
plt.ylabel('Relative permeability')
plt.title('Relative permeability measurement for kapton/steel powder')
Beispiel #50
Datei: Projekt: Fujnky/ap
N_u = unc.ufloat(324/900, np.sqrt(324)/900)
d = unp.uarray(d, delta_d) * 1e-6
N = unp.uarray(n/t, np.sqrt(n)/t) - N_u

tools.table((Al[0], Al[2], Al[3], N), ("D/µm", "n", "\Delta t/s", "(N-N_U)/\per\second"), "build/Al.tex", "Messdaten von Aluminium.", "tab:datenAl", split=2, round_figures=(0,0,0,3))

N = unp.log(N)

slope1, std_a1, intercept1, std_b1 = linregress(unp.nominal_values(d[:5]), unp.nominal_values(N[:5]))
slope2, std_a2, intercept2, std_b2 = linregress(unp.nominal_values(d[5:]), unp.nominal_values(N[5:]))

D_max = (unc.ufloat(intercept2, std_b2)-unc.ufloat(intercept1, std_b1))/(unc.ufloat(slope1, std_a1) - unc.ufloat(slope2, std_a2))
R_max = D_max * 2700 / 10
E_max = 1.92*unp.sqrt(R_max**2 + 0.22*R_max)
print("D_max = {}µm, R_max = {}g/cm², E_max = {} MeV".format(D_max*1e6, R_max, E_max))
#print(unp.nominal_values(d), N)
sd = np.linspace(0, 0.5e-3)

plt.ylim(-3, 8)
plt.plot(1e6*sd, sd*slope2+intercept2, 'b-', label=r"Lineare Regression, $R > R_\text{max}$")
plt.plot(1e6*sd, sd*slope1+intercept1, 'r-', label=r"Lineare Regression, $R < R_\text{max}$")
plt.errorbar(1e6*unp.nominal_values(d[:5]), unp.nominal_values(N[:5]), fmt='rx', yerr=unp.std_devs(N[:5]), label=r"Messdaten, $R < R_\text{max}$")
plt.errorbar(1e6*unp.nominal_values(d[5:]), unp.nominal_values(N[5:]), fmt='bx', yerr=unp.std_devs(N[5:]), label=r"Messdaten, $R > R_\text{max}$")
#plt.errorbar(1e6*unp.nominal_values(d[4:5]), unp.nominal_values(N[4:5]), fmt='kx', yerr=unp.std_devs(N[4:5]), label=r"Messdaten, unberücksichtigt")

Beispiel #51
def sigma_2 (n, l, Delta_E, z):
    return z-unp.sqrt(unp.sqrt(Delta_E * l * (l+1) * n**3 / (R*a**2)))
unc1 = (0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001)
unc2 = (0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01)
unc3 = (0.005/3, 0.005/3,0.005/3, 0.005/3,0.005/3, 0.005/3,0.005/3, 0.005/3,0.005/3)
unc4 = (0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001)
Tung1 = unp.uarray(np.genfromtxt('data/l2/Tungekoppelt1.txt', unpack = True)/5, unc1)
Tung2 = unp.uarray(np.genfromtxt('data/l2/Tungekoppelt2.txt', unpack = True)/5, unc1)
Tplus = unp.uarray(np.genfromtxt('data/l2/Tplus.txt', unpack = True)/5, unc1)
Tminus = unp.uarray(np.genfromtxt('data/l2/Tminus.txt', unpack = True)/5, unc1)
Tgek1 = unp.uarray(np.genfromtxt('data/l2/Tgekoppelt1.txt', unpack = True)/5, unc4)
Tgek2 = unp.uarray(np.genfromtxt('data/l2/Tgekoppelt2.txt', unpack = True)/3, unc3)
Tgek = np.append(Tgek1, Tgek2)
Tschwebung = unp.uarray(np.genfromtxt('data/l2/Tschwebung.txt', unpack = True)*2, unc2)
l = ufloat(0.502, 0.005)
K = ((Tplus.sum()/10)**2 - (Tminus.sum()/10)**2) / ((Tminus.sum()/10)**2 + (Tplus.sum()/10)**2)
Ttheorie = unp.sqrt(l/9.81)*2*np.pi
Tminustheorie = 2*np.pi/(unp.sqrt(9.81/l + 2*K/l))
Tschwebungtheorie = (Tplus.sum()/10)*(Tminus.sum()/10)/((Tplus.sum()/10)-(Tminus.sum()/10))


print('Kopplungskonstante aus T+ und T- errechnet:')
#print((unp.sqrt(9.81/l + 2*K/l)))
print('Mittelwert der Schwingungsdauer des ersten Pendels:' )

print('Mittelwert der Schwingungsdauer des zweiten Pendels:' )
def I(gf):
    return -(1-(gj/(4*gf)))+sqrt((1-(gj/(4*gf)))**2-0.75*(1-(gj/gf)))
##### from scipy import constants as const
from imp import reload
from uncertainties import unumpy as unp
mass_li = 9.988346e-27
pi = const.pi
hbar = const.hbar
kb = const.Boltzmann
profile = np.mean(profiles_865[:, :], 1)
prof_offset = np.mean(profile[60:65])
profile -= prof_offset
profile *= 1.20
density = 2 * profile / 7.265 * 10**12
omega_z = unp.uarray((5154) * 2 * pi, 140 * 2 * pi)
a_z = unp.sqrt(hbar / (mass_li * omega_z))
omega_r = eos_analysis.radial_trap(864) * 2 * pi
pixel_area = (13e-6*83.0/400)**2
r = np.linspace(0, len(profile), len(profile))
r *= np.sqrt(pixel_area)
potential = 0.5 * mass_li * omega_r**2 * r**2
potential_nk = (potential/kb)* (10**9)

a2d = eos_analysis.scattering2d(865, a_z)
eb = (hbar**2) / (a2d**2 * mass_li)
cutoff =43
end = 70
dens_fit, fit_result = eos_analysis.virial_fit_residuals2(0.2, 0.6, eb, density[cutoff:end], potential[cutoff:end])
Beispiel #55
print ('Umax')

# Dämpfungswiderstand ausrechnen
# params_max = ucurve_fit(reg.reg_linear, tmax, Umax_log)
params_max = ucurve_fit(reg.reg_linear, text, U_pos_ges_log)

R_a, Offset_a = params_max

R_a_2 = R_a*(-2*10.11e-3)
R_dampf_theo = 2*(unp.sqrt(L[0]/C[0]))
write('build/R_daempfung_theo.tex', make_SI(R_1[0], r'\ohm', figures=1))
write('build/R_daempfung_mess.tex', make_SI(R_a_2, r'\ohm', figures=1))     # type in Anz. signifikanter Stellen
write('build/R_abweichung.tex', make_SI(R_a_2-R_1[0], r'\ohm', figures=1))
# write('build/loesung-b.tex', make_SI(b * 1e-3, r'\kilo\hertz', figures=1))

# Abklingzeit ausrechnen
Abklingzeit_max = np.log(np.max(Umax)/np.exp(1)/noms(Offset_a)) / R_a
Abklingzeit_theo = 2*L[0] / R_1[0]
write('build/Abklingzeit_theo.tex', make_SI(Abklingzeit_theo*1e3, r'\milli\second', figures=1))
write('build/Abklingzeit_mess.tex', make_SI(Abklingzeit_max*(-1e3), r'\milli\second', figures=1))
write('build/Abklingzeit_abweichung.tex', make_SI(-Abklingzeit_max*(-1e3)+Abklingzeit_theo*1e3, r'\milli\second', figures=1))

print('Kopplungskonstante aus T+ und T- errechnet:')
#print((unp.sqrt(9.81/l + 2*K/l)))
print('Mittelwert der Schwingungsdauer des ersten Pendels:' )

print('Mittelwert der Schwingungsdauer des zweiten Pendels:' )

print('Mittelwert der Schwingungsdauer der phasengleichen Schwingung:' )

print('Theoriewert für Schwingungsdauer der einzelnen Pendel sowie phasengleicher Schwingung:')

print('Mittelwert der Schwingungsdauer der gegenphasigen Schwingung:' )
print('Theoriewert für Schwingungsdauer der gegenphasigen Schwingung:')
print(2*np.pi/(unp.sqrt(9.81/l + 2*K/l)))

print('Mittelwert der Schwingungsdauer bei gekoppelter Schwingung:' )

print('Mittelwert der Schwebungsdauer bei gekoppelter Schwingung:' )
print('Theoriewert für Schwebungsdauer:')
Bin = b_fm - mag #internal magnetization is the measured internal field minus the initial magnetization. This correction might not be necessary for a soft ferromagnet
Bext = unumpy.uarray(np.polyval(p,i_fm), 0.001) #external field
#Bin = abs(Bin)
#Bext = abs(Bext)

Bext_nom = unumpy.nominal_values(Bext)
Bext_err = unumpy.std_devs(Bext)

#calculate u_r
B = Bext/Bin
c = a/b
u=(-2*B + c**2 - 2*unumpy.sqrt(B**2 - B*c**2 - B + c**2) + 1)/(c**2 - 1)
#obtain nominal value and uncertainty from u
u_nom = unumpy.nominal_values(u)
u_err = unumpy.std_devs(u)

#pylab.errorbar(unumpy.nominal_values(Bext), u_nom, u_err)
pylab.errorbar(Bext_nom, u_nom, u_err, fmt = '.') #plot u_r vs B_ext
pylab.errorbar(Bext_nom, u_nom, u_err, color = 'b') #plot a line as well so that it doesn't look like the values are just jumping around.
pylab.xlabel('$B_{ext}$ [mT]')
pylab.ylabel('Relative permeability')
pylab.title('Relative permeability measurement')

with open("uncertainties.txt", "a") as myfile:
    for j in range(0,len(u_nom)):
        myfile.write('%s \t %s \t %s \n' %(Bext_nom[j], u_nom[j], u_err[j]))
#1.22627763e-01   1.63147814e+02   3.47381148e+02   5.80136682e-02


print ('pi2ny')
print (pi2ny)

print ('Reff')
print (Rap)

#print ('Refft')

#print ('Text')
Beispiel #59
 def norm(v):
     return unumpy.sqrt(, v))
def j(dt, ft):
    return ((-1/(dt*ft))+unp.sqrt((1/(dt*ft))**2+1))