def plotElement(anodenstrom, spannung, V_N, R): spannung /= (V_N**2 * 1000**2 * 10) # verstärkung rausrechnen x = anodenstrom*10**(-3) y = spannung/(R**2) # I^2 bestimmt plt.errorbar(noms(x), noms(y), xerr=stds(x), yerr=stds(y), fmt='kx', label='Messwerte') # fitten: params, covariance = curve_fit(fitfunktion, unp.nominal_values(x), unp.nominal_values(y), p0=[1]) errors = np.sqrt(np.diag(covariance)) print('m= ', params[0], '±', errors[0]) m = ufloat(params[0], errors[0]) x_fit = np.linspace(-0.0001, max(noms(x))+0.001) plt.plot(x_fit, fitfunktion(x_fit, *params), label='Fit') plt.xlim(0, 0.0045) plt.ylim(0, 1.75e-17) plt.xlabel(r'$I_0 \:/\: \si{\ampere}$') plt.ylabel(r'$I^2 \:/\: \si{\ampere\squared}$') delta_nu = ufloat(24.4, 0.4) delta_nu *= 10**3 e0 = m/(2*delta_nu) print("e0 = ", e0) e0theorie = ufloat(constants.physical_constants["elementary charge"][0], constants.physical_constants["elementary charge"][2]) print("Abweichung von Theorie= ", abweichungen(e0theorie, e0)) plt.legend(loc='best') # in matplotlibrc leider (noch) nicht möglich plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2, h_pad=1.08, w_pad=1.08) plt.savefig('build/plotElement.pdf') plt.close()
def plotalpha(alpha_mz, mass_Z): mu = np.logspace(-1, 30, 10000) alf = alpha(alpha_mz, mass_Z, mu) plt.fill_between(mu, noms(alf) + stds(alf), noms(alf) - stds(alf), color='red', label='1$\sigma$-Intervall') plt.plot(mu, noms(alf), label='Kurve') d = np.zeros(len(alf)) d = noms(alf) - 1 / 128 print(d) for i in range(len(d) - 1): if d[i] == 0. or d[i] * d[i + 1] < 0.: # crossover at i print('Grafische Lösung:', alf[i]) plt.xlim(0.1, 1000) plt.xlabel(r'$\mu \:/\: \si{\giga\electronvolt}$') plt.ylabel(r'$\alpha_S$') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xscale('log') # in matplotlibrc leider (noch) nicht möglich plt.tight_layout(pad=0, h_pad=1.08, w_pad=1.08) plt.savefig('build/plotalpha.pdf') plt.close()
def Plot(x=[], y=[], limx=None, limy=None, xname='', yname='', name='', markername='Wertepaare', marker='rx', linear=True, linecolor='b-', linename='Ausgleichsgerade', xscale=1, yscale=1, save=True, Plot=True): uParams = None if(Plot): dx = abs(x[-1]-x[0]) if(limx==None): xplot = np.linspace((x[0]-0.05*dx)*xscale,(x[-1]+0.05*dx)*xscale,1000) else: xplot = np.linspace(limx[0]*xscale,limx[1]*xscale,1000) if(save): plt.cla() plt.clf() plt.errorbar(noms(x)*xscale, noms(y)*yscale, xerr=stds(x)*xscale, yerr=stds(y)*yscale, fmt=marker, markersize=6, elinewidth=0.5, capsize=2, capthick=0.5, ecolor='g',barsabove=True ,label=markername) if(linear == True): params, covar = curve_fit(Line, noms(x), noms(y)) uParams=uncertainties.correlated_values(params, covar) if(Plot): plt.plot(xplot*xscale, Line(xplot, *params)*yscale, linecolor, label=linename) if(Plot): if(limx==None): plt.xlim((x[0]-0.05*dx)*xscale,(x[-1]+0.05*dx)*xscale) else: plt.xlim(limx[0]*xscale,limx[1]*xscale) if(limy != None): plt.ylim(limy[0]*yscale,limy[1]*yscale) plt.xlabel(xname) plt.ylabel(yname) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.tight_layout(pad=0, h_pad=1.08, w_pad=1.08) if(save): plt.savefig('build/'+name+'.pdf') if(linear): return(uParams)
def make_table(columns, figures=None): assert hasattr(columns[0],'__iter__'), "Wenn nur eine Zeile von Daten vorliegt, funktioniert zip nicht mehr; die Elemente von columns müssen Listen sein, auch wenn sie ihrerseits nur ein Element enthalten." if figures is None: figures = [None] * len(columns) cols = [] for column, figure in zip(columns, figures): assert (type(column) != str), "Hier ist ein einzelner String übergeben worden. Baue daraus eine Liste und alles ist gut ( column = [string] )." if (type(column) == list): col = zip(*zip(column)) # hard to find this kind of code... this will unzip the list column, ref: cols.extend(col) elif np.any(stds(column)): if figure is None: figure = '' col = list(zip(*['{0:.{1:}uf}'.format(x, figure).split('+/-') for x in column])) else: col = list(zip(*[['{0:.{1:}f}'.format(x, figure)] for x in noms(column)])) cols.extend(col) max_lens = [max(len(s) for s in col) for col in cols] cols = [['{0:<{1:}}'.format(s, ml) for s in col] for col, ml in zip(cols, max_lens)] rows = list(itertools.zip_longest(*cols)) return (r' \\' + '\n').join([' & '.join(s for s in row if s is not None) for row in rows]) + r' \\'
def write_table(columns, filename, figures=None, row_names=None, column_names=None, dont_align=False): """Generates just the table contents and writes it to the given file.""" assert hasattr(columns[0], '__iter__'), "Wenn nur eine Zeile von Daten vorliegt, funktioniert zip nicht mehr; die Elemente von columns müssen Listen sein, auch wenn sie ihrerseits nur ein Element enthalten." if figures is None: figures = [None] * len(columns) if dont_align: number_format = '\\num{{{0:.{1:}g}}}' else: number_format = '{0:.{1:}g}' cols = [] for column, figure in zip(columns, figures): if np.any(stds(column)): if figure is None: figure = '' col = list(zip(*['{0:.{1:}uf}'.format(x, figure).split('+/-') for x in column])) else: col = list(zip(*[[number_format.format(x, figure)] for x in noms(column)])) cols.extend(col) max_lens = [max(len(s) for s in col) for col in cols] cols = [['{0:<{1:}}'.format(s, ml) for s in col] for col, ml in zip(cols, max_lens)] rows = list(itertools.zip_longest(*cols)) if row_names is not None: for i in range(len(rows)): rows[i] = [row_names[i]] + list(rows[i]) if column_names is not None: rows = [column_names] + list(rows) # ["$\text{{{0}}}".format(i) for i in column_names] filecontent = (r' \\' + '\n').join([' & '.join(s for s in row if s is not None) for row in rows]) + r' \\' write(filename, filecontent)
def make_table(columns, figures=None): assert hasattr( columns[0], '__iter__' ), "Wenn nur eine Zeile von Daten vorliegt, funktioniert zip nicht mehr; die Elemente von columns müssen Listen sein, auch wenn sie ihrerseits nur ein Element enthalten." if figures is None: figures = [None] * len(columns) cols = [] for column, figure in zip(columns, figures): if np.any(stds(column)): if figure is None: figure = '' col = list( zip(*[ '{0:.{1:}uf}'.format(x, figure).split('+/-') for x in column ])) else: col = list( zip(*[['{0:.{1:}f}'.format(x, figure)] for x in noms(column)])) cols.extend(col) max_lens = [max(len(s) for s in col) for col in cols] cols = [['{0:<{1:}}'.format(s, ml) for s in col] for col, ml in zip(cols, max_lens)] rows = list(itertools.zip_longest(*cols)) return (r' \\' + '\n').join( [' & '.join(s for s in row if s is not None) for row in rows]) + r' \\'
def transform2latex_tab_2(data, dir, dataname): if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) size = len(data) save_data = open((dir + 'latex_' + dataname), 'w') print('\nSaving data to "%s"' % (dir + dataname)) for i in range(0, size): array_len = len(data[i]) for j in range(0, array_len): if (j == array_len - 1): save_data.write("\\num{" + str(noms(data[i][j])) + " \\pm " + str(stds(data[i][j])) + "}\t \\\\ \n") else: save_data.write("\\num{" + str(noms(data[i][j])) + " \\pm " + str(stds(data[i][j])) + "}\t & \t") save_data.close()
def make_SI(num, unit, exp='', figures=None): if np.any(stds([num])): if figures is None: figures = '' x = '{0:.{1:}uf}'.format(num, figures).replace('/', '') else: x = '{0:.{1:}f}'.format(num, figures) return r'\SI{{{}{}}}{{{}}}'.format(x, exp, unit)
def getOutValues(pFighterStrings, pEnemieStrings, pAttStats, pDefStats): vOutputString = 'Kampfstats fuer ' + pFighterStrings[ 0] + ' gegen ' + pEnemieStrings[0] + ':' for u in range(0, len(pAttStats[0])): vOutLine = '\n' + pEnemieStrings[0] + ' ' + pEnemieStrings[u + 1] + ':\t\t' for i in range(0, len(pAttStats)): vAT = ufloat(np.round(noms(pAttStats[i][u]), 1), np.round(stds(pAttStats[i][u]), 1)) vPA = ufloat(np.round(noms(pDefStats[i][u]), 1), np.round(stds(pDefStats[i][u]), 1)) vOutLine += 'AT {}, PA {};\t'.format(vAT, vPA) vOutputString += vOutLine return vOutputString
def tabelle_fertig(r, winkel, hkl, a_m_hkl, name): hkl_sum = hkl[:, 0]**2 + hkl[:, 1]**2 + hkl[:, 2]**2 rundung = np.array([1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 3]) hkl_table = np.array([ r * 100, winkel, hkl[:, 0], hkl[:, 1], hkl[:, 2], hkl_sum, noms(a_m_hkl) * 10**(10), stds(a_m_hkl) * 10**(10), np.cos(inrad(winkel))**2 ]) tabelle(hkl_table, name + "_table", rundung)
def make_SI(num, unit, exp='', figures=None): ''' Format an uncertainties ufloat as a \SI quantity ''' if np.any(stds([num])): if figures is None: figures = '' x = '{0:.{1:}uf}'.format(num, figures).replace('/', '') else: x = '{0:.{1:}f}'.format(num, figures) return r'\SI{{{}{}}}{{{}}}'.format(x, exp, unit)
def make_SI(num, unit, exp='', figures=None): y = ufloat(0.0, 0) #siunitx mag kein 0 +- 0, deshalb hier der workaround if num == y: return "(0 \pm 0) ~ \si{" + unit + "}" if np.any(stds([num])): if figures is None: figures = '' x = '{0:.{1:}uf}'.format(num, figures).replace('/', '') else: x = '{0:.{1:}f}'.format(num, figures) return r'\SI{{{}{}}}{{{}}}'.format(x, exp, unit)
def Plot(x, y, limx, xname, yname, params, name, linear=True, xscale=1, yscale=1, limy=None): xplot = np.linspace(limx[0] * xscale, limx[1] * xscale, 1000) plt.cla() plt.clf() plt.errorbar(noms(x) * xscale, noms(y) * yscale, xerr=stds(x) * xscale, yerr=stds(y) * yscale, fmt='rx', markersize=6, elinewidth=0.5, capsize=2, capthick=0.5, ecolor='g', barsabove=True, label='Wertepaare') if (linear == True): plt.plot(xplot * xscale, Line(xplot, *params) * yscale, 'b-', label='Ausgleichsgerade') plt.xlim(limx[0] * xscale, limx[1] * xscale) if (limy != None): plt.ylim(limy[0] * yscale, limy[1] * yscale) plt.xlabel(xname) plt.ylabel(yname) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.tight_layout(pad=0, h_pad=1.08, w_pad=1.08) plt.savefig('build/' + name + '.pdf')
def make_SI(num, unit, exp='', figures=None): ''' Format an uncertainties ufloat as a \SI quantity ''' if np.any(stds([num])): if figures is None: figures = '' x = '{0:.{1:}uf}'.format(num, figures).replace('/', '') else: x = '{0:.{1:}f}'.format(num, figures) return r'\SI{{{}{}}}{{{}}}'.format(x, exp, unit) #with open('build/M_BH.tex', 'w') as f: # f.write(make_SI(M*1e-08,r'M_{\odot}',exp='e08' ,figures=2))
def printScores(pScores, pID): vX = np.linspace(0, 100, len(pScores[0])) if pID == 0: vTitle = 'NaiveBayes' elif pID == 1: vTitle = 'RandomForest' elif pID == 2: vTitle = 'KNN' else: vTitle = 'Default' plt.errorbar(vX, noms(pScores[0]), yerr=stds(pScores[0]), color='g', fmt=',', label='Reinheit') plt.errorbar(vX, noms(pScores[1]), yerr=stds(pScores[1]), color='b', fmt=',', label='Effizienz') plt.plot(vX, noms(pScores[0]), 'g-') plt.plot(vX, noms(pScores[1]), 'b-') plt.ylim(-0.05, 1.05) plt.xlabel('Konfidenzniveau in %', {'size': '16'}) plt.ylabel('Wert', {'size': '16'}) plt.title(vTitle) plt.legend(loc='best', prop={'size': 16}) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('Bilder/' + vTitle + '.pdf') plt.clf()
def make_SI(num, unit, exp='', figures=None): ''' Format an uncertainties ufloat as a \SI quantity ''' if np.any(stds([num])): if figures is None: figures = '' x = '{0:.{1:}uf}'.format(num, figures).replace('/', '') else: x = '{0:.{1:}f}'.format(num , figures) return r'\SI{{{}{}}}{{{}}}'.format(x, exp, unit) ## tex file for P_1 # #with open('build/P_1.tex', 'w') as f: # f.write(make_SI(P_1*1e+57,r'\percent', exp='1e-55', figures=1))
def plot(axes, x, y, V_strich_theorie, label, filename, x_label, y_label, grenze, ylim=None, logy=None, uebergang=None, letzter_wert_kacke=False): #label = 'test' flanke_grenze = grenze flanke_grenze_oben = None if letzter_wert_kacke: flanke_grenze_oben = -1 axes.errorbar(noms(x[-1:]), noms(y[-1:]), xerr=stds(x[-1:]), yerr=stds(y[-1:]), fmt='kx', label='Unberücksichtigt bei {}'.format(label)) if uebergang is not None: flanke_grenze = grenze + 1 axes.errorbar(noms(x[uebergang:uebergang+1]), noms(y[uebergang:uebergang+1]), xerr=stds(x[uebergang:uebergang+1]), yerr=stds(y[uebergang:uebergang+1]), fmt='gx', label='Messwerte Übergang bei {}'.format(label)) axes.errorbar(noms(x[flanke_grenze:flanke_grenze_oben]), noms(y[flanke_grenze:flanke_grenze_oben]), xerr=stds(x[flanke_grenze:flanke_grenze_oben]), yerr=stds(y[flanke_grenze:flanke_grenze_oben]), fmt='rx', label='Messwerte Flanke bei {}'.format(label)) axes.errorbar(noms(x[:grenze]), noms(y[:grenze]), xerr=stds(x[:grenze]), yerr=stds(y[:grenze]), fmt='bx', label='Messwerte Plateau bei {}'.format(label)) plateau_mittel = ufloat(np.mean(np.exp(noms(y[:grenze]))), np.std(np.exp(noms(y[:grenze])))) plateau_mittel_halb = unp.log(plateau_mittel / unp.sqrt(2)) if plateau_mittel.n >= 1 else unp.log(plateau_mittel * unp.sqrt(2)) label_v_halb = r"$V_\text{Plateau}' / \sqrt{2}$" if plateau_mittel.n >= 1 else r"$V_\text{Plateau}' \cdot \sqrt{2}$" #label_v_halb = 'test' axes.plot((min(noms(x)), max(noms(x))), (noms(plateau_mittel_halb), noms(plateau_mittel_halb)), '-', label=label_v_halb) grenzfrequenz = fitten(axes, x[flanke_grenze:flanke_grenze_oben], y[flanke_grenze:flanke_grenze_oben], linear, [-1, 5], ['m', 'b'], 'r', 'Flanke', schnittwert=plateau_mittel_halb) print('grenzfrequenz = ', grenzfrequenz) # fitten(x[:grenze], y[:grenze], linear, [0, 0], ['m', 'b'], 'g', 'Plateau') print('Mittelwert Plateau = ', plateau_mittel, 'Abweichung von ', abweichungen(V_strich_theorie, plateau_mittel)) # plotting axes.legend(loc='best') axes.set_xlim(min(noms(x)) - max(noms(x)) * 0.06, (max(noms(x))) * 1.06) if ylim is not None: axes.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) #x_label, y_label = 'test', 'test' axes.set_xlabel(x_label) axes.set_ylabel(y_label) plt.close() return grenzfrequenz, plateau_mittel
def plotPhis(pPhis): vX = range(1, len(pPhis) + 1) plt.plot(vX, noms(np.array(pPhis)), 'r-') plt.errorbar(vX, noms(np.array(pPhis)), yerr=stds(np.array(pPhis)), color='k', fmt='x') #plt.ylim(-0.05, 1.05) plt.xlabel('Anzahl an Bestfeatures', {'size': '16'}) plt.ylabel('$\Phi$', {'size': '16'}) plt.title('$\Phi$-Scores') plt.legend(loc='best', prop={'size': 16}) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('Bilder/PhiScores.pdf') plt.clf()
def gk_plot(name, winkel, gk, funktion, korr, fitgrenzen): params, errors = cf(funktion, np.cos(inrad(winkel[fitgrenzen[0]:fitgrenzen[1]]))**2, noms(gk[fitgrenzen[0]:fitgrenzen[1]])) g_plot = np.linspace(0, 1) plt.errorbar(np.cos(inrad(winkel))**2, noms(gk) * 1e10, xerr=korr(winkel), yerr=stds(gk) * 1e10, fmt='x', label=r'Messwert') plt.plot(g_plot, funktion(g_plot, *params) * 1e10, label=r'Fit') plt.xlabel(r'$\cos^2\left(\theta\right)$') plt.ylabel(r'$a \:/\: \si{\angstrom}$') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("build/plot_" + name + ".pdf") plt.close() return (unp.uarray(params[1], np.sqrt(np.diag(errors)[1])))
def make_table(columns, figures=None): if figures is None: figures = [None] * len(columns) cols = [] for column, figure in zip(columns, figures): if np.any(stds(column)): if figure is None: figure = '' col = list(zip(*['{0:.{1:}uf}'.format(x, figure).split('+/-') for x in column])) else: col = list(zip(*[['{0:.{1:}f}'.format(x, figure)] for x in noms(column)])) cols.extend(col) max_lens = [max(len(s) for s in col) for col in cols] cols = [['{0:<{1:}}'.format(s, ml) for s in col] for col, ml in zip(cols, max_lens)] rows = list(itertools.zip_longest(*cols)) return (r' \\' + '\n').join([' & '.join(s for s in row if s is not None) for row in rows]) + r' \\'
def plotphase(nu_1, phi_1, nu_2, phi_2, nu_3, phi_3, nu_4, phi_4): # nu_1, nu_2, nu_3, nu_4 = unp.log(nu_1), unp.log(nu_2), unp.log(nu_3), unp.log(nu_4) # phi_1, phi_2, phi_3, phi_4 = unp.abs(phi_1), unp.abs(phi_2), unp.abs(phi_3), unp.abs(phi_4) plt.errorbar(noms(nu_1), np.abs(noms(phi_1)), xerr=stds(nu_1), yerr=stds(phi_1), label='Messwerte bei 1. Widerstandskombination') plt.errorbar(noms(nu_2), np.abs(noms(phi_2)), xerr=stds(nu_2), yerr=stds(phi_2), label='Messwerte bei 2. Widerstandskombination') plt.errorbar(noms(nu_3), np.abs(noms(phi_3)), xerr=stds(nu_3), yerr=stds(phi_3), label='Messwerte bei 3. Widerstandskombination') plt.errorbar(noms(nu_4), np.abs(noms(phi_4)), xerr=stds(nu_4), yerr=stds(phi_4), label='Messwerte bei 4. Widerstandskombination') xlabel = r'$\nu\:/\:\si{\kilo\hertz}$' ylabel = r'$\phi\:/\:\si{\degree}$' #xlabel = 'test' #ylabel = 'test' plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.xscale('log') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.savefig('build/phasen.pdf')
def make_table(columns, figures=None): if figures is None: figures = [None] * len(columns) cols = [] for column, figure in zip(columns, figures): if (type(column) == str): column = [column] if (type(column) == list): col = zip( *zip(column) ) # hard to find this kind of code... this will unzip the list column, ref: cols.extend(col) elif np.any(stds(column)): if figure is None: figure = '' col = list( zip(*[ '{0:.{1:}uf}'.format(x, figure).split('+/-') for x in column ])) else: try: test_iterator = iter( column ) # if only one entry is given, then this will throw a type error exception - handled below col = list( zip(*[['{0:.{1:}f}'.format(x, figure)] for x in noms(column)])) except TypeError: col = list(zip(*[['{0:.{1:}f}'.format(column, figure)]])) cols.extend(col) max_lens = [max(len(s) for s in col) for col in cols] cols = [['{0:<{1:}}'.format(s, ml) for s in col] for col, ml in zip(cols, max_lens)] rows = list(itertools.zip_longest(*cols)) return (r' \\' + '\n').join( [' & '.join(s for s in row if s is not None) for row in rows]) + r' \\'
def make_table(columns, figures=None): assert hasattr(columns[0],'__iter__'), "Wenn nur eine Zeile von Daten vorliegt, funktioniert zip nicht mehr; die Elemente von columns müssen Listen sein, auch wenn sie ihrerseits nur ein Element enthalten." if figures is None: figures = [None] * len(columns) cols = [] for column, figure in zip(columns, figures): if np.any(stds(column)): if figure is None: figure = '' col = list(zip(*['{0:.{1:}uf}'.format(x, figure).split('+/-') for x in column])) else: col = list(zip(*[['{0:.{1:}f}'.format(x, figure)] for x in noms(column)])) cols.extend(col) max_lens = [max(len(s) for s in col) for col in cols] cols = [['{0:<{1:}}'.format(s, ml) for s in col] for col, ml in zip(cols, max_lens)] rows = list(itertools.zip_longest(*cols)) return (r' \\' + '\n').join([' & '.join(s for s in row if s is not None) for row in rows]) + r' \\'
gr = unp.uarray #Geschw. rückwärts for v in V: v *= 1.25e-4 #Zählwerkverzögerung gv = np.append(gv, np.mean(v)) gv = gv[1:] gv = s / gv for r in R: r *= 1.25e-4 #Zählwerkverzögerung gr = np.append(gr, np.mean(r)) gr = gr[1:] gr = s / gr x = np.linspace(1, 10, num=10) np.savetxt('GangGeschwVorRueck4Tab.txt', np.column_stack([x, noms(gv), stds(gv), -noms(gr), stds(gr)]), delimiter=' & ', newline=r' \\' '\n ') np.savetxt('GeschwVorRueck.txt', np.column_stack([noms(gv), stds(gv), -noms(gr), stds(gr)])) # # x= np.linspace(1,10,num=10) # np.savetxt('GeschwMittelproGang.txt',y,header='#inMeterproSekund') # # Plot der Geschw. im arith. Mittel # plt.plot(x , y,'rx', label='arith. Mittel der gemessenen Geschwindigkeiten') # plt.xlabel(r'$ Gäng\;der\; Versuchsapparatur$') # plt.ylabel(r'$ v\:/\:ms^{-1}$')
v_9_auf, v_9_ab = np.genfromtxt('messdaten/9_Tropfen.txt', unpack=True) v_9_auf_mittel = ufloat(np.mean(v_9_auf), np.std(v_9_auf)) # s/mm v_9_ab_mittel = ufloat(np.mean(v_9_ab), np.std(v_9_ab)) # s/mm v_9_0 = 112 # s/mm U_9 = 184 v_10_auf, v_10_ab = np.genfromtxt('messdaten/10_Tropfen.txt', unpack=True) v_10_auf_mittel = ufloat(np.mean(v_10_auf), np.std(v_10_auf)) # s/mm v_10_ab_mittel = ufloat(np.mean(v_10_ab), np.std(v_10_ab)) # s/mm v_10_0 = 59.4 # s/mm U_10 = 286 v_auf_mittel_nom=[ noms(v_2_auf_mittel), noms(v_3_auf_mittel), noms(v_4_auf_mittel), noms(v_5_auf_mittel), noms(v_6_auf_mittel), noms(v_7_auf_mittel), noms(v_8_auf_mittel), noms(v_9_auf_mittel), noms(v_10_auf_mittel)] v_auf_mittel_stds=[ stds(v_2_auf_mittel), stds(v_3_auf_mittel), stds(v_4_auf_mittel), stds(v_5_auf_mittel), stds(v_6_auf_mittel), stds(v_7_auf_mittel), stds(v_8_auf_mittel), stds(v_9_auf_mittel), stds(v_10_auf_mittel)] v_ab_mittel_nom=[ noms(v_2_ab_mittel), noms(v_3_ab_mittel), noms(v_4_ab_mittel), noms(v_5_ab_mittel), noms(v_6_ab_mittel), noms(v_7_ab_mittel), noms(v_8_ab_mittel), noms(v_9_ab_mittel), noms(v_10_ab_mittel)] v_ab_mittel_stds=[ stds(v_2_ab_mittel), stds(v_3_ab_mittel), stds(v_4_ab_mittel), stds(v_5_ab_mittel), stds(v_6_ab_mittel), stds(v_7_ab_mittel), stds(v_8_ab_mittel), stds(v_9_ab_mittel), stds(v_10_ab_mittel)] # v_0 = array(1/v_2_0, 1/v_3_0, 1/v_4_0, 1/v_5_0, 1/v_6_0, 1/v_7_0, 1/v_8_0, 1/v_9_0, 1/v_10_0) v_0 = np.genfromtxt('messdaten/V_0.txt', unpack=True) v_0 = 1/v_0 U = np.genfromtxt('messdaten/Spannung.txt', unpack=True) v_auf = unp.uarray(v_auf_mittel_nom, v_auf_mittel_stds) v_auf = 1/v_auf v_ab = unp.uarray(v_ab_mittel_nom, v_ab_mittel_stds) v_ab = 1/v_ab write('build/Tabelle_Geschwindigkeiten.tex', make_table([v_auf, v_auf ,v_0, U],[1, 1, 3, 0])) # Jeder fehlerbehaftete Wert bekommt zwei Spalten write('build/Tabelle_Geschwindigkeiten_texformat.tex', make_full_table(
bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) #Bestimmung der Debye-Temperatur C_p = C_p(U[:-1], I[:-1], Q_(np.diff(t), 'second'), Q_(np.diff(T_prob), 'kelvin')) alpha = Q_(model_alpha(noms(T_mean[:-1])), '1 / kelvin') C_v = C_v(C_p[:-1], alpha, T_mean[:-1]).to('joule / kelvin / mol') rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 5.906, 6.2 fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.errorbar(x=noms(T_mean[:-1]), y=noms(C_v), xerr=stds(T_mean[:-1]), yerr=stds(C_v), fmt='.', label='Daten', linestyle=None) ax.errorbar(x=noms(T_mean[1]), y=noms(C_v)[1], xerr=stds(T_mean[1]), yerr=stds(C_v)[1], fmt='.', label='Ausreißer', linestyle=None, color='r') def c_v_debye(T, T_D):
def wellenlaenge(d_array, mitte, L): d_links = unp.uarray(np.zeros(mitte), np.zeros(mitte)) d_rechts = unp.uarray(np.zeros(12-mitte), np.zeros(12-mitte)) for i in range(0, mitte, 1): d_links[i] = np.sum(d_array[mitte-(i+1):mitte]) for i in range(0, 12-mitte, 1): d_rechts[i] = np.sum(d_array[mitte:mitte+(i+1)]) g = (10**-3)/80 print('g = ', g*10**6, 'micro meter') d_links = d_links*10**-2 d_rechts = d_rechts*10**-2 d_all = np.concatenate((noms(d_links), noms(d_rechts))) n_links = np.linspace(1, 6, 6) lamda_links = g * unp.sin(unp.arctan(d_links/L))/n_links n_rechts = range(1, len(d_rechts)+1, 1) n_all = np.concatenate((n_links, n_rechts)) lamda_rechts = g * unp.sin(unp.arctan(d_rechts/L))/n_rechts lamda_all = np.concatenate((lamda_links, lamda_rechts)) werteZuTabelle(d_all*100, n_all.astype(int), (noms(lamda_all)*10**9).astype(int), (stds(lamda_all)*10**9).astype(int), rundungen=[3, 0, 0, 0]) print('lambda = ', (np.sum(lamda_all))/12) print('Abweichung = ', abweichungen(632.8*10**-9, (np.sum(lamda_all))/12)) print('Mittelwert = ', np.mean(noms(lamda_all)), '±', np.std(noms(lamda_all)))
# fitten params_1 = ucurve_fit(reg.reg_quadratic, t, T1) # quadratischer Fit a_1, b_1, c_1 = params_1 write('build/Fit1-a.tex', make_SI(a_1 * 1e6, r'\kelvin\per\square\second', 'e-6', figures=1)) write('build/Fit1-b.tex', make_SI(b_1 * 1e3, r'\kelvin\per\second', 'e-3', figures=1)) write('build/Fit1-c.tex', make_SI(c_1, r'\kelvin', figures=1)) params_2 = ucurve_fit(reg.reg_quadratic, t, T2) # quadratischer Fit a_2, b_2, c_2 = params_2 write('build/Fit2-a.tex', make_SI(a_2 * 1e6, r'\kelvin\per\square\second', 'e-6', figures=1)) write('build/Fit2-b.tex', make_SI(b_2 * 1e3, r'\kelvin\per\second', 'e-3', figures=1)) write('build/Fit2-c.tex', make_SI(c_2, r'\kelvin', figures=1)) # Plot Temperaturverlauf mit der Zeit plt.clf() plt.errorbar(t, noms(T1_unc),yerr=stds(T1_unc), fmt='r.', label=r'$Messdaten T_1$') plt.errorbar(t, noms(T2_unc),yerr=stds(T2_unc), fmt='b.', label=r'$Messdaten T_2$') x_plot = np.linspace(0, 31*60, 1000) plt.plot(x_plot, reg.reg_quadratic(x_plot, *noms(params_1)), 'r-', label=r'Fit $T_1$', linewidth=1) plt.plot(x_plot, reg.reg_quadratic(x_plot, *noms(params_2)), 'b-', label=r'Fit $T_2$', linewidth=1) plt.xlabel(r'$t \:/\: \si{\second}$') plt.ylabel(r'$T \:/\: \si{\kelvin}$') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlim(0, 31*60) plt.tight_layout(pad=0, h_pad=1.08, w_pad=1.08) plt.savefig('build/Temperaturverlauf.pdf') ## Differentialquotienten # wähle 8, 16, 24, 32 Minuten parameter1 = params_1
plt.legend(loc='best') plt.savefig('build/Energiespektrum.pdf') #Würfel 1, Bestimmung von I_0 I0_gerade = unp.uarray(50636, 254) / 300 print('I0_gerade', I0_gerade) I0_schraeg1 = unp.uarray(16660, 146) / 100 I0_schraeg2 = unp.uarray(16417, 145) / 100 #I0_schraeg = np.mean([I0_schraeg1,I0_schraeg2]) I0_schraeg = avg_and_sem([noms(I0_schraeg1), noms(I0_schraeg2)]) I0_schraeg = unp.uarray(I0_schraeg[0], I0_schraeg[1]) print('I0_schraeg', I0_schraeg) makeTable([ noms([I0_gerade * 300, I0_schraeg1 * 100, I0_schraeg2 * 100]), stds([I0_gerade * 300, I0_schraeg1 * 100, I0_schraeg2 * 100]), [300, 100, 100], noms([I0_gerade, I0_schraeg1, I0_schraeg2]), stds([I0_gerade, I0_schraeg1, I0_schraeg2]) ], r'\multicolumn{2}{c}{' + r'$N_0$' + r'} & {' + r'$\Delta t_0/\si{\second}$' + r'} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{' + r'$I_0/\si{\becquerel}$' + r'}', 'tabReferenzmessung', [ 'S[table-format=5.0]', '@{${}\pm{}$}S[table-format=3.0]', 'S[table-format=3.0]', 'S[table-format=3.1]', '@{${}\pm{}$}S[table-format=1.1]' ], ["%5.0f", "%3.0f", "%3.0f", "%3.1f", "%1.1f"]) #Würfel 2 I2_gerade = unp.uarray(8054, 103) / 300 I2_schraeg1 = unp.uarray(4864, 81) / 300 I2_schraeg2 = unp.uarray(8707, 106) / 300
T_VI.addColumn(g_VI_err, title="Gegenstandsweite", symbol="g'", unit="\centi\meter") T_VI.addColumn(b_VI_err, title="Bildweite", symbol="b'", unit="\centi\meter") T_VI.addColumn(V_err, title="Abbildungsmaßstab", symbol="V")"Tabellen/Messwerte_VI.tex") #Regression der Messwerte popt_VI_g, pcov_VI_g = curve_fit(gerade, abbeX_g(noms(V_err)), noms(g_VI_err), sigma=stds(g_VI_err)) error_VI_g = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov_VI_g)) param_VI_g_M = ufloat(popt_VI_g[0], error_VI_g[0]) param_VI_g_B = ufloat(popt_VI_g[1], error_VI_g[1]) print("Regressionsparameter g(V):\n", param_VI_g_M, param_VI_g_B) def geradeF(x, b): return noms(param_VI_g_M) * x + b popt_VI_b, pcov_VI_b = curve_fit(gerade, abbeX_b(noms(V_err)), noms(b_VI_err), sigma=stds(b_VI_err)) error_VI_b = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov_VI_b)) param_VI_b_M = ufloat(popt_VI_b[0], error_VI_b[0]) param_VI_b_B = ufloat(popt_VI_b[1], error_VI_b[1]) print("Regressionsparameter b(V):\n", param_VI_b_M, param_VI_b_B)
distance_avr_I = intercept_x #energy_I = distanceToEnergy(distance_avr_I) energy_I = distanceToEnergy(ufloat(distance_avr_I, 0.5)) print("Energie der Alphateilchen:", energy_I) # Erstellen des Plots plt.clf() plt.xlim(-5, 20) plt.ylim(0, 300) plt.grid() plt.xlabel("Effektive Länge $x\ [\mathrm{mm}]$", fontsize=14, family='serif') plt.ylabel("Zerfallsrate $A\ [\mathrm{s^{-1}}]$", fontsize=14, family='serif') #Messwerte für Regression #plt.plot(x_eff[0:-7], rate_I[0:-7], "rx", label="Messwerte") plt.errorbar(x_eff[0:-7], rate_I[0:-7], xerr=stds(x_eff_err[0:-7]) ,fmt="rx", label="Messwerte") #Messwerte ohne Regression plt.plot(x_eff[-7:], rate_I[-7:], "kx") #Fit plt.plot(X, func(X, popt[0], popt[1]), label="Regressionsgerade", color="gray") #Halbesmaximum plt.plot(X, len(X)*[rate_max_half_I],"r--", alpha=0.7, label="Halbe maximal Zerfallsrate") #Schnittpunkt plt.plot(intercept_x, rate_max_half_I, "ko", alpha=0.7, label="Schnittpunkt ({}|{})".format(round(intercept_x, 2), round(rate_max_half_I, 2))) plt.tight_layout() plt.legend(loc="best") if SHOW else plt.savefig("Grafiken/MittlereReichweiteI.pdf")
N[no_of_first_ignored_values:-no_of_last_ignored_values]) # skip first 3 and last 5 values as they dont belong to the plateau write('build/plateaulaenge.tex', make_SI(U[-no_of_last_ignored_values] - U[no_of_first_ignored_values], r'\volt', figures = 0)) a, b = params write('build/parameter_a.tex', make_SI(a, r'\per\second\per\volt', figures=1)) write('build/plateaumitte.tex', make_SI(reg_linear(500, *noms(params)), r'\per\second', figures=1) ) # Der Wert in der Hälfte des Plateaus als Referenz für die plateausteigung write('build/plateausteigung.tex', make_SI(a*100*100/reg_linear(500, *noms(params)), r'\percent', figures=1)) # %/100V lässt sich nicht mit siunitx machen -> wird in latex hart reingeschrieben write('build/parameter_b.tex', make_SI(b, r'\per\second', figures=1)) #### Plot #### t_plot = np.linspace(350, 650, 2) plt.xlim(290,710) plt.plot(t_plot, reg_linear(t_plot, *noms(params)), 'b-', label='Fit') U[no_of_first_ignored_values:-no_of_last_ignored_values] plt.errorbar(U[no_of_first_ignored_values:-no_of_last_ignored_values], noms(N[no_of_first_ignored_values:-no_of_last_ignored_values]), fmt='bx', yerr=stds(N[no_of_first_ignored_values:-no_of_last_ignored_values]), label='Messdaten auf dem Plateau') plt.errorbar(U[0:no_of_first_ignored_values], noms(N[0:no_of_first_ignored_values]), fmt='rx', yerr=stds(N[0:no_of_first_ignored_values]), label='Messdaten außerhalb des Plateaus') plt.errorbar(U[-no_of_last_ignored_values:], noms(N[-no_of_last_ignored_values:]), fmt='rx', yerr=stds(N[-no_of_last_ignored_values:])) plt.ylabel(r'$N \:/\: \si{\per\second}$') plt.xlabel(r'$U \:/\: \si{\volt}$') plt.grid() plt.legend(loc='best') plt.tight_layout(pad=0, h_pad=1.08, w_pad=1.08) plt.savefig('build/aufgabenteil_a_plot.pdf')
std_devs as stds) import uncertainties.unumpy as unp from linregress import linregress print('################################################################################a') ####################orange######################## Udata,Idata=np.genfromtxt('orange.txt',unpack=True) U=unp.uarray(Udata,0.005) I=unp.uarray(Idata*10**-9,0.1*10**-9) sqI=unp.uarray(np.sqrt(noms(I*10**9)),np.sqrt(0.001)) print('farbe',sqI) i=range(2,9) a,aerr,b,berr=linregress(noms(U[i]),noms(sqI[i]*10**-9)) x=np.linspace(noms(U[0]),noms(U[len(U)-1]),100) plt.errorbar(noms(U),noms(sqI),xerr=stds(U),yerr=stds(sqI),fmt='k+',label="Daten") plt.plot(x,a*x*10**9+b*10**9,'k-',label="Fit") plt.xlabel(r'Gegenspannung $ U\ / \ \mathrm{V}$') plt.ylabel(r'reduzierter Photostrom $ \sqrt{I}\ / \ \mathrm{\sqrt{nA}}$') plt.xlim(noms(U[0]),noms(U[len(U)-1])) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.tight_layout() plt.grid() plt.savefig('plotorange.pdf') plt.close() b=ufloat(b,berr) a=ufloat(a,aerr) print(a,b,'m,b') Ugo=-b/a print(Ugo,'Ug orange')
print("Eta, bestimmt mit der kleinen Kugel, ist in Pa*sec:") print(etaK) print("Mit diesem Eta ist die Apparaturkonstante in willkuerlichen Einheiten:") print(apparatG) print("") print("Viskositaet in Pa*sec:") print(etaG_2) print("") print("Viskositaet in mPa*sec, vgl. Literatur:") print(etaG_2*1000) print("") print("Geschwindigkeiten in m/s:") print((0.1/fallzeit)) print("") print("Reynoldzahlen:") print(Re) np.savetxt("Auswertung/Viskositaeten.txt", np.array([noms(etaG_2),stds(etaG_2)]).T) np.savetxt("Auswertung/Reynoldzahlen.txt", np.array([noms(Re),stds(Re)]).T) np.savetxt("Auswertung/Geschwindigkeiten.txt", np.array([noms((0.1/fallzeit)),stds((0.1/fallzeit))]).T) np.savetxt("Auswertung/Zeiten.txt", np.array([noms((fallzeit)),stds((fallzeit))]).T)
params = ucurve_fit(reg.reg_linear, B, y) # linearer Fit m, D = params write('build/m.tex', make_SI(m*1e3, r'\ampere\square\meter', 'e-3', figures=1)) write('build/D.tex', make_SI(D*1e5, r'\kilogram\square\meter\per\square\second', 'e-5', figures=1)) # D = 4*(np.pi**2)*(Theta_Kugel+Theta_Aufhaengung)/(T**2) m_th = 1/B * (4*(np.pi**2) * (Theta_Kugel+Theta_Aufhaengung) / T**2 - D_ohneB) m_th_unc = ufloat(np.mean(noms(m_th)), MeanError(noms(m_th))) write('build/m_th.tex', make_SI(m_th_unc*1e3, r'\ampere\square\meter', 'e-3', figures=1)) # print(m_th) t_plot = np.linspace(np.amin(B), np.amax(B), 100) # plt.plot(t_plot*1e3, reg.reg_linear(t_plot, *noms(params))*1e5, 'b-', label='Methode 1') plt.plot(t_plot*1e3, reg.reg_linear(t_plot, np.mean(noms(m_th)), np.mean(noms(D)))*1e5, 'g-', label='Methode 2') # plt.plot(B * 1e3, noms(y)*1e5, 'rx', label='Messdaten') plt.errorbar(B * 1e3, noms(y) * 1e5, fmt='r.', yerr=stds(y) * 1e5, label='Messdaten') ## plt.xscale('log') # logarithmische x-Achse plt.xlim((t_plot[0]-1/np.size(B)*(t_plot[-1]-t_plot[0]))*1e3, (t_plot[-1]+1/np.size(B)*(t_plot[-1]-t_plot[0]))*1e3) plt.xlabel(r'$B \:/\: \SI{e-3}{\tesla}$') plt.ylabel(r'$\frac{4\pi^2 \Theta_\text{Gesamt}}{T^2} \:/\: \SI{e-5}{\kilogram\square\meter\per\square\second}$') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.tight_layout(pad=0, h_pad=1.08, w_pad=1.08) plt.savefig('build/zeta.pdf') # Berechnung des Erdmagnetfeldes B_Erde = (D_mitB-D_ohneB)/m write('build/B_Erde.tex', make_SI(B_Erde*1e6, r'\micro\tesla', figures=1)) T_FehlerDesMittelwerts = unp.uarray(noms(T),[MeanError(noms(T_10)), MeanError(noms(T_08)), MeanError(noms(T_06)), MeanError(noms(T_04)), MeanError(noms(T_02))]) write('build/Tabelle_Magnet.tex', make_table([I,T_FehlerDesMittelwerts,B*1e3],[1,1,3])) # FULLTABLE
content = [] error = [] x_value.append(i) y_value.append(0) for j in range(ymin,ymax): # going thru all rows content.append( qMap_Ag_C0_V0.GetBinContent(i,j)) error.append( qMap_Ag_C0_V0.GetBinError(i,j)) # Is this the real error content_bin = unp.uarray( content, error) mean_content_col = content_bin.mean() # mean value of each bin in the col # Saving values in lists mean_value_col_list.append( noms(mean_content_col)) mean_error_col_list.append( stds(mean_content_col)) ########################### Create errorbar plot ##################################### errorbar_plot_col = root.TGraphErrors( len(x_value), array( 'f', x_value), array( 'f', mean_value_col_list), array( 'f', y_value), array( 'f', mean_error_col_list) ) ############################## Set axis label of errobar plot ################################## errorbar_plot_col.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Col") errorbar_plot_col.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Mean Hit / Vcal") ####################### create Canvas ########################################## c1 = root.TCanvas("c1", "c1", 1980, 1080) errorbar_plot_col.Fit('gaus')
[1, 1, 1, 2, 2], caption= 'Aus Abbildung \\ref{fig: messkurve_energie_hot} abgelesene Steigungen.', label='steigungen_hot') #########Tabellen ##Sapnnugnsfit liste_steigungen = [ float(noms(parmeter_zim['Steigung'])), float(noms(parmeter_hot['Steigung'])), float(noms(parmeter_frank_hertz['Steigung'])), float(noms(parmeter_ioni['Steigung'])) ] liste_steigungen_fehler = [ float(stds(parmeter_zim['Steigung'])), float(stds(parmeter_hot['Steigung'])), float(stds(parmeter_frank_hertz['Steigung'])), float(stds(parmeter_ioni['Steigung'])) ] liste_abschnitt = [ float(noms(parmeter_zim['Achsenabschnitt'])), float(noms(parmeter_zim['Achsenabschnitt'])), float(noms(parmeter_frank_hertz['Achsenabschnitt'])), float(noms(parmeter_ioni['Achsenabschnitt'])) ] liste_abschnitt_fehler = [ float(stds(parmeter_zim['Achsenabschnitt'])), float(stds(parmeter_hot['Achsenabschnitt'])), float(stds(parmeter_frank_hertz['Achsenabschnitt'])), float(stds(parmeter_ioni['Achsenabschnitt']))
ba_events.append([x, s, I]) ax.set_xlabel('Energie / keV') ax.set_ylabel('Ereignisse') fig.savefig('../build/plots/ba_gauss-'+str(maximum[0])+'.pdf') fig.clf() ba_events = np.array(ba_events) # efficiency-parameters ba_energies, ba_props = np.genfromtxt('../data/ba_spectrum_lit.txt', unpack=True) eff_coeff, eff_errs = np.genfromtxt('../build/data/efficiency-params.txt', unpack=True) xs = ba_props * eff(noms(ba_events[:, 0]), *eff_coeff) ys = np.abs(noms(ba_events[:, 2])) y_errs = stds(ba_events[:, 2]) act_coeff, act_covar = curve_fit(activity_func, xs, ys, sigma=y_errs) act_errs = np.sqrt(np.diag(act_covar)) x = np.linspace(0, 0.25) plt.plot(x, activity_func(x, *act_coeff), label='Fit') plt.errorbar(xs, ys, yerr=y_errs, fmt='+', label='Datenpunkte') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlabel(r'$W \cdot Q$') plt.ylabel('Ereignisse') plt.savefig('../build/plots/ba_activity.pdf') plt.clf() np.savetxt('../build/data/ba_activity-params.txt', np.array([act_coeff, act_errs]).T)
Begin der Auswertung zum Dopplereffekt """ # Laden der Daten zur Bestimmung der Geschwindigkeit ## Laden der Strecke l = np.loadtxt("Messdaten/Strecke.txt", unpack=True) l_err = np.loadtxt("Messdaten/Fehler_Strecke.txt") ### Fehler behaftete Messwerte ul = unp.uarray(l, [l_err]*len(l)) ### Mittelwert ul_avr = Umean(ul) ul_avr = ufloat(noms(ul_avr), stds(ul_avr)) ul_avr *= 1e-02 # [cm] --> [m] ## Laden der Zeiten in den verschiedenen Gängen G, t_h1, t_h2, t_r1, t_r2 = np.loadtxt("Messdaten/Zeiten.txt", unpack=True) t_err = np.loadtxt("Messdaten/Fehler_Zeiten.txt") ### Fehlerbehaftete Messwerte ut_h1 = unp.uarray(t_h1, [t_err]*len(t_h1)) ut_h2 = unp.uarray(t_h2, [t_err]*len(t_h2)) ut_r1 = unp.uarray(t_r1, [t_err]*len(t_r1)) ut_r2 = unp.uarray(t_r2, [t_err]*len(t_r2)) ### Mittelwerte der Zeiten uT_h_avr = unp.uarray(np.zeros(len(G)), np.zeros(len(G)))
N_Rh -= A_null*dt_Rh # Berechnung der Fehler n_Rh_err = np.sqrt(N_Rh) # Fehlerbehafteter Messwert N_Rh_err = unp.uarray(N_Rh, n_Rh_err) # Plot aller Messwerte T_Rh = np.arange(20, 740, dt_Rh) plt.errorbar(T_Rh, np.log(N_Rh), yerr=stds(N_Rh_err)/N_Rh, fmt="rx", label="Messwerte") plt.xlim(0,730) plt.ylim(1.5, 5.5) plt.xlabel(r"Zeit $t\ [s]$", fontsize=14, family="serif") plt.ylabel(r"Logarithmierte Zerfälle $\ln(N)$", fontsize=14, family="serif") plt.grid() plt.legend(loc="best") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("Grafiken/Messwerte_Rh.pdf") plt.clf() # Wählen des Zeitpunkts t* t_x = 480
def f(x, m, b): return m*x+b def linregress(x, y): N = len(y) Delta = N*np.sum(x**2)-(np.sum(x))**2 m = (N*np.sum(x*y)-np.sum(x)*np.sum(y))/Delta b = (np.sum(x**2) * np.sum(y) - np.sum(x) * np.sum(x * y)) / Delta sigma_y = np.sqrt(np.sum((y - m * x - b)**2) / (N - 2)) m_error = sigma_y * np.sqrt(N / Delta) b_error = sigma_y * np.sqrt(np.sum(x**2) / Delta) print ("Die Regressionssteigung/B ist:", m,"+/-", m_error) print ("Der Regressions-Y-Achsenabschnitt ist:", b,"+/-", b_error) print("Die Konstante A im Andradeschen Gesetz ist:",np.exp(b),"+/-",np.sqrt(np.exp(2*b)*b_error**2)) return(m,m_error,b,b_error) #### Plots etaG =unp.log(apparatG*(rhoG-rhoW)*fallzeit) linregress(1/T,noms(etaG)) reg, cov = curve_fit(f, 1/T, noms(etaG)) plt.plot(T_func, f(T_func, *reg), 'r-', label='Fit') plt.text(0.0031,-7.8, r"$x_{lin}= \; T^{-1} \; \lbrack a.u.\rbrack$", horizontalalignment='center',fontsize=12) plt.text(0.00285,-7.1, r"$y = 29.61x+7.43$", horizontalalignment='center',color="r",fontsize=12) plt.ylabel(r'$ln(\eta)\;\lbrack a.u.\rbrack$') plt.errorbar(1/T, noms(etaG) ,yerr=stds(etaG),fmt="bx", label="Werte") plt.legend(loc="best") plt.tight_layout
MB=unp.uarray(mB,stdB) BB=unp.uarray(bB,fehler_b(stdB,U_B)) MG=unp.uarray(mG,stdG) BG=unp.uarray(bG,fehler_b(stdG,U_G)) MO=unp.uarray(mO,stdO) BO=unp.uarray(bO,fehler_b(stdO,U_O)) MT=unp.uarray(mT,stdT) BT=unp.uarray(bT,fehler_b(stdT,U_T)) # könnte wegen der länge scjeiteren MV=unp.uarray(mV,stdV) BV=unp.uarray(bV,fehler_b(stdV,U_V)) M_ges=unp.uarray([noms(MO),noms(MG),noms(MT),noms(MB),noms(MV)], [stds(MO),stds(MG),stds(MT),stds(MB),stds(MV)]) B_ges=unp.uarray([noms(BO),noms(BG),noms(BT),noms(BB),noms(BV)], [stds(BO),stds(BG),stds(BT),stds(BB),stds(BV)]) def Ug(M,B): return(-B/M) U_gO=Ug(MO,BO) U_gG=Ug(MG,BG) U_gT=Ug(MT,BT) U_gB=Ug(MB,BB) U_gV=Ug(MV,BV)
amplitude_of_peaks.append(amplitude) sigma_of_peaks.append(sigma) offset_of_peak.append(offset) area_under_peak.append(area) # Save data in table print(index) l.Latexdocument( filename=abs_path('tabs/europium/peak_charakteristiken_eu.tex')).tabular( data=[ index, unp.uarray(noms(amplitude_of_peaks), stds(amplitude_of_peaks)), unp.uarray(noms(sigma_of_peaks), stds(sigma_of_peaks)), unp.uarray(noms(offset_of_peak), stds(offset_of_peak)) ], header=['Kanal / ', r'A / ', r'\sigma / ', r'\mu / '], places=[0, (2.2, 2.2), (1.2, 1.2), (4.2, 1.2)], caption='Bestimmte Eigenschaften der Peaks von $^{152}\ce{Eu}$.', label='results_peaks_eu') # ########################################################################### # # ## --- Linear Regression to get transformations parameters--- ## # # ########################################################################### # def g(x, m, b): '''Define linear function for Transformation purpose''' return m * x + b
uP_2 = unp.uarray(P_2, P_dim * [P_2_err]) #%% ## Plots der Temperaturverläufe # 16 t- Werte in Sekunden (0, 90, 180, ..., 1350) t = np.linspace(0, (T_dim - 1) * DELTA_T, num=T_dim) # "Kontinuierliche" Werte von -10 bis 2000 x = np.linspace(-10, 2000, num=1000) # Bearbeitung von T_1 #Berechnung der Fit-Parameter poptI_T1, pcovI_T1 = curve_fit(T_FitI, t, noms(uT_1), sigma=stds(uT_1)) poptII_T1, pcovII_T1 = curve_fit(T_FitII, t, noms(uT_1), sigma=stds(uT_1)) poptIII_T1, pcovIII_T1 = curve_fit(T_FitIII, t, noms(uT_1), sigma=stds(uT_1)) # Berechnung der Fit-Fehler errorI_T1 = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcovI_T1)) #errorII_T1 = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcovII_T1)) #errorIII_T1 = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcovIII_T1)) uA_1 = ufloat(poptI_T1[0], errorI_T1[0]) uB_1 = ufloat(poptI_T1[1], errorI_T1[1]) uC_1 = ufloat(poptI_T1[2], errorI_T1[2]) # Plot Einstellungen
# Erstellen von 3x3 Matrizen für die Werte von Cu und Al # Spalte entspricht einer Versuchsreihe, Zeile: Entspricht einer Größe uU_CU = unp.matrix([uU_CU_C, uU_CU_H, uU_CU_M]) uU_AL = unp.matrix([uU_AL_C, uU_AL_H, uU_AL_M]) # Umrechnung der Spannungen in Temperaturen uT_CU = TensToTemp(uU_CU) uT_AL = TensToTemp(uU_AL) TEST = True if TEST: for i in range(3): for j in range(3): uT_CU[i, j] = ufloat(noms(uT_CU[i, j]), stds(uT_CU[i, j])) if TEST: for i in range(3): for j in range(3): uT_AL[i, j] = ufloat(noms(uT_AL[i, j]), stds(uT_AL[i, j])) ## Versuchsergebnisse der Kalorimetermessung:M_c, M_h, M_m, U_c, U_h, U_m M_W_C, M_W_H, M_W_M, U_W_C, U_W_H, U_W_M = np.loadtxt( "Messdaten/Messung_Kalorimeter.txt", unpack=True) # Umrechnung in SI-Einheiten if SI: M_W_C *= 1e-03 # kg M_W_H *= 1e-03 # kg M_W_M *= 1e-03 # kg
plt.figure(2) plt.plot(Ud2,D_U2,'cx',label=r'$\mathrm{Messwerte \ für \ U_b=250\mathrm{V}}$') plt.errorbar(Ud2,D_U2,xerr=0,yerr=0.002, fmt='cx') plt.plot(Ud4,D_U4,'gx',label=r'$\mathrm{Messwerte \ für \ U_b=400\mathrm{V}}$') plt.errorbar(Ud4,D_U4,xerr=0,yerr=0.002, fmt='gx') plt.plot(x_U,m2*x_U+b2,'c-',label=r'$\mathrm{Ausgleichsfunkion \ für\ U_b=250V }$') plt.plot(x_U,m4*x_U+b4,'g-',label=r'$\mathrm{Ausgleichsfunkion \ für\ U_b=400V }$') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlabel(r'$\mathrm{Ablenkspannung \ U_d/V}$') plt.ylabel(r'$\mathrm{Verschiebung \ D/m}$') plt.savefig('plotV5012.pdf') np.savetxt('1tabelle.txt',np.column_stack((D_U1,Ud1,Ud2,Ud3)),fmt='%r',delimiter=' & ') Mges=unp.uarray([m1,m2,m3,m4,m5],[stds(M1),stds(M2),stds(M3),stds(M4),stds(M5)]) Ubges=np.array([Ub1,Ub2,Ub3,Ub4,Ub5]) print(noms(Mges)) ma , ba , ra ,pa ,stda =stats.linregress(1/Ubges,noms(Mges)) x_ub=np.linspace(0,0.006) plt.figure(3) plt.plot(1/Ubges,noms(Mges),'rx',label=r'$\mathrm{Messwerte}$') plt.errorbar(1/Ubges,noms(Mges),xerr=0,yerr=stds(Mges), fmt='rx') plt.plot(x_ub,ma*x_ub+ba,'c-',label=r'$\mathrm{Ausgleichsfunkion}$') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlabel(r'$\mathrm{U_b^{-1}/V^{-1}}$') plt.ylabel(r'$D\,U_d^{-1}\mathrm{/m V^{-1} }$') plt.savefig('plotV501a.pdf')
def weight_mean(X): n = noms(X) s = stds(X) mean = sum(n * 1 / s**2) / sum(1 / s**2) std = np.sqrt(1 / sum(1 / s**2)) return ufloat(mean, std)
# Spalte entspricht einer Versuchsreihe, Zeile: Entspricht einer Größe uU_CU = unp.matrix([uU_CU_C, uU_CU_H, uU_CU_M]) uU_AL = unp.matrix([uU_AL_C, uU_AL_H, uU_AL_M]) # Umrechnung der Spannungen in Temperaturen uT_CU = TensToTemp(uU_CU) uT_AL = TensToTemp(uU_AL) TEST = True if TEST: for i in range(3): for j in range(3): uT_CU[i,j] = ufloat(noms(uT_CU[i,j]), stds(uT_CU[i,j])) if TEST: for i in range(3): for j in range(3): uT_AL[i,j] = ufloat(noms(uT_AL[i,j]), stds(uT_AL[i,j])) ## Versuchsergebnisse der Kalorimetermessung:M_c, M_h, M_m, U_c, U_h, U_m M_W_C, M_W_H, M_W_M, U_W_C, U_W_H, U_W_M = np.loadtxt("Messdaten/Messung_Kalorimeter.txt", unpack=True) # Umrechnung in SI-Einheiten if SI: M_W_C *= 1e-03 # kg M_W_H *= 1e-03 # kg M_W_M *= 1e-03 # kg
plt.savefig('build/zoom.pdf') plt.clf() print(noms(U_c_ges[Indem_max]/U_er_ges[Indem_max])) # Abgelesene Werte V_abgelesen = np.array([ufloat(33.925, 0.005)]) w_0_abgelesen = V_abgelesen *2*np.pi print('Vergleiche') print(w_0_abgelesen) v_minus_abgelesen = V_abgelesen - X w_minus_abgelesen = v_minus_abgelesen *(-2)*np.pi + w_0_abgelesen v_plus_abgelesen = Y-V_abgelesen w_plus_abgelesen = v_plus_abgelesen *2*np.pi + w_0_abgelesen q_abgelesen = (w_0_abgelesen)/(w_plus_abgelesen - w_minus_abgelesen) print('HEY') print(stds(w_minus_abgelesen)) write('build/Tabelle_aufgabenteil_c_exp.tex', make_table([[q_abgelesen[0]], [w_0_abgelesen[0]], [w_minus_abgelesen[0]], [w_plus_abgelesen[0]]] ,[1,1,1,1])) # L = np.array([ufloat(10.11, 0.03)]) # in mH print('Hier') print(q_abgelesen) # Aufgabenteil d) fre_ges *=1e3 # umrechnung in Hz w_ges = fre_ges * 2* np.pi *(1/1000) Takt = 1/fre_ges def phi(a,T):
U_0=unp.uarray(19.4,0.05) y=1-(U_c/U_0) #phi=(a/b)*2*np.pi #plt.figure(1) #plt.plot(1/(b*10**-3),phi,'rx') #plt.savefig('plot.pdf') print(T) index= [12,13] Tt=np.delete(T, index) print(Tt) yy=np.delete(y, index) m , b , r ,p ,std =stats.linregress(noms(Tt),np.log(noms(yy))) print('m', m) plt.figure(1) plt.errorbar(t ,noms(y),xerr=stds(T),yerr=stds(y), fmt='rx') plt.plot(noms(T),noms(y),'kx',label=r'$Messwerte$') x=np.linspace(0,5) plt.plot(t, np.exp(m*t+b),label=r'$Ausgleichsfunktion$') plt.yscale('log') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlabel(r'$t/s$') plt.ylabel(r'$ln(1-(U_c/U_0)) $') plt.savefig('a.pdf') M=unp.uarray(m,std) print('RC ist = ', 1/M, M) print('Delta Rc',std/m**2) w , a_w =np.genfromtxt('b.txt',unpack=True) # RC=0.001388 A_w=unp.uarray(a_w,0.0005)
m4 * x_U + b4, 'g-', label=r'$\mathrm{Ausgleichsfunkion \ für\ U_b=400V }$') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlabel(r'$\mathrm{Ablenkspannung \ U_d/V}$') plt.ylabel(r'$\mathrm{Verschiebung \ D/m}$') plt.savefig('plotV5012.pdf') np.savetxt('1tabelle.txt', np.column_stack((D_U1, Ud1, Ud2, Ud3)), fmt='%r', delimiter=' & ') Mges = unp.uarray( [m1, m2, m3, m4, m5], [stds(M1), stds(M2), stds(M3), stds(M4), stds(M5)]) Ubges = np.array([Ub1, Ub2, Ub3, Ub4, Ub5]) print(noms(Mges)) ma, ba, ra, pa, stda = stats.linregress(1 / Ubges, noms(Mges)) x_ub = np.linspace(0, 0.006) plt.figure(3) plt.plot(1 / Ubges, noms(Mges), 'rx', label=r'$\mathrm{Messwerte}$') plt.errorbar(1 / Ubges, noms(Mges), xerr=0, yerr=stds(Mges), fmt='rx') plt.plot(x_ub, ma * x_ub + ba, 'c-', label=r'$\mathrm{Ausgleichsfunkion}$') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlabel(r'$\mathrm{U_b^{-1}/V^{-1}}$') plt.ylabel(r'$D\,U_d^{-1}\mathrm{/m V^{-1} }$') plt.savefig('plotV501a.pdf')
def do_job_a(filename, error, j, filename_out=None): # Einlesen der Messdaten P, Delta_f_30, Delta_f_15, Delta_f_60 = np.genfromtxt(filename, unpack=True) # di = [7, 10, 16] colors = ["rx", "bx", "gx"] Delta_f_30_error = Delta_f_30 * error Delta_f_30 = unp.uarray(Delta_f_30, Delta_f_30_error) Delta_f_15_error = Delta_f_15 * error Delta_f_15 = unp.uarray(Delta_f_15, Delta_f_15_error) Delta_f_60_error = Delta_f_60 * error Delta_f_60 = unp.uarray(Delta_f_60, Delta_f_60_error) v = unp.uarray(np.zeros(3), np.zeros(3)) v[0] = c_L / 2 / nu_0 * Delta_f_30 / np.cos(alpha[0]) v[1] = c_L / 2 / nu_0 * Delta_f_15 / np.cos(alpha[1]) v[2] = c_L / 2 / nu_0 * Delta_f_60 / np.cos(alpha[2]) v_mean = mean([v[0], v[1], v[2]], 0) # TABLES write( "build/Tabelle_a_" + str(di[j]) + ".tex", make_table([P, Delta_f_30, Delta_f_15, Delta_f_60, v[0], v[1], v[2], v_mean], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]), ) write( "build/Tabelle_a_" + str(di[j]) + "_texformat.tex", make_full_table( r"Messdaten und daraus errechnete Geschwindikgiet für $\d_i = $" + str(di[j]) + r"$\si{\milli\meter}$.", "table:A" + str(j), "build/Tabelle_a_" + str(di[j]) + ".tex", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [ r"$\frac{P}{P_\text{max}} \:/\: \si{\percent}$", r"$\Delta f_{30°} \:/\: \si{\hertz}$", r"$\Delta f_{15°} \:/\: \si{\hertz}$", r"$\Delta f_{60°} \:/\: \si{\hertz}$", r"$v_{30°} \:/\: \si{\meter\per\second}$", r"$v_{15°} \:/\: \si{\meter\per\second}$", r"$v_{60°} \:/\: \si{\meter\per\second}$", r"$\overline{v} \:/\: \si{\meter\per\second}$", ], ), ) # Plotting plt.figure(1) y = Delta_f_30 / np.cos(alpha[0]) plt.errorbar( noms(v[0]), noms(y), fmt=colors[j], xerr=stds(v[0]), yerr=stds(y), label=r"$d_i = " + str(di[j]) + r"\si{\milli\meter}$", ) plt.figure(2) y = Delta_f_15 / np.cos(alpha[1]) plt.errorbar( noms(v[1]), noms(y), fmt=colors[j], xerr=stds(v[1]), yerr=stds(y), label=r"$d_i = " + str(di[j]) + r"\si{\milli\meter}$", ) plt.figure(3) y = Delta_f_60 / np.cos(alpha[2]) plt.errorbar( noms(v[2]), noms(y), fmt=colors[j], xerr=stds(v[2]), yerr=stds(y), label=r"$d_i = " + str(di[j]) + r"\si{\milli\meter}$", ) i = 1 if filename_out: for name in filename_out: plt.figure(i) plt.xlabel(r"$v \:/\: \si{\meter\per\second}$") plt.ylabel(r"$\Delta\nu / \cos{\alpha} \:/\: \si{\kilo\volt}$") plt.legend(loc="best") plt.tight_layout(pad=0, h_pad=1.08, w_pad=1.08) plt.savefig(name) i += 1
#Messung 2 def Brech(z,lamb,T,p0,b,T0,deltaP): n=1+z*lamb*T*p0/(2*b*T0*deltaP) return n p1,p2,ticks =np.genfromtxt('Messung2.txt', unpack = True) deltaP=p2-p1 p0=1.0132 T0=273.15 b=50e-3 T=293.15 n=unp.uarray(noms(Brech(ticks,L,T,p0,b,T0,deltaP)),stds(Brech(ticks,L,T,p0,b,T0,deltaP))) # n=Brech(ticks,L,T,p0,b,T0,deltaP) print(n,'n Luft') print(np.mean(noms(n)),stats.sem(noms(n)),'Luft np.mean(noms(n)),stats.sem(noms(n))') nL=ufloat(np.mean(noms(n)),stats.sem(noms(n))) #Messung3 p1,p2,ticks =np.genfromtxt('Messung3.txt', unpack = True) deltaP=p2-p1 n=unp.uarray(noms(Brech(ticks,L,T,p0,b,T0,deltaP)),stds(Brech(ticks,L,T,p0,b,T0,deltaP))) print(n,'n 1-Butylen')
delta_E_natrium = h*c*delta_lambda_natrium/(lambda_natrium_mean**2) # # in eV (wegen h in eVs) delta_E_rubidium = h*c*delta_lambda_rubidium/(lambda_rubidium_mean**2) # # in eV (wegen h in eVs) # final step : calculate sigma_2 def sigma_2 (n, l, Delta_E, z): return z-unp.sqrt(unp.sqrt(Delta_E * l * (l+1) * n**3 / (R*a**2))) sigma_2_kalium = sigma_2(4, 1, delta_E_kalium, 19) # Kalium : z=19, 4P1/2 Übergang (P bedeutet l=1) sigma_2_natrium = sigma_2(3, 1, delta_E_natrium, 11) # Kalium : z=11, 3P1/2 Übergang (P bedeutet l=1) sigma_2_rubidium = sigma_2(5, 1, delta_E_rubidium, 37) # Kalium : z=37, 5P1/2 Übergang (P bedeutet l=1) # da der Fehler systematische Fehler der Eingangsgrößen klein ist, geben wir nur den Fehler des Mittelwerts an. sigma_2_kalium_mean = ufloat(np.mean(noms(sigma_2_kalium)), np.std(noms(sigma_2_kalium))) sigma_2_natrium_mean = ufloat(np.mean(noms(sigma_2_natrium)), np.std(noms(sigma_2_natrium))) # Für Rubidium haben wir nur einen Messwert, daher gibts auch nichts zu mitteln sigma_2_rubidium_unc = ufloat(noms(sigma_2_rubidium), stds(sigma_2_rubidium)) write('build/sigma_kalium.tex', make_SI(sigma_2_kalium_mean, r'', figures=1)) write('build/sigma_natrium.tex', make_SI(sigma_2_natrium_mean, r'', figures=1)) write('build/sigma_rubidium.tex', make_SI(sigma_2_rubidium_unc, r'', figures=1)) #### TABELLEn #### write('build/Tabelle_c_kalium.tex', make_table([ -phi_kalium_mean, lambda_kalium_mean*1e9, delta_s_kalium, delta_lambda_kalium*1e9, delta_E_kalium*1e3, sigma_2_kalium ], [1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1]))
from linregress import ulinregress Delta_t_0 = np.loadtxt('Delta_t_0.txt') N_0 = np.loadtxt('N_0.txt') N_0 = unc.ufloat(N_0, np.sqrt(N_0)) Delta_t = np.loadtxt('Delta_t.txt') N_g = np.loadtxt('N_g.txt', unpack=True) N_g = unp.uarray(N_g, np.sqrt(N_g)) t = Delta_t * np.arange(1, len(N_g) + 1) N = N_g - N_0 / Delta_t_0 * Delta_t A, B = ulinregress(t, unp.log(N)) print(A, B, sep='\n') lambda_ = -A print("λ =", lambda_) x = np.linspace(0, 4000) plt.plot(x, np.exp(noms(A * x + B)), 'b-', label='Regressionsgerade') plt.errorbar(t, noms(N), yerr=stds(N), fmt='rx', label='Messwerte') plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip') plt.xlabel(r'$t \,/\, \mathrm{s}$') plt.ylabel(r'$N$') plt.ylim(8e2, 3e3) plt.yticks([8e2, 1e3, 3e3], [r"$8 \cdot 10^2$", r"$10^3$", r"$3 \cdot 10^3$"]) plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('loesung.pdf')
##print(P_C_j_err) # ## Regression der Messwerte #popt_C, pcov_C = curve_fit(func_gerade, noms(U_C_j_err), # noms(P_C_j_err), sigma=stds(P_C_j_err)) #error = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov_C)) #param_m_C = ufloat(popt_C[0], error[0]) #param_b_C = ufloat(popt_C[1], error[1]) # #print("Steigung:", param_m_C) #print("Steigung in % pro 100V:", param_m_C*100,"%") #print("y-Abschnitt:", param_b_C) # Regression der Messwerte popt_C, pcov_C = curve_fit(func_gerade, noms(U_C_err), noms(P_C_err), sigma=stds(P_C_err)) error = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov_C)) param_m_C = ufloat(popt_C[0], error[0]) param_b_C = ufloat(popt_C[1], error[1]) print("Steigung:", param_m_C) print(func_gerade(100, param_m_C,param_b_C)) print(func_gerade(0, param_m_C,param_b_C)) print((func_gerade(100, param_m_C,param_b_C)- func_gerade(0, param_m_C,param_b_C))/func_gerade(0, param_m_C,param_b_C)) print("Steigung in % pro 100V:", 100 * (func_gerade(100, param_m_C,param_b_C)- func_gerade(0, param_m_C,param_b_C))/func_gerade(0, param_m_C,param_b_C),"%") print("y-Abschnitt:", param_b_C) # Plot der Messwerte plt.errorbar(noms(U_C_err), noms(P_C_err), yerr=stds(P_C_err), fmt="rx", label="Messwerte")
omega_x.SetParameter(0, 1e-10) omega_x.SetParameter(1, 0.00898) omega_x.SetParameter(2, (1060e-9)**2 / np.pi**2) omega_y.SetParameter(0, 1e-10) omega_y.SetParameter(1, 0.00898) omega_y.SetParameter(2, (1060e-9)**2 / np.pi**2) c1 = root.TCanvas("c1", "c1", 1980, 1080) c1.SetGrid() mg = root.TMultiGraph() #Create multigraph plot_xsigma = root.TGraphErrors(len(xsigma), array('f', noms(uheight)), array('f', noms(usigma_x)), array('f', stds(uheight)), array('f', stds(usigma_x))) plot_ysigma = root.TGraphErrors(len(xsigma), array('f', noms(uheight)), array('f', noms(usigma_y)), array('f', stds(uheight)), array('f', stds(usigma_y))) mg.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(2., 10.) plot_xsigma.GetXaxis().SetMaxDigits(2) plot_xsigma.GetXaxis().SetLimits(0, 1) #Set xLimits plot_ysigma.GetXaxis().SetLimits(0, 1) #Set xLimits plot_xsigma.SetMarkerColor(1756) plot_xsigma.SetLineColor(1756) omega_x.SetLineColor(1758) #Set Linecolor xsigma
### Noch ein paar Plots plt.clf() CAP = np.linspace(1e-20, 14e-09, num=1e02) plt.grid() plt.tick_params("both", labelsize=14) plt.ylim(20e03, 1e05) plt.xlabel(r"Koppelkondensatoren $C_{K}\ [\mathrm{nF}]$", fontsize=14) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, _: float(x * 1e09))) plt.ylabel(r"Frequenz $f\ [\mathrm{kHz}]$", fontsize=14) plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, _: float(x * 1e-03))) plt.plot(CAP, len(CAP)*[resFreq_plus(noms(uC), C_sp, noms(uL))], color="blue", label="Theoretischer Kurve $v^{+}(C_{K})$") plt.errorbar(noms(uC1), noms(uf_p), yerr=stds(uf_p), fmt="bo", label="Messwerte $v^{+}(C_{K})$") plt.plot(CAP, resFreq_minus(noms(uC), CAP, C_sp, noms(uL)), color="green", label="Theoretischer Kurve $v^{-}(C_{K})$") plt.errorbar(noms(uC1), noms(uf_m), yerr=stds(uf_m), fmt="go", label="Messwerte $v^{-}(C_{K})$") plt.legend(loc="best") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("Grafiken/Frequenz_CK.pdf") ## Print Funktionen