Beispiel #1
class VoxelData(object):

    # Constants for referring to axis
    X_AXIS = 1
    Y_AXIS = 2
    Z_AXIS = 3

    # World dimension properties
    def width(self):
        return self._width

    def height(self):
        return self._height

    def depth(self):
        return self._depth

    def changed(self):
        return self._changed

    def changed(self, value):
        if value and not self._changed:
            # Let whoever is watching us know about the change
            self._changed = value
            if self.notify_changed:
        self._changed = value

    def occlusion(self):
        return self._occlusion

    def occlusion(self, value):
        self._occlusion = value

    def __init__(self):
        # Default size
        self._width = _WORLD_WIDTH
        self._height = _WORLD_HEIGHT
        self._depth = _WORLD_DEPTH
        # Our undo buffer
        self._undo = Undo()
        # Init data
        # Callback when our data changes
        self.notify_changed = None
        # Ambient occlusion type effect
        self._occlusion = True
        self._undoFillNew = []
        self._undoFillOld = []

    # Initialise our data
    def _initialise_data(self):
        # Our scene data
        self._data = self.blank_data()
        # Create empty selection
        self._selection = set()
        # Our cache of non-empty voxels (coordinate groups)
        self._cache = []
        # Flag indicating if our data has changed
        self._changed = False
        # Reset undo buffer
        # Animation
        self._frame_count = 1
        self._current_frame = 0
        self._frames = [self._data]

    # Return an empty voxel space
    def blank_data(self):
        return [[[0 for _ in xrange(self.depth)] for _ in xrange(self.height)]
                for _ in xrange(self.width)]

    def is_valid_bounds(self, x, y, z):
        return x >= 0 and x < self.width and y >= 0 and y < self.height and z >= 0 and z < self.depth

    # Return the number of animation frames
    def get_frame_count(self):
        return self._frame_count

    # Change to the given frame
    def select_frame(self, frame_number):
        # Sanity
        if frame_number < 0 or frame_number >= self._frame_count:
        # Make sure we really have a pointer to the current data
        self._frames[self._current_frame] = self._data
        # Change to new frame
        self._data = self._frames[frame_number]
        self._current_frame = frame_number
        self._undo.frame = self._current_frame
        self.changed = True

    def insert_frame(self, index, copy_current=True):
        if copy_current:
            data = self.get_data()
            data = self.blank_data()
        # If current frame is at the position of the new frame
        # We must move out of the way.
        if self._current_frame == index:
            self.select_frame(index - 1)
        self._frames.insert(index, data)
        self._frame_count += 1

    # Add a new frame by copying the current one
    def add_frame(self, copy_current=True):
        if copy_current:
            data = self.get_data()
            data = self.blank_data()

        self._frames.insert(self._current_frame + 1, data)
        self._undo.add_frame(self._current_frame + 1)
        self._frame_count += 1
        self.select_frame(self._current_frame + 1)

    def copy_to_current(self, index):
        data = self._frames[index - 1]

    # Delete the current frame
    def delete_frame(self):
        # Sanity - we can't have no frames at all
        if self._frame_count <= 1:
        # Remember the frame we want to delete
        killframe = self._current_frame
        # Select a different frame
        # Remove the old frame
        del self._frames[killframe]
        self._frame_count -= 1
        # If we only have one frame left, must be first frame
        if self._frame_count == 1:
            self._current_frame = 0
        # If we wrapped around, fix the frame pointer
        if self._current_frame > killframe:
            self._current_frame -= 1

    # Change to the next frame (with wrap)
    def select_next_frame(self):
        nextframe = self._current_frame + 1
        if nextframe >= self._frame_count:
            nextframe = 0

    # Change to the previous frame (with wrap)
    def select_previous_frame(self):
        prevframe = self._current_frame - 1
        if prevframe < 0:
            prevframe = self._frame_count - 1

    # Get current frame number
    def get_frame_number(self):
        return self._current_frame

    def is_free(self, data):
        for x, y, z, col in data:
            if self.get(x, y, z) != 0:
                return False
        return True

    # Set a voxel to the given state
    def set(self, x, y, z, state, undo=True, fill=0):
        # If this looks like a QT Color instance, convert it
        if hasattr(state, "getRgb"):
            c = state.getRgb()
            state = c[0] << 24 | c[1] << 16 | c[2] << 8 | 0xff

        # Check bounds
        if not self.is_valid_bounds(x, y, z):
            return False
        # Add to undo
        if undo:
            if fill > 0:
                self._undoFillOld.append((x, y, z, self._data[x][y][z]))
                self._undoFillNew.append((x, y, z, state))
                if fill == 2:
                    UndoItem(Undo.SET_VOXEL, (x, y, z, self._data[x][y][z]),
                             (x, y, z, state)))
        # Set the voxel
        self._data[x][y][z] = state
        if state != EMPTY:
            if (x, y, z) not in self._cache:
                self._cache.append((x, y, z))
            if (x, y, z) in self._cache:
                self._cache.remove((x, y, z))
        self.changed = True
        return True

    def completeUndoFill(self):
            UndoItem(Undo.FILL, self._undoFillOld, self._undoFillNew))
        self._undoFillOld = []
        self._undoFillNew = []

    def select(self, x, y, z):
        self._selection.add((x, y, z))

    def deselect(self, x, y, z):
        if (x, y, z) in self._selection:
            self._selection.remove((x, y, z))

    def is_selected(self, x, y, z):
        return (x, y, z) in self._selection

    def clear_selection(self):

    # Get the state of the given voxel
    def get(self, x, y, z):
        if not self.is_valid_bounds(x, y, z):
            return EMPTY
        return self._data[x][y][z]

    # Return a copy of the voxel data
    def get_data(self):
        return copy.deepcopy(self._data)

    # Set all of our data at once
    def set_data(self, data):
        self._data = copy.deepcopy(data)
        self.changed = True

    # Clear our voxel data
    def clear(self):

    # Return full vertex list
    def get_vertices(self):
        vertices = []
        colors = []
        color_ids = []
        normals = []
        uvs = []
        for x, y, z in self._cache:
            v, c, n, cid, uv = self._get_voxel_vertices(x, y, z)
            vertices += v
            if (x, y, z) in self._selection:
                clen = len(c) / 3
                c = []
                for i in range(clen):
            colors += c
            normals += n
            color_ids += cid
            uvs += uv
        return (vertices, colors, normals, color_ids, uvs)

    # Called to notify us that our data has been saved. i.e. we can set
    # our "changed" status back to False.
    def saved(self):
        self.changed = False

    # Count the number of non-empty voxels from the list of coordinates
    def _count_voxels(self, coordinates):
        count = 0
        for x, y, z in coordinates:
            if self.get(x, y, z) != EMPTY:
                count += 1
        return count

    # Return the verticies for the given voxel. We center our vertices at the origin
    def _get_voxel_vertices(self, x, y, z):
        vertices = []
        colors = []
        normals = []
        color_ids = []
        uvs = []

        # Remember voxel coordinates
        vx, vy, vz = x, y, z

        # Determine if we have filled voxels around us
        front = self.get(x, y, z - 1) == EMPTY
        left = self.get(x - 1, y, z) == EMPTY
        right = self.get(x + 1, y, z) == EMPTY
        top = self.get(x, y + 1, z) == EMPTY
        back = self.get(x, y, z + 1) == EMPTY
        bottom = self.get(x, y - 1, z) == EMPTY

        # Get our color
        c = self.get(x, y, z)
        r = (c & 0xff000000) >> 24
        g = (c & 0xff0000) >> 16
        b = (c & 0xff00) >> 8
        # Calculate shades for our 4 occlusion levels
        shades = []
        for c in range(5):
            shades.append((int(r * math.pow(OCCLUSION, c)),
                           int(g * math.pow(OCCLUSION, c)),
                           int(b * math.pow(OCCLUSION, c))))

        # Encode our voxel space coordinates as colors, used for face selection
        # We use 7 bits per coordinate and the bottom 3 bits for face:
        #   0 - front
        #   1 - top
        #   2 - left
        #   3 - right
        #   4 - back
        #   5 - bottom
        voxel_id = (x & 0x7f) << 17 | (y & 0x7f) << 10 | (z & 0x7f) << 3
        id_r = (voxel_id & 0xff0000) >> 16
        id_g = (voxel_id & 0xff00) >> 8
        id_b = (voxel_id & 0xff)

        # Adjust coordinates to the origin
        x, y, z = self.voxel_to_world(x, y, z)

        # Front face
        if front:
            occ1 = 0
            occ2 = 0
            occ3 = 0
            occ4 = 0
            if self._occlusion:
                if self.get(vx, vy + 1, vz - 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ2 += 1
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx - 1, vy, vz - 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                    occ2 += 1
                if self.get(vx + 1, vy, vz - 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ3 += 1
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx, vy - 1, vz - 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                    occ3 += 1
                if self.get(vx - 1, vy - 1, vz - 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                if self.get(vx - 1, vy + 1, vz - 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ2 += 1
                if self.get(vx + 1, vy - 1, vz - 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ3 += 1
                if self.get(vx + 1, vy + 1, vz - 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ4 += 1
            vertices += (x, y, z)
            colors += shades[occ1]
            vertices += (x, y + 1, z)
            colors += shades[occ2]
            vertices += (x + 1, y, z)
            colors += shades[occ3]
            vertices += (x + 1, y, z)
            colors += shades[occ3]
            vertices += (x, y + 1, z)
            colors += shades[occ2]
            vertices += (x + 1, y + 1, z)
            colors += shades[occ4]
            uvs += (0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1)
            normals += (0, 0, 1) * 6
            color_ids += (id_r, id_g, id_b) * 6
        # Top face
        if top:
            occ1 = 0
            occ2 = 0
            occ3 = 0
            occ4 = 0
            if self._occlusion:
                if self.get(vx, vy + 1, vz + 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ2 += 1
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx - 1, vy + 1, vz) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                    occ2 += 1
                if self.get(vx + 1, vy + 1, vz) != EMPTY:
                    occ3 += 1
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx, vy + 1, vz - 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                    occ3 += 1
                if self.get(vx - 1, vy + 1, vz - 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                if self.get(vx + 1, vy + 1, vz - 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ3 += 1
                if self.get(vx + 1, vy + 1, vz + 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx - 1, vy + 1, vz + 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ2 += 1
            vertices += (x, y + 1, z)
            colors += shades[occ1]
            vertices += (x, y + 1, z - 1)
            colors += shades[occ2]
            vertices += (x + 1, y + 1, z)
            colors += shades[occ3]
            vertices += (x + 1, y + 1, z)
            colors += shades[occ3]
            vertices += (x, y + 1, z - 1)
            colors += shades[occ2]
            vertices += (x + 1, y + 1, z - 1)
            colors += shades[occ4]
            uvs += (0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1)
            normals += (0, 1, 0) * 6
            color_ids += (id_r, id_g, id_b | 1) * 6
        # Right face
        if right:
            occ1 = 0
            occ2 = 0
            occ3 = 0
            occ4 = 0
            if self._occlusion:
                if self.get(vx + 1, vy + 1, vz) != EMPTY:
                    occ2 += 1
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx + 1, vy, vz - 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                    occ2 += 1
                if self.get(vx + 1, vy, vz + 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ3 += 1
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx + 1, vy - 1, vz) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                    occ3 += 1
                if self.get(vx + 1, vy - 1, vz - 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                if self.get(vx + 1, vy + 1, vz - 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ2 += 1
                if self.get(vx + 1, vy - 1, vz + 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ3 += 1
                if self.get(vx + 1, vy + 1, vz + 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ4 += 1
            vertices += (x + 1, y, z)
            colors += shades[occ1]
            vertices += (x + 1, y + 1, z)
            colors += shades[occ2]
            vertices += (x + 1, y, z - 1)
            colors += shades[occ3]
            vertices += (x + 1, y, z - 1)
            colors += shades[occ3]
            vertices += (x + 1, y + 1, z)
            colors += shades[occ2]
            vertices += (x + 1, y + 1, z - 1)
            colors += shades[occ4]
            uvs += (0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1)
            normals += (1, 0, 0) * 6
            color_ids += (id_r, id_g, id_b | 3) * 6
        # Left face
        if left:
            occ1 = 0
            occ2 = 0
            occ3 = 0
            occ4 = 0
            if self._occlusion:
                if self.get(vx - 1, vy + 1, vz) != EMPTY:
                    occ2 += 1
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx - 1, vy, vz + 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                    occ2 += 1
                if self.get(vx - 1, vy, vz - 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ3 += 1
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx - 1, vy - 1, vz) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                    occ3 += 1
                if self.get(vx - 1, vy - 1, vz + 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                if self.get(vx - 1, vy + 1, vz + 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ2 += 1
                if self.get(vx - 1, vy - 1, vz - 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ3 += 1
                if self.get(vx - 1, vy + 1, vz - 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ4 += 1
            vertices += (x, y, z - 1)
            colors += shades[occ1]
            vertices += (x, y + 1, z - 1)
            colors += shades[occ2]
            vertices += (x, y, z)
            colors += shades[occ3]
            vertices += (x, y, z)
            colors += shades[occ3]
            vertices += (x, y + 1, z - 1)
            colors += shades[occ2]
            vertices += (x, y + 1, z)
            colors += shades[occ4]
            uvs += (0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1)
            normals += (-1, 0, 0) * 6
            color_ids += (id_r, id_g, id_b | 2) * 6
        # Back face
        if back:
            occ1 = 0
            occ2 = 0
            occ3 = 0
            occ4 = 0
            if self._occlusion:
                if self.get(vx, vy + 1, vz + 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ2 += 1
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx + 1, vy, vz + 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                    occ2 += 1
                if self.get(vx - 1, vy, vz + 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ3 += 1
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx, vy - 1, vz + 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                    occ3 += 1
                if self.get(vx + 1, vy - 1, vz + 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                if self.get(vx + 1, vy + 1, vz + 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ2 += 1
                if self.get(vx - 1, vy - 1, vz + 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ3 += 1
                if self.get(vx - 1, vy + 1, vz + 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ4 += 1
            vertices += (x + 1, y, z - 1)
            colors += shades[occ1]
            vertices += (x + 1, y + 1, z - 1)
            colors += shades[occ2]
            vertices += (x, y, z - 1)
            colors += shades[occ3]
            vertices += (x, y, z - 1)
            colors += shades[occ3]
            vertices += (x + 1, y + 1, z - 1)
            colors += shades[occ2]
            vertices += (x, y + 1, z - 1)
            colors += shades[occ4]
            uvs += (0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1)
            normals += (0, 0, -1) * 6
            color_ids += (id_r, id_g, id_b | 4) * 6
        # Bottom face
        if bottom:
            occ1 = 0
            occ2 = 0
            occ3 = 0
            occ4 = 0
            if self._occlusion:
                if self.get(vx, vy - 1, vz - 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ2 += 1
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx - 1, vy - 1, vz) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                    occ2 += 1
                if self.get(vx + 1, vy - 1, vz) != EMPTY:
                    occ3 += 1
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx, vy - 1, vz + 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                    occ3 += 1
                if self.get(vx - 1, vy - 1, vz + 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                if self.get(vx - 1, vy - 1, vz - 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ2 += 1
                if self.get(vx + 1, vy - 1, vz + 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ3 += 1
                if self.get(vx + 1, vy - 1, vz - 1) != EMPTY:
                    occ4 += 1
            vertices += (x, y, z - 1)
            colors += shades[occ1]
            vertices += (x, y, z)
            colors += shades[occ2]
            vertices += (x + 1, y, z - 1)
            colors += shades[occ3]
            vertices += (x + 1, y, z - 1)
            colors += shades[occ3]
            vertices += (x, y, z)
            colors += shades[occ2]
            vertices += (x + 1, y, z)
            colors += shades[occ4]
            uvs += (0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1)
            normals += (0, -1, 0) * 6
            color_ids += (id_r, id_g, id_b | 5) * 6

        return (vertices, colors, normals, color_ids, uvs)

    # Return vertices for a floor grid
    def get_grid_vertices(self):
        grid = []
        # builds the Y_plane
        for z in xrange(self.depth + 1):
            gx, gy, gz = self.voxel_to_world(0, 0, z)
            grid += (gx, gy, gz)
            gx, gy, gz = self.voxel_to_world(self.width, 0, z)
            grid += (gx, gy, gz)
        for x in xrange(self.width + 1):
            gx, gy, gz = self.voxel_to_world(x, 0, 0)
            grid += (gx, gy, gz)
            gx, gy, gz = self.voxel_to_world(x, 0, self.depth)
            grid += (gx, gy, gz)
        # builds the Z_plane
        for x in xrange(self.width + 1):
            gx, gy, gz = self.voxel_to_world(x, 0, self.depth)
            grid += (gx, gy, gz)
            gx, gy, gz = self.voxel_to_world(x, self.height, self.depth)
            grid += (gx, gy, gz)
        for y in xrange(self.height + 1):
            gx, gy, gz = self.voxel_to_world(0, y, self.depth)
            grid += (gx, gy, gz)
            gx, gy, gz = self.voxel_to_world(self.width, y, self.depth)
            grid += (gx, gy, gz)
        # builds the X_plane
        for y in xrange(self.height + 1):
            gx, gy, gz = self.voxel_to_world(0, y, 0)
            grid += (gx, gy, gz)
            gx, gy, gz = self.voxel_to_world(0, y, self.depth)
            grid += (gx, gy, gz)
        for z in xrange(self.depth + 1):
            gx, gy, gz = self.voxel_to_world(0, 0, z)
            grid += (gx, gy, gz)
            gx, gy, gz = self.voxel_to_world(0, self.height, z)
            grid += (gx, gy, gz)
        return grid

    # Convert voxel space coordinates to world space
    def voxel_to_world(self, x, y, z):
        x = (x - self.width // 2) - 0.5
        y = (y - self.height // 2) - 0.5
        z = (z - self.depth // 2) - 0.5
        z = -z
        return x, y, z

    # Convert world space coordinates to voxel space
    def world_to_voxel(self, x, y, z):
        x = (x + self.width // 2) + 0.5
        y = (y + self.height // 2) + 0.5
        z = (z - self.depth // 2) - 0.5
        z = -z
        return x, y, z

    # Rebuild our cache
    def _cache_rebuild(self):
        self._cache = []
        for x in range(self.width):
            for z in range(self.depth):
                for y in range(self.height):
                    if self._data[x][y][z] != EMPTY:
                        self._cache.append((x, y, z))

    # Calculate the actual bounding box of the model in voxel space
    # Consider all animation frames
    def get_bounding_box(self):
        minx = 999
        miny = 999
        minz = 999
        maxx = -999
        maxy = -999
        maxz = -999
        for data in self._frames:
            for x in range(self.width):
                for z in range(self.depth):
                    for y in range(self.height):
                        if data[x][y][z] != EMPTY:
                            if x < minx:
                                minx = x
                            if x > maxx:
                                maxx = x
                            if y < miny:
                                miny = y
                            if y > maxy:
                                maxy = y
                            if z < minz:
                                minz = z
                            if z > maxz:
                                maxz = z
        width = (maxx - minx) + 1
        height = (maxy - miny) + 1
        depth = (maxz - minz) + 1
        return minx, miny, minz, width, height, depth

    # Resize the voxel space. If no dimensions given, adjust to bounding box.
    # We offset all voxels on all axis by the given amount.
    # Resize all animation frames
    def resize(self, width=None, height=None, depth=None, shift=0):
        # Reset undo buffer
        # No dimensions, use bounding box
        mx, my, mz, cwidth, cheight, cdepth = self.get_bounding_box()
        if not width:
            width, height, depth = cwidth, cheight, cdepth
        for i, frame in enumerate(self._frames):
            # Create new data structure of the required size
            data = [[[0 for _ in xrange(depth)] for _ in xrange(height)]
                    for _ in xrange(width)]
            # Adjust ranges
            movewidth = min(width, cwidth)
            moveheight = min(height, cheight)
            movedepth = min(depth, cdepth)
            # Calculate translation
            dx = (0 - mx) + shift
            dy = (0 - my) + shift
            dz = (0 - mz) + shift
            # Copy data over at new location
            for x in xrange(mx, mx + movewidth):
                for y in xrange(my, my + moveheight):
                    for z in xrange(mz, mz + movedepth):
                        data[x + dx][y + dy][z + dz] = frame[x][y][z]
            self._frames[i] = data
        self._data = self._frames[self._current_frame]
        # Set new dimensions
        self._width = width
        self._height = height
        self._depth = depth
        # Rebuild our cache
        self.changed = True

    # Rotate voxels in voxel space 90 degrees
    def rotate_about_axis(self, axis):
        # Reset undo buffer

        if axis == self.Y_AXIS:
            width = self.depth  # note swap
            height = self.height
            depth = self.width
        elif axis == self.X_AXIS:
            width = self.width
            height = self.depth
            depth = self.height
        elif axis == self.Z_AXIS:
            width = self.height
            height = self.width
            depth = self.depth

        for i, frame in enumerate(self._frames):

            # Create new temporary data structure
            data = [[[0 for _ in xrange(depth)] for _ in xrange(height)]
                    for _ in xrange(width)]

            # Copy data over at new location
            for tx in xrange(0, self.width):
                for ty in xrange(0, self.height):
                    for tz in xrange(0, self.depth):
                        if axis == self.Y_AXIS:
                            dx = (-tz) - 1
                            dy = ty
                            dz = tx
                        elif axis == self.X_AXIS:
                            dx = tx
                            dy = (-tz) - 1
                            dz = ty
                        elif axis == self.Z_AXIS:
                            dx = ty
                            dy = (-tx) - 1
                            dz = tz
                        data[dx][dy][dz] = frame[tx][ty][tz]
            self._frames[i] = data

        self._width = width
        self._height = height
        self._depth = depth

        self._data = self._frames[self._current_frame]
        # Rebuild our cache
        self.changed = True

    # Mirror voxels in a axis
    def mirror_in_axis(self, axis):
        # Reset undo buffer

        for i, frame in enumerate(self._frames):

            # Create new temporary data structure
            data = [[[0 for _ in xrange(self.depth)]
                     for _ in xrange(self.height)] for _ in xrange(self.width)]

            # Copy data over at new location
            for tx in xrange(0, self.width):
                for ty in xrange(0, self.height):
                    for tz in xrange(0, self.depth):
                        if axis == self.Y_AXIS:
                            dx = tx
                            dy = (-ty) - 1
                            dz = tz
                        elif axis == self.X_AXIS:
                            dx = (-tx) - 1
                            dy = ty
                            dz = tz
                        elif axis == self.Z_AXIS:
                            dx = tx
                            dy = ty
                            dz = (-tz) - 1
                        data[dx][dy][dz] = frame[tx][ty][tz]
            self._frames[i] = data

        self._data = self._frames[self._current_frame]
        # Rebuild our cache
        self.changed = True

    # Translate the voxel data.
    def translate(self, x, y, z, undo=True):
        # Sanity
        if x == 0 and y == 0 and z == 0:

        # Add to undo
        if undo:
            self._undo.add(UndoItem(Undo.TRANSLATE, (-x, -y, -z), (x, y, z)))

        # Create new temporary data structure
        data = [[[0 for _ in xrange(self.depth)] for _ in xrange(self.height)]
                for _ in xrange(self.width)]
        # Copy data over at new location
        for tx in xrange(0, self.width):
            for ty in xrange(0, self.height):
                for tz in xrange(0, self.depth):
                    dx = (tx + x) % self.width
                    dy = (ty + y) % self.height
                    dz = (tz + z) % self.depth
                    data[dx][dy][dz] = self._data[tx][ty][tz]
        self._data = data
        self._frames[self._current_frame] = self._data
        # Rebuild our cache
        self.changed = True

    # Undo previous operation
    def undo(self):
        op = self._undo.undo()
        # Voxel edit
        if op and op.operation == Undo.SET_VOXEL:
            data = op.olddata
            self.set(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], False)
        elif op and op.operation == Undo.FILL:
            d = op.olddata
            for data in d:
                self.set(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], False)
        # Translation
        elif op and op.operation == Undo.TRANSLATE:
            data = op.olddata
            self.translate(data[0], data[1], data[2], False)

    # Redo an undone operation
    def redo(self):
        op = self._undo.redo()
        # Voxel edit
        if op and op.operation == Undo.SET_VOXEL:
            data = op.newdata
            self.set(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], False)
        elif op and op.operation == Undo.FILL:
            d = op.newdata
            for data in d:
                self.set(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], False)
        # Translation
        elif op and op.operation == Undo.TRANSLATE:
            data = op.newdata
            self.translate(data[0], data[1], data[2], False)

    # Enable/Disable undo buffer
    def disable_undo(self):
        self._undo.enabled = False

    def enable_undo(self):
        self._undo.enabled = True
Beispiel #2
class VoxelData(object):

    # Constants for referring to axis
    X_AXIS = 1
    Y_AXIS = 2
    Z_AXIS = 3
    # World dimension properties
    def width(self):
        return self._width
    def height(self):
        return self._height
    def depth(self):
        return self._depth

    def changed(self):
        return self._changed
    def changed(self, value):
        if value and not self._changed:
            # Let whoever is watching us know about the change
            self._changed = value
            if self.notify_changed:
        self._changed = value

    def occlusion(self):
        return self._occlusion
    def occlusion(self, value):
        self._occlusion = value

    def __init__(self):
        # Default size
        self._width = _WORLD_WIDTH
        self._height = _WORLD_HEIGHT
        self._depth = _WORLD_DEPTH
        # Our undo buffer
        self._undo = Undo()
        # Init data
        # Callback when our data changes
        self.notify_changed = None
        # Ambient occlusion type effect
        self._occlusion = True

    # Initialise our data
    def _initialise_data(self):
        # Our scene data
        self._data = self.blank_data()
        # Our cache of non-empty voxels (coordinate groups)
        self._cache = []
        # Flag indicating if our data has changed
        self._changed = False
        # Reset undo buffer
        # Animation
        self._frame_count = 1
        self._current_frame = 0
        self._frames = [self._data]

    # Return an empty voxel space
    def blank_data(self):
        return [[[0 for _ in xrange(self.depth)]
            for _ in xrange(self.height)]
                for _ in xrange(self.width)]

    def is_valid_bounds(self, x, y, z):
        return (
            x >= 0 and x < self.width and
            y >= 0 and y < self.height and
            z >= 0 and z < self.depth

    # Return the number of animation frames
    def get_frame_count(self):
        return self._frame_count

    # Change to the given frame
    def select_frame(self, frame_number):
        # Sanity
        if frame_number < 0 or frame_number >= self._frame_count:
        # Make sure we really have a pointer to the current data
        self._frames[self._current_frame] = self._data
        # Change to new frame
        self._data = self._frames[frame_number]
        self._current_frame = frame_number
        self._undo.frame = self._current_frame
        self.changed = True

    # Add a new frame by copying the current one
    def add_frame(self, copy_current = True):
        if copy_current:
            data = self.get_data()
            data = self.blank_data()
        self._frames.insert(self._current_frame+1, data)
        self._frame_count += 1

    # Delete the current frame
    def delete_frame(self):
        # Sanity - we can't have no frames at all
        if self._frame_count <= 1:
        # Remember the frame we want to delete
        killframe = self._current_frame
        # Select a different frame
        # Remove the old frame
        del self._frames[killframe]
        self._frame_count -= 1
        # If we only have one frame left, must be first frame
        if self._frame_count == 1:
            self._current_frame = 0
        # If we wrapped around, fix the frame pointer
        if self._current_frame > killframe:
            self._current_frame -= 1

    # Change to the next frame (with wrap)
    def select_next_frame(self):
        nextframe = self._current_frame+1
        if nextframe >= self._frame_count:
            nextframe = 0

    # Change to the previous frame (with wrap)
    def select_previous_frame(self):
        prevframe = self._current_frame-1
        if prevframe < 0:
            prevframe = self._frame_count-1

    # Get current frame number
    def get_frame_number(self):
        return self._current_frame

    # Set a voxel to the given state
    def set(self, x, y, z, state, undo = True):
        # If this looks like a QT Color instance, convert it
        if hasattr(state, "getRgb"):
            c = state.getRgb()
            state = c[0]<<24 | c[1]<<16 | c[2]<<8 | 0xff

        # Check bounds
        if ( not self.is_valid_bounds(x, y, z ) ):
            return False
        # Set the voxel
        if ( self.is_valid_bounds(x, y, z ) ):
            # Add to undo
            if undo:
                (x, y, z, self._data[x][y][z]), (x, y, z, state)))
            self._data[x][y][z] = state
            if state != EMPTY:
                if (x,y,z) not in self._cache:
                if (x,y,z) in self._cache:
        self.changed = True
        return True

    # Get the state of the given voxel
    def get(self, x, y, z):
        if ( not self.is_valid_bounds(x, y, z ) ):
            return EMPTY
        return self._data[x][y][z]

    # Return a copy of the voxel data
    def get_data(self):
        return copy.deepcopy(self._data)

    # Set all of our data at once
    def set_data(self, data):
        self._data = copy.deepcopy(data)
        self.changed = True

    # Clear our voxel data
    def clear(self):

    # Return full vertex list
    def get_vertices(self):
        vertices = []
        colours = []
        colour_ids = []
        normals = []
        uvs = []
        for x,y,z in self._cache:
            v, c, n, cid, uv = self._get_voxel_vertices(x, y, z)
            vertices += v
            colours += c
            normals += n
            colour_ids += cid
            uvs += uv
        return (vertices, colours, normals, colour_ids, uvs)

    # Called to notify us that our data has been saved. i.e. we can set
    # our "changed" status back to False.
    def saved(self):
        self.changed = False

    # Count the number of non-empty voxels from the list of coordinates
    def _count_voxels(self, coordinates):
        count = 0
        for x,y,z in coordinates:
            if self.get(x, y, z) != EMPTY:
                count += 1
        return count

    # Return the verticies for the given voxel. We center our vertices at the origin
    def _get_voxel_vertices(self, x, y, z):
        vertices = []
        colours = []
        normals = []
        colour_ids = []
        uvs = []

        # Remember voxel coordinates
        vx, vy, vz = x,y,z

        # Determine if we have filled voxels around us
        front = self.get(x, y, z-1) == EMPTY
        left = self.get(x-1, y, z) == EMPTY
        right = self.get(x+1, y, z) == EMPTY
        top = self.get(x, y+1, z) == EMPTY
        back = self.get(x, y, z+1) == EMPTY
        bottom = self.get(x, y-1, z) == EMPTY

        # Get our colour
        c = self.get(x, y, z)
        r = (c & 0xff000000)>>24
        g = (c & 0xff0000)>>16
        b = (c & 0xff00)>>8
        # Calculate shades for our 4 occlusion levels
        shades = []
        for c in range(5):

        # Encode our voxel space coordinates as colours, used for face selection
        # We use 7 bits per coordinate and the bottom 3 bits for face:
        #   0 - front
        #   1 - top
        #   2 - left
        #   3 - right
        #   4 - back
        #   5 - bottom
        voxel_id = (x & 0x7f)<<17 | (y & 0x7f)<<10 | (z & 0x7f)<<3
        id_r = (voxel_id & 0xff0000)>>16
        id_g = (voxel_id & 0xff00)>>8
        id_b = (voxel_id & 0xff)

        # Adjust coordinates to the origin
        x, y, z = self.voxel_to_world(x, y, z)

        # Front face
        if front:
            occ1 = 0
            occ2 = 0
            occ3 = 0
            occ4 = 0
            if self._occlusion:
                if self.get(vx,vy+1,vz-1) != EMPTY:
                    occ2 += 1
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx-1,vy,vz-1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                    occ2 += 1
                if self.get(vx+1,vy,vz-1) != EMPTY:
                    occ3 += 1
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx,vy-1,vz-1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                    occ3 += 1
                if self.get(vx-1,vy-1,vz-1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                if self.get(vx-1,vy+1,vz-1) != EMPTY:
                    occ2 += 1
                if self.get(vx+1,vy-1,vz-1) != EMPTY:
                    occ3 += 1
                if self.get(vx+1,vy+1,vz-1) != EMPTY:
                    occ4 += 1
            vertices += (x,   y,   z)
            colours += shades[occ1]
            vertices += (x,   y+1, z)
            colours += shades[occ2]
            vertices += (x+1, y,   z)
            colours += shades[occ3]
            vertices += (x+1, y,   z)
            colours += shades[occ3]
            vertices += (x,   y+1, z)
            colours += shades[occ2]
            vertices += (x+1, y+1, z)
            colours += shades[occ4]
            uvs += (0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,1)
            normals += (0, 0, 1) * 6
            colour_ids += (id_r, id_g, id_b) * 6
        # Top face
        if top:
            occ1 = 0
            occ2 = 0
            occ3 = 0
            occ4 = 0
            if self._occlusion:
                if self.get(vx,vy+1,vz+1) != EMPTY:
                    occ2 += 1
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx-1,vy+1,vz) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                    occ2 += 1
                if self.get(vx+1,vy+1,vz) != EMPTY:
                    occ3 += 1
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx,vy+1,vz-1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                    occ3 += 1
                if self.get(vx-1,vy+1,vz-1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                if self.get(vx+1,vy+1,vz-1) != EMPTY:
                    occ3 += 1
                if self.get(vx+1,vy+1,vz+1) != EMPTY:
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx-1,vy+1,vz+1) != EMPTY:
                    occ2 += 1
            vertices += (x,   y+1, z)
            colours += shades[occ1]
            vertices += (x,   y+1, z-1)
            colours += shades[occ2]
            vertices += (x+1, y+1, z)
            colours += shades[occ3]
            vertices += (x+1, y+1, z)
            colours += shades[occ3]
            vertices += (x,   y+1, z-1)
            colours += shades[occ2]
            vertices += (x+1, y+1, z-1)
            colours += shades[occ4]
            uvs += (0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,1)
            normals += (0, 1, 0) * 6
            colour_ids += (id_r, id_g, id_b | 1) * 6
        # Right face
        if right:
            occ1 = 0
            occ2 = 0
            occ3 = 0
            occ4 = 0
            if self._occlusion:
                if self.get(vx+1,vy+1,vz) != EMPTY:
                    occ2 += 1
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx+1,vy,vz-1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                    occ2 += 1
                if self.get(vx+1,vy,vz+1) != EMPTY:
                    occ3 += 1
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx+1,vy-1,vz) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                    occ3 += 1
                if self.get(vx+1,vy-1,vz-1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                if self.get(vx+1,vy+1,vz-1) != EMPTY:
                    occ2 += 1
                if self.get(vx+1,vy-1,vz+1) != EMPTY:
                    occ3 += 1
                if self.get(vx+1,vy+1,vz+1) != EMPTY:
                    occ4 += 1
            vertices += (x+1, y, z)
            colours += shades[occ1]
            vertices += (x+1, y+1, z)
            colours += shades[occ2]
            vertices += (x+1, y, z-1)
            colours += shades[occ3]
            vertices += (x+1, y, z-1)
            colours += shades[occ3]
            vertices += (x+1, y+1, z)
            colours += shades[occ2]
            vertices += (x+1, y+1, z-1)
            colours += shades[occ4]
            uvs += (0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,1)
            normals += (1, 0, 0) * 6
            colour_ids += (id_r, id_g, id_b | 3) * 6
        # Left face
        if left:
            occ1 = 0
            occ2 = 0
            occ3 = 0
            occ4 = 0
            if self._occlusion:
                if self.get(vx-1,vy+1,vz) != EMPTY:
                    occ2 += 1
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx-1,vy,vz+1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                    occ2 += 1
                if self.get(vx-1,vy,vz-1) != EMPTY:
                    occ3 += 1
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx-1,vy-1,vz) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                    occ3 += 1
                if self.get(vx-1,vy-1,vz+1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                if self.get(vx-1,vy+1,vz+1) != EMPTY:
                    occ2 += 1
                if self.get(vx-1,vy-1,vz-1) != EMPTY:
                    occ3 += 1
                if self.get(vx-1,vy+1,vz-1) != EMPTY:
                    occ4 += 1
            vertices += (x, y, z-1)
            colours += shades[occ1]
            vertices += (x, y+1, z-1)
            colours += shades[occ2]
            vertices += (x, y, z)
            colours += shades[occ3]
            vertices += (x, y, z)
            colours += shades[occ3]
            vertices += (x, y+1, z-1)
            colours += shades[occ2]
            vertices += (x, y+1, z)
            colours += shades[occ4]
            uvs += (0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,1)
            normals += (-1, 0, 0) * 6
            colour_ids += (id_r, id_g, id_b | 2) * 6
        # Back face
        if back:
            occ1 = 0
            occ2 = 0
            occ3 = 0
            occ4 = 0
            if self._occlusion:
                if self.get(vx,vy+1,vz+1) != EMPTY:
                    occ2 += 1
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx+1,vy,vz+1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                    occ2 += 1
                if self.get(vx-1,vy,vz+1) != EMPTY:
                    occ3 += 1
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx,vy-1,vz+1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                    occ3 += 1
                if self.get(vx+1,vy-1,vz+1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                if self.get(vx+1,vy+1,vz+1) != EMPTY:
                    occ2 += 1
                if self.get(vx-1,vy-1,vz+1) != EMPTY:
                    occ3 += 1
                if self.get(vx-1,vy+1,vz+1) != EMPTY:
                    occ4 += 1
            vertices += (x+1, y, z-1)
            colours += shades[occ1]
            vertices += (x+1, y+1, z-1)
            colours += shades[occ2]
            vertices += (x, y, z-1)
            colours += shades[occ3]
            vertices += (x, y, z-1)
            colours += shades[occ3]
            vertices += (x+1, y+1, z-1)
            colours += shades[occ2]
            vertices += (x, y+1, z-1)
            colours += shades[occ4]
            uvs += (0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,1)
            normals += (0, 0, -1) * 6
            colour_ids += (id_r, id_g, id_b | 4) * 6
        # Bottom face
        if bottom:
            occ1 = 0
            occ2 = 0
            occ3 = 0
            occ4 = 0
            if self._occlusion:
                if self.get(vx,vy-1,vz-1) != EMPTY:
                    occ2 += 1
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx-1,vy-1,vz) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                    occ2 += 1
                if self.get(vx+1,vy-1,vz) != EMPTY:
                    occ3 += 1
                    occ4 += 1
                if self.get(vx,vy-1,vz+1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                    occ3 += 1
                if self.get(vx-1,vy-1,vz+1) != EMPTY:
                    occ1 += 1
                if self.get(vx-1,vy-1,vz-1) != EMPTY:
                    occ2 += 1
                if self.get(vx+1,vy-1,vz+1) != EMPTY:
                    occ3 += 1
                if self.get(vx+1,vy-1,vz-1) != EMPTY:
                    occ4 += 1
            vertices += (x, y, z-1)
            colours += shades[occ1]
            vertices += (x, y, z)
            colours += shades[occ2]
            vertices += (x+1, y, z-1)
            colours += shades[occ3]
            vertices += (x+1, y, z-1)
            colours += shades[occ3]
            vertices += (x, y, z)
            colours += shades[occ2]
            vertices += (x+1, y, z)
            colours += shades[occ4]
            uvs += (0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,1)
            normals += (0, -1, 0) * 6
            colour_ids += (id_r, id_g, id_b | 5) * 6

        return (vertices, colours, normals, colour_ids, uvs)

    # Return vertices for a floor grid
    def get_grid_vertices(self):
        grid = []
        #builds the Y_plane
        for z in xrange(self.depth+1):
            gx, gy, gz = self.voxel_to_world(0, 0, z)
            grid += (gx, gy, gz)
            gx, gy, gz = self.voxel_to_world(self.width, 0, z)
            grid += (gx, gy, gz)
        for x in xrange(self.width+1):
            gx, gy, gz = self.voxel_to_world(x, 0, 0)
            grid += (gx, gy, gz)
            gx, gy, gz = self.voxel_to_world(x, 0, self.depth)
            grid += (gx, gy, gz)
        #builds the Z_plane
        for x in xrange(self.width+1):
            gx, gy, gz = self.voxel_to_world(x, 0, self.depth)
            grid += (gx, gy, gz)
            gx, gy, gz = self.voxel_to_world(x, self.height, self.depth)
            grid += (gx, gy, gz)
        for y in xrange(self.height+1):
            gx, gy, gz = self.voxel_to_world(0, y, self.depth)
            grid += (gx, gy, gz)
            gx, gy, gz = self.voxel_to_world(self.width, y, self.depth)
            grid += (gx, gy, gz)
        #builds the X_plane
        for y in xrange(self.height+1):
            gx, gy, gz = self.voxel_to_world(0, y, 0)
            grid += (gx, gy, gz)
            gx, gy, gz = self.voxel_to_world(0, y, self.depth)
            grid += (gx, gy, gz)
        for z in xrange(self.depth+1):
            gx, gy, gz = self.voxel_to_world(0, 0, z)
            grid += (gx, gy, gz)
            gx, gy, gz = self.voxel_to_world(0, self.height, z)
            grid += (gx, gy, gz)
        return grid

    # Convert voxel space coordinates to world space
    def voxel_to_world(self, x, y, z):
        x = (x - self.width//2)-0.5
        y = (y - self.height//2)-0.5
        z = (z - self.depth//2)-0.5
        z = -z
        return x, y, z

    # Convert world space coordinates to voxel space
    def world_to_voxel(self, x, y, z):
        x = (x + self.width//2)+0.5
        y = (y + self.height//2)+0.5
        z = (z - self.depth//2)-0.5
        z = -z
        return x, y, z

    # Rebuild our cache
    def _cache_rebuild(self):
        self._cache = []
        for x in range(self.width):
            for z in range(self.depth):
                for y in range(self.height):
                    if self._data[x][y][z] != EMPTY:
                        self._cache.append((x, y, z))

    # Calculate the actual bounding box of the model in voxel space
    # Consider all animation frames
    def get_bounding_box(self):
        minx = 999
        miny = 999
        minz = 999
        maxx = -999
        maxy = -999
        maxz = -999
        for data in self._frames:
            for x in range(self.width):
                for z in range(self.depth):
                    for y in range(self.height):
                        if data[x][y][z] != EMPTY:
                            if x < minx:
                                minx = x
                            if x > maxx:
                                maxx = x
                            if y < miny:
                                miny = y
                            if y > maxy:
                                maxy = y
                            if z < minz:
                                minz = z
                            if z > maxz:
                                maxz = z
        width = (maxx-minx)+1
        height = (maxy-miny)+1
        depth = (maxz-minz)+1
        return minx, miny, minz, width, height, depth

    # Resize the voxel space. If no dimensions given, adjust to bounding box.
    # We offset all voxels on all axis by the given amount.
    # Resize all animation frames
    def resize(self, width = None, height = None, depth = None, shift = 0):
        # Reset undo buffer
        # No dimensions, use bounding box
        mx, my, mz, cwidth, cheight, cdepth = self.get_bounding_box()
        if not width:
            width, height, depth = cwidth, cheight, cdepth
        for i, frame in enumerate(self._frames):
            # Create new data structure of the required size
            data = [[[0 for _ in xrange(depth)]
                for _ in xrange(height)]
                    for _ in xrange(width)]
            # Adjust ranges
            movewidth = min(width, cwidth)
            moveheight = min(height, cheight)
            movedepth = min(depth, cdepth)
            # Calculate translation
            dx = (0-mx)+shift
            dy = (0-my)+shift
            dz = (0-mz)+shift
            # Copy data over at new location
            for x in xrange(mx, mx+movewidth):
                for y in xrange(my, my+moveheight):
                    for z in xrange(mz, mz+movedepth):
                        data[x+dx][y+dy][z+dz] = frame[x][y][z]
            self._frames[i] = data
        self._data = self._frames[self._current_frame]
        # Set new dimensions
        self._width = width
        self._height = height
        self._depth = depth
        # Rebuild our cache
        self.changed = True

    # Rotate voxels in voxel space 90 degrees
    def rotate_about_axis(self, axis):
        # Reset undo buffer

        if axis == self.Y_AXIS:
            width = self.depth # note swap
            height = self.height
            depth = self.width
        elif axis == self.X_AXIS:
            width = self.width
            height = self.depth
            depth = self.height
        elif axis == self.Z_AXIS:
            width = self.height
            height = self.width
            depth = self.depth

        for i, frame in enumerate(self._frames):
            # Create new temporary data structure
            data = [[[0 for _ in xrange(depth)]
                for _ in xrange(height)]
                    for _ in xrange(width)]
            # Copy data over at new location
            for tx in xrange(0, self.width):
                for ty in xrange(0, self.height):
                    for tz in xrange(0, self.depth):
                        if axis == self.Y_AXIS:
                            dx = (-tz)-1
                            dy = ty
                            dz = tx
                        elif axis == self.X_AXIS:
                            dx = tx
                            dy = (-tz)-1
                            dz = ty
                        elif axis == self.Z_AXIS:
                            dx = ty
                            dy = (-tx)-1
                            dz = tz
                        data[dx][dy][dz] = frame[tx][ty][tz]
            self._frames[i] = data
        self._width = width
        self._height = height
        self._depth = depth
        self._data = self._frames[self._current_frame]
        # Rebuild our cache
        self.changed = True
    # Translate the voxel data.
    def translate(self, x, y, z, undo = True):
        # Sanity
        if x == 0 and y == 0 and z == 0:
        # Add to undo
        if undo:
            (-x, -y, -z), (x, y, z)))
        # Create new temporary data structure
        data = [[[0 for _ in xrange(self.depth)]
            for _ in xrange(self.height)]
                for _ in xrange(self.width)]
        # Copy data over at new location
        for tx in xrange(0, self.width):
            for ty in xrange(0, self.height):
                for tz in xrange(0, self.depth):
                    dx = (tx+x) % self.width
                    dy = (ty+y) % self.height
                    dz = (tz+z) % self.depth
                    data[dx][dy][dz] = self._data[tx][ty][tz]
        self._data = data
        self._frames[self._current_frame] = self._data
        # Rebuild our cache
        self.changed = True

    # Undo previous operation
    def undo(self):
        op = self._undo.undo()
        # Voxel edit
        if op and op.operation == Undo.SET_VOXEL:
            data = op.olddata
            self.set(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], False)
        # Translation
        elif op and op.operation == Undo.TRANSLATE:
            data = op.olddata
            self.translate(data[0], data[1], data[2], False)
    # Redo an undone operation
    def redo(self):
        op = self._undo.redo()
        # Voxel edit
        if op and op.operation == Undo.SET_VOXEL:
            data = op.newdata
            self.set(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], False)
        # Translation
        elif op and op.operation == Undo.TRANSLATE:
            data = op.newdata
            self.translate(data[0], data[1], data[2], False)

    # Enable/Disable undo buffer
    def disable_undo(self):
        self._undo.enabled = False
    def enable_undo(self):
        self._undo.enabled = True