Beispiel #1
    def test_get_redirect_url_defaults(self):
        Ensure method uses the provided default URL or default
        login URL setting if no other options are available
        request = self.factory.get("/accounts/login/", HTTP_REFERER="/home")
        result = get_redirect_url(request, use_referer=False,
        self.assertEqual(result, "/default/")

        request = self.factory.get("/accounts/login/", HTTP_REFERER="/home")
        result = get_redirect_url(request)
        self.assertEqual(result, default_login)
Beispiel #2
def signup(request):
    Creates a new Uniauth profile with the provided
    primary email address and password.

    Prompts user to verify the email address before
    profile is fully created.
    next_url = request.GET.get('next')
    context = _get_global_context(request)

    if not next_url:
        next_url = get_redirect_url(request)

    # If the user is already authenticated + has a Uniauth
    # profile, proceed to next page
    if request.user.is_authenticated and not is_tmp_user(request.user) \
            and not is_unlinked_account(request.user):
        return HttpResponseRedirect(next_url)

    # If it's a POST request, attempt to validate the form
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = SignupForm(request.POST)

        # Validation successful: setup temporary user
        if form.is_valid():
            form_email = form.cleaned_data['email']
            user = request.user

            # If the user is not already authenticated, create a User
            if not user or not user.is_authenticated:
                tmp_username = get_random_username()
                user_model = get_user_model()
                user = user_model.objects.create(username=tmp_username)

            # Set user's password + create linked email
            email, _ = LinkedEmail.objects.get_or_create(

            # Send verification email + render waiting template
            _send_verification_email(request, email.address, email)
            return render(request, 'uniauth/verification-waiting.html', {
                'email': email.address,
                'is_signup': True

        # Validation failed: render form errors
            context['form'] = form
            return render(request, 'uniauth/signup.html', context)

    # Otherwise, render a blank Signup form
        form = SignupForm()
        context['form'] = form
        return render(request, 'uniauth/signup.html', context)
 def test_get_redirect_url_query_parameter(self):
     Ensure method returns URL provided as query parameter
     over everything else if present
     request = self.factory.get("/accounts/login/",
                                data={"next": "/next-page/"})
     result = get_redirect_url(request)
     self.assertEqual(result, "/next-page/")
Beispiel #4
 def test_get_redirect_url_referer(self):
     Ensure method returns the referring page if use_referer
     is True, and no relevant query parameter was provided
     request = self.factory.get("/accounts/cas-login/test-inst/",
     result = get_redirect_url(request, use_referer=True,
     self.assertEqual(result, "/home/")
Beispiel #5
def link_from_profile(request, institution):
    Attempts to authenticate a CAS account for the provided
    institution, and links it to the current Uniauth profile
    if successful.
    next_url = request.GET.get('next')
    ticket = request.GET.get('ticket')

    # Ensure there is an institution with the provided slug
        institution = Institution.objects.get(slug=institution)
    except Institution.DoesNotExist:
        raise Http404

    if not next_url:
        next_url = get_redirect_url(request, use_referer=True)

    # If the user is not already logged into a verified
    # Uniauth account, raise permission denied
    if not request.user.is_authenticated or is_tmp_user(request.user) \
            or is_unlinked_account(request.user):
        raise PermissionDenied("Must be logged in as verified Uniauth user.")

    service_url = get_service_url(request, next_url)
    client = CASClient(version=2,

    # If a ticket was provided, attempt to authenticate with it
    if ticket:
        user = authenticate(request=request,

        # Authentication successful: link to Uniauth profile if
        # the institution account has not been linked yet + proceed
        if user:
            if is_unlinked_account(user):
                merge_model_instances(request.user, [user])
                username_split = get_account_username_split(user.username)
                                         username_split[1], username_split[2])

            return HttpResponseRedirect(next_url)

        # Authentication failed: raise permission denied
            raise PermissionDenied("Verification of CAS ticket failed")

    # If no ticket was provided, redirect to the
    # login URL for the institution's CAS server
        return HttpResponseRedirect(client.get_login_url())
Beispiel #6
def cas_login(request, institution):
    Redirects to the CAS login URL, or verifies the
    CAS ticket, if provided.

    Accepts the slug of the institution to log in to.
    next_url = request.GET.get('next')
    ticket = request.GET.get('ticket')

    # Ensure there is an institution with the provided slug
        institution = Institution.objects.get(slug=institution)
    except Institution.DoesNotExist:
        raise Http404

    if not next_url:
        next_url = get_redirect_url(request, use_referer=True)

    # If the user is already authenticated, proceed to next page
    if request.user.is_authenticated:
        return _login_success(request, request.user, next_url)

    service_url = get_service_url(request, next_url)
    client = CASClient(version=2,

    # If a ticket was provided, attempt to authenticate with it
    if ticket:
        user = authenticate(request=request,

        # Authentication successful: setup session + proceed
        if user:
            if not request.session.exists(request.session.session_key):
            auth_login(request, user)
            request.session['auth-method'] = "cas-" + institution.slug
            return _login_success(request, user, next_url, ["ticket"])

        # Authentication failed: raise permission denied
            raise PermissionDenied("Verification of CAS ticket failed.")

    # If no ticket was provided, redirect to the
    # login URL for the institution's CAS server
        return HttpResponseRedirect(client.get_login_url())
Beispiel #7
def logout(request):
    Logs the user out of their Uniauth account, and
    redirects to the next page, defaulting to the URL
    specified by the UNIAUTH_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL setting.

    If no redirect page is set (URL parameter not given
    and UNIAUTH_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL is None), renders the
    logout template.

    Also logs the user out of CAS if they logged in
    setting is true.
    next_page = request.GET.get('next')
    auth_method = request.session.get('auth-method')

    if not next_page and get_setting('UNIAUTH_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL'):
        next_page = get_redirect_url(
            request, get_setting('UNIAUTH_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL'))

    # Formally log out user

    # Determine whether the user logged in through an institution's CAS
    institution = None
    if auth_method and auth_method.startswith("cas-"):
            institution = Institution.objects.get(slug=auth_method[4:])
        except Institution.DoesNotExist:

    # If we need to logout an institution's CAS,
    # redirect to that CAS server's logout URL
    if institution and get_setting('UNIAUTH_LOGOUT_CAS_COMPLETELY'):
        redirect_url = urlunparse(
            (get_protocol(request), request.get_host(), next_page
             or reverse('uniauth:logout'), '', '', ''))
        client = CASClient(version=2,
        return HttpResponseRedirect(client.get_logout_url(redirect_url))

    # If next page is set, proceed to it
    elif next_page:
        return HttpResponseRedirect(next_page)

    # Otherwise, render the logout view
        return render(request, 'uniauth/logout.html')
Beispiel #8
def link_to_profile(request):
    If the user is a temporary one who was logged in via
    an institution (not through a Uniauth profile), offers
    them the choice between logging to an existing Uniauth
    account or creating a new one.

    The institution account is (eventually) linked to the
    Uniauth profile the user logged into / created.
    next_url = request.GET.get('next')
    context = _get_global_context(request)

    if not next_url:
        next_url = get_redirect_url(request)

    params = urlencode({'next': next_url})
    context['next_url'] = next_url

    # If the user is not authenticated at all, redirect to login page
    if not request.user.is_authenticated:
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('uniauth:login') + '?' + params)

    # If the user is already authenticated + verified, proceed to next page
    if not is_tmp_user(request.user) and not is_unlinked_account(request.user):
        return HttpResponseRedirect(next_url)

    # If the user is temporary, but was not logged in via an institution
    # (e.g. created through Uniauth, but not verified), redirect to signup
    if not is_unlinked_account(request.user):
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('uniauth:signup') + '?' + params)

    # At this point, we've ensured the user is temporary and was
    # logged in via an institution. We just need to handle the
    # Login Form, if the user chooses to link to an existing account.

    # If it's a POST request, attempt to validate the form
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = LoginForm(request, request.POST)

        # Authentication successful
        if form.is_valid():
            unlinked_user = request.user
            username_split = get_account_username_split(request.user.username)

            # Log in as the authenticated Uniauth user
            user = form.get_user()
            auth_login(request, user)

            # Merge the unlinked account into the logged in profile,
            # then add the institution account described by the username
            merge_model_instances(user, [unlinked_user])
            _add_institution_account(user.profile, username_split[1],

            slug = username_split[1]
            context['institution'] = Institution.objects.get(slug=slug)
            return render(request, 'uniauth/link-success.html', context)

        # Authentication failed: render form errors
            context['form'] = form
            return render(request, 'uniauth/link-to-profile.html', context)

    # Otherwise, render a blank Login form
        form = LoginForm(request)
        context['form'] = form
        return render(request, 'uniauth/link-to-profile.html', context)
Beispiel #9
def login(request):
    Authenticates the user, then redirects them to the
    next page, defaulting to the URL specified by the

    Offers users the choice between logging in with their
    Uniauth credentials, or through the CAS interface for
    any supported institution.
    next_url = request.GET.get('next')
    context = _get_global_context(request)

    if not next_url:
        next_url = get_redirect_url(request)

    # If the user is already authenticated, proceed to next page
    if request.user.is_authenticated:
        return _login_success(request, request.user, next_url)

    display_standard = get_setting('UNIAUTH_LOGIN_DISPLAY_STANDARD')
    display_cas = get_setting('UNIAUTH_LOGIN_DISPLAY_CAS')
    num_institutions = len(context['institutions'])

    # Ensure the login settings are configured correctly
    if not display_standard and not display_cas:
        err_msg = "At least one of '%s' and '%s' must be True." % \
        raise ImproperlyConfigured(err_msg)
    if display_cas and num_institutions == 0:
        err_msg = ("'%s' is True, but there are no Institutions in the "
                   "database to log into!") % 'UNIAUTH_LOGIN_DISPLAY_CAS'
        raise ImproperlyConfigured(err_msg)

    context['display_standard'] = display_standard
    context['display_cas'] = display_cas
    context['num_institutions'] = num_institutions

    # If we aren't displaying the standard login form,
    # we're just displaying the CAS login options
    if not display_standard:
        institutions = context['institutions']
        query_params = context['query_params']

        # If there's only one possible institution to log
        # into, redirect to its CAS login page immediately
        if num_institutions == 1:
            return HttpResponseRedirect(institutions[0][2] + query_params)

        # Otherwise, render the page (without the Login form)
            return render(request, 'uniauth/login.html', context)

    # If we are displaying the login form, and it's
    # a POST request, attempt to validate the form
    elif request.method == "POST":
        form = LoginForm(request, request.POST)

        # Authentication successful: setup session + proceed
        if form.is_valid():
            user = form.get_user()
            auth_login(request, user)
            request.session['auth-method'] = "uniauth"
            return _login_success(request, user, next_url)

        # Authentication failed: render form errors
            context['form'] = form
            return render(request, 'uniauth/login.html', context)

    # Otherwise, render a blank Login form
        form = LoginForm(request)
        context['form'] = form
        return render(request, 'uniauth/login.html', context)