Beispiel #1
class Settings(BaseModel):

    All application settings
    audio_codec = TextField(null=False, default='aac')
    audio_stream_encoder = TextField(null=False, default='aac')
    audio_codec_cloning = TextField(null=False, default='aac')
    audio_stream_encoder_cloning = TextField(null=False, default='aac')
    audio_stereo_stream_bitrate = TextField(null=False, default='128k')
    cache_path = TextField(null=False, default='/tmp/unmanic')
    config_path = TextField(null=False,
                                                 '.unmanic', 'config'))
    keep_filename_history = BooleanField(null=False, default=True)
    debugging = BooleanField(null=False, default=False)
    enable_audio_encoding = BooleanField(null=False, default=True)
    enable_audio_stream_transcoding = BooleanField(null=False, default=True)
    enable_audio_stream_stereo_cloning = BooleanField(null=False, default=True)
    enable_inotify = BooleanField(null=False, default=False)
    enable_video_encoding = BooleanField(null=False, default=True)
    library_path = TextField(null=False, default='/library')
    log_path = TextField(null=False,
                                              '.unmanic', 'logs'))
    number_of_workers = IntegerField(null=False, default=3)
    keep_original_container = BooleanField(null=False, default=False)
    out_container = TextField(null=False, default='matroska')
    remove_subtitle_streams = BooleanField(null=False, default=False)
    run_full_scan_on_start = BooleanField(null=False, default=False)
    schedule_full_scan_minutes = IntegerField(null=False, default=1440)
    search_extensions = TextField(null=False,
    video_codec = TextField(null=False, default='hevc')
    video_stream_encoder = TextField(null=False, default='libx265')
    overwrite_additional_ffmpeg_options = BooleanField(null=False,
    additional_ffmpeg_options = TextField(null=True, default='')
    enable_hardware_accelerated_decoding = BooleanField(null=False,
Beispiel #2
    def apply_default_db_settings(self, config_path=None):
        Apply the default DB settings.

        if not config_path:
            config_path = os.path.join(common.get_home_dir(), '.unmanic',
        app_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        self.DATABASE = {
            "TYPE": "SQLITE",
            "FILE": os.path.join(config_path, 'unmanic.db'),
            "MIGRATIONS_DIR": os.path.join(app_dir, 'migrations'),
Beispiel #3
 def __init__(self, plugins_directory=None):
     # Set plugins directory
     if not plugins_directory:
         home_directory = common.get_home_dir()
         plugins_directory = os.path.join(home_directory, '.unmanic', 'plugins')
     self.plugins_directory = plugins_directory
     # List plugin types in order that they are run
     # Listing them in order helps for the frontend
     self.plugin_types = [
             'id':       'frontend.panel',
             'has_flow': False,
             'id':       'frontend.plugin_api',
             'has_flow': False,
             'id':       'library_management.file_test',
             'has_flow': True,
             'id':       'worker.process_item',
             'has_flow': True,
             'id':       'postprocessor.file_move',
             'has_flow': True,
             'id':       'postprocessor.task_result',
             'has_flow': True,
     unmanic_logging = unlogger.UnmanicLogger.__call__()
     self.logger = unmanic_logging.get_logger(__class__.__name__)
Beispiel #4
class CONFIG(object, metaclass=SingletonType):
    app_version = ''

    # Set the default UI Port
    UI_PORT = 8888

    # Set default config directory
    CONFIG_PATH = common.get_config_dir()

    # Set default plugin directory
    PLUGINS_PATH = os.path.join(common.get_home_dir(), '.unmanic', 'plugins')

    # Set default db config
    DATABASE = None

    def __init__(self, config_path=None, db_connection=None):
        # Non config items (objects) = "Config"
        self.settings = None
        self.db_connection = db_connection

        # Apply default DB settings

        # Import env variables and override all previous settings.
        # Read settings from database
        # TODO: Retire this. It is not needed any longer
        # Finally, re-read config from file and override all previous settings.

        # Overwrite current settings
        if config_path:

        # Apply settings to the unmanic logger

        # Save settings
        if self.settings and self.db_connection:

        # TODO: Remove temporary beta data migration
        history_logging = history.History(self)

    def _log(self, message, message2='', level="info"):
        Generic logging method. Can be implemented on any unmanic class

        :param message:
        :param message2:
        :param level:
        # TODO: Format all classes with this to fetch a logger
        unmanic_logging = unlogger.UnmanicLogger.__call__()
        logger = unmanic_logging.get_logger(
        if logger:
            message = common.format_message(message, message2)
            getattr(logger, level)(message)
            print("Unmanic.{} - ERROR!!! Failed to find logger".format(

    def get_empty_settings_model(self):
        Return a settings Model object
        if self.settings:
            return self.settings
            # Fetch blank settings Model object
            return unmodels.Settings()

    def get_config_as_dict(self):
        Return a dictionary of configuration fields and their current values

        # Create a copy of this class's dict
        settings = self.get_empty_settings_model()
        config_dict = settings.get_current_field_values_dict()
        # Return dictionary of config items
        return config_dict

    def get_config_keys(self):
        Return a list of configuration fields

        keys = self.get_config_as_dict().keys()
        keys = [item.upper() for item in keys]
        return keys

    def setup_unmanic_logger(self):
        Pass configuration to the global logger

        unmanic_logging = unlogger.UnmanicLogger.__call__()

    def apply_default_db_settings(self, config_path=None):
        Apply the default DB settings.

        if not config_path:
            config_path = os.path.join(common.get_home_dir(), '.unmanic',
        app_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        self.DATABASE = {
            "TYPE": "SQLITE",
            "FILE": os.path.join(config_path, 'unmanic.db'),
            "MIGRATIONS_DIR": os.path.join(app_dir, 'migrations'),

    def import_settings_from_db(self):
        Read configuration from DB.
        If configuration does not yet exist, create it first.

        Configuration is applied to this class with uppercase field names
        for the sake of simplifying reading throughout the rest of the application.

        # Fetch current settings (create it if nothing yet exists)
        db_settings = unmodels.Settings()
        # If there is no DB connection just create an empty settings model
        if self.db_connection:
                # Fetch a single row (get() will raise DoesNotExist exception if no results are found)
                self.settings =
                # Create settings (defaults will be applied)
                self.settings = db_settings.create()
            self.settings = self.get_empty_settings_model()
        # Check if key is a valid setting
        current_settings = self.get_config_as_dict()
        for setting in current_settings:
            # Import settings

    def import_settings_from_env(self):
        Read configuration from environment variables.
        This is useful for running in a docker container or for unit testing.

        for setting in self.get_config_keys():
            if setting in os.environ:

    def import_settings_from_file(self, config_path=None):
        Read configuration from the settings JSON file.

        # If config path was not passed as variable, use the default one
        if not config_path:
            config_path = self.get_config_path()
        # Ensure the config path exists
        if not os.path.exists(config_path):
        settings_file = os.path.join(config_path, 'settings.json')
        if os.path.exists(settings_file):
            data = {}
                with open(settings_file) as infile:
                    data = json.load(infile)
            except Exception as e:
                self._log("Exception in reading saved settings from file:",
            # Set values that match the settings model attributes
            current_config = self.get_config_keys()
            for item in current_config:
                if item in data:
                    self.set_config_item(item, data[item], save_settings=False)
            # Set config values that are in the 'DATABASE' or 'UI_PORT' keys (if provided)
            if 'DATABASE' in data:
                setattr(self, 'DATABASE', data['DATABASE'])
            if 'UI_PORT' in data:
                setattr(self, 'UI_PORT', data['UI_PORT'])

    def write_settings_to_file(self):
        Dump current settings to the settings JSON file.

        if not os.path.exists(self.get_config_path()):
        settings_file = os.path.join(self.get_config_path(), 'settings.json')
        data = self.get_config_as_dict()
        data = {k.upper(): v for k, v in data.items()}
        result = common.json_dump_to_file(data, settings_file)
        if not result['success']:
            for message in result['errors']:
                self._log("Exception in writing settings to file:",

    def get_config_item(self, key):
        Get setting from either this class or the Settings model

        :param key:
        # First attempt to fetch it from this class' get functions
        if hasattr(self, "get_{}".format(key)):
            getter = getattr(self, "get_{}".format(key))
            if callable(getter):
                return getter()

        # Second attempt to fetch it from the Settings Model
        if hasattr(self.settings, key):
            return getattr(self.settings, key)

    def set_config_item(self, key, value, save_settings=True):
        Assigns a value to a given configuration field.
        This is applied to both this class and the Settings Model.

        If 'save_settings' is set to False, then settings are only
        assigned and not saved to either file or database.

        :param key:
        :param value:
        :param save_settings:
        if key == 'DATABASE':
            # Only save database settings to file
            # Database settings are not stored in the database O_o
            self.__dict__[key] = value
            if save_settings:
            # Get lowercase value of key
            field_id = key.lower()
            # Check if key is a valid setting
            if field_id not in self.get_config_as_dict().keys():
                self._log("Attempting to save unknown key",
                # Do not proceed if this is any key other than the database
            settings_model = self.get_empty_settings_model()
            # Parse field value by it's type for this setting (bool, string, etc.)
            parsed_field_value = settings_model.parse_field_value_by_type(
                field_id, value)
            if self.settings:
                # Assign value to setting field
                setattr(self.settings, field_id, parsed_field_value)

            # Assign field type converted value to class variable
            # TODO: Remove this once we have migrated to using only the settings model object
            setattr(self, key, parsed_field_value)

            # Save settings (if requested)
            if save_settings:
                if self.settings and self.db_connection:

    def allowed_search_extensions(self):
        Return a tuple of the configured extensions to search for.

        search_extensions = self.get_search_extensions()
        if isinstance(search_extensions, str):
            # Split the comma separated sting into a list
            value = search_extensions.split(",")
            # Strip all whitespace (including within the item as extensions dont have any whitespace)
            value = [item.replace(' ', '') for item in value]
            # Remove empty values from the list
            value = [item for item in value if item]
            return value
        return list(search_extensions)

    def file_ends_in_allowed_search_extensions(self, file_name):
        # Get the file extension
        file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_name)[-1][1:]
        # Ensure the file's extension is lowercase
        file_extension = file_extension.lower()
        self._log("Check file_extension", file_extension, level="debug")
        # Get the list of configured extensions to search for
        allowed_search_extensions = self.allowed_search_extensions()
        self._log("Check allowed_search_extensions",
        # Check if it ends with one of the allowed search extensions
        if file_extension in allowed_search_extensions:
            return True
        return False

    def read_version(self):
        Return the application's version number as a string

        if not self.app_version:
            self.app_version = metadata.read_version_string('long')
        return self.app_version

    def get_supported_containers(self):
        Return a list of containers supported by unmanic

        return unffmpeg.containers.get_all_containers()

    def get_all_supported_codecs(self):
        Return a list of all codecs supported by unmanic

        return unffmpeg.Info().get_all_supported_codecs()

    def get_supported_audio_codecs(self):
        Return a list of audio codecs supported by unmanic

        supported_codecs = self.get_all_supported_codecs()
        if 'audio' not in supported_codecs:
            return {}
        return supported_codecs['audio']

    def get_supported_video_codecs(self):
        Return a list of video codecs supported by unmanic

        supported_codecs = self.get_all_supported_codecs()
        if 'video' not in supported_codecs:
            return {}
        return supported_codecs['video']

    def get_audio_stream_encoder(self):
        Get setting - audio_stream_encoder

        supported_codecs = self.get_all_supported_codecs()
        if 'audio' not in supported_codecs:
            return ''
        return self.AUDIO_STREAM_ENCODER

    def get_audio_codec_cloning(self):
        Get setting - audio_codec_cloning

        return self.AUDIO_CODEC_CLONING

    def get_audio_stream_encoder_cloning(self):
        Get setting - audio_stream_encoder_cloning


    def get_audio_stereo_stream_bitrate(self):
        Get setting - audio_stereo_stream_bitrate


    def get_cache_path(self):
        Get setting - cache_path

        return self.CACHE_PATH

    def get_config_path(self):
        Get setting - config_path

        return self.CONFIG_PATH

    def get_keep_filename_history(self):
        Get setting - keep_filename_history

        return self.KEEP_FILENAME_HISTORY

    def get_debugging(self):
        Get setting - debugging

        return self.DEBUGGING

    def get_enable_audio_encoding(self):
        Get setting - enable_audio_encoding

        return self.ENABLE_AUDIO_ENCODING

    def get_enable_audio_stream_transcoding(self):
        Get setting - enable_audio_stream_transcoding


    def get_enable_audio_stream_stereo_cloning(self):
        Get setting - enable_audio_stream_stereo_cloning


    def get_enable_inotify(self):
        Get setting - enable_inotify

        return self.ENABLE_INOTIFY

    def get_enable_video_encoding(self):
        Get setting - enable_video_encoding

        return self.ENABLE_VIDEO_ENCODING

    def get_library_path(self):
        Get setting - library_path

        return self.LIBRARY_PATH

    def get_log_path(self):
        Get setting - log_path

        return self.LOG_PATH

    def get_number_of_workers(self):
        Get setting - number_of_workers

        return self.NUMBER_OF_WORKERS

    def get_out_container(self):
        Get setting - out_container

        return self.OUT_CONTAINER

    def get_remove_subtitle_streams(self):
        Get setting - remove_subtitle_streams

        return self.REMOVE_SUBTITLE_STREAMS

    def get_run_full_scan_on_start(self):
        Get setting - run_full_scan_on_start

        return self.RUN_FULL_SCAN_ON_START

    def get_schedule_full_scan_minutes(self):
        Get setting - schedule_full_scan_minutes

        return self.SCHEDULE_FULL_SCAN_MINUTES

    def get_search_extensions(self):
        Get setting - search_extensions

        return self.SEARCH_EXTENSIONS

    def get_video_codec(self):
        Get setting - video_codec

        return self.settings.video_codec

    def get_video_stream_encoder(self):
        Get setting - video_stream_encoder

        supported_codecs = self.get_all_supported_codecs()
        if 'video' not in supported_codecs:
            return ''
        return self.VIDEO_STREAM_ENCODER

    def get_overwrite_additional_ffmpeg_options(self):
        Get setting - overwrite_additional_ffmpeg_options


    def get_additional_ffmpeg_options(self):
        Get setting - additional_ffmpeg_options


    def get_enable_hardware_accelerated_decoding(self):
        Get setting - enable_hardware_accelerated_decoding


    def get_plugins_path(self):
        Get setting - config_path

        return self.PLUGINS_PATH
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self, config_path=None, **kwargs):
        # Set the default UI Port
        self.ui_port = 8888

        # Set default directories
        self.config_path = os.path.join(common.get_home_dir(), '.unmanic', 'config')
        self.log_path = os.path.join(common.get_home_dir(), '.unmanic', 'logs')
        self.plugins_path = os.path.join(common.get_home_dir(), '.unmanic', 'plugins')
        self.userdata_path = os.path.join(common.get_home_dir(), '.unmanic', 'userdata')

        # Configure debugging
        self.debugging = False

        # Configure first run (future feature)
        self.first_run = False

        # Configure first run (future feature)
        self.release_notes_viewed = None

        # Library Settings:
        self.library_path = common.get_default_library_path()
        self.enable_library_scanner = False
        self.schedule_full_scan_minutes = 1440
        self.follow_symlinks = True
        self.concurrent_file_testers = 2
        self.run_full_scan_on_start = False
        self.clear_pending_tasks_on_restart = True
        self.auto_manage_completed_tasks = False
        self.max_age_of_completed_tasks = 91
        self.always_keep_failed_tasks = True

        # Worker settings
        self.cache_path = common.get_default_cache_path()

        # Link settings
        self.installation_name = ''
        self.remote_installations = []
        self.distributed_worker_count_target = 0

        # Legacy config
        # TODO: Remove this before next major version bump
        self.number_of_workers = None
        self.worker_event_schedules = None

        # Import env variables and override all previous settings.

        # Import Unmanic path settings from command params
        if kwargs.get('unmanic_path'):
            self.set_config_item('config_path', os.path.join(kwargs.get('unmanic_path'), 'config'), save_settings=False)
            self.set_config_item('plugins_path', os.path.join(kwargs.get('unmanic_path'), 'plugins'), save_settings=False)
            self.set_config_item('userdata_path', os.path.join(kwargs.get('unmanic_path'), 'userdata'), save_settings=False)

        # Finally, re-read config from file and override all previous settings.

        # Overwrite current settings with given args
        if config_path:
            self.set_config_item('config_path', config_path, save_settings=False)

        # Overwrite all other settings passed from command params
        if kwargs.get('port'):
            self.set_config_item('ui_port', kwargs.get('port'), save_settings=False)

        # Apply settings to the unmanic logger