def login(self): response = fetch("") m ='''name="post_form_id" value="([^"]+?)"''', response.body) self.post_form_id = response = fetch( "", data={ "lsd": "off", "charset_test": "€,´,€,´,水,Д,Є", "version": "1", "ajax": "1", "width": "1280", "pxr": "1", "email": self.username, "pass": self.password, "submit": "Log In", "post_form_id": self.post_form_id, }, headers={"Referer": ""}, ) set_cookie = response.getheader("Set-Cookie") self.cookies = sc2cs(set_cookie) url = response.getheader("location") response = fetch(url, headers={"Referer": "", "Cookie": self.cookies}) self.post_form_id ='''name="post_form_id" value="([^"]+?)"''', response.body).group(1) self.fb_dtsg ='''name="fb_dtsg" value="([^"]+?)"''', response.body).group(1) return response
def get(self, platform, soldier): ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13' referer = '' + platform cache_tag = 'bfbcs::' + platform + '/' + soldier raw = memcache.get(cache_tag) url = '' + platform + '/' + soldier if raw is None: response = urlfetch.fetch(url, headers={'User-Agent' : ua, 'Referer' : referer }) raw = response.content memcache.set(cache_tag, raw, 600) pcode = re.findall('([a-z0-9]{32})', raw) self.response.out.write('<strong>PCODE</strong> ' + str(pcode[0]) + '<br />') if len(pcode) == 1: pcode = pcode[0] payload = 'request=addplayerqueue&pcode=' + pcode self.response.out.write('<strong>PAYLOAD</strong> ' + payload + ' (' + str(len(payload))+ ' bytes)<br />') headers = {'User-Agent' : ua, 'Referer' : url, 'X-Requested-With' : 'XMLHttpRequest', 'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', 'Content-Length' : '61', 'Accept' : 'application/json, text/javascript, */*', 'Accept-Language' : 'en-us,en;q=0.5', 'Accept-Encoding' : 'gzip,deflate', 'Accept-Charset' : 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7', 'Keep-Alive' : 115, 'Host' : '', 'Pragma' : 'no-cache', 'Cache-Control' : 'no-cache', 'Cookie' : '__utma=7878317.1843709575.1297205447.1298572822.1298577848.12; __utmz=7878317.1297205447.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); sessid=enqd028n30d2tr4lv4ned04qi0; __utmb=7878317.21.10.1298577848; __utmc=7878317' } response = urlfetch.fetch(url, payload=payload, headers=headers, method='POST') if response.status_code == 500: response = urlfetch.fetch(url, payload=payload, headers=headers, method='POST') if response.status_code == 500: self.write('<strong>FAILED</strong>') else: self.write('<strong>RESULT</strong> OK ' + response.content) else: self.write('<strong>RESULT</strong> OK ' + response.content)
def pub2fanfou(username, password, status): # 获取表单token response = urlfetch.fetch("") token ='''name="token".*?value="(.*?)"''', response.body).group(1) # 登录 response = urlfetch.fetch( "", data={"loginname": username, "loginpass": password, "action": "login", "token": token, "auto_login": "******"}, headers={"Referer": ""}, ) # cookies cookiestring = response.cookiestring print cookiestring # 获取表单token response = urlfetch.fetch( "", headers={"Cookie": cookiestring, "Referer": ""} ) token ='''name="token".*?value="(.*?)"''', response.body).group(1) # 发布状态 response = urlfetch.fetch( "", data={"content": status, "token": token, "action": ""}, headers={"Cookie": cookiestring, "Referer": ""}, )
def login(self): response = fetch( "" ) set_cookie = response.getheader('Set-Cookie') self.cookies = sc2cs(set_cookie) self.session = response.getheader('location').split('=', 1)[-1] response = fetch( "", data = { 'form_email': self.username, 'form_password': self.password, 'redir': '', 'user_login': '******', 'session': self.session }, headers = { 'Referer': '', 'Cookie': self.cookies, } ) set_cookie = response.getheader('Set-Cookie') self.cookies += "; " + sc2cs(set_cookie) return response
def resolve_url(url): headers=HTTP_DESKTOP_UA cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie() form_fields = { "inputUserName": __settings__.getSetting('username'), "inputPassword": __settings__.getSetting('password') } form_data = urllib.urlencode(form_fields) response = urlfetch.fetch( url = '', method='POST', headers = headers, data=form_data, follow_redirects = False) cookie.load(response.headers.get('set-cookie', '')) headers['Cookie'] = _makeCookieHeader(cookie) response = urlfetch.fetch(url,headers=headers, follow_redirects=True) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES) for item in soup.findAll('a'): if item['href'].find('uf=')>0: url=item['href'] if url.find('uf=')<0: xbmc.executebuiltin((u'XBMC.Notification("%s", "%s", %s)' % ('Authentication', 'Please check your 4share username/password', '15')).encode("utf-8")) return item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=url) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, item)
def fetch(scratchdir, dataset, url): """ Caching URL fetcher, returns filename of cached file. """ filename = os.path.join(scratchdir, os.path.basename(url)) print 'Fetching dataset %r from %s' % (dataset, url) urlfetch.fetch(url, filename) return filename
def pub2fanfou(username, password, status): #获取表单token response = urlfetch.fetch( "" ) token ='''name="token".*?value="(.*?)"''', response.body).group(1) #登录 response = urlfetch.fetch( "", data = { 'loginname': username, 'loginpass': password, 'action': 'login', 'token': token, 'auto_login': '******', }, headers = { "Referer": "", } ) #cookies cookies = urlfetch.sc2cs(response.getheader('Set-Cookie')) print cookies #获取表单token response = urlfetch.fetch( "", headers = { 'Cookie': cookies, 'Referer': "", } ) token ='''name="token".*?value="(.*?)"''', response.body).group(1) #发布状态 response = urlfetch.fetch( "", data = { 'content': status, 'token': token, 'action': '', }, headers = { 'Cookie': cookies, 'Referer': "", } )
def queryRdfStore(endPoint, query): try: url = endPoint + urllib.urlencode({"query": query}) except UnicodeEncodeError: return "" jsonresult = urlfetch.fetch( url, deadline=30, method=urlfetch.GET, headers={"accept": "application/sparql-results+json"}) if (jsonresult.status_code == 200): res = json.loads(jsonresult.content) res_var = res['head']['vars'] response = [] for row in res['results']['bindings']: dic = {} for var in res_var: dic[var] = row[var]['value'] response.append(dic) return response else: return {"error": jsonresult.content}
def getLocation(city): api_key = "wV3l1uxVevrxnA6e" city.replace(" ", "%20") url = "" + city + "&apikey=" + api_key locationXML = urlfetch.fetch(url, deadline=60, method=urlfetch.GET) if locationXML.status_code == 200: location = [] tree = etree.fromstring(locationXML.content) location = tree.find('results/location/metroArea') locationId = location.attrib['id'] locationLat = location.attrib['lat'] locationLong = location.attrib['lng'] location.insert(0, locationId) location.insert(1, locationLat) location.insert(2, locationLong) return location else: # Need better error handling print "Location does not exist or something else went wrong with the connection to the Songkick server." sys.exit()
def get(self): site = GetSite() browser = detect(self.request) member = CheckAuth(self) l10n = GetMessages(self, member, site) self.session = Session() if member: source = 'http://daydream/stream/' + str(member.num) result = urlfetch.fetch(source) images = json.loads(result.content) template_values = {} template_values['images'] = images template_values['site'] = site template_values['member'] = member template_values['page_title'] = site.title + u' › 图片上传' template_values['l10n'] = l10n template_values['system_version'] = SYSTEM_VERSION if 'message' in self.session: template_values['message'] = self.session['message'] del self.session['message'] path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tpl', 'desktop') t =self.get_template(path, 'images_home.html') self.finish(t.render(template_values)) else: self.redirect('/signin')
def getUserArtists(username, nrOfArtists): api_key = "7e6d32dffbf677fc4f766168fd5dc30e" #secret = "5856a08bb3d5154359f22daa1a1c732b" url = ""******"&limit=" + str(nrOfArtists) + "&api_key=" + api_key artistsXML = urlfetch.fetch(url,deadline=60,method=urlfetch.GET) artists = [] if artistsXML.status_code == 200: tree = etree.fromstring(artistsXML.content) for artist in tree.findall('topartists/artist'): rank = artist.attrib['rank'] name = artist.find('name') artists.insert(int(rank), name.text) else: # Need better error handling print "Last FM User does not exist or something else went wrong with the connection to the Last FM server." sys.exit() return artists
def getLocInfo(lat, long): results = [] index = 0 api_key = "AIzaSyDva2nYRJnjiQ-BW-I67_5m7GxA_19gA7Y" url = "" + lat + "," + long + "&radius=10000&types=amusement_park|museum|shopping_mall|zoo|point_of_interest&sensor=false&key=" + api_key poiXML = urlfetch.fetch(url, deadline=60, method=urlfetch.GET) if poiXML.status_code == 200: tree = etree.fromstring(poiXML.content) for poi in tree.findall('result'): poiName = poi.find('name').text results.insert(index, poiName) index += 1 return results else: print "Something went wrong with the connection to the Google Places server" sys.exit()
def search(url): #1 try: keyb = xbmc.Keyboard( '', '[COLOR yellow]Nhâp tên phim cần tìm kiếm[/COLOR]') keyb.doModal() if (keyb.isConfirmed()): searchText = urllib.quote_plus(keyb.getText()) if 'vaphim' in url: response = urlfetch.fetch('' + urllib.quote_plus(searchText)) items = re.compile( "<a data=.+?<img.+?src=\"(.+?)\".+?<a href=\"(\".+?>(.+?)</a>", re.DOTALL).findall(response.content) for item in items: name = re.sub(r'<.+?>', r'-', item[2]) addDir(name, item[1], 5, item[0], isFolder=True) elif 'mphim' in url: url = '' % ( searchText.replace(' ', '-').encode("utf-8")) medialist(url, page) elif 'fphim' in url: url = '' % (searchText.encode("utf-8")) search_result(url, page) except: pass
def bestchallenge_comics(): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.bestchallenge_comics') url_format = BESTCHALLENGE_LIST_URL + '?page={0}' last_url = url_format.format(999999) with urlfetch.fetch(last_url, cache, 120) as f: html = lxml.html.parse(f) last = html.xpath('//*[@id="content"]//*[contains(concat(" ", @class,' '" "), " paginate ")]//strong[@class="page"]/em/text()') last_html = html last = int(last[0]) def get_html(page): if page == last: return last_html url = url_format.format(page) with urlfetch.fetch(url, cache, 120) as f: html = lxml.html.parse(f) return html pool = Pool(POOL_SIZE) htmls =, xrange(1, last + 1)) for html in htmls: links = html.xpath('//*[@id="content"]//table[@class="challengeList"]' '//td/*[@class="fl"]/a') for a in links: href = a.attrib['href'] query = href[href.index('?') + 1:] title_id = int(werkzeug.urls.url_decode(query)['titleId']) yield title_id, a.xpath('./img/@title')[0]
def main(): channel = [] result = urlfetch.fetch(__homeUrl__,headers=reg) soup = BeautifulSoup(result.content, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES) items = soup.findAll('div', {'class' : 'item_view'}) for item in items: common = item.find('a', {'class' : 'tv_channel '}) if common == None : common = item.find('a', {'class' : 'tv_channel active'}) lock = item.find('img', {'class' : 'lock'}) if lock == None : title = common.get('title') url = common.get('data-href') thumb = common.find('img',{'class':'img-responsive'}).get('data-original') thumb = thumb.split('?') if 'giai-tri-tv' in url or 'phim-viet' in url or 'the-thao-tv-hd' in url or 'kenh-17' in url or 'e-channel' in url or 'hay-tv' in url or 'ddramas' in url or 'bibi' in url or 'o2-tv' in url or 'info-tv' in url or 'style-tv' in url or 'invest-tv' in url or 'yeah1' in url: pass else : data = { 'label': title.replace('-',' '), 'path': xbmcplugin.url_for('plays', id = url.replace('','')), 'thumbnail':thumb[0], 'is_playable': True } channel.append(data) xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.SetViewMode(%d)' % 500) return xbmcplugin . finish ( channel )
def get_posts(self): dd = datetime.fromordinal( - timedelta(days = 31) dd = dd.isoformat("T") + "Z" str_yesterday = str(dd) print str_yesterday,"sst" result = = "vodafone", type = 'post', page = False, retry = 2, since = str_yesterday) while len(result['data']) != 0: for ele in result['data']: post={ "kind":"Facebook"} post.update({"object":ele}) post_id = posts.insert(post) #post['object']['message'] #print json.dumps(post['object'], sort_keys=True, indent=4),"eleeeeeeee" #print posts.find_one({"type":"video"}),"edeee" if 'paging' in result: resultt=json.loads(urlfetch.fetch(result['paging']['next']).content) if result==resultt: result['data']="" print "iiiii" else: try: print "uuuuuu" result = resultt except Exception: pass else: print "pppppppp" result['data']=""
def login(): #if cache.get('cookie') is not None and cache.get('cookie')<>'': # print 'Cache ' + cache.get('cookie') # return True cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie() form_fields = { "inputUserName": __settings__.getSetting('username'), "inputPassword": __settings__.getSetting('password') } form_data = urllib.urlencode(form_fields) response = urlfetch.fetch( url = '', method='POST', headers = headers, data=form_data, follow_redirects = False) cookie.load(response.headers.get('set-cookie', '')) headers['Cookie'] = _makeCookieHeader(cookie) cache.set('cookie',headers['Cookie']) if response.status_code<>302: xbmc.executebuiltin((u'XBMC.Notification("%s", "%s", %s)' % ('Login', 'Login failed. You must input correct 4share username/pass in Add-on settings', '15')).encode("utf-8")) return False else: xbmc.executebuiltin((u'XBMC.Notification("%s", "%s", %s)' % ('Login', 'Login successful', '15')).encode("utf-8")) return True
def doLogin(): cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie() form_fields = { "login_useremail": __settings__.getSetting('username'), "login_password": __settings__.getSetting('password'), "url_refe": "" } form_data = urllib.urlencode(form_fields) response = urlfetch.fetch( url = '', method='POST', headers = headers, data=form_data, follow_redirects = False ) cookie.load(response.headers.get('set-cookie', '')) headers['Cookie'] = _makeCookieHeader(cookie) if headers['Cookie'].find('-1')>0: xbmc.executebuiltin((u'XBMC.Notification("%s", "%s", %s)' % ('Login', 'Login failed. You must input correct FShare username/pass in Add-on settings', '15')).encode("utf-8")) return False else: return headers['Cookie']
def doLogin(): cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie() #method = urlfetch.POST form_fields = { "login_useremail": __settings__.getSetting('username'), "login_password": __settings__.getSetting('password'), "url_refe": "" } form_data = urllib.urlencode(form_fields) response = urlfetch.fetch(url='', method='POST', headers=headers, data=form_data, follow_redirects=False) cookie.load(response.headers.get('set-cookie', '')) headers['Cookie'] = _makeCookieHeader(cookie) if headers['Cookie'].find('-1') > 0: xbmc.executebuiltin((u'XBMC.Notification("%s", "%s", %s)' % ( 'Login', 'Login failed. You must input correct FShare username/pass in Add-on settings', '15')).encode("utf-8")) return False else: # xbmc.executebuiltin((u'XBMC.Notification("%s", "%s", %s)' % ('Login', 'Login successful', '15')).encode("utf-8")) return headers['Cookie']
def check_online(type='vk'): logger.debug('Check online') users = db(db.auth_user).select() # all registered users for user in users: # if db(db.user_extra).select(auth_id=auth.user_id): # pass if type == 'vk': status = loads(fetch(url='' %user['vk_uid']).content)['response'][0]['online'] logger.debug("%s %s"%(user['last_name'], status)) user_exist = db(db.user_extra.auth_id==user['id']).select() # number of all exist auth_users in user_extra table timeline_table = db(db.timeline.user_extra_id==user['id']).select() now_time = if status and len(user_exist): if not len(timeline_table) or timeline_table[-1]['end_time']: # if not exist end_time record logger.debug('Insert') db.timeline.insert(week_day=now_time.strftime('%A %d %b'), user_extra_id=user['id'], start_time=now_time.isoformat()) db.commit() else: continue elif len(user_exist): if (len(timeline_table) and timeline_table[-1]['start_time'] and not timeline_table[-1]['end_time']): logger.debug('Update') timeline_table[-1].end_time=now_time.isoformat() timeline_table[-1].update_record() elif type == 'facebook': pass return True or False
def queryRdfStore(endPoint, query): try: url = endPoint + urllib.urlencode({"query" : query}) except UnicodeEncodeError: return "" jsonresult = urlfetch.fetch(url,deadline=30,method=urlfetch.GET, headers={"accept" : "application/sparql-results+json"}) if(jsonresult.status_code == 200): res = json.loads(jsonresult.content) res_var = res['head']['vars'] response = [] for row in res['results']['bindings']: dic = {} for var in res_var: dic[var] = row[var]['value'] response.append(dic) return response else: return {"error" : jsonresult.content}
def get_static_google_map(request, filename=None, crop=False): response = urlfetch.fetch(request) # check for an error (no image at requested location) if response.getheader('x-staticmap-api-warning') is not None: return None try: img = except IOError: print "IOError:", ) # print error (or it may return a image showing the error" return None else: img = np.asarray(img.convert("RGB")) # there seems not to be any simple way to check for the gray error image # that Google throws when going above the API limit -- so here's a hack. if (img == 224).sum() / float(img.size) > 0.95: return None # remove the Google watermark at the bottom of the image if crop: img_shape = img.shape img = img[:int(img_shape[0] * 0.85), :int(img_shape[1] * 0.85)] if filename is not None: basedir = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.exists(basedir) and basedir not in ["", "./"]: os.makedirs(basedir) io.imsave(filename, img) return img
def getLocInfo(lat, long): results = [] index = 0 api_key = "AIzaSyDva2nYRJnjiQ-BW-I67_5m7GxA_19gA7Y" url = ( "" + lat + "," + long + "&radius=10000&types=amusement_park|museum|shopping_mall|zoo|point_of_interest&sensor=false&key=" + api_key ) poiXML = urlfetch.fetch(url, deadline=60, method=urlfetch.GET) if poiXML.status_code == 200: tree = etree.fromstring(poiXML.content) for poi in tree.findall("result"): poiName = poi.find("name").text results.insert(index, poiName) index += 1 return results else: print "Something went wrong with the connection to the Google Places server" sys.exit()
def resolve_url(url): if freeAccount == 'true': response = urlfetch.fetch("") if response.status == 200: headers['Cookie'] = response.content else: xbmc.executebuiltin((u'XBMC.Notification("%s", "%s", %s)' % ('Login', 'Server only accepts 1 request/minute', '5000')).encode("utf-8")) return else: headers['Cookie'] = doLogin() response = urlfetch.get(url,headers=headers, follow_redirects=False) if response.status==302 and response.headers['location'].find('logout.php')<0: url=response.headers['location'] # logout if freeAccount == 'true': cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie() cookie.load(response.headers.get('set-cookie', '')) headers['Cookie'] = _makeCookieHeader(cookie) urlfetch.get("",headers=headers, follow_redirects=False) else: if response.status==200: soup = BeautifulSoup(str(response.content), convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES) item = soup.find('form', {'name' : 'frm_download'}) if item: url = item['action'] else: xbmc.executebuiltin((u'XBMC.Notification("%s", "%s", %s)' % ('Login', 'Login failed. You must input correct FShare username/pass in Add-on settings', '5000')).encode("utf-8")) return item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=url) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, item)
def getLocation(city): api_key = "wV3l1uxVevrxnA6e" city.replace(" ","%20") url = "" + city + "&apikey=" + api_key locationXML = urlfetch.fetch(url,deadline=60,method=urlfetch.GET) if locationXML.status_code == 200: location = [] tree = etree.fromstring(locationXML.content) location = tree.find('results/location/metroArea') locationId = location.attrib['id'] locationLat = location.attrib['lat'] locationLong = location.attrib['lng'] location.insert(0, locationId) location.insert(1, locationLat) location.insert(2, locationLong) return location else: # Need better error handling print "Location does not exist or something else went wrong with the connection to the Songkick server." sys.exit()
def get_title_thumbnail_url(title_id, pair=False, default=None): """Gets the thumbnail image URL of the title. :param title_id: the title id :type title_id: :class:`int`, :class:`long` :param pair: if ``True`` it returns a :class:`tuple`. otherwise it returns just a thumbnail url. ``False`` by default :type pair: :class:`bool` :param default: a default value used when there's no cache. if not present, gets thumbnail url from web :returns: a pair of ``(title_id, thumbnail_url)`` or just a thubnail url if ``pair`` is ``False`` :rtype: :class:`tuple`, :class:`basestring` """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.get_title_thumbnail_url') cache_key = 'title_thumbnail_{0}'.format(title_id) cached = cache.get(cache_key) if cached:'used cached of title %d', title_id) return (title_id, cached) if pair else cached if default is not None: return default url = URL_TYPES['webtoon'].format(title_id) with urlfetch.fetch(url, cache, 120) as f:'downloaded title %d from %s', title_id, url) html = lxml.html.parse(f) img = html.xpath('//div[@class="thumb"]//img/@src') img_src = unicode(img[0]) cache.set(cache_key, img_src) return (title_id, img_src) if pair else img_src
def doLogin(): cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie() # method = urlfetch.POST form_fields = { "login_useremail": __settings__.getSetting("username"), "login_password": __settings__.getSetting("password"), "url_refe": "", } form_data = urllib.urlencode(form_fields) response = urlfetch.fetch( url="", method="POST", headers=headers, data=form_data, follow_redirects=False ) cookie.load(response.headers.get("set-cookie", "")) headers["Cookie"] = _makeCookieHeader(cookie) # cache.set('cookie',headers['Cookie']) if headers["Cookie"].find("-1") > 0: xbmc.executebuiltin( ( u'XBMC.Notification("%s", "%s", %s)' % ("Login", "Login failed. You must input correct FShare username/pass in Add-on settings", "15") ).encode("utf-8") ) return False else: # xbmc.executebuiltin((u'XBMC.Notification("%s", "%s", %s)' % ('Login', 'Login successful', '15')).encode("utf-8")) return headers["Cookie"]
def getChannels(url): cns = [] result = None result = urlfetch.fetch( url, headers={ 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.81 Safari/537.36' }) if result.status_code != 200: plugin.log.error('Something wrong when get list fpt play channel !') return None soup = BeautifulSoup(result.content, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES) items = soup.findAll('div', {'class': 'hover01'}) for item in items: ac = item.find('a', {'class': 'tv_channel '}) if ac == None: ac = item.find('a', {'class': 'tv_channel active'}) if ac == None: continue lock = item.find('img', {'class': 'lock'}) if lock != None: continue dataref = ac.get('data-href') if dataref == None: continue img = ac.find('img', {'class': 'img-responsive'}) imgthumbnail = '' if img != None: imgthumbnail = img.get('data-original') if not dataref.startswith(crawurl): continue channelid = dataref[27:] if not channelid: continue title = channelid cn = { 'label': title, 'path': plugin.url_for('plays', id=channelid), 'thumbnail': imgthumbnail, 'is_playable': True } cns.append(cn) return cns
def get_tx(tx_hash): url = BASE_BLOCKCHAIN_URL + '/rawtx/%s' % (tx_hash) result = urlfetch.fetch(url) if result.status_code == 200: return json.loads(result.content) else: logging.error('There was an error contacting the API') return None
def send_request(self, request): resp = urlfetch.fetch(url=request.url, headers=request.headers, method=request.method, data=request.body, deadline=self.config.timeout, **self.options) return process_response(resp.status_code, resp.content)
def get_remote_bytes(file_url) -> io.BytesIO: """ Download remote file and return its bytes object :param file_url: URL to the file :return: """ result = urlfetch.fetch(file_url) return io.BytesIO(result.content)
def test_fetch_data(self,): r = urlfetch.fetch(testlib.test_server_host, data='foo=bar') o = json.loads(r.text) self.assertEqual(r.status, 200) self.assertTrue(isinstance(r.json, dict)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(r.text, urlfetch.unicode)) self.assertEqual(o['method'], 'POST')
def url_get(url): """Retrieve a URL using HTTP GET.""" if gae_urlfetch: logging.debug("url_get(" + url + ") with GAE") return gae_urlfetch.fetch(url) else: logging.debug("url_get(" + url + ") with urlfetch") return urlfetch.fetch(url, deadline =DEADLINE_FETCH)
def url_get(url): """Retrieve a URL using HTTP GET.""" if gae_urlfetch: logging.debug("url_get(" + url + ") with GAE") return gae_urlfetch.fetch(url) else: logging.debug("url_get(" + url + ") with urlfetch") return urlfetch.fetch(url, deadline=DEADLINE_FETCH)
def get_html(page): if page == last: return last_html url = url_format.format(page) with urlfetch.fetch(url, cache, 120) as f: html = lxml.html.parse(f) return html
def test_fetch(self): r = urlfetch.fetch(testlib.test_server_host) o = json.loads(r.text) self.assertEqual(r.status, 200) self.assertTrue(isinstance(r.json, dict)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(r.text, urlfetch.unicode)) self.assertEqual(o['method'], 'GET')
def getChannels(url): cns = [] result = None result = urlfetch.fetch( url, headers={ "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.81 Safari/537.36" }, ) if result.status_code != 200: plugin.log.error("Something wrong when get list fpt play channel !") return None soup = BeautifulSoup(result.content, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES) items = soup.findAll("div", {"class": "hover01"}) for item in items: ac = item.find("a", {"class": "tv_channel "}) if ac == None: ac = item.find("a", {"class": "tv_channel active"}) if ac == None: continue lock = item.find("img", {"class": "lock"}) if lock != None: continue dataref = ac.get("data-href") if dataref == None: continue img = ac.find("img", {"class": "img-responsive"}) imgthumbnail = "" if img != None: imgthumbnail = img.get("data-original") if not dataref.startswith(crawurl): continue channelid = dataref[27:] if not channelid: continue title = channelid cn = { "label": title, "path": plugin.url_for("plays", id=channelid), "thumbnail": imgthumbnail, "is_playable": True, } cns.append(cn) return cns
def get_coords(url): import urlfetch try: page = urlfetch.fetch(url) except urllib2.URLError, e: if e.getcode() == 500: content = else: raise
def getChannels(url): cns = [] result = None result = urlfetch.fetch( url, headers={ 'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.81 Safari/537.36' }) if result.status_code != 200 : plugin.log.error('Something wrong when get list fpt play channel !') return None soup = BeautifulSoup(result.content, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES) items = soup.findAll('div', {'class' : 'hover01'}) for item in items: ac = item.find('a', {'class' : 'tv_channel '}) if ac == None : ac = item.find('a', {'class' : 'tv_channel active'}) if ac == None : continue lock = item.find('img', {'class' : 'lock'}) if lock != None : continue dataref = ac.get('data-href') if dataref == None : continue img = ac.find('img', {'class' : 'img-responsive'}) imgthumbnail = '' if img != None : imgthumbnail = img.get('data-original') if not dataref.startswith(crawurl) : continue channelid = dataref[27:] if not channelid : continue title = channelid cn = { 'label': title, 'path': plugin.url_for('plays', id = channelid), 'thumbnail':imgthumbnail, 'is_playable': True } cns.append(cn) return cns
def get_txs_for_addr(addr, limit=5): url = BASE_BLOCKCHAIN_URL + '/address/%s?format=json&limit=%s' % (addr, limit) result = urlfetch.fetch(url) if result.status_code == 200: j = json.loads(result.content) return [(tx['hash'], tx['time']) for tx in j['txs']] else: logging.error('Error accessing blockchain API: ' + str(result.status_code)) return None
def test_fetch_data(self, ): r = urlfetch.fetch(testlib.test_server_host, data='foo=bar') o = json.loads(r.text) self.assertEqual(r.status, 200) self.assertTrue(isinstance(r.json, dict)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(r.text, urlfetch.unicode)) self.assertEqual(r.links, []) self.assertEqual(o['method'], 'POST')
def test_fetch(self): r = urlfetch.fetch(testlib.url()) o = json.loads(r.text) self.assertEqual(r.status, 200) self.assertTrue(isinstance(r.json, dict)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(r.text, urlfetch.unicode)) self.assertEqual(r.links, []) self.assertEqual(o['method'], 'GET')
def test_fetch(self): d = testlib.randdict() data = urlfetch.urlencode(d) r = urlfetch.fetch(testlib.test_server_host, data=data) o = json.loads(r.text) self.assertEqual(r.status, 200) self.assertEqual(o['method'], 'POST') self.assertEqual(o['post'], d)
def pub2fanfou(username, password, status): #获取表单token response = urlfetch.fetch("") token ='''name="token".*?value="(.*?)"''', response.body).group(1) #登录 response = urlfetch.fetch("", data={ 'loginname': username, 'loginpass': password, 'action': 'login', 'token': token, 'auto_login': '******', }, headers={ "Referer": "", }) #cookies cookiestring = response.cookiestring print cookiestring #获取表单token response = urlfetch.fetch("", headers={ 'Cookie': cookiestring, 'Referer': "", }) token ='''name="token".*?value="(.*?)"''', response.body).group(1) #发布状态 response = urlfetch.fetch("", data={ 'content': status, 'token': token, 'action': '', }, headers={ 'Cookie': cookiestring, 'Referer': "", })
def update(self, status): response = fetch("", headers={ 'Cookie': self.cookies, 'Referer': "", }) token ='''name="token".*?value="(.*?)"''', response.body).group(1) response = fetch("", data={ 'content': status, 'token': token, 'action': '', }, headers={ 'Cookie': self.cookies, 'Referer': "", }) return response.body
def login(self): response = fetch("") token ='''name="token".*?value="(.*?)"''', response.body).group(1) response = fetch("", data={ 'loginname': self.username, 'loginpass': self.password, 'action': 'login', 'token': token, 'auto_login': '******', }, headers={ "Referer": "", }) set_cookie = response.getheader('Set-Cookie') self.cookies = sc2cs(set_cookie) return response.body
def login(self): response = fetch("") m ='''name="post_form_id" value="([^"]+?)"''', response.body) self.post_form_id = response = fetch( "", data={ 'lsd': 'off', 'charset_test': "€,´,€,´,水,Д,Є", 'version': '1', 'ajax': '1', 'width': '1280', 'pxr': '1', 'email': self.username, 'pass': self.password, 'submit': 'Log In', 'post_form_id': self.post_form_id, }, headers={ 'Referer': '', }) set_cookie = response.getheader('Set-Cookie') self.cookies = sc2cs(set_cookie) url = response.getheader('location') response = fetch( url, headers={ 'Referer': '', 'Cookie': self.cookies, }, ) self.post_form_id = '''name="post_form_id" value="([^"]+?)"''', response.body).group(1) self.fb_dtsg ='''name="fb_dtsg" value="([^"]+?)"''', response.body).group(1) return response
def webtoon_comics(): with urlfetch.fetch(WEBTOON_LIST_URL, cache, 120) as f: html = lxml.html.parse(f) links = html.xpath('//*[@id="content"]//*[@class="section"]/ul/li/a') for a in links: title = a.attrib['title'] href = a.attrib['href'] query = href[href.index('?') + 1:] title_id = int(werkzeug.urls.url_decode(query)['titleId']) yield title_id, title
def send_request(self, request): resp = urlfetch.fetch( url=request.url, headers=request.headers, method=request.method, data=request.body, deadline=self.config.timeout, **self.options ) return process_response(resp.status_code, resp.content)
def get_block(height): if not height: return None url = BASE_BLOCKCHAIN_URL + '/block-height/%s?format=json' % (height) result = urlfetch.fetch(url) if result.status_code == 200: return json.loads(result.content).get('blocks')[0] else: logging.error('There was an error contacting the API') return None
def get_pdfium_sha(chromium_sha): """Gets the correct Pdfium sha using the Chromium sha.""" response = urlfetch.fetch( ('' 'format=TEXT' % chromium_sha)) body = base64.b64decode(response.body) sha_line = [l for l in body.split('\n') if "'pdfium_revision':" in l][0] sha_line = sha_line.translate(None, string.punctuation).replace( 'pdfiumrevision', '') return sha_line.strip()
def submit (recaptcha_challenge_field, recaptcha_response_field, private_key, remoteip): """ Submits a reCAPTCHA request for verification. Returns RecaptchaResponse for the request recaptcha_challenge_field -- The value of recaptcha_challenge_field from the form recaptcha_response_field -- The value of recaptcha_response_field from the form private_key -- your reCAPTCHA private key remoteip -- the user's ip address """ if not (recaptcha_response_field and recaptcha_challenge_field and len (recaptcha_response_field) and len (recaptcha_challenge_field)): return RecaptchaResponse (is_valid = False, error_code = 'incorrect-captcha-sol') headers = { 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', "User-agent" : "reCAPTCHA GAE Python" } params = urllib.urlencode ({ 'privatekey': private_key, 'remoteip' : remoteip, 'challenge': recaptcha_challenge_field, 'response' : recaptcha_response_field, }) httpresp = urlfetch.fetch( url = "http://%s/verify" % VERIFY_SERVER, payload = params, method = urlfetch.POST, headers = headers ) if httpresp.status_code == 200: # response was fine # get the return values return_values = httpresp.content.splitlines(); # get the return code (true/false) return_code = return_values[0] if return_code == "true": # yep, filled perfectly return RecaptchaResponse (is_valid=True) else: # nope, something went wrong return RecaptchaResponse (is_valid=False, error_code = return_values [1]) else: # recaptcha server was not reachable return RecaptchaResponse (is_valid=False, error_code = "recaptcha-not-reachable")
def sms(): params = { 'api_key': 'c76e6310', 'api_secret': 'e801a86852c6efd7', 'to': '1484929####', 'from': '1267405####', 'text': 'try from pennapps' } url = '' + urllib.urlencode(params) res = urlfetch.fetch(url, method='GET') return json.loads(res)
def update(self, status): response = fetch("", data={ 'mb_text': status, 'session': self.session }, headers={ 'Referer': '', 'Cookie': self.cookies, }) return response
def storeRDF(graph): data = graph.serialize(format='xml') url = rdfStoreUrl + "/statements" jsonresult = urlfetch.fetch( url, payload=data, deadline=30, method=urlfetch.POST, headers={'content-type': 'application/rdf+xml'})
def resolve_url(url): headers = HTTP_DESKTOP_UA cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie() form_fields = { "username": __settings__.getSetting('username'), "password": __settings__.getSetting('password') } form_data = urllib.urlencode(form_fields) response = urlfetch.fetch(url='', method='POST', headers=headers, data=form_data, follow_redirects=False) cookie.load(response.headers.get('set-cookie', '')) headers['Cookie'] = _makeCookieHeader(cookie) response = urlfetch.fetch(url, headers=headers, follow_redirects=True) if response.status == 302 and response.headers['location'].find( 'logout.php') < 0: url = response.headers['location'] else: soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES) for a in soup.findAll('a'): try: if a['href'].find('?info') > 0: url = a['href'] item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=url) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, item) return except: pass xbmc.executebuiltin( (u'XBMC.Notification("%s", "%s", %s)' % ('Authentication', 'Please check your 4share username/password', '15')).encode("utf-8"))