Beispiel #1
    def UpdatePythonPlugin(self, ppAuthor, ppRepository, ppKey):
        Domoticz.Debug("UpdatePythonPlugin called")

        if ppKey == "PP-MANAGER":
            Domoticz.Log("Self Update Initiated")
            ppGitReset = "LANG=en_US /usr/bin/git reset --hard HEAD"
                pr = subprocess.Popen( ppGitReset , cwd = str(os.getcwd() + "/plugins/" + ppKey), shell = True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE )
                (out, error) = pr.communicate()
                if out:
                    Domoticz.Debug("Git Response:" + str(out))
                if error:
                    Domoticz.Debug("Git Error:" + str(error.strip()))
            except OSError as eReset:
                Domoticz.Error("Git ErrorNo:" + str(eReset.errno))
                Domoticz.Error("Git StrError:" + str(eReset.strerror))

        elif (self.plugindata[ppKey][2] in self.ExceptionList):
            Domoticz.Log("Plugin:" + self.plugindata[ppKey][2] + " excluded by Exclusion file (exclusion.txt). Skipping!!!")

        Domoticz.Log("Updating Plugin:" + ppKey)
        ppUrl = "LANG=en_US /usr/bin/git pull --force"
        Domoticz.Debug("Calling:" + ppUrl + " on folder " + str(os.getcwd()) + "/plugins/" + ppKey)
            pr = subprocess.Popen( ppUrl , cwd = str(os.getcwd() + "/plugins/" + ppKey), shell = True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE )
            (out, error) = pr.communicate()
            if out:
                Domoticz.Debug("Git Response:" + str(out))
                if (str(out).find("Already up-to-date") != -1) or (str(out).find("Already up to date") != -1):
                   Domoticz.Log("Plugin " + ppKey + " already Up-To-Date")
                   #Domoticz.Log("find(error):" + str(str(out).find("error")))
                elif (str(out).find("Updating") != -1) and (str(str(out).find("error")) == "-1"):
                   ppUrl = "chmod "
                   Domoticz.Log("Succesfully pulled gitHub update:" + str(out)[str(out).find("Updating")+8:26] + " for plugin " + ppKey)
                   Domoticz.Log("---Restarting Domoticz MAY BE REQUIRED to activate new plugins---")
                   Domoticz.Error("Something went wrong with update of " + str(ppKey))
            if error:
                Domoticz.Debug("Git Error:" + str(error.strip()))
                if str(error).find("Not a git repository") != -1:
                   Domoticz.Log("Plugin:" + ppKey + " is not installed from gitHub. Cannot be updated with PP-Manager!!.")
        except OSError as e:
            Domoticz.Error("Git ErrorNo:" + str(e.errno))
            Domoticz.Error("Git StrError:" + str(e.strerror))

        return None
Beispiel #2
    def CheckForUpdatePythonPlugin(self, ppAuthor, ppRepository, ppKey):
        Domoticz.Debug("CheckForUpdatePythonPlugin called")

        if (self.plugindata[ppKey][2] in self.ExceptionList):
            Domoticz.Log("Plugin:" + self.plugindata[ppKey][2] + " excluded by Exclusion file (exclusion.txt). Skipping!!!")

        Domoticz.Debug("Checking Plugin:" + ppKey + " for updates")
        #Domoticz.Log("Fetching Repository Details")
        ppGitFetch = "LANG=en_US /usr/bin/git fetch"
            prFetch = subprocess.Popen( ppGitFetch , cwd = str(os.getcwd() + "/plugins/" + ppKey), shell = True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE )
            (outFetch, errorFetch) = prFetch.communicate()
            if outFetch:
                Domoticz.Debug("Git Response:" + str(outFetch))
            if errorFetch:
                Domoticz.Debug("Git Error:" + str(errorFetch.strip()))
        except OSError as eFetch:
            Domoticz.Error("Git ErrorNo:" + str(eFetch.errno))
            Domoticz.Error("Git StrError:" + str(eFetch.strerror))

        ppUrl = "LANG=en_US /usr/bin/git status -uno"
        Domoticz.Debug("Calling:" + ppUrl + " on folder " + str(os.getcwd()) + "/plugins/" + ppKey)

            pr = subprocess.Popen( ppUrl , cwd = str(os.getcwd() + "/plugins/" + ppKey), shell = True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE )
            (out, error) = pr.communicate()
            if out:
                Domoticz.Debug("Git Response:" + str(out))
                if (str(out).find("up-to-date") != -1) or (str(out).find("up to date") != -1):
                   Domoticz.Log("Plugin " + ppKey + " already Up-To-Date")
                   Domoticz.Debug("find(error):" + str(str(out).find("error")))
                elif (str(out).find("Your branch is behind") != -1) and (str(str(out).find("error")) == "-1"):
                   Domoticz.Log("Found that we are behind on plugin " + ppKey)
                elif (str(out).find("Your branch is ahead") != -1) and (str(str(out).find("error")) == "-1"):
                   Domoticz.Debug("Found that we are ahead on plugin " + ppKey + ". No need for update")
                   Domoticz.Error("Something went wrong with update of " + str(ppKey))
            if error:
                Domoticz.Debug("Git Error:" + str(error.strip()))
                if str(error).find("Not a git repository") != -1:
                   Domoticz.Log("Plugin:" + ppKey + " is not installed from gitHub. Ignoring!!.")
        except OSError as e:
            Domoticz.Error("Git ErrorNo:" + str(e.errno))
            Domoticz.Error("Git StrError:" + str(e.strerror))

        return None