Beispiel #1
def create_es(org_label, project_label, view_data, view_id=None):
    Creates an ElasticSearch view

    :param org_label: Label of the organization the view wil belong to
    :param project_label: label of the project the view will belong too
    :param view_data: Mapping data required for ElasticSearch indexing
    :param view_id: OPTIONAL if provided, the view will be created with the given id.
        Otherwise, an autogenerated one will be given by Nexus
    :return: The payload representing the view. This payload only contains the Nexus metadata

    org_label = url_encode(org_label)
    project_label = url_encode(project_label)

    path = "/views/" + org_label + "/" + project_label

    # we give the possibility to use a JSON string instead of a dict
    if (not isinstance(view_data, dict)) and isinstance(view_data, str):
        view_data = json.loads(view_data)

    if "@type" not in view_data:
        view_data["@type"] = ["View", ELASTIC_TYPE, "Alpha"]

    if view_id is None:
        return http_post(path, body=view_data, use_base=True)
        view_id = url_encode(view_id)
        path = path + "/" + view_id
        return http_put(path, body=view_data, use_base=True)
Beispiel #2
 def index_generator(self,
                     add_non_nsw_files: bool,
                     add_nsw_files_without_title_id: bool,
                     success: str = None):
     for folder_id in folder_ids:
         for (file_id,
              file_details) in self.gdrive_service.get_files_in_folder_id(
             if add_non_nsw_files or file_details["name"][-4:] in (
                     ".nsp", ".nsz", ".xci", ".xcz"):
                 if add_nsw_files_without_title_id or regex_search(
                         url_encode(file_details["name"], safe="")):
     if success is not None:
         self.index.update({"success": success})
Beispiel #3
    def create(self, org_label, project_label, data, schema_id=None, resource_id=None):
            Create a resource. If resource_id is provided, this given ID will be used. If resource_id not provided,
            an ID will be automatically generated for this new resource.
            :param org_label: The label of the organization that the resource belongs to
            :param project_label: The label of the project that the resource belongs to
            :param schema_id: OPTIONAL The schema to constrain the data. Can be None for non constrained data (default: "_")
            :param data: dictionary containing the data to store in this new resource
            :param resource_id: OPTIONAL force the use of a specific id when creating the new resource
            :return: A payload containing only the Nexus metadata for this updated resource.
            If the data does not have a "@context" value, a default one is automatically added.

        # if no schema is provided, we can create a resource with a non-constraining
        # default schema called "_"
        if schema_id is None:
            schema_id = "_"

        # the element composing the query URL need to be URL-encoded
        org_label = url_encode(org_label)
        project_label = url_encode(project_label)
        schema_id = url_encode(schema_id)

        path = "/resources/" + org_label + "/" + project_label + "/" + schema_id

        if resource_id is None:
            return, data, use_base=True)
            resource_id = url_encode(resource_id)
            path = path + "/" + resource_id
            return self._http.put(path, data, use_base=True)
Beispiel #4
    def create(self, org_label, project_label, schema_obj, schema_id=None):
        Create a new schema
        :param org_label: Label of the organization in which to create the schema
        :param project_label: label of the project in which to create a schema
        :param schema_obj: Schema, can be a dictionary or a JSON string
        :param schema_id: OPTIONAL The view will be created with this specific internal id, if provided.
            Otherwise, an id will be generated by Nexus.
        :return: payload of the schema as a Python dictionary. This payload is partial and contains only Nexus metadata.
            To get the full schema payload, use the fetch() method.

        # we give the possibility to use a JSON string instead of a dict
        if (not isinstance(schema_obj, dict)) and isinstance(schema_obj, str):
            schema_obj = json.loads(schema_obj)

        org_label = url_encode(org_label)
        project_label = url_encode(project_label)
        path = "/schemas/" + org_label + "/" + project_label

        if schema_id is None:
            return, schema_obj, use_base=True)
            schema_id = url_encode(schema_id)
            path = path + "/" + schema_id
            return self._http.put(path, schema_obj, use_base=True)
Beispiel #5
def update(org_label: str, project_label: str, filepath: str, file_id: str, rev: int, storage_id: Optional[str] = None,
           filename: Optional[str] = None, content_type: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict:
        Updates an existing file resource with a new binary attachment.

        :param org_label: The label of the organization that the file belongs to
        :param project_label: The label of the project that the file belongs to
        :param filepath: The path of the file to upload
        :param file_id: The id of the file resource to update.
        :param rev: The revision to update from.
        :param storage_id: OPTIONAL The id of the storage backend where the file will be stored.
                           If not provided, the project's default storage is used.
        :param filename: OPTIONAL Overrides the automatically detected filename
        :param content_type: OPTIONAL Overrides the automatically detected content type
        :return: A payload containing only the Nexus metadata for this updated file.

    # the elements composing the query URL need to be URL-encoded
    org_label = url_encode(org_label)
    project_label = url_encode(project_label)

    path = [SEGMENT, org_label, project_label, url_encode(file_id)]

    if filename is None:
        filename = filepath.split("/")[-1]

    file_obj = {
        "file": (filename, open(filepath, "rb"), _content_type(filepath, content_type))

    return http_put(path, body=file_obj, data_type="file", rev=rev, storage=storage_id)
Beispiel #6
def fetch(org_label, project_label, view_id, rev=None, tag=None):
    Fetches a distant view and returns the payload as a dictionary.
    In case of error, an exception is thrown.

    :param org_label: The label of the organization that the view belongs to
    :param project_label: The label of the project that the view belongs to
    :param view_id: id of the view
    :param rev: OPTIONAL fetches a specific revision of a view (default: None, fetches the last)
    :param tag: OPTIONAL fetches the view version that has a specific tag (default: None)
    :return: Payload of the whole view as a dictionary

    if rev is not None and tag is not None:
        raise Exception(
            "The arguments rev and tag are mutually exclusive. One or the other must be chosen."

    # the element composing the query URL need to be URL-encoded
    org_label = url_encode(org_label)
    project_label = url_encode(project_label)
    view_id = url_encode(view_id)

    path = "/views/" + org_label + "/" + project_label + "/" + view_id

    if rev is not None:
        path = path + "?rev=" + str(rev)

    if tag is not None:
        path = path + "?tag=" + str(tag)

    return http_get(path, use_base=True)
Beispiel #7
    def list(self, org_label, project_label, pagination_from=0, pagination_size=20,
             deprecated=None, full_text_search_query=None):
        List all the schemas available.
        :param org_label: Label of the organization to which listing the schema
        :param project_label: Label of the project to which listing the schema
        :param pagination_from: OPTIONAL The pagination index to start from (default: 0)
        :param pagination_size: OPTIONAL The maximum number of elements to returns at once (default: 20)
        :param deprecated:  OPTIONAL Get only deprecated resource if True and get only non-deprecated results if False.
            If not specified (default), return both deprecated and not deprecated resource.
        :param full_text_search_query: A string to look for as a full text query
        :return: The raw payload as a dictionary
        :return: List of schema and some Nexus metadata

        org_label = url_encode(org_label)
        project_label = url_encode(project_label)

        path = "/schemas/" + org_label + "/" + project_label

        path = path + "?from=" + str(pagination_from) + "&size=" + str(pagination_size)

        if deprecated is not None:
            deprecated = "true" if deprecated else "false"
            path = path + "&deprecated=" + deprecated

        if full_text_search_query:
            full_text_search_query = url_encode(full_text_search_query)
            path = path + "&q=" + full_text_search_query

        return self._http.get(path, use_base=True)
Beispiel #8
def create(org_label, project_label, filepath, file_id=None):
    This is the POST method, when the user does not provide a file ID.

    :param org_label: The label of the organization that the file belongs to
    :param project_label: The label of the project that the file belongs to
    :param filepath: path of the file to upload
    :param file_id: OPTIONAL Will use this id to identify the file if provided. If not provided, an ID will be generated
    :return: A payload containing only the Nexus metadata for this updated file.

    # the element composing the query URL need to be URL-encoded
    org_label = url_encode(org_label)
    project_label = url_encode(project_label)

    path = "/files/" + org_label + "/" + project_label

    file_obj = {"file": open(filepath, "rb")}

    if file_id is None:
        return http_post(path, body=file_obj, data_type="file", use_base=True)
        file_id = url_encode(file_id)
        path = path + "/" + file_id
        return http_put(path, use_base=True, body=file_obj, data_type="file")
Beispiel #9
def search_all_dork(query,site=None):
    main function, returns parsed results
    query - search string
    cookie - facebook cookie
    page - search result page number (optional)
    # escaped = url_encode('' )
    # print('query2: '+query2)
    if site:
        escaped = url_encode(''+site +'+'+ query2 )
        # print(escaped)
        escaped = url_encode(''+query2+'&start=0&filter=True'  )
    headers = {
    'Host': '',
    'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0',
    'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
    'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
    'Accept-Encoding': 'deflate',
    'Connection': 'keep-alive',
    'Cookie': cookie,
    'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1',
    'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0',
    'TE': 'Trailers'
    response = requests.get('' % escaped, headers=headers,proxies=proxies_http)
    cleaned_response = decode_html(response.text)
    return cleaned_response
Beispiel #10
def search_all(query, linea, cookie, page=0, full=False):
    main function, returns parsed results
    query - search string
    cookie - facebook cookie
    page - search result page number (optional)
    offset = page * 10
    full = 1 if False else 0
    escaped = url_encode(
        '' %
        (url_encode(query), url_encode(linea), offset, full))
    headers = {
        'Host': '',
        'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0',
        'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
        'Accept-Encoding': 'deflate',
        'Connection': 'keep-alive',
        'Cookie': cookie,
        'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1',
        'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0',
        'TE': 'Trailers'
    response = requests.get(
        '' % escaped,
    cleaned_response = decode_html(response.text)
    parsed = parse(cleaned_response)
    return parsed
Beispiel #11
def encode_twitter_key(*, consumer_key: str, consumer_secret: str):
	return "Basic {code}".format(code=b64encode(
Beispiel #12
    def fetch(self, org_label, project_label, resource_id, schema_id="_", rev=None, tag=None):
            Fetches a distant resource and returns the payload as a dictionary.
            In case of error, an exception is thrown.
            :param org_label: The label of the organization that the resource belongs to
            :param project_label: The label of the project that the resource belongs to
            :param resource_id: id of the resource
            :param schema_id: OPTIONAL id of the schema (default: "_" means whatever)
            :param rev: OPTIONAL fetches a specific revision of a resource (default: None, fetches the last)
            :param tag: OPTIONAL fetches the resource version that has a specific tag (default: None)
            :return: Payload of the whole resource as a dictionary

        if rev is not None and tag is not None:
            raise Exception("The arguments rev and tag are mutually exclusive. One or the other must be chosen.")

        # the element composing the query URL need to be URL-encoded
        org_label = url_encode(org_label)
        project_label = url_encode(project_label)
        schema_id = url_encode(schema_id)
        resource_id = url_encode(resource_id)
        path = "/resources/" + org_label + "/" + project_label + "/" + schema_id + "/" + resource_id

        if rev is not None:
            path = path + "?rev=" + str(rev)

        if tag is not None:
            path = path + "?tag=" + str(tag)

        return self._http.get(path, use_base=True)
Beispiel #13
def update_link(org_label: str,
                project_label: str,
                filename: str,
                filepath: str,
                media_type: str,
                rev: int,
                file_id: str,
                storage_id: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict:
        Update a file (of any kind, not necessarily a link) with a link.

        :param org_label: The label of the organization that the file belongs to
        :param project_label: The label of the project that the file belongs to
        :param filename: The filename that will be exposed in the resource metadata
        :param filepath: The path (relative to its storage root) of the file to link
        :param media_type: The linked file's media type
        :param rev: The previous file revision
        :param file_id: The previous file resource id
        :param storage_id: OPTIONAL The id of the storage backend where the file is located.
                           If not provided, the project's default storage is used.
        :return: A payload containing only the Nexus metadata for this linked file.

    # the elements composing the query URL need to be URL-encoded
    org_label = url_encode(org_label)
    project_label = url_encode(project_label)

    payload = {"filename": filename, "path": filepath, "mediaType": media_type}

    request_path = [SEGMENT, org_label, project_label, url_encode(file_id)]

    return http_put(request_path, body=payload, rev=rev, storage=storage_id)
Beispiel #14
def fetch(org_label, project_label, schema_id, rev=None, tag=None):
    Fetches a distant schema and returns the payload as a dictionary.
    In case of error, an exception is thrown.

    :param org_label: The label of the organization that the resource belongs to
    :param project_label: The label of the project that the resource belongs to
    :param schema_id: id of the schema
    :param rev: OPTIONAL fetches a specific revision of a schema (default: None, fetches the last)
    :param tag: OPTIONAL fetches the schema version that has a specific tag (default: None)
    :return: Payload of the whole schema as a dictionary

    if rev is not None and tag is not None:
        raise Exception(
            "The arguments rev and tag are mutually exclusive. One or the other must be chosen."

    org_label = url_encode(org_label)
    project_label = url_encode(project_label)
    schema_id = url_encode(schema_id)
    path = "/schemas/" + org_label + "/" + project_label + "/" + schema_id

    if rev is not None:
        path = path + "?rev=" + str(rev)

    if tag is not None:
        path = path + "?tag=" + str(tag)

    return http_get(path, use_base=True)
Beispiel #15
    def fetch(self,
              org_label: str,
              project_label: str,
              file_id: str,
              rev: Optional[int] = None,
              tag: Optional[str] = None,
              out_filepath: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict:
            Fetches a distant file and returns the metadata of this file. In addition, if the argument `out_filepath` can
            be of three forms:
            - out_filepath=None (default): the binary is not fetched
            - out_filepath="./some/folder/" the binary is fetched and written in this dir with it's original filename
            - out_filepath="./somefile.jpg" the binary is fetched and written under this exact filename
            In case of error, an exception is thrown.
            :param org_label: The label of the organization that the file belongs to
            :param project_label: The label of the project that the file belongs to
            :param file_id: id of the file
            :param rev: OPTIONAL fetches a specific revision of a file (default: None, fetches the last)
            :param tag: OPTIONAL fetches the file version that has a specific tag (default: None)
            :param out_filepath: OPTIONAL the filename to write (default: None)
            :return: Payload of the whole file as a dictionary

        if rev is not None and tag is not None:
            raise Exception(
                "The arguments rev and tag are mutually exclusive. One or the other must be chosen."

        # the elements composing the query URL need to be URL-encoded
        org_label = url_encode(org_label)
        project_label = url_encode(project_label)
        file_id = url_encode(file_id)

        path = [self.segment, org_label, project_label, file_id]

        response_metadata = self._http.get(path, rev=rev, tag=tag)
        response_binary = self._http.get(path,

        if out_filepath is not None:
            if os.path.isdir(out_filepath):
                out_filepath = os.path.join(out_filepath,

            # we write the result of the request into a file
            with open(out_filepath, "wb") as f:
                for chunk in response_binary.iter_content(chunk_size=4096):

        return response_metadata
Beispiel #16
def list(org_label,
    List the resources available for a given organization and project.

    :param org_label: The label of the organization that the resource belongs to
    :param project_label: The label of the project that the resource belongs to
    :param schema: OPTIONAL Lists only the resource for a given schema (default: None)
    :param pagination_from: OPTIONAL The pagination index to start from (default: 0)
    :param pagination_size: OPTIONAL The maximum number of elements to returns at once (default: 20)
    :param deprecated: OPTIONAL Get only deprecated resource if True and get only non-deprecated results if False.
        If not specified (default), return both deprecated and not deprecated resource.
    :param type: OPTIONAL Lists only the resource for a given type (default: None)
    :param rev: OPTIONAL List only the resource with this particular revision
    :param created_by: OPTIONAL List only the resources created by a certain user
    :param updated_by: OPTIONAL List only the resources that were updated by a certain user
    :param resource_id: OPTIONAL List only the resources with this id. Relevant only when combined with other args
    :return: The raw payload as a dictionary

    org_label = url_encode(org_label)
    project_label = url_encode(project_label)

    path = "/resources/" + org_label + "/" + project_label

    # if schema:
    #     schema = url_encode(schema)
    #     path = path + "/" + schema

    params = {
        "from": pagination_from,
        "size": pagination_size,
        "type": type,
        "deprecated": deprecated,
        "rev": rev,
        "schema": schema,
        "created_by": created_by,
        "updated_by": updated_by,
        "id": resource_id

    return http_get(path, use_base=True, params=params)
Beispiel #17
    def create(self,
               org_label: str,
               project_label: str,
               filepath: str,
               storage_id: Optional[str] = None,
               file_id: Optional[str] = None,
               filename: Optional[str] = None,
               content_type: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict:
            Creates a file resource from a binary attachment using the POST method when the user does not provide
            a file ID, PUT otherwise.
            :param org_label: The label of the organization that the file belongs to
            :param project_label: The label of the project that the file belongs to
            :param filepath: path of the file to upload
            :param storage_id: OPTIONAL The id of the storage backend where the file will be stored.
                               If not provided, the project's default storage is used.
            :param file_id: OPTIONAL Will use this id to identify the file if provided.
                            If not provided, an ID will be generated.
            :param filename: OPTIONAL Overrides the automatically detected filename
            :param content_type: OPTIONAL Override the automatically detected content type
            :return: A payload containing only the Nexus metadata for this updated file.

        # the elements composing the query URL need to be URL-encoded
        org_label = url_encode(org_label)
        project_label = url_encode(project_label)

        path = [self.segment, org_label, project_label]

        if filename is None:
            filename = filepath.split("/")[-1]

        file_obj = {
            (filename, open(filepath,
                            "rb"), self._content_type(filepath, content_type))

        if file_id is None:
            return self._http.put(path,
Beispiel #18
def query_sparql(org_label, project_label, query):
    Perform a SparQL query.

    :param org_label: Label of the organization to perform the query on
    :param project_label: Label of the project to perform the query on
    :param query: Query as a string
    :return: result of the query as a dictionary
    org_label = url_encode(org_label)
    project_label = url_encode(project_label)

    path = "/views/" + org_label + "/" + project_label + "/graph/sparql"

    return http_post(path, body=query, data_type="sparql", use_base=True)
Beispiel #19
    def list(self,
             org_label: str,
             project_label: str,
             pagination_from: int = 0,
             pagination_size: int = 20,
             deprecated: Optional[bool] = None,
             type: Optional[str] = None,
             rev: Optional[int] = None,
             schema: Optional[str] = None,
             created_by: Optional[str] = None,
             updated_by: Optional[str] = None,
             file_id: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict:
            List the files available for a given organization and project.
            :param org_label: The label of the organization that the file belongs to
            :param project_label: The label of the project that the file belongs to
            :param pagination_from: OPTIONAL The pagination index to start from (default: 0)
            :param pagination_size: OPTIONAL The maximum number of elements to returns at once (default: 20)
            :param deprecated: OPTIONAL Get only deprecated file if True and get only non-deprecated results if False.
                If not specified (default), return both deprecated and not deprecated file.
            :param type: OPTIONAL Lists only the file for a given type (default: None)
            :param rev: OPTIONAL List only the resource with this particular revision
            :param schema: OPTIONAL list only the views with a certain schema
            :param created_by: OPTIONAL List only the file created by a certain user
            :param updated_by: OPTIONAL List only the file that were updated by a certain user
            :param file_id: OPTIONAL List only the file with this id. Relevant only when combined with other args
            :return: The raw list payload as a dictionary

        org_label = url_encode(org_label)
        project_label = url_encode(project_label)

        path = [self.segment, org_label, project_label]

        params = {
            "from": pagination_from,
            "size": pagination_size,
            "type": type,
            "deprecated": deprecated,
            "rev": rev,
            "schema": schema,
            "created_by": created_by,
            "updated_by": updated_by,
            "id": file_id

        return self._http.get(path, params=params)
Beispiel #20
 def index_generator(
     add_non_nsw_files: bool,
     add_nsw_files_without_title_id: bool,
     success: str = None,
 ) -> None:
     title_id_pattern = r"\%5B[0-9A-Fa-f]{16}\%5D"
     pattern = regex_compile(title_id_pattern)
     for folder_id in folder_ids:
         files = self.gdrive_service.get_files_in_folder_id(folder_id)
         for (file_id, file_details) in files.items():
             if add_non_nsw_files or file_details["name"][-4:] in (
                 file_name = url_encode(file_details["name"], safe="")
                 if add_nsw_files_without_title_id or
                     size = int(file_details["size"])
                         "url": f"gdrive:{file_id}#{file_name}",
                         "size": size,
     if success is not None:
         self.index.update({"success": success})
    def build_filter_query(self, start_date, end_date, sender, message_subject,
           Build the "$search" query portion of the string to search the body of the message.
           :param start_date: date/time string of email received dated to start search
           :param end_date: date/time string of email received dated to end search
           :param sender: email address of sender to search for
           :param message_subject: search for emails containing this string in the "subject" of email
           :param has_attachments: boolean flag indicating to search for emails with or without attachments
           :return: $filter portion of the query string containing parameter
        # Initialize $filter query string
        filter_query = u'?$filter='
        filter_query_start_len = len(filter_query)

        if start_date:
            # convert from epoch to utc time.
            utc_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
                start_date / 1000).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
            start_date_query = u'(receivedDateTime%20ge%20{0})'.format(
            filter_query = self.append_query_to_query_url(
                filter_query, start_date_query)

        if end_date:
            # convert from epoch to utc time.
            utc_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
                end_date / 1000).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
            end_date_query = u'(receivedDateTime%20le%20{0})'.format(utc_time)
            filter_query = self.append_query_to_query_url(
                filter_query, end_date_query)

        if sender:
            sender_query = u"(from/emailAddress/address%20eq%20'{0}')".format(
            filter_query = self.append_query_to_query_url(
                filter_query, sender_query)

        if has_attachments is not None:
            has_attachments_query = u'(hasAttachments%20eq%20{0})'.format(
            filter_query = self.append_query_to_query_url(
                filter_query, has_attachments_query)

        if message_subject:
            # OData query requires single quotes be replaced by 2 single quotes when using $filter (not $search)!
            # First url encode the subject and then substitutes one single quote (%27)
            # with 2 single quotes (not url encoded).
            url_encoded_subject = url_encode(message_subject.encode('utf8'))
            url_encoded_subject = url_encoded_subject.replace("%27", "''")
            subject_query = u"(contains(subject,'{0}'))".format(
            filter_query = self.append_query_to_query_url(
                filter_query, subject_query)

        # If nothing was added, then return the empty string.
        if len(filter_query) == filter_query_start_len:
            return ""

        return filter_query
Beispiel #22
def encode_post_data(*args, **kargs):
        from urllib.parse import urlencode as url_encode
    except ImportError:
        url_encode = None
        stopped("Unsupported version of Python. You need Version 3 :<")
    return url_encode(*args, **kargs).encode('ascii')
Beispiel #23
    def append_form(self, obj, headers=None):
        Helper method to add url_encoded field.
        obj : `mapping` of (`str`, `Any`) items, `sequence` of `tuple` (`str`, `Any`) items
            The object, what should be percent encoded for a post request.
        headers : `None` or ``imultidict`` of (`str`, `str`) items, Optional
            Optional headers for the url_encoded field.
        payload : ``StringPayload``
            The created string payload.
            - The `payload`'s content has unknown content-encoding.
            - The `payload`'s content has unknown content-transfer-encoding.
        if hasattr(obj.__class__, 'items'):  # mapping type
            obj = list(obj.items())

        data = url_encode(obj, doseq=True)

        kwargs = {'content_type': 'application/x-www-form-url_encoded'}

        if (headers is not None):
            kwargs['headers'] = headers

        payload = StringPayload(data, kwargs)
        return payload
Beispiel #24
def publish(html_file, name='', short=False, bypass=False):
    name = url_encode(name)

        with open(html_file, 'r') as f:
            html =
    except (FileNotFoundError, IsADirectoryError) as e:

    data = base64.b64encode(
        lzma.compress(bytes(html, encoding="utf-8"),

    url = f"{name}/{data.decode('utf-8')}"
    size = len(bytes(url, encoding="utf-8"))

    if size > 2048 and not bypass:
            "Size too big to be published at (Maximum allowed: 2048 bytes)"
    elif short:
        from shorten import shorten
    print(f"{size} Bytes")
Beispiel #25
    def scan_folder(self, folder_id: str, files_progress_bar: tqdm,
                    recursion: bool, add_nsw_files_without_title_id: bool,
                    add_non_nsw_files: bool):
        """Scans the folder id for files and updates the instance index"""
        title_id_pattern = r"\%5B[0-9A-Fa-f]{16}\%5D"

        files = self.gdrive_service.get_all_files_in_folder(
            folder_id, recursion, files_progress_bar)

        pattern = regex_compile(title_id_pattern)
        for (file_id, file_details) in files.items():
            url_encoded_file_name = url_encode(file_details["name"], safe="")
            file_valid_nsw_check = add_non_nsw_files or \
                url_encoded_file_name[-4:] in (".nsp", ".nsz", ".xci", ".xcz")
            file_title_id_check = add_nsw_files_without_title_id or \
            if file_title_id_check and file_valid_nsw_check:
                file_entry_to_add = {
                    "url": f"gdrive:{file_id}#{url_encoded_file_name}",
                    "size": int(file_details["size"])
                if file_entry_to_add not in self.index["files"]:
                        {file_id: file_details["shared"]})
Beispiel #26
    def create_link(self,
                    org_label: str,
                    project_label: str,
                    filename: str,
                    filepath: str,
                    media_type: str,
                    storage_id: Optional[str] = None,
                    file_id: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict:
            Creates a file resource from a link to an existing binary using the POST method when the user does not provide
            a file ID, PUT otherwise.
            :param org_label: The label of the organization that the file belongs to
            :param project_label: The label of the project that the file belongs to
            :param filename: The filename that will be exposed in the resource metadata
            :param filepath: The path (relative to its storage root) of the file to link
            :param media_type: The media type of the linked file
            :param storage_id: OPTIONAL The id of the storage backend where the file is located.
                               If not provided, the project's default storage is used.
            :param file_id: OPTIONAL The id of the created resource if provided.
                            If not, an ID will be generated
            :return: A payload containing only the Nexus metadata for this linked file.

        # the elements composing the query URL need to be URL-encoded
        org_label = url_encode(org_label)
        project_label = url_encode(project_label)

        payload = {
            "filename": filename,
            "path": filepath,
            "mediaType": media_type

        request_path = [self.segment, org_label, project_label]

        if file_id is not None:

        if file_id is None:
            return self._http.put(request_path,
Beispiel #27
    def list(self,
        List the views available for a given organization and project. All views, of all kinds.
        :param org_label: The label of the organization that the view belongs to
        :param project_label: The label of the project that the view belongs to
        :param pagination_from: OPTIONAL The pagination index to start from (default: 0)
        :param pagination_size: OPTIONAL The maximum number of elements to returns at once (default: 20)
        :param deprecated: OPTIONAL Get only deprecated view if True and get only non-deprecated results if False.
            If not specified (default), return both deprecated and not deprecated view.
        :param type: OPTIONAL The view type
        :param rev: OPTIONAL Revision to list
        :param schema: OPTIONAL list only the views with a certain schema
        :param created_by: OPTIONAL List only the views created by a certain user
        :param updated_by: OPTIONAL List only the views that were updated by a certain user
        :param view_id: OPTIONAL List only the view with this id. Relevant only when combined with other args
        :return: The raw payload as a dictionary
        org_label = url_encode(org_label)
        project_label = url_encode(project_label)

        path = "/views/" + org_label + "/" + project_label

        params = {
            "from": pagination_from,
            "size": pagination_size,
            "type": type,
            "deprecated": deprecated,
            "rev": rev,
            "schema": schema,
            "created_by": created_by,
            "updated_by": updated_by,
            "id": view_id

        return self._http.get(path, use_base=True, params=params)
Beispiel #28
    def on_change(self):
        def e(t):
            return t.encode("utf8")

        data = [(e(k), e(v)) for k, v in self.items()]
        qs = url_encode(data)
        self.env["QUERY_STRING"] = qs
        self.env["webob._parsed_query_vars"] = (self, qs)
Beispiel #29
 def __init__(self, query, index):
     """Initializes a search object with a query and target index."""
     self.query = query
     self.index = index
     self._cursor_supported = (index in self._cursored_indexes)
     self._uri = self._base_url + self.index + '?query=' + url_encode(
     self.results_df = pd.DataFrame()
Beispiel #30
 def __init__(self, query, index, keygen):
     """Initializes a search object with a query and target index."""
     self.query = query
     self.index = index
     self.keygen = keygen
     self.status_code = None
     self._cursor_supported = (index in self._cursored_indexes)
     self._uri = self._base_url + self.index + '?query=' + url_encode(
Beispiel #31
    def get_definition(self, word: str, allow_cache: bool=True, store_in_cache: bool=True) -> Definition or None:
        Gets the definition of some word from SSKJ.

        :param word: The keyword to search for
        :type word: str
        :param allow_cache: Indicates if you want to check the cache for already-fetched definitions
        :type allow_cache: bool
        :param store_in_cache: Indicates if you want to save the definition in the cache after getting it

        :return: Definition object
        word = str(word)

        # Return from cache if valid
        if allow_cache and self._in_cache(word):
            if self._cache_age(word) < self.max_age:

                log.debug("Using cache for '{}'".format(word))
                return self.cache.get(word)

        log.debug("Requesting definition for '{}'".format(word))
        encoded = BASE_ENDPOINT.format(url_encode(word))

        html = self.req.get(encoded)
        bs_html = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser").find("div", {"class": "list-group results"})

            keyword = bs_html.find("span", {"class": "font_xlarge"}).text
        except AttributeError:
            # Return None as the word cannot be found
            raise NotFound("no result: {}".format(word))

        attributes = bs_html.find("span", {"data-group": "header"}).text

        # Find out if there are multiple definitions
            sub = bs_html.find("ol", {"class": "manual"}).find_all("li")
        except AttributeError:
            sub = None

        if sub:
            # Multiple definitions
            definitions = [parse_encoding(a).capitalize() for a in [remove_num(a.text) for a in sub]]

            # Last item also includes terminology and slang so we filter it
            last_definition = definitions.pop().split("●")

            # And define terminology and slang
            terminology = last_definition[1].split("♦")[0]
            slang = last_definition[1].split("♦")[1]

            # Only one definition
            paragraph = str(bs_html.find("div", {"class": "list-group-item entry"})
                            .text[len(keyword + attributes):]).replace(attributes, "")

            if len(paragraph.split(Sc.SLANG)) == 1:
                slang = None

                if len(paragraph.split(Sc.TERMINOLOGY)) == 1:
                    terminology = None
                    definitions = [str(paragraph)]

                    terminology = paragraph.split(Sc.TERMINOLOGY)[1]
                    definitions = [paragraph.split(Sc.TERMINOLOGY)[0]]

                definitions = [paragraph.split(Sc.SLANG)[0]]

                if len(paragraph.split(Sc.TERMINOLOGY)) == 1:
                    terminology = None
                    slang = paragraph.split(Sc.SLANG)[1]

                    terminology = paragraph.split(Sc.TERMINOLOGY)[1]
                    slang = paragraph.split(Sc.SLANG)[1].split(Sc.TERMINOLOGY)[0]

            definitions = [parse_encoding(a) for a in definitions]

        # Create the Definition object
        timestamp = time.time()
        obj = Definition(
            definitions=[clean(d) for d in definitions],

        # Store in cache if allowed
        if store_in_cache:
            self.cache[str(word)] = obj
            self.def_ages[str(word)] = timestamp

        return obj