try: c.value = dict_to_print[key].strip() except: #Using this area to keep track of encoding errors print "This text caused an error" print dict_to_print[key] c.value = "Raw text contained bad chars, see intepreter." #c.value=dict_to_print[key] i = i + 1 return book_name ## Gets the user to select the document containing the OCR'ed text ocr_text_path = useful.getPath(get_default_directory()) ## Uses that path to extract the data. document_list = get_document_list(ocr_text_path) ## Retrieves the utility library from the utility dictionary for the specified utility ## which is currently determined with a function (That just returns "Consolidated Edison" utility_library = get_utility_library(get_current_utility(), get_utility_library_directory()) ## Sample of using def get raw chars #library_entry_sample=utility_library['extraction_parameters']['G&T Demand1'] #raw_chars=get_raw_chars(document_list[0],library_entry_sample) ## Collecting the raw characters, but I would also like to collect ## the flags found by the regular expressions.
filename=useful.getFilenameFromPath(target_pdf) filehandle=file(outputFile,'a') filehandle.write("TEXT FROM "+str(filename)+" PAGE "+str(i)) filehandle.write("\n") filehandle.write(text_string) filehandle.write('\n') return outputFile ##----THE ACTUAL PROGRAM----## ## Ask user for the target pdf, in the future I plan to have it ## be able to get all the pdfs in a directory! Or maybe I'll have ## the user make the PDF themselves? because this program still doesn't really ## know how to handle blank pages. target_pdf = useful.getPath(default_directory)[0] #print target_pdf print "---------------------------------------------------" print "THE TARGET PDF FILENAME IS: "+target_pdf[target_pdf.rindex('/')+1:] #print "---------------------------------------------------" ## Initializations for Tess #print "Importing Tess" api = tesseract.TessBaseAPI() api.SetOutputName("outputName"); api.Init(".","eng",tesseract.OEM_DEFAULT) api.SetPageSegMode(tesseract.PSM_AUTO) #print "made tess decs" ## Other Initializations
c=ws.cell(row=last_occ_row, column=i) try: c.value=dict_to_print[key].strip() except: #Using this area to keep track of encoding errors print "This text caused an error" print dict_to_print[key] c.value="Raw text contained bad chars, see intepreter." #c.value=dict_to_print[key] i=i+1 return book_name ## Gets the user to select the document containing the OCR'ed text ocr_text_path=useful.getPath(get_default_directory()) ## Uses that path to extract the data. document_list=get_document_list(ocr_text_path) ## Retrieves the utility library from the utility dictionary for the specified utility ## which is currently determined with a function (That just returns "Consolidated Edison" utility_library=get_utility_library(get_current_utility(),get_utility_library_directory()) ## Sample of using def get raw chars #library_entry_sample=utility_library['extraction_parameters']['G&T Demand1'] #raw_chars=get_raw_chars(document_list[0],library_entry_sample) ## Collecting the raw characters, but I would also like to collect ## the flags found by the regular expressions. match_dict={}
refined_results.append(result) return refined_results ###-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ###--------START OF PROGRAM--------------------------------------------------------------- import os import useful ## Testing directory default_directory="C:\Users\James McGlynn\My Programs\Python Programs\pdf2txt\WorkRelated" ## Choose library here library=refined_ConEd_Lib ## Have user navigate to text file text_file=useful.getPath(default_directory) ## Open the text file and put every line in a list with open(text_file,'r') as fh: lines=fh.readlines() ## Pull every other line from the list (That's just how I made the document) document_list=get_document_list(lines) ## Use the library and the text to try and get the data you want refined_results=extract_information(library, document_list) def print_by_account_number(library,refined_results,text_file): ## Openpyxl library imports