Beispiel #1
def is_lychrel(n,depth):
    if depth>60:
        return False
    s = str(n)
    if depth != 0 and useful_functions.isPalindrom(s):
        return True

    #reverse s
    s_r = s[::-1]
    n_r = int(s_r)
    return is_lychrel(n+n_r,depth+1)
Beispiel #2
def is_lychrel(n, depth):
    if depth > 60:
        return False

    s = str(n)
    if depth != 0 and useful_functions.isPalindrom(s):
        return True

    #reverse s
    s_r = s[::-1]

    n_r = int(s_r)

    return is_lychrel(n + n_r, depth + 1)
Beispiel #3
Created on Jan 14, 2011

@author: Jeff Patti

import useful_functions

sum = 0
for i in range(1000000):
    decimal = str(i)
    binary = str(bin(i))[2:]
    if useful_functions.isPalindrom(decimal) and useful_functions.isPalindrom(binary):
        print decimal, binary
        sum += i
print sum
Beispiel #4
Created on Jan 14, 2011

@author: Jeff Patti

import useful_functions

sum = 0
for i in range(1000000):
    decimal = str(i)
    binary = str(bin(i))[2:]

    if useful_functions.isPalindrom(decimal) and useful_functions.isPalindrom(
        print decimal, binary
        sum += i

print sum