def login(self): self.user = User() id_ = self.id_entry.get() year = int(self.year_var.get()) print(year) print(type(year)) print('public key :' + str(self.client.public_key)) password = self.password_entry.get() if self.user.login_student(id_, year, password): tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('Login', 'you are login.') """Destroys current frame and replaces it with a new one.""" self.master.switch_frame(VotePage, self.blockchain, self.client, self.user) else: tkinter.messagebox.showerror('Error', 'Login failed.')
def __init__(self, host, port, loop=asyncio.get_event_loop(), blockchain=None, client=None): = host self.port = port self.loop = None # self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.tasks = [] self.my_node = f'http://{host}:{port}' self.user = User() self.routes = web.RouteTableDef() self.blockchain = blockchain self.client = client = web.Application()
def register(self): user = User() selected = self.department_list.curselection() if len(selected) < 1: tkinter.messagebox.showerror('Error', 'Department not selected !!!') else: department = self.department_list.get( self.department_list.curselection()) stud_id = self.stud_id_entry.get() board_id = self.board_id_entry.get() fname = self.fname_entry.get() lname = self.lname_entry.get() print(str(department)) section = int(self.section_spinbox.get()) print(section) print(type(section)) year = int(self.year_var.get()) print(year) print(type(year)) password = self.password_entry.get() repassword = self.repassword_entry.get() print(password) if password == repassword: board = Board(stud_id, board_id, fname, lname, department, section, year, member_password=password) if user.board_register(board): tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('Register', 'you are Registerd.') else: tkinter.messagebox.showerror('Error', 'Registration failed.') else: tkinter.messagebox.showerror('Error', 'password is incorrect')
class LoginPage(Frame): def __init__(self, master, blockchain=None, client=None, user=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.master = master self.blockchain = blockchain self.client = client self.user = user # print('public key :' + str(self.client.public_key)) # user id id_frame = Frame(self) id_frame.pack() id_label = Label(id_frame, text='User ID') id_label.pack(side=LEFT) self.id_entry = Entry(id_frame, bd=5) self.id_entry.pack(side=LEFT) # year # year_frame = Frame(self) # year_frame.pack() # self.year_var = IntVar() # years = [('2007',2007),('2008',2008),('2009',2009),('2010',2010),('2011',2011)] # for text, value in years: # rb = Radiobutton(year_frame, text=text, variable=self.year_var, value=value, command = self.sel) # rb.pack(anchor=W) # self.label = Label(year_frame) # self.label.pack() # password password_frame = Frame(self) password_frame.pack() password_label = Label(password_frame, text='Password') password_label.pack(side=LEFT) self.password_entry = Entry(password_frame, bd=5) self.password_entry.pack(side=LEFT) # login button w = tkinter.Button(self, bg='Green', text='Login', command=self.login) w.pack() # back to register button r = tkinter.Button(self, bg='blue', text='Register', command=lambda: master.switch_frame( RegisterPage, self.blockchain, self.client)) r.pack(side=LEFT) # def sel(self): # selection = 'You selected the year '+str(self.year_var.get()) # self.label.config(text = selection) def login(self): self.user = User() id_ = self.id_entry.get() # year = int(self.year_var.get()) # print(year) # print(type(year)) # print('public key :' + str(self.client.public_key)) password = self.password_entry.get() if self.user.login_board(id_, password): tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('Login', 'you are login.') """Destroys current frame and replaces it with a new one.""" self.master.switch_frame(ConfigPage, self.blockchain, self.client, self.user) else: tkinter.messagebox.showerror('Error', 'Login failed.') def to_register_page(self): """Destroys current frame and replaces it with a new one.""" self.master.switch_frame(RegisterPage, self.blockchain, self.client, self.user)
class Server: def __init__(self, host, port, loop=asyncio.get_event_loop(), blockchain=None, client=None): = host self.port = port self.loop = None # self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.tasks = [] self.my_node = f'http://{host}:{port}' self.user = User() self.routes = web.RouteTableDef() self.blockchain = blockchain self.client = client = web.Application() # @self.routes.get('/') async def handle(self, request): response_obj = {'status': 'success'} return web.Response(text=json.dumps(response_obj)) #'/user') async def new_user(self, request): try: user = request.query['name'] print('Creating user', user) response_obj = {'status': 'succes', 'message': 'user create'} return web.Response(text=json.dumps(response_obj), status=200) except Exception as e: response_obj = {'status': 'failed', 'reason': str(e)} return web.Response(text=json.dumps(response_obj), status=500) # @routes.get('/client') async def load_keys(self, request): if self.client.load_keys(): self.blockchain = Blockchain(self.client.public_key) response = { 'message': 'Keys are exist.', 'public key': self.client.public_key, 'private key': self.client.private_key, } return web.json_response(data=response, status=201) else: response = {'message': 'loading keys failed'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=500) #'/keys') async def create_keys(self, request): self.client.create_keys() if self.client.save_keys(): # global blockchain self.blockchain = Blockchain(self.client.public_key) response = { 'message': 'creating and saving keys are successed.', 'public key': self.client.public_key, 'private key': self.client.private_key, } return web.json_response(data=response, status=201) else: response = {'message': 'Saving the keys failed.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=500) #'/vote') async def add_vote(self, request): """If the client machine not create a keys.""" if self.client.public_key == None: response = {'message': 'No client set up.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) """If user are not login.""" if self.user.user is None: response = {'message': 'User are not Login.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) """If the request has not data.""" values = await request.json() if not values: response = {'message': 'No data found.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) """If the required data has an missing. """ required_fields = ['candidate', 'id'] if not all(field in values for field in required_fields): response = {'message': 'Required data missing.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) candidate = values['candidate'] vote = Vote(candidate) vote.signature = self.client.sign_vote(candidate, vote.node = self.client.public_key success = await self.blockchain.add_to_open_votes(vote) """if the system add vote successflly.""" if success: response = { 'message': 'Successfully added vote.', 'vote': { 'candidate': candidate, 'id':, 'node': self.client.public_key, 'signature': vote.signature } } return web.json_response(data=response, status=201) else: response = {'message': 'creating a vote failed.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=500) #'/receive_vote') async def receive_vote(self, request): """ Recieving the vote form another client.""" """ If client not set up.""" if self.client.public_key == None: response = {'message': 'No client setup.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) result = await request.json() if not result: response = {'message': 'No data found.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) vote = Vote(result['candidate'], result['id'], result['node'], result['signature']) if self.client.verify_vote(vote): self.blockchain.add_to_open_votes(vote) response = {'message': 'Recieved succed.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=200) else: response = {'message': 'Corrapted vote.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) #'/mine') async def mine(self, request): """ Mining the Blcok in to chain.""" """ If client not set up.""" if self.client.public_key == None: response = {'message': 'No client setup.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) block = self.blockchain.mine_block() if block != None: dict_block = block.__dict__.copy() dict_block['votes'] = [vt.__dict__ for vt in dict_block['votes']] response = { 'message': 'Block added successfully.', 'block': dict_block } return web.json_response(data=response, status=201) else: response = { 'message': 'Adding a block failed.', 'client_set_up': self.client.public_key != None, 'have_open_votes': len(self.blockchain.get_open_votes()) >= 0 } return web.json_response(data=response, status=500) #'/recieve_block') async def recieve_block(self, request): """Verifing and adding to the blockchain, which mined by other client. """ """ If client not set up.""" if self.client.public_key == None: response = {'message': 'No client setup.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) result = await request.json() if not result: response = {'message': 'No data found.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) block = Block(result['index'], result['preveous_hash'], [ Vote(vt['candidate'], vt['id'], vt['node'], vt['signature']) for vt in result['votes'] ], result['proof'], result['timestamp']) block = self.blockchain.mine_by_other_client(block) if block is False: response = {'message': 'Corrapted block.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) elif not block is None: response = { 'message': 'Add the Block done.', 'block': Block.to_order_dict(block) } return web.json_response(data=response, status=201) else: response = { 'message': 'Adding the block failed. No client set up.' } return web.json_response(data=response, status=500) # @routes.get('/votes') async def get_open_votes(self, request): """ To get the votes which are not mined.""" """ If client not set up.""" if self.client.public_key == None: response = {'message': 'No client setup.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) votes = self.blockchain.get_open_votes() if len(votes) > 0: dict_votes = [vt.__dict__ for vt in votes] return web.json_response(data=dict_votes, status=200) else: response = {'message': 'Has no open votes.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=500) # @routes.get('/chian') async def get_chain(self, request): """ To get full chain """ """ If the client not set up.""" if self.client.public_key == None: response = {'message': 'No client setup.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) chain_snapshot = self.blockchain.chain dict_chian = [block.__dict__.copy() for block in chain_snapshot] for dict_block in dict_chian: dict_block['votes'] = [vt.__dict__ for vt in dict_block['votes']] response = {'chain': dict_chian, 'length': len(dict_chian)} return web.json_response(data=response, status=200) #'/verify') async def verify_chain(self, request): """ To verify chain """ """ If client not set up.""" if self.client.public_key == None: response = {'message': 'No client setup.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) if await self.blockchain.verify_chain(): copied_chain = self.blockchain.chain dict_chain = [block.__dict__ for block in copied_chain] response = {'message': 'Valid chain.', 'chain': dict_chain} return web.json_response(data=response, status=201) else: response = {'message': 'Found error in chain.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=500) # @routes.get('/verify') async def verify_votes(self, request): """ To verify open votes.""" """ If client not set up.""" if self.client.public_key == None: response = {'message': 'No client setup.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) (flag, type) = await self.blockchain.verify_votes() if flag: votes = self.blockchain.get_open_votes() dict_votes = [vote.__dict__ for vote in votes] response = { 'message': 'All Votes are Valid.', 'open_votes': dict_votes } return web.json_response(data=response, status=201) elif type == 'size': response = {'message': 'Open Votes not Found.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=500) response = {'message': 'Error foun in open Votes.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=500) # @routes.get('/data') async def load_data(self, request): if self.client.public_key == None: response = {'message': 'No client setup.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) if await self.blockchain.load_data(): copied_chiain = self.blockchain.chain dict_chain = [block.__dict__ for block in copied_chiain] copied_votes = self.blockchain.get_open_votes() dict_votes = [vote.__dict__ for vote in copied_votes] response = { 'message': 'Load data Succed.', 'chain': dict_chain, 'open_votes': dict_votes } return web.json_response(data=response, status=201) else: response = {'message': 'Data Loading failed.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=500) #'/data') async def save_data(self, request): if self.client.public_key == None: response = {'message': 'No client setup.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) if await self.blockchain.save_data(): copied_chiain = self.blockchain.chain dict_chain = [block.__dict__ for block in copied_chiain] copied_votes = self.blockchain.get_open_votes() dict_votes = [vote.__dict__ for vote in copied_votes] response = { 'message': 'Data Saved.', 'chain': dict_chain, 'open_votes': dict_votes } return web.json_response(data=response, status=201) else: response = {'message': 'Data saving failed.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=500) #'/register_new_node') async def registerNode(self, request): try: json = await request.json() node = json['new_node'] parsed_url = urlparse(node) netloc = parsed_url.netloc if (node == self.my_node): response = {'message': 'current node cannot be added'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) elif (netloc in self.blockchain.nodes_url): response = {'message': 'already exist.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) else: self.blockchain.add_node(node) response = {'note': 'New node registered successfully.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=200) except Exception as e: return web.json_response(data=json.dumps(e), status=500) #'/register_node/broadcast') async def registerBroadcastNode(self, request): json = await request.json() new_node = json['new_node'] parsed_url = urlparse(new_node) netloc = parsed_url.netloc if (new_node == self.my_node): return "current node cannot be added" if (netloc in self.blockchain.nodes_url): return "already exist" self.blockchain.add_node(new_node) for node in self.blockchain.nodes_url: url = f'http://{node}/register_new_node' parse_data = {'new_node': new_node} # task = asyncio.ensure_future(self.send_to(url, parse_data)) # self.tasks.append(task) async with aiohttp.ClientSession( json_serialize=ujson.dumps) as session: await, json=parse_data) #, json=parse_data) # task = asyncio.ensure_future(self.send_node(netloc, self.my_node)) # self.tasks.append(task) await self.send_node(netloc, self.my_node) response = { 'message': 'All the nodes are now connected. The Blockchain now contains the following nodes:', 'total_nodes': [f'http://{node}' for node in self.blockchain.nodes_url] } return web.json_response(data=response, status=201) #'/register_nodes') async def register_nodes(self, request): json = await request.json() nodes = json['nodes'] if nodes is None: response = {'message': 'Nodes are not found.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) if nodes.__contains__(self.my_node): nodes.remove(self.my_node) self.blockchain.register_nodes(nodes) #resend nodes to the sender of the nodes await self.blockchain.send_nodes(nodes[0], self.my_node) response = {'message': 'nodes registere successfuly'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=200) #'/send_nodes') async def send_nodes(self, request): # global my_node print('my_node is ' + self.my_node) if await self.blockchain.send_nodes('localhost:7000', self.my_node): response = {'message': 'Nodes are send successfully.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=200) else: response = {'message': 'Error get in process.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=500) # @routes.get('/replace') async def replace_chain(self, request): """ If client not set up.""" if self.client.public_key == None: response = {'message': 'No client setup.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) if self.blockchain.replace_chain(): response = {'message': 'sucesss'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=200) else: response = {'message': 'error exist'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=500) # @routes.get('/get_nodes') async def get_nodes(self, request): """ If client not set up.""" if self.client.public_key == None: response = {'message': 'No client setup.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) node_list = [] for node in self.blockchain.nodes_url: node_list.append(node) if len(node_list) > 0: response = {'nodes': node_list, 'count': len(node_list)} return web.json_response(data=response, status=200) else: response = {'message': 'Nodes not found.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=500) #'/candidate') async def add_candidate(self, request): """ If client not set up.""" if self.client.public_key == None: response = {'message': 'No client setup.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) """If user are not login.""" if self.user.user is None: response = {'message': 'User are not Login.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) result = await request.json() if result is None: response = {'message': 'data not found.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) """If the required data has an missing. """ required_fields = [ 'first_name', 'last_name', 'department', 'section', 'year', 'cgpa', 'student_id', 'candidate_id' ] for values in result: if not all(field in values for field in required_fields): response = {'message': 'Required data missing.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) for values in result: candidate = Candidate(values['first_name'], values['last_name'], values['department'], values['section'], values['year'], values['cgpa'], values['student_id'], values['candidate_id']) self.blockchain.candidates_set.add(candidate) self.blockchain.save_candidates() response = {'message': 'Successfuly add candidates.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=200) #'/student') async def add_student(self, request): """ If client not set up.""" if self.client.public_key == None: response = {'message': 'No client setup.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) """If user are already login.""" # global user if not self.user.user is None: response = { 'message': 'The user already login. Yout have to Logout to register.' } return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) result = await request.json() if result is None: response = {'message': 'data not found.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) required_fields = [ 'student_id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'department', 'section', 'year', 'password' ] if not all(field in result for field in required_fields): response = {'message': 'Required data missing.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) student = Student(result['first_name'], result['last_name'], result['department'], result['section'], result['year'], result['student_id'], password=result['password']) (boole, ) = self.user.student_register(student) if boole: response = { 'message': 'Register successfully.', 'user_login': not self.user.user is None, 'user_status': self.user.type } return web.json_response(data=response, status=200) else: response = { 'message': 'Register failed.', 'user_login': not self.user.user is None, 'user_status': self.user.type } return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) # @routes.get('/candidates') async def get_candidates(self, request): """ If client not set up.""" if self.client.public_key == None: response = {'message': 'No client setup.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) if len(self.blockchain.candidates_set) > 0: candidates = self.blockchain.candidates_set.copy() candidates_list = [] for candidate in candidates: candidate = candidate.to_order_dict() candidates_list.append(candidate) response = { 'candidates': candidates_list, 'count': len(candidates) } return web.json_response(data=response, status=201) else: response = {'message': 'candidates not found.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=500) #'/student/login') async def login(self, request): """ If client not set up.""" if self.client.public_key == None: response = {'message': 'No client setup.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) """If user are already login.""" # global user if not self.user.user is None: response = { 'message': 'The user already login. Yout have to Logout to Login again.' } return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) result = await request.json() required_fields = ['id', 'year', 'password'] if not all(field in result for field in required_fields): response = {'message': 'Required data missing.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) if self.user.login_student(result['id'], result['year'], result['password']): response = { 'message': 'you are login Successfully', 'user_login': not self.user.user is None, 'user_status': self.user.type } return web.json_response(data=response, status=201) else: response = { 'message': 'Login failed.', 'user_login': not self.user.user is None, 'user_status': self.user.type } return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) #'/logout') async def logout(self, request): if self.user.user is None: response = {'message': 'user not login.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=400) self.user.user = None self.user.type = None response = {'message': 'Logout Successfully.'} return web.json_response(data=response, status=200) async def on_shutdown(self, app): print('shutting down:', end='') for task in app['tasks']: print('#', end='') if not task.cancelled(): task.cancel() for ws in app['websockets']: print('.', end='') await ws.close(code=aiohttp.WSCloseCode.GOING_AWAY, message='server shutdown') # global tasks for task in self.tasks: print('#', end='') if not task.cancelled(): task.cancel() print('Done!') async def send_node(self, netloc, my_node): await self.blockchain.send_nodes(netloc, my_node) async def send_to(self, url, parse_data): async with aiohttp.ClientSession( json_serialize=ujson.dumps) as session: await, json=parse_data) async def add_to_route(self):'/', self.handle)'/user', self.new_user)'/client', self.load_keys)'/keys', self.create_keys)'/vote', self.add_vote)'/mine', self.mine)'/recieve_block', self.recieve_block)'/votes', self.get_open_votes)'/chain', self.get_chain)'/verify', self.verify_chain)'/verify', self.verify_votes)'/data', self.load_data)'/data', self.save_data)'/register_new_node', self.registerNode)'/register_node/broadcast', self.registerBroadcastNode)'/register_nodes', self.register_nodes)'/send_nodes', self.send_nodes)'/replace', self.replace_chain)'/get_nodes', self.get_nodes)'/candidate', self.add_candidate)'/student', self.add_student)'/candidates', self.get_candidates)'/student/login', self.login)'/logout', self.logout) def main(self): # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # logging.Logger # logging.getLogger("asyncio").setLevel(logging.WARNING) # import logging stdio_handler = logging.StreamHandler() stdio_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) _logger = logging.getLogger('aiohttp.access') _logger.addHandler(stdio_handler) _logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # kick off the web server async def start(): # global app, tasks await self.add_to_route() runner = web.AppRunner(, access_log=None) await runner.setup() print('setup finished') site = web.TCPSite(runner,, self.port) await site.start() print('server start ...') asyncio.gather(*self.tasks) async def end(): # global app await print('main func') # async def ui(): # app = VoteApp() # app.mainloop() asyncio.set_event_loop(asyncio.new_event_loop()) asyncio.ensure_future(start()) # self.loop.create_task(ui()) # self.loop.run_until_complete(start()) self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # main program "loop" try: self.loop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: # on exit, web server self.loop.run_until_complete(end()) # stop the main event loop self.loop.close()