Beispiel #1
def _generate_hovers():
    """Generate list of hoverable buttons."""
    TOP_ROW_Y = 21
    POWER_ROW_Y = 62
    return apply_function(
                # Basic Stats
                "treasury": (160, TOP_ROW_Y),
                "manpower": (255, TOP_ROW_Y),
                "sailors": (350, TOP_ROW_Y),
                "stability": (450, TOP_ROW_Y),
                "corruption": (510, TOP_ROW_Y),
                "prestige": (575, TOP_ROW_Y),
                "legitimacy": (642, TOP_ROW_Y),
                "power projection": (711, TOP_ROW_Y),
                # Envoys
                "merchants": (796, TOP_ROW_Y),
                "colonists": (836, TOP_ROW_Y),
                "diplomats": (875, TOP_ROW_Y),
                "missionaries": (919, TOP_ROW_Y),
                # Power Points
                ("administrative power", "admin power"): (508, POWER_ROW_Y),
                ("diplomatic power", "diplo power"): (567, POWER_ROW_Y),
                ("military power", "mill power"): (627, POWER_ROW_Y),
                "age info": (832, 63),
Beispiel #2
chainable_formatters = multi_map({
    # "studley": "studley",
    # ("snake", "snik", "nick"): "snake",
    ("spine", "spin"):
    # TODO: Settle on one/two of these
    ("dotword", "knob", "pebble"):
    # ("squash", "smash", "mash"): "squash",
    # TODO: padded formatting
    # "pad": "padded",
    # Common combination, so contract it.
    ("upsnake", "upsnik", "up nick"):
    # TODO: Maybe don't allow this to be chained?
        # "bot",
        # "low",
        # "small",
        # "case",
    # Function calls are euler-style by default. Lisps can override this.
    # FIXME: This adds https:// in front of every dictation chunk, not just the first one.
    ("H T T P S", "H T T P S /", "url"):
    "see path":
    "c_path",  # c path
    # FIXME: Clashes with C path?
Beispiel #3
                "age info": (832, 63),

hoverable_buttons = _generate_hovers()

clickable_buttons = multi_map({
    Corner(Corner.TOP_RIGHT, -16, 80),
    Corner(Corner.BOTTOM_RIGHT, -14, -237),
    Corner(Corner.BOTTOM_RIGHT, -167, -24),
    ("modifiers", "triggered modifiers"):
    Corner(Corner.BOTTOM_RIGHT, -125, -22),
    # Log does have a shortcut, "<", but EU4 doesn't always recognize it
    # (even from an actual keyboard).
    "show log":
    Corner(Corner.BOTTOM_RIGHT, -289, -23),
    "great powers":
    Corner(Corner.TOP_LEFT, 122, 92),


module = Module()

module.list("eu4_hoverables", desc="named buttons that may be hovered over")
module.list("eu4_clickables", desc="named buttons that may be clicked")
# Many of these formatters may be chained and applied to a single chunk.
_chainable_formatters = multi_map({
    ("snake", "snik"):
    # TODO: Maybe change this command. Dotty?
    # TODO: Maybe don't allow this to be chained?
    ("lower", "bot"):
    # Language-specific
    # TODO: Where is this delimiter used again?
    "see path":
    "c_path",  # c path
    # TODO: Maybe move this into a context-specific list
# Only one of these formatters can be applied to each chunk.
Beispiel #5
symbols = multi_map({
    ("back tick", "grave"):
    ("comma", "camma"):
    ("dot", "period", "full stop", "stop"):
    ("semicolon", "semi"):
    ("apostrophe", "post", "poess"):
        "speech mark",
        # Quote now starts a dictated quote
        # "quote",
    # FIXME: slash and blash recognition conflicts
    ("forward slash", "slash"):
    ("backslash", "blash"):
    ("minus", "dash"):
        # "eek",
        "quills",  # w2l
    ("question mark", "question", "quest"):
    ("exclamation", "bang"):
    ("dollar sign", "dollar"):
    ("underscore", "score"):
    ("colon", "coal"):
    ("asterisk", "star"):
    # "pound": "#",
    "at sign":
    ("ampersand", "amper"):
    # Currency
    "€",  # FIXME: comes out as "4"
    # Brackets
    ("left square", "lack"):
    ("right square", "rack"):
    ("left paren", "lub"):
    ("right paren", "rub"):
    ("left brace", "lace"):
    ("right brace", "race"):
    ("left angle", "langle"):
    ("right angle", "rangle"):
    ("space", "gap", "pat"):
    " ",
    # Special
    "new line":
    # Multi-char Symbols
    # TODO: Extract these into a separate list
    "= =",  # E[quiva]lent
    ("walrus", "wally"):
    ": =",
    "- >",
    "< -",
    "= >",
    "< =",
    # TODO: Probably a better name for this
    ": :",
Beispiel #6
ctx.lists["self.symbol"] = multi_map({
    ("back tick", "grave"):
    ("comma", "cam"):
    ("dot", "period", "full stop", "point"):
    ("semicolon", "semi"):
    ("apostrophe", "quote"):
    ("double quote", "dub quote", "speech mark", "speech"):
    # FIXME: slash and blash recognition conflicts
    ("forward slash", "slash"):
    ("backslash", "blash"):
    ("minus", "dash"):
    ("equals", "eek"):
    ("question mark", "question", "quest"):
    ("exclamation", "bang"):
    ("dollar sign", "dollar"):
    ("underscore", "score"):
    ("colon", "coal"):
    ("asterisk", "star"):
    # "pound": "#",
    "at sign":
    ("ampersand", "amper"):
    # Currency
    "€",  # FIXME: comes out as "4"
    # Brackets
    ("left square", "lack"):
    ("right square", "rack"):
    ("left paren", "lub"):
    ("right paren", "rub"):
    ("left brace", "lace"):
    ("right brace", "race"):
    ("left angle", "langle"):
    ("right angle", "rangle"):