Beispiel #1
class RunDb:
  def __init__(self, db_name='fishtest_new', clop_socket=None):
    # MongoDB server is assumed to be on the same machine, if not user should use
    # ssh with port forwarding to access the remote host.
    self.conn = MongoClient(os.getenv('FISHTEST_HOST') or 'localhost')
    self.db = self.conn[db_name]
    self.userdb = UserDb(self.db)
    self.clopdb = ClopDb(self.db, clop_socket)
    self.actiondb = ActionDb(self.db)
    self.runs = self.db['runs']

    self.chunk_size = 1000

  def build_indices(self):
    self.runs.ensure_index([('finished', ASCENDING), ('last_updated', DESCENDING)])

  def generate_tasks(self, num_games):
    tasks = []
    remaining = num_games
    while remaining > 0:
      task_size = min(self.chunk_size, remaining)
        'num_games': task_size,
        'pending': True,
        'active': False,
      remaining -= task_size
    return tasks

  def new_run(self, base_tag, new_tag, num_games, tc, book, book_depth, threads, base_options, new_options,
    if start_time == None:
      start_time = datetime.utcnow()

    run_args = {
      'base_tag': base_tag,
      'new_tag': new_tag,
      'num_games': num_games,
      'tc': tc,
      'book': book,
      'book_depth': book_depth,
      'threads': threads,
      'regression_test': regression_test,
      'resolved_base': resolved_base,
      'resolved_new': resolved_new,
      'msg_base': msg_base,
      'msg_new': msg_new,
      'base_options': base_options,
      'new_options': new_options,
      'info': info,
      'base_signature': base_signature,
      'new_signature': new_signature,
      'username': username,
      'tests_repo': tests_repo,
      'priority': priority,

    if sprt != None:
      run_args['sprt'] = sprt

    if clop != None:
      run_args['clop'] = clop

    new_run = {
      'args': run_args,
      'start_time': start_time,
      'last_updated': start_time,
      # Will be filled in by tasks, indexed by task-id
      'tasks': self.generate_tasks(num_games),
      # Aggregated results
      'results': { 'wins': 0, 'losses': 0, 'draws': 0 },
      'results_stale': False,
      'finished': False,
      'approved': False,
      'approver': '',

    # Check for an existing approval matching the git commit SHAs
    def get_approval(sha):
      q = { '$or': [{ 'args.resolved_base': sha }, { 'args.resolved_new': sha }], 'approved': True }
      return self.runs.find_one(q)
    base_approval = get_approval(resolved_base)
    new_approval = get_approval(resolved_new)
    if base_approval != None and new_approval != None:
      new_run['approved'] = True
      new_run['approver'] = new_approval['approver']

    return self.runs.insert(new_run)

  def get_machines(self):
    machines = []
    for run in self.runs.find({'tasks': {'$elemMatch': {'active': True}}}):
      for task in run['tasks']:
        if task['active']:
          machine = copy.copy(task['worker_info'])
          machine['last_updated'] = task.get('last_updated', None)
          machine['run'] = run
          machine['nps'] = task.get('nps', 0)
          # TODO(glinscott): Temporary - remove once worker version >= 41
          if not isinstance(machine['uname'], basestring):
            machine['uname'] = machine['uname'][0] + machine['uname'][2]
    return machines

  def get_run(self, id):
    return self.runs.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(id)})

  def get_run_to_build(self):
    return self.runs.find_one({'binaries_url': {'$exists': False}, 'finished': False, 'deleted': {'$exists': False}})

  def get_runs(self):
    return list(self.get_unfinished_runs()) + self.get_finished_runs()[0]

  def get_unfinished_runs(self):
    return self.runs.find({'finished': False},
                          sort=[('last_updated', DESCENDING), ('start_time', DESCENDING)])

  def get_finished_runs(self, skip=0, limit=0, username=''):
    q = {'finished': True, 'deleted': {'$exists': False}}
    if len(username) > 0:
      q['args.username'] = username

    c = self.runs.find(q, skip=skip, limit=limit, sort=[('last_updated', DESCENDING)])
    return (list(c), c.count())

  def get_clop_exclusion_list(self, minimum):
    exclusion_list = []
    for run in self.runs.find({'args.clop': {'$exists': True}, 'finished': False, 'deleted': {'$exists': False}}):
      available_games = 0
      for game in self.clopdb.get_games(run['_id']):
        if len(game['task_id']) == 0:
          available_games += 1

      active = False
      for task in run['tasks']:
        if task['active']:
          active = True

      if available_games < minimum and active:
    return exclusion_list

  def get_results(self, run):
    if not run['results_stale']:
      return run['results']

    results = { 'wins': 0, 'losses': 0, 'draws': 0, 'crashes': 0, 'time_losses':0 }
    for task in run['tasks']:
      if 'stats' in task:
        stats = task['stats']
        results['wins'] += stats['wins']
        results['losses'] += stats['losses']
        results['draws'] += stats['draws']
        results['crashes'] += stats['crashes']
        results['time_losses'] += stats.get('time_losses', 0)

    if 'sprt' in run['args'] and 'state' in run['args']['sprt']:
      results['sprt'] = run['args']['sprt']['state']

    run['results_stale'] = False
    run['results'] = results

    return results

  def request_task(self, worker_info):
    # Check for blocked user or ip
    if self.userdb.is_blocked(worker_info):
      return {'task_waiting': False}

    # Build list of CLOP runs that are already almost full
    max_threads = int(worker_info['concurrency'])
    if 'Windows' in worker_info['uname']:
      exclusion_list = [r['_id'] for r in self.runs.find({'args.clop': {'$exists': True}, 'finished': False, 'deleted': {'$exists': False}})]
      exclusion_list = self.get_clop_exclusion_list(2 + max_threads)

    # Does this worker have a task already?  If so, just hand that back
    existing_run = self.runs.find_one({'tasks': {'$elemMatch': {'active': True, 'worker_info': worker_info}}})
    if existing_run != None and existing_run['_id'] not in exclusion_list:
      for task_id, task in enumerate(existing_run['tasks']):
        if task['active'] and task['worker_info'] == worker_info:
          if task['pending']:
            return {'run': existing_run, 'task_id': task_id}
            # Don't hand back tasks that have been marked as no longer pending
            task['active'] = False

    # We need to allocate a new task, but first check we don't have the same
    # machine already running because multiple connections are not allowed.
    remote_addr = worker_info['remote_addr']
    machines = self.get_machines()
    connections = sum([int(m.get('remote_addr','') == remote_addr) for m in machines])

    # Allow a few connections, for multiple computers on same IP
    if connections >= self.userdb.get_machine_limit(worker_info['username']):
      return {'task_waiting': False, 'hit_machine_limit': True}

    # Ok, we get a new task that does not require more threads than available concurrency
    q = {
      'new': True,
      'query': { '$and': [ {'tasks': {'$elemMatch': {'active': False, 'pending': True}}},
                           {'args.threads': { '$lte': max_threads }},
                           {'_id': { '$nin': exclusion_list}},
                           {'approved': True}]},
      'sort': [('args.priority', DESCENDING), ('_id', ASCENDING)],
      'update': {
        '$set': {
          'tasks.$.active': True,
          'tasks.$.last_updated': datetime.utcnow(),
          'tasks.$.worker_info': worker_info,

    run = self.runs.find_and_modify(**q)
    if run == None:
      return {'task_waiting': False}

    # Find the task we have just activated: the one with the highest 'last_updated'
    latest_time = datetime.min
    for idx, task in enumerate(run['tasks']):
      if 'last_updated' in task and task['last_updated'] > latest_time:
        latest_time = task['last_updated']
        task_id = idx

    # Lower priority of long running tests
    if task_id > 40 and 'sprt' in run['args'] and run['args']['priority'] == 0:
      run['args']['priority'] = -1

    # Lower priority of LTC long running tests
    if task_id > 50 and 'sprt' in run['args'] and parse_tc(run['args']['tc']) > 100:
      run['args']['priority'] = -3

    return {'run': run, 'task_id': task_id}

  def update_task(self, run_id, task_id, stats, nps, clop):
    run = self.get_run(run_id)
    if task_id >= len(run['tasks']):
      return {'task_alive': False}

    task = run['tasks'][task_id]
    if not task['active'] or not task['pending']:
      return {'task_alive': False}

    # Guard against incorrect results
    num_games = stats['wins'] + stats['losses'] + stats['draws']
    if 'stats' in task and num_games < task['stats']['wins'] + task['stats']['losses'] + task['stats']['draws']:
      return {'task_alive': False}

    task['stats'] = stats
    task['nps'] = nps
    if num_games >= task['num_games']:
      task['active'] = False
      task['pending'] = False

    update_time = datetime.utcnow()
    task['last_updated'] = update_time
    run['last_updated'] = update_time
    run['results_stale'] = True

    # Check if SPRT stopping is enabled
    if 'sprt' in run['args']:
      sprt = run['args']['sprt']
      sprt_stats = stat_util.SPRT(self.get_results(run),
      if sprt_stats['finished']:
        run['args']['sprt']['state'] = sprt_stats['state']


    # Update clop results
    if 'clop' in run['args'] and len(clop['game_id']) > 0:
      self.clopdb.write_result(clop['game_id'], clop['game_result'])
      if not task['active']:
        self.clopdb.stop_games(run_id, task_id)

    return {'task_alive': task['active']}

  def failed_task(self, run_id, task_id):
    run = self.get_run(run_id)
    if task_id >= len(run['tasks']):
      return {'task_alive': False}

    task = run['tasks'][task_id]
    if not task['active'] or not task['pending']:
      return {'task_alive': False}

    # Mark the task as inactive: it will be rescheduled
    task['active'] = False

    if 'clop' in run['args']:
      self.clopdb.stop_games(run_id, task_id)

    return {}

  def stop_run(self, run_id):
    run = self.get_run(run_id)
    prune_idx = len(run['tasks'])
    for idx, task in enumerate(run['tasks']):
      is_active = task['active']
      task['active'] = False
      task['pending'] = False
      if 'stats' not in task and not is_active:
        prune_idx = min(idx, prune_idx)
        prune_idx = idx + 1
    # Truncate the empty tasks
    if prune_idx < len(run['tasks']):
      del run['tasks'][prune_idx:]

    return {}

  def approve_run(self, run_id, approver):
    run = self.get_run(run_id)
    # Can't self approve
    if run['args']['username'] == approver:
      return False

    run['approved'] = True
    run['approver'] = approver
    return True
Beispiel #2
class RunDb:
  def __init__(self, db_name='fishtest_new'):
    # MongoDB server is assumed to be on the same machine, if not user should use
    # ssh with port forwarding to access the remote host.
    self.conn = MongoClient(os.getenv('FISHTEST_HOST') or 'localhost')
    self.db = self.conn[db_name]
    self.userdb = UserDb(self.db)
    self.actiondb = ActionDb(self.db)
    self.regressiondb = RegressionDb(self.db)
    self.runs = self.db['runs']

    self.chunk_size = 1000

  def build_indices(self):
    self.runs.ensure_index([('finished', ASCENDING), ('last_updated', DESCENDING)])

  def generate_tasks(self, num_games):
    tasks = []
    remaining = num_games
    while remaining > 0:
      task_size = min(self.chunk_size, remaining)
        'num_games': task_size,
        'pending': True,
        'active': False,
      remaining -= task_size
    return tasks

  def new_run(self, base_tag, new_tag, num_games, tc, book, book_depth, threads, base_options, new_options,
    if start_time == None:
      start_time = datetime.utcnow()

    run_args = {
      'base_tag': base_tag,
      'new_tag': new_tag,
      'num_games': num_games,
      'tc': tc,
      'book': book,
      'book_depth': book_depth,
      'threads': threads,
      'regression_test': regression_test,
      'resolved_base': resolved_base,
      'resolved_new': resolved_new,
      'msg_base': msg_base,
      'msg_new': msg_new,
      'base_options': base_options,
      'new_options': new_options,
      'info': info,
      'base_signature': base_signature,
      'new_signature': new_signature,
      'username': username,
      'tests_repo': tests_repo,
      'throughput': throughput,
      'priority': priority,
      'internal_priority': - time.mktime(start_time.timetuple()),

    if sprt != None:
      run_args['sprt'] = sprt

    if spsa != None:
      run_args['spsa'] = spsa

    new_run = {
      'args': run_args,
      'start_time': start_time,
      'last_updated': start_time,
      # Will be filled in by tasks, indexed by task-id
      'tasks': self.generate_tasks(num_games),
      # Aggregated results
      'results': { 'wins': 0, 'losses': 0, 'draws': 0 },
      'results_stale': False,
      'finished': False,
      'approved': False,
      'approver': '',

    # Check for an existing approval matching the git commit SHAs
    def get_approval(sha):
      q = { '$or': [{ 'args.resolved_base': sha }, { 'args.resolved_new': sha }], 'approved': True }
      return self.runs.find_one(q)
    base_approval = get_approval(resolved_base)
    new_approval = get_approval(resolved_new)
    allow_auto = username in ['mcostalba', 'jkiiski', 'glinscott', 'lbraesch'] 
    if base_approval != None and new_approval != None and allow_auto:
      new_run['approved'] = True
      new_run['approver'] = new_approval['approver']

    return self.runs.insert(new_run)

  def get_machines(self):
    machines = []
    for run in self.runs.find({'tasks': {'$elemMatch': {'active': True}}}):
      for task in run['tasks']:
        if task['active']:
          machine = copy.copy(task['worker_info'])
          machine['last_updated'] = task.get('last_updated', None)
          machine['run'] = run
          machine['nps'] = task.get('nps', 0)
          # TODO(glinscott): Temporary - remove once worker version >= 41
          if not isinstance(machine['uname'], basestring):
            machine['uname'] = machine['uname'][0] + machine['uname'][2]
    return machines

  def get_run(self, id):
    return self.runs.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(id)})

  def get_run_to_build(self):
    return self.runs.find_one({'binaries_url': {'$exists': False}, 'finished': False, 'deleted': {'$exists': False}})

  def get_runs(self):
    return list(self.get_unfinished_runs()) + self.get_finished_runs()[0]

  def get_unfinished_runs(self):
    return self.runs.find({'finished': False},
                          sort=[('last_updated', DESCENDING), ('start_time', DESCENDING)])

  def get_finished_runs(self, skip=0, limit=0, username=''):
    q = {'finished': True, 'deleted': {'$exists': False}}
    if len(username) > 0:
      q['args.username'] = username

    c = self.runs.find(q, skip=skip, limit=limit, sort=[('last_updated', DESCENDING)])
    return (list(c), c.count())

  def get_results(self, run):
    if not run['results_stale']:
      return run['results']

    results = { 'wins': 0, 'losses': 0, 'draws': 0, 'crashes': 0, 'time_losses':0 }
    for task in run['tasks']:
      if 'stats' in task:
        stats = task['stats']
        results['wins'] += stats['wins']
        results['losses'] += stats['losses']
        results['draws'] += stats['draws']
        results['crashes'] += stats['crashes']
        results['time_losses'] += stats.get('time_losses', 0)

    if 'sprt' in run['args'] and 'state' in run['args']['sprt']:
      results['sprt'] = run['args']['sprt']['state']

    run['results_stale'] = False
    run['results'] = results

    return results

  def request_task(self, worker_info):
    # Check for blocked user or ip
    if self.userdb.is_blocked(worker_info):
      return {'task_waiting': False}

    max_threads = int(worker_info['concurrency'])
    exclusion_list = []

    # Does this worker have a task already?  If so, just hand that back
    existing_run = self.runs.find_one({'tasks': {'$elemMatch': {'active': True, 'worker_info': worker_info}}})
    if existing_run != None and existing_run['_id'] not in exclusion_list:
      for task_id, task in enumerate(existing_run['tasks']):
        if task['active'] and task['worker_info'] == worker_info:
          if task['pending']:
            return {'run': existing_run, 'task_id': task_id}
            # Don't hand back tasks that have been marked as no longer pending
            task['active'] = False

    # We need to allocate a new task, but first check we don't have the same
    # machine already running because multiple connections are not allowed.
    remote_addr = worker_info['remote_addr']
    machines = self.get_machines()
    connections = sum([int(m.get('remote_addr','') == remote_addr) for m in machines])

    # Allow a few connections, for multiple computers on same IP
    if connections >= self.userdb.get_machine_limit(worker_info['username']):
      return {'task_waiting': False, 'hit_machine_limit': True}

    # Ok, we get a new task that does not require more threads than available concurrency
    q = {
      'new': True,
      'query': { '$and': [ {'tasks': {'$elemMatch': {'active': False, 'pending': True}}},
                           {'args.threads': { '$lte': max_threads }},
                           {'_id': { '$nin': exclusion_list}},
                           {'approved': True}]},
      'sort': [('args.priority', DESCENDING), ('args.internal_priority', DESCENDING), ('_id', ASCENDING)],
      'update': {
        '$set': {
          'tasks.$.active': True,
          'tasks.$.last_updated': datetime.utcnow(),
          'tasks.$.worker_info': worker_info,

    run = self.runs.find_and_modify(**q)
    if run == None:
      return {'task_waiting': False}

    # Find the task we have just activated: the one with the highest 'last_updated'
    latest_time = datetime.min
    for idx, task in enumerate(run['tasks']):
      if 'last_updated' in task and task['last_updated'] > latest_time:
        latest_time = task['last_updated']
        task_id = idx

    # Recalculate internal priority based on task start date and throughput
    # Formula: - second_since_epoch - played_and_allocated_tasks * 3600 * 1000 / games_throughput
    # With default value 'throughput = 1000', this means that the priority is unchanged as long as we play at rate '1000 games / hour'.
    if (run['args']['throughput'] != None and run['args']['throughput'] != 0):
      run['args']['internal_priority'] = - time.mktime(run['start_time'].timetuple()) - task_id * 3600 * 1000 / run['args']['throughput']

    return {'run': run, 'task_id': task_id}

  def update_task(self, run_id, task_id, stats, nps, spsa):
    run = self.get_run(run_id)
    if task_id >= len(run['tasks']):
      return {'task_alive': False}

    task = run['tasks'][task_id]
    if not task['active'] or not task['pending']:
      return {'task_alive': False}

    # Guard against incorrect results
    num_games = stats['wins'] + stats['losses'] + stats['draws']
    if 'stats' in task and num_games < task['stats']['wins'] + task['stats']['losses'] + task['stats']['draws']:
      return {'task_alive': False}

    task['stats'] = stats
    task['nps'] = nps
    if num_games >= task['num_games']:
      task['active'] = False
      task['pending'] = False

    update_time = datetime.utcnow()
    task['last_updated'] = update_time
    run['last_updated'] = update_time
    run['results_stale'] = True

    # Update spsa results
    if 'spsa' in run['args'] and spsa['wins'] + spsa['losses'] + spsa['draws'] == spsa['num_games']:
      self.update_spsa(run, spsa)

    # Check if SPRT stopping is enabled
    if 'sprt' in run['args']:
      sprt = run['args']['sprt']
      sprt_stats = stat_util.SPRT(self.get_results(run),
      if sprt_stats['finished']:
        run['args']['sprt']['state'] = sprt_stats['state']


    return {'task_alive': task['active']}

  def failed_task(self, run_id, task_id):
    run = self.get_run(run_id)
    if task_id >= len(run['tasks']):
      return {'task_alive': False}

    task = run['tasks'][task_id]
    if not task['active'] or not task['pending']:
      return {'task_alive': False}

    # Mark the task as inactive: it will be rescheduled
    task['active'] = False

    return {}

  def stop_run(self, run_id):
    run = self.get_run(run_id)
    prune_idx = len(run['tasks'])
    for idx, task in enumerate(run['tasks']):
      is_active = task['active']
      task['active'] = False
      task['pending'] = False
      if 'stats' not in task and not is_active:
        prune_idx = min(idx, prune_idx)
        prune_idx = idx + 1
    # Truncate the empty tasks
    if prune_idx < len(run['tasks']):
      del run['tasks'][prune_idx:]

    return {}

  def approve_run(self, run_id, approver):
    run = self.get_run(run_id)
    # Can't self approve
    if run['args']['username'] == approver:
      return False

    run['approved'] = True
    run['approver'] = approver
    return True

  def request_spsa(self, run_id, task_id):
    run = self.get_run(run_id)

    if task_id >= len(run['tasks']):
      return {'task_alive': False}
    task = run['tasks'][task_id]
    if not task['active'] or not task['pending']:
      return {'task_alive': False}

    result = {
      'task_alive': True,
      'w_params': [],
      'b_params': [],

    spsa = run['args']['spsa']

    # Increment the iter counter
    spsa['iter'] += 1

    # Generate the next set of tuning parameters
    for param in spsa['params']:
      a = param['a'] / (spsa['A'] + spsa['iter']) ** spsa['alpha']
      c = param['c'] / spsa['iter'] ** spsa['gamma']
      R = a / c ** 2
      flip = 1 if bool(random.getrandbits(1)) else -1
        'name': param['name'],
        'value': min(max(param['theta'] + c * flip, param['min']), param['max']),
        'R': R,
        'c': c,
        'flip': flip,
        'name': param['name'],
        'value': min(max(param['theta'] - c * flip, param['min']), param['max']),
    return result

  def update_spsa(self, run, spsa_results):
    spsa = run['args']['spsa']

    spsa['iter'] += int(spsa_results['num_games'] / 2) - 1

    # Update the current theta based on the results from the worker
    # Worker wins/losses are always in terms of w_params
    result = spsa_results['wins'] - spsa_results['losses']
    summary = []
    for idx, param in enumerate(spsa['params']):
      R = spsa_results['w_params'][idx]['R']
      c = spsa_results['w_params'][idx]['c']
      flip = spsa_results['w_params'][idx]['flip']
      param['theta'] = min(max(param['theta'] + R * c * result * flip, param['min']), param['max'])
        'theta': param['theta'],
        'R': R,
        'c': c,

    # Every 100 iterations, record the parameters
    if 'param_history' not in spsa:
      spsa['param_history'] = []
    if len(spsa['param_history']) < spsa['iter'] / 100:
Beispiel #3
class RunDb:
    def __init__(self, db_name='fishtest_new'):
        # MongoDB server is assumed to be on the same machine, if not user should use
        # ssh with port forwarding to access the remote host.
        self.conn = MongoClient(os.getenv('FISHTEST_HOST') or 'localhost')
        self.db = self.conn[db_name]
        self.userdb = UserDb(self.db)
        self.actiondb = ActionDb(self.db)
        self.regressiondb = RegressionDb(self.db)
        self.runs = self.db['runs']
        self.old_runs = self.db['old_runs']

        self.chunk_size = 1000

    def build_indices(self):
        self.runs.ensure_index([('finished', ASCENDING),
                                ('last_updated', DESCENDING)])

    def generate_tasks(self, num_games):
        tasks = []
        remaining = num_games
        while remaining > 0:
            task_size = min(self.chunk_size, remaining)
                'num_games': task_size,
                'pending': True,
                'active': False,
            remaining -= task_size
        return tasks

    def new_run(self,
        if start_time == None:
            start_time = datetime.utcnow()

        run_args = {
            'base_tag': base_tag,
            'new_tag': new_tag,
            'num_games': num_games,
            'tc': tc,
            'book': book,
            'book_depth': book_depth,
            'threads': threads,
            'regression_test': regression_test,
            'resolved_base': resolved_base,
            'resolved_new': resolved_new,
            'msg_base': msg_base,
            'msg_new': msg_new,
            'base_options': base_options,
            'new_options': new_options,
            'info': info,
            'base_signature': base_signature,
            'new_signature': new_signature,
            'username': username,
            'tests_repo': tests_repo,
            'auto_purge': auto_purge,
            'throughput': throughput,
            'priority': priority,
            'internal_priority': -time.mktime(start_time.timetuple()),

        if sprt != None:
            run_args['sprt'] = sprt

        if spsa != None:
            run_args['spsa'] = spsa

        new_run = {
            'args': run_args,
            'start_time': start_time,
            'last_updated': start_time,
            # Will be filled in by tasks, indexed by task-id
            'tasks': self.generate_tasks(num_games),
            # Aggregated results
            'results': {
                'wins': 0,
                'losses': 0,
                'draws': 0
            'results_stale': False,
            'finished': False,
            'approved': False,
            'approver': '',

        # Check for an existing approval matching the git commit SHAs
        def get_approval(sha):
            q = {
                '$or': [{
                    'args.resolved_base': sha
                }, {
                    'args.resolved_new': sha
                'approved': True
            return self.runs.find_one(q)

        base_approval = get_approval(resolved_base)
        new_approval = get_approval(resolved_new)
        allow_auto = username in [
            'mcostalba', 'jkiiski', 'glinscott', 'lbraesch'
        if base_approval != None and new_approval != None and allow_auto:
            new_run['approved'] = True
            new_run['approver'] = new_approval['approver']

        return self.runs.insert(new_run)

    def get_machines(self):
        machines = []
        for run in self.runs.find({'tasks': {'$elemMatch': {'active': True}}}):
            for task in run['tasks']:
                if task['active']:
                    machine = copy.copy(task['worker_info'])
                    machine['last_updated'] = task.get('last_updated', None)
                    machine['run'] = run
                    machine['nps'] = task.get('nps', 0)
                    # TODO(glinscott): Temporary - remove once worker version >= 41
                    if not isinstance(machine['uname'], basestring):
                        machine['uname'] = machine['uname'][0] + machine[
        return machines

    # Cache runs
    run_cache = {}
    run_cache_lock = threading.Lock()

    timer = None

    def get_run(self, id):
        with self.run_cache_lock:
            id = str(id)
            if id in self.run_cache:
                self.run_cache[id]['rtime'] = time.time()
                return self.run_cache[id]['run']
            run = self.runs.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(id)})
            if not run:
                run = self.old_runs.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(id)})
            self.run_cache[id] = {
                'rtime': time.time(),
                'ftime': time.time(),
                'run': run,
                'dirty': False
            return run

    def buffer(self, run, flush):
        with self.run_cache_lock:
            if self.timer is None:
                self.timer = threading.Timer(1.0, self.flush_buffers)
            id = str(run['_id'])
            if flush:
                self.run_cache[id] = {
                    'dirty': False,
                    'rtime': time.time(),
                    'ftime': time.time(),
                    'run': run
                if id in self.run_cache:
                    ftime = self.run_cache[id]['ftime']
                    ftime = time.time()
                self.run_cache[id] = {
                    'dirty': True,
                    'rtime': time.time(),
                    'ftime': ftime,
                    'run': run

    def flush_buffers(self):
        with self.run_cache_lock:
            now = time.time()
            old = now + 1
            oldest = None
            for id in self.run_cache.keys():
                if not self.run_cache[id]['dirty']:
                    if self.run_cache[id]['rtime'] < now - 10:
                        del self.run_cache[id]
                elif self.run_cache[id]['ftime'] < old:
                    old = self.run_cache[id]['ftime']
                    oldest = id
            if not oldest is None:
                if int(now) % 60 == 0:
                self.run_cache[oldest]['dirty'] = False
                self.run_cache[oldest]['ftime'] = time.time()
            self.timer = threading.Timer(1.0, self.flush_buffers)

    def scavenge(self, run):
        old = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=30)
        for task in run['tasks']:
            if task['active'] and task['last_updated'] < old:
                task['active'] = False

    def get_run_to_build(self):
        return self.runs.find_one({
            'binaries_url': {
                '$exists': False
            'finished': False,
            'deleted': {
                '$exists': False

    def get_runs(self):
        return list(self.get_unfinished_runs()) + self.get_finished_runs()[0]

    def get_unfinished_runs(self):
        with self.run_lock:
            return self.runs.find({'finished': False},
                                  sort=[('last_updated', DESCENDING),
                                        ('start_time', DESCENDING)])

    def get_finished_runs(self,
        q = {'finished': True, 'deleted': {'$exists': False}}
        if len(username) > 0:
            q['args.username'] = username
        if success_only:
            # This is unfortunate, but the only way we have of telling if a run was successful or
            # not currently is the color!
            q[''] = '#44EB44'

        c = self.runs.find(q,
                           sort=[('last_updated', DESCENDING)])
        result = [list(c), c.count()]

        if limit != 0 and len(result[0]) != limit:
            c = self.old_runs.find(q,
                                   skip=max(0, skip - c.count()),
                                   limit=limit - len(result[0]))
            result[0] += list(c)
            result[1] += c.count()
            result[1] += self.old_runs.find(q).count()

        return result

    def get_results(self, run, save_run=True):
        if not run['results_stale']:
            return run['results']

        results = {
            'wins': 0,
            'losses': 0,
            'draws': 0,
            'crashes': 0,
            'time_losses': 0
        for task in run['tasks']:
            if 'stats' in task:
                stats = task['stats']
                results['wins'] += stats['wins']
                results['losses'] += stats['losses']
                results['draws'] += stats['draws']
                results['crashes'] += stats['crashes']
                results['time_losses'] += stats.get('time_losses', 0)

        if 'sprt' in run['args'] and 'state' in run['args']['sprt']:
            results['sprt'] = run['args']['sprt']['state']

        run['results_stale'] = False
        run['results'] = results
        if save_run:
            self.buffer(run, True)

        return results

    # Limit concurrent request_task
    task_lock = threading.Lock()

    task_time = 0
    task_runs = None
    worker_task = {}

    def request_task(self, worker_info):
        with self.task_lock:
            return self.sync_request_task(worker_info)

    def sync_request_task(self, worker_info):

        # Check for blocked user or ip
        if self.userdb.is_blocked(worker_info):
            return {'task_waiting': False}

        if time.time() > self.task_time + 60:
            self.task_runs = []
            for r in self.get_unfinished_runs():
            self.task_runs.sort(key=lambda r: (-r['args']['priority'], -r[
                'args']['internal_priority'], r['_id']))
            self.task_time = time.time()

        max_threads = int(worker_info['concurrency'])
        exclusion_list = []

        # Does this worker have a task already?  If so, just hand that back
        for runt in self.task_runs:
            key = worker_info['unique_key']
            if key in self.worker_task and self.worker_task[key] == runt['_id']:
                run = self.get_run(runt['_id'])
                task_id = -1
                for task in run['tasks']:
                    task_id = task_id + 1
                    if task['active'] and task['worker_info'] == worker_info:
                        if task['pending']:
                            return {'run': run, 'task_id': task_id}
                            # Don't hand back tasks that have been marked as no longer pending
                            task['active'] = False
                            self.buffer(run, True)

        # We need to allocate a new task, but first check we don't have the same
        # machine already running because multiple connections are not allowed.
        connections = 0
        for run in self.task_runs:
            for task in run['tasks']:
                if task['active'] and task['worker_info'][
                        'remote_addr'] == worker_info['remote_addr']:
                    connections = connections + 1

        # Allow a few connections, for multiple computers on same IP
        if connections >= self.userdb.get_machine_limit(
            return {'task_waiting': False, 'hit_machine_limit': True}

        # Ok, we get a new task that does not require more threads than available concurrency
        run_found = False
        for runt in self.task_runs:
            run = self.get_run(runt['_id'])
            if run['_id'] not in exclusion_list and run['approved']:
                task_id = -1
                for task in run['tasks']:
                    task_id = task_id + 1
                    if not task['active'] and task['pending'] and run['args'][
                            'threads'] <= max_threads:
                        task['active'] = True
                        task['last_updated'] = datetime.utcnow()
                        task['worker_info'] = worker_info
                        run_found = True
            if run_found:

        if not run_found:
            return {'task_waiting': False}

        # Recalculate internal priority based on task start date and throughput
        # Formula: - second_since_epoch - played_and_allocated_tasks * 3600 * chunk_size / games_throughput
        # With default value 'throughput = 1000', this means that the priority is unchanged as long as we play at rate '1000 games / hour'.
        if (run['args']['throughput'] != None
                and run['args']['throughput'] != 0):
            run['args']['internal_priority'] = -time.mktime(
                )) - task_id * 3600 * self.chunk_size * run['args'][
                    'threads'] / run['args']['throughput']

        self.buffer(run, True)

        self.worker_task[worker_info['unique_key']] = run['_id']

        return {'run': run, 'task_id': task_id}

    # Create a lock for each active run
    run_lock = threading.Lock()
    active_runs = {}
    purge_count = 0

    def active_run_lock(self, id):
        with self.run_lock:
            self.purge_count = self.purge_count + 1
            if self.purge_count > 100000:
                old = time.time() - 10000
                self.active_runs = dict(
                    (k, v) for k, v in self.active_runs.iteritems()
                    if v['time'] >= old)
                self.purge_count = 0
            if id in self.active_runs:
                active_lock = self.active_runs[id]['lock']
                self.active_runs[id]['time'] = time.time()
                active_lock = threading.Lock()
                self.active_runs[id] = {
                    'time': time.time(),
                    'lock': active_lock
            return active_lock

    def update_task(self, run_id, task_id, stats, nps, spsa):
        lock = self.active_run_lock(str(run_id))
        with lock:
            return self.sync_update_task(run_id, task_id, stats, nps, spsa)

    def sync_update_task(self, run_id, task_id, stats, nps, spsa):
        run = self.get_run(run_id)
        if task_id >= len(run['tasks']):
            return {'task_alive': False}

        task = run['tasks'][task_id]
        if not task['active'] or not task['pending']:
            return {'task_alive': False}

        # Guard against incorrect results
        count_games = lambda d: d['wins'] + d['losses'] + d['draws']
        num_games = count_games(stats)
        old_num_games = count_games(
            task['stats']) if 'stats' in task else num_games
        spsa_games = count_games(spsa) if 'spsa' in run['args'] else 0
        if num_games < old_num_games \
                or (spsa_games > 0 and num_games <= 0) \
                or (spsa_games > 0 and 'stats' in task and num_games <= old_num_games):
            return {'task_alive': False}

        flush = False
        task['stats'] = stats
        task['nps'] = nps
        if num_games >= task['num_games']:
            task['active'] = False
            task['pending'] = False
            flush = True

        update_time = datetime.utcnow()
        task['last_updated'] = update_time
        run['last_updated'] = update_time
        run['results_stale'] = True

        # Update spsa results
        if 'spsa' in run['args'] and spsa_games == spsa['num_games']:
            self.update_spsa(run, spsa)

        # Check if SPRT stopping is enabled
        if 'sprt' in run['args']:
            sprt = run['args']['sprt']
            sprt_stats = stat_util.SPRT(self.get_results(run, False),
            if sprt_stats['finished']:
                run['args']['sprt']['state'] = sprt_stats['state']
                self.stop_run(run_id, run)
                flush = True

        if (not 'spsa' in run['args'] or spsa_games == spsa['num_games']
                or num_games >= task['num_games']
                or len(spsa['w_params']) < 20):
            self.buffer(run, flush)

        return {'task_alive': task['active']}

    def failed_task(self, run_id, task_id):
        run = self.get_run(run_id)
        if task_id >= len(run['tasks']):
            return {'task_alive': False}

        task = run['tasks'][task_id]
        if not task['active'] or not task['pending']:
            return {'task_alive': False}

        # Mark the task as inactive: it will be rescheduled
        task['active'] = False
        self.buffer(run, True)

        return {}

    def stop_run(self, run_id, run=None):
        save_it = False
        if run is None:
            run = self.get_run(run_id)
            save_it = True
        prune_idx = len(run['tasks'])
        for idx, task in enumerate(run['tasks']):
            is_active = task['active']
            task['active'] = False
            task['pending'] = False
            if 'stats' not in task and not is_active:
                prune_idx = min(idx, prune_idx)
                prune_idx = idx + 1
        # Truncate the empty tasks
        if prune_idx < len(run['tasks']):
            del run['tasks'][prune_idx:]
        if save_it:
            self.buffer(run, True)
            self.task_time = 0

        return {}

    def approve_run(self, run_id, approver):
        run = self.get_run(run_id)
        # Can't self approve
        if run['args']['username'] == approver:
            return False

        run['approved'] = True
        run['approver'] = approver
        self.buffer(run, True)
        self.task_time = 0
        return True

    def spsa_param_clip_round(self, param, increment, clipping, rounding):
        value = 0.0

        if clipping == 'old':
            value = min(max(param['theta'] + increment, param['min']),
        else:  #clipping == 'careful':
            inc = min(abs(increment),
                      abs(param['theta'] - param['min']) / 2,
                      abs(param['theta'] - param['max']) / 2)
            if inc > 0:
                inc_sgn = 0 if increment == 0 else increment / abs(increment)
                value = param['theta'] + inc_sgn * inc
            else:  #revert to old behavior to bounce off boundary
                value = min(max(param['theta'] + increment, param['min']),

        #'deterministic' rounding calls round() inside the worker.
        #'randomized' says 4.p should be 5 with probability p, 4 with probability 1-p,
        #  and is continuous (albeit after expectation) unlike round().
        if rounding == 'randomized':
            fl = math.floor(
                value)  #greatest integer <= value, thus works for negative.
            if random.uniform(0, 1) < value - fl:
                value = fl + 1
                value = fl

        return value

    def request_spsa(self, run_id, task_id):
        run = self.get_run(run_id)

        if task_id >= len(run['tasks']):
            return {'task_alive': False}
        task = run['tasks'][task_id]
        if not task['active'] or not task['pending']:
            return {'task_alive': False}

        result = {
            'task_alive': True,
            'w_params': [],
            'b_params': [],

        spsa = run['args']['spsa']
        if 'clipping' not in spsa:
            spsa['clipping'] = 'old'
        if 'rounding' not in spsa:
            spsa['rounding'] = 'deterministic'

        # Generate the next set of tuning parameters
        iter_local = spsa[
            'iter'] + 1  #assume at least one completed, and avoid division by zero
        for param in spsa['params']:
            a = param['a'] / (spsa['A'] + iter_local)**spsa['alpha']
            c = param['c'] / iter_local**spsa['gamma']
            R = a / c**2
            flip = 1 if bool(random.getrandbits(1)) else -1
                self.spsa_param_clip_round(param, c * flip, spsa['clipping'],
                self.spsa_param_clip_round(param, -c * flip, spsa['clipping'],

        return result

    def update_spsa(self, run, spsa_results):
        spsa = run['args']['spsa']
        if 'clipping' not in spsa:
            spsa['clipping'] = 'old'

        spsa['iter'] += int(spsa_results['num_games'] / 2)

        # Update the current theta based on the results from the worker
        # Worker wins/losses are always in terms of w_params
        result = spsa_results['wins'] - spsa_results['losses']
        summary = []
        for idx, param in enumerate(spsa['params']):
            R = spsa_results['w_params'][idx]['R']
            c = spsa_results['w_params'][idx]['c']
            flip = spsa_results['w_params'][idx]['flip']
            param['theta'] = self.spsa_param_clip_round(
                param, R * c * result * flip, spsa['clipping'],
                'theta': param['theta'],
                'R': R,
                'c': c,

        # Every 100/1000 iterations, record the parameters
        # and stop at 500000 or 200000
        if 'param_history' not in spsa:
            spsa['param_history'] = []
        if len(spsa['params']) < 20:
            freq = 100
            maxlen = 5001
        elif len(spsa['params']) < 50:
            freq = 1000
            maxlen = 201
            freq = 10000
            maxlen = 41
        if len(spsa['param_history']) < maxlen:
            if len(spsa['param_history']) < spsa['iter'] / freq:
        elif len(spsa['param_history']) > maxlen:
            spsa['param_history'] = spsa['param_history'][-maxlen:]