def logout(db):
    # Method to logout.
    # First checking if the active user is logged in or not. If the user is logged in and has an active session, then
    # deleting the session from sessions table and redirecting to the index page.
    active_user = users.session_user(db)
    if active_user is not None:
    return redirect("/")
Beispiel #2
def login():
    As a registered user when i wish to log out i see a button that will log me out of PSST!
    Removes the users session from the database then redirectes them to the homepage
    db = PsstDb()
    users.delete_session(db, users.session_user(db))
Beispiel #3
def logout():
    """ Removes cookie from user
    :return: The homepage
    user = users.session_user(db)
    if user is not None:
        users.delete_session(db, user)
    redirect('/', 302)
Beispiel #4
def logout():
    """Post request for Logout; Upon login, if user submits logout form
    their session and cookie is deleted. They are then redirected to the Main Page."""
    db = COMP249Db()
    curr_user = users.session_user(db)
    if curr_user:
        users.delete_session(db, curr_user)
Beispiel #5
def logout():
    flowTowDataBase = COMP249Db()
    requestUser = users.session_user(flowTowDataBase)
    users.delete_session(db=flowTowDataBase, usernick=requestUser)
    return redirect('/')
Beispiel #6
def logout():
    db = COMP249Db()
    username = session_user(db) # retrieve user session information from the database
    if username:
        delete_session(db, username) # remove user session
        response.set_header('Location', '/')
        response.status = 303
        return "Redirect to /" # redirect to /
Beispiel #7
def logout():
    db = COMP249Db()
    username = session_user(db) # retrieve user session information from the database
    if username:
        delete_session(db, username) # remove user session
        response.set_header('Location', '/')
        response.status = 303
        return "Redirect to /" # redirect to /
Beispiel #8
def logout():
    """Post request for Logout; Upon login, if user submits logout form
    their session and cookie is deleted. They are then redirected to the Main Page."""
    db = COMP249Db()
    curr_user = users.session_user(db)
    if curr_user:
        users.delete_session(db, curr_user)
Beispiel #9
def login():

    usern = request.forms.get('nick')
    passw = request.forms.get('password')

    if users.check_login(COMP249Db(), usern, passw) is True:
        users.delete_session(COMP249Db(), usern)
        session = users.generate_session(COMP249Db(), usern)
        return redirect('/')
    return index(False)
def logout_req(db):
    """The method terminates the users session and redirects to mainpage"""
    username = users.session_user(db)

    #delete user cookie
    users.delete_session(db, username)

    # reset error message
    info['message'] = ''
    return redirect("/")
Beispiel #11
def logout(db):
    """"handles logging out of  a user, once a user clicks the logout button they are logged out by removing their
    current session from the database via the function users.delete_session(),
    their cookie is also removed thus logging them out,
    a redirect occurs once successfully logged out to index page where they will once again be asked to login
    users.delete_session(db, users.session_user(db))


Beispiel #12
def flowtow_app(environ, start_response):
    headers = [('content-type', 'text/html')]

    # about page
    if environ['PATH_INFO'] == '/about':
        start_response("200 OK", headers)
        return page_about(environ)
    # action comment
    elif environ['PATH_INFO'] == '/comment':
        headers.append(('location', '/'))
        start_response("303 See Other", headers)
        return page_index(environ)
    # action upload
    elif environ['PATH_INFO'] == '/upload':
        start_response("200 OK", headers)
        return page_my_images(environ, start_response)
    # action login
    elif environ['PATH_INFO'] == '/login':
        form = cgi.FieldStorage(environ=environ, fp=environ['wsgi.input'])
        if 'email' in form and 'password' in form:
            useremail = form.getvalue('email')
            can_login = check_login(db, useremail, form.getvalue('password'))
            if can_login:
                cookie = generate_session(db, useremail)
                headers.append(('Set-Cookie', cookie[COOKIE_NAME].OutputString()))
                headers.append(('location', '/'))
                start_response("303 See Other", headers)
                return page_index(environ)
        headers.append(('location', '/?login_failed'))
        start_response("303 See Other", headers)
        return page_index(environ)
    # action logout
    elif environ['PATH_INFO'] == '/logout':
        logged_user = user_from_cookie(db, environ)
        if logged_user:
            delete_session(db, logged_user)
        headers.append(('location', '/'))
        start_response("303 See Other", headers)
        return page_index(environ)
    # my images
    elif environ['PATH_INFO'] == '/my_images':
        start_response("200 OK", headers)
        return page_my_images(environ, start_response)
    # index page
    elif environ['PATH_INFO'] == '/':
        start_response("200 OK", headers)
        return page_index(environ)
    # 404
        return page_404(start_response)
Beispiel #13
def logout(environ, start_response):
    #     success = False
    current_user = users.user_from_cookie(db, environ)
    headers = [("content-type", "text/html")]
    #     formdata = cgi.FieldStorage(environ=environ, fp=environ['wsgi.input'])
    #     if 'password' in formdata:
    #         email = formdata.getvalue("email","")
    #         password = formdata.getvalue("password","")
    #         success = users.check_login(db, email, password)
    #     if success:
    #         cookie = users.generate_session(db, email)
    #         headers.append(('Set-Cookie', cookie['sessionid'].OutputString()))
    #         headers.append(("Location", "/"))
    users.delete_session(db, current_user)
    start_response("303 See Other", headers)
    return [redirect_page.encode()]
Beispiel #14
    def test_delete_session(self):
        """The delete_session procedure should remove all sessions for
        a given user in the sessions table.
        Test relies on working generate_session"""

        # run tests for all test users
        for passwd, nick, avatar in self.users:
            users.generate_session(self.db, nick)
            # now remove the session
            users.delete_session(self.db, nick)
            # now check that the session is not present
            cursor = self.db.cursor()
            cursor.execute('select sessionid from sessions where usernick=?',
                           (nick, ))
            rows = cursor.fetchall()
                rows, [],
                "Expected no results for sessions query from deleted session, got %s"
                % (rows, ))
Beispiel #15
    def test_delete_session(self):
        """The delete_session procedure should remove all sessions for
        a given user in the sessions table.
        Test relies on working generate_session"""

        # run tests for all test users
        for passwd, nick, avatar in self.users:
            users.generate_session(self.db, nick)

            # now remove the session
            users.delete_session(self.db, nick)

            # now check that the session is not present

            cursor = self.db.cursor()
            cursor.execute('select sessionid from sessions where usernick=?', (nick,))

            rows = cursor.fetchall()
            self.assertEqual(rows, [], "Expected no results for sessions query from deleted session, got %s" % (rows,))
    def test_delete_session(self):
        """The delete_session procedure should remove all sessions for
        a given user in the sessions table.
        Test relies on working generate_session"""

        # run tests for all test users
        for email, password, first, last in self.users:
            cookie = users.generate_session(self.db, email)

            self.assertIsInstance(cookie, SimpleCookie, "generate_session failing, can't run delete_session tests")

            # get the value and verify that it is in the sessions table
            sessionid = cookie[users.COOKIE_NAME].value

            # now remove the session
            users.delete_session(self.db, email)

            # now check that the session is not present

            cursor = self.db.cursor()
            cursor.execute("select sessionid from sessions where useremail=?", (email,))

            rows = cursor.fetchall()
            self.assertEqual(rows, [], "Expected no results for sessions query from deleted session, got %s" % (rows,))
Beispiel #17
def logout():
    users.delete_session(COMP249Db(), users.session_user(COMP249Db()))
    return redirect('/')
Beispiel #18
def logout():
    db = COMP249Db()
    users.delete_session(db, users.session_user(db))
    response.set_header('Location', '/')
    response.status = 303
    return 'Redirect to /'
def logout(db):
    name = users.session_user(db)
    users.delete_session(db, name)
Beispiel #20
def logout(db):
    """Username is retrieved from the session and
    session will be terminated using the delete_session from"""
    usernick = users.session_user(db)
    users.delete_session(db, usernick)
Beispiel #21
def logout():
    db = COMP249Db()
    users.delete_session(db, users.session_user(db))
    response.set_header('Location', '/')
    response.status = 303
    return 'Redirect to /'
Beispiel #22
def logout(db):
    usernick = users.session_user(db)
    users.delete_session(db, usernick)
Beispiel #23
def logout():
    db = COMP249Db()
    usernick = users.session_user(db)
    users.delete_session(db, usernick)
    return redirect('/', code=302)
def logout(db):
    delete_session(db, session_user(db))