def broadcast_message(message):
    t = bot_util.read_one_string_file(novgorod_weather_bot.TOKEN_FILENAME)
    botan_t = bot_util.read_one_string_file(novgorod_weather_bot.BOTAN_TOKEN_FILENAME)
    bot = novgorod_weather_bot.NovgorodWeatherBot(t, name="NovgorodWeatherBot", botan_token=botan_t)
    lines = open(bot.chats_file, 'r').readlines()
    for l in lines:
        l = int(l)
        bot.send_response(l, message)
Beispiel #2
def broadcast_message(message):
    t = bot_util.read_one_string_file(novgorod_weather_bot.TOKEN_FILENAME)
    botan_t = bot_util.read_one_string_file(novgorod_weather_bot.BOTAN_TOKEN_FILENAME)
    bot = novgorod_weather_bot.NovgorodWeatherBot(t, name="NovgorodWeatherBot")
    lines = open(bot.chats_file, 'r').readlines()
    for l in lines:
        l = int(l)
        bot.send_response(l, message)
Beispiel #3
def broadcast_message(message):
    t = bot_util.read_one_string_file(fivethreecyclingbot.TOKEN_FILENAME)
    bot = fivethreecyclingbot.FiveThreeCyclingBot(t,
    lines = open(bot._chats_file, 'r').readlines()
    for l in lines:
        # l = int(l)
        bot.send_response(l, message, HTML=True)
 def _read_previous_update_date(self):
     u = bot_util.read_one_string_file(self._PREVIOUS_UPDATE_DATE_FILENAME)
     if u == "" or None == u:
         return 0
     return int(u)
 def _read_previous_update_date(self):
     u = bot_util.read_one_string_file(self._PREVIOUS_UPDATE_DATE_FILENAME)
     if u == '' or u is None:
         return 0
     return int(u)
    with open(ADMIN_FILENAME) as admins_file:
        lines = admins_file.readlines()
        if lines:
            admins = list()
            for line in lines:
            admins = set(admins)

class FiveThreeCyclingBot(TelegramBot):
    def __init__(self, token, name):
        TelegramBot.__init__(self, token, name)

    def _process_message(self, user_id, chat_id, text):
        if text == '/start' or text == '/start@FiveThreeCyclingBot':
            response = """
Присылаю новые посты по хештегу #53cycling
            response = ""
        if response:
            success = self.send_response(chat_id, response=response)
            return success
        return False

if __name__ == "__main__":
    t = bot_util.read_one_string_file(TOKEN_FILENAME)
    bot = FiveThreeCyclingBot(t, name="fivethreecyclingbot")
Beispiel #7
def build_message(_hashtag):
    url = get_newsfeed_search_hashtag_url(_hashtag)
    response_text = bot_util.urlopen(url)

    if not response_text:
        print "Failed to get data from VK"
        return None
    response_json = json.loads(response_text)
    if 'response' not in response_json:
        print "No 'response' in response"
        print response_json
        return None
    response = response_json['response']
    if 'items' not in response:
        print "No 'items' in 'response'"
        return None
    items = response['items']
    if len(items) == 0:
        print "Length of 'items' is zero"
        return None
    last_item = items[0]
    if 'owner_id' not in last_item and 'id' not in last_item:
        print "No 'owner_id' and 'id' in item"
        return None
    if last_item['owner_id'] in _BANNED:
        return None

    print last_item['owner_id']
    print last_item

    last_item_url = build_wall_url(last_item['owner_id'], last_item['id'])
    last_item_filename = _LAST_ITEM_FILENAME + "_" + _hashtag
    last_item_in_file = bot_util.read_one_string_file(last_item_filename)
    if not last_item_in_file or last_item_url != last_item_in_file:
        bot_util.write_one_string_file(last_item_filename, last_item_url)
        print "New post: " + last_item_url
        print last_item
        message = ""
        if 'attachments' in last_item:
            attachments = last_item['attachments']
            photo_url = None
            for attachment in attachments:
                if 'photo' in attachment:
                    photo = attachment['photo']
                    if 'photo_1280' in photo:
                        photo_url = photo['photo_1280']
            if photo_url:
                print photo_url
                message += photo_url + "\n\n"
        owner_id = last_item['owner_id']
        if 'text' in last_item:
            text = last_item['text']
            message += text + "\n\n"
        if not bot_util.check_file_for_string(_ALL_POSTS_FILENAME,
                                              last_item_url + "\n"):
            return None
                                           last_item_url + "\n")
        message += u"<b>Пост:</b> " + last_item_url + "\n"
        if owner_id > 0:
            user_info = get_user_info(owner_id)
            first_name = user_info['first_name']
            last_name = user_info['last_name']
            message += u"<b>Автор:</b> <a href=\"" + str(
                owner_id) + u"\">" + first_name + u" " + last_name + u"</a>"
            message += u"<b>Автор:</b>" + str(-owner_id)
        return message
        print "There is no new posts for #" + _hashtag
    return None
Beispiel #8
# coding=utf-8

import json
import fivethreecyclingbot
from broadcast import broadcast_message
from util import bot_util
import time
import os

_TOKEN_VK_FILENAME = fivethreecyclingbot.DATA_DIRNAME + 'token_vk'
_TOKEN_VK = bot_util.read_one_string_file(_TOKEN_VK_FILENAME)
_LAST_ITEM_FILENAME = fivethreecyclingbot.DATA_DIRNAME + 'last_item'
_ALL_POSTS_FILENAME = fivethreecyclingbot.DATA_DIRNAME + 'posts'
_BANNED_FILENAME = fivethreecyclingbot.DATA_DIRNAME + 'banned'

_BANNED = []
if os.path.exists(_BANNED_FILENAME):
    _BANNED = bot_util.read_lines(_BANNED_FILENAME)
    _BANNED = [string.rstrip() for string in _BANNED]
    _BANNED = [string for string in _BANNED if string]
    print _BANNED
    _BANNED = map(int, _BANNED)

_HASHTAGS = ["53cycling", "novgorodbike"]
_53CYCLING_ID = -71413407
_53CYCLING_DOMAIN = "53cycling"

def get_newsfeed_search_hashtag_url(hashtag):
    return "{h}&rev=1&v=5.63&access_token={t}".format(
        t=_TOKEN_VK, h=hashtag)
        wind_direction = avewind["dir"]
        emoji = u""
        print icon
        if icon == "chancerain":
            emoji = DROPS_EMOJI
        if icon == "cloudy":
            emoji = OVERCAST_EMOJI
        return (
            + u"°C ... "
            + high
            + u"°C, "
            + conditions
            + u" "
            + emoji
            + u", Wind: "
            + wind_direction
            + u" "
            + wind_speed
            + u" kp/h\n"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    f = YandexForecaster.get_forecast()
    t = bot_util.read_one_string_file("../data/weather_com_token")
    f = WeatherComForecaster(t)
    f = f.get_forecast()
    if f:
        print "OK"
                    return u"Проблемы при получении прогноза погоды"
        if self._check_message_for_command(text, self.COMMAND_GET_BUTTHUR):
            return ""
        return False

    def _get_start_message(self):
        return """
        Погода в великом Новгороде
        /start, /help
        /getweather — Погода
        /getforecast — Прогноз

        Погода — [Новгород.ру](
        Прогноз — Яндекс.Погода,
        [Логотип бота](
        [Автор бота](, Telegram: @fut33v

        [Оценить в Store Bot](

if __name__ == "__main__":
    t = bot_util.read_one_string_file(TOKEN_FILENAME)
    botan_t = bot_util.read_one_string_file(BOTAN_TOKEN_FILENAME)
    weather_com_t = bot_util.read_one_string_file(WEATHER_COM_TOKEN_FILENAME)
    bot = NovgorodWeatherBot(t, name="NovgorodWeatherBot", botan_token=botan_t, weather_com_token=weather_com_t)