Beispiel #1
	def on_refresh_complete(cls, response, id, callback):
		"""Callback for request to get a new access token based on refresh token."""

		if response.code in (400, 401):

			if 'invalid_grant' in response.body:
				# Our refresh token is invalid, which means that we don't have
				# permission to access this user's content anymore. Forget them.
				Cache.delete(cls.auth_cache_key_template % id)
				Cache.delete(cls.profile_cache_key_template % id)
				logging.error("Access was revoked for %s; cached data deleted.", id)

			logging.error("HTTP %s while trying to refresh access token for %s.", response.code, id)
			return IOLoop.instance().add_callback(lambda: callback(None))

		elif response.code != 200:
			logging.error("Non-200 response to refresh token request (%s, id=%s): %r" % (response.code, id, response.body))
			return IOLoop.instance().add_callback(lambda: callback(None))

		results = json.loads(response.body)

		# sanity check
		if results['token_type'] != "Bearer":
			logging.error('Unknown token type received: %s' % results['token_type'])
			return IOLoop.instance().add_callback(lambda: callback(None))

		token = results['access_token']
		Cache.set(cls.auth_cache_key_template % id, token, time=results['expires_in'])

		IOLoop.instance().add_callback(lambda: callback(token))