def main():
    LIMIT = 10000

    divisors_sum = {number: sum(integers.proper_divisors(number))
                    for number in range(2, LIMIT + 1)}

    amicable_numbers = []
    for n1, n2 in itertools.product(divisors_sum, divisors_sum):
        # if the sum of proper divisors of n_1 is the same as n_2 and vice
        # versa, then n_1 is an amicable number.
        if divisors_sum[n1] == n2 and divisors_sum[n2] == n1 and n1 != n2:

    answer = sum(amicable_numbers)

    return answer
def main():
    # Lowest abundant number is 12
    # Every number greater than 28123 can be written as the sum of two abundant
    # numbers so only need to check up to 28123.
    UPPERBOUND = 28123

    abundant_numbers = [number for number in range(LOWERBOUND, UPPERBOUND + 1)
                        if sum(integers.proper_divisors(number)) > number]

    # Get the cross product of abundant numbers so we can determine every
    # number less than 28123 that is a sum of two abundant numbers.
    cross_product = itertools.product(abundant_numbers, abundant_numbers)

    sum_of_abundants = set((sum(tup) for tup in cross_product if
                            sum(tup) <= UPPERBOUND))

    # Every number less than or equal to UPPERBOUND that is not a part of the
    # set sum_of_abundants is the set we need.
    not_sum_of_abundants = set(range(1, UPPERBOUND + 1)) - sum_of_abundants

    answer = sum(not_sum_of_abundants)

    return answer