Beispiel #1
def geometric_K(beam_props):
    # beam_props is a dictionary with the following values
    # xn1   : position vector for start node
    # xn2	: position vector for end node
    # Le    : Effective beam length (taking into account node diameter)
    # Asy   : Effective area for shear effects, y direction
    # Asz   : Effective area for shear effects, z direction
    # G		: Shear modulus
    # E 	: Elastic modulus
    # J 	: Polar moment of inertia
    # Iy 	: Bending moment of inertia, y direction
    # Iz 	: bending moment of inertia, z direction
    # p 	: The roll angle (radians)
    # T 	: internal element end force
    # shear : whether shear effects are considered.

    xn1 = beam_props["xn1"]
    xn2 = beam_props["xn2"]
    L = beam_props["Le"]
    Le = beam_props["Le"]
    Ax = beam_props["Ax"]
    Asy = beam_props["Asy"]
    Asz = beam_props["Asz"]
    G = beam_props["G"]
    E = beam_props["E"]
    J = beam_props["J"]
    Iy = beam_props["Iy"]
    Iz = beam_props["Iz"]
    p = beam_props["p"]
    T = beam_props["T"]
    shear = beam_props["shear"]

    #initialize the geometric stiffness matrix
    kg = np.zeros((12, 12))
    t = pfeautil.coord_trans(xn1, xn2, Le, p)

    if shear:
        Ksy = 12.0 * E * Iz / (G * Asy * Le * Le)
        Ksz = 12.0 * E * Iy / (G * Asz * Le * Le)
        Dsy = (1 + Ksy) * (1 + Ksy)
        Dsz = (1 + Ksz) * (1 + Ksz)
        Ksy = Ksz = 0.0
        Dsy = Dsz = 1.0

    kg[0][0] = kg[6][6] = 0.0  # T/L

    kg[1][1] = kg[7][7] = T / L * (1.2 + 2.0 * Ksy + Ksy * Ksy) / Dsy
    kg[2][2] = kg[8][8] = T / L * (1.2 + 2.0 * Ksz + Ksz * Ksz) / Dsz
    kg[3][3] = kg[9][9] = T / L * J / Ax
    kg[4][4] = kg[10][10] = T * L * (2.0 / 15.0 + Ksz / 6.0 +
                                     Ksz * Ksz / 12.0) / Dsz
    kg[5][5] = kg[11][11] = T * L * (2.0 / 15.0 + Ksy / 6.0 +
                                     Ksy * Ksy / 12.0) / Dsy

    kg[0][6] = kg[6][0] = 0.0  # -T/L

    kg[4][2] = kg[2][4] = kg[10][2] = kg[2][10] = -T / 10.0 / Dsz
    kg[8][4] = kg[4][8] = kg[10][8] = kg[8][10] = T / 10.0 / Dsz
    kg[5][1] = kg[1][5] = kg[11][1] = kg[1][11] = T / 10.0 / Dsy
    kg[7][5] = kg[5][7] = kg[11][7] = kg[7][11] = -T / 10.0 / Dsy

    kg[3][9] = kg[9][3] = -kg[3][3]

    kg[7][1] = kg[1][7] = -T / L * (1.2 + 2.0 * Ksy + Ksy * Ksy) / Dsy
    kg[8][2] = kg[2][8] = -T / L * (1.2 + 2.0 * Ksz + Ksz * Ksz) / Dsz

    kg[10][4] = kg[4][10] = -T * L * (1.0 / 30.0 + Ksz / 6.0 +
                                      Ksz * Ksz / 12.0) / Dsz
    kg[11][5] = kg[5][11] = -T * L * (1.0 / 30.0 + Ksy / 6.0 +
                                      Ksy * Ksy / 12.0) / Dsy

    #now we transform kg to the global coordinates
    kg = pfeautil.atma(t, kg)

    # Check and enforce symmetry of the elastic stiffness matrix for the element
    kg = 0.5 * (kg + kg.T)

    return [kg[:6, :6], kg[6:, :6], kg[:6, 6:], kg[6:, 6:]]
Beispiel #2
def geometric_K(beam_props):
	# beam_props is a dictionary with the following values
	# xn1   : position vector for start node
	# xn2	: position vector for end node
	# Le    : Effective beam length (taking into account node diameter)
	# Asy   : Effective area for shear effects, y direction
	# Asz   : Effective area for shear effects, z direction
	# G		: Shear modulus
	# E 	: Elastic modulus
	# J 	: Polar moment of inertia
	# Iy 	: Bending moment of inertia, y direction
	# Iz 	: bending moment of inertia, z direction
	# p 	: The roll angle (radians)
	# T 	: internal element end force
	# shear : whether shear effects are considered. 
	xn1 	= beam_props["xn1"]
	xn2 	= beam_props["xn2"]
	L   	= beam_props["Le"]
	Le  	= beam_props["Le"]
	Ax		= beam_props["Ax"]
	Asy 	= beam_props["Asy"]
	Asz 	= beam_props["Asz"]
	G   	= beam_props["G"]
	E   	= beam_props["E"]
	J 		= beam_props["J"]
	Iy 		= beam_props["Iy"]
	Iz 		= beam_props["Iz"]
	p 		= beam_props["p"]
	T 		= beam_props["T"]
	shear 	= beam_props["shear"]

	#initialize the geometric stiffness matrix
	kg = np.zeros((12,12))
	t = pfeautil.coord_trans(xn1,xn2,Le,p)

	if shear:
		Ksy = 12.0*E*Iz / (G*Asy*Le*Le);
		Ksz = 12.0*E*Iy / (G*Asz*Le*Le);
		Dsy = (1+Ksy)*(1+Ksy);
		Dsz = (1+Ksz)*(1+Ksz);
		Ksy = Ksz = 0.0;
		Dsy = Dsz = 1.0;

	kg[0][0]  = kg[6][6]   =  0.0 # T/L
	kg[1][1]  = kg[7][7]   =  T/L*(1.2+2.0*Ksy+Ksy*Ksy)/Dsy
	kg[2][2]  = kg[8][8]   =  T/L*(1.2+2.0*Ksz+Ksz*Ksz)/Dsz
	kg[3][3]  = kg[9][9]   =  T/L*J/Ax
	kg[4][4]  = kg[10][10] =  T*L*(2.0/15.0+Ksz/6.0+Ksz*Ksz/12.0)/Dsz
	kg[5][5]  = kg[11][11] =  T*L*(2.0/15.0+Ksy/6.0+Ksy*Ksy/12.0)/Dsy
	kg[0][6]  = kg[6][0]   =  0.0 # -T/L
	kg[4][2]  = kg[2][4]   =  kg[10][2] = kg[2][10] = -T/10.0/Dsz
	kg[8][4]  = kg[4][8]   =  kg[10][8] = kg[8][10] =  T/10.0/Dsz
	kg[5][1]  = kg[1][5]   =  kg[11][1] = kg[1][11] =  T/10.0/Dsy
	kg[7][5]  = kg[5][7]   =  kg[11][7] = kg[7][11] = -T/10.0/Dsy
	kg[3][9]  = kg[9][3]   = -kg[3][3]
	kg[7][1]  = kg[1][7]   = -T/L*(1.2+2.0*Ksy+Ksy*Ksy)/Dsy
	kg[8][2]  = kg[2][8]   = -T/L*(1.2+2.0*Ksz+Ksz*Ksz)/Dsz

	kg[10][4] = kg[4][10]  = -T*L*(1.0/30.0+Ksz/6.0+Ksz*Ksz/12.0)/Dsz
	kg[11][5] = kg[5][11]  = -T*L*(1.0/30.0+Ksy/6.0+Ksy*Ksy/12.0)/Dsy

	#now we transform kg to the global coordinates
	kg = pfeautil.atma(t,kg)

	# Check and enforce symmetry of the elastic stiffness matrix for the element
	kg = 0.5*(kg+kg.T)
	return [kg[:6,:6],kg[6:,:6],kg[:6,6:],kg[6:,6:]]
Beispiel #3
def elastic_K(beam_props):
    # beam_props is a dictionary with the following values
    # xn1   : position vector for start node
    # xn2	: position vector for end node
    # Le    : Effective beam length (taking into account node diameter)
    # Asy   : Effective area for shear effects, y direction
    # Asz   : Effective area for shear effects, z direction
    # G		: Shear modulus
    # E 	: Elastic modulus
    # J 	: Polar moment of inertia
    # Iy 	: Bending moment of inertia, y direction
    # Iz 	: bending moment of inertia, z direction
    # p 	: The roll angle (radians)
    # T 	: internal element end force
    # shear : Do we consider shear effects

    #Start by importing the beam properties
    xn1 = beam_props["xn1"]
    xn2 = beam_props["xn2"]
    Le = beam_props["Le"]
    Ax = beam_props["Ax"]
    Asy = beam_props["Asy"]
    Asz = beam_props["Asz"]
    G = beam_props["G"]
    E = beam_props["E"]
    J = beam_props["J"]
    Iy = beam_props["Iy"]
    Iz = beam_props["Iz"]
    p = beam_props["p"]
    shear = beam_props["shear"]

    #initialize the output
    k = np.zeros((12, 12))
    #k = co.matrix(0.0,(12,12))
    #define the transform between local and global coordinate frames
    t = pfeautil.coord_trans(xn1, xn2, Le, p)

    #calculate Shear deformation effects
    Ksy = 0
    Ksz = 0

    #begin populating that elastic stiffness matrix
    if shear:
        Ksy = 12.0 * E * Iz / (G * Asy * Le * Le)
        Ksz = 12.0 * E * Iy / (G * Asz * Le * Le)
        Ksy = Ksz = 0.0

    k[0, 0] = k[6, 6] = 1.0 * E * Ax / Le
    k[1, 1] = k[7, 7] = 12. * E * Iz / (Le * Le * Le * (1. + Ksy))
    k[2, 2] = k[8, 8] = 12. * E * Iy / (Le * Le * Le * (1. + Ksz))
    k[3, 3] = k[9, 9] = 1.0 * G * J / Le
    k[4, 4] = k[10, 10] = (4. + Ksz) * E * Iy / (Le * (1. + Ksz))
    k[5, 5] = k[11, 11] = (4. + Ksy) * E * Iz / (Le * (1. + Ksy))

    k[4, 2] = k[2, 4] = -6. * E * Iy / (Le * Le * (1. + Ksz))
    k[5, 1] = k[1, 5] = 6. * E * Iz / (Le * Le * (1. + Ksy))
    k[6, 0] = k[0, 6] = -k[0, 0]

    k[11, 7] = k[7, 11] = k[7, 5] = k[5, 7] = -k[5, 1]
    k[10, 8] = k[8, 10] = k[8, 4] = k[4, 8] = -k[4, 2]
    k[9, 3] = k[3, 9] = -k[3, 3]
    k[10, 2] = k[2, 10] = k[4, 2]
    k[11, 1] = k[1, 11] = k[5, 1]

    k[7, 1] = k[1, 7] = -k[1, 1]
    k[8, 2] = k[2, 8] = -k[2, 2]
    k[10, 4] = k[4, 10] = (2. - Ksz) * E * Iy / (Le * (1. + Ksz))
    k[11, 5] = k[5, 11] = (2. - Ksy) * E * Iz / (Le * (1. + Ksy))

    #now we transform k to the global coordinates
    k = pfeautil.atma(t, k)

    # Check and enforce symmetry of the elastic stiffness matrix for the element
    k = 0.5 * (k + k.T)
	for i in range(12):
		for j in range(i+1,12):
				if(abs(1.0*k[i][j]/k[j][i]-1.0) > 1.0e-6 and (abs(1.0*k[i][j]/k[i][i]) > 1e-6 or abs(1.0*k[j][i]/k[i][i]) > 1e-6)):
					print("Ke Not Symmetric")
				k[i][j] = k[j][i] = 0.5 * ( k[i][j] + k[j][i] )
    return [k[:6, :6], k[6:, :6], k[:6, 6:], k[6:, 6:]]
Beispiel #4
def elastic_K(beam_props):
	# beam_props is a dictionary with the following values
	# xn1   : position vector for start node
	# xn2	: position vector for end node
	# Le    : Effective beam length (taking into account node diameter)
	# Asy   : Effective area for shear effects, y direction
	# Asz   : Effective area for shear effects, z direction
	# G		: Shear modulus
	# E 	: Elastic modulus
	# J 	: Polar moment of inertia
	# Iy 	: Bending moment of inertia, y direction
	# Iz 	: bending moment of inertia, z direction
	# p 	: The roll angle (radians)
	# T 	: internal element end force
	# shear : Do we consider shear effects

	#Start by importing the beam properties
	xn1 	= beam_props["xn1"]
	xn2 	= beam_props["xn2"]
	Le  	= beam_props["Le"]
	Ax		= beam_props["Ax"]
	Asy 	= beam_props["Asy"]
	Asz 	= beam_props["Asz"]
	G   	= beam_props["G"]
	E   	= beam_props["E"]
	J 		= beam_props["J"]
	Iy 		= beam_props["Iy"]
	Iz 		= beam_props["Iz"]
	p 		= beam_props["p"]
	shear 	= beam_props["shear"]

	#initialize the output
	k = np.zeros((12,12))
	#k = co.matrix(0.0,(12,12))
	#define the transform between local and global coordinate frames
	t = pfeautil.coord_trans(xn1,xn2,Le,p)

	#calculate Shear deformation effects
	Ksy = 0
	Ksz = 0

	#begin populating that elastic stiffness matrix
	if shear:
		Ksy = 12.0*E*Iz / (G*Asy*Le*Le)
		Ksz = 12.0*E*Iy / (G*Asz*Le*Le)
		Ksy = Ksz = 0.0
	k[0,0]  = k[6,6]   = 1.0*E*Ax / Le
	k[1,1]  = k[7,7]   = 12.*E*Iz / ( Le*Le*Le*(1.+Ksy) )
	k[2,2]  = k[8,8]   = 12.*E*Iy / ( Le*Le*Le*(1.+Ksz) )
	k[3,3]  = k[9,9]   = 1.0*G*J / Le
	k[4,4]  = k[10,10] = (4.+Ksz)*E*Iy / ( Le*(1.+Ksz) )
	k[5,5]  = k[11,11] = (4.+Ksy)*E*Iz / ( Le*(1.+Ksy) )

	k[4,2]  = k[2,4]   = -6.*E*Iy / ( Le*Le*(1.+Ksz) )
	k[5,1]  = k[1,5]   =  6.*E*Iz / ( Le*Le*(1.+Ksy) )
	k[6,0]  = k[0,6]   = -k[0,0]

	k[11,7] = k[7,11]  =  k[7,5] = k[5,7] = -k[5,1]
	k[10,8] = k[8,10]  =  k[8,4] = k[4,8] = -k[4,2]
	k[9,3]  = k[3,9]   = -k[3,3]
	k[10,2] = k[2,10]  =  k[4,2]
	k[11,1] = k[1,11]  =  k[5,1]

	k[7,1]  = k[1,7]   = -k[1,1]
	k[8,2]  = k[2,8]   = -k[2,2]
	k[10,4] = k[4,10]  = (2.-Ksz)*E*Iy / ( Le*(1.+Ksz) )
	k[11,5] = k[5,11]  = (2.-Ksy)*E*Iz / ( Le*(1.+Ksy) )

	#now we transform k to the global coordinates
	k = pfeautil.atma(t,k)

	# Check and enforce symmetry of the elastic stiffness matrix for the element
	k = 0.5*(k+k.T)
	for i in range(12):
		for j in range(i+1,12):
				if(abs(1.0*k[i][j]/k[j][i]-1.0) > 1.0e-6 and (abs(1.0*k[i][j]/k[i][i]) > 1e-6 or abs(1.0*k[j][i]/k[i][i]) > 1e-6)):
					print("Ke Not Symmetric")
				k[i][j] = k[j][i] = 0.5 * ( k[i][j] + k[j][i] )
	return [k[:6,:6],k[6:,:6],k[:6,6:],k[6:,6:]]