Beispiel #1
def default_formatted_text(msg):
    'Returns a fmtstr object with the text of msg and the formatting from prefs'

    from util.primitives.fmtstr import fmtstr
    from gui.uberwidgets.formattedinput import get_default_format

    return fmtstr.singleformat(msg, get_default_format())
Beispiel #2
def default_formatted_text(msg):
    'Returns a fmtstr object with the text of msg and the formatting from prefs'

    from util.primitives.fmtstr import fmtstr
    from gui.uberwidgets.formattedinput import get_default_format

    return fmtstr.singleformat(msg, get_default_format())
Beispiel #3
    def send_from_popup(text, options, convo = convo, win = win, opts = fire_opts.copy()):
        if not text: return

        CallLater(200, stop_notify)

        # if the window's still around, use its formatting
        convo.send_message(fmtstr.singleformat(text, format=_get_format(win)))

        if not wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_CONTROL):
            # returning a string appends it to the popup's content.
            return '> ' + text
Beispiel #4
    def test_singleformat(self):
        from util.primitives.fmtstr import fmtstr
        s = fmtstr.singleformat(u'lgkjsdg df gd fg df d',
                {'foregroundcolor': wx.Colour(0, 0, 0, 255),
                 'bold': False,
                 'family': u'default',
                 'face': u'arial',
                 'italic': False,
                 'backgroundcolor': wx.Colour (255, 255, 255, 255),
                 'underline': False, 'size': 11})

        # test that wxColors get turned into tuples
        import simplejson
Beispiel #5
    def _incoming_blob_profile(self, profile_str_or_fmtstr):
        from util.primitives.fmtstr import fmtstr

        # self.profile used to be a string, but now it is a fmtstr, and goes out
        # over the wire as a JSON dict.
        # assume that if we cannot parse the incoming profile blob as JSON, then
        # it must be an old-style string profile.
        if isinstance(profile_str_or_fmtstr, dict):
            fstr = fmtstr.fromDict(profile_str_or_fmtstr)
            from gui.uberwidgets.formattedinput import get_default_format
            fstr = fmtstr.singleformat(profile_str_or_fmtstr, format=get_default_format('profile.formatting'))

        self.profile = fstr
Beispiel #6
    def test_singleformat(self):
        from util.primitives.fmtstr import fmtstr
        s = fmtstr.singleformat(
            u'lgkjsdg df gd fg df d', {
                'foregroundcolor': wx.Colour(0, 0, 0, 255),
                'bold': False,
                'family': u'default',
                'face': u'arial',
                'italic': False,
                'backgroundcolor': wx.Colour(255, 255, 255, 255),
                'underline': False,
                'size': 11

        # test that wxColors get turned into tuples
        import simplejson