Beispiel #1
    def _client_side_chunk_join(self, final_path, chunk_list):
        # If there's only one chunk, just "move" (copy and delete) the key and call it a day.
        if len(chunk_list) == 1:
            chunk_path = self._init_path(chunk_list[0].path)
            abs_final_path = self._init_path(final_path)

            # Let the copy raise an exception if it fails.
            self._cloud_bucket.copy_key(abs_final_path, self._bucket_name, chunk_path)

            # Attempt to clean up the old chunk.
            except IOError:
                # We failed to delete a chunk. This sucks, but we shouldn't fail the push.
                msg = "Failed to clean up chunk %s for move of %s"
                logger.exception(msg, chunk_path, abs_final_path)
            # Concatenate and write all the chunks as one key.
            concatenated = filelike.FilelikeStreamConcat(self._chunk_generator(chunk_list))
            self.stream_write(final_path, concatenated)

            # Attempt to clean up all the chunks.
            for chunk in chunk_list:
                except IOError:
                    # We failed to delete a chunk. This sucks, but we shouldn't fail the push.
                    msg = "Failed to clean up chunk %s for reupload of %s"
                    logger.exception(msg, chunk.path, final_path)
Beispiel #2
    def _client_side_chunk_join(self, final_path, chunk_list):
        # If there's only one chunk, just "move" (copy and delete) the key and call it a day.
        if len(chunk_list) == 1:
            chunk_path = self._init_path(chunk_list[0].path)
            abs_final_path = self._init_path(final_path)

            # Let the copy raise an exception if it fails.
            # TODO(kleesc): copy_from() is used instead of copy, since the latter is a managed transfer which uses S3's
            #               multipart api, which GCS and Rados does not support. Going forward, we should try moving
            #               non-aws implementations to use library's with better support (e.g GCS supports its own version
            #               of parallel uploads).
            new_obj = self.get_cloud_bucket().Object(abs_final_path)
            new_obj.copy_from(CopySource={"Bucket": self._bucket_name, "Key": chunk_path})

            # Attempt to clean up the old chunk.
            except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, IOError):
                # We failed to delete a chunk. This sucks, but we shouldn't fail the push.
                msg = "Failed to clean up chunk %s for move of %s"
                logger.exception(msg, chunk_path, abs_final_path)
            # Concatenate and write all the chunks as one key.
            concatenated = filelike.FilelikeStreamConcat(self._chunk_generator(chunk_list))
            self.stream_write(final_path, concatenated)

            # Attempt to clean up all the chunks.
            for chunk in chunk_list:
                except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, IOError):
                    # We failed to delete a chunk. This sucks, but we shouldn't fail the push.
                    msg = "Failed to clean up chunk %s for reupload of %s"
                    logger.exception(msg, chunk.path, final_path)