Beispiel #1
  def __init__(self, kernel_name):
    # kernel_name is for human readers only. = kernel_name
    print ("Kernel initialized: {}".format(

    self.messages = queue.PriorityQueue()

    # currentTime is None until after kernelStarting() event completes
    # for all agents.  This is a pd.Timestamp that includes the date.
    self.currentTime = None

    # Timestamp at which the Kernel was created.  Primarily used to
    # create a unique log directory for this run.
    self.kernelWallClockStart = pd.Timestamp('now')

    # TODO: This is financial, and so probably should not be here...
    self.meanResultByAgentType = {}
    self.agentCountByType = {}
    def observePrice(self, symbol, currentTime, sigma_n=1000):
        if currentTime >= self.mkt_close:
            r_t = self.r[symbol].loc[self.mkt_close - pd.Timedelta('1ns')]
            r_t = self.r[symbol].loc[currentTime]

        # Generate a noisy observation of fundamental value at the current time.
        if sigma_n == 0:
            obs = r_t
            obs = int(round(np.random.normal(loc=r_t, scale=sqrt(sigma_n))))

        print("Oracle: current fundamental value is {} at {}".format(
            r_t, currentTime))
        print("Oracle: giving client value observation {}".format(obs))

        # Reminder: all simulator prices are specified in integer cents.
        return obs
Beispiel #3
def train(loader_train, loader_val, model, optimizer, epoch, loss_list = [], val_acc_list = []):
    model =
    while True:
        tot_correct = 0.0
        tot_samples = 0.0
        tot_loss = 0.0
        for t, sample in enumerate(loader_train):
            x = sample['image'].unsqueeze(1)
            y = sample['label']
            # Move the data to the proper device (GPU or CPU)
            x =, dtype=dtype)
            y =, dtype=torch.float)

            scores = model(x).view(-1)
            print("Predicted scores are:", scores)
            loss = F.binary_cross_entropy(scores, y)
            loss_list.append(loss.item()) ## Fixed. Maybe this line was the memory leak
            #training acc, precision, recall, etc. metrics
            num_samples = scores.size(0)
            preds = scores > 0.5
            truepos, falsepos, trueneg, falseneg = evaluate_metrics(preds, y)
            assert (truepos + falsepos + trueneg + falseneg) == num_samples
            num_correct = truepos + trueneg
            tot_correct += num_correct
            tot_samples += num_samples
            tot_loss += loss.item()

            if t % print_every == 0:
                batch_acc = float(num_correct)/num_samples
                print('Iteration %d: batch train accuracy = %06f, loss = %06f'%(t, batch_acc, float(loss.item())))
        val_acc = check_accuracy(loader_val, model)
        train_acc = float(tot_correct)/tot_samples
        if epoch % save_every == 0:
                'epoch': epoch,
                'state_dict': model.state_dict(),
                'optimizer' : optimizer.state_dict(),
                'loss_list' : loss_list,
                'val_acc_list': val_acc_list
                }, val_acc, exp_name)
        print ("EPOCH %d, val accuracy = %06f"%(epoch, float(val_acc)))
        print ("train accuracy = %06f, loss = %06f"%(train_acc, tot_loss))
        for name, param in model.named_parameters():
            if param.requires_grad:
                print (name,
        epoch += 1
Beispiel #4
def save_saliency_and_image(tensor, image, savepath, only_saliency=False):
    """ Take in a saliency map tensor, and output as img array. Save if option provided.
    Batch size should not exist, ideally.
        :image: The original (1024, 1024) image
        :tensor: (1024, 1024) saliency map
        :img: [(-1,] (1024, 1024, 1) img array, or a list of such
    assert savepath.endswith(".png")
    assert savepath.startswith("visualize_output/")

    if only_saliency:
        plt.imshow(tensor, cmap='hot')
        plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray')
        plt.imshow(tensor, cmap='hot', alpha=0.7)
    print("Saved image to", savepath)
  def querySpread (self, symbol, price, bids, asks, book):
    # The spread message now also includes last price for free.
    self.queryLastTrade(symbol, price)

    self.known_bids[symbol] = bids
    self.known_asks[symbol] = asks

    if bids: best_bid, best_bid_qty = (bids[0][0], bids[0][1])
    else: best_bid, best_bid_qty = ('No bids', 0)

    if asks: best_ask, best_ask_qty = (asks[0][0], asks[0][1])
    else: best_ask, best_ask_qty = ('No asks', 0)

    print ("Received spread of {} @ {} / {} @ {} for {}".format(best_bid_qty, best_bid, best_ask_qty, best_ask, symbol))

    self.logEvent("BID_DEPTH", bids)
    self.logEvent("ASK_DEPTH", asks)
    self.logEvent("IMBALANCE", [sum([x[1] for x in bids]), sum([x[1] for x in asks])]) = book
Beispiel #6
def create_saliency_overlay(model, imagepath, savepath, only_saliency=False):
        :model: pytorch model for this scope, e.g. MammogramDenseNet
        :image: (1024, 1024) numpy array
    Return: None.
    assert imagepath.endswith('.npy')
    image = np.load(imagepath)
    print("Loaded image from", imagepath)

    x = image.reshape(1, 1, 1024, 1024)
    raw_gradient = get_gradient(model, x)
    saliency_tensor = raw_gradient.numpy().reshape(1024, 1024)
    saliency_tensor = normalize_between(saliency_tensor, 0, 1)

Beispiel #7
def get_gradient(model, x):
        :model: A module, already trained. we freeze weights and get input gradients
        :x: The input image tensor (-1, 1, 1024, 1024).
        :gradient: torch.Tensor (-1, 1, 1024, 1024) saliency map.
    x = torch.tensor(x)
    x.requires_grad = True  # gradient wrt image

    # Freeze params, we're not updating weights
    for p in model.parameters():
        p.requires_grad = False
    #print("x requires grad is:", x.requires_grad) True

        scores = model(x)
    except RuntimeError:
        model = model.cuda()
        scores = model(x.cuda())

    print("We received score(s) ", scores)

    gradient = x.grad
    print("We got dL/dx of shape", gradient.size())

    gradient = gradient.abs_().mean(1)  # 1 = channel dim, (-1, 1024, 1024)
    print("After processing (absval + mean):", gradient.size())

    return gradient
  def getKnownLiquidity (self, symbol, within=0.00):
    bid_liq = self.getBookLiquidity(self.known_bids[symbol], within)
    ask_liq = self.getBookLiquidity(self.known_asks[symbol], within)

    print ("Bid/ask liq: {}, {}".format(bid_liq, ask_liq))
    print ("Known bids: {}".format(self.known_bids[self.symbol]))
    print ("Known asks: {}".format(self.known_asks[self.symbol]))

    return bid_liq, ask_liq
  def kernelStopping (self):
    # Always call parent method to be safe.

    # Print end of day holdings.
    self.logEvent('FINAL_HOLDINGS', self.fmtHoldings(

    # Mark to market.
    # We may want a separate mark to market function (to use anytime) eventually.
    cash = self.markToMarket(

    self.logEvent('ENDING_CASH', cash)
    print ("Final holdings for {}: {}.  Marked to market: {}".format(, self.fmtHoldings(,
                                                                     cash), override=True)
    # TODO: Record final results for presentation/debugging.  This is probably bad.
    mytype = str(type(self)).split('.')[-1].split("'")[0]

    if mytype in self.kernel.meanResultByAgentType:
      self.kernel.meanResultByAgentType[mytype] += cash
      self.kernel.agentCountByType[mytype] += 1
      self.kernel.meanResultByAgentType[mytype] = cash
      self.kernel.agentCountByType[mytype] = 1
Beispiel #10
    def placeOrder(self):
        # Called when it is time for the agent to determine a limit price and place an order.
        # updateEstimates() returns the agent's current total valuation for the share it
        # is considering to trade and whether it will buy or sell that share.
        v, buy = self.updateEstimates()

        # Select a requested surplus for this trade.
        R = np.random.randint(self.R_min, self.R_max + 1)

        # Determine the limit price.
        p = v - R if buy else v + R

        # Either place the constructed order, or if the agent could secure (eta * R) surplus
        # immediately by taking the inside bid/ask, do that instead.
        bid, bid_vol, ask, ask_vol = self.getKnownBidAsk(self.symbol)
        if buy and ask_vol > 0:
            R_ask = v - ask
            if R_ask >= (self.eta * R):
                    "{} desired R = {}, but took R = {} at ask = {} due to eta"
                    .format(, R, R_ask, ask))
                p = ask
                print("{} demands R = {}, limit price {}".format(
          , R, p))
        elif (not buy) and bid_vol > 0:
            R_bid = bid - v
            if R_bid >= (self.eta * R):
                    "{} desired R = {}, but took R = {} at bid = {} due to eta"
                    .format(, R, R_bid, bid))
                p = bid
                print("{} demands R = {}, limit price {}".format(
          , R, p))

        # Place the order.
        self.placeLimitOrder(self.symbol, 1, buy, p)
Beispiel #11
def save_model(state, acc, exp_name, filename='checkpoint.pth.tar'):
    file_path = os.path.join(EXPERIMENT_DIR, exp_name)
    if not os.path.exists(file_path):
        os.makedirs(file_path), os.path.join(file_path, filename))
    print ("saved checkpoint to ", file_path)
    best_stats_file = os.path.join(file_path, STATS_FILE)
    if os.path.isfile(best_stats_file):
        with open(best_stats_file, 'r') as best_file:
            best_acc =
        if float(best_acc) < acc:
            shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(file_path, filename), os.path.join(file_path, BEST_FILE))
            print ("best checkpoint! saved to ", BEST_FILE)
            with open(best_stats_file, 'w') as best_file:
        shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(file_path, filename), os.path.join(file_path, BEST_FILE))
        print ("best checkpoint! saved to ", BEST_FILE)
        with open(best_stats_file, 'w') as best_file:
    def __init__(self, mkt_open, mkt_close, symbols):
        # Symbols must be a dictionary of dictionaries with outer keys as symbol names and
        # inner keys: r_bar, kappa, sigma_s.
        self.mkt_open = mkt_open
        self.mkt_close = mkt_close
        self.symbols = symbols
        self.r = {}

        then =

        for symbol in symbols:
            s = symbols[symbol]
                "MeanRevertingOracle computing fundamental value series for {}"
            self.r[symbol] = self.generate_fundamental_value_series(
                symbol=symbol, **s)

        now =

        print("MeanRevertingOracle initialized for symbols {}".format(symbols))
        print("MeanRevertingOracle initialization took {}".format(now - then))
  def orderExecuted (self, order):
    print ("Received notification of execution for: {}".format(order))

    # Log this activity.
    self.logEvent('ORDER_EXECUTED', order)

    # At the very least, we must update CASH and holdings at execution time.
    qty = order.quantity if order.is_buy_order else -1 * order.quantity
    sym = order.symbol

    if sym in[sym] += qty
    else:[sym] = qty

    if[sym] == 0: del[sym]

    # As with everything else, CASH holdings are in CENTS.['CASH'] -= (qty * order.fill_price)
    # If this original order is now fully executed, remove it from the open orders list.
    # Otherwise, decrement by the quantity filled just now.  It is _possible_ that due
    # to timing issues, it might not be in the order list (i.e. we issued a cancellation
    # but it was executed first, or something).
    if order.order_id in self.orders:
      o = self.orders[order.order_id]

      if order.quantity >= o.quantity: del self.orders[order.order_id]
      else: o.quantity -= order.quantity

      print ("Execution received for order not in orders list: {}".format(order))

    print ("After execution, agent open orders: {}".format(self.orders))

    # After execution, log holdings.
    #self.logEvent('HOLDINGS_UPDATED', self.fmtHoldings(
def get_pretrained_layers(model_name='densenet201', include_denseblock=True):

    # Use Densenet-201 by default

    print("Retrieving the pretrained DenseNet model:", model_name)
    old_model = get_densenet(model_name)

    #new_model = densenet.DenseNet(
    #    growth_rate=32, block_config=(6, 12, 6),
    #    num_init_features=64, drop_rate=0., num_classes=2)
    # TODO(ojwang): Increase drop rate when model is confirmed working and time to tune

    layers = []

    # The first Conv2d layer
    print("Copying features[0]: %s..." % old_model.features[0])
    first_conv = transform_filters_to_grayscale(old_model.features[0])
    first_conv.weight.requires_grad = True  # Just in case
    layers.append(('conv0', first_conv))
    # Don't freeze layers: We will keep training it, because the domain isn't the same as ImageNet

    # The initial BatchNorm
    print("Copying features[1]: %s..." % old_model.features[1])
    first_bn = deepcopy(old_model.features[1])
    layers.append(('batchnorm0', first_bn))

    # the classic ReLU
    print("Creating new ReLU for features[2]: %s..." % old_model.features[2])
    first_relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
    layers.append(('relu0', first_relu))

    # The initial MaxPool
    print("Copying features[3]: %s..." % old_model.features[3])
    first_maxpool = deepcopy(old_model.features[3])
    layers.append(('maxpool0', first_maxpool))

    if include_denseblock:
        # The first dense block: 6 dense layers
        #   (each is 1x1 conv -> 3x3 conv, w/ appropriate relu and batchnorm)
        print("Copying features[4]: %s..." % type(
            old_model.features[4]))  # print only type: DB has too much text
        denseblock = deepcopy(old_model.features[4])
        layers.append(('denseblock0', denseblock))

    layers = OrderedDict(layers)

    return layers
    def __init__(self,
                 block_config=(6, 12, 18, 12),
        bn_size = bottleneck size, the factor by which the first conv in a _DenseLayer
            is larger than the second conv.
        :pretrained_encoder: int in [0,1,2] designating level of pretrained layers to use.
            0 is none, 1 is just first convolutions, 2 is the first dense block.

        super(MammogramDenseNet, self).__init__()

        self.debug = debug
        self.pretrained = pretrained_encoder
        self.nb_dense_blocks = len(block_config)
        num_classes = 1  # indicator score of whether it is malignant

        include_denseblock = self.pretrained == 2
        pretrained_layers = get_pretrained_layers(
        self.features = nn.Sequential(pretrained_layers)

        if self.pretrained == 0:  # Re-initialize layers; don't use pretrained weights inside
            print("self.pretrained = 0. Re-initializing weights")
            for m in self.features.modules():

                if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d):
                    old_m = deepcopy(m)
                    # Conv layers have no bias when in conjunction with Batchnorm
                elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d):
                    old_m = deepcopy(m)
                    nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1)
                    nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0)

                print("old m is", old_m.weight)
                print("new m is", m.weight)

        # Display shapes for debugging
        if debug:
            print("pretrained_encoder = %d" % pretrained_encoder)
                "Output shape after the pretrained modules (batch, channels, H, W):"

            test_input = torch.rand(1, 1, 1024, 1024)
            test_output = self.features(test_input)
            del test_input
            del test_output

        # A counter to track what input shape our final nn.Linear layer should expect
        #  Just num_channels is fine, because global avg pool at end
        num_features = 256 if self.pretrained == 2 else 64

        # Add the rest of the architecture (Dense blocks, transition layers)
        for i, num_layers in enumerate(block_config):
            if simple:
                block = _SimpleDenseBlock(num_layers=num_layers,
                block = _DenseBlock(num_layers=num_layers,

            # Initialize the weights of block
            for m in block.modules():
                if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d):
                    # Conv layers have no bias when in conjunction with Batchnorm
                elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d):
                    nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1)
                    nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0)

            block_name = 'simpledenseblock%d' % (
                i + 1) if simple else 'denseblock%d' % (i + 1)
            self.features.add_module(block_name, block)

            num_features = num_features + num_layers * growth_rate
            if debug:
                print("num features after denseblock %d:" % (i + 1),

            # Add a transition layer if not the last dense block:
            #  Norm, 1x1 Conv (unless simple), activation, AvgPool
            if i != self.nb_dense_blocks - 1:
                if simple:
                    trans = _SimpleTransition(num_input_features=num_features)
                    trans = _Transition(num_input_features=num_features,

                transition_name = 'simpletransition%d' % (
                    i + 1) if simple else 'transition%d' % (i + 1)
                self.features.add_module(transition_name, trans)

                if debug:
                    print("num features after transition %d:" % (i + 1),

        if debug: print("final num features:", num_features)

        # Put the classifier here separately
        #  will apply it manually in forward(x), after global avg pool and reshape
        self.classifier = nn.Linear(num_features, num_classes)
        nn.init.constant_(self.classifier.bias, 0)

        if debug:
  def orderAccepted (self, order):
    print ("Received notification of acceptance for: {}".format(order))

    # Log this activity.
    self.logEvent('ORDER_ACCEPTED', order)
  def receiveMessage (self, currentTime, msg):
    super().receiveMessage(currentTime, msg)

    # Do we know the market hours?
    had_mkt_hours = self.mkt_open is not None and self.mkt_close is not None

    # Record market open or close times.
    if msg.body['msg'] == "WHEN_MKT_OPEN":
      self.mkt_open = msg.body['data']

      print ("Recorded market open: {}".format(self.kernel.fmtTime(self.mkt_open)))

    elif msg.body['msg'] == "WHEN_MKT_CLOSE":
      self.mkt_close = msg.body['data']

      print ("Recorded market close: {}".format(self.kernel.fmtTime(self.mkt_close)))

    elif msg.body['msg'] == "ORDER_EXECUTED":
      # Call the orderExecuted method, which subclasses should extend.  This parent
      # class could implement default "portfolio tracking" or "returns tracking"
      # behavior.
      order = msg.body['order']


    elif msg.body['msg'] == "ORDER_ACCEPTED":
      # Call the orderAccepted method, which subclasses should extend.
      order = msg.body['order']


    elif msg.body['msg'] == "ORDER_CANCELLED":
      # Call the orderCancelled method, which subclasses should extend.
      order = msg.body['order']


    elif msg.body['msg'] == "MKT_CLOSED":
      # We've tried to ask the exchange for something after it closed.  Remember this
      # so we stop asking for things that can't happen.


    elif msg.body['msg'] == 'QUERY_LAST_TRADE':
      # Call the queryLastTrade method, which subclasses may extend.
      # Also note if the market is closed.
      if msg.body['mkt_closed']: self.mkt_closed = True

      self.queryLastTrade(msg.body['symbol'], msg.body['data'])

    elif msg.body['msg'] == 'QUERY_SPREAD':
      # Call the querySpread method, which subclasses may extend.
      if msg.body['mkt_closed']: self.mkt_closed = True

      self.querySpread(msg.body['symbol'], msg.body['data'], msg.body['bids'], msg.body['asks'], msg.body['book'])

    elif msg.body['msg'] == 'QUERY_ORDER_STREAM':
      # Call the queryOrderStream method, which subclasses may extend.
      if msg.body['mkt_closed']: self.mkt_closed = True

      self.queryOrderStream(msg.body['symbol'], msg.body['orders'])

    # Now do we know the market hours?
    have_mkt_hours = self.mkt_open is not None and self.mkt_close is not None

    # Once we know the market open and close times, schedule a wakeup call for market open.
    # Only do this once, when we first have both items.
    if have_mkt_hours and not had_mkt_hours:
      # Agents are asked to generate a wake offset from the market open time.  We structure
      # this as a subclass request so each agent can supply an appropriate offset relative
      # to its trading frequency.
      ns_offset = self.getWakeFrequency()

      self.setWakeup(self.mkt_open + ns_offset)
Beispiel #18
  def runner(self, agents = [], startTime = None, stopTime = None,
             num_simulations = 1, defaultComputationDelay = 1,
             defaultLatency = 1, agentLatency = None, latencyNoise = [ 1.0 ],
             seed = None, oracle = None, log_dir = None):

    # agents must be a list of agents for the simulation,
    #        based on class agent.Agent
    self.agents = agents
    self.startTime = startTime
    self.stopTime = stopTime
    self.seed = seed = oracle

    if log_dir:
      self.log_dir = log_dir
      self.log_dir = str(int(self.kernelWallClockStart.timestamp()))

    # The kernel maintains a current time for each agent to allow
    # simulation of per-agent computation delays.  The agent's time
    # is pushed forward (see below) each time it awakens, and it
    # cannot receive new messages/wakeups until the global time
    # reaches the agent's time.  (i.e. it cannot act again while
    # it is still "in the future")

    # This also nicely enforces agents being unable to act before
    # the simulation startTime.
    self.agentCurrentTimes = [self.startTime] * len(agents)

    # agentComputationDelays is in nanoseconds, starts with a default
    # value from config, and can be changed by any agent at any time
    # (for itself only).  It represents the time penalty applied to
    # an agent each time it is awakened  (wakeup or recvMsg).  The
    # penalty applies _after_ the agent acts, before it may act again.
    # TODO: this might someday change to pd.Timedelta objects.
    self.agentComputationDelays = [defaultComputationDelay] * len(agents)

    # If agentLatency is not defined, define it using the defaultLatency.
    # This matrix defines the communication delay between every pair of
    # agents.
    if agentLatency is None:
      self.agentLatency = [[defaultLatency] * len(agents)] * len(agents)
      self.agentLatency = agentLatency

    # There is a noise model for latency, intended to be a one-sided
    # distribution with the peak at zero.  By default there is no noise
    # (100% chance to add zero ns extra delay).  Format is a list with
    # list index = ns extra delay, value = probability of this delay.
    self.latencyNoise = latencyNoise

    # The kernel maintains an accumulating additional delay parameter
    # for the current agent.  This is applied to each message sent
    # and upon return from wakeup/receiveMessage, in addition to the
    # agent's standard computation delay.  However, it never carries
    # over to future wakeup/receiveMessage calls.  It is useful for
    # staggering of sent messages.
    self.currentAgentAdditionalDelay = 0

    print ("Kernel started: {}".format(
    print ("Simulation started!")

    for sim in range(num_simulations):
      print ("Starting sim {}".format(sim))

      # Event notification for kernel init (agents should not try to
      # communicate with other agents, as order is unknown).  Agents
      # should initialize any internal resources that may be needed
      # to communicate with other agents during agent.kernelStarting().
      # Kernel passes self-reference for agents to retain, so they can
      # communicate with the kernel in the future (as it does not have
      # an agentID).
      print ("\n--- Agent.kernelInitializing() ---")
      for agent in self.agents:

      # Event notification for kernel start (agents may set up
      # communications or references to other agents, as all agents
      # are guaranteed to exist now).  Agents should obtain references
      # to other agents they require for proper operation (exchanges,
      # brokers, subscription services...).
      print ("\n--- Agent.kernelStarting() ---")
      for agent in self.agents:

      # Set the kernel to its startTime.
      self.currentTime = self.startTime
      print ("\n--- Kernel Clock started ---")
      print ("Kernel.currentTime is now {}".format(self.currentTime))

      # Start processing the Event Queue.
      print ("\n--- Kernel Event Queue begins ---")
      print ("Kernel will start processing messages. ",
             "Queue length: {}".format(len(self.messages.queue)))

      # Track starting wall clock time and total message count for stats at the end.
      eventQueueWallClockStart = pd.Timestamp('now')
      ttl_messages = 0

      # Process messages.
      while not self.messages.empty() and self.currentTime and (self.currentTime <= self.stopTime):
        self.currentTime, event = self.messages.get()
        msg_recipient, msg_type, msg = event

        # Periodically print the simulation time and total messages, even if muted.
        if ttl_messages % 100000 == 0:
          print ("\n--- Simulation time: {}, messages processed: {}, wallclock elapsed: {} ---\n".format(
                         self.fmtTime(self.currentTime), ttl_messages, pd.Timestamp('now') - eventQueueWallClockStart),

        print ("\n--- Kernel Event Queue pop ---")
        print ("Kernel handling {} message for agent {} at time {}".format(
               msg_type, msg_recipient, self.fmtTime(self.currentTime)))

        ttl_messages += 1

        # In between messages, always reset the currentAgentAdditionalDelay.
        self.currentAgentAdditionalDelay = 0

        # Dispatch message to agent.
        if msg_type == MessageType.WAKEUP:

          # Who requested this wakeup call?
          agent = msg_recipient

          # Test to see if the agent is already in the future.  If so,
          # delay the wakeup until the agent can act again.
          if self.agentCurrentTimes[agent] > self.currentTime:
            # Push the wakeup call back into the PQ with a new time.
                              (msg_recipient, msg_type, msg)))
            print ("Agent in future: wakeup requeued for {}".format(
          # Set agent's current time to global current time for start
          # of processing.
          self.agentCurrentTimes[agent] = self.currentTime

          # Wake the agent.

          # Delay the agent by its computation delay plus any transient additional delay requested.
          self.agentCurrentTimes[agent] += pd.Timedelta(self.agentComputationDelays[agent] +

          print ("After wakeup return, agent {} delayed from {} to {}".format(
                 agent, self.fmtTime(self.currentTime), self.fmtTime(self.agentCurrentTimes[agent])))

        elif msg_type == MessageType.MESSAGE:

          # Who is receiving this message?
          agent = msg_recipient

          # Test to see if the agent is already in the future.  If so,
          # delay the message until the agent can act again.
          if self.agentCurrentTimes[agent] > self.currentTime:
            # Push the message back into the PQ with a new time.
                              (msg_recipient, msg_type, msg)))
            print ("Agent in future: message requeued for {}".format(
            #print ("TMP: delayed message was: {}".format(msg))

          # Set agent's current time to global current time for start
          # of processing.
          self.agentCurrentTimes[agent] = self.currentTime

          # Deliver the message.
          agents[agent].receiveMessage(self.currentTime, msg)

          # Delay the agent by its computation delay plus any transient additional delay requested.
          self.agentCurrentTimes[agent] += pd.Timedelta(self.agentComputationDelays[agent] +

          print ("After receiveMessage return, agent {} delayed from {} to {}".format(
                 agent, self.fmtTime(self.currentTime), self.fmtTime(self.agentCurrentTimes[agent])))

          raise ValueError("Unknown message type found in queue",
                           "currentTime:", self.currentTime,
                           "messageType:", self.msg.type)

      if self.messages.empty():
        print ("\n--- Kernel Event Queue empty ---")

      if self.currentTime and (self.currentTime > self.stopTime):
        print ("\n--- Kernel Stop Time surpassed ---")

      # Record wall clock stop time and elapsed time for stats at the end.
      eventQueueWallClockStop = pd.Timestamp('now')

      eventQueueWallClockElapsed = eventQueueWallClockStop - eventQueueWallClockStart

      # Event notification for kernel end (agents may communicate with
      # other agents, as all agents are still guaranteed to exist).
      # Agents should not destroy resources they may need to respond
      # to final communications from other agents.
      print ("\n--- Agent.kernelStopping() ---")
      for agent in agents:

      # Event notification for kernel termination (agents should not
      # attempt communication with other agents, as order of termination
      # is unknown).  Agents should clean up all used resources as the
      # simulation program may not actually terminate if num_simulations > 1.
      print ("\n--- Agent.kernelTerminating() ---")
      for agent in agents:

      print ("Event Queue elapsed: {}, messages: {}, messages per second: {:0.1f}".format(
             eventQueueWallClockElapsed, ttl_messages, 
             ttl_messages / (eventQueueWallClockElapsed / (np.timedelta64(1, 's')))),
      print ("Ending sim {}".format(sim))

    print ("Mean ending value by agent type:", override=True)
    for a in self.meanResultByAgentType:
      value = self.meanResultByAgentType[a]
      count = self.agentCountByType[a]
      print ("{}: {:d}".format(a, int(round(value / count))), override=True)

    print ("Simulation ending!", override=True)
Beispiel #19
    def placeOrders(self):

        # The background agents use the DataOracle to obtain noisy observations of the
        # actual historical intraday price on a particular date.  They use this to
        # produce a realistic "background" market of agents who trade based on a belief
        # that follows history (i.e. beliefs do not change based on other agent trading
        # activity) but whose behavior does react to market conditions -- because they
        # will try to arbitrage between their beliefs and the current market state.

        # Get current value belief for relevant stock (observation is noisy).  Beliefs
        # can change even when (unknown) real historical stock price has not changed.
        # sigma_n is the variance of gaussian observation noise as a proportion of the
        # current stock price.  (e.g. if stock trades at 100, sigma_n=0.01 will
        # select from a normal(mean=100,std=1) distribution.
        value_observation =,

        # TESTING: value_belief is only allowed to change at a certain rate from the prior
        # belief, to keep some kind of consistency and make "beliefs" mean something.

        if self.value_belief: self.logEvent("OLD_BELIEF", self.value_belief)
        self.logEvent("BELIEF_OBSERVATION", value_observation)

        # If there was a prior belief, update it.
        if self.value_belief:
            delta = value_observation - self.value_belief
            print("observation {}, old belief {}, delta {}".format(
                value_observation, self.value_belief, delta))
            self.value_belief = int(
                round(self.value_belief + (delta * self.learning_rate)))
            # Otherwise use the observation as the belief.
            self.value_belief = value_observation

        print("New belief {}".format(self.value_belief))
        self.logEvent("NEW_BELIEF", self.value_belief)

        if self.ARB_LAST_TRADE:
            arb_target = self.last_trade[self.symbol]
            bid, bid_vol, ask, ask_vol = self.getKnownBidAsk(self.symbol)

            if bid and ask:
                arb_target = int(round((bid + ask) / 2))
                # No spread yet.  Use last trade (or open price) for arb_target, bid, and ask.
                arb_target = self.last_trade[self.symbol]
                bid = arb_target
                ask = arb_target

        print("{} believes {} is worth {} at {}, arb target: {}.".format(
  , self.symbol, self.dollarize(self.value_belief),
            self.kernel.fmtTime(self.currentTime), self.dollarize(arb_target)))

        # The agents now have their desired behavior.  Instead of placing bracketing limit orders, they
        # arbitrage between the last trade price and their value belief.  This means one-sided orders.
        # Note that value_belief, like all prices, is in integer CENTS.
        # The agent places limit orders designed to immediately execute.  They will pay slightly more (buy)
        # than the last trade price, or accept slightly less than the last current trade price (sell).
        # Offset must be adjusted to round cents.
        offset = int(
                np.random.uniform(low=self.LOW_CUSHION, high=self.HIGH_CUSHION)
                * arb_target))
        #shares = np.random.randint(100,400)
        if self.trade_vol < 200:
                "ERROR: BackgroundAgents don't work right with less than 200 average trade volume (shares)",
            shares = np.random.randint(200,
                                       int(round(self.trade_vol * 2)) - 200)

        # Pick an exit offset (to take profit) if the trade goes in the agent's favor by a percentage of the
        # current price.
        exit_offset = int(round(0.01 * arb_target))

        # If the last traded price is too close to the value belief, don't trade.
        if abs(arb_target - self.value_belief) < self.TRADE_THRESHOLD:
            # No trade.
        elif self.value_belief > arb_target:
            # The agent believes the price should be higher.  Go long.

            # Place 1/2 the shares for immediate execution.  This will be at least 100.
            #mkt_shares = int(round(shares/2))
            mkt_shares = 100

            # Use base limit.
            #base_limit = self.value_belief - self.TRADE_THRESHOLD
            #base_limit = int(round(((self.value_belief - arb_target) / 2) + arb_target))
            #self.placeLimitOrder(self.symbol, mkt_shares, True, ask)
            base_limit = ask
            self.placeLimitOrder(self.symbol, mkt_shares, True, base_limit)

            rem_shares = shares - mkt_shares

            while rem_shares > 0:
                trade_shares = 100 if rem_shares >= 100 else rem_shares
                rem_shares -= trade_shares

                # Each 100 share lot's limit price is drawn from a one-sided gaussian with the peak
                # at the (possibly previous after our trade above) best ask.
                #rand = np.random.normal(0, ask * self.LIMIT_STD_CENTS)
                #TMP? Peak a little shy of the belief.
                rand = np.random.normal(0, base_limit * self.LIMIT_STD_CENTS)
                limit_price = int(round(base_limit - abs(rand)))

                self.placeLimitOrder(self.symbol, trade_shares, True,

            # Also place a profit-taking exit, not designed to be immediately executed.
            #self.placeLimitOrder(self.symbol, shares, False, arb_target + exit_offset)

            # The agent believes the price should be lower.  Go short.

            # Place 1/2 the shares for immediate execution.  This will be at least 100.
            #mkt_shares = int(round(shares/2))
            mkt_shares = 100

            # Use base limit.
            #base_limit = self.value_belief + self.TRADE_THRESHOLD
            #base_limit = int(round(((arb_target - self.value_belief) / 2) + self.value_belief))
            #self.placeLimitOrder(self.symbol, mkt_shares, False, bid)
            base_limit = bid
            self.placeLimitOrder(self.symbol, mkt_shares, False, base_limit)

            rem_shares = shares - mkt_shares

            while rem_shares > 0:
                trade_shares = 100 if rem_shares >= 100 else rem_shares
                rem_shares -= trade_shares

                # Each 100 share lot's limit price is drawn from a one-sided gaussian with the peak
                # at the (possibly previous after our trade above) best bid.
                #rand = np.random.normal(0, bid * self.LIMIT_STD_CENTS)
                #TMP? Peak a little shy of the belief.
                rand = np.random.normal(0, base_limit * self.LIMIT_STD_CENTS)
                limit_price = int(round(base_limit + abs(rand)))

                self.placeLimitOrder(self.symbol, trade_shares, False,
    def kernelTerminating(self):

        # Skip order book dump if requested.
        if self.book_freq is None: return

        for symbol in self.order_books:
            book = self.order_books[symbol]

            # Log full depth quotes (price, volume) from this order book at some pre-determined frequency.
            if book.book_log:

                ### THE FAST WAY

                # This must already be sorted by time because it was a list of order book snapshots and time
                # only increases in our simulation.  BUT it can have duplicates if multiple orders happen
                # in the same nanosecond.  (This particularly happens if using nanoseconds as the discrete
                # but fine-grained unit for more theoretic studies.)
                dfLog = pd.DataFrame(book.book_log)
                dfLog.set_index('QuoteTime', inplace=True)

                if True:
                    dfLog = dfLog[~dfLog.index.duplicated(keep='last')]
                    dfLog = dfLog.resample(self.book_freq).ffill()

                    time_idx = pd.date_range(self.mkt_open,
                    dfLog = dfLog.reindex(time_idx, method='ffill')

                    dfLog = dfLog.stack()

                    quotes = sorted(dfLog.index.get_level_values(1).unique())
                    min_quote = quotes[0]
                    max_quote = quotes[-1]
                    quotes = range(min_quote, max_quote + 1)

                    filledIndex = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(
                        [time_idx, quotes], names=['time', 'quote'])
                    dfLog = dfLog.reindex(filledIndex)
                    dfLog.fillna(0, inplace=True)


                    df = pd.DataFrame(index=dfLog.index)
                    df['Volume'] = dfLog

                ### THE SLOW WAY

                if False:

                    # Make a MultiIndex dataframe of (Seconds, QuotePrice) -> Volume, giving the quote prices and volumes
                    # at the end of each second the market was open.
                    seconds = pd.date_range(self.mkt_open,
                    quotes = dfLog.columns

                    df = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product(
                        [seconds, quotes], names=['time', 'quote']))
                    df['Volume'] = 0


                    logWriteStart = pd.Timestamp('now')
                    i = 0

                    for idx, row in df.iterrows():
                        if i % 1000 == 0:
                                "Exchange writing order book log, interval {}, wallclock elapsed {}"
                                        pd.Timestamp('now') - logWriteStart),

                        best = dfLog.index.asof(idx[0])
                        if pd.isnull(best): continue
                        df.loc[idx, 'Volume'] = dfLog.loc[best, idx[1]]

                        i += 1

                    print("Exchange sorting order book index.", override=True)

                    # Create a filled version of the index without gaps from min to max quote price.
                    min_quote = df.index.get_level_values(1)[0]
                    max_quote = df.index.get_level_values(1)[-1]
                    quotes = range(min_quote, max_quote + 1)

                    # Create the new index and move the data over.
                    print("Exchange reindexing order book.", override=True)
                    filledIndex = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(
                        [seconds, quotes], names=['time', 'quote'])
                    df = df.reindex(filledIndex)

                    # NaNs represent that there is NO volume at this quoted price at this time, so they should become zero.
                    df.fillna(0, inplace=True)

                    print("Exchange archiving order book.", override=True)

                self.writeLog(df, filename='orderbook_{}'.format(symbol))

                print("Order book archival complete.", override=True)
    def receiveMessage(self, currentTime, msg):
        super().receiveMessage(currentTime, msg)

        # Exchanges currently get a very fast (but not instant) computation delay of 1 ns for handling
        # all order types.  Note that computation delay MUST be updated before any calls to sendMessage.

        # We're closed.
        if currentTime > self.mkt_close:
            # Most messages after close will receive a 'MKT_CLOSED' message in response.  A few things
            # might still be processed, like requests for final trade prices or such.
            if msg.body['msg'] in ['LIMIT_ORDER', 'CANCEL_ORDER']:
                print("{} received {}: {}".format(, msg.body['msg'],
                                 Message({"msg": "MKT_CLOSED"}))

                # Don't do any further processing on these messages!
            elif 'QUERY' in msg.body['msg']:
                # Specifically do allow querying after market close, so agents can get the
                # final trade of the day as their "daily close" price for a symbol.
                print("{} received {}, discarded: market is closed.".format(
          , msg.body['msg']))
                                 Message({"msg": "MKT_CLOSED"}))

                # Don't do any further processing on these messages!

        # Log all received messages.
        if msg.body['msg'] in ['LIMIT_ORDER', 'CANCEL_ORDER']:
            self.logEvent(msg.body['msg'], msg.body['order'])
            self.logEvent(msg.body['msg'], msg.body['sender'])

        # Handle message types understood by this exchange.
        if msg.body['msg'] == "WHEN_MKT_OPEN":
            print("{} received WHEN_MKT_OPEN request from agent {}".format(
      , msg.body['sender']))

            # The exchange is permitted to respond to requests for simple immutable data (like "what are your
            # hours?") instantly.  This does NOT include anything that queries mutable data, like equity
            # quotes or trades.

                    "msg": "WHEN_MKT_OPEN",
                    "data": self.mkt_open
        elif msg.body['msg'] == "WHEN_MKT_CLOSE":
            print("{} received WHEN_MKT_CLOSE request from agent {}".format(
      , msg.body['sender']))

            # The exchange is permitted to respond to requests for simple immutable data (like "what are your
            # hours?") instantly.  This does NOT include anything that queries mutable data, like equity
            # quotes or trades.

                    "msg": "WHEN_MKT_CLOSE",
                    "data": self.mkt_close
        elif msg.body['msg'] == "QUERY_LAST_TRADE":
            symbol = msg.body['symbol']
            if symbol not in self.order_books:
                    "Last trade request discarded.  Unknown symbol: {}".format(
                    "{} received QUERY_LAST_TRADE ({}) request from agent {}".
                    format(, symbol, msg.body['sender']))

                        True if currentTime > self.mkt_close else False
        elif msg.body['msg'] == "QUERY_SPREAD":
            symbol = msg.body['symbol']
            depth = msg.body['depth']
            if symbol not in self.order_books:
                print("Bid-ask spread request discarded.  Unknown symbol: {}".
                print("{} received QUERY_SPREAD ({}:{}) request from agent {}".
                      format(, symbol, depth, msg.body['sender']))
                        True if currentTime > self.mkt_close else False,
        elif msg.body['msg'] == "QUERY_ORDER_STREAM":
            symbol = msg.body['symbol']
            length = msg.body['length']

            if symbol not in self.order_books:
                print("Order stream request discarded.  Unknown symbol: {}".
                    "{} received QUERY_ORDER_STREAM ({}:{}) request from agent {}"
                    .format(, symbol, length, msg.body['sender']))

            # We return indices [1:length] inclusive because the agent will want "orders leading up to the last
            # L trades", and the items under index 0 are more recent than the last trade.
                    True if currentTime > self.mkt_close else False,
                    self.order_books[symbol].history[1:length + 1]
        elif msg.body['msg'] == "LIMIT_ORDER":
            order = msg.body['order']
            print("{} received LIMIT_ORDER: {}".format(, order))
            if order.symbol not in self.order_books:
                print("Order discarded.  Unknown symbol: {}".format(
        elif msg.body['msg'] == "CANCEL_ORDER":
            # Note: this is somewhat open to abuse, as in theory agents could cancel other agents' orders.
            # An agent could also become confused if they receive a (partial) execution on an order they
            # then successfully cancel, but receive the cancel confirmation first.  Things to think about
            # for later...
            order = msg.body['order']
            print("{} received CANCEL_ORDER: {}".format(, order))
            if order.symbol not in self.order_books:
                print("Cancellation request discarded.  Unknown symbol: {}".
Beispiel #22
    def wakeup(self, currentTime):
        # Parent class handles discovery of exchange times and market_open wakeup call.

        if not self.mkt_open or not self.mkt_close:
            # TradingAgent handles discovery of exchange times.
            if not
       = True

                # Time to start trading!
                print("{} is ready to start trading now.".format(

        # Steady state wakeup behavior starts here.

        # First, see if we have received a MKT_CLOSED message for the day.  If so,
        # there's nothing to do except clean-up.  In the future, we could also do
        # some activity that is not order based (because the exchange and simulation
        # will still be running, just not accepting orders) like final price quotes
        # or final trade information.
        if self.mkt_closed and (self.symbol in self.daily_close_price):
            # Market is closed and we already got the daily close price.

        # Next, schedule a wakeup for about five minutes, plus or minus ten seconds.
        # We do this early in case some of our expected message responses don't arrive.

        offset = np.random.randint(-100, 100)
        self.setWakeup(currentTime +
                       (pd.Timedelta(self.freq) +
                        pd.Timedelta('{}{}'.format(offset, self.offset_unit))))

        # If the market is closed and we haven't obtained the daily close price yet,
        # do that before we cease activity for the day.  Don't do any other behavior
        # after market close.
        if self.mkt_closed and (not self.symbol in self.daily_close_price):
            self.state = 'AWAITING_SPREAD'

        # The agent's behavior has changed to cancel orders, wait for confirmation,
        # exit all positions, wait for confirmation, then enter new positions.
        # It does yield (return) in between these, so it can react to events that
        # occur in between.  This adds a few messages, but greatly improves the logical
        # flow of the simulation and solves several important problems.

        # On a true "wakeup", the agent is at one of its scheduled intervals.
        # We should first check for open orders we would like to cancel.
        # There should be no harm in issuing all the cancel orders simultaneously.

        if self.cancelOrders():
            self.state = 'AWAITING_CANCEL_CONFIRMATION'

        # If we needed to cancel orders, the logic below will not execute, because
        # our ORDER_CANCELLED messages will come through receiveMessage().  If we
        # did not need to, we may as well carry on to exiting our positions.

        if self.exitPositions():
            self.state = 'AWAITING_EXIT_CONFIRMATION'

        # The below logic is only reached if we neither needed to cancel orders
        # nor exit positions, in which case we may as well find out the most recent
        # trade prices and get ready to place new orders.

        self.state = 'AWAITING_SPREAD'
Beispiel #23
    def updateEstimates(self):
        # Called by an SRG-type background agent that wishes to obtain a new fundamental observation,
        # update its internal estimation parameters, and compute a new total valuation for the
        # action it is considering.

        # The agent obtains a new noisy observation of the current fundamental value
        # and uses this to update its internal estimates in a Bayesian manner.
        obs_t =,

        print("{} observed {} at {}".format(, obs_t,

        # Flip a coin to decide if we will buy or sell a unit at this time.
        q = self.getHoldings(self.symbol)

        if q >= self.q_max:
            buy = False
            print("Long holdings limit: agent will SELL")
        elif q <= -self.q_max:
            buy = True
            print("Short holdings limit: agent will BUY")
            buy = bool(np.random.randint(0, 2))
            print("Coin flip: agent will {}".format("BUY" if buy else "SELL"))

        # Update internal estimates of the current fundamental value and our error of same.

        # If this is our first estimate, treat the previous wake time as "market open".
        if self.prev_wake_time is None: self.prev_wake_time = self.mkt_open

        # First, obtain an intermediate estimate of the fundamental value by advancing
        # time from the previous wake time to the current time, performing mean
        # reversion at each time step.

        # delta must be integer time steps since last wake
        delta = (self.currentTime - self.prev_wake_time) / np.timedelta64(
            1, 'ns')

        # Update r estimate for time advancement.
        r_tprime = (1 - (1 - self.kappa)**delta) * self.r_bar
        r_tprime += ((1 - self.kappa)**delta) * self.r_t

        # Update sigma estimate for time advancement.
        sigma_tprime = ((1 - self.kappa)**(2 * delta)) * self.sigma_t
        sigma_tprime += ((1 - (1 - self.kappa)**(2 * delta)) /
                         (1 - (1 - self.kappa)**2)) * self.sigma_s

        # Apply the new observation, with "confidence" in the observation inversely proportional
        # to the observation noise, and "confidence" in the previous estimate inversely proportional
        # to the shock variance.
        self.r_t = (self.sigma_n / (self.sigma_n + sigma_tprime)) * r_tprime
        self.r_t += (sigma_tprime / (self.sigma_n + sigma_tprime)) * obs_t

        self.sigma_t = (self.sigma_n * self.sigma_t) / (self.sigma_n +

        # Now having a best estimate of the fundamental at time t, we can make our best estimate
        # of the final fundamental (for time T) as of current time t.  Delta is now the number
        # of time steps remaining until the simulated exchange closes.
        delta = (self.mkt_close - self.currentTime) / np.timedelta64(1, 'ns')
        r_T = (1 - (1 - self.kappa)**delta) * self.r_bar
        r_T += ((1 - self.kappa)**delta) * r_tprime

        # Our final fundamental estimate should be quantized to whole units of value.
        r_T = int(round(r_T))

        # Finally (for the final fundamental estimation section) remember the current
        # time as the previous wake time.
        self.prev_wake_time = self.currentTime

        print("{} estimates r_T = {} as of {}".format(, r_T,

        # Determine the agent's total valuation.
        q += (self.q_max - 1)
        theta = self.theta[q + 1 if buy else q]
        v = r_T + theta

        print("{} total unit valuation is {} (theta = {})".format(
  , v, theta))

        # Return values needed to implement strategy and select limit price.
        return v, buy
Beispiel #24
    def placeOrder(self):
        # Called when it is time for the agent to determine a limit price and place an order.
        # This method implements the HBL strategy and falls back to the ZI (superclass)
        # strategy if there is not enough information for the HBL strategy.

        # See if there is enough history for HBL.  If not, we will _exactly_ perform the
        # ZI placeOrder().  If so, we will use parts of ZI but compute our limit price
        # differently.  Note that we are not given orders more recent than the most recent
        # trade.

        if len(self.stream_history[self.symbol]) < self.L:
            # Not enough history for HBL.
            print("Insufficient history for HBL: length {}, L {}".format(
                len(self.stream_history[self.symbol]), self.L))

        # There is enough history for HBL.

        # Use the superclass (ZI) method to obtain an observation, update internal estimate
        # parameters, decide to buy or sell, and calculate the total unit valuation, because
        # all of this logic is identical to ZI.
        v, buy = self.updateEstimates()

        # Walk through the visible order history and accumulate values needed for HBL's
        # estimation of successful transaction by limit price.
        sa = {}
        sb = {}
        ua = {}
        ub = {}

        low_p = sys.maxsize
        high_p = 0

        for h in self.stream_history[self.symbol]:
            # h follows increasing "transactions into the past", with index zero being orders
            # after the most recent transaction.
            for id, order in h.items():
                p = order['limit_price']
                if p < low_p: low_p = p
                if p > high_p: high_p = p

                # For now if there are any transactions, consider the order successful.  For single
                # unit orders as used in SRG configs, this is sufficient.  For multi-unit orders,
                # we may wish to switch to a proportion of shares executed.
                if order['is_buy_order']:
                    if order['transactions']:
                        sb[p] = 1 if not p in sb else sb[p] + 1
                        ub[p] = 1 if not p in ub else ub[p] + 1
                    if order['transactions']:
                        sa[p] = 1 if not p in sa else sa[p] + 1
                        ua[p] = 1 if not p in ua else ua[p] + 1

        # For each limit price between the lowest and highest observed price in history,
        # compute the estimated probability of a successful transaction.  Remember the
        # price that produces the greatest expected surplus.
        best_p = None
        best_Pr = None
        best_Es = -sys.maxsize

        for p in range(low_p, high_p + 1):
            if buy:
                o = sum([sa[x] for x in sa if x <= p] +
                        [ua[x] for x in ua if x <= p])
                s = sum([sb[x] for x in sb if x <= p])
                u = sum([ub[x] for x in ub if x >= p])
                o = sum([sb[x] for x in sb if x >= p] +
                        [ub[x] for x in ub if x >= p])
                s = sum([sa[x] for x in sa if x >= p])
                u = sum([ua[x] for x in ua if x <= p])

            #print ("p {}, o {}, s {}, u {}".format(p, o, s, u))

            if o + s + u <= 0: Pr = 0
            else: Pr = (o + s) / (o + s + u)

            Es = Pr * (v - p) if buy else Pr * (p - v)

            if Es > best_Es:
                best_Es = Es
                best_Pr = Pr
                best_p = p

        # best_p should now contain the limit price that produces maximum expected surplus best_Es
        if best_Es > 0:
                "{} selects limit price {} with expected surplus {} (Pr = {:0.4f})"
                .format(, best_p, int(round(best_Es)), best_Pr))

            # Place the constructed order.
            self.placeLimitOrder(self.symbol, 1, buy, best_p)
                "{} elects not to place an order (best expected surplus <= 0)".
Beispiel #25
    def wakeup(self, currentTime):
        # Parent class handles discovery of exchange times and market_open wakeup call.

        self.state = 'INACTIVE'

        if not self.mkt_open or not self.mkt_close:
            # TradingAgent handles discovery of exchange times.
            if not
       = True

                # Time to start trading!
                print("{} is ready to start trading now.".format(

        # Steady state wakeup behavior starts here.

        # If we've been told the market has closed for the day, we will only request
        # final price information, then stop.
        if self.mkt_closed and (self.symbol in self.daily_close_price):
            # Market is closed and we already got the daily close price.

        # Schedule a wakeup for the next time this agent should arrive at the market
        # (following the conclusion of its current activity cycle).
        # We do this early in case some of our expected message responses don't arrive.

        # Agents should arrive according to a Poisson process.  This is equivalent to
        # each agent independently sampling its next arrival time from an exponential
        # distribution in alternate Beta formation with Beta = 1 / lambda, where lambda
        # is the mean arrival rate of the Poisson process.
        delta_time = np.random.exponential(scale=1.0 / self.lambda_a)
        self.setWakeup(currentTime +

        # If the market has closed and we haven't obtained the daily close price yet,
        # do that before we cease activity for the day.  Don't do any other behavior
        # after market close.
        if self.mkt_closed and (not self.symbol in self.daily_close_price):
            self.state = 'AWAITING_SPREAD'

        # Issue cancel requests for any open orders.  Don't wait for confirmation, as presently
        # the only reason it could fail is that the order already executed.  (But requests won't
        # be generated for those, anyway, unless something strange has happened.)

        # The ZI agent doesn't try to maintain a zero position, so there is no need to exit positions
        # as some "active trading" agents might.  It might exit a position based on its order logic,
        # but this will be as a natural consequence of its beliefs.

        # In order to use the SRG "strategic threshold" parameter (eta), the ZI agent needs the current
        # spread (inside bid/ask quote).  It would not otherwise need any trade/quote information.
        # If the calling agent is a subclass, don't initiate the strategy section of wakeup(), as it
        # may want to do something different.
        if type(self) == ZeroIntelligenceAgent:
            self.state = 'AWAITING_SPREAD'
            self.state = 'ACTIVE'
Beispiel #26
    def handleLimitOrder(self, order):
        # Matches a limit order or adds it to the order book.  Handles partial matches piecewise,
        # consuming all possible shares at the best price before moving on, without regard to
        # order size "fit" or minimizing number of transactions.  Sends one notification per
        # match.
        if order.symbol != self.symbol:
            print("{} order discarded.  Does not match OrderBook symbol: {}".
                  format(order.symbol, self.symbol))

        if (order.quantity <= 0) or (int(order.quantity) != order.quantity):
                "{} order discarded.  Quantity ({}) must be a positive integer."
                .format(order.symbol, order.quantity))

        # Add the order under index 0 of history: orders since the most recent trade.
        self.history[0][order.order_id] = {
            'entry_time': self.owner.currentTime,
            'quantity': order.quantity,
            'is_buy_order': order.is_buy_order,
            'limit_price': order.limit_price,
            'transactions': [],
            'cancellations': []

        matching = True


        executed = []

        while matching:
            matched_order = deepcopy(self.executeOrder(order))

            if matched_order:
                # Decrement quantity on new order and notify traders of execution.
                filled_order = deepcopy(order)
                filled_order.quantity = matched_order.quantity
                filled_order.fill_price = matched_order.fill_price

                order.quantity -= filled_order.quantity

                print("MATCHED: new order {} vs old order {}".format(
                    filled_order, matched_order))
                    "SENT: notifications of order execution to agents {} and {} for orders {} and {}"
                    .format(filled_order.agent_id, matched_order.agent_id,
                            filled_order.order_id, matched_order.order_id))

                        "msg": "ORDER_EXECUTED",
                        "order": filled_order
                        "msg": "ORDER_EXECUTED",
                        "order": matched_order

                # Accumulate the volume and average share price of the currently executing inbound trade.
                    (filled_order.quantity, filled_order.fill_price))

                if order.quantity <= 0:
                    matching = False

                # No matching order was found, so the new order enters the order book.  Notify the agent.

                print("ACCEPTED: new order {}".format(order))
                    "SENT: notifications of order acceptance to agent {} for order {}"
                    .format(order.agent_id, order.order_id))

                        "msg": "ORDER_ACCEPTED",
                        "order": order

                matching = False

        if not matching:
            # Now that we are done executing or accepting this order, log the new best bid and ask.
            if self.bids:
                    "{},{},{}".format(self.symbol, self.bids[0][0].limit_price,
                                      sum([o.quantity for o in self.bids[0]])))

            if self.asks:
                    "{},{},{}".format(self.symbol, self.asks[0][0].limit_price,
                                      sum([o.quantity for o in self.asks[0]])))

            # Also log the last trade (total share quantity, average share price).
            if executed:
                trade_qty = 0
                trade_price = 0
                for q, p in executed:
                    print("Executed: {} @ {}".format(q, p))
                    trade_qty += q
                    trade_price += (p * q)

                avg_price = int(round(trade_price / trade_qty))
                print("Avg: {} @ ${:0.4f}".format(trade_qty, avg_price))
                                    "{},${:0.4f}".format(trade_qty, avg_price))

                self.last_trade = avg_price

            # Finally, log the full depth of the order book.
            row = {'QuoteTime': self.owner.currentTime}
            for quote in self.quotes_seen:
                row[quote] = 0
            for quote, volume in self.getInsideBids():
                row[quote] = -volume
            for quote, volume in self.getInsideAsks():
                if quote in row:
                    if row[quote] != 0:
                            "WARNING: THIS IS A REAL PROBLEM: an order book contains bids and asks at the same quote price!",
                row[quote] = volume

Beispiel #27
NUM_TRAIN = len(train_data) - NUM_VAL
NUM_TEST = len(test_data)

loader_train = DataLoader(train_data, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, sampler=sampler.SubsetRandomSampler(range(NUM_TRAIN)))
loader_val = DataLoader(train_data, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, sampler=sampler.SubsetRandomSampler(range(NUM_TRAIN, 
                                                                                              NUM_TRAIN + NUM_VAL)))
loader_test = DataLoader(test_data, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)
loader_tiny_train = DataLoader(train_data, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, sampler=sampler.SubsetRandomSampler(range(101)))
loader_tiny_val = DataLoader(train_data, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, sampler=sampler.SubsetRandomSampler(range(100, 200)))

dtype = torch.float32
if USE_GPU and torch.cuda.is_available(): #Determine whether or not to use GPU
    device = torch.device('cuda')
    device = torch.device('cpu')
print('using device:', device)

Take a loader, model, and optimizer.  Use the optimizer to update the model
based on the training data, which is from the loader.  Does not terminate,
saves best checkpoint and latest checkpoint
def train(loader_train, loader_val, model, optimizer, epoch, loss_list = [], val_acc_list = []):
    model =
    while True:
        tot_correct = 0.0
        tot_samples = 0.0
        tot_loss = 0.0
        for t, sample in enumerate(loader_train):
            x = sample['image'].unsqueeze(1)